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Show 7. n ? j 1 THE v P THE HOME MAGAZINE sent fori three months trial subscription for TEN CENTS silver or stamps. Try it. Address: THE BUODIX PUBLISHING CO. Section 17, That tbe acts of the legisof Representatives of the United 8tatee of lative KOTXCK TO CBKDitOM. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. assembly of tbe territory of assembled. That in America Congress Utah incorporating, continuing or proPROBATE OOCKT OF UTAH THE COURT OF UTAH the existing election districts and ap- viding for the corporation kuown as Ctounty. Territory of Utah. In th- - nist-ta- r INCounty, PROBATE FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1890. of Utah. In tha mat City, Territory of the estate at Louise Kaufhold. ter conof the estate of the of Church John of Jesus of Latter day representatives portionments Notice is hereby riven by the under Notice is hereby given by the undersigned ad admlntatixtor of the estate of Louise niinlstrator of the estate Washington D. C. of John Leetham. cerning the members of the legislative Saints, and tbe ordinance of the deceased. to the creditors of, end Kaufhold, to the creditors of general state the of of, and all persons LavGA assembly Bend year Orders t Disfranchis-menare of of ell Utah rssemblv the claims persons Territory having the said t against ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit Deseret incorporating the Church of Many Oppose t'IIAHU VUJIf. deoeeasd, to exhibit them with the necessary Ha. S9. ZETTE ky Telcphaua m with the necessary vouchers within ten and it shall be the Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y vouchers within four months after the first months after so the Brit publication of this notio and the Cullom BilL herebyof abolished; Saints, -of M this secre-notice to as the admlnia! far same to the said administrator. the the governor, territorial Eiublieation duty may now have legal Thomas C. administrator of th and validity, are hereby disapXrl C. Schramm, administrator of the estate Mtirt of JohnLeethxm, tary, and the board of commissioners fqrce Propeller J L.Davla returned to Provo Sun- The Notesl Free ThI alter Pays Leetham. deoeeied of itAve and annulled, and said corpora-tioof Louisa Kaufhold, deceased. proved claims M. M. with aeact of the section in mentioned nine day. a Dated Parson, May 7, A. D 1HWX. Tribute to Provo. In so far as it may now have, or tata. Dated BcnjamliCAprU 1st, UM). Drew good. Button. Trimmings etc. March of twentyapproved Congress to pretend have, anygVl existcnce HOW THEY STAND. at Jones. My stay in Provo a as made desecond, eighteen hundred and eighty - Is hereby dissolved. For neat tonaorial work try Loo McLafferty lightful by the hospitality of Dr. Julius That it shall be the duty of the attortwo, entitled An act to amend sec at the Palace under the Cosmopolitan. llannberg and his genial wife. If the ney general of the United States to e of fiftv tion and hundred ue ad1 ever reader should in Provo, Charles Ellis delivered to a packed audience such proceedings to be taken in the Atfl-tad- e the United States in reference to big-- cause the In the court house on Bunday evening, one of vise him to visit the doctors home and Accnrete Reports of the territory of supreme of Leading Praavo Amft amy, and for other purposes, in said Utah as shall court Brigham see tbe most unique display of garden his popular free thought lectures. be proper to execute Dsalsra In the in the is the It mountain t was his topic. Territory. Mormons Towards tfee Impor-tam- Territory, as soon as practicable after foregoing provisions of this sections Young and Bob. Ingerson to beaudown a caQons adorn brought and to wind up tbe affairs of said coran abseno from the tiful home. Pemdlaic Henssre. Tho. Osborne after will the result of the census of said Terri- poration ALout every tree, flowerreappear as Joe. conformable to stage for three years, cm and in ing plant, shrub and fern to be found Saturuay Night. tory to be taken in the year eighteen such proceedings the courtlaw; Morgan, the drunkard, shall have Full line of Mens and Boys Clothing; Ilats Caps, Mens in mountains has the its representaof The Gazette call- hundred and ninety