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Show tir P v-- '. . I i -- ' , ' 1 i i ' , , , Ii, I i . - 2 i ' ; - '! I-l- - ; . 1 - - , , :- '' 1 unit-Th- ' 1 :1 r, i- , I : I'. , - 1 Legionnaires Elect '1': , Ift , :: 1- 1,, '' ' ' , $ : : . 2, 1 t." t I ' 1 '- t ' i 1 t OGDEN, Dec. ICInstallation of Officers for the American legion local post elected Monday night, will be held Mender night Dec. al. A class of oandidates will be loin. 6 " ated the same night. Arthur Grantham was elected post commander to succeed Lawrence C ; with Officers elected to serve bim nest year are the following: ' First vice commander, .George A vice second Shupe 4 Aland; commander, Dr. Albert P. Stephens; William adjutant, M. C. Tanner; finance of- ' chaplain. Hoer. Waiter L. Wilson; gorges-litat-arHarold Ambler tre-eaed.); historian, Eugene E. Pratt; executive oommit- members of ,.. tee. Lawrence Clayton, Prank m. wowning. J. Francis Fowles, A. Wilfong and Leonard Davidson. The post spread upon its record A resolution of respect to the late Dr. Edward Maurice Conroy. formr mayor of Ogden. turbo died reA similar resolution to cently. M. Browning, twattoi mentor? of John rendered great service during the oar, was also Irotod for fu-- 1 lure action. D. Keith Barnes eommesdan. Reeves, past commander. C. V. K. mato district dam- it:Geeslin from Elmer Cuddle poet No, $I at Kaysvill,s, paid the post a Visit and made abort talks. 4. , - : - - ' .. .. , .'-,,' Northwest Lumbermen Work on Reforestation , ,1 - ' ', , : ,,? , 4 rorostry association held in Victoria. rtiz reports tho problems of rte. forestation la being met and handled by lumberman on Mut Pacific northwest in a very satisfactory manner. Mr. tiodgo says lumbermen who own and pew largo tracts aro operating on the sustainod yield basis Whoa a stand of timber Is lost by tiro or cut it is Immediately refortsted. so that the lumbor In. it..vo a porpotual cut. tartrortel tiro provontion was given considorablo attention. Canadian forest officials wars present and exporionces of the past season won' exchanged and teeny good Duggan-ion- s were roviewod hi all Pro Islet Mr. . ., '' 'Ili 7, ' ,,, :' 1 - t- - , 1 ; ' - ; ', i 1 Rutledge 1 says. Dec. 14,Lue Ile Hardy, who woo arrested hero last It(DENY ! 1 i, 1 Week together with two young meg Who are held for the federal court on charges of raising currency, was Monday released from tho city Jail to her parents in Teton. 1.1070t. - - it , ' - 4 -- 1 , - i a, : t , - ! . , , - - DIVORCE COURT DUST. Dec. L ICSarah WrightS. was granted a divoreo front John the disin Second Wright trict court Monday by JuOgo Georg E, Barker. on grounds of ,crusity rt Tivoy wets ,..aottd In Salt Lake, Juno IL lett base five children. Agnes Way. nef,-tra- s granted -- a divert front Y. Wagner on George charges of rt and desertion. Judge Barker Coated R. W. Brown in contempt of court for fMlure to pay alimony to Mary L. Brown. Ho was permitted to go upon osittionsent of tho alimony account. , OrIDEK. - LIQUOR - SUSPECT GIVES SAIL. Doe- ODE 11. Thomas Anthony. 27, arrested Saturday e.night on a liquor possession was rit'sasett under Siee charg bs The pla,e was raided Sher- Itt R. D. Pineocit Deputyby D. F. stool and a fed.ral prohibition of. icor who report they eonfisestM n se gallon copper still: lie gallons of rye mash, lb gallons of whisky send IS gallons of wino , . ' COLDS . Ws of LONDONS. lug opt &wren tooth It it Quarterly t, bag Dec- - Iff,e'Sr.." I A. Joseph 0. Bentioy. ,Bishop ward. also Enterprise Terry of 'vine who spoke on the President of Mos, coming forth of tho Book mon. and its bearing on the divine Mission of Joseph Smith. under the Tho evening seseion was L A. PrOlident anspiose of the.M.theme L A. the his lain. took no year. He snake at slogan for the some length of the Book of Mormon au. and the evidences of its diving book shown by the thenticity, as tho being discoveries and by Itself. made regarding the ancient inhabW. Iterate of America. is UTA H BRIEFS NCRRAYPrth of a daughter is announced by Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray Cahoon. Mr. Cahoon. a former mayor of Midvale. I. chief clerk of th the D. 0. 