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Show I the merchant who thinks to 55 advertising .would Just to save-- a dollar on a of purchase something to wear is worth-whilbut it is better be still to able, through a study' of the ads., to secure The Right Thing at the Right Price. not his store more prosperous e; OTu'd be wisdran on your part store rather to walk past that ! huiriedly VOLUME LOGAN CITY, CACHE, COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY,: JANUARY 27, 1916. XXXVII BUM 1H through the various departments. - Altogether it is a very fine collection of things useful and every citizen should see it, ircosts nothing but an outlay of ten cents for car-far- e. PIERIAN SOUTH CACHE tonwood to Draper, then to Spring City and to Richmond, finally settling at Lewiston ; was a home missionary, second counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. off CIS iiemstmr-wardl877-BMid-ye- examinations ar , The Pierians, a club of girls are now engaging .the - attention from; the advanced classes of and time f the South Cache the .Brigham Young College students and faculty. The stu- held its meeting at the home dents are diligently giving ex- of Mrs. Hinckley on Monday There is an unusually fine lot to. all that they have evening. Mrs. Hinckley dispression Round-u- p of exhibits at the the past se- cussed with them the Irish absorbecUduring activmester. As there have been literature, customs and characthis year, thanks to the Le Grande of incorporation but few delinquents among the teristics She also read Lady ity of Prof. students it is expected that the Gregorys who had the matter of of the . Sbamhart-Christianser- il tJTheJ&ife swill bijfew'MffXTarge Howell-Cardon company, Iai gettingexEBitorrinteresltKrin The will pass into the ments and an evenings chat hand. The exhibits are. in the have been filed with the county percentage A class of students. completed the meeting. occlerk. and The ..company has an Mechanic Arts building Prof. L. H. Peterson gave a were students Several of the authorized the of of space $100,000, capital - Spy a largejmrt on Monday at the lecture examina The general $80,000 of which is common excusedfrom .final tbSe 3st now. His - subject was excellent because of the tion to inspect stock and the rest preferred. public is invited Child Labor. - them and we just Jvaht to say Shares are of the value of .$100 work done during the past Mr Welling who have students City weu each. None of preferred stock, is "that anyone will find it was' school A in visitor a their about received an grade and subscribed common for. but to go up --worthjts while He occupied the time in VTorkwere exempted - from the see the machinery- ,- appliances stockisheldasfollow's : Reid devotional. tests. final -and goods that are on display Shamhart, 263 shares; John In the morning the B. Y. C. maint- Christiansen, 263 shares; John The following students were will be exhibit The there. all team goes to Salt of basketball or A. from part Hendrickson, 22 shares ; exempted ained all this week and until Nell 1 to Allen, Lake Nell Kate week their play the University of subjects: Shamhart; share; Tuesday evening of next team. The boys are in Utah 1 Hattie T. Jenkins, in share. Holm, time Christiansen, Stanley so there will be ample El- pretty fair trim and - are exAllie Cora officers are: The Petersen, .Rose, President, which to make the trip. and Manager Reid Shamhart; lis Shaffer, Marion Thompsen, pected to acquit themselves Mr. R. W. Eardley of the Those , who will and Treasurer, Elizabeth Gee, Norma Olsen, creditably. Manufacturers Association of Griffin. -Lula are Williams, Maud Christiansen Wright, Barkerr play Secretary; Ufaisin attendance and i Hazel Muir, Tolman, -- Nielsen and Cox, with MiltOtl Hendrickson. JrA. Jensen, home of interests' the ing after Hum-pherGladys Nielsen, Claud Sorensen Bemtson and Neeley as possindustry. He and Prof. Leona Hardvigsen, Pearl Jen- ible substitutes. . The game is of have provided plenty GENTLEMAN THE sen, Lillian Jensen, Audrey to be played tomorrow night. guides to show the visitor Petersen, Emma Shaw,- Beth through and there are . demoWyatt, Ethel Reeder, Raymond nstrators on hand to explain the Lorna ev-FROMJNDIANA Green, Harold Green, Howard of whys and wnerexdres Vesla Yeates, Yeates exhibiterything- - Among the Lillian , Hum-T)her- F1L . , ys The-articl- es tnre jglayA -- te. -- yv yes-terda- -- Vice-presid- ent - ys - From the Pallas studio ors are: The Utah Power & Light comes word that Hellen Eddys company which has a display telling pantomine in the boardhousehold electrical of ' its with Dustin ing house scene necessities. Farnum in ' .The Gentleman The Ogden Packing company Frrn,, Indiana, revealed Such cooks and serves rare which dramatic gifts that- the samples of the delicious