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Show Unemployment need not touch you personally, for any protracted period, if you know how to advertise OURNS qjL LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, VOLUME XLVIL CAPTAIN STEZENKO, RUSSIAN OFFICER, HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR EXECUTION THOUSAND AND CONFESSING S YTL OF BURTON OF-- FIVE 01 GLOSSER SION Joseph Me Goniffal Ex- . ecuted In Colorado For of Ella Centers Prison Officials Were -- Murder Witnesses (By Associated Pre CANON CITY, Colo., Apul 2d Joseph McGomgal, who murdered Ella Centers June second 1922, was executed at the state penitentiary at five five this morning accoidmg to the official announcement of F. E. Crawford, chief clerk, who witnessed the execution. Prison officials also witnessed the execution. Relatives who had been seeking commutation of sentence, took charge of the body. RESPOND TO CALL Since April 3rd, 3 ife 4r more than four hundred and fifty special invitations have been mailed to all pioneers w ho game to Cache prior to and including the Valley . - About letters were returned for better address and it is not know n where some are now living. These invitations have been sent as far as Mexico on the south, Canada on the north, California on the west and Missouri on the east. It was an advance invitation and asked for no reply but stated That later a card would be mailed at vvhich time the pioneer should indicate if he or she will be present. The Committee expects at least four hundred of these pioneers to be piesent. The pioneers of 1817 now living in the valley but who did not come heie within the time specified will also be special guests. In a number of rases the pioneers were so enthusiastic over receiving the invitations that they have not waited to receive the card but have written inviexpressing thanks for the tation and stating that if they are well and alive they will be present so to speak with both feet and with bells onT Mrs. Margaret McNiel McCulloch of Rexburg who will be ninety one years of age her next birthday- - informed the commitone-doze- year-1860- tee that she expects to be present and will have with her one son and one daughter who are eligible. There will be several pioneers competing for being the oldest. Robert Bradshaw of Shelley, who,was one of the early settlers of Hyrum, informed the Committee that he -- would be present. lie also mentioned oc-a number of early events that curred in Ilyrum and included a short biographical sketch. Dr. Vm. II. Petty of Ogden states that he will sure be present with his mother who is one of the. eligible pioneers and he is very proud to do so. Mr. I. C. Thoreson of Salt Lake City whose wffe is one of thelist.-isveryenthusia- sti' as his wife over the and they will sure be present. The cards will be sent out about June 1st and as they are received, the names will be published so the public may see what pioneers will attend. well cele-vbrati- on a new watch, the spaces between the hour numerals being marked it im mrpM tide vah . the driveways and walks. commit-te- e The general clean-u- p met at the Chamber of Cow mere? on Friday, leceived and discussed the leports of the work done. The public is asked to take note that the city garbage trucks will commence gathering the garbage on Monday d thev make their rounds ly once so the people should no p;ace any garbage at the curb after the trucks have pas- sed otherwise you will have to remove garbage yourself,i Some have disregarded the rule and have piled ashes, leaves and other loose garbage at the curb and have not placed them in receptacles. Loose garbage cannot be taken soJt should be placed at once in a box or sacks before the eity trucks call, otherwise it will be left for the property owner to gather lip and haul away. There are some blocks and ward captairts who have not reported and these will be checked up immediately. Mr. Robert! This as .ie as d,)ne as" not was sufficiently ground level the seed w as not sow n and the walks were not built. Since then the land has been plowed twice, disced, leveled and the seed sown. The Forest Service is now prepared to put in the walks apd driveways. This will be donenext week. The work day in the eppyon will take place of Mat and about then trees and shrubs will be planted to take the place Of the dead ones in the park. Professor A. II. Powell in charge of the state highways in the county is doing good work oh the canyon road with the Smith, ward captain for the grader and the road is now' open Fourth ward and Victor Lind-blaat, least to the forks. Game foT the Eighth ward, had Warden Ted Seeholzer, will go and they have been ar as he can on the canyon good reports m- - checking active up their road and report