0melting. Reelnind and Mining'company., rnIcr---T- h Carbon county cornmiesion has refused to apprormlate lf.elt to th state road commlasson to pay for the completion re thn on the survey hIghoray near the Carbon-Emer- y county , PRTCE---Th-e local 1Ziwanis club tam elected Beny Ruggeri niveldent; W. E. and.rson vice Prevident. T. C. Larson. treasure.' Or. 11011 T. Brooks, Ray Palt.I. E. Allen Clarene atevenson. Dr. I. 0. Frans Dr. Charles Radial and W. W. IA Irish direct...1M 4,4 qv" . or- - 4'0 o (Continued front Page One.) is supposed to relate to ths days to Zt and '23 in the . -- inovel which ; ..., l ler . "RTtilit'snaNilevPliitactrii I I 4" efpali - .For Christmas tree ingfor you- at - - - We-c- Of ' el . at - oe tt wait- . A' - - it , - to .t tb at Di , at - fo El LI te th - DESERET NEWS 34 30 Salt Lake City, Utah. , - TO Chestrnu tree free. s , of co Show the Christmas atmosphere this year In your home, have a tree for the children. It will cost only a littleilme on your part..., Fill out the coupon appearing in our paper, have your neighbor or friends sign the order for three months, collect no money, as the carriers do this.. Do this and we will give you a w - .- E3 -- - this year - "IN ..- E just a little effort ona part you can 'have Chtm aspaTyireeng relation-in-lawT- - - - out any without money. Secure two new 3. month subscriptions to The Des-- I eret News and we have a "in-la- , . . FR : . your - - S. gel" - ' 1 ' , , Christmas Trees i- 1 ,, . .'''Ve.A.,,,,..- '''""" 1 1 - - - 4 - . 1,1,46,5,,e e sliqlt.1"4 ,... - a SI , aJoitiosoa 1 I II. , Allt SPURNS 000,0001 I , .,, , ilw , . , I ICJOUrcreStIlav CASH; 1 IMEMEIMMIMIERLair J..... .0..00, ...OM. factory girls were I lust settling down to the erkilyment tion. : of all the details of the Count Salm9dr. Shepherd was bora In P1. I : a son of Mow Jan Si. , Rogers (twit feud and had a taste P. ilYra Elias Jane Adamson Shea- of some 'of 'hilly's" love letters I, dr In was herd. Re married Fairview. was '.. .1 when all of a sudden the trial Harris 6. 11711. to Kiss Rachel Ann halted. It has been halted new for '.:i Wild), of Fairview, and they were 4 Indino .7.:. is and several there days the parents of 14 children. The tarn. i ication that It will be resumed. The fly reoided nt Spanieh rGr2 and. tat- il details lacking concern the er In Clear Creek. moving to indianonly , Ii suss ola in 190)4, and have been residents ' the settlement which had Mt. since ISIS. been offered the count to drop his ohe Plwing widow. surviving ars and action depart in peace. children: Warren. -- Leiand-and At yerygeneral feeling - -I at There if prank Is-the moment that the count has cuficurc Mr. Pleasant; Thomas Shapherd, rge the upper band and that neither peterson.- prtngvHts Mn. P. E. McKean and Mrs. AL lite nGr hit attorneys will think of two brothers. Spenser, indianoia; coling And coinforthig 1 accenting the paltry half million D ie W. and Joseph Shepherd, which is supposed to have been Springville: three 'tutors. Mrs. MI (I, Avery, Salt Lake; Mrs. Until nlet ne Lam Intle, marmot, - the baste of the first offer. Mary E. Hays, Henan, Ideate; Mrs. Rhoda Foresaw Trouble'. Powder hal& to antisynds 'rah Bohne, Spanish Fork; tie grand- The count, with a mind to evenbeim varapnadon and is children and 14 tualities. saved all the love letters and rettellting to theskindren. soothing MY. Shepherd written to hint by his former bride ftfled litany civic iloes"101..."111"161-.4kural9ad alut religious offices in the variousl owryortnom gage owela ft. ',CAMS and the mother of his only eon. AM& Matema. communities in which be lived, and,. nee $it The count knew that CoIone H. U. at the Into of his death was prest-- f litete,e Seta, 25e. Rogers was not the hest friend be dent of the !shepherd Surname Farn-- 4 had in the world and was conily association. - - vinced that bowler or later be --Funeral servkes were held at earliest tea. the would be in legalAifficulties with noon. Tuesday. la the South ward inn Were alnOnir Cha P41 and