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Show January 15, 1927. THE JOURNAL, raOH ROBERT EGBERT OF LEWISTON AMOtiG 1 LOGAN l WELLSVILLE -- Mary 4 THE OLDEST I Finance 1 PIONEER RESIDENTS THEE Airs. committee. lremiry, chairmai Barbara Alaughan anti A7 Aliss Airs. R. V. ELLS VI LI E, Jan. la. Thn 1st and 2nd iharum of ka-cons of the ward enteitaimd their paitneis also the InTTiop-,ric and , their paitneis at a! social and dance in the base ment of the tab made on Mon da evening, priesthood as under the6 dimctionSofOCthe class lead-- ' John Chapman and eis, Merri'l Green. The music tor the dame was fumishe bv Earl ,att w,th his accord, an. cream and cake VW1S ,eUi aud a good thw had hv ,on,(, G0 W PAGE ELEVEN CITY,' CACHE COUNTY, UTAH j Carwr. and , entertainment-committe- Amy Wootlward, chairman,- Mrs. Julia Theurer and Airs. .Marge Rank-head. Alceting was tl. n adjoin ned and' delicious refieshments served by the hostess after) which all enjoyed a radio conceit. Meetings of the c ub wil. le held twice a month, the next ne will lie hed at the home of Airs. John J. Hendry Tuesday eivning, Jan. 2"th at- 8 p. m. AR. and Mrs. James Wiliam-- ' son spent Wednesday at Smith-fielguests of Air. and jdrs. R. S. Nelson and Airs. Ruth Hal!, Mr Eugene Jensen of Tlyrum spent Monday heie guest of Mr. and Airs. Richard after visiting with his sister Airs. Ed. Aloritry of Montana for a short time. On Monday evening the fanr ilies of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perk ins and Air. and Mrs. Ray Hal ' - Airs.- - , Graham Brother Trucka are built ao simply and io ruggedly that they need little attention. 1 EC, PERT was born Sep 23, 1844, in Nau- Uis father was born in 1818 and IIJinoi"; jined the its organization. He went to Missouri in Church soon 1832. was driven out of Jackson county with the Saints in 1833. But service U alwayi right at i The flight took place ip the month of November, and as they had There 1 TON CHASSIS , hand when needed. lost nearly everything they had, there was considerable suffer- are no delays waiting for ir e ing. They located at Far West, and were again driven out They now tied to Illinois and later ft 109.00 parts, Complete stocks jng the winter of 1833. located at Nauvoo, are carried. CHASSIS guests. Mr. Egbert says, My The Geanor guts club of the1 . $1403.00 Whatever the hauling peed left Nauvoo'with the main We lsville 2nd ward At 1. A. CHASSIS of your business, there is a body of the saints in tlie month Piet at the home of Mr. and $1609 Graham Brothers Truck of .Mrs, Ezra Gunnell with .Miss C of Felnuary 1846 and crossed, -Delivered Jennie Gunnel as hostess. Sew Iowa in the early spring, shar-- i site and body style for you. ing was taken up. Refresh ing with others the hardship And it will stay on the job. meats were served to twenty of The journey during the most4 tone rnembeis with two visitors Bnwliw, inclement season of the year. TV.Vi will Wn halan gndun wn kWn A.wTiul Cfc Mrs. Fred Riggs and Mis. Hencrossed the My father plains with the pioneer company and- ry D. Murray. Mis. Alary J. Hendry left Mon rwo iovks FRANK W. BLAIR COMPANY er Piest. Young in 1847, but re-- ; ate to Idaho for turned to Winter Quarters the; eoll.r day it Rexburg, 68 West Center hum aiti ii'tn, We remained at tend the funeral services same fall. entertained rot nut il, Tutt-daail )jung of Thus. 1848 her nephew. Council Bluffs during and' Lpgan, Utah ceurnene to . .wedding anniversary of Mr oner a slip of r J. Lloyd who was killed in an keep- - :!u made a crop and made prepar- -' dltht non-- e over land Mrs. Perkins and the 21st' .n man Note two ule plea the1 Automobile accident last