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Show Obituary. News wi3 received in Provo yeiiter day Uiw a broiher of tbe deceased wae on biBway from Ashley to attena the i'uueral and culd not poesiolv reacli here uniil the arrival here of Kio Grande Western 3o. 1, consequent tbe tuueral services oyer tbe remains of Mrs. Hannah Billions Daniels were postponed. ,,,,, . .u Tbe perviceB were held today at the First Ward inettini? Louse, beginning at 3-15 o'clock and were well attended, at-tended, hundreds were unable to cet eeits iueide the building. Tbe deceased was the wile of Joseph E Daniels, recorder of Utah couutv. She was a general favorite. bibiy esteemed es-teemed by all who knew her, and her loes is deeply mourned. In the death of Mrs. Daniels, the i community has lost a good and nubie woman. Her soul was as pure as the whitest snow; tbirty-two years of m r-tality r-tality only made her good heart better, and her untarnished character more refined. It was God who cave her life, eh e has but surrendered it back to llim la Manti the was born, and in tbe.ie iuounta.n lastnesses and beautiful vales bbe grew to womanhood. Her nature was influenced -y its surroundings clear blue skieB, crystal waters, verdant verd-ant fields and Binding birds all were i Babied to her -he loved them for they tvnilied virtue; she btud.ed thttn because be-cause they proclaimed her Mak r and from all the storehouses of God a knowledge she souuht the truths of eternity and hoped for her edemp- Her verv being breathed forth the nt ivf and in her trusting, hou- ett eimplieitv, sue gave it to those wno sought it, never withdrawing it until it had been de.eived, then always with that womanly nature she possessed, forgave the wroUR-do.r, with a Chnst-like Chnst-like forgivenesi, and then in her sweet meditBtume, learned hsaons ol devoteiues-, patience ana cUarilv, from her excellence. Her life o inanv niav seem a sad one for she saw manv of is sorrows but'to her tney were but passing suii-owe suii-owe revealing m"re briiliautly than ever after their passaga the t-ngiitness of life and toe glory of her Redeemer. The true novelist, Tom her lite, could p rtrav euoti a pathetic romance, that tlri flood gales of toe reader's sympathy sym-pathy would overflow with teari of pity for her sueut gnef, nut to iter these things were sacied and tlie w orld around her never dreamed froin rir quiet, p. easing manner, the conflicts con-flicts that were going on within her mind. To her husband and f uiily she was devoted and when, four ears ago, th dreaded ravageB of consumption began praying upon her vitals, she lought for earthly life that to her child the might be a loving mother, and to her hushaid a faithful wife. She hi iped on, but death overtook ber, and now ehe sleeps the seep of peace. That bhe has gone, we all weep v itu the afflicted husband and fan ily; their Borrows are not mourned alone, but in the heart3 of all who knew her wi'.h fere be a sad and sacred rnemorv. Througr her life she toiled hard and long- To the young people she was attached and in years to come her labors la-bors in Saobath schools, jriuiariea and ' mutual improvement associations will he remembered for good, and ber life 1 will be an ensample for goodness and purity. Her labors are at an end, the curtnin of her life is runs down, her ,irt in the drama of lite is finished, the applause of this world has been ample, and the music of angels now welcome her home. |