interment was in the 4.4its of l'atit 4 iity. Mrs. Iffprgan the Standard 011 and laeL Lake in Salt was born Fairview cemetery. a omintame to Park City la the early ous sound. andbadthingsrather turned Out residing Isere Mhos, Mettles , as be Funeral Services Set just anticipated. Zvery effort Im being med. at 1141.11 FALLS rioNtra ram For Utah Pioneer Who the moment to the case out of friudg.' Dim. Die 14....... the hands of thetake law. There seems Cannon Moore, dSe Died at Pocatello who GtFIJames be to a li.. L Parrtne. very general desire on the as secretary to Funeral tartlet. win a. beld 'father of the Twin Falls country." part of the father and mother-in-laFalls. that the letters stail not be Thursday, Leo, Iti. at IS:28 Weibel in th early days ofin Twin thei history made a in the Hawthtxne ward chapel for played tin active part public record. John Burt. 77, a former resident of of reciamatioa in southern Idaho. of them were written after Shiny Salt Lake who died Stiadt" see. died Monday In a hospital here. ?dilly was induced to leave the at the home of his daughter, where hi, recently sulimitted to an fling and So to Palm Bloch for ars-- Iday Bywatert Pocatello. Idaho., operation. Mr. Stoctre ', was a. native countseason under southern eons. gay of Burt in waa born Scotland Jr. Pennsylvania. In Me tend was brought to Utah These letters. because of their enIn .' ISIS hy hie parents, Mr. 'aril I WWI SOY PARK (VITT dearing terms. would form the Mrs. John Burt. lis retuned in 'Utah P - FM CITY. Dec.' ground work of a very fine suit at until about 1119 when he moved died the at law for the alienation of a wife's IL Faucett. ...Maynard to Idaho whir hi, took ni firming. morning at- - affections Mr. Burt was aesociatel with family home Saturday many weeks from Peter Candi ,' In the contracting ter Ian illness of Eympathy With Count. business aril oat, else Is ntooln,rr heart troub:e. The body was takenll It is rather difflcult et the moof the rums! Rea. stock, base.. to Midway for servi.;vi and Inter-baoral era father his trent. , Surviving ment to read the sympathy of New team of this city. ..., several brothers 'Yorkers In the pre4ot case. On Surviving are six eons: G. and Samuel Is John Peter At the rarest. among those from whom Bur-- , , Lake: ()trier Burt, Salt STATE OBITEARIES. , jurors are selected, there is a VerY ---. Islacktoot. Idaho: Harold Burt. Ab. expressed hope that the 'Mean. Idaho; Alton Burt. Spanish RACOCHAM. OUT L.Funeral ear- - generally count will "get something." five Mrs. Lillian Fork; I... daughters. tears It:J10am. for Guy vice. of the people seem to 'think it"ert"n 891"11" V"It Mra. May held Sunday afternoon tu the Orden he Host la entitled to more than half a Itywater. Sim Marget TencAmeire Seventeenth ward chapel with Blabs and Miss Mary Burt. A million might satisfy the million. Halrereon ottletattna. A. Charles ho: airs, wady Dui toi Angelok.lop ere by Mary .E rapt': public demand. It is hard to ear. "1" Calif.; one brother.SO Adam b Jo Lorene in and Put any event there is little likeYler Moore. Idaho, also Burt.' fry. and Ernest Adams. The Ilhood of a jury of commoners ever Farreling, were FoulH. A. Bishop psakers Hang the amount of ''damages", Final Tribute Paul to er, E. A. Larkin, and Bishop Eatof the Moomi suffered by the poor bqt deserving versots. kfembers Mrs. Vera Neilson Lodgra gage their ritual at the Og- count. who la anxious to go to work den cemetery when the grave was at anything which does not include Deo, PROVO, tabor.. dedicated by George Loitchimad, services wire held gunday in Even the work of a bond salesthe liOnnelrill ward for Stra. Vera DWAYNE GIBSON- -HADLEY, is it lilt's too strenuous for NelltiOn, who died Friday. A. D. DwaYne Oilmen Hadley, 4. daughter man count. And. in any event, be! Stiller presided. Prayer., were by of Hyrum and Ella Gibson Hadley,. the to wait and see what will wants John Giles and Ray Watkins. The died Monday of blood poisoning and speakers were A. E. Money or span. pneumonia a; the home in Taylor. happen in his present and contemish York, H. a Rams, Bishop Jo. Surviving are the parents and the plated sults before' accepting any-- I aeph Rutile and Bishop Andrew following brothers and sisters: that even smacks of work. j Jensen. Sirs. Ralph Elliott and Mrs. Nina, Hazel, Newell, Edna and Oar-t- thing Lawn tennis? Golf? No. Golf L.. C. Morgan sang a duet; Mrs. Hadley. covers too much ground. Tennis Alerts Peterson. a solo, and tha ward can be halted at a moment's notice, choir sang mayoral selections. The PARMINGTWE LICESSEL no walk back to the club. in Provo with the grave City cemetery Dec. 14.