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Show "1 1 ? page EMST .iutrnNL, ttf9t$999$$9999f SI HOSIERY ocrety-- .... .. i - hte,FtQ.. Reynolds andAliss Charlotte Kyle entertained at a m it -- TO BE A Tory WITH STRING be bet pat ou a chains frock that Is gif with orange, green and black printed cherries. Or&nga colored organdy makes collar, ad jKKjkets sad theBO-a- re edged about, together with the skirt bottom, ..with bUSIt . pleated, entertained at a dinner and Card party last evening as a final of the club year. The various small tables at which the - so-ci- Fol-lowi- -- ng he ist, Mrs. W. W. Owen, vocalist, Mrs. .Harold Cederlund " read "Wooing of Hiawatha. Rj-- . freshments were served. guests were in attendance Mrs. Hansen was presented with a handsome silver vase. .Airs. Ilansen was among the prominent early settlers of Logan and will De. greatly missed br her manvfriends. She has been an active and useful woman in church and rs of the town. She left Thursday for Salt Lake to make , he? home. Miss Ellen Eccles entertained at a dancing nartv Tuesday evening at the Hotel Eccles. Light refreshments were served. Twenty-si- x counles were in attendance. Airs. Ellen Eccles and Mr. and Mrs. George B. Caine thaneroned the party. The U. A. C., Womans Club held its closing meeting for the club year Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. P. Champ. .The afternoon wa3 devoted to Bev-'nty-fi- ve civic-affai- t i t f i Hi I 4 - orange colored net to make th "frock more festive. Flcot edged ribbons are black. al guests were seated for ; dinner were, decorated with boguets of spring flowers. Covers were - laid -- for sixty guests. Mrs. Robert Anderson was toast mistress and the following responded with toasts, Mr. 33. G. Thatcher, Mss Margaret .Wilkinson, and Miss Charlote Daneey. the dinner thb remainder - of-tevening was spent play-Ing cards. --Two score - prizes were awarded. The committee on arrangements were as follows: Mrs. Ray E. West, Mrs. B. G. Thatcher, Mrs. Harry Parker and Mrs. Asa Bullen. A party was given Tuesday afternoon in confpliment to Mrs. Mattie B. Hansen, before her departure for Salt Lake. The party was arranged by the retired officers and the stake primary board, who served in of-Lee during the time that Mrs. Hansen was president of "the " Primary board, together with some of her close friends and neighbors:. Games and music were the entertainment. Special - musical numbers were rendered . My Mrs.jD. V Anderson, vocal W. C. Winton of Duluth, Minn., Mrs. George , B, Caine, Miss Rita Hulme. Mrs. George Torge-soMrs, Ellen Eccles, Mr? George Ward, Mrs. Harris Pills-burMrs. AI, E. Wilson, Miss Patience Thatcher, Mrs. Adrian Smith, Miss Dora Wright, Mrs. n, - y, J. C. Vernoi Walters, Mrs., Weston , Mrs. Lowell Romney, Mrs. G Tv Cannon, Mrs. JEred Parkinson, Mrs. Kate Preston, Mrs. W, B.. Preston, Mrs. H. J. DeWitt, Mrs. Woodall, Mrs, William Spicker, Mrs, William W. Hansen, Howell. Mrs. CMrs. AHen Jacobs, Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon, Mrs. Nettle T. Anderson Miss McNiel, Mrs. Alexander - - gether with other faculty members chaperoned the party. The Pierian ' Society ofThe Brigham Young college met Thursday, afternoon at the Mechanic Arts building. Most of the time was devoted to the business br the club. Miss Annie Merrill, God Mother of the society, gave a talk on "Club were served by-thostesses,. Miss Mar-iaNebeker, Miss Vera Jeppe-sehe and Miss Rachel Hill. The members of the society wear their centennial costume every Tuesday. They will give their annual banquet and4ance Satur- - out-of-to- r A.-P- -- s , Schmo .1 ladies wer$ special guests; JVIrs. e afternoon at the gymnasium'of the B. Y. C. in compliment, to the Religion class members. -The Joseph Smith camp of of the Daughters of the Pioneers ' meFTuesday afternoon at the Rome, of Mrs;.. John W(xdLat Mrs. Hurst River Heights. gave a sketch of the lives of the following pioneer women, Clara Decker Young, Harriet Decker Young and Ellen Saunders Kimball. Ray Garner sang "Silver Threads Among The Gold. Two musical numbers were given by the following J. Karl Wood, saxophonist, Lyle Wood , covuetist and Miss Grace Wood Pianist. Refreshments were served. The following' ladies were special guests: Mrs. Walsey of Pocatello Mrs. E. W. Elliot, Mrs- Ann Walters, Mrs,- - Harry Cameron, Mrs. LaVon Earl, Mrs. Ernest Earl, Mrs. C. F. Goodwin and Mrs. William Spicker, The Brigham Young camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers met Thursday afternoon- Mrs George C. Jensen gave the talk on the lives of the three pioneer women. Miss Edna Crawford sang three songs. Refreshments were served by the hostesses who were as follows: Mrs. Lee Thatcher, Mrs. Frank Earl and Mrs. Jesse Earl. The following ladies were special guests : Mrs. C. F. Goodwin, Mrs. William Spicker and Mr?