meats NUMBER 63. Baker,JDaniel Richards, , Wilson, Bessie Brown, Marvil-l- a Maughan, Orpha Rigby, Leta Nielsen. Our basketball team returned Sunday from their trip to Kavsville and Ogden. Despite the fact that they did not bring burst home two victories, the boys LAIDJO REST 0 ---- .t one of dent of same 1880-8presidents of 39th quorum', of Seventies; missionary to Indian territory 1891-9.superintendent of Religion Class of and Lewiston' ward, 1895-190- 1 Benson . Stake 1902-0- 8 ; high priest, member High Council of Benson Stake. Constable of 1878-8- 3 ; Lewiston precinct 4; 5; - -- us - se II. I,i change. On Tuesday-- Prof. OFFICERS VISIT BENSON over-crowd- ed - - -- h Ho-gens- w, x, colMm , - x. "r."'' ps -- Mur-Tease- - - ns he - , 1,-19- 02.- Willianv Petersen gave a very talk on Soil .Bormation, and Dr. Harris ; followed him on, Mrs, MaryE. Johnson and Mrs. W. O. Robinson; also Mr and Mrs A. Willie of Emery Stake, who rendered a solo and Mr. Irvine Nelson and his young lady. These brethren and sisters came down to visit the Benson associations and encourage the workers which they succeeded in doing. They expressed themselves as well plea ied with the Work that was being done in our ward. We hqpe they may be able to come again soon. Last Friday evening the Primary. officers gave a dance in Benson. The music was iurn-- , ished by the Smithfield orchestra. The attendance was good and all enjoyed themselves.' . Our Sabbath school was well g attended last Sunday, there present 96 per cent of the officers and teachers. There are many of the Benson farmers and their wives in attendance at the U. A. C. Round-u- p and housekeepers conference. At recent gathering of some of the members of the Farmers' Society of Equity, W. G. Reese resigned hs a county director, and H. W. Ballard was chosen to take his place. In honor of grandpa John Rees, his daughter arranged to have his sons and daughters gather with him at her home in Logan and rejoice together as a token of love and respect for him in his declining years. From Benson there were present- at the above gathering Mr. and Mrs. Johri W. Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Rees, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reese, and several of Grandpa Reess grand children. Dr. Le Roy Rees, who is located at Weston, was snowbound and Could not be present, neither was Mrs. Florence Roundy of Clairfield, able to be there, but a most enjoyable afi teraoon was spent after partaking of a very excellent' dinner. Father Rees seemed very happy atrtiie consideratioirshowiHiim he wF - on Maintaining" Soil Fertility Dr. R. J. Evans speaking on BENSON, Jan. 25. Benson Some Factors in Farm Busiwas favored last Sunday even- ness. In the, evening Attorney ing by a visit of the following officers of the Young Mens and Frank B. Stephens of Salt Lake Young Ladies M. I. A.: Prof. discussed Rural Credits. The Geo. B. Hendricks, P. M. Neil-ao- n, gentleman' is perhaps the best J. C. Kearl, Mrs. J. C. informed person in the state - -- -- - -- a e 6. be-in- , at-t'h- Roundup ' 1 - attendance is steadily growing the fegistration being well along toward 500, and a great deal of interest in the work, is- manifested- ,- The prac-boa- rd bng courses schooItmeergmber"6f instituted as fea- 1904-0jtical ures th'is of Rawlins gathering appeal Brother Harvey leaves two wives! five children i bo the farmers very strongly if and a host of friends to mourn,1 and they unhesitatingly ex- press their his loss. r- Lewiston, Jan. 26. Funeral services were held over the remains of Bro. Harvey Rawlins last Thursday in the Lewiston First ward. Opening prayer by Brother James M. Anderson; other actors generously it places on' the markets. by choir, I Need Thee into Applause for her work at returned with a determination hymn Hour The first speak- Every The Cache Valley Electrical that, the conclusion of the scene. te prove totheiri friends, AJ txtq a KnTnoi THAiviKiimv wateri at home a has , company Miss Eddys work, while a mere they were Lake Wood Brother Salt City. works system on exhibition. It a position bit in the superb Pallas .Pic- and will yet occupydiivsion is an automatic Brother bury labored with arrangement ture. the of the near top nevlertheless production Oklahoma. Rawlins in He . for supplying the house with rewho and Maughan Jones out as one of the most his of with spoke water under pressure - just. as stands relationship in it, and ceived severely injured ankles Brother Rawlins while they one might get it from the artisti? things Weber and in the Kaysville stamps her as one of,- - the on were their and bore mission mains. screen finds of the year. Her games, have almost entirely testimony to the faithfulness their will n. There is an electric incuba- wonderful and prove eyes and facial ex- recovered when of his companion. Brother and tor shown by a Salt Lake firm next night worth Friday lovelorn1 little as the pression Ellwood rendered a on lister eva machine that hatches servant girt with a hopeless in- we meet Davis county H. S. is beautiful solo, team Calling For floor. The ery fertile egg and is operated fatuation for the popular edi- our own more You. Brother George A. , Barbetmuch more easily that the av- tor and speed is touching. Dustin Farnum showing ber was the next 'He erage incubator.'