(8pe FARRINGTON. was dedicated by George P. Bit. Som. day the designers of Clark W. W. Evans house. clanCounty ling& golf links will also Assign a system issued the following marriage those for who cars to play only a cense. last week: Peter Ana Italia. Pules. Too le, and Cecelia Battu'. few boles. Funeral Is Held For and Denver, Colo.: Ray Skinner Here as Immigrant. Pioneer Park City Woman Olady Ogden; Blaylock, Thomas and Alice drhomas. Salt Count Salm la one of he wisest PARK OTT Doe, It Lake; Aebtott O. Olson and Benet' poblemon who ever got mixed Yuneral sonleas for Mat" L. )4:w- O. Toomey. , With a rich American family. He irers wore held nt I. 0. 0. JR' deported. its came to this PARK CITYA raid was made at can't be the Sunday under the nolittean of the last time as an immicountry Med at the Liberty Cafe Friday Rebekah's, Mrs. Montan evening t her borne In Empire Canyon and tb proprietor arrested charg- grant. under the quota law and has to remain here and be- nesday after more thita 15 788011 an ed with liquor possession. He wag every n rightAmerican-ettivm---1 coma-aInvalid. 3Ir.- - and hire. D1111 Nor. found Irtillty And finstl Sid ce lJi or Probably when be gets his dot, Paris may appeal to him again. It 's far more Interesting than New York. but, of course, New York is where the money grows and it must be tolerated for a time. , Just no long as headstrong girls or ambitious and misguided moth. ere insiat upon making nohls matches, the courts of the country to will be kept busy trying the eventual matches untang' Sometimes these matches do break not for tip titenty years or more. but the average of Is eventual breaks nearly 100 per. iu -- - - A' Al Al Al ' Al B, Bs BA Mt Di VA eso Wasatch Forest Land Transferred to Ashley tract of land within the A C4 t'A IPA CI 4, na- tional forest In the vicinity of Smith's Fork has been transferred from the Wasatch forest to the Ashley forest tA facilitate administration., it is announced by E. C. Shepard. supervisor of the Wasatch forest. The tract comprises about 30.. 000 acres, Recently tho Wasatch rozyst was enlarged to include land I nthe tirarddaddy lakes country formerly in the Uinta forest which al 1 now be more accessible from the Provo river route than the Stockmore route as the result of a new road being constructed to Mir- ror 4.4 1.), pi LI g. Es E, E, Gs Os R bike.. ,.........u, - 12 at tt01s ( , ., , ex. 0 0 ,.. b I vg. f,. - I A Worth-whil- e 'Gift , Make it - a point to give only the most useful and appreciaable gifts this year. Every one can use a Fountain Pen and Pencil Come in and look at our Xmas Sets. , Three was partially Sunday afternoon covered by insurance. One ot the big losses resulting from the fir. will be that to the many farmers who had stored wheat in the for their winter bread supply. This wheat was not insured. It is estimated there was nearly warth of wheat stored in the mill, of this much will be salvaged and divided among the farmers who had it stored there, It is believed much of the wheat will be saved . though it is somewhat wet and damaged by smoke and water. The Fork fire department Spanish watched at the fire all Sunday In be sure that the tire did night not break out again. The structure was built by - the aseeciaSpanish Fork Hon between ISIS and lalle to re. place nether mill which wee des. troyed by tire in April, latt- - It was sold in 1911 to a group of local busingse men. with Joseph Hanson at the head. William Simmons managed the millThis is the third within large fire in Spanish Fork o Su. the past year. Tho gar company warehouse was des. troyed hist Christmas with s loss of I.Ititorie and a dancing auditorium was burned down in September, with a loss of Ill.001. rtah-Idah- I makes to choose from, ranging in price from ITZ14 imalcdoidipANT oo. tom PUP 44 weir LAPIS MO an, 1,4-- .4.