- Rink Smurth-waite- - Whenever one is incline!! to refute the chorees of extravagance o often aimed at the modem girl one has a vision of the - 4 - - Mrs-Dor- a , ice Refreshments were serv The Sigma Alpha fraternity gave their annual banquet Saturday evening of last week- - A color scheme of red and green the fraternity colors were used in all the appointments. The table was decorated with ret roses and greenery. The fraternity pin stood on one end of the table. 0, W. Adams of Salt Lake was toast master and the fol lowing responded with toasts Lapbene Peterson, Osmond Jor- Chi before returning to to Mrs. Walter Ulrich, formerly Miss Grace Griffin, a recent bride. The rooms were decorated with spring flowers.' Games and music wrere the entertainment. The bride was presented with many useful and beautiful gifts, At the close of the evenings refreshments entertainment, were served. . Mrs, H, B. Johnson - entertain- - TIGHT OF CROWN and broad of brim is the top hat that speaks eloquently with its drooping shade, of summery days to comer Dyed blue panama straw with velvet flowers and leaves, white and pale orange, make the hat She is holding a smart bine and white affair of folded grass cloth trimmed with a single tassel of white ribbon. Beneath, a black satin hat covers Its brim with the wonderfnl pastel pink and green of pepper s : strd leaver bro-jrfv- , From sary to her costuming. bobbed head to jSatftfv .feet even the pqojjwoiking-goi- l' feels she insertion. on Another step-i- n the same order and coior but this time fashioned of crepe is shown on the right. It has a narrow sash tied in front which dis- ; tmguishes jt from the one on the left, yhev'popular nude silk hose are pictured in the center. k-- : Miss Ruth1 Nibley, who has Monday from Southern California, where they have spent the spent the winter in Salt Lake, past three months. spent the early part of the week Mrs. I. P. Reynolds of Ogden here as a guest of Mr, and Mrs. is here for an indefinitie stay Luther M- Howell. at the home of Dr. arid Mrs-' F. , Miss Mary Kyle of Salt Lake O. Reynolds. ill spend the week here as a Dr. Reynolds has returned guest of her sister Miss Charhome from Rochester, Minn., lotte Kyle- .- after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. ,P. W. Neilsen the Mayo Brothers. announce the marriage of their Miss Villa Knight of Ogden daughter, Myrtle to Clayton B. spent last week end here as a Beauregard of - Fillmore, Utah. guest of Miss Margith Maughan. The marriage took place TuesMrs. Bryant S. Martineau of day, April 17th. The young Ogden pent the week here as couple will make their home at of .Mr. and MrsF-P- , Fillmore. Mrs- Beauregard entertained Champ. John T. Caine Jr. left Tuesday at a trousseau tea Tharsday affor Dillon, Montana. ternoon from 3 to 6 at the home Dr. and Mrs. I. R. Egbert and of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. small daughter of Shelley, Idaho, W. Nielsen. The rooms were atspent the early part of the tractively decorated with spring week here with relatives. flowers. A color scheme of yelMrs. A. II. Caine arived home low and blue was carried out in Thursday from a few days stay all the apointments. A baskeet of in Salt Lake. formed the yellow daffodils Miss Clarrisa Tingey a student centerpiece for the tea table. at the U, A- C. spent last week Airs. Beauregard was assisted end at her home in Salt Lake, in receiving her guests by her visiting with her parents, Miss mother, Airs. Nielsen- lire sisLucile Owen accompanied her as ter Aliss Lillie Nielsen presided her guest for the week end. in the dining room. About one Miss Dorothy Brown spent the hundred and twenty guests - - -- -- - - gensen, Asa Bullen, Spencer Eccles and S. P. Cawley- Cavers were laid for sixty guests. Out of town guests were as follows Wl Captain Eugene "Merrill of the Lake, Miss Vivian Johnson of U. S. Army who has just returned from Europe, and after a Preston, accompanied her as her few days visit here will go to guest for the week end. Miss Dolorfs Wood the Pititsburg, Pennsylvania, where week end at her home spent Bountat lie has been appointed, Weston iful. She will return to school Perry, Clarence Neuenswhand-e- r monday and Eastman Hatch all of Miss morning. Edith Johnson spent last Salt Lake and George Eccles week end at PrestohTldaho. of Ogden. Miss Josephie Brosgard was a A dinner was given at the dinner of Miss Connie Sigma Alpha chapter house Larsen guest at Smithfield Monday Sunday in