shall be made power, and it shall be its duty, to make There was a great Bee time down at lake tive in this Representatives in addition and garden, and Childrens. such decree s' or decrees View Gardens last Bunday. Fred. Bobertand are as shall proper Watches, Clocks, Jeweliy.150 many others from tbe North and ed this week upon some of the leading known, to redistrict said Territory, to effectuate the transfer of be Steve Bee were there with all the little Bees and South. Manufacturers the title of Harness, Boots and Shoes. in and tbe Gentiles and of Provo A Bpecial feature is the collecapportion representatives to real property now held and used by Grandma Bee too. Or course they eujofol a tion of GENERAL DEALER of ere one which are tli same as roses, in as to manner such for the said corporation for places of worship, provide, opinions respecting Produce, Wholesale aud Retail. desirability delightful day out In the beautiful gardens. hundred and seventy different varienr MILLS furnish the best grades of Patent. Bakers A No. 1 personages connected therewith, ROLLER If you want a dish of oysters or a nice roast ties. As you enter the grounds there of disfranchisement of the Mormons nearly as the same may be. for an and and and burial grounds and of the discrip-tlo- n grades of 1 lour, which we keep constantly on hand, also Bran served In pall table style go to tho Enterprise etanes in rrontof you a rustic fonntain, under the provisions of the Cullom equal representation of the people, exand Shorts and Chop Feed. We take pleasure in accommentioned in --A-IjIj the secof provision citiBilL Restaurant. covered with the various mosses found In response to the question pecting Indiane not taxed, being 18 of this act and in tion modating Old Friends, and solicit tbe J. R. Boshard Is constantly receiving the in the canons about Provo. To the Ought the Cullom Bill to pass? Ought zens of tbe United States, according ihis act'to'tlie respective truVteesmen-t- o f th elieral PubliC SOLID GOLD a shaded dense a is Orders kind of all by or teleph SILVER, choicest groceries. right, foliage, br Mormons to be disfranchised as this in said legislative assem-- 1 tioned in section 26 of thisjact; and for the numbers, attouded to. a Yanpromptly with constant carp pond.' supplied JOHN JONES, Superintendent Bemember H. Clu!f will appear as the bill provides? he received the follow- bly, and to the numbers of members kee, in Ten Mights in a Bar Boom. Saturday flow of clear, sweet water from an arROLLED PLATE EMBLEMS, U lDe powe oC I court ot as of are several ing replies: tesian well. In the representatives, respectively, Don't fell to seelMiss Nellie CluffIn aa Bar hundred carp, some pond of which, as the G. M. Kidder: I am no Mormon but now established by law; and a record equity. Under these two sections of this act Carburyht, In "Ten Nights doctor says, will weigh twelve pounds. Iwould hate to see the Mormons dis- of the establishment of such new dis-- the attorney JEWELRY, ROGERS general of the United come The doctor said four would to they Deputy Sheriff Brown shipped to act in tbe latter franchised. I would not be in favor trlcts, and the apportionment of repreHamilton Plated Goods. the Fen last Saturday, as the.Coun-t- y him like dogs when he whistled them Ofr- is claimed by of it. lw inmates up for dinnerb.U As sentatioa it twelve thereto, crowded was having jail some fish breeders that a flsh cannot confined therein. W. Babcock: I am so much of a once of th. secretary of said Terri- - her, 1887. .o$st oom SKSd upm thi TABLE was interested in watching an I bear CUTLERY, re-- 1 duties of his office. in Joined has partner Andrew Eggenon Among the The doctor went out stranger here that I cannot judge. tory, and such establishment andCon-- 1 mine in experiment. t first levied upon the shall until receiver ship with the Wilkins Bros. coal continue by hie hands full of bread, whistled, Without knowing particulars, would us with EYE GLASSES. Spanish Fork Canyon. Mr. Wilkins informs and the carp began to swirl tbe water say disfranchisement was a very hard gress shall otherwise provide; aed ho SSktSlhUcltj'Sft that the mine is coming right along although mediin him of took and front their Unitcoal person other