week, ations to cross the plains wedding anniversary of Air. ut kirf. mint, inward -- a lie Air. and Airs. Wilford Wyatt next year. We left the Missouri and Airs. Hall at the home ot s. fill idea in , entertained on Wednesday even-- ' river in April 1849 and joined! ,AIr. and Mrs.' Perkins. Thej Allen Taylors company. Redick ing if being Airs. Wyatts birth-- ! rooms weredbeautiful with Plow An oyster j,ig and one act plays. A birth- - ers. A vase of roses day anniversary. Allred was captain of fifty and gia.ed the supper was served and games day cake with ten candles on table where a de'icious turkey father captain of ten. On the plains our comnany enjoyed by Air. and Mrs. II. H. formed the center piece for the' dinner was served by the Aliss accident ; j had only one serious Alaughan, Airs. Julia Wyatt, table where a luncheon was ser-!e- s LaPriel Pei kins and Bernice Air. and Airs. m. Lindley and yed by the hostess. - - Leitthman. Music and games in the trains were travelling Report Made to the Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah Air. and Afrs. Wyatt. two columns, when one of ouiAir. and Mrs. Thomas Larsen I were enjoyed during the everr- of the Condition of the - AH. and Mrs. AUn J . Has am teams ran away pulling the and children Provo wpre'i"- Besides the guests of honor front wheels from under thei Present were Mr. and Airs. THATCHER BROTHERS BANKING CO. guests of their mothers, Airs. nn a Air. and wrgon box, and ran into JiniiHn. and n.5Wm. and Airs. Carrie fawsJ'r Air. La ,, on Mrs. Alelvin Jensen of Montana, Located at Logan, in the County of Cache, Stale of Utah, at the ey, son of LarsenIlospins wagon on the other train and1 week. the past Air. and Airs. Thos. Dar.ey, and j rkilled a woman named Findley, and Airs. Victor Christen-M.s- s close of business on the 31st day of December, 1926. Mrs LeRov Hill of of Eva Rexburg, M" Berry thei a"d They then ran' out on liabilities lrtfl.000 OS HA iiEsorncES 15. Lindley, Mrs. E izabeth Idaho, were married on Wednes-- , Cupltul Stock pai1 prairie and circled around and M L A. of the WeJsvi ,Ths, The Loam and diuiuunts, lesa tunrt luo, 000.04 Airs. Surplus and Aliss Lerhice Leishman, came back and day, Jan. 5th. .Mr. taJlu lan over a! H.74 ward put ovei a verv intpivst-- 1 Net unfllviifefl irtfUn.. . notea and bllla ot tbia home at make will their Alia Laprid and Verbs Perkins, woman named Hawks, and killed R.01M1 00 Dailey Jnv rM.Qiri RcKcrvcit fur dividend .... Iiank .tl.S87d60.J2 rediscounted wl Mr. Pur nml IlcmTvcd for Use her. Rupert. : sacrament meelin- - ,f7d- - Mr. Lewis, George and Vernon Stocks, bonds and securl- 8,703.73 ...... some-!8lntcrtht farm s We reached Salt Rake about Perkins ley and Masters David purchased , Ray, A VOni.H.. COST S8.815.ti6 Ilea, for Dcp. SivuriticH .. . months three 337,186.10 etc. lies, Sept. 13, nd located 22,565.79 Rena Brench'ey and Aileen Preston, and Warren Ilall. The Rea. near) of iur coml)-nFurn, and Flxt. p!a;inpm t'araeu. Aliss Gretta i Ramson of two couples received many bap- Furniture and flxtijre . 32,S47.Si line to other Russels mill on Mill Creek, j lad fivet aiili good effect. Hi 0 ..Th e Palms pian04M)i y I 0,620 30 'banks where father built gan spent Thursday here with by Airs. Vernon Alaughan ; vocal PT returns of the day; a cabin.! ' collar Is g new feature and cvOther feel estate owned , 33.SJ5.07 (lepoMita subject ae r.. worn thrown Airs. Jam Air. and oier her parents Father worked in the canyon afld !fs- Lewis p. Ataugh Out from Federal Reserve solo "Some Alorning, Oh Some 665,243.29 to check , or 'ha Scarf es M. Williamson. that winter getting out timber.! into a cravat arfashion, Demand