compliment to the alumnae members, at which ten evening. George Eccles of Ogden spent were in attendance. last' week end here visiting Mrs. Luther M. Howell and with his mother, Mrs Ellen little son Rirhr.rci arrived home ' - must be clotfted in silk. Here are some illustrations of the exquisite things the shops are showing to tempt the shekels from milady's purse. On the of a step-i- n orchid chiffon trimmed with de Venise and shadow lice point which she finds neces- , the East. -- e - I Chopin Miss Neta Dunford entertainChopin ed at a miscelaneous shower Chopin Monday evening in compliment Rachmaninoff Prelude, G minor (by request) J. ..,Raehmnnlnoff IV Macbe Milltarie (by request Fran Schubert (arranged by Carl Tansig) t Tea Was served. The following -- noon. , The Beta Delta Sorority entertained Clifton Crow'ther and Wendell Hyde at dinner Monday Mildred Rider was a dinner guest at the Beta Delta chapter house Thursay evening. The active members'" of the Beta Delta sorority gave a hiking party Sunay in Logan canyon. A chicken dinner was served at the girls eamp. Covers were laid for twenty four guests-ThLogan High . School debating team entertained at a luncheon Thursday in compli ment to the Box Elder High debating team. The table was decorated with cut flowers. Covers were laid for twelve.-Thteachers of the Religion class of the Woodruff school gave a dancing party Wednesday - Korupkat III Etudes Tableau? fi minor...... ing, so of course you want to select your graduation Frocks early. We are now showing a very special lot of most charming frocks to Georgettes and Yoiles in dainty shades as well as the high colors. Real girlish stjles and inexpensive. one hundred About day, May 10. Sullivan, Mrs. E. R. Owen, Mrs. The Sorosis club of the B- Y. Alma Sonne and ' Mrs. Boyd C. are holding practices daily for Hatch- The guests their vaudeville which will be. were Mrs, Lena Reynolds, Mrs. presented Thursday, May 1st at r Big- NibleyTIall.' B. S. Martineau, Mrs. low, Mrs. M. S. Browning, Mrs. The Clio club met Wednesday Dunke, Mrs. Kimball and afternoon at the home of Mrs. ' all of Ogden. William Howell. Miss Edith The regular monthly business Bowen reviewed and discussmeeting of the Logan B. P. W. ed The Little Bay Lost byW. t club was held in the library of H. Hudson. Tea was served. The , . the Logan High School, Monday. following ladies Were special The Ballard Gamp of. the April 14th. Following the usual guests. Mrs. Luther AI. Howell, DaughterS'Of the Pioneers tnet last business Mr&$ Itena R. .Maycock Mite- F. P. Champ,' Mite, W. C. Thursday? afternoon i state legislative chairman of the Winton of Duluth, Minn. Mrs-- . I. week with Mrs. J. A. Hulme. State Federation of Business S. Smith, Mrs. H. J. Hatch, Mrs. Mrs. Eliza Gibbs gave a paper and Professional Women, gave W. 0. Darley and Mrs. Frank on "The First Pioneer Women of Utah musical numbers were a review of the Womens' Na- West. tional Joint Congressional ComThe Sigma Theta Phi sorority eiven by Miss Louise Jacobs, mittee which was organized in of the U. A. G. entertained at a MrsrH. P. Barber, president or 1920. spring party Thursday evening. the Cache county board of the The local chairman, Mrs. The party was planned in the Daughters of the Pioneers was Christina B. Clayton, discussed form of a diner dance. The table present and installed new ofthe four outstanding legislative was decorated With yellow daffo- ficers for the ensuing year as measures of particular interest dils and greenery- Boquets of follows: President. Mrs. J. A. to all women at the present Cecil Bruner roses and violets Hulme, vice president, were at the plates as favors. time. Which are as follows: Watkins, second vice pres" The childrens amendment. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Gibbs; rethe dinner ident, Following the ' The national-woman- s party mainder of the evening W'as secretary. Mi's. Myrtle Merkley; amendment. spent in dancing. Thirty couples organist, Mrs. Kate A. Wakely, The Sterling Reed Bill and were in attendance. Mrs. W. E. historian, Mrs. Allie T. Clayton, Reclassification of Civil Servchaplain, Mrs. Sophie Rigby. planned to her honor. Mrs. Perfemalav In A major- - .. Domrnico Scarlatti ry will be away about two weeks which time she will return "Pur Elise Beethoven after to spend the summer Logan NacbpieL..Johaan Christian Kittel with her -and Mrs. M.