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Show CACHE COUNTY. UTAH Saturday, April 26, 1!)2L Society ... OOfor your old in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rainey, Mr. and Mrs- L. F. Hendricks motored to Preston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson RICHMOND, April 26. The have announced the arrival of Bon Heur dub entertained their a daughter at their home Tuesdaypartners at the hothe 6f Mr, and Mrs. F. W. .Whittle and Mrs. 'Mis. Lewis Barnett. Tuesday Ray Beckstead of the stake prievening , prior to Mr. and Mrs mary board attended the PriBarnetts leaving for Ogden to mary conference at Claikston 'make their home. Games lunch- Sunday. Mrs. W. Z. Harris and eon and music were features of Mrs. Ernest Johnson of the the evening. stake board attended the conferMiss Virginia "Hendricks enter ence at Cove Sunday. ; tabled a few friends at her home Mr. and Mrs-- Jr L. Robinson Sunday afternoon. motored to Downey and spent The" Misses Lucille Anderson. Sunday with relatives. Irene Stoddard, Verda Webb, Miss Hazel Nelson of Brigham j Ruth Hendricks, Leah Bullen, Florence Webb, Mary Barrtett, Lavon Bullen and Lenora an with entertained Thompson Easter dinner at the Stoddard Mary Oldham and Wilford ranch on Mt. Nebo. "The after- Swensen of Logan were the noon was spent hiking on the guests of friends here Wedneshills. day. The Daughters of the Pioneers The following progra m was at meeting held their regulah s given 'by the the Relic Hall FiJIay of last organization in connection with 'week. Mrs. I. P Isaacson gave the art exhibit at the club looms a sketch of the lives of three Thursday eveing: Chorus, Ladoriginal pioneer women. Marteal ies glee club, reading, Miss Hendricks sang' Silver Threads White of North Cache High Among the Gold Mrs. George School faculty ; male quartet E. Doty gave a sketch of the life Ben Doty and Company; violin of her mother, Mrs. Melissa solo Leroy Robertson and lec-- j McCarry. ture on art by Professor Calvin Mrs. Roland Lewis entertain- Fletcher of U. A. C. ed the Bon Heur club at her Mrs- Ann Hope is visiting at afternoon ot day Mrs. Horace-FrancLogan Ilat week. Out of town guests jwere Mrs. Rose Raymond, Mrs. Albert Cartwright Jr. of PocaiLaRue Ewing and Mrs. Blain tello has been visiting here with Bell of Smithfield. his parents. The Second year Bee Hive Mrs. Clara Spackman was takM. girls of the south ward Y. L. to Salt Lake Tuesday to conen A. entertained with a social sult a specialist and have a piece Tues-da- v at the South ward chapel of meat w hich had lodged in her c ening. Games were playeo wind pipe removed. She has been and lunch was served. Miss in a very serious condition. of Agnes Erickson .instructor The Relief Societies of the JohnClara Miss and the class two wards held their anniial conson and Mrs. L. O. Sorenson ference Sunday, a good program were special guests. of three divisions of Hendricks consisting Dr. and Mrs. W-.work lesson being discussed entertained a few friends at Musical numbers and talks by their home Sunday evening. stake board merhlers were givMrs. Charlotte Johnson was en. President Lucy M- Funk, given a surprise party by a num- Hannah Hind and Mrs- Campbell ber of friends at her home Tuesf the stake board attended the anconference and day in honor of her birthday South ward niversary. Luncheon was served Sisters Salome Hansen, Emma following a social afternoonThornley , Olive Hams and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomp- Emma Johnson of the stake son, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Thomp- board attended the Richmond son Mr.- and Mrs. A. H. Thomp- ward conference. son of Logan, Mr- and Mrs. Irvin Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. Ii. S. Webb, Mr. and Mrs, Rov Stod- 1 BENSON dard, Mr- and Mrs. Roy Nelson. - VACUUM CLEANER V This Offer Good For the Week of ' j April 28 May 3rd Regardless oLmake or condition we will allow you $10.00 as first payment on a ROYAL H ' - Parent-Teacher- BfU'Y'CCMPSON drama Dix! RICHARD nJotls noia ot yu staler to beN be rigid with suspense throughout. And voull compl of ft away with the funi and aion that youve seen large. ELrixat picture! LEWI S STONE J tolly Marshall! jCc j ykunnmnt QHctur& committr "specially - C home-Thurs- district sco ANDAy Mr. Iiawkp each town ii once every f and perso AND TUESDAY cquittaT.with Norman Kerry adequate In. e. ' WEDNESDAY Tuesday evenin addressed a repr of men at the puj laid his plans bf MING PANTAGES BILL - Children Admitted arty and To Matinee A VAUDEVILD FRAPP, Rives and naif IN by air alone and does not damage your Rugs and Carpets - - For 25c - Including l It Cleans strations by Factory Expert I- the district orga tioning properly six months but n this he must ha hearted support oj the district. - Tax - CHICKENS - Ed Bkmdell and Co. .in THE Come Early r - OST BOY MELODIOUS NONSENSE IHughes and Merritt 9:30 IN DANCE LAND Nobodys Mtaey With Mary- - Thompson,--Mr- s. 23 -- East BENSON, April Benson primaiy conference was held last Sunday, evening. Florence Nelson with their families went to Fairview Idaho Sunday and spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. "William Whittle. Mrs. Whittle served dinner "covers being laid for 49. The first year Bee Hive girls of the South ward Y. L. M. I. Hy) um 3:006:00 Cache Valley Electr ic Co. - Mrs.