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Show UTAHS LEGISLATORS. Jaouttry 4 4 IS & iJi m m By ST. m Author of Little Mlaa AflUkns, Dr. Caprice, tz ,t sV xz wfz CHAPTER -- V 1901, ( In the Street of the Steen, It all happened In quaint old Ant- text-boo- I duplicate for the house bill, making an appropriation of id,000 for the Irrigation congress at tor." Ogden. what wild, Well, I Senator Bennlon Introduced bill No. 09, providing for amending the corporation laws In several particulars. Ilocsa New bills Introduced were: By J. E. Johnson, for experimental furm In Kmery oounty;by Brink, Incorporation of cities, (requiring that the 109 signers of a petition for Incorporation shall be pr. perty owners as well as qualified electors); Brink, examination of powder men In mines; a measure looking to the safety of miners; Brink, prohibits payment of wages la board; Smith, allowing stock to be driven througn Emigration canyon; Gaboon, abolishing capital punishment for murder; McKinnon, advertising and sale of eaireys; Honiara, regulating practice of barber trade. Joint resolution No. S. providing for a commission to nrgotlate for tbe Arisons atrip, passed unanimously. scheme have at present?" bobbed up in anybody's path. Why, It actually opens an opportunity for fame and fortune to tbe gifted genius who baa boldness enough to grasp the chance." "You have, of course, visited the Steen, that great castle down the street yonder, ones a prison of the Inquisition, now a museum. Did you take a guide with lighted flambeaus and explore the frightful dungeons under tha castle, each cell and corridor of which seems to exhale hideous memories of the tortures Inflicted upon unfortunate prisoners In the Dark Ages, when Spanish cruelty ruled this country with an Iron hand?" Stuart replied in tha negative. Ills artist soul had feasted on the treas- ures which lay littered about the courtyard of the onetime palace; hut tha musty dunjeons he had but hastily surveyed, being naturally averse to the contemplation of such horror. "Oh, I am glad of that," cald eagerly, "for you will be better prepared to accompany ms to those Arte-mu- s, $J,0 0. li halr-braln- "Charlie, I've run across the noblest theme for a startling drama that ever February 8. Senator Johnson's bill making sheriffs live ivock Inspectors was passed, the vote being 13 to $. Tho Joint resolution In favor of the Arlxonn atrip commission was passed. Scnutor Sherman Introduced a bill relating to surety eompautes. It Is intended to prevent officials giving bonds from private parties, and to compel them to give bonds In some one ol the many surety companies doing bu.lness In the stste. This Is when the bond is ovei The controversy which for aoveral year has been waged between the city f Helena and the Helena Con adulated amrwurk company has been aett.ed- ny water bm tor c! "M uot V about five years, and as a result there Save been a number of suits. The city ill pay half of the bill, dont know about that; but you on foot Sikati wound. at- - ay at yz at a & ill Spider a Etc., Web, Mlaa Etc. I hV W 3K w V hV -- IWKC thus sauntering down the street of the Steen, the two friends arrived In the shadow of the- great building whose history stretched back centuries into the dim past. Together tbsy entered, like other pilgrims desirous of gazing upon the art treasures which lay within those ancient walls. And, 1. ry a reault of an lnveatlgatlon Into tha fight that occurred between the boot and ahoe workers' cutter and Knlghia of Labor aj mpalhizera at Lyno, Maas , the police arrested two men, while a third was discovered at hisljomo auffuriug from au ugly bullet 4 by Street and Smith, New York. s V O sf y tom-pani- log ton. at J V. Copyright, Ben-nlo- Charles Ward, one of the famous Ward Droa., the famout world champion oaremen, baa just died at Lon Island. Tha action of tha national acnata committee on agriculture In amending tba house agricultural appropriation bill will probably have the effect of preserving the government Irrigation lnveatlgatlon office in Cheyenne, a hero the principal office Is located, although Prof, Mcad'a headquarters are iu Wash, The Jncka Widow, s: ;o.nt. fK 4 GEORGE RATHBORNE, werp, and Charlie Stuart found reason to believe that seldom In romance or history had a more singular adventure befallen a pilgrim from London than chanced to his lot on this same day. The morning was half spent and found himself somewhat at a Stuart January SO. know what he should turn to loss to at senate Lewis had the Pknatx Senator amusement. He had Idled in for next his mercy on tho Burrett