to the commitr block captains. tee. Superintendent Orson Ryan Work on the upper fish ponds good work done by all reported for the large spawners will comin cleaning up their schools the mence next week and this will shrubs and grounds, planting add one more attraction to the on other clean up acticarrying park. The small fish will be vities. It was also decided that placed in the lower ponds now the schools would inspect and occupied by the big fish. score every home in the city the-middl- e Theo- doie Bui toil of Ohm as temporary chairman of the Republican NationaFConv ention is rated after a -- political conler- e ance U)day at the between chairman MUnis ot the Natlonal Committee, David Mul-h- e vane National Committee-ma- n from Kansas an$ chauman of com ention arrangement pit seated tons name to Piesident idge, who approved the r tion. Formal selection of the temporary chairmah will be made at a meeting of the airange-ment- s committee V ednesday in Adfems expiessed Cleveland. the opinion thatthe selection of Burton would be acceptable trr all groups within the paity. The permanent chairman lemaiie to -- day-ligh- t, IxereiTOsem Girls Day At Hie j pro-(gra- Buffeting Head Winds, Snow A n d Generally U nfavorable W eather Conditions Delay Airplane Journeyc Ll K?n-nata- k, m, ac-'s'- land-mar- n Har-lan- d tion TlflCI MEET f. - w-e- (llv Associated Press) DENVER, April. 26. Be cause she could pot take care of her three small children, due to poverty, Mrs. Mab:l Ward, wife of George Ward, employed by a . , , , . j Connd DEATH yest-terda- col-jle- ge WillianfC. Mitton, another of Cache Valleys pioneers, died today, death coming rather suddenly and unannounced this morning while lie was at work in the garden where he was found a few minutes later by bis daughter Miss Sarah Mitton. Paralysis is thought to hav been the cause of death. Had Mr. Mitton lived until June 22 of this year he would have been eighty years of age, having been born in Rippendale, Yorkshire, England, (June 22nd, 1844. He came to Cache Valley, moving 'o Wellsxille in the year 1859 ami has been looking fonvard to the celebration this summer wl ere he w'as to have been included among the honored guests. Mr. Mitton and family spoil most of their life in Cache Val ley residing at Farad se but dying the past ten vears he has resided in Logan where he has an active temple worker. In fact all his life, the deceased has been devoted to the church of which he has been a member Mr. Mitton was the father of eight children, six of whom sur- They are, Mrs J. J. James Mrs. C McMurdie and Miss Sarah Mitton, of Logan; Mrs. B. A. Norman. San Monica, California; Willard O. Mitton of Salt Lake Citv and John II. Mitton of Whitnev, Idaho, Thirty six jpand ch ldren and thirty-seve- n great grand children sur- vive. Funeral serUces have not as yet been made owin to the fact that w'ord is lacking from the daughter in California as to when she can arrive in Logan. J '$7-25- (By Associated Press) - " terior. 1 f The program arranged for "Better Business Week by the Coolidge May Veto Alpha Kappa Psi Business fraThe Bonus Measure ternity of the Utah Agricultural college, whose purpose it is to further and promote scienti(By Associated Pressi fic methods in business, in coWASHINGTON, April 26. chamthe with Logan operation ber of commerce jyilLconsist of The possibility of a presidential a series of lectures by W. W. veto of The bonus billwhen is submitted by congress was. Cooley to be as follows: seen by a number of callers in -Tuesday, April 29: The Gen-endorsement the Presidents 5:21 Whitney and Law. esis and Development of yesterday of views expressed by year college, second and counting, Borah in his senate address in third. Wednesday, April 30; Pro- opposition to thomeasure. - It Javelin, Hawley, fourth year, fits Perpetual Problems. will be submitted next week. 2 140 feet inches, distance, fjrst Thursday, May 1: Profit- s; Hiinsaker, year college, Gross and Net. second year second, Maughan, Friday, May 2: Where Has Briggs Convicted college, Hard, My Penny Gone. Dlsc; Hawlev, fourth year These lectures will be given And Secures Bail won dlbtance 92'feet 11 inches; 2 p. ni. on the above days at f lVbt year college second ?he coiled room 302. Ha COJ:.e ghot Hawley, fourth year, (By Associated Press) ' In theie wall be first distance 38 feet 9 inches, demonstration of modern office DENVER, April 26 1 rank llunsaker, first year college, secthat is worthy of the Lewtcm Briggs, former ond, distance, 35 feet 5 inches; equipment of our merchants. le Lfamrt Interstate was convicted Trust Thoipe, firM rear college, third Company On Mav 1, Thursday evening, Pole vault, Obray; second year and embezzlement !ast t at 8 p. m. a foui reel picture will on l,on.d of fteu college won, h eighth 8 feet; "as This The! re,eafd picture, Ashcroft, fourth year, second. pending is a Broad jump, Maughan won, motumfwa coni' wJriaL distance. 