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Show . THE weather . ( ELDElt COUNTY, UTAH. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE jazis POPE MAKES Irive Against The Allies LAST APPEAL ;T0 BE IN PARIS i BRITAIN TO brok-throug- h offensive against riancc hut most fierce nai blows are ie French high off, m Adolf Hitlers 'total annilulation" hratl of ' ' 'he I ,mmjnd said Hurling mie , than TO CANADA od ,d ueupons against omme line at a 4 uur the Gei mans have battered the allies a. m. zero; were said, against defense in all nor, of the a stone- FRENCH CABINET ANNOUNCED the Weygand line in several places, a high com-- ! mand communique claimed njj,U an( nais jubilantly d ,ha, jiitlors troops will be ,,aiis wilhin two weeks. Barely IS hours after the start of their furious assault along the curving allied line stretching 120 miles from the English channel to the Ailette canal north to Soissons, the Germans claimed to be sweeptoward "the ing southward open road to Paris." The high command issued a SpeCja communique, blared by radio to the German people, reporting the smashing of the hurriedly-buil- t Weygand line of defenses at several points along the Somme and the Aisne broken - LONDON, except a few June 5 I lie d government tonight curving evaeua ing hundreds of thous- iK ands of British children to Can- Th Bntish and French Hoops, ada and Australia as the roar of tir slid by the high command big guns along the French coast their posi-- , bi ought the war closer to the i be "maintaining uni" in fin cc fighting on land 13 t ish Isles, Prt- id ir, the air in which There were increasing men 300, fK) to 2.000,000 man(js that isjeVjiie Chamber-- t locked m a death s rug- jajn apostle of appeasement, e ' and others long associated with tanks passed him be thrown out of the war Even wnere ener our them ,eond troops cabinet as responsible for the colossal fically resist in the strong military disaster and main which the allies suffered ln ,o,nts they occupy the high Flanders. am their positions. immand communique said. Britain Although hurriedly "In general the attacks were was reorganising its shattered locked " expeditionary force, military ex- rivers. Manv of the nai tanks, lum- Col. Gen. Walther Von perts said if was up to the main French army to hold off a Gercommander in chief of urrets and smaller "whippets man blitzkrieg attack which the German army, issued an fire from Adolf Hitler started at dawn on order of the day to his troops, pouting machine-guieir s', ell hides, were said to a front from the chan-- saying: "Soldiers! I am proud ave been entrapped and of you." nel coast to the Aisne river. in "tank pits" behind Lord Beaverbrook, The Germans, attacking in minister) tie French lines Others were of aircraft production, appealed massed waves of infantry sup-ta recked when allied planes all aircraft workers to speed j ported by tanks, 'ept down upon them and up the output of planes for "the and artillery, were said by the limped bombs 'tin their thinly production you pour from your thigh command lo have broken inrored tops. factories this week will be hurl- the Weygand line beThe air ministry told of a ed into the desperate struggle tween Abbeville on the chanformidable air battle fought next week nel coast and Ham, 38 miles ter the Weygand line with; He declared that pilots are east of Amiens, as well as tar.j German planes shot down Aisne-Oiscanal (the waiting for the planes and we along the flgis amid bright sun- - must not fajj them in this hour Ailette canal) between Laon ne when Britain stands or falls on and Soissons. launchcd The Germans were striking, own resources. enSV 1,000 'thelrU It was announced in commons according to high nazi infor.f fa dlvc with the aim of totally lo.nbp"s oosne, LStUfkail sizes that British aircraft representa-iv- i mants, France before had annihilating" united States jn tjves iimn '0r,0(l vehicles, 40 been instructed to investigate turning against the British Isles 'sun.' fl' the "last blow" of the war. 'iVeddiviionsnS ar'lthorouhly 'he claim of Henry forWith part of the German Frd ,h?f hC CU,d pr0duCe a SmultancSy. af.e- - a 60 miles from force savage barely thousand a within planes eral arl day artillery bombard-ift- six montns. the Ailette canal, Paris along at dawn, wave after wave Sounds of heavy explosions on other strong forces were said (massed na.i infantry smashed the French coast chansignalled today to be striking down the jaiiwt the hurriedly-buil- t Woy-,rnel coast from the Abbeville new that on offensive Germany's llne. stretching region in a drive to isolate Le mVing channel a. AbGcyv,llo'oi!fBCrSent Havre and throw up an im- Sissons sector cast of the On reason for the seriousness pregnable barrier between Brit rtver with which British military quar-- I a'n and