bill, regulating ths amount of powder or other high explosives to the markets, discovering new and atbe stored In mines. There were only ten senatractive features constantly; had tors present at the session, nine of whom voted been through the various museums tor the bill, Lewis voting ngalnst it, The presiand picture galleries in short, exdent declared the bill passed, when Senator hausted the sights of old Antwerp, Lewis arose to a p Int of order to the effect on was the and point of considering that the constitution required a majority oj as tbe entire senate on the final passage of a bill, his exodus, which would occur just mind his could make he as Boon up hill the announced chair tbe that whereupon where his next objective point on tbe hod fallod of passage for luck of one vote. The senate adjourned till Monday at (o'clock.' map of Europe or the world would be. Senators O. P. Larsen, Gurduer, Loose, WilThen It was that Fortune, fickle n liams, Sherman, Johnson, Barnes and took the pilgrim from London jade, were absent, being on a Junket to Prove throat as it were, and radically the by to Inapt ct the Insane asylum. tbe whole course of his exlst-sne- e. changed House Now bills were Introduced In tbs house establishing experiment farms; muklng As ha stood there Idly twisting his permanent lusunlty the ground for divorce; blonde mustache, he became aware of of taxation prohibiting mortgages; providing for investment of stale land funds. the fact that someone was bearing A resolution was adopted Instructing ths down upon him at a swift pace, some secretary of state to keep the Bag of the United on whose quick, energetlo moveStates flying over the building while ths legisreminded him irresistibly of a ments lature Is in session. hawk pouncing upon Its prey someMessrs. Stewsrt, Dons end Roberts were a committee to errange for exercises one who held out a hand in eager In honor of the birthday anniversary of Presigreeting and seemed bubbling over dent McKln ey. with animal spirits. 8. B. No. $7, by Mr. Lawrence, transferring Stuart welcomed him eagerly. Ilia cs ths articles of Incorporation of railroad wa Barnaby Artemua Wych-erl- y name from the olfitc of state auditor to aeere-taClaude Barnaby and his profesof state, was placed on third reading and an amateur dramatic of sion that 89 a of ayes, no nays. passed by vote novelist It was slmpiy astonishing, tha weird fancies generated In that February I. erratic brain of bis, each of which Sis ATS House bill No. IS, by Hawley, to exceeded all others In phantasmamake grand larceny punishable by a fine of must be confessed, somefrom $i0 to $1,000, In addition to Imprisonment goria and, It times ludicrous splendor. from one to ton years, wss passed. "Just the man of all England I k Senate bill No. $1, tbe law, was amended and passed by unanimous vote. wanted to see. Consider It a lucky Senator Lawrence Introduced bill No. 46, to omen, by Jove, to run across you in enable toe attorney In tbe ease to designs to this manner. I'm going to enlist your the paper In which notices shall be printed. in a little and sympathy Senator Lawrence Introduced bill No. 67, to scheme I have on foot my boy, and, provide another judge for tbe third Judicial you can depend upon It I won't take district and enable the governor to appoint I no for an answer, so consider yourjudge to serve till the next election. Senator Williams Introduced bill No. 68, a self engaged as the second conspira- Senator Allison lnlnxlu.il a bill to remodel and make more stringent the state laws ss te dentistry. Senator Barber Introduced a bill to amend the fish and game laws of the stale. Ilocsg The bill relating to the penalty foi grand larceny was passed. Report recommending that McKluley memorial exercises be held Thursday afternoon at 3 80 was adopted sud the senate and state Officials Invited to bs present. A bill was Introduced by Mr. Brink it unlawful for any person, corporation,making company, agent, foreman or employer to enter Inte any contract with any doctor or surgeon, hospital or rnedUal In.tltutl. a lor adtlte, treatment or cure of any ulsenae without the wrii tea consent nr request of tbe person or persons as advised, treated or cured. Mr. MoKtnnoa Introduced a bill that jurora In Justice couru shallproviding receive I $0 tor each day's aueadsace. sad mileage at the rate of at at at at at at a A WARRIOR BOLD SO. Bmati-- A bill wa passed fixing tbe salaries of justices of she supreme court at $1,000 and judges of tbe district court at $3,500, Passed a bill malting the salary of supreme court stenographer $1,300 