Morninebv Airs R V Carver. an and fanW of Preston were shown in , 205 02 ... . Had, Hershall In' 1851 we moved to South picture. Coal is lined with :ti arefJames y. Henderson of the dinm--r quests of Air. and Airs. 6,037.80 check Cashiers grayBradshaw, Howard on Bradshaw, Cottonwood about Jones two miles Sunday. Logan sDoke on the 420.87 Certified rlvi'k A. ' Air and' Mrs east of Alurray where father' Jones Sterling Jones, Wesley Prown, uiumid ' , 34.60 Dividends and incidents in ; ,MtTei the; experience . ,, Pronhet JoseDhlenteldained Wednesday evening farm. - We Selves back in Kaysville, At Ferral Parker, and Thos. Lind - ... bought a smal atwho Totil Demand depoallS' 782,561.76 ' were those among ley moved our water to aysville in , the Cave springs we filled which war1 very much jn honor of their sop tanevs Smith, certifl- Tlm at show father keg and went on as best we tended the stock Games, spring of 1854, where 1145,132,97 .. cate anniversary, 'Before the soi0, enjoved; den on l huisdaj. music' and dancing were enjoy- secured a farm south of thecoujd and Saving jlepoa-- . Dawn bv Airs Carvpr fjnaiiy found tfie 28,862.76 i it and refreshments were teThrtma816!!1 wiSSSvf Mr-. and s.Fred Colburn of sed ed to some twenty-fivln 1868 I was called to Jo comPany in the, little valJey; guests dinner vuests of Total Time J)pu8tt. 1,071,995.73 at Layton, after v to Dixie to settle the Imer of Qsen Sun-iI- rsHill Logan Buyable with Federal I Muddy The long hard journey had for their home Arch. lli'Un weeks ... .. a . 69,000 08 avdMr three the Bank , Reserva Miss past a Larena have Jones spending of one of horses On I Nov. 1st married made valley. formerly my 6.ooo 00 .. Other bllla payable lsville underwent an Rebecca Fuller, VandAIrs. Josiah Brown of and on the! sore neck and he balked on me heMr!nd MrfTImont t14 6 Miscellaneous Alen for 18th we started for the Muddy.1 and to!tion appendicitis were nere emmerer, vvyo., and Irhad , to get a man to 12.207,253.36 Our outfit consisted of a horse Thurslay evening attend Total ... v cPsd5. P Tuesday evenon the funeral tfa rest of in were Games choir J after at the Cache Valley hospit- practice team and wagon, a little cook Eliiiai a thi- - wrilin -- he stove and a few cooking uten- - be waF and WheT we settled ' Air. and Airs. to served eon exfor well as can of all ed be ails We had as as took he my being grain trunk up a little Airs. Air. and Herman Theurer, f about one foot deep, eighteen the freight. We stayed at the . Wm.Villiamson ' 't,ed' fhe said hank at pie close ,of husinesa on UiO 31at daf of December, Airs. ' Mitton cf; Brig r inches wide and Emery r'A ' TI. J.HATClt j three that summer and lived Howard Jones, Air.Air.and Airs of . Smithfied visiting ham and s City 'spent Wednesday and it long, which contained about all the best we could, and the best Elmer Leishman, Correct Attest: Alen and Lament Gayta II. H HATCH of our possessions. For bedding wra& bad enough. In the fall we Mra Vem Maugh8. K. KCCLK3 we had a small feather, bed, went up to Kaysville and back FS:,and-Mr,- . ROUT. ANDKUSON of Wm. Hatris and .some home made quilts and Difctor. gain to Dixie. My wifes health left Friday for their ih(jf Miss Virginia Ilall of Hyrum blankets. worn to before me tbl 12tb dayTf January27. and SuliHorllied (was not good and, in 1870 we Murray decorated in tefug . ANNIE 1ETEHSQN, Notary Public. Logan, ttah We had a pretty hard journ-- ( wcre released and returned to defccwttons. Games and;wa3ust of Mis3 Ade11 Jones mother" her? commission expires 1st day of February, 19.S, My (SEAL) ey, hut reached St. George; jjavsville. In 1871 we came to STATE OF UTAH. Offtce of Hank