thau citizens of the .KiP"111 court which they have not reached, any better quality of cine with apparent delight, and then thing. SPECTACLES ed States, and otherwise qualified, affirmed the validity of all other seiz-th- e M. M. Cullom bill the No; Kellogg: to wanted returned kinds in their the Produce of all wallowing act of congress last at Jones. sediment. ought not to pass, It is a very extreme hall be entitled to vote at any elec- quoted, the case went NEW CLOCKS in Walnut Cases to Mortgages at Tub OaBlank Deeds The doctors house is as unique as measure. I have not been here very tion in said Territory. court of the United States.theItsupreme is this Sec. 2. That the offices of territo- appeal case which was decided yesterbis grounds: Ills Oriental in style. long but that is the conclusion I have from $3 each up. sbttb oHIoe. as Mrs. On of side Graham either the Sadie rial the by pillared commissioners portal come to. DontrtaKfehtTla a Bar Boom. Saturcourt supreme of treasurer, auditor, the United rises a castellated tower, and on each SladVfe D. T. Clark: I dont care whether the to locate university lands probate ?tu!ftionaX"0thee WATCHES $2.50 up. end will be erected minarets. Two day Night. as as-.Mrs. judges, county Remember that Miss Amy Glasler selectmen, clerks, bill or not a will one for rise above the I petinot; passes 8 Much sign front, flagstaffs 1887 Satapproved Bar .Boom. Morgan In 'fen Nights in a ALL OF sessors, recorders, and superintendent The next step in tbe proceedings will tbe Danish, the other for the American tion for or against its passage. urday Might. one be of .mile trot flag, tbe doctor being a native of Dendistrict of in the the TheBunnel schools, CulFrltsgerald i court supreme probably Territory of The the J, Evans; Express Agent: City race mark. Tbe inside of the house is a lom bill Lbs receiver j CLOCKS, WATCHES nd Utah, are hereby vacated; aud all such j ting race, took place ou the Gardenresulted You ought not to pass. I dont think officers enter world. wonder In and charming afternoon, track last Saturday shall hereafter Into a large ball from which you pass all the Mormons ought to be disfranJEWELRY CleaQed Mr. Bunnel carring ofT Mikes 1300. There I d pon by him Is Lamps, Glaswarc, Window Glass, etc. proj- through rich curtains, into parlor on chised. I have nevertheless refused to by th. governor of said Territory, by were seven races In all that took place and on and of one the and I011? the with Mormon advice consent other, the of library side, on and the hands. church shortest Notice. of the the 11,000 changed coming passage The library sign petition against A GREENHALGH, Prop. Provisions of the act of diaingroomattheend. the board of commissioners mentioned I Con- Fsner Bros an Co. have pushed their store contains cases filled with choice act. There are some just as good peo- in large nd this section of All of Tu nine act b.Gaxbttb of south the on Congress will probably be foliowed by an order hullding J street just standard works on history, science, ple in the Mormon Church as anywhere. goods and Work Warranted. Centre Street, G. and H. office very rapidly towards completion ;and art, biography and fiction. Two cases eigh-- 1 directing the receiver to C. Moses, Rio Grande Western approved March twenty-secon- d, J. of all will dispose will soon have it randy to oooupy. They fossils of olber collection a contain large - teen hundred and eighty-tw- o, entitled Property levied upon and held by loose no time In filling it with a fine stock and other geological specimens gath- Agent; It is a hard question a quee-n- - An flrtj-th- r.. section m'od tion as am not a to as the that In I merchandise Vd building ered by the doctor himself in many a ,lh' quick position general and fifty-tof th. Bovlaed mS.1 is ready for occupancy. snmmer outing East and West. Doors war competently. aaes United States, in re--1 by and now in tbe hands of the receiver Mr. C. A. Clark; Dont know that 1 Bupt. Wm Probert la pushing the street rail- and bay windows are framed, as it way to completion with a rapidity and master- were, in marbelized columns between fully understand the object of the Cul- - ference to bigamy, and for other pur-- 18 follows: The ly energy calculated