- - vs. 4..0a a 41, .0 I POCATELLOThe Oat City bust-ree- l. college held a debating contest Friday the question being "Resolved That Buying from Mail Order Rouses is a Pernicious Practice end Mot 3tat,fied by Present Conditiont The negative won, two to ono. the team including Miss Frances Hoyt, Miss Viola Phillips and yell Nicola nice. on the affirmative team were Miss Marva Bar. ninon. Miss Thelma Harrison and The Judges Charles Vanderwood. were lit C. ferric judg. D. Zilch , IffL las Stanrod and standard $4.50 Up Per Set .on.00.m.i...m, IDAHO BRIEFS MEIMIMM.. Owens. 41, ..k C. R. . f. I g e itz;1, $5 Delivers the Brunswick and 24 of the new electrical Selections. Long Terms on Balance. I.1 "Ci .r IV isol .76 , ..1& , . high-lighte-d. ee Equipped cfl Ti Ti V", Vs AI Z1 - IA T; - 2 a 711q1 completely with record albums. r1 ni"021111 3 1 1 ' y r - Get One While Y ou ' , - , s :rkt h. 1 IN t shet 1309 1 Si $11 Vi . iy Si $t rIia DESCRIPTION: Finished in Adam Brown Mahogany or, Walnut, Height 3812 Inches. Width 211, inches. Depth 21, inches. 0 , IV!, t I's PI Pt 114 .161L 1 01 RI Fit RemerribrIt's the Newest ,.mc11:7; 1uri 4,,,; v I 1 Ml NJ -- (-I- it.ij , -- 8 Can---They- 're Going-.GOIN- Price of this wonderful NEW BRUNSWICK and 24 of the new . .: elictriCil seledions . - 0 An, , FAS7 ! G 1 I' 1H fIn 'aJ. . W. : R IV let his Is the NEWES7 Brunswick Remember--- 7 1'411 and Ire. newcomers to the city did their Christmas 'shoplifttne" early and as a result were visitors at Monday' session of polio eourt On Pine of ft netit larcenf charge. line were imnosed on each by Police the fines Judea John W. Peter but111.0"111. of 7 wore sumeondoot on the the couple to leave the city by eve POCATELLO---at- y s Illilk . I Ms ... . .. It m, ki Vo .. .... ... M d , ' . . et?, Li Delivers This Beautiful ggel Ile'' Model , ' L4 141 t tkei Li- :- arAfp--4,!- .04pyir4ritzpo FOHN.,,Dec.. Gem Boller mill which was destroyed in the $50,000 fire et following offic ers bars teen fleeted by tha MurT. O. O. F : Soble ray grand, Frank limos x. doreneen: vire grand. J. L. King.: Minatavolhatbss. secretare. Edgar .Ent(bel; treasurer. T. Vttnion, and trustee, nob-a- rt S abort. -- 4; the St:le:herd: skutinmda.yroeetidAndtre.1 SPANISH mimommool, -.--- ODD VELLOWO TO CELEBRATE PROVO, Dec. Roller Mills Covered By Insurance, Wheat Is Not 11 - BI,SINOREMr. and Mrs. Roy Stara &menace the arrival of a mom lionisation of talentod and treined young musicians who have reached ii!gb state of perfoction under Prof. John A. minion. The orchestra wal be assisted by Oleo club Agnes Farnstho worth. reads ei Rita Tanner and WUtam P. Young, soloists. a raided ington. caused - . ' . La-sli- 1 ha Fontana. W. W. Lanrenent,Corleite Jot) Ely, Sam Ds Ansel's. SullAU Visadad and Matt Itaallsor ty Saturday eventng and were tined Ise &piens. ---SPANISH FORKAt the Spanish Fork Rotary club meeting Monde, H. Snell of the public affairs I. committee read a writeup on Spinish Fork City to be printed In the The touring book. M 111S611 Lot DOI Sterling asid Tarsi ThoPette of the dramatki class of the Spanish Fork high school gave a synopain of the high school slay. 'Adam and Eva" to be preeented hy the high school clam Friday evening Dee. 17 in the school auditorium. E. G. The main tailk be Dr. Ruches of Provo who recently reCalifornia. was on turned from conditions prevailing there. DELTAPrank TAw and Miss Myrtle tlinetavesen were married a bridegrooms gait Lake. Dec. le. The ale sister. Mitre Verde Low wattLeaminarelott to "'aria Nelson of Doe. 111.