-- V. mother mazed by Harolc' Bauer) II rest room. The rooms were ing room. ed the members of her club at a Kensington tea Thursday afternoon at her new home on West Center. The rooms were decorated with black-eye- d Susans and snapdragons- - At the close of the afternoon tea was served- A basket of snapdragons formed the center piece for the table. Covers were .laid for -- fourteen guests. Under the- direction of the girls league of the Logan High School a special asssembly was held yesterday at 11 oclock and in the evening a dance drama, "Aphrodite and Adonis, under the management of Mrs. Wallace Spierman was given, followed by a dancing party inthe evening at the gymnasium. The hall was decorated with spring flowers and colors, in red, yellow, purple, lavender.,..:md. ...white A drop ceiling was made of crepe paper Della in the same colors.-Mi- ss Morrell, Mrs. Nellie B. Murch and Mrs. G. W. Speirman, to- Sunday Auril 27th the executive committee of thex state B. P. W, club will hold their meetingin Logan at the Hotel Eccles. The time set for the meeting is at 2 o, clock, after which the members of the local club will give a reception complimentary to the visiting ladies. Mrs. J. C. Perry left Tuesday music, Mrs. Champ, with the for a visit to Salt Lake Citv as o spirit fa vrituoso, plaved the the guest of Dr.' and Mrs. IL following program of music: Many social events are , I Nocturne, C Minor Walt Graduation -- guests called during the after- - Son, U- 'Q. ' with decorated attractively of members The flowers. spring the fraternity received the guests and presided in the din- - Mrs. G. W. Thatcher and daughter, Miss Patience Thatcher have invitations out for a bridge luncheon to be given Tuesday, April 29th. Mrs. Adrian Smith entertained at two tables of bridge Wednesday, afternoon. The rooms were decorated with spring flowers. At the close of the' afternoon tea was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. A. II. Thompson and Miss Nora Elh - omics PETERSONS SHOE STORE Jr. b ( 7 j $1.95 Mar-tinea- ' i;'iv ftaUuday, Apnl Zb, j ITLLFASIIIONED bridge. Two score 'prizes were awarded. Seventy guests were In attendance- -. The out of town guests were as follows: Airs. VV. C, Winton of Duluth, Minn, Mrs. L L. Reynolds, Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Bryant S. u all of Ogden, Miss Mary Kyle, Mrs. Roy Bnllen, Mrs. S. J. Quinney, Mrs. Eastman Hatch and Mrs. G. M. Cannon lit lit UTA7Z n- bridge luncheon this afternoon. An artistic arrangement of Yellow Daffodils, pink sweet peas and greenery in baskets formed the center pieces for the various tables. Following the luncheon the table? were arranged for Mel-dru- aN CfiV, CaJiTF; COUNTY, Cam.il and Mrs. Ward were the patronesses, The Phi Upsilon Omkron j fraternal Home Economics Fra Itcrnity gave a silver tea and 'china exhibit Saturday after-- . noon of last week from 3 to 6 Lristrous and Beautiful at the Home Economics Cottage AH the wanted colors. Onyx, jThe proceeds to be used for equipment ef the Home-Ecoand Pointer True Shape LK 9999996fl9O009999ft0990 iAKi Ec-rie- s. - On Wednesday evening et tha home of Mr. and Airs P. W. Nielsen a miscellaneous shower was given in compliment to Airs. Beauregard by Aliss Colot-t- a Mathews and Miss Edna Han-se.The rooms were decorated with spring flowers. Ghmes and music were the entertairtment. At the close of the evening refreshments were served- Forty guests yere in attendance. The bride was the recipient of many useful nd beautiful gifts. Several Kensingtons- - have been given this week by her friends in compliment to Mrs. n. - T i . Job Larsen, who leaves shortly to visit her daughter Verda, Airs.' William jQhnson, in California. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Grace Smith enter- at her home on East Center. A basket of lilies of the valtained ley adorned the table. A pleasant afternoon was spent, 'and luncheon was served. Fifteen guests attended.- Another party -was given Thursday evening by Airs, Ezra O. Smith at her home, 238 S. 2 E., at which a nice musical program was given, and an entertaining reading by the hostess. The floral decorations were hyacinths and gladiolus. A delicious luncheon was served and games were played. Airs. Larsea was presented With a beautiful parting gift. Twenty-tw- o guests attended. Friday evening Mrs. Elsie Alathew's appointed entertained at a well Kensington in Mrs." Larsens honor-Dr- . and Mrs. E.. L. Smith of Brigham City motored here Easter morning and spent the day with Dr. Smiths parents, Air. and Airs. Wm. AI- Smith. - i.l.i. A London has more than 10,000 registered clubs i 1 Few English towns permit, erection of a wooden building. , The spaniel is so called because the original breed camy " from Spain. - It is said that there are no few'er than 8,000,000 gods worshipped by the Japanese. , The first passenger elevator in London was instaflef In Albert Hall, and wt&3 c lied 'the moving room' thr |