to make moss backs trem- which curve graceful arches. Provided , That where any of-lom bill. Do not think that the mea- - Po8-- ' itS tea ?MUrch a1farf? of JEWELERS SEWING MACHINE. ble. He has steel rails for another mile of road whole is ornamented with beautiful I dear .bay. namad .hall now hold hi, of cm hand and rolling stock has been ordered. It specimens of Mrs. Hannbergs skill as sure of wholesale disfranchisement looks as If the street cars would he In operation an artist. There is not an inside door the Mormons is necessary or expedient Son tithing yard in this city, 270x in the house. The walls are twenty: at the et? on Main street, opposite the before tbe electric lights are. ThJnlt however If mission from the President of the tim& pre8ent of thick. The circulation I United The Public snould not fail to see wise Nellie too inches a States the Gardo EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. for term definite the the offered evidence endowment in the Allred as little Mary In "Ten Nights in a Bar the air is uniform and general and the in 1 of this section shall not ap-- with a frontage of 330 feet on l.8 tJy Ornamented boom. Saturday Night. house is always cool in summer and house expose is reliable and unrefuted, provisions Head, Nickel-Plat- ed Brigham until term. the of For meals at all hours go to the Enterprise warm in winter. There is not a car- - that all persons said ply expiration coal mines near swearing unqualified one of the main floors and dust Bestanrant on Centre Street. Sec. 8. That the board of commis- S)feJi.e,.Ftah haj inter8t. about Balance Wheel, Drop-Le- af Table Eet onno Tho alligiance to the Mormon Church are sioners mentioned in permanent lodgment. imiBroad head Dress goods, spring pa terns 80,000 in of originally section nine not just subjects to become citizens of of Oil Polished Walnut or floors arc artistically painted in to a loss of from just arrived. tbe act of Congress, approved March s at Jonea. tation of flag aud covered with rugs the United States. Oak, Gothic Box Cover, that represent mountain lyons, black R. II. Dodd, of the real estate firm of twenty-secon- d, eighteen hundred and Th mason work on Jas. Thompson's entitled An act to amend bear, brown bear, tbe lynx, wild cat. Dodd and Coray; I dont think the eghty-tw- o, with Veneered Panels, hulldla is now completed. rabbit. Angora gas about stock, fifty-thr- ee 8100.000, section and an The rock foundation of Hobbert Bee la coyote, badger, polcat, hundred fifty-t4,732 b liares of Deseret and dog. I did not Cullom bill should pass. Case of Four Drawers, with goat, goat, of the Revised Statutes of the completed, also the foundation for Peter Stub- get a view sheep have I but Geo. Sutherland, late Liberal Candiof the a cellar, liom!: from M5.000 lofitjno bs new building on the Central Block. Lock and Swing Drawer for Tools. reason to believe that the collection date for Mayor of Frovo: I am not in United States, in reference to bigamy, nally. : HOUSE A merriags liclnse waa Issued last Satur to be found there is not less inviting .e total and for value auof other is the purposes, hereby Cullom of favor bill. it of the the property, passage 2fS to 40 Dollars. day to M. E. Price of Goshen with Ella Bock than what is to be seen on floor and is about $1,218,893, and and empowered in its discre- will be seen, of Pleasant Grove. wall above. It is a house to which I think it is unnecessary. Those ques- thorized to the according sum this law, teed forfS will so tion to cause new registrations of vot- We call tbe attention of tbe public to a one can hasten with pleasure aud tions are solving themselves. 5?.!TriL?iaAll8h!8 common school I er with 88d Territory of Utah, or any th territory, a very comfort-- 1 regret. 