Commissioner. of lb State ot I tah, do hereby cerabout Dec. 1 where the com- Cache valley and 'located ' at 1 Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner IVanthcorrect copy of the statement of and and Is lira. true a Homy full, Mr, the that asforegoing pany for the Muddy .was tify Lewiston where I took up 160 office this 13lh day of January. Ij27. in filed my named compasy, 11 above the rgf d Jhn sembled. The morning that the ticres of land. With the excep?XMrSUEmmaS'sf! !r to 24 Rank Commissioner. ments we PIXTON, SjSTH ,h fIvriin1 Bedford on Tuesday. company left St. George, I was tion --of. three years spent in Hawkins '"JiJ'i.- U '.J 1 JJg ensen. of Logan were guests' of The Gleanor gir's of the 2nd delayed for about three hours Gentile valley we have resided d Rlch gt f lr Air. Hill Ai. I. and of Mrs. A. met ward at the home Commissioner the State of Utah Mary after the othezs had gone and in Lewiston since that time Report Made to the Bank &ia Hasiam on Saturday. on Mrs. Gunnel John the Misa Sunday. of Condition the of the man in. charge refused to v The ay Pgbertsare about the Air. Harry Williamson attend- - The ...Gleanor. - Trls of . the!of , evening.. - A business meeting let me I would oldest living ipioneers of Lew go ' unless 0f-'LEWISTON STATE BANK held after ' which sewing 0? the ThuJSa'f k Sh3W premise not to camp until ' I iston and are f llr. nd UrsmDan- - was 1 was Refreshments enjoyed. caught up with the company, comforts by their Cache, State of Utah, at the Mr. and Mrs. Neils Larsen en-Mniahy' e,e"in: were served to 23 members with Located at Lewiston, in the County ofof December, as the Indians were on the war-pat- h 1926. on 31st the day business of eaily hardships in making the tertained Friday evening for Airs. Wm. Poppleton and Airs. plose and it was unsafe for me country habitable and prosperLIABILITIES. RKSOFRCKS their daughter Irene. Some 20 wer& the John IJilton as'visitors. to camp alohe. t 40.000 ml Aly team was ous. They have had nine childentertain Stock paid In evenings Capital an Allen bys-anAir. Lamonte left Tues. Losus and discount, lens litte d girls enjoyed 20,000 00 "weak and Surplwe fund .. poor and in going ren, six of .whom still live. and 306 39 ther0161113 for Salt Lake to take up his note arid hi Ha of thla I'udlvided profits P the big hill I had to rest There are also 29 grand child- eveniiafames, dancing 2,000 1)4 $236,538.49 Reserve for depreciation labors as minute eerk at the hank rediscounted them often, and my wife had to ren and 18 great grand child- wefrsgeVvDefby?herhors?srn 3i iIr and Mrs Griffin for taxes. and in- - 836.96 Reserved Utah state capitol. Overdrafts Mock the wheels to 1,000 00 terest to Utah Returned Muchenne, prevent our ren. Ma?y and Aliss ARs. Stella Hill Lloyd of Dil- Stocks, bond and securi--j Wi!lWn . 2,000.00 Reserve for loesea running back down the hill. the aftei spending 11,000.00 Deposits subject to- to returned Parker week Miss IsabeU the Alontana etc. lon, ties, spent 72 While doing this her hand was I. With an engine delivering $122,534.78 check 18,221.83 here being called here on ac- Ranking house their school work at Salt Lake antsldaTa checks - 2364i5 Jos- - p caught under the wheel and horsepower a motor truck with BxshoP Cashiers and iIl8 6,609.06 and fixtures the holidays count of the death and burial of Furniture H 2.400.00 Dividends unpaid was run over and hurt badly. feurwheel caterpillar drive at after spending Cooper. Airs. Elillill. Other real estate owned....... 6,2S.56 their her brothers with here wife, parents. of We both felt a attained speed Alr. John Alaughan of Logan the rear has 83,611.04 pretty badly Total demand deposits .. 