(Special)--Th- e Provo blab school orchestra will in a program Friday Poo.rippler 17, in this high school auditorium. Tits school boasts of a splendid or. PROW). girl that In. commenterrtion of the founding of Provo Lodire L O. ta 7., jig years ago a birthday colobration will Ito held by the lolly memboro in their many undesirable magasines, and hail tonigh(. beRev. P. H. Harrel, of the pritrogpal opitak. aloe recreation is a big problem. Eureka will Dancing will conclude the nolo. Dancing and automobile riding Cr. or. The bration. M. El Pope, district at-good but schools are a great help' to sur- tome?, will bit toastmaster, and the round the girlit with w deed en. fol)owing program will be given: vironment and glee them the proper Piano sold, hitivd Williams; nuartet. Murdock alaters; string trio. Ralph -viewpoint Arm life.--- The Girls Glee club from the Booth and company; reading Logan high school, sang a number son. Muish: piano solo. Nola Nilof selections. The ladles' evening at Rotary WOODMEN ELECT. was peetpons4 from Monday. Dec. , Sl. to Jan. PROVO. Doe-local Woodmen have elected the SPORTSMEN TO following officers: A. M. Johnton, 'regional consul (reelected); Earl LOGAN. Dee 14.filpecial)--Th- e W. Murphy, worthy advisor: J. A. Cache County nab & Game Proton. Stern esteemed banker; J. D WarMoe association will Meet Tuesday. ren. clerk: R. T. hicHals. escort; Val Johnson. watchman: William Ward. sentry; 1WiliDr. J. Karl Reck; J. physicani Craghoad. threeyear-term manager. Dee 21, in the chamber or commerce. to discus's the changes In the fishing and bunting license fess Madsen, state 'suggested hr.- - D. fish and game commissioner. Mr. 4,4r's.;rt 4 Madsen will present the changes and give a clear vielon for what the money is intended. , A trouble - , It Provo High School Will Present Program Guence her said Mrs. Huhn.. There Is the home environtnent, the out. side environment, there Sr. too 01 I OPMnft ter into the life of and kidney ' . ' 1 -- Pz.4 . i . i Dee. loss Illness sith stomach cia9--- A t Ale. 3, '') C'''';'''. ' ' , Hrs.-Geo- Dew PROVO. . - - ---- ' , Tacna Plane are under way for a mammoth winter carnival under tile di. renders of the Provo Riwanin club, aeoordlng to Mark Anderson. Prooldent of the club. At the suggestion of Cky Attornoy Jacob Coleman, the citib neveral years ago 'sponsored a, coasting and toboggan slide east ot the city. This course' has beta put In better condition this year than ever and everythinc I. for ON big community car. ready nival--ju- at as moon am there is enough ono. The winter carnival N saidinto be the thri only concertod action mate tel such a sporting event. To Aid Working Girls The quarterly con!ertereut.thealt; George stake wasPi-e-heist Saturday Josepb with Sunday Sicholes. preetling. Kider Anthony W. lein. of the First Presidency the general authorities. represented dediThe now chapel at Leine was Drina cated Friday by President located is bit 'vino Tho little town of santa Ciara on what la just north le au known as the Clara bench, It Clara organised branch of theofSanta stake the The ward. presidency several high councilors and others were preeent at the service At the conference service', Bator. music day nd On Sunday morning. the Bt. George East ward wag choir:h; undaY afternoon by the Dixie college chorus and Sunday 01 by t b1il ettilltgi orchestra choruses by men's and women's college. tinesken Saturday morning wore Walter Cannon of the stake presi. Terry. reporting his deney; Clair mission to tho northern states; R111011 Brow his mission to Califort nia; President of!vine who reviewed nonsionary work in the condition the world and the (floret tondition 01 the Church la recent and progress years. offered by Bishop more Prayer's' of Pine Valley ward and liter 80011 of Santa Clara Vire' It. E. Bishop ward. At the afternoon spession, his Califore V. Miles reported thur Barber hie nia mission and Frank Other mission to Texas. White. F. G011te were Prost Joheed ot the St 60014 tempt.; the of a Earl. patriarch seph Irina. tale. ad President dons Stoups who spoke of the work being In the temples. and in other linos of President irma addreseed the ohildren in the Cavite auditorium and later returned Sunday at Id caw where the general to the tabernacle Speakconference was being hold. John T. in this taberselo wets ? slid elrvis. Jr..counWoodbury. Itrigham of the high Wallace B. Mathis Toouerville cil. Archie Kleinman of his mission to the central reporting President !vino spoke of states. and how It is to be "moth Igo - I Sunday Show Case , . -- pLEALUCT, - - ' - ' --- i ,il , j Taken to Plead On (Special sessions of the 14.