8nd S0G thoni on the Old mistake In our local columns, last issue, in the which he will leave of J. B. McCauslin, I name of the firm of Howe A Laf which read for the educational! A BEAUTIFUL VALLEY. Frovo: I am in favor of the passage of part thereof, to be made instead 0f able endowment Block, opposite the tithing Gaff A Howe. Howe A Laf is correct. revisions lists, as now required by the pUrpose of the future state. Times. Post office. Collum bill. the all about to ride the time had I Th Prere Cemmerclal and Rst-la- gs and its environments lakeward city and Dr. G. "W. Shores, Manager of the laws of said Territory; and said board Back will pay I per cent cm more beautiful Smoot far found the I valley Co: I am in favor of the is hereby authorized aud empowered Fieri a seringa do .ban my day dreams had pictured it. passageDrug to make and enforce rules and regula-- l " of the Cullom bill. lias its north Bench, from which pailtia T It, too, seen as romantic a picture as JRichard Brereton: I am decidedly in tlons not inconsitent witlTthe liws fif I Prof Tappan'a iinelni aehool waa wU at- can be the States United conduct of 'the drew Nature of fpc favor of the passage of the Cullom bill. tended lmat Mondav and erery kody had a ever the skilled hand wall of time. The Utah J. M. Drake; I do not care to say. I registrations and' elections in said good time. He gave another leaaon laat Wednea-d- a upon the seen as thus, appears like a dont know which waa alaoa auoeeaa. valley, f very much about it. It Territory. j Ten Night in a Bar Boom" will be pro huge bowl, at the bottom of which lies makes no differance am to me. not I the inviting duced by a Proro Company tomorrow eren-ln- Utah Lake, to wash and be clean. All IlIK CONFISCATION. particularly interested. The Company baa bad aome new aoenery pilgrims rises tbe rim of dowl in mounA. of chairman the Saxey. Judge a are for there and proapecta great painted Our MerTi tains bight, its edges covered with committee of Frovo the Is early before City Nummary good ahow tomorrow erenlng. At the end of snow, while tbe gently sloping bottoms Liberal Acta the Which reduced the Prices ori ladles eoodsr tbe preformanee they will produce a fine tab- are covered with a most luxuriant Yes sir, I think that the Cullom bill wo ?avo concluded Led to It leau of Mary reappearing In the olouda. ! at of forest aud fruit tree, and ought to pass, but I did not believe that growth to reduoe tho overplus. cost, harGood Lunch at the Enterprlae seeatauran rank lucerne already inviting the The decisiou handed down yesterday ever such was needed until -from the supreme court of tbe from ISo clock to 2 P.M. for ZK ccnta- vester. Everywhere the land is loaded the last legislation United city election in Provo. of bounteous crops, and States, and which bo vitally affects the Go to J. R. Boahard'a for choice hama, aaua with promise Fine Assortment of Summer Silks at De Valley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ A. J. down thevarious rushes water of Latter-da- y the 90 cts. a yd. baooc. aga. dried beef and at the Bank of Commerce; I have not been Saints, is based upon the several acts f streams, laughing as it runs from AJaPaca 20 to 75cts. Lustrines, ,an( i per yd. of Congress which have from time to of tbe men who do not hold here long enough to form an opinion. China Silk Goods, at We are Indebted to Hon Jno T Chine for val- foolishness 12Jcts. a yd. to make the u (C been mountain time not in its (0 gorges it passed only reguarding, In book documenta official uable Cashier C. S. Thompson of the Bank the church named, but all churches in government Cottonade Drep Goods, 3 yds. for 25cts! land green all summer long. I never (I form. to of so water Commerce; I think every citizen, the territories of the United States. saw a town llack and Assorted Colors of kid glovess at 50c ts. given Black Cashmere Shawls, Silk Fringe, $1.50 each Judge Poland's bill, which was apBy actual oount a gentleman who takea Thb asrl'ovo is. Through to several large whether of foregin or domestic birth, Gxzcttb In one quarter of Provo loaned a streams are constantly flowing and should give his first and highest al- proved July 8th , 1862 is entitled. An. Toweling, from 5 to 60c ts. each act to punish and prevent the practice it it aingle oopy ol our laaue two week ago to 14 dif- every street has its gutters full. Many to and the the goverment, and legiance other dammed at kinds of Laces, from 124c up of polygamy in tbe territories of the Trimming ferent individual. Poor people can't buy a a place I saw the ditches Ladies Satchels at cost. paper ol their own, only a dollar and a half a crossings to irrigate some garden right government should pass laws