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Show THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. REBELS CAPTURE GUNBOAT. LITTLE BOY CREMATED. Tire la Monarch, Moot., Result ANDRBW JENSEN, rebtlah REVOLUTION IN COLOMBIA CEASES TO BE A JOKING MATTER. SPANISH PORK. UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS Utah nan will push the work on tha Salt Laka and Coca I! ay railroad from tbla and of tba line. Four thousand wera In attendance at tha reunion of Ulack Hawk veterans atLehi, 148 veteran being In line at drill. ' Tha Women's Christian Temperance Union of Salt Lake ia preparing for a crusad In that city against tha drink habit. Miss Saida Roy la of Lehl, was thrown from a buggy and sustained a dislocation of the hip, her escape from death being a narrow one. Thomaa Spiking, who was run over by a street car In Salt Laka City and Buffered the loss of a leg, has since I : ' l-- J c ;( u r c t YmskI Carrying Ammunition nnd Largs bums nf Monty Captured Aftor a 8liort suit Cnvqunl t ight. four-year-ol- succumbed to hla Injuries. Tha Salt Laka street cars are to hava fenders, tha superintendent of tha road making the announcement that all cars will be provided with fenders In a abort time. John Hanley, aged 8, of Eureka, had both hi baods badly Injured by the explosion of a giant cap which he and some companions found and with which they were playing. Sparks from a passing trala set Are to a saloon building In Layton last week, the volunteer Ore department saving the building after a loss of tlSO bad been sustained. Calvin B. I'otter, an attorney of Salt Lake City and at oue time prominent ia Michigan state politics, committed suicide early on the 18th, by taking enough morphine to kill a dozen men. The Rocky Mountain Rell Telephone company baa announced positively that RACE WAR IN INDIANA. Its contemplated line from Fairvlew over the mountains to Scofield has White of the North Hare Not Tvt Solved been abandoned for the present at ths Raee Problem. i least, A raee riot broke out Sunday at Spanish Fork ia agitating the change naughvillo, Indiana, between 300 neby the Rio Grands In its main line to and whites employed by tba Natake it through that town. It la ar- groes tional Malleable Casting company. gued that the present line can be There baa Wen bitter race feeling begreatly Improved upon and all parties tween them for several years and trougreatly benefited. ble hta frequently broken out. Two Work is progressing rapidly on the people Lave been killed. A ball game Denver, Northwestern and Pacific morning Wtween the two facer railroad the Salt short Sunday tions caused excitement. As the crowd line and It la la claimed that the road left the field, hostilities broke out. will be running traina Into Salt Lake clubs and other missiles bricks, Stones, within two years. wero used. Two hundred persona were d Salt Immediately crushed together In a Byron Reid, an Lake boy, while playing circus with lighting mass. Twelve or fifteen shots some other boys, was shot in the leg were fired aud It is reported one negro with a toy pistol and a dangerous was shot, but he was taken from the field before the police arrived. wound inflicted, the lad's life being The whites wera victorious, driving despaired of for a time. the blacks from tbs field and woundof them. Several white a The daughter of Mr. ing number were people badly lujured. Ten arand Mrs. William Morgan of Salt Lake, rests have been made and others will was drowned In an irrigation ditch be made as rapidly aa the persous are Saturday last, the little one falling in found. while trying to cross on a narrow . HANNA GIVES IT UP. headgate over the canal. Strike by The body of Peter Anderson, the Says I'fforls t.i NrtlleareloalFutile. Park City hermit, was found In his Senator Hanna was interviewed at lonely cabin, it being the geoeral N, Y., Sunday, regarding the Buffalo, opinion that be had starved to death. in the coal district. He was an eccsntric character and was strike aitualion For the fl rat time Senator Hanna said to be worth 910,000. stated hia abandonment finally of all Salt efforts to end the coal strike. He beSidney Chalker, a Lake boy, was playing with a revolver lieves that the operators should meet when be saw a policeman approaching. the miners in arbitration. Young Chalker endeavored to secrete I have vahaubted my efforts," said the weapon, it exploded and he re- Senator Hanna. 