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Show OBITUARY ' Mr. Wm. Wilson was born in Pltts-,'iurg, Pltts-,'iurg, Pa.. February 15. 1SS8. He ' diet", in the Holy Cross hospital. Salt Lake City, March Sth. 1922. aged 34 " ears and 2 1 days. He was married to Verna Hawley n Milford. Utah, November 1, 1917. He left a widow, a mother and 3 brothers, as near relatives , and a host of friends in Milford, who ' mourn her departurear darrar rara mourn his departure. Mr. Wilson was a faithful member r.f the Odd Fellow and Itebekah lodges. lod-ges. He also belonged to the Machinists Machin-ists order. It seems sometimes unbearable when those in the prime of life are taken. Mr. Wilson was so energetic energet-ic and active. He was always busy at something. Even when he was oh work because of an accident, he was lsually found doing some mechanical vork others over looked, thought Impossible Im-possible or unnecessary. He was a real soldier in the sense that he 'ought against odds several times, f'rippled In body, but not In determination, deter-mination, he never said "quit" on any piece of work. Even to the last his wonderful will-power was much stronger than his condition. When i he was operated (in. his body could not stand 'be nccssary strain and he developed s'intical pneumonia, from which he died. Mrs Wilson has the sympathy of ill Milford in h- r great loss. We will miss this energetic and progressive progres-sive citizen from our midst, and can but. wish for more like him. who Unow uha' tbev want and will peak 't out plainly, as did this plainspok-'ii plainspok-'ii little man, Mrs Wilson took his body to Lawrence, Law-rence, f nwa. for bn rial Wo live in deeds, not year; In thoughM not breaths; In feelini'i. ti''t. in firures on the dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels noblest, acts the best. |