necessary United States and other places, and or left, and often the sidewalk was to insure such loyalty. Broadcloth for Riding Habits ljyds wide, at $1.25 dissaproving and annulling certain year I to such an extent the If you want an absolutely safe aba tract of seen to be flooded Thomas Beesley; I do not think that acts of theoflegislative assembly of secfrom 60 cents to $2.50 a pair. Conets, dan' a not waa if territory Utah, apd ope of its dirty title of property In Frovo or Utah county, that walking disfranto all be Mormons Ladies the bordered is ought and plain, at 25cts a it tions Skirting, Altogether reads; undertaking. gerous Baveroamp k Clark are tha partlea to apply to. Linen and Celluloid collars and cuffs, 10cyd. Section 8, That it shall not be lawdammodest place I ever visited. chised. Only those who are disobeying the up Bubacrlbe for Thb w Gabbttb 5 reminds me of a very the laws. ful for any corporation or association 3 yards for 25 cents. Ginghams, a good large paper three time a week. I Aa a whole Provo tumble-dow- n in or for village to oldfashioned, religious purposes M. Marshal Charles 14 Those Redfleld; will get thar In good ahape aoon. Deputy Drep Lining, desiring any thing in the Harness and Sadlery line yards for $1.00. or hold nSr"a,f in any terri- Canaba. Along the streets, however, Neck Rufflings, from 5 cents a yard, upwards. I I thinkthat the Cullom bill ought to acquire are signs of the ne a life that is waking tory j the United States dating the New and oeautlful Dress roods, will find it to thpir advantage to call OT write to me. in tha town. New buildings are being pass. Every day I hear of some new existence ot the territorial government I The above are a few of the many Goods that we offer at Great Ranraina I a Jones a street a S50. 000: of ffreater value oargaiuB. than at intervals, erected and violations of the law. Our Customers will also find our Bargain Tables well filled with choice The attention of subscribers is respectfully railroad is frequent being constructed aud the A. A. Noon; A question that I have all real estate acquired or held by any exiled to our advertisements. It pays to read dust of with or association Mntra- - nd lelect goods, replenished daily, you will find somethin, new stirred and such is iround corporation ages them, because money can be saved by patron- and about oee sees i given but very little thought. I have i ry to the provisions of this act enterprise. Out 2.25 at each. Ladles our 'Vrape Shoulder evo-Befded advertisers utitid 1 Capi, of own course. of of in verious believe to forfeited escheat and I new stages the opinions my (hi dwellings prices, there is an air that the laws of the United States ought States, John RockhlU of Bp xk Fork waa In town lution, and altogether is town over the that examne of fbv ysaraeir, Tor we Eli, there, get to be fully obeyed and anything that is h Saturday. Th thieve who broke Into hia Providing, that existing vested HMdenoldt to enforce the law ought to rights laat week and carried off consid- cheering. necessary imin estate real shall be not a hopeful be enacted but no unnecessary hardship paired by this section. My friend Dr. Smait, erable plunder were promptly captured and an old eopy of the Gaxettb was the clue which graduate of Cincinnati Medical College The Edmunds law, section $, repeals to be inflicted. led to their apprehension. It seems that tbe and of Brother Smoots theocracy, ought the ordinance of the provisional govwith a large and well selected Stock of S. and Oommisloner the to U, No. 14 Union Block, Asylum IJills; Well sir, ernment thieves stopped at Mrs. Argyle'a home to beg drove me out of the state of Deseret, Provo. to in. I go while I am not portioulary anxious to a lunch and Mra. Argyle gave them one and wanted to know if I cared namely: An ordinanoe incoron tbe around wrapped It up In an old eopy of the Gabbttb. respectfully declined, of lunatics out- see the bill pass, I yet think it ought to porating tbe Church of Jesus Christ of see could plenty Latter-da- y This paper the thieves left In Mr.BockhlU a that I Saints, passed February 8, tor when they committed the thieft. Aa it side of asylums, workmen are excavat- pass. 1850, and adopted, and -- AND to erected. Marshal