18 feet 5 inches. Haw trayal of an actual business were The characters dition. seri ley, fouith year, second; Chris tiansen, second year college, lected from the best knownl;M. S. Daugherty Is professionals, and thencenes thirds High jump, Curby, fourth tually taken from a business; Cited For Contempt The picture will be year, won, heighth 5 feet, Chris- house. Chamber of Com-- j tiansen, second year college, shown at the is' at the same time; (By AssociaPtf Press) and Richardson, third year high merce-'anWASHINGTON, April 26. interesting and educational. A, school, tied for second. program of musical numbers Without, debate . the senate adopted a resolution citing,M. S An expansion plug of English have also been arranged. not in merchants The of screws invention for holding Daugherty, bi other of tjie'- fpr- -' only mer entire' of the of made but is a attorney general for conmaterials valley Logan building inare and the general public tempt because of his failure to. fibre that enar th& hies it to serve as an insulator vited to attend the lectures and respond to .theummoi. DausrheHy raiiiiiuitcC for electric wiring. picture w hich is free. it' 1-- Ac-fir- st 2; I ei 1 r 1 j v-v- -- IN LAND CASES investigating the that in January 1923 BIG b-- d OF (By Associated. Press) he heard a conversation between CllIG NIK, Alas, April 26- -Campbell and Wheeler in which there was talk of getting the Major Marti m, who arrived here former's oil permits fixed up in yesterday m hisplaen from expected to leave Monday t Washington". Campbell said if Wheeler could get this fixed up for Duch haibor, Alaska.. In a Martin broke in Washington, Glosser said, severe snow-stor"We can afford to cut a lot of his Right of a hundred and fif-money or something like that. t miles from Kanafak by alightThe w itness said he had testi- ing in Kumlck Bay , half way fied to this incident before the between. He resumed his flight Montana grand-iur- v which re- - after thirty minutes employed turned indictments in them. Sen- - in checking his position by maps ator Wheeler is charged with Major Martin, wito with his ct if ting a fee for a pfvaring be-- 1 Are the interior department inimechane Sergeant Alvin cases for" Campbell, vhorvCG United State coast guard hi client was ini Algonquin and oil prospecting Miss Dorothy Haley, native daughMontana courts. The confer ter of Juneau, Alaska., and farwer- i nee referred to was held in a pany University of Washington coed, has been appointed tourist agent of ths Great Falls hotel room. Glosser at Kanatak to rehabilitate his government-owneAlaska railroad. said, and Campbell cam? up in machine, the Flagplane Seattle, the fr'eght elevator because he and get it into the air again. He said he had a law suit pending buffeted head winds all the way and had been adv ised not t put here. The sea was rough and in an appearance at Great Fills snow was driven and whirled by When Senator Sterling asked southwest wind. As they, left about anv conversat on Glosser this cuirent, which was at tho-"- " C. B. had with Campbell about Wheel- - heks of th? riaralers iC soon er's employment, chairman Bor- - gave away to head winds, which ah objected unless Wheeler snow into their faces. 4 . w'ere present, and the question unanswered. The South Denies He Is An : Dakota senator took up the payments Campbell made to WheelAmassing a total of 42 points, er. Glosser said there were two Escaped the fourth year high school class checks for $2,000 each. of the Brigham Young College (By Associated Press)., won the interclass track and - LEADVILLE, Colo., April 26.- - y HUSBANDS; field meet on Crimson field A man giving the name of afternoon. The senior Joe Caiison,:bit; ' believed to be school class placed placed high CAUSES WIFES Frank Cameron, one of the esfirst in six of the events, gaining caped bandits from the Denver the lead in the high jump, javeCOLLAPSE jail on Thursday night, was arlin, shot, discuss, mile and half rested following the theft of an mile events. The first year automobile at Pueblo and the team won second honors (B Associated Press) w ith 32 2 ; the second year col- -i NEW YORK, April 26 Mrs. subsequent robbery pf a filling writh 31 ; third came group lege Charles Murphy, widow of the station at Salida. He denies he schooland the third year high late Tammany chieftian, suffer- is Cameron. ers took the cellar with only 2 ed a collapse earlyThis morning, Kertenth Maughan, a second Dr. John Herrity announced. DENIED A PERMIT year college man finished first Two nurses were summoned. in four of the events and was Her conditon grave but I think ' the highest individual scorer she will pull through said the (Bv Associated Press) - WASHINGTON.