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Show I IX ir"" U Tt A1 VTl T? Lj li- AV " , 1 JiV-Ea-- 'V- ' Nw LJf llAlLr A lWlTlJLV TO Some-tpi- g Al?yays U " I Li A A A-- in The Herald. rcatuuu was sciin ogauiB puumiauyHs uxaLppeai jgjuie oasesr m Speakers and writers are not afraid to condemn in. pubtfc the evils of yellow journalism. Ane mcviiauici PMDYO' EHERA ATTEND MEETING TONIGHT PRQVD PROGRAM AT COAL ROAD HI vorce for Cruelty ' fis is the Question to be Set Suit Club Meeting Tonight strong committee of business men have been going from one business house to the other today 'making the business men promise to attend the meeting tonight at the Commercial club rooms in the interest of the Utah Coal road. It is now up to Provo to A -- right-of-wa-y right-of-wa- further gain, this week and early "next week. 'Most of the students have en Interesting muBic programs will be rendered at each lecture, and the public will be welcomed, Other lectures are a part of the general program;' the time of delivery will be announced later. LAMAR ""Y CAFE WILL " Opening Session. large number of Provo citizens and many art lovers from other parts of 'the the opening' o! the fourteenth annual state art ex- hibit in the old tabernacle Monduy evening. President Edwin Evans an Vice President R. R. Irvine, Jr., of the governing board were present, and Lee Greene Prof. A. B. Richards apd. .Dr. George X,. Smart, members Of the exhibition committee. President Evans announced the opening, of the exhibit and Introduced Mayor C. F. I)ecker, wn'p delivered the address of welcome. Mayor : Decker.' said in j)art: !'!t 1 with pleasure we welcome to Provo this convention ef the artists of the" state oMJtah. The people of Provoare proud, to hare the privilege tcf inspect this collection of art prod-- , ucts which we look' upon as the wages of.;geniU8 .earned j y.. the sons and daughter of.our common wealth. Every true work of,, art ds.. the. highest, best, and mos noWe products the human being who creates IL History- - dis- - The former management of what was known as the Colonial Cafe closed ' up today and the Elliott Brothers have v arranged after having the place over- hauled to it under the name of the Lamar . Cafe. The kitchen will be thoroughly renovated and remodeled and a large archway will be cut from the Lamar hotel lobby into the dining room of the cafe so that you can. pass from the hoetl into the din-- , iiig room without going out of .doors. - . Roy Elliott has been' in this busi- n,'css for severaf years and Is aney-- . ; n , perlenced chef.- - , t WILL If you are not satfsfled with your business advertise In the Herald and we will guarantee that If will Increase in the ratio to the amount you spend In advertising. Is' there a fool .who sfrys that the man who advertises will go oroke? It ia more likely to be the other way. . j ' peoplo is to a degree measured by Its progress In fine .arts. During the settlement of .a new countrythe vital energies of its people are directed to solving the proWeras of existence, but as the country grows older and de- - velops. wealth,' Increases, schools are TEACH IN MOAB established and churches built, and ; j the people find more time to cultl- Miss Margaret Bean,.ho has held vate the fine arts. We in Utah have the position of deputy In the county now arrived at the period when we clerk's office for the past two yearr-- , can devote time and means to the has gone to Moab, where she will en- development of those thinss which are Provo is a gage in teaching in the public artistic and beautiful. schools. Miss Bean has been a most city of beautiful homes, of education efficient official and her past exper- and chucrhes, and, has attained musiience and high standing as a teacher cal development. We are In need of Insures, success for her in her pres education along the lines of fine arts, ' ent position.' , J and, my friends, as the chief executive ' 1 of this city, I extend to you , the DR. TAYLOR RETURNS. hearty welcome of our people." MISS BEAN , ,, ! - . ' ' ; Dr. , FredV. Taylor has returned from a seven weeks' visit to the East and reports a jleasant and profitable The doctor attended the na- trip. of surt?ons In Newv York and later visited hospitals In Rochester, Washington, Dos ton ani tional-conventio- n Chicago. . ,s-s- f t;-- . , v.I-J- - i ;3 J-- r' T IET i W"1, ; , J i y x .it lf - ?i ' '' SiSt Operators-?Op- - r ' are extending vada, Arizona, California, New Mexico and Colorado. A week or two ago, after a visit to the property by Mr. Mangum, an option was taken on the Nelson Copper property of the Jackson range of mountains in Nevada. Mr. Mangum states that this gives promise of being i d N FOR CAPITOL BLDG. The lowest bidder on ' Ik l'tah8 capitol James Stewart Salt Lake the pany, through .11. V. Ilaurn and J. II. brnidiriK ffie com- - The firm is1 man-uuer- s Fied-erickso- a partnership of two brothers, Alex M., and James e Stewart, of New York. They pro-jfos- to build the big state structuro with specifications for in accordance Without heating, plumbing and electric fixtures, they offer to do $1.1 06.000. lh wwJt.'ie'.'4LttiUUi). These, figures were disclosed when the, bids were opened by the capitol commission in the Commercial club .dining room yesterday afternoon. The office of the commission in. the Felt building was too small for the large crowd of contractors and other interested persons