be Bachman: do new I for tbe Deputy wing cm had BookhlU Mr. name ing Ben Argyle'a It, made valid bv the governor and legisTribune. Ellis in Charles under circumstances the hands the of the think that no trouble in tracing It to the lative assembly of the territory of Utah to pass. thieves aa Mrs. Argyle waa able to describe not bill ought by an act passed January 19, 1855, the fellows whom ahe gave it to, with suffi- AN MAGINATIVB TRAGEDY. W. H. Davis: I think the Cullom led, An act in relation to compilacient accuracy to lead to their apprehension. GENTS to pass. tion and revision of tbe laws and resolbill ought ADVICE TO MOTHERS. force utions Mr. Collins, ofColllms A Kilpat)q their ip we Dr. think territory, have I ptah Ilannberg: Dm. WihloVi Soothing Brace, has been compilation and distribution, and all rick, lias Not Been Killed. legislation enough. used by mothers for children teething for over of acts heretofore their acta and the Ofty years with perfect sucoom. It relieves Bee: letnot a to have any- passed by said parts F. F. I prefer Tbe Tribune this morning in U. Q legislative assembly of little sufferer at once, pn A FEW 8PECIALTIS: and the ter from Provo, published an Item to thing to say. Have not studied the she territory of Utah which establish, by freeing tbe child from pain, sleep cherub awakes aa bright aa a bottom. MENS little of Mr. the from 10 cents up. STRAW effect Collins, HATS that suport, maintain, shield or countethe child, tbe It ia very pleaaant to taste, soothes railroad question. nance Tke was II. not Simmons Dr F. found softensi the gi allays pain, relieve wind, firm of Collina aKilpatrick, polygamy. stock of buttons In the west. by the bowels, ana is the beet known contractors, bad been killed at Pioclie, Provided, that act shall be so limregulatesfor Thelargest latest fashion f Parasols, Just arrived. diarrhoea, whether arising from Nevada. According to tbe report, two the reporter but Deputy Marshal Bachremedy as ited and construed to not or affect Twenty-fiv- e cents men wbo had been re thing or other cau from 65 cents. man was Doctor said for of Collins Nens the that the leshoes with working interfere the right of property heavy t bottle. their job, and went to Collins same opinion as himself. also I quit demanded Are carry full and complete line of QuiPPcd with torwithteSTr their money. Collins Judge J, D. Jones was up in the canyon Improved Machinery for the and The noME magazine, conducted told them that they couldnt quit; to worship God according to the dictaBuggies, wagons, machinery and farming Impllments. manufacture ofjall woodenBuilding material. has; In May by Mra. John A. Logan he wouldn't pay them. They de- as also was R S, Hines. tion of consciences, but only to annul number a beautiful illustrated poem, that Rev. G. M. Jeffrey, of the Methodisfc all acts and laws which establish, manded their money and Collins perby Clinton Scollanl, entitled; Rose for sistently refused to pay it. Then one Church here; said be was opposed to maintain, protect or countananoe the proprietor, long and favor--1 the Remembrance. a Winchester and went men of the got 132 W. Centre of called known as a leading contractor and builder, is now polygamy, evasively Portraits of Bismarck, Caprivi, Gen. rifle, and the two made another de- the passage of the bill and promised the practice Provo. however disguised ably to spiritual marriage, statement fuller of views. a his Crook. execute contracts reporter refused Collins line this in on for their money. mand short notice and in by legal ecclesiastical solemn ities, pared An illustrated' article on Rome, by and one of them, taking out his watch, sacraments, ceremonies, consecrations the most approved manner, Mrs. Logan. EDMUNDS HEW TIIK BILL. him said they would give of other contrivances. just eight A Trip to Hebron, by Mrs. Lane. to fiettle, holding the watch act took effect The Tucker-EdmunA Chapter of Chronicles, by Amber. minutes in his hand while the other held the tW0 I Mrs. a Oliphant. foLo'viu Janet; story by ne. Importing and finishing their own lumber "on a Tarea! gun in close proximity to their victim. Vail Text mf fkp Haaaarf Her provlfi of the Collins Finely illustrated description to and not did