Instead of $000. A lengthy discuss' n was bud of Bamberger's bill for tbe cure of drunkards and It was mads a special order for Monday. House The bill exempting state lands from taxation until the title goes to the purchaser was passed. A resolution calling for Information In re yard to vaccination was laid on the table. New bills were Introduced as follows: Condon, for Initiative end referendum; Done, fixing minimum county school tax; Mrs. Coulter. by request, leasing of mines; Mrs. Coulter, by request, expenses of judges and district attorneys; Mrs. Coulter, by request, changing Condon, to prevent practice In counter-claimdocking horses; Condon, for state humane officer: Stone, amends exemption law; Austin, to assist In collection of statistics; Colton, annexation of part of counties. at at at at at at at at sir at a A 4. V 4 same dungeons now." "The deuce!" exclaimed Charlie, taken aback; hut, not In the least disconcerted, the other went on: "Tell me, have you heard tbe story or rumor that Is circulated here and there through certain circles about a modem man In tho Iron Mask sup- -' posed to be Incarcerated In tho Steen dungeons?" "I remember hearing some little talk about such a thing, but really never pursued tha subject." "Briefly, then, it has long beeu whispered that there was recently, and may still continue to be, s secret prisoner confined In a lonely dungeon under yonder massive pile of masonry a man whose face Is forever hidden behind an Iron mask that is secured by a padlock. I have reached the conclusion that this man of mystery might ha some troublesome heir to tba German throne, or els a sou of Louis Napoleon. Think for a minute what wonderful possibilities thla vista opens to the dramatist! It Is quit enough to inspire tha dullest mind! And I am resolved to explore thos ancient dungeons personally, as no on baa ever done before, with ths lecretly avowed purpose of learning whether I may found roj great drama upon a truth, or tbe mere fabric of a Dutch legend. And yo will accompany me, my boy, out 01 pure philanthropy, to share In the exhilaration of lucceaa" touching n suspicious parkas h carried under hi left arm "or to support me In rasa of exasperating failure," Charlie Stuart could not aay him nay; he really had nothing on foot whereby to kilt time, and Artemua waa such n jolly and original dog that It were worth something to have th pleaaure of hla aorlety fur n apace f Uma. fa, hesitating, he fell. hot-tlell- ka - Charlie had seen all these before, and cast but a casual glance around, being more deeply Interested in tbe actions of bis confederate. An old dame with her wide cap started toward them, put one glance from Artemus eyes seemed to bring about a decided change in her Intentions, for she stood still, and then backed away. It waa a signal victory, or, as Artemus expressed It, a "howling success;" nevertneleas, hls companion was still fain to believe the magic of gold had more to do with the old ladys sudden blindness than the exertion of rare hypnotic powers on the part of the proud wizard. Content to follow the others lead, Charlie soon found hlmseif In that apartment where several tall brass candlesticks stood upon an antique table, to be used In exploring the mysteries below. Artemua motioned that he should straightway possess himself of one, In order that their candles might have a proper receptacle, and Charlie, having enlisted for tbe war, come weal, come woe, took up the nearest of the lot, which was In itself a treasure of art Nervously Artemus tried several keys in rapid succession, muttering to himself the while in a way peculiar to him. At last came a little subdued screech that announced success on ths part of the chattering Idiot at his side. They were evidently in for It, since the ponderous door opened before them. Charlie waa not the one to hold back, eo he stepped beyond the portal and went down. Immediately the door closed, and the clang of It was unlike any sound he could ever remember hearing. That creaking, rusty key turned in the lock. "Now," said Artemua, In a shrill voice, pregnant with eager anticipation, "now we are in control, and the devil dungeons of the Steen must yield up their ghastly secrets to a mastr." Down the venerable stairs they wended their way. Could those same steps have been gifted with the power of speech, what strange and startling tales they might have given forth, of human misery, of historical personages and deeds that would have made But they the bravest cheeks pale. were mute. Tbe dread secrets of the dim past would ever be safe In their keeping. "Hark! Artemus