who gathered to hear th.e proposals. JANUARY ..... -- toajlhe assoi-iaiio- .. ts - the--wat- RICHARDS GOES IN JUNE. W. A Je.tter received by Alma Richards yesterday Jrom William tTnmack advises Mr. Richards that tije trip to be taken by the American athletic team to Australia or New Zea-- . land, which has been announced for December, has been postponed till sometime In June. This Is very satisfactory to Richards as he wiljlie able to finish his course of studies in the university and spend the vacation on v the trip. day, we haye almost cominerclaiizcni every thing. As a result, we are forgetting the meaning of the higher DEATH OF CHARLES SHEPPARD. . Charles Sheppard, an employe at the State .Mental hospital, died Monday of scarcoma of the neck, at the age of 4C years. Tlie deceased was a native of England and has relatives at Aurora and 'anMtirwy. The remains will be shipped to Murray for burial today, by Graham & Jones. FRUIT SHIPMENTS IN NOVEMBER V' R.- . - ' a very satisfactory proposition, ana one on which the Knight interests during the winter will do a considerable amount of development work," Tbia property lies about thirteen miles north of Sulphur, and sevently miles ' . northwest of Wlnnemucca., The company Is now engaged la drifting along the .main ledge and by -I- way of winzes depth is being acquired to reach the sulphide zone-angive the group a thorough development within the life of the option. Mr." Mangum will visit the property again in. a few days and map out a more comprehensive campaign of operations for The Utah County Poultry associa- the coming cqld months. - At AuJrra the Knight and the Char. tion will hold its annual E. Knox interests have acquired all in this city from Jan. 12 to lit. The famous old producers there, and the exhibit will hi' in tile Crew building, the present work consists of driving a opposite the- - firo haU"andprojni!ie3 tunnel jsources at herelo be the bigeest and best ever con- tofore untouched depths.: MrTKnoiTis" ducted by the association. Secretary expected here In the hear future, when" Royal I!. Woolloy and other officers the two interests will unite In outare already at of ilie lining plans for a mill at this famous An work on. the preparations. old property. attractive premium list ' ,is. The same interests have taken pver beins prepared, and will be out Dec.15. the Lticky Doy properties of the dis11. Shellabarger. of West LibJK". trict in Nevada oMike name, and for erty, Iowa, has been secured to sc'oi'fc several weeks the new tunnel has been the exhibit, and, asJie is admitted under way which eventually will acto be the best Judge of poultry jn not only new. depth, but lt will'' quire the- - l!nitedtates,--hTH-TrreBenr-a-n afford Idea! drainage facilltleaajMwelL" of his knowledge of The. owners expect to have electric will be a great advantage to power connections within the , riearv poultry the T'lafi jKiultiy raisers. j. future, after which . drills will bo f, Exhibitors from all. the ' leading utilized In this work. The Lucky Boy jioulirv ctiiiiHis of tlie'- tata . have property has shown splendid propor-promised to bring some of fhelrbest tions on 4he upper levels; and stok, and the show will be one of level Is expected to repeal the ' the best ever held In the state. experience of the past. i v ' W. "Breretbn, county fruit tree inspector, has reported to the county life. . commisnioners that 30 cars of apples , "When we place art! literature, have been shipped from the Couilty'ln philosophy, and all thj' finer train- Novemtier 27 from Prc(V'o. 8 from ing of the intellect witir tjxi studies Pleasant Grove-anone from Sprlng-ville- . that have only material life in mind, Thirteen thousand seven hunof dred trees have been A selection, "Tshalkowsky," was we destroy' the inspected, for race". We in nurserymen. the'" shauld art have rendered by Gudmundson's string We have the people and the quartette, after which Prof. Levi of characterr and the most . delivered an religion Young Interesting' Edgar Qrem Accepts Franchise. f ' beautlftl.v mountains and valleys, W. C. Orem has filed, with' the address: city streams and deserts. The people are recorder an acceptance of the franHe sad Jn part: "I wish to. make a flea that we be- striving" for, the higher life, The chise through Provo City for girt to cultivate a Me and apprecia setting j'for art here ; is safe and electric road, granted by the tion for art In its truest sense. To-- - .ideal.",' commission. Nov. 18. . ' city t out of the POULTRY SHOW d .closeslne'fact.lhat'the progress of a - " IN tHARGE OF ROY v A v-- RE-OPE- t " -- - according to County Treasurer E. T. Palfrey man. Of a total- of .$582,000 assessed in the county there remains unpaid only, $39,000, This- amount is gradually being 'reduced and the greater part of it will probably, be . paid before- the time of sale for de-: ELLIOTT linquent taxes. , ...... 