France. Jontght the French, and a ters viewed the offensive offensive or The present was 7.d ,er forte British holding perhaps one to follow it will ihe the fact the bulk that of France to her knees and rf,eLncnd of ,hp line Brilish expeditionary force as 151 Abbeville, were tHiminate her (from the war hauling of well as thousands Pe out experienced the tanks with ed. Then, undivided aer lines. lain awaiting equipment. and without the risk of forces The bombers Although experienced Germing counter-attacon the conti- ngh! ot ltlc B E F evacuated from a along the FrioiM0 will beat Britnent, Germany Flanders now are resting, there striking down ain into submission In the same Flanders (onnm.ct T I! i'arc many (rooPs in Britain who swift manner, they explained. ' pi,Lsh?d could be moved to 'arge force France, but ln0ludln', Perhaps within a week or "a would the operation probably 'he allied at the outside, Ger,r fortnight take some time and would be 'J Abbeville be marching German man troops will subjected to intense down the Champs Elysees in aerial bombardment. Paris, many ardent nazis Competent British quarters said that the British army as a whole will not be in a position suburbs of 't'hp city0 for several months to make any Box Elder 'ialoh'!!C!lUMd dil sor,s of offensive on land, due to the 10 ha" ,he If0 P loss of 1,000 guns and all trans-anCounty Girl Leaves rivers Tua.r- t vehicles by oods, and poi-armored j h out vll the War Zone 'streets army in Flanders. gt do-ip- s 1 , ' ' y AMERICAN DEFENDER Largest and newest addition to Unci Sams fighting ships is the Washington, 35,000-tobattleship. launched at Camden, N. J., on June I. Above is prow. She n carries nine 16-in- guns. To To WPA MANPOWER! TO BE USED FOR June 5 n At- - torney General Robert II. Jack-son ruled tonight that it was legal, without congressional ap-proval, for the United States munitions Army to hPu and bombs, from the present stocks in litis country, to the allied governments. ! PREPAREDNESS 1 government d I Sell Arms Allies WAM1INGTON, Brau-chitsc- 120-mil- e nr o Entire Cost On Defense Projects o dive-bombe- - r ray gs I d e if. d j 9 k 1 i TT at,;uks "ere the nN Peronne radiogram came to New .miL York yesterday and was relayed fhe Aiipti Announces canal north of ('aldpr by air mail to Mr. and Mrs. v.;.ons' bareij ft, Albert E. Holmgren of Bear rom mPS cauS( ''( naz.is sue- River City, informing them that ttlej their daughter-- Echo Marjorie, Pom!sm" h,'idRP h';,ds, American ifo of John Cope I AKF CITY June 5 vice consul at Stuttgart, Ger- !SimanP!a0Pn h Uas mar; ,,,kf three-wafor (UP)-s- A race and bayon was obliged to leave y m the the Democratic nomination to f,rM and tha cho and r con-aarmies since thpLrl 'congress in Utahs first son Jonn, embarked on last appeared S. S. Manhattan, sessional district at Genoa, September certain today with the announce- bmbeis heavilv where fhe Manhattan has Italy, Saint H. of David a,'imcnt Calder, Quen,.- been docked for several days inal, that awaiting refugees and American didate. - limns tourists. land "d"Mroved several W K Granger Cedar loaded to capacity, The member of the state public sailed ship, mo!8, of Berman it by way of Gib"Uid Saturday troops, ,.ia and J. service commission, to sea course out an then raltar. Francis Fowlcs of Ogden, anto avoid the war zone and mine nounced for the post earlier. fields of England and France. "mu TS Calder, a Vernal business T() Mr. Cope will remain at the man, formerly was a member to render assistance consulate of the state legislature. cni.J.i!Ptl.''fs stranded and deserted issued to k offlcp Americans in the war zone. n . sdav , fr)1!oS SHIRLEY WIGHT JOINS " Lynrh RETURN TROM IDAHO MRE DEPARTMENT Cal,fUr .'co. anrl Dorothy selected L- Caldo Mr. and Mrs. Orson Korth was Shirley Wight c ' , l,od' Trrmonton"; as a member of the Brigham returned Tuesday evening from and Donna fire department to fill the ex Idaho Falls where they visited Malad. isting vacancy, t the regular with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Korth. Hyde Park, monthly business meeting of the I During their stay they made a S.1'18 . Elaine held Wednesday trip through Yellowstone nation-nightKearl, organization al park teaviest - ' ' ' ' u- .W rT A j y Ecrett R. Holies France battled for .her life Wednesday night along a 120 mile battle front wheie l,5tX),-Out- ) men were to 2, (XX), (XX) locked in the death struggle of Adolf Hitler's big offensive of "total annihilation." of tin Upon the outcome struggle in the marshlands of the Somme rests the tale of Paris, already blasted by Germany from the skies, and many nazis were jubilantly boasting that "Hillers troops will be in Paris within two weeks." It was too early lo fix the course of the fighting but it appeared Hint na.l tanks had secretarial