-April 26. gaining 21 points. Warren Haw- - doctor. A permit for right of way to ley was sec0nd high point man with 18, enlarge the Arbuekle reservoir Business Week in the Rocky Mountain national park, Colorado, was denied toAt The U. A. C. day by the secretary of the in- commencing May 15th. Mrs. Don Pittman, president and proj of the Logan business fessional womens club gave a Logan High School report of the campaign to make Logan bloom in June and July. AH the ladies organizations of Friday, April 25, was Girls the city are back of the idea and day at the Logan high school, have purchased seeds of the chief features of which day manyflowers specitied. The pewere the assembly, held in the the is one flower that was tunia morning, and the dance in the omitted from the list that high school gymnasium at should be included. night. The girls league of the Mri Lyman Hyde, chairman which school, an organization includes in its membership for the business sections, that a general clean up every girl of the Senior high was in progress and the comschool, was in charge of the would make frequent inmittee for the day. spections. The assembly was had during the third period in the high school auditorium. Miss VirMARKET REPORTS ginia Rich, president of the girls league, acted as chairman. Officers and advisors of the KANSAS CITY, April 26. girls league sat upon the stand. A talk by Miss Cooper of the Cattle: receipts 300; calves Utah Agricultural college, and 2500; market: weeks top $12; selections from the opera Ma- bulk $8 to $11. dam Butterfly, sung by Mrs. Hogs: receipts 2000; 10c to Jessie Bird Goats andMrs. Cora 15c higher; top $7.30; bulk of Thorn Bird, wrere the main fea- sales $6.90 to . tures of this interesting meetSheep: receipts 1000; maring. Miss Cooper talked on ket; weeks top $16.25. Why We Should be Glad that ing in These Times pointing out that the present wheat closed $1.0312 ; July period in the worlds history is $1,0512; September $1.06. NOTICE' marked by more freedom, of May corn $.76 ; July $.78 ; thought and choice than ever September $.77. before. . The singing of Mrs. City triicks will commence haul Goats arid Mrs. Bird was'pleas-in- g senior high school, members of ing rubbish "Monday April 28. and able- .- Their selections the girls league, who sat in the All rubbish must be placed on from Madam Butterfly were center section of the auditorium. the curb by that date in containwell chosen! and commendably Miss Lucille Blair, an officer of ers conveniently to handle. Any the league, offered the invoca-Th- rubbish put out on the curb after sung. assembly began with ajtion. Miss Rich gave the aims I trucks have passed will pot be song by all of the gills of the Lif the league. y jbauled by the city,' i m INDICTMENT a d, as-f- COMMIS- WASHINGTON. April, 26. II. E Glosser, foimgrly employed in the office of Gordon Camp-- , bell, Montana vil operator indicted with Senator Wheeler, testi-- ! fied today before the Senate Se- ee REPORTS I INVESTIGATING White-Hous- ht Today Pi ofessor Tiacy Abell of the Agucultural college and four of the larger boy scouts went to the Logan Cany on Park for the committee to stake out BEFORE MISS DOROTHY HALEY Irpud ASHINGTO.Wpi U lection of representative i TODAY i V I (By Associated Press) manypionW fJT et Talking Over The PARKROADWAYSARE; STAKED OUT Jap- - Exclusion Amenc TOKIO, April 26. an ambassador Woods called today on Foreign Minister Matsui and in a lengthy conversation Hie Views concerning United States immigration measure to exclude Japanese. (By Associated Press) of-fic- er day-lig- TESTIFIES FEE FOR APPEARING KHARKOV Russia. April 26. Captain Stezenko, former TWO-Bin the Czaiist army has IG Keen sentenced to death on So-icharges of responsibility CITIES for the deaths of five thousand w orkmen communists while act- (Bj Associated Press) ing as head of the Secret police, NEW YORK, April 26Day of the range! and Denikme light saving is optional in the armies According to the court confessed ordering the eX(s state, but is made operative in this city by municipal ordinance cution of seven hundred Com-to be effective at two oclock to- mumsts. morrow moi ning and continue until September 28. CHICAGO, April 26 For the seventh consecutive year Chicago saving will become effective tomoirow, givand ing an added hour will continue until the last Shn-da- v in September. J NUMBER 101, SENATOR WHEELER, HE ACCEPTED A 700, CONDEMNED TO DEATH BY SOVIETS DAYUGHT SAVING IN Fa;r "with temperature below freezing Sunday fair and warmer. . ' A RDAY, APRIL 26. 1924. TO PRESIDEAT TO The Weaiher j j fht 5 i presi-attenti- jeut. mf ! 1 ng J on |