uttered this word In a ehrill whisper, and at the same time clutched hls companion's arm. Their surroundings were so eerie that It was not wonderful that hls vivid imagination seized upon the slightest pretext to arouse the ghosts that had lain lieve he had passed through soma an- pleasant experience with lovely woman-been deceived, perhaps jilted. Although always gallant toward the fair sex, he seemed to be ever on hla guard, as though quite determined no mortal who wore petticoats should have a second opportunity to play battledore and shuttlecock with hls heart But this was something entirely out of the common run; and as he stood there listening, to make sure there could be no mistake, he felt an electric thrill pervade his whole being, such as he never before experienced. Charlie determined to go forward. He was surprised at himself for the peculiar .resolution that urged him on. It seemed as though he were being dragged forward by some Inexorable fate, whether he would or not And the sound of sobbing still continued, stealing along the gaunt passageways. The darkness beyond waa apparently as fearfully dense as that which descended upon poor, plague-strickEgypt at the time Pharaoh declined to let the children of Israel en go. As Charlie advanced he noted that the sound, which had erstwhile reached their hearing but faintly, grew more distinct. Thus he was presently able to place the sobbing, and, still advancing, he began to discern the dim outlines of a figure upon the ground. As he drew closer he saw that this was a girl In a long cloak, and that she had hidden her face In her hands, as though to shut out the ghostly figures conjured up by the gloom. One thing waa very sure when Artemus, in the earlier stages of their exploration, declared he heard a faint shout, it had not been the gurgle of the greedy Sheldt gliding underneath the crypts and corridors, as he (Charlie) had so confidently declared, but in all probability, this lost explorer calling for nelp. Well, thank God they had found her, and were in a position to render her the assistance she craved. After all, it had not been such a wild-goochase as be had believed when yielding to the importunities of hi adventurous comrade. They advanced closer still. As yet the distressed one was not aware of their presence, or the blessed answer to her prayers. Her attitude of abandon was most effective, and Charlie could not but think what & charming picture she made there, overwhelmed, not by grief, but the terror of her situation. It was not intentional on Artemus part, but some sudden chill draught caused him to give a vociferous sneeze. This waa instantly followed by a little shriek as the girls hands fell from her face, and she turned a pair of very large and very startled eyes upon the two comrades. It was, of course, Cnarlles bounden duty to immediately speak and reassure the alarmed fraulien that they were flesh and blood like herself, and not spirits of the olden martyrs who had met deaths of torture In these dungeons; but for the life of him, and perhaps for the first time in the course of hls whole experience, he could not say a word. For the soft light of hls waxen taper fell full upon the face that had until now been hidden behind the girls as hands a face that, It was, and more or less begrimed from contact with foul walls during her groping In the dark, electrified him with Its peculiar charm of beauty, and started his traitor heart to beating as it had not done these many moons, since be had quitted the presence of another fair woman, with bitterness against the whole sex raging in hls bosom. (To be continued.) se tear-mark- THOUGHT LITTLE OF LOVE WOMEN SUFFER. Hard to attend to daily Disraeir Views on Marriage Some- duties with a back that what Unconventional. . aches like the toothache. A womans kidneys give Disraeli, afterward Lord Beacons-field- , wrote to hls sister when he was her constant trouble. Backache la the first a young man: "By the by, would you for a like Lady Z warning of sick kidneys, and should never be 25,000, and domestic? very clever, As for love, all my friends who married for love and beauty either beat their wives or live apart from them. This Is literally the case. I may commit many follies in life, but I never Intend to marry for love, which I am ure is a guaranty of Infelicity." Within four years Disraeli had married, not , but the rich widow of Lady Z Wyndham Lewis, of whom be hod written on meeting her for the first time: "A pretty little woman, a flirt and a rattle; Indeed, gifted with a volubility I should tblnk unequaled