of state. Daladier pierced several points ot the The message was said to have allied "Weygand line," a hur( June PARIS, Thursday, pointed out that the majority chain of deriedly thrown-uif not ail the Balkan nations (UP) Premier Paul Reynaud fenses inland from stretching would be drawn into the conflict has strengthened his dictatorial Abbeville on the channel coast min-istithe if Italy goes to war. powers hy assuming to Amiens, through Peronne of foreign affairs, in adIt was understood that the and east of the Oise river bepremiership and tween Laon and Soissons. pontiffs message to Mussolini dition toas the war minister, it was was delivered the early part of this post In 1914 the Kaisers generals announced officially early today. this week. boasted afthey would have Christtook the foreign There was speculation that Reynaud mas dinner in 'Paris, but Joffre Edouard from fairs portfolio the pontiff acted in a parallel in the threw them back in Septemaction with President Roosevelt Daladier, his predecessor ber at the Marne, barely 25 cabinet the in who, according to a Washing- premiership, miles from where furious fightton statement reaching Rome shakeup. ing rages now. at the time Only recently, today, has been in "frequent The German high command, communication" with Mussolini when Gen. Maximo Weygand in a special communique WedGame-liduring the past two weeks in replaced Gen. Maurice night, announced that as supreme allied general- nesday efforts to limit the spread of the Weygand line had been issimo, Reynaud acquired the "broken war. at several points Myron C. Taylor, who is the war ministry portfolio from Da- along the broad front after (be At that time he traded presidents special "peace am- ladier.second Germans had stormed southoffice of foreign ward across bassador" to the Vatican, was his the Somme and to Daladier for the air minister servunderstood to have been the Ailette canal south of Laon. ing as intermediary between ministry. Against this German official the president and the pope. (At the time when Daladier claim, the Freneh high comIt was on Monday, accord- relinquished the portfolio of mand said that "in ing to the best information, war minister it was understood the allied lines were general holding that the popes message was that Reynaud had found it nec- j firmly awi..beiiting . off wave delivered" to Mussolini. essary' to make the change in after wave of attacks from 40 In connection with the par- order to install Weygand as al- divisions of green-grenazl inallel appeasement action on lied generalissimo, since Dela-die- r fantry. the part of Washington and the as war minister was a The French admitted, howVatican, it is reported that Tay-jla- r staunch supporter of Gamelin). ever, that the German tanks The now cabinet shakeup was had managed to pierce their conveyed to the pope that Mr. Roosevelt announced following a cabinet lines at a few points but these would be disposed to offer the council meeting. tanks are being wiped out became .pontiff a place of refuge in the Reynaud premier quickly, it was added. United States if war should last March 21 after the resigThere were particularly force the papal court to aban- nation of the Daladier govern- heavy German assaults at don Rome. ment. Reynaud acquired the Abbeville, the coastal anchor of The United States, according portfolio of war minister from the fighting front around a secto one version of this offer, Daladier on May 19. Daladier tor held by British troops. 'would transport the pope and his had held the post since June Abbeville itself is in German state officials to, any point in of 1936. hands. Europe or America to which But the British, stripped of he might desire to go. their mechanized equipment in Officials Investigating the disaster of Flanders, could Utah Highway Patrol Transport Plane Crash give the French little help and it was up to Generalissimo To Be Increased SANTA MONICA. Cal., June Maxime Weygand to halt the Germans with his main French An increase in the Utah high- 5 (UP) A huge Douglas transarmy along the Somme called the for tested being plane port 11 of way patrol men, or from "the Flower of France. 