. is exceedingly fortunate in his ter team work than at any pre-vio- spoke of Brother speaker. Rawlins as and season, this Messrs. S. J. Jeppesen and J. time supporting cast, as it includes Latter-da- y a faithful re- being for B. Linford have models of their feeling a with friendly Winifred Kingston, the fasciare determined to Saint and of his honest and heaters on exhibition. nating young London actress, venge they upright life. Brother U. CunIn the room devoted to Utah Herbert Standing, Howard show Kaysville a defeat they ningham rendered a solo, O remember. products there is a great va- - Davies and others, all of whom long will Father. Brother William My the of back are students The riety of canned stuff, condens--e- d give a splendid account of was to speak. Waddoups of deal a and manufac-tureteam d themselves in the Booth Tark great milk, flomy honey, JUK He gave words next encourage-menttothoof aroused, goods, etc., etc. You will ington story. Runs atnheLyri(r thusipmTisbemg bereaved and Cache can find it a mighty good and profiknowing again tonight. bore testimony to the faithfulthe at not be will not and kept table thing to goup there and ness of the deceased. Patriarch bottom.. South Cache has led in get acquainted with the Utah Marion Lewis of Logan was brands of goods so as to be able TEACHERSINSI1TUTE ether activities and can do so next to Some speak. A ' duet, to call for just what you want in athletics as well. Due to the Sweet was rendered is Day Anderson by when you buy. Get the names The county teachers will hold fact that Coach school Brothers and Sister Elwood. other with of the goods in h and an institute in connection-wityour minds of the The choir sang, Home Sweet youll feel better when getting and Housekeep- work, Mr. Zimmerman Farmers the; has been secured to Home. the goods under your hides, for ers Conference at the U. A. C. B. Y. C.him Obituary in coaching the there, is real satisfaction in Friday and Saturday, "Jan; 28 assist alBrother Rawlins . Harvey has team. Mr. Zimmerman Patronizing home industry. and 29th. shown great- interest- in was the son of Harvey M. ways The . Grimes - Pump people State Superintendent E; G. athletics and-witthe excel- Rawlins and Margaret Elizia' "'have their pump on display and Gowans, Mrs. Hollister, Prof. has received Frost; was born Dec. 13, 1851 they say that orders are com-!n- g Mosiah Hall and the stale lent training he under Coach Jenson he comes at Big Cottonwood, Utah, Marin just fine nowadays. organizer Miss Mary well prepared to assist our ried Rebecca Lewis, Dec. 28. library The new firm, the Barber Downey will be present. daughter of William Coach in rounding out an. excel- 1877, vehicle and Hendricks Lewis and Martha Machinery comSupt. Walter R. Siders of lent team. pany has a very good exhibit-jh- e Pocatello,' Idaho, will deliver N. Petty. Manned 1865' . at International Harvester three lectures. Supt. Siders has TEUTON PRISONERS Fort Herriman, Utah; former, display, handled by this firm the reputation of being one of REPORTED STARRING a pioneer 1851; latter Oct. 14, AUTOMOBILES contains in addition to plows, the best superintendents in 1850, Wilford Woodruff com.mowers, etc., a home electric the Rocky Mountain region. Jan. 25. pany. She was born Nov. 1st, Francisco, San "ght plant. A small dynamo is AT The session Friday evening Thousands of German and 1859 at Richmond, Utah. Their operated by a gasoline engine which is planned for the genin war children: of William was Austrian prisoners Harvey, and the electricity it generates eral public and where both Russian concentration camps bom Oct. 13, 1878Lina Dean, A number of people who is stored in from State Supt. Gowans and Supt. in Siberia were described as was bom Sept. 9, 1882, to buy the Pierce-Arroa. sfre battery hich it can be taken, as de-T- Siders will speak will be espec- starving and dying from ex- May 21, 1888; Clement Lewis, Hudson Suer-Sihave offered is operated ially attractive to the -- general posure in the bitter cold of the was born Aug. 12, 1885, mar- to turn in other makes of cars plant aoout once a week and enough public. Siberian winter, by F. W. ried, Gertrude O. Smith, June at extremely lowprices. Some is ade to last' that rancisco 18, T911; Fem, was bom May of these cars were newJast year Wakefield, a San time for