- - She! man Van and Shows At Featyje with-Mfr-a- nd i training of M See Our Window Demon Jack Holt .Fol-low- Phone ig .5 A is the program : Music, Norma Reese, prayer Wilford Parson ; music and singing during the passing of the Sacrament. Remarks, President at the chapel Tues- Carry A. Reese; memory gem, T. Rees each gave a short nr at home again after spendday evening in honor of their all members of primary ; synop- Jesse and Sister Rinda Par- ing the winter working at Img-hyaddress Gamsis of study, Gwenivere Cow ley ; teacher, Miss Amy Smith. Reese sang a duet and son and lavra May on the es were played song, first group; Joseph Smith in a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Humpvery pleasing manner. refreshments were served.' hunting for truth, Lelah Jorgen- Reese - motored to Logan Sunday has Howard hry enterBishop t Miss N.ellie Cartrightluncheon sen; song, Joseph Smiths first been bedfast for several days and spent the evening whh Mr. tained a few friends at prayer, missionary boys; Aurelia from an attack of pleurisy. It is and Mrs.R, W, James. , t; at her home Saturday evening. Rogers in need, Albertenia will soon Miss Leora Shaw spent part, Games and music followed the second group; Elijah sincerely hoped that he song of last week at Lewiston vita recover. lunch eon. Fordham Healed, fourth group; her sister, Kat; who is teach ng Mrs. H. Vi Shepard and son song, Blanch, Barbara, Ruth, school there. Harold and daughters Winnie Joseph and Bert Peese. Joseph rMrs William T. James er.t r PARADISE and ' Naomi motored here from Smith and the mob, Kate Rees ; tained with quilting bee at her Salt Lake, Saturday and were memory group; ' home MrsWednesday. Lodicy the , guests of' remarkable answer to prayer, SunMr. and Mrs. . Clyde Obray Olsten. PARADISE, April 24. tVera Clark; song Sea Gull girls; Mr. and Mrs. Doris Hendricks Remarks, Sister Clara Berntson day at our sacrament, meetmg have returned home from Sor.tn of Nevada have, been visiting of the Cache stake presidency; Proffessor Sorensen of the L. em Utah where Mr. Obray has bien teaching school the prt here with their parents, Mr. and song, I Thank Thee Dear Father Y C. gave a special Easter ad- v nter. Mrs. A. D. Hendricks. prayer Herald Cowley. beautifulMrs. TJte E. Griffin spent the President and Mrs. D. N. The M Mens quartet, Dar- dress illustrating very of Fukmore are happy over the and the week at Salt Lake. purpose origin win Reese, Oga Falsley, George ly A number of friends of Beutler and Don Reese sang a iEaster. Special musical lum- safe arrival of 'a beautiful daughMrs. F. H. Rainey of Califor- song preparatory to meeting .in bers were rendered by the chc-irter at fheir home. In the evening tne M. 1. A. nia who have been visiting here contest, the following evening, Vlrs. Sara Miles, mother of gave a and Hyrum Miles of this gave a surprise in their honor at a quartet from the Logan Third associations Orson Easter program. Monday evthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ward . place,, who has spent the last Webb Tuesday evening. LunchSister Gardner, Berptson, ening Miss Louise Miles enter- two months visiting here and in eon was served following a so- I$earl, Nelson awd Bedford of tained the members of her club. Salt Lake City, left far her nome cial evening. The following were the Cache Valley stake board The evening was spent in games in Canada, Wednesday. Dainty refresh present : Mr. and Mrs. F- H. were present. There was a large and music. Miss Melba Obray is at home William served. were Mrs. ments Mr. and verattendance and the general Rainey, after having spent the winter in HenMrs. W. Mrs. S. Edward Oldham; dict was that the children did Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. where she has been teachIdaho, much Edward Bahne and Mrs. P. J. dricks, Mr. and MrsP L. F. Hen- very nicely and that school. ing in WhitLogan dricks, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. credit was due the sisters in Welch spent Saturday We are pleased to see Mr. tle, Mr. and Mrs. "Alfred Hen- charge for the work they had in the interest of the Farm BurHHenry Dalinson at nome from a ,T. done in the primary organization eau extension work. dricks, Mr. and Mrs. , cleanSr-Mrs. as hospital, where he was was Logan observed Mr. and M. Plant I. Joseph The attendance at the