50 to 61, was authorized Tues- navy crashed last Saturday beThe battle was an enormous cause were control the cables day by the state road comone the first real test of ancrossed, Douglas Aircraft mission. massed armies since the start This is ir line with recom- nounced today after a study of of the war nine months ago. mendation of Lieutenant Frank- wreckage in which four men The nazis hurled between ) lin M. Kreml and Sergeant were killed. and 700, OCX) troops, about Carl A. Cover, vice president Theodore Loveless of the In2,250 tanks and mechanternational Association of Chiefs of the company, said the in- ized vehicles of 15,000 accordwar, would be continued vestigation of Police, who for several ing to French estimates. months have been making a to determine how the cables Overhead, In a brilliant June crossed and how the study of the highway patrol or- became sun, allied and German planes defect in detection escaped ganization and program. The pos- fought fierce battles in an allied inspections. Their proposal was for an in-- I effort to stem fhe attacks of of sanotage was min- Hitlers crease in the membership of sibility the patrol to 79, and the com- - imized, although officials said From nazi statements in Bermission announced that this the inquiry would not overlook lin Hitlers strategy seemed evidence. any strength will be reached in the With British aid The Douglas plane fell within apparent. next two years. two minutes after faking off woefully weak as result of the two weeks the past During on a tost flight. The pilot, tout in Flanders, Hitler probLoveless and Ser-- I Sergeant ably intends to devote his full witnesses said, appeared to be striking geant D. C. Snedaker, also of force in an effort to to with the controls the association, have been en- wrestling the plane from crashing, completely crush the French. keep an in exhaustive study From the Soissons-Laogaged secfailed. ot traffic flow information and tor his forces may attempt to eon- "We have reached the accident location statistics. The strike southward along the elusion," Cover said in a state11 new men will be distributed to Paris through open road to accident "that the the ment, the state in places R3D-a drive of only a throughout navy cargo plane on the Compiegne, where these studies indicate of June 1 was caused little more than 60 miles. Simmorning there is greatest need for ad hy crossed cables in the con- ultaneously, his armies on the ditional officers. trol system which interfered coast are trying to drive south The commission announced it with the from Abbeville the pilots ability to prop- Freneh channel and bite oft would select the new patrolmen includicoast, control the after erly airplane in accordance the take-off- . ng- the seaport of Le Havre, to "substantially cut British-Frencwith the rules outlined in the communicathis we "In are conclusion tions. recruiting manual of the Inter-in- joined by government experts If France can be crushed, national Association of Chiefs and officials assigned to the Police. according to the nazis, they investigation. will then turn for a "knockout Application forms will be fur-- I To date no evidence blow against the British nished by the commission upon come to Isles, light to account their Hanks secure against any request, and applications for the condition resulting in attack from the continent. appointments will be received accident. Investigation will The German offensive against until July 1. Requirements are: continued to how the the Residence In the state of Utah; crossed cables explain heart of France escaped detecall other war news age limits, 21 to 30; high school tion in the many checks and but there were education; minimum height, 5 inspections to which every new Wednesday, feet 9 inches; minimum weight, grave developments elsewhere. to is subjected prior 115 pounds. Not the least of these was Those who meet (airplane first test flight. 'its a German the minimum requirements will warning to neutral be judged by their ability to Switzerland, which soon may be caught between the pass medical, physical, char- BALL GAME rOSTFONED of war if Mussolini carriesjaws acter, intelligence and adapt- TO SATURDAY NIGHT Italy The baseball game scheduled into the conflict on Germany's ability tests. Successful candidates will be for Wednesday night between side. a Berlin said an investigation thorough training the Brigham Peaches and the given course, which will be prepared Common club was postponed was underway to determine with the aid of Sergeants Love- until Saturday night, on account whether one to four German of the storm less and Snedaker. (Continued on Tage Four) By SHAKEUPIN BERLIN, June 5. (UP) A offensive smashing German against the heart of France has and thousands of tanks median- planes and other oops War News Boiled Down For Quick Digestion y Claim To Have Broken Allied Line In Many Places (lOO.tXKi WAR SUMMARY g i j tonight. EDITOR GIVES special army inspection bonnl lecommend.itmij to establish a U. S. Reported To bombing range on Bonneville Flats, Utah, it was team Have Offered I laven Salt eil today For Vatican Most of Hie i.inge is to lie located on public land with only VATICAN CITY, Thuisday. small private purchases of June 6 (UP) -- Pope Pius XII tracts necessary. The public has sent a signed message n laud would tie transferred In the Premier Benito Mussolini cx-- j war d( p.irlment fmm the inpressing a fervent hope that