-- -- LOGAN. Dec. I. A. Hu im of the Logi. Business Professional Women's clubs gave a constructive talk 4oaling with the Logan notary girls before stated that Monday. birIL Hulot a recent survey more to according than 4Se girls were found working in lb. industries of Logan! As a were group many of thee girls attend aloes and unknown. They school. to not do no clubs and The 11-- P. W. club would like to reach these girls some way. The sowstspeaker gave the following this le. .one where employer of bor could help much to filthiest, rIs lives for good. the Employers ehould instill ideas of service, high business standards an4 fair dealings. Most girls do not intend to rel Ale long in a position and the emOloYor should stimulate ambition, have meetings hawith the assom. can girls where groups and impress upon bled together them the ups and abuse of money. the use and sbuae of credit. elm. Pie things in banking, make them get acquainted with the business, their coofidence, point out bow they can advance. relation of health to success, dignity of commere e. and the Necessity et maintaining self I. ease of necessity. There are many things that en. IftTtRAY'rhe A 4, tesalt-74- eleportn Mt. m... Statutoty-Tirne-1.1-- -- CottfereAce Rotarians Told How RT. GEORGE, Doe- - dads dm asst. ws will dear lama& , ) - , Resident Is Called , I daelth Cartier De Howe ' reported to h. Provo Carrier Department, The Deseret breve. $alt Lake Is CAtil lw Cirit booth., ilea TieL' Itepreoentative. 2ep.mr. tionottr Staeauseeepo. --- --- ' LOGAN. 71 'monde,. ' should be , paer ontlito, as $411Porled I. Loose elampoid Carrier Depariumpat,, Tito Dow. tret hews. Saill Lieko r..City. or Third Dennis Newsy. S48 booth. Iotaa. Tut, lat. PARR CITYLaeal 'polka end Girl Is Released as a gambling gam Eri lay alibi foI1owInS II. Flea, tit frosted Counterfeit Suspect Orval Usthews. Mika Reads., Angelo rit - A ,4 4 PROV Jr.. itoPerton It. I. C. Lam. Carrier i ' Plans Winter ICDistrict Fores- - true happiness who roturned ter Itfrontflutist's. otter. attained. SneakersT. Sunday annual mooting of noon ths Monday Atkin. Prost. were Henry and Connor. the Wetorn OGDEN. Dec. 1 - , a 4 i Arthur Grantham .-;,; (-- ' 1 St. George Stake -- 1 1 a ..., ,, 4 - , Three , Ceche stake quarterly conference OilDEN. Dee. Itwhen Lbs city were held Sunday. in the tabernacle ot J. Ballard with Elder 'Stavin ',novo. Doe. 14 .(11Pecial)Aircommission elpialnad to a commttasted on too ot the Uilt4 4.4vertecit snow. the Council of the Twelve se the calming vto of 'Anion of complaints the city ordinance pro, hiondaY afternoon that it would le principal speaker.. His review while and on soak appropriaJ. L labors to experiences amusements, hibiting Sunday hi Impteeibl ashtvn. proprietor of the Co ituhead of the South American mitt-Mtion tor the annual goo owing to Inntia nd the Princes theatres, and was listened to with great the conditiott et iho city finames it Ray Sutton. proprietor of the Strand was agreed th nornmftsea should terest, external evidences theatre were given until VridaY recounted COnfOr With tn Watiar commit' taa Its committee of Which James A. HOW., sippear in city court end Substantiating the truthfulness ot Dec. 17,Theto three theatre were open pins& (II 1 coairman, with tint hope ot the Book of Mormon. Ininthe footwas the first time in This and Andes a various of hills the Sunday. remedy. Lading refused of the Argentina he found the history of the city that moving Recently" tee commiaslon parts to. of industrials Indians relit... houses were opin on a nun. a donation of 0,600 and sit Waver thousands sugar n to supply meaning Monday attarn000 called atten cultivating' in that one factories Managements of the theatres ettlir7 titiOrgh E. Browning Gen to the, fact toe years toe bonds state. Throughout that country