127,298.63 Airs. Lloyd was a former resi- Due from other hanks Mrs. R. S Nelson of Smith- 35 'milts an hour. and certificates $39,157.07 and wished Time couraged, 317.30 visiting $ Cash items refatve field spent Friday here guest dent of Wellsvil.e aijd this js Hold 80,734.68 822.60 deposit Havings of herethe i fr,ends fart j her first vispt here for 23 years of Air. and Airs iieler Bank the week. . 717.63 Silv.er ! ... 119.S91 73 Total time deposits 3675,00 head Mrs. Alargaret Bradshaw is Currency i , .ui 25,0o').ih bills Other payable r Bureau Farm III Ladies home after spending the past The 42 J' . over Cash . 3,32.33 hand at on Total cash training Wellsviile was reorganized on three weeks at Alt. Sterling with e. .. hen Sunday Total ...... . $337,539 7 and Airs. Thos. Lindley. $337t531?7 Total Thursday' with Mrs. Uunr10??11 Mrs. TctorGhmten- - -Mr. I Mrs. Red Airs. ford Robt. and Air. as Archibald President, OF UTAH, County of Cache. . t TUee. and si) a of Logan spent Tuesday here STATE " Alattie Darley as 8. U. Rogers, being first duly ssorn Recording to las', deposes Mrs. vMr. and with Airland Afrs. John Red-for- tbot he is the Cashier of the above named tank; that the above and fore. Certainly we are anxious and Airs, Celia Alunay as iSOCERT NEWTON K'00- - - 1 dur-,Ic- par-j-en- ts -- re-pa- (G-BO- . - , i i l'i-TO- N d . j , ( ' j Ha-da- 1 K j H-- j 1 , 1 y Graham Brothers -- i U -- 1 r i TRUCKS - j , - - j " vLir . V - j - VJS ! I -- I i -- .Hall, Jk-p- . - - - ! rertlfl-4-44t(- s - . . u - , rof j v & j - e -- - . ! S'a. Tss. istfssixi sk "Pt- ahJ vj feet,-Mudd- ! v Mi. , f -- Sdhetr dae "e'7OJe7S"Sc' f L now-enjoyjn- they-pierite- - L J ' g d i SPer hoe . - i - - of!,! BRINGS THEM BACK toelfS, a tot of Used Cars! Because we , - figure that every Used Cafof the kind we sell will eventually bring us a Ney Cup Customer. - . . . FRANK W. BLAIR COMPANY West Center Logan, Utah . 63 4 A USED . Car IS ONLY AS ,A5 TfiE DEALER WHO The Udlce M?: and Mrs Umont Allen and children 'and Mre. John A., Christensen i . OePENDL& SELLS IT . . ! d. Ittennr f club met x . correct statement of the condition of going report contains a full, frue snd bank at the Close of business on the Slut day of December, 1926. . ' 8. R. ROGERS . Correct' Attest: . f ' ' . . A. IL THOMPSON i . ; V A, HOGAN H. pCAUnOROCCK . . i . , . Directors, Subscribed aod sworn te before me this 6th day of January, 1927. LANOTON RARBER, Notary Public. My commission expires 23 day of March, 1928. (SEAL) . -- Hie said ' A hsnd operated , machine newly elected has been invented for preparing Leishman spent the week end Eleven members were at Salt Lake guests of Air. and president.Business dough for beaten biscuits , in present. pretaming to much kss than the usual time. returnAirs. Aaron Leishman, club. work. was discussed also ing home on Sunday. chosen for OSTEOPATH C. Bassett various committees Wow.:-honoMr. and Airs. IL r ,as year theCom.ng on entertained Saturday ip Dr, Lois Edwards STATE OF UTAH, Office of Bank Commissioner. 10th ecuive committee : AIrs. Tearl of their J Osteopathic Physician AR11 Airs. chairman , 1, Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby cerIrishman, Ten little 6 Thatcher Bldg. birthday anniversary.. that the foregoing is a full, true and correct Copy of the statement of Gun Elsie tify Airs. and Baxter the above named company, tiled in my office thi loth day of January, 1927. or 575 Phone 579-N- J guests were present and enjoy,e SKTU PIXTON, Bank Commissioner. ed an afternfwn of games, tfanc- - nU , -- aPt secre-herewi- th . J - - vice-preside- , o fn r 1 Utah-Idah- son-Dees - , . . , J -- 0 H I |