household iPw1 business man, who arrived to- 20, 1889; Lorenzo Kimball was and are in first class condition. htmgpurp9ses. Mr. ... C, C, bom Sept! 4, 1896, died June 2, If you desire a bargain, please day from the orient on the He. Maru. paries, an expert employed by 1898; Elmina bom -- July 12, call on us steamship Shinyo tv,e j0mPany is in charge of after You cannot afford to buy any Siberia 1899, died April 19, 1903. traveled through We demonstration. . T. of a new car without first H, kind in Utah. Honolulu, home, x Family Lewiston, of next week the Dramatic! his marriage Married Louisa Waddoups, seeing the wonderful Hudson i. l!? Consolidated Wagon and club of the U. A. C. under the last summer to the former jjwhrne company has the,big-jj- p direction, of Miss Sara Hunts-- , Mrs. John D. Spreckels Jr., of June 5, 1884 at Logan Utah, Super-SiThere is only one dispjay 0f the lot n ghow3 man will Wad-douof troubles that Wiliam Francisco. a daughter San , us, and that thing Pygmalion, playt p 1:1 and Martha Page, mar-rie-d is. that our line of cars is too roman tic 7 comedy by George Nov. 27, 1864. Rosil Hyde popular in the east, audjwe may rJisJlp.ances d an expert in Bernard Shaw. Doors will be GOOD ROADS BILL. Ves PASSED BY HOUSE company, latter 1862, Captain not be able to get cars to supply information de- - open to students and public sireliif6 Thorne cpmpanyl She was born air of our customers. . is well represented. alike both nights, next Monday 25. Jan. Washington. Aug. 13, 1 865 Bountif ul, Utah. Logan' Garage & Supply Co. Tiga'Tre dibits from and Wednesday, Jan. 31st and road Shackleford : children the Should C. M. HARRIS, Mgr. Their advt. Burns was born drvVo Feb. 2, 8:30 . at Nibley Hall. tohouse the which 1887 died June 12, c&ndy kitchen, Popular prices. bill, passed 20, .Tickets at April the the1 factories. Morrells. Adv. There will be no meetings fn day, also ' pass the. senate, 1903; Ila Rene was born Mar. kiting Utah will receive under the 16, 1892; Alvira, born, March the wards Sunday evening but Derh naensed milk factory and others -- that es-tMr. Alfred Jenson of r Cor- first year of its operation $143. Family- - homeLewis-ton- , a special program will be rendand attention of The nish was a business visitor in 768,- - Idaho $170,024, ered in the Tabernacle at seven Utah; man- as he ambled V Tlhey moved from Big Cot- - oclock. Wyoming$125,170. Logan- - Tuesday. - --The on that topicand -- his -a- ddress-was listened to with the greatest attention. Mr. C. R. Marcussen of Price discussed The Relation of Banker and Farmer, and his talk too, was a very thoughtful one. Two lectures were given at the housekeepers conference. was The Care of the Body, discussed by Miss Mary Johnson, physical director fo women at the college. Miss Florence Ward of the United States department of agriculture lectured on Training the Girl in the Home. .More than one hundred women attended the lectures, and a large number also took Up work in the wo- mens. classes. ' Mr. E. B. Brossard of this city made a very interesting on What talk yesterday Farms Pay and Why, and he W. S. wras followed by Hon. - Hansen and others. One of the most important meetings being held in connection with the farmers roundup at the Agricultural,' college here is a convention of the demonstration county farm all from agents fiver the state. The convention opened Tuesday morning, with Dr. R. J. Evans, who is in charge of the county agents, presiding. The need of closer between the agents and between the members of the college extension division staff was one of the subjects discussed. It was taken up first by J. P. Welch, county agent in Millard county, The Work of the Farm Bureau as the Farmer Sees It, was the sub ject discussed by D. D. McKay of Ogden, president of the Weber county farm bureau. Getting and Maintaining Membership, for the bureaus was outlined by.H. A, Christiansen, county agent for Beaver county. Other, problems were taken up by A. B. Ballantyne of Provo, agent for Utah county. The remainder of the sessions was devoted to general discussion of topics presented. . Yesterday momingthe following program was given at the county agents' convention: How .the Weber County Farm Bureau Has Helped the by W. P. County Agent, Thomas, Weber county agent; Maintaining Headquarters for the Bureau, by M. L. Harris, county agent in Uinta-- and Ducounties ; chesne Getting in a County, by Work Started R. J. Evans. 1 - jRRxriiZE.-ca- r WOMAN MURDERED IN SALT LAKE Salt Lake. Jan. 26. Daisy Collings, about 30 years of age was murdered in her rooms at 26Q South First West street, some time Monday night. Albert Dumire, 41 years of age, a hotel porter, with whom the woman is known to have held - at-t- he associated,-i- s city -- jail, pending further investigation of the strange tragedy. |