1 have doue ell in ceived a painful wound in th thigh. my power and ran do no more. 1 will make no further at temple, for it would Bicyclist King of Salt Lake was bad- be useless. ly Injured In an accident at the Nalie aaiil there wa no chauce of arbitional Circuit bicycle races at Aabury tration ao long as noly one side, the was wiiling to arbitrate, lie Park, N. J last week, when ho was iniuers, It bis opininn that the iniuers as gave badly hurt about the bead and his will not gire iu to long as they are able right ear nearly severed from his to fight. head. WON BLOODLESS VICTORY- Harry W, llyods, who refereed the ner fight In Salt Lake, recent Root-Car- d of rroiH Oeruiml by Yeaeinehia was seriously lojured Friday of last Uuvurnmsiit Forest Without (iHMttlua. United Mates Miuister Bowen at week while hunting near Cheyenne, hia horse falling on him, his cheat be- Caracsa, Venezuela, has notified the tats department that on Friday last ing crushed and his brad cut In several place. Carnpano was occupied without oppoCharles Botha, better known as sition by ths government troops which Dutch Charlie, charged with the mur- recently evacuated Cuinaua. Cerupano n miles der of William Tibbitta of the La Sal It a seaport towo northeast fCumano. The blockade ranch, juat over the Colorado-L'ta- b line in Utah, was, last week at Monti-cello- , at that place het Wen raised in conse-quen- oe of the of tha port convicted of murder in the first llie government forces. by degree. Solomon Peterson, of Santaquln, wav Three Fallenta Out ut Every Four Die From I'bulsra la t'hlllplaM. drowoed In Spring Lake, while bath-- I ofliclal statistic of th Cholera with a number of friends. It la a total to date of 34,368 sliow thought theyouogmao was taken with aud 10,040 deatha cases The actual as before his of be aaok any cramps, of cases and deaths Is greatly companions could go to his assist number in exetsa of th official reports. In ance. Manila there were hut eight cases reNews comes of the death of Martin last Saturday, In tome of th Nelison of Provo. Martin enlisted as ported Luzon the cholera eituation one of tba Rough Riders In the Spanish proviucetof bad. hundred and fourteen is Four war. After serving In the United cave and 41? deaths were reported States cavalry he enlisted a one of the of Ilocos Norte ieat and died from the province South African horse eight-year-ol- ! . i two-year-o- ld 4 i T n Arbi-tixtl- rrt Ufly-aeva- i i i Hi Phil-Ippin- guards In Africa. Lucky Joe, an Indian, who In early days was a terror to the Overland Stage company, was murdered at the Indian ranch fifteen miles from Ibapah by d bad hla son, Ibapab, an clubbed bis father to Indian, who death with a Winchester. William Williams of llyruiii, on Friday of last week, fell from th top at a haystack and was instantly killed. Ha was 79 years old sod wasone of the plonaer residents of Cachs county, having lived t Byrum lot owl fortty - yaars. , Tragedy. At Mrnarel), Mont., fire did damsge to propsrty to the amount of 95,000 and caused one death. The fire waa started in the upper story of the store and restaurant of John Gonsoir and spread ao rapidly that there was no time to even remove the household effects of tha family from the rear of the building. son of d Valentine, the Mr. Gonsoir, was upstairs at tha time of the fir end it is supposed that he alerted It by playing with matches, as there waa no fire in the building anywhere. The family, which rushed out lo the street and were joined by the entire population of the little village, were horrified lo hear tha sereama of Valentine upstairs in tha burning building. Every effort was made to save tha little fellow, but the building was so old and burned so rapidly that It waa impossible for any one to get Inside the building end live. The parents were frantic over the terrible tragedy, but no rescue was poaaibia and in a moment the little voice was stilled forever; Details of the capture of the Colombian government gunboat Uoyaca by the Insurgents outside of Panama, have been received. The Uoyaca was captured August 1, by the Insurgent gunboat Padilla, after a short and unequal fight. Sha had on board at the time nearly 300 soldiers under tha commend of tienersie Ferrero eud Eano, who were to reinforce General Morales Berll at Agua Dulce. Tha ltoyaca also carried several cautious, a supply of ammuoitiou and a large sum of money, Flying the insurgent flag, ths Uoyaca is now guarding the entrance to Panama harbor. Nothing definite Is known on the isthmus of the situation of the government general, Morales Uerti, at Agua Dulce, but many believe that the general, after withstanding a siege of several days, during which bis forces were subjected, chiefly at night, to a severe artillery fire from the inONE THOUSAND MEN IDLE. surgents, proved the hopelessness