weaken, Ufmlx, appear la e !nd are therefore Parpaaea meet all competition at an interior of the Blaine Home. end of eight minutes the man 0tl$Kl0.t&UieSf10t1htXflH on Senator Edmunds Geo. F, May A sketch of Amelia B. Edwards athottheand killed him. The tragedy is to States lustitute and vantage. proeeoute prowith portrait. num- 4th introduced bis new bill relating to ex- said to have been witnessed by a L Arsons Bright Bits from Bright Books, Girlocoroora? no 8823. was was was will! numbered S, UUb. It ber of people, but attempt desiring to build, who want short or long-timproperty tracts from A New England to avert It, and no arrests were read twice and referred to tbe com tions obtained or held in violation of be Plated-war- e made hood. accommodated, and are invited to call at their earliest made at Jbe time, the public sentiment Mitteeon the Judlclarr Tbefulltaxt 8ection 8 of of congress approv- Notes. Washington Society ed July i, 1862 or in violation of o- - WBlvenJence. Thanking the public for generous past patronage appearing to be with the men who did 01 itMtomtomwMi. Lincoln at Home. ! tf.kiuin. ottb.we respectfully aek a continuance of the came and beliero Memorial Day. A BILL Corner of Seventh and J Streets, Frovo City. There must be some mistake in Illustrated articles on Home Dresssuperior advantages afforded by pur new the above report. Mr. C. W .Collins, In amendment ot and supplementary making. and Kilpatrick, I PLAIIHC MILLS wo can Illustrated articles on Fancy Work. of the firm of Collins gi better satisfaction than ever. to the act of Congress approved ti5ctetervof till teteSSTwd1 is at the present time on the Pacific The Trilliums, a lovely spring poem, coast. use to twenty-eeconthereof and the d, March There is in the employ of this applied eighteen hun- Kroceeds Arlo Bates, of the common schools in the With a Handsomely fitted up Bar, where the choicest a man named J. R. Collins, but dred and eighty-twVV. An entitled The Nacklace, a short storp by Guy firm in tbe territory in which such property reit is not likely that he is the man Milde Maubassant. fifty-thr- ee hunamend section act to A as lie is a foremen at may be. lift The Diuing Room with Spring Soups ferred to. of the Revised Stat. and dred or aigd no fifty Provided, the that that the is ford. building, It tragedy probable and recipes. . ImCan be which referin in obtained. occurred the United of thereto, utes the appurtanent related grounds s only States, Mothers Page, ond Children Page exclusively for tbe ence to bigamy, and for other pur- is held andofoccupied falLtif bright stories and pictures, and agination of some man who wants ton of God, or perthe as himself the pnrpoeee record a for worship numerous make too otliei gfxxl things many poses. or burial connected sonage therewith, mountain of country. the Rocky to mention. House ground, shall be forfeited. Senate enacted the and lie it - ty Times. R. S. HINES. Prop'r. All for six cents a nuOnbcr. UTAH YALLET GAZETTE. PROVO GENTILES Pw risk . d. so-call- ed d, the n. CmatiYe fifty-thre- tf General Merchandise Furniture and Anti-Mormo- ns OF XnXTDS and Mat-rub- le and pri-oner- CE?IE0X7" n.J. - PAINT and prop-presentati- on SPSS'S OIL HOUSE. f00 S frm I GROCERIES, to teriorlomaT"!1 andPri Jaf out I provo omr, Also Agent for wo 1 between UlSi I JONES. 1 .ancLise HDijMI I MB llsil'i Clothing & FUri)fshii)g Goods, wo Price lrarrnn Post-mast- er ffWilflf mrmm I y-- ! dust-cover- yean. I GEO. W. WILLIAMS, WE ARE SELLING OUT ed g. t 0nCii l6 The Payson Harness Maker Still Leads with the largest trade M tHe lMe. We Have Now' t-- I I a Tki-Wbb- klt CEO. WILLIAMS, . I 1 fH dataieaat . Hothenbruck mrer cmr, STr!?- JUST i OPENED1 & Co. so-call- DRY GOODS HUS OF PROVO I NOW JUST CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS. READY FOR OPERATION, CtoSntlon" James Thomson, St CEO. W. MICKEL . Palace Drug store! ds Ical PPd Unftstaithe Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Jewelry, Silver and a Specialty. e ! P6 Mnforfeftod-,andwheatedPto- GEO. o, MICKEL. Yard and Mills Cor. N. and 8th Streets, Office, ve l the Rear is the Palace Saloon, Mul-utto- ' cJTAifc port Wlqu, Llqkori Cigars Family Trade a Specialty. J S SSBWk&i ':L: : K!r '''v"" ' V n .2 |