and of which I can convey no idea. She told me that she liked silent, melancholy men. I answered that I had no doubt of it." f 1 j . I neglected. Urinary disorders an-noy, embarrass and worry womankind. Dangerous dla- betes, dropsy and I f sister-in-la- I I J Brights disease are sure to follow If the kidneys are neglected. Read how to cure tbe kidneys air ( keep them welL Mrs. James Beck of 314 West' Whltesboro street, Rome, N. Y., sayi , I was troubled with my kidneys for. eight or nine years; had much pain li my back; as time went on I coult hardly endure It; I could not etan? except for a few moments at a time; grew weak and exhausted; I could no THE CHANGES OF LONDON. even do light ' housework, let .alow washing and ironing; I could not stocj A Short Time Suffices to Wipe Out or bend; my head ached severely; i Old Landmarks. was in pain from my head down to nr Who of the present generation re- heels; centering in the kidneys It wa: members tbe Palmers village, through a heavy, steady, sickening ache; ( which Victoria street forty years age could not rest nights, and got up morj plowed Its long furrow? London Is ings weak and tired. I thought I wa: still changing, and the next genera about done for, when I saw Doan; tlon will probably read with as great Kidney Pills advertised for kldne; surprise of some of the complaints, and got them at Brouhttn quarters of this age which are now & Graves drug store. Within a weel threatened. after commencing their use I began ti The Palmers village, as a writer Improve, and from that time on rapidly on Westminster in London has in- grew better. I used five boxes in i. formed us, was one of the most re- and was cured. I have recommends markable spots ever found within a Doans Kidney Pills to many otheri city. Here, surrounded by crowded and my case ought to convince tht streets and courts, and narrow, dark most skeptical sufferer to give them i lanes, and situated right In the midst fair trial. of tbe parish, was a little rural comA FREE TRIAL of this great kldnej munity living a life to itself. medicine, which cured Mrs. Jamet It had a village green and an Beck; will be mailed on application U wayside inn. The village any part of tbe United States. Ad hop Is replaced by that conglomera- dress Foster-MUburCo., Buffalo, K , tion of business undw one roof known Y. For sale by all druggists. Prlot, ' as the army and navy stores. London 50 cents per box. Express. United 8tates Mortality Statistics 1 Has Lived One Hundred Years. residents of I Among the foreign-borThe Edinburgh Review, Byron's the United States the mortality b "blue and yellow pestilence," bas re- greatest In Irish and Germans au cently celebrated Its centenary. least le the Polish. I old-worl- d n j ed here for long centuries. "What you hear Is only the gurgling of tbe river Sheldt beneath our feet. At the foot of the worn stone staircase we descended there la a Cotoa for Brldo. trap in the solid stone, through The slender, girlish bride wbo dewhich opening many a wretched condemned man met his fate. Yes, It sires softness and flufilness In her wedwas only the fretful flood you heard ding gown and yet baa a penchant for smart Louis Qulnze effects will choose crying peevishly for more victims." Charlie's calm manner quite re- a draped skirt of embroidered mousse-lin- e de sole, its deep double flounces assured the other. Perhaps you are right; but It being festooned across the bottom In sounded wonderfully like a human a charming and graceful manner and caught at Intervals with clusters of voice calling for help." Thus In tier the dungeons lay, each orange blossoms. Her coat may be of Individual one seeming to surpass its handsome brocade and it will be simply ornamented with a fichu of empredecessors In awful associations. Long had they been at their task. broidered inoussellne. Tbe regular routine pursued by tourist and guide had been done; but Oraaa tbe Prevailing Color. there were other dark passages to exGreen Is the color of the spring and plore, gloomy as the river Styx It appears In all shades. Mercerized passages that the ordinary voyager gingham, German linen or French never saw, but which Artemus ' was chambray are ten times its durability. bound to Investigate; for If perchance Silk ginghams, striped or figured, to there was a grain of truth in tbe be made in combination with plain story he had heard, surely the prisongingham, are effective, and are mad er of the Iron Mask roust be found up by fashionable modistes with all in such an unused quarter. the elaboration of foulard costumes, Charlie began to feel a bit