of Besolt of Fir la Halt Which Destroyed receiving reinforcements end supplies Reduction Works. from Panama and was forced to surThe reverbetory building of the render to the insurgents. Reduction Butte works, owned by If the reported surrender of tha government forces at Agua Dulce ia true, Senator W. A. Clark, was totally dethe ioeergent general, Herrera is con- stroyed by fire Friday afternoon.. The fronted by a big problem to provide fir originated at furnace No. 1, and food and shelter for and to control this was cauaed by Hie roof of the furnace The flames communicated caving in. large and hostile element. root to of the the building and spread atIt is thought the insurgents will tack Colon soon. Many persona ques- in an Incredible space of time. The tion the ability of the insurgeote to lose will amouut to 930,000, on which hold Coton if they attack sod capture there ie an insurance of 913,000. The that port, owiug to the fact that they loss of the reverbetory will necessitate poasesa no guuboals on the Atlantic the closing down of the smelter and of aide of the ialltmus. The government is endeavoring to purchase another three mines, which supplied it with About 1,000 men will be thrown war vessel In the United State for use ora. on the Pacific coast. There is et pres- out of employment for about two ent no foreign man of war at Colon, months. Lake-Denv- 1 la Awfol Saturdiy. TmwuIi Mss Helmut Two Dutch Steamer. According to Venezuelan advices received at Wlliciuilad, the government a of that country has replied to tha lodged by Germany, France and Greet Britain against the blockade of Veneziielon port not being effsrtiv by declaring that the protests la question will not receive consideration. Tw Dutch schooners, which entered blocVsded Venezuelan ports in Ignorant of ths existing blockade, bev been captured by government authorities. pro-tes'.- SCALDED TO DEATH. Railroad F.nglaesr llonod la Wrssk sad Meets Horrible Death. William G. Schwartz, engineer, was killed, and Jesse Hammer, fireman, probably fatally injured in the wreck of an extra freight train near Sierra Blanco, El Paso county, Texas, on the G. H. & S. A. railroad. Heavy runs from the mountaius had washed away the track and in the intense dtrknesa the engine end several cars were precipitated from the track. Schwartz was caught in the gangway and piuned down, and although bnt slightly Injured waa slowly scalded to death. The fireman and engineer lived in El Paso. KILLED ON COLORADO AT WAR BOERS AND BLACKS settled race problem that must be AFRICA. IN SOUTH Attempts of N.llvs. to men Threat o White autl W Wlck. from Mail advices received in London the negio Johannesburg indicate that and is more acute, is growing problem iufioite worry. authorities the causing foreTo quote the words of one of the authorities: African most South deOu the question of the natives new the of pends the whole future colouies whether the Boers will loycontinue iu ally accept British rule or a stste of sullen resentment. Among the immediate dangers native attacks on Boers returning to their farms and attempts of the natives to assault white women are threatening to lead to setious conflicts between Boers and blacks. Under the old regime the crude hut simple retribution for assaults on women was shootiDg on sight Now, however, there is no legislation on the eubject, end the English authorities are hesitating to enact laws until all the parties concerned can voice their opinions. Thehesitaocy to deal summarily with the natives is causing both Boers and Afrikanders Intense irritation, and encourages the blacks to truculent effrontery. Another phase of the problem is the unwillingnessof the blacks to fore go their lazy existence in the concern tratioo camps, where thousands were gathered during the war, and far more serioua is the fact that a great number of blacks in the country have managed to secure arms. There is, therefore, the anomalous situstiou of unarmed whites and ermed blacks living in proximity on outlying farms. Experienced British colonists strongly favor universal disarmament of the natives and prompt legislation, making assaults on women a capital offense. two-ator- Charles Blebsr Shot by Joseph Harris Dor-lo- g s ynsrreL Charles Sieber, a wealthy cattleman, and one of the most prominent citizens of Grand Junction, Colo., waa shot and Instantly killed by Joseph Harris of Wealwater at a round-u- p on the Little Dolores river. The two men became involved in a dispute as to the ownership of tome unbranded csttle, end Hsrri fired three shot at Sieber, all of which took effect. Harris did not attempt to