terior dep.ti tment Italy will refrain from enter-linthe war, it was stated in authoritative circles. understood Some quarters that the pontiff, in his message that to Mussolini, emphasized 'it would be li is last appeal for peace addressed to Ihe Italian loader in reQuarters gard to Vatican diplomatic activities said that the message was in the popes own handReynaucl Takes writing, rather than being subUp Duties Of mitted form,ally throng!) the j IN TWO WEEKS SEND CHILDREN UNITED PRESS t IN, dime a il'I'i ASlIIMt Gen. Gem ge ( Marshall, chief of Man, has approved a TO MUSSOLINI french high command claims 'GERMAN TROOPS! invaders beaten back in INSTANCES lArmy Staff Approves Salt Flats For Bombing Range 110 I Hundred Mile Front S LP) -- Ger-j PVRIS. June i tank assaults have the allied Weygand the NUMItEK (i. l'.MO Launch Hew Terrific MOST li (rtf17 URKH1AM, IJOX Along Refugees 'uni rihulo Turin '' iiouJy. T.iurti" Help The Wur WASHINGTON. June 5 UP of WPA appropriations and manpower in the 1941 fiscal year will be thrown into the national preparedness drive. Works Progress Commissioner! F. C. Harrington said tonight in a United Press interview. Harrington told the United Press that approximately 50ti,- 000 WPA woikers will be cm-ployed on defense projects cost Chief under- ing $250,000,000. takings will lie airports, roads and armories recommended by the army and navy. "The WPA already has mobil-- ! ized a force of 1,180,1X10 men and women in all parts of the eoun try, ho said. "They can do at most any type of work. I eon-- , sider the WPA a second line in the national defense preparedness drive, and I intend to use it in that way, with the qualification that we not lose sight ot our primary purpose providing employment for the unemployed." "The WPA can contribute considerably to measures that are valuable from the national defense angle," he continued. "In the 12 months of the fiscal year 1939 and nine months of this fiscal year, the WPA has spent a total of $125,tXX),(XX) on defense projects." Had it not been for the WPA, the nations air establishment would have been in a "much worse condition than it is now, Harrington concluded, pointing out that in the last five years the WPA has accounted for 85 per cent of all airport construction in the United States. - One-fourt- h J y HOUSE DECIDES ON INCREASED IAX BILL Exemptions To Be Lowered And Rate Increased 5 (UP) means subcommittee, seeking revenue the preparedness to finance decided tentatively program, tonight to raise an additional 875,000, (XX) annually by broadening the income base to embrace 2.tXX).000 new taxpayers. The proposed plan would lower the exemption of single persons from $1,000 to $800 and of married persons from to $2,000. Experts esti-mated that 2,190, (XX) persons low incomes would earning have to file a return for the first time under these changes and about 2, 050, (XX) who previously have paid no taxes as a result of the exemptions now would have to contribute to the $2,-50- 0 600,-(XX- 1 pre-flig- tieasury. No change would tie made in the present eiedit of $4X) for dependents. Proposals that the normal income rate cf four per cent be increased to five per cent were not considered today. The new taxpayers, it was only said, would contribute of the proposed $11, (XX), (XX) Sentence Imposed On $73, (XX), (XX). The remaining (XX), (XX) would come from Petty Larceny Charge SGI, those who have paid income Wayne Carlson, 19, Ernest taxes regularly. Able, 20, and Geralu Heslup, 19, all of Elwood, were arraigned before Judge J. Wes-leHorsley in the city court Wednesday morning, charged if the plan is carried out, would with petty larceny. increase the yield from widen-The young men entered a plea of the tax base to $82,500,- f of guilty and were each sen-- , (XX) annually, according to tenced to serve six months in ports. The two plans differ in that the county jail and pay $2 (X) each as costs of court. The de-- the ' "tax upon tax" project fensp were also unitedly asses-- would be in force only five sed $10.70, to pay for a gun years, as part of the program they were charged with steal-- to liquidate the cost of the dollar preparedness ing several weeks ago from a multi-billiocar belonging to Jesse R. Jones, drive, whereas the lowered exthe complaining witness. The emptions would be permanent. court reserved the right to modify the judgment, and placed the young men on parole. GOES TO MONTPELIER n j h g 1 ' ex-;o- Miss Emma Messerly of the VISITING IN IDAHO Howard cafe, was called to Mrs. Dan Frodsham and little Montpelier. Idaho, yesterday to sons, Gary and Danny, are be with her lather, Robert visiting this week in Burley, Messerly. who will undergo a Idaho, with Mrs. Ruth Dunn major operation in the Mont- Hunsaker and family. jpeber hospital this morning. , d ' |