Friday Webb, Mrs. J. W. Funk, Mrs, .Associations meeting last, eviv up day. . Tne entire male popu- - operated on for appendicitis E. M. Swensen. Mrs. H. H. ning was unusually large as it lation turned out enmasse. A some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Barnes Fisher, Mrs. Alfred Christensen. has been announced that there free dance was given in the evannounced C. the manage of their Mrs. attended. well Mrs. Marie Hendricks, would be a debate between mem- ening and was E. Merrill, Mi's. M. J. Harrison, bers of the M. I. A..of the Log;an Mrs. David McMurdie and child- daughter Mav to Deral Spencer Mrs. Almira D- Hendricks and Third ward and the M- J. A. of ren of Salt ' Lake visited last of Hayden, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs W. J. Harrison of Benson, also a singing contest week here with her parent. Mr. Cove. between the Third ward quartet and Mrs?.. John P.' James' J Mr. of Logan spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hendricks and the Benson quartet. As there McMurdie motored here Sa.ttr - here, guests of Mrs. Jacobsens ehtertahied'at dinner Tuesday were no Third warders present lay and took his wife and child- parents, Mr, and Mrs .Frank Allen. of last week- for Mr. and Mrs. there was a disappointed crowd. ren back with him Sunday. F- H. Rainey and Mr. and Mrs. However the Benson smi M. Gibbs and John Mr. persingers In Tbet one man in every four S. W. Hendricks entertained formed their part most weivt'to Ogden Sunday andK Bill and Leeevening Messrs Reese and Tuesday, Wh bly' EMefj Jr r- Cron-quis- APPOINTMENTS -- FOR CACHE STAKE Cache Stake Y. M. andY. will hold'thdr?.iyth- - Missionary appointments in officers eonventiOrsunday at the Cache Stake Sunday April a. m. in the stakauilding. A 27th. Benson Ward, Elders Frank L. Jfyeval board merolr from Salt f i e Will be West and R. E. Yeates. presf t. Hyde Park, Elders John T. Soci- -, j the Logait Stake Relief Caine and Wm. P. Dopp. . will hold tlicir union meet-Logan 3rdward, Elders John 1 aUYrffake House onJ3at-aV- ,' H- Anderson and R. J. Evans, at 3 oclock. Logan 4th ward. Elder Alma Aprilpi - Sonne. meeting Scandinavian tjmorLogan' 5th Elder John Quayle v', Sunday, at 4 o 1 et- - and Alma Olsen. G. H. and junes C Johnson Logan 9th 'Elders Henry W. tiUen will be the speakers. Ballard and Wm. A. Noble. Logan 10th, Elders R. O. LarFather Kennedy will hold tomorrow sen and A.' E. Cranney. services Catholic Chamber North Logan , Elders Stephen liioming at 8. JO at the Thurston and Ernest Lee.. of Commerce. e ALT. .. - clcv' A. officeis An inventor-ha- s designed an Logan Stake M. I. . to- - be board hinged ironing 27. Preliminary meeting, April a wall and with a hinge talk, President O. H. against in its center so it can bemused in program! quartet, 8th ward; two different lengths. . .jjt Y Sister Satterthwailfr Y. L. M ChSloWt cf the e present, Of German invention is a machine that records messages ers will be received by telephone and that can, be used for dictation and to record minutes of meetings. rvices will Iain SuniPILI l Sub-- e 'Death. . SDRAM. CHICHESTER Lsillnt j i hi in, 4ik;rr)lnc(ltfnr fcoht eoUic Illte 84 tv !ed with Blue ict, lraeirl. Bur ftibboa. raw v u Best, at Mr-an- . spe-'ia- l - - - tf - jrirfr-hR- ifV'Yl & j. - , AU toCMI.CirPA.T$4 BRAND Plia. A!ysRd gems,-secon- - - - j A Whale of a Story Youll Never Forget The Stranger We found just what we ex- - T pected at the Capitol, Theatr L yesterday a great motion pic L - ture. The Stranger, Joseph First and the Last, rV. ' i - , I , , V' fi m I, . ' : I UibA - ... s - h 'I V Mr- - Hena-ber- y n, - If ys wanted to put it into picture form. And here it Is. Youll never enjoy anything quite as much as The Stranger' Theres everything in it a really big picture should have a whale of a story, action, thrills, appeal and what a cast! Betty Comp-sowho has been absent from these shores for , considerable . time, is featured as are Richard f Dix, Lewis Stone and Tully , Marshall. Robert Schable has a heavy pole, and Frank Nelson and Clarence Burton also appear V-- ; in support. If you are one, of those who are beginning to believe that motion bunk that pictures are the one picture is hut a repetition of another that all these stories are but a series- - nf impossible situations that there is nothing new on the screen, we say, "The Stranger will make you sit up and take notice. Its real. Its different. It will grip you as no picture has ever done before, and when you leave the theatre, if youre not converted, then we go on to say that you're inabout the hardest-harte- d dividual that ever paid the price 1 f".- Hena-ber- favorite short story, is the finest picture that prominent producer has ever brought to the screen. From the first day he read the story, which the author John Galsworthy, , called The . 1 - C |