run away and the sheriff, with a posse, bat gone out to arrest him. glr Thomas Llploo Injursd In as Aato. mobile Acrldsat. Sir Thomas Lipton was in an automobile accident while coming to London, Friday from his country house, Hit twelve-horpower car, which he wee driving himself, skidded on tbs treet car rails at Woodgren and crashed Into the iron railing bordering tha road. The car waa wrecked and the railing was smashed for a considerable distance, but Sir Thomas escaped with a shock and a few bruises. hoa-pilal- s. se KRUGER UPBRAIDS GENERALS till Cling to Idea of Cnlied ftonth Afrlr The Inder Hoer general, Flag. Boer, Both, Dewet and Delarey, accompanied by Dr, HARROWING HOLIDAY TRAGEDY Leyd and Messrs. Fischer, Wesseis Wolmareos, Reitx and other, have Five Children Drowasd Before arrived at Utrecht, Holland, from Th Mothers Noticed Denger. Hague to visit former President A harrowing holiday tragedy occur Kruger and consult with him on the red at Filey, a watering place near South Africao situation. Large crowd Scarborough, England. Five children warmly applauded the Boers. The who were pleying on the sands were spectator at the station aang the Boer cut off by tba Inflowing tide sod national anthem. drowned before their mothers, who The conference at Utrecht between were tilting on the beach, had noticed the Boer end the general the danger which threatened them. and Mr. Kruger lasted for delegates three hour. The mothers of the children end others made heroic attempts at rescue, but According to some report it was rather stormy. At the end of an houi failed. a half the delegates withdrew and Cable Car Rous Away. Generals Botha, Dewet and leaving A cable ear crowded with passenger Delarey together with Mr. Kruger, from the gripmtn at the top got away i publicly known a to what of the steep Ninth street incline at the Little took place, but it la understood that union station at Kansas City, and dash the generals found the former presi log to th bottom at a terrlflo speed, crashed Into a train that bad become dent of the Transvaal in no way Q tailed there. The gripmen on the clined to acquiesce to British domin lou In South Africa, and still runaway car waa kilted Instantly, an to the idea of a united Southclinging Afrie twenty persons were Injured, elx of them seriously. The passengers were under the Boer flag. Mr. KrU(fer hurled In every direction and the grip even aald to have bitterly upbraided the generals for g'ving up Boer ind ear and coaches were reduced to pendeuce. mass of splinters. Flawed Rather Thee Reg. Mrs. Sarah Schumacher, aged year, waa found dead In her room Baltimore and her daughter Martha waa wandering in a half-dazecondition about the lower floor of their home. Coroner Jouea said that Mrs. Schumacher had died from starvation. Martha Schumacher said she aud her mother were too proud to tell anyone of their impoverished condition and that neither had eaten for several days. It la said tha Schumachers hat Miner relative at Philadelphia. Foil. Ore., Saturday. Two blocks of buildings in Colo., were destroyed by fire. It la expected that . Appropriations Mart Cun f " p&rilJ Butte. The business portion of 8ji,la( Wash., was wiped out by fir. 940,000. J William J. Bryan will ,tmp state of Nebraska during the montlcj October. of War Russell A!p. will be a candidate for senator frot Michigan. A tornado which passed over flet ingford, Neb., destroyed a number ( residences., In Bridgeton, Islaud of Barbados there have been 1876 cases of smallpJ since July 13tb. Tamaqua, Pa., mine workers hJ sent a petition to Governor Stone th log that the troops be recalled. by Congress. The volume containing statements of appropriations required by law to be prepared and published at the end of each session of congress under the direction of the committee on appropriations of the senate and house has been completed for the session of the th coogress by Thomaa Cleaves and Jamea C. Courb, chief clerks respectively of those committees. A summary of the appropriation shows a grand total of S0J,624,4'.l6.55. In addition to the specific appropriations made, contracts are authorized to be entered into for certain public works requiring future appropriations by congress in ilia aggregate sum of Fifty-seven- 93G3.71 1,405. FANNING ISLE INHABITED. Thirty-Tw- o ft,;,. 