4-- "'t v . There Is jonly a comparatively small taken up cotfgQ jvbrkv, Noticeable, in thlsBeas6n8 jopenlngjia the number of high school studenta who have returned to take up other branches of v 'f v -- the agrtettK'uret arid Hsusiness amount of unpaid taxes this year- as department, 'although a number have compared with recent former years rolled In weks to that great their mining operations in the adjoining states and California, and are picking up good properties wherever conditions appear to them to justify. During the past bIx months W. Lester Mangum, R. B. Allen and J. William Knight have, been making inspectioa visits to numerous properties brought to the attention of Jjeste Knight in Ne- ing days. The following lectures have been announced as a part of the Institute to be delivered in erhibitlon room in the old tabernacle: Mrs.. Wilson Is now enjoying the balmy days of the" Bermudas with her husTonight (Tuesday), Prof. E. B. band and 'daughters. During the morning Mrs. Wilson and the daughters Eastwood, of the B. Y. U. administered" antiseptics, ointments and plasters to Mrs. Smith, a young Friday night, Prof. Edwin Evans, bride who had Injured her hands in falling from a bicycle in front of the president of the institute. Wilson at Glen Cove. . Only three The Knight Interests , . Dec. 4 Local y state-attende- f) . " . m: Nevada Properties Secured By J (I ' kv v y right-of-wa- The charge of securing board and lodging at the Royden House without HUNDRED NEW STUpaying for same preferred against J. W. Randolph and son in Justice E. L. DENTS ENROLLED AT B.Y.U. Jones' court has 'been dismissed; -- 4.tb.ere being no e.yidence....t9,show in tention to defraud on the part of the The winter semester of the Brigham defendants. Young university opened yesterday, SMALL AMOUNT OF OUT- the enrollment reaching ' the STANDING. TAXES mark. It la" expected there wlll.be a - i v fight. "Christmas , "There continues to be a large at the exhibit of the State canyon: Art Institute and the indications are Against Castilla Hot Springs com- that the total attendance will be one over pany et al, for of the largest in the history of the 2.697 acres. institute's fexhibfits. Great (Interest Against Castilla Resort and Im- is manifested by tne students and high provement company et al, for school pupils, as well as b the citiover 3.15 acres. zens generally, and it is expected that AgalnSt J. A. Brown et a'ij for pupils from the high schools of the right of way over 5.918 accres. county and possibly some of the B. A. Wedgewood Is attorney for pupils of the grade schools of the plaintiffs. county will arrange for special visit- - " 4 - tions Taken Speaker - ' i ' sion Addressed by Strong between Spanish Fork canyon and Provo or we will lose the terminal of this road. The Utah Wholesale Grocery company business men have been going, in has commenced suit against S. D. pairs as follows this morning: Jos; T. Greer to collect $288.17 claimed to be Farrer and Chester Deal, W. H. Ray due for merchandise sold and deliverand Wbster Hoover, A. N. Taylor and ed to defendant. D. R. Beebe, S. R, Eggertson and W. Jacob B. Johnson has commenced K. Spafford, T. S. Pierpont and W. K. suit for. divorce against Petrea John-- t Farrer and Ed T. Harding. son on the ground of cruelty. He sets These business men divided the out that he has already given defer town Into districts and each pair dant and four minor children property made an earnest appeal to each citiin Lawrence,, Emery county, of the zen teattend the meeting tonight. value of $12,000 which she, in 1909, This Coal road really means more to greed to take for the support of herProvo than any. proposition which has self and the minor children. Accordbeen presented to the business men ing to the complaint plaintiff , is now ' for some months. 69, years of age and has no property The committee on finance appoint-- ' to exceed $200 in value. He asks that ed by the Provo Commercial club to the care and custody of the children collect funds for the purchase of a be given to defendant but that he be road has permitted to visit them at all reasoncalled a meeting of all the business able times. The parties were married men of Provo at the Commercial club in Salt Lake City, Oct. S, 1896. rooms tonight. Matters of importance in connection with the new railroad CASE DISMISSED. will he discussed. work. ( t w The Utah iRailway company has filed the following condemnation suits for right:orway in Spanish Fork tled at The Commercial - -- Meetings Have Been Well Attended Thus far Opening Ses- Di- - for Merchandise j secure the r IT Jacob B. Johnson Wants the- Cet your shopping way. 4 ROAD .'I IRE 1885. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Who Will Become Mistress of the White Houst on March 4, 1913 ART INSTITUTE EE! V ESTABLISHED PROVO, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1912. EVERY BUSINESS MAN SHOULD I 21. Days .DEVOTED TO THE CIVIC AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF UTAH COUNTY NO. 76. VOL. XXVII. IL This paper has joined in MARRIAGE LICENSES- - ; The following couples have taken out marriage licenses: ri Ezra L. Tanner, of, Payson, and Esther J. Goddard, of Provo.' Joseph W.. Rivers, of Junction City; Kans and Margaret .AbeldBkov, of Salem. . D. V,. Dlsdier, .of American Falls, Ida., and Rosalie Lombard, of Provo. SALE OF LIQUOR CHARGED. Art Carter entered k plea of not . guilty In City Justice CD. Glazier's court today, to a complaint charging him with selling a" bottle of intoxlcaU ing liquor to H. R. Howard on Nov. 30. The"bearlng was set for'tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Defendant ' was Pr mitted to go on his own recognK ' ' zancc. - I." SMOOT IS, SATISFIED. A. Smooth, assessor-elect- , ia ? back from a business trip to Colorado, o which he left before election. He is' wtill satisfied with the way the Democrats treated him during his absence. .95 |