anxious. and such toilettes are considered In He was about ready to confess that perfectly good form for afternoon teas for one he had quite enough of It. or for church. and only figured on how he might manage to curb this insatiate ambiford Rrllllontla. tion on the part of hla companion. A charming white fabric for shirtTbe task was taken from bis hands, also very light weight, Is however, and In a most unexpected waist suits, corded brllllantlne. It is striped, a manner. d stripe, alternating with an Artemus was eagerly urging him on triple-corinch-wid- e stripe composed of satiny to "fresh fields and pastures new," while Charlie held the other in check, serpentine bayadere stripes. This is fearful lest they fall into some hor- lots of description for a really simple rible pit, with ruaty spikes at the bot- effect, but nothing less would tell the tom, such as they had dlirovered In story. Thla costa 45 cents per yard and baa tbe glossy quality which on dungeon, when, suddenly, without warning, tnere came to their ears makes brllllantlno popular. a sound so itrarye In this nncsnny reTo Slndy Aarlaut I, aka Itaala. gion, so utterly out of sympathy with their surroundings, that both An expedition to Lake Eyre, tbe men stood still, as though paralyzed great depression In Central Australia, and tbe sound was as of a woman which Is below sea level, In charge of Prof. J. W. Gregory. It la announced, weeping! has recently Wt Melbourne with the CHAPTER II. object of studying the physical hisWhat They Found. tory of l ue lake basin and the collecThere were those who knew Prise tion of fossils, especially of extinct Charll wall who had reason to be vertibratea. driven you to despair, with your nerves shattered and your courage gone. al j j f Ilelpand happiness surely awaits you if you accept Mrs. Finkhain j advice. Disease makes women nervous, irritable, and easily annoyed t; I children and household duties; such women need the counsel and hi.'? J of a woman who understands tho peculiar troubles of her sex; tfc i woman is Mrs. Tinkham, who with her famous medicine, Lydia E , rinkhams Vegetable Compound, have restored moro sick and dis couraged women to health and happiness than any other one perse:, j Ilcr address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. Write today, i I not wait. ;l Will not the volumes of letters from women who have bc made strong by Lydia L. rinkhams Vegetable Compound coi vlnce others of the virtues of this great medicine? When n medicine has been successful In more than a infills eases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying it, I do sc f believe It would help me? d! alck and and to weak wish cannot remain Surely you couragcd, exhausted with each days work. If you have aoinA di rangeinent of the feminine organism try Lydia IL Iinkham Vegetable Compound. It will surely help you. jj Mrs. Emilie Seerlng, 174 St. Anns Ave., New York City, writes: If women who are always bl and derrs' and ncrvou would take Lydia 11 l'lnkham find It th Vegetable Compound they would cheerf. they need to bring them to a moredownc frame of mind. 1 wa terribly worried and and waa thin and bloodleaa. My back ached all t: time, no matter how bard I tried to forget It t. at change my position to eaae it, and th I pain aometlur baae of my bra I o waa so bad that 1 th blueat thought that 1 would grow crazy t I bad could not much end wa alwey eo depressed to abaka them off ; half of the time I did not eeem bare the courage to do my work j everythh seemed to go wrong with me, and I waa alwr worrvlng and fearing the worst. 1 began take 'Lydia Ik llnkhams Vegetable Cor' doaes a load eeew pound. After the first fewI felt better in ear lifted from my shoulder, etopped aehln wey. Th blue left me and my head or long ray back wa better too, and I looked younger and stronger I tor bottle in all, and It la with thankfulness that I acknowledge that sent good health la due to the ua of Lydia 1J. llnkhain a e getat "Dias Mbs. rnrxnAMi ne-de- m pound." e I jFItCE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. If there I anything in your cnae about which you would V t petal advice, write freely to Mrs. Ilnkhnm. No man will b In America no for person can ur letter. She aurely help you, cli a wide experience In treating female Ills os she lia had. h s helped hundred of thousand of women hock to health. D dres 1 Lynn, Mas, and her advice I free. You are very fu i If you do not accept her kind invitation. 1 FORFEIT $5000 aha. taiUaieaial, tha arin.l laMar sad IU afwolMi i.miin.iwra. K. Flakbaw MaUMM fnthvtlk m Ldla C, llar I M f |