the decided to open their show houses Citi Indian. are fliers serf, ever in debt, followinz the decision of Judge Ogden otitatandng against and in the caw. of ware permittd to go unpaid he declared. He told of the high Thomas H. Sutton accrued wit1t0 definite thin's PloPhi City vs. Lari IL Meets. in Int Now mountatne compared to whicit which the court gave the opinion mere bills. or. United States p;sa to pay tha indObtOgnelidt. of the that th mato ism governing Sunday ha splatned the mails( had bean The visitor told of tho Immense had been repealed lir soniaid WI lut that a offsubstantial Temple of the Sun wits amusement. annually. ruin of the monoliths. the lent legislature and that thereamount can paid ntanutac. Its its fore the city ordinance pr4hibiting The mayor aim called ettentioa te turedgreat hill. its amphitheatre great that aro urgeotly where 30.006 people-cou- ld shows wore unconstitutional. Improeemonts have Wen such The theatre men maintain that if needed in the ety. were seated. of the even greater ruin on they o forced to cleat. many other sr Members of the committeo wars of carved whit stomes businesses such en service stations C. Barton, ppaident et tat Cit. the strongly resembling the and must be closed also, sine other. den Livemotha Show. Inc.;Jesse& characters Egyptian. doe. not sportly that they managart N. Nye, ancient Wattlocit, of the the law On every band Fred Via remeU open. iticharda,.oseretaty; were Mormon Book of of the truth Nowa M. Dr. if. -Gaorge I. FAmies, found and the soul of the speaker , and Fred E. WtlltawL was thrilled at the vklence of the Kiwanis Club existence of the hephilits ht that Carnival far off land. Big t F 1628 '13 R OBITUARY 1 Cathe Stake Holds ,Gty Again'Deciares , 7. is (XIDEX, Dec. H.Ai effort being nlado by Chairman - Jobb AL Child of Weber county commianion, t . to harmonise city .and county ofticinto In regard to health work hi the city and county. A special with "netting of hoth commission'. siounty OOMMMOIOAM,4 MCA la ledb OnI Doc to. at tor called Monday, ober club. Dr. J. R. p.m. in tits blorroli, president Of the Utah state board of health, Is also invited to be them last When a difference arose opting between CityaridCommissioner Dr. R. Karl torman S. hairy ! health Ileinap city and county commissioner. Dr. kleinap was reand tho subsidoffice moved (rum i tory of tho Rockefeller foundation ; withdrew the 'LOU gives annualit - :- health iy to the support of the county e , county commission took ng. i ' ot the Wootton and esvantage : I tablaned a health unit receiving ! nbkh was withdraws '' I '''' ' ;ran. Money , the city. retaining Dr. Meinap ' - as health The swum. commissioner. now gets IS otio from the out- ' strd 1 source. Chairman Child will endeavor to have the former am, :: tern Another matter to be considered to the future policy of tbe free ; clinic now held at the Des hospital. clinic . .. It is desired to barb the t ; , held.in the city hall ea formerly. ' many tomplaining that tho boo. ; loaded. pital is floIiofcentrally the board of educe. ' tioaMembers 4 are also limited to the meet.. lag since the health work affects , the ;schools. t P 1 d ,.., , , Work With City Funds For Big Show - . , t TDAHn11,-0,,,,.,,,--, a a I i i .. Cotmty Seeks to ' 4; r , Carrkte Otwens - Irregular service ebeel4 be immersed le Oedes ,.. eta. Of Ittantwritioloint:. 'pest. lel. lia'. it.; :Mattel Ileive, ball Lake ,, Street. Ogees. TO. itlit. 1104 Twenty-shire iOakes. ' ' 1,' Steperteirse Orgies. Saersteat Keel 11".1' , ' 1 0010, . - I t MONMAY.-DECTISIBE- , 0GDEN vICINITy I . : ITIE: DESERET - NEWS , , ti , I . ' , . ' . ' 1 i. . , , NEWS OF UTAH AND : ii : . i f , 1: t , 1 '' .. ; , a - 41111.04,4rinrertIrgr,PIP,P1M-- ' DAYNES-BEEB- E , . , "Older Than the State of , ta! Pire(W I 4 , El Thm the West as the Home of the Best." Utah"--"Kno- wn rZi, , , MUSIC CO .1 -- 61 to 65 So. Main sposers.moserotriousuomesiwoorniNlomo'swasoPisastLianieseloollan d gmit :o4410 1 - ".. 1104 Ialt) I w ag, ...pew 4 .4.11.,,Av A II naklaninqielPloonvausseit . 71,1 . 1"11r7:A ,Ofr ,I,A1 16 .r 414 |