10,000 men be In line In the Labor day lndl-cate- People Compr ee Population of Hpot In Pnrltlc Ocean. The brig Galilee has arrived at Port Jamestown, Island ofSt. Helena, ports a thousand more Boers, forme, prisoners, sailed for South Africa. Harry Turner, a colored preschero' St. Louis, shot and killed his litt;t ton, whom he mistook for a burglar. Jerry Crimmins, charged with a woman, was tarred ar. fe&theied and run out of Eaton, Colo. It ia said the district around Capt: Barque Barque writes: Ei! b pel, Mont., is becoming quite a pli for amuggliog Chinamen over th border. Another eruption of Mont Pelee ii reported, the eruption being folio, by total darkness for a space of teem; minutes. Beneficial rains have fallen overth greater part of New South Wales, aa there have been light raina in poitiom of Queensland. The funds raised by the national id scriptlan started In The Hague to ai; the Boers will be placed at thedispou. of the Boer generals. James Kernohan of Anaconda, Mont waa found dead under circumstance that lead to the belief that he wu murdered by poisoning. with c Tbedc ay ret one of of Per tirelyi t oslh Iu Cl catarr' is the If Pen It will the bo Cata sndtl where It is reported that the Lehigh Cot. to ia preparing Navigation company mine coal in Pennsylvania under tiic &, protection of the troops. A party of Moors recently attacked French military supply column nee Ain Del Kelil, Algeria, and numben were killed or wounded oo both aides The last horse car disappeared fra Berlin's street last week, owing toil abolition of that means of transport . tion in favor of more modern conn;-ances- Good famiM-Centra- er-air- y revolver-Anderso- journal-ist- going and before ilia flames were under 0n, control two women deih ".mi n b,,rMd lo h'? woman takeu ,,ra1an S'1 to II.. hpiUl n- V,(Terlff m,dv other werepainful bdlJ lo- -- fca It Trnutil is admitted Wltb Turkey. at the state depart- ment that there ia a renewal of tension between the United State, aU(1 Tur. key, but the official, do not deem It !morV0wdlMl0M the pre-- nt - H,.tH condition is In no however, wey grave but I, of that strained character which thaMe fr,n t0 tlme wll, H ! Fathered present tension grows out nf TnrkT.C Irre1 . . J. w? t from rains have fallen in western Ir die just in time to save the crop and remove the immediate fear of ago w ith a force of thirty men end a sl provinces nnd Ilehar have large quantity of bjilding material to establish a station for Hie British Cable been beoefitted. About 300 of the strikers who quit company. Captain Treanor of the work in the silk mills of New Jervj Galilee states that the island is inhabited by George E. Gregg, his wife and City in sympathy with the Pstterwi son and thirty Gilbert islanders em- strikers returned to work, end it ! peeled that others will follow suiL ployed by Gregg to pick cocoaouta. near St Anlul Crime of Kans. Farmer. During the maneuvers of a Joseph Anderson, a farmer living Petersburg, Russia, squadron charge to was ordered east of Saline. Kansas, in a fit of suddenly It galloped Into a river, and fifty i1 drowned his four children, three girls and a boy, in a cistern, and are reported to have been drowned. then shot himself with a The navy department has received ia still alive, but will mail report from Commander McCm probdie. of the Machias, in which be stated tb1 Financial matters had af ably fected bis mind. 'lhe crime was comthe accounts of the fighting lo tl" mitted during the absence of nelghboihood of Cape Ilaltlen had bed mother. The oldest child was six greatly exaggerated. years old and the youngest a babe of It is understood that General four months. Anderson left dnote on ler, Spanish minister of war, has a table in the parlor, ecided notifying th, to his post, inconsequent mother thattheehildren could be found of certainresign in the cistern. court officials having overridden hia orders permitting Elv People Cremated. to attend coart functions. Something exploded in a furniture The report that the managers of lb tore on the ground floor of a double tenement at 3.3 Essex street. New York World' fair at SL Louis propoM k city, and before the tenants could re- buy the Washington ancestral bom,b near Banbury, and transplant It to cover from the surprise the building was a mass of grounds of the exposition is reeld The fire obwith feelings of dismay in London. tained frightful headway, firemen had to fight while which the Rumors that an Australian the work of rescue was Tow nsend from Fanning island. The Galilee left San Francisco two months '.r- j A 30,000 fire occurred in Pemj;, fight to the bitter end, i u,e Captain of Nchonner Murdered by neeu Cwlln way President John Mitchell of the Huy. United Mine Workers of America ""-'-"- I S.n , 'U.110' the eituation io the anthracite pula coal Of the trike. lle says he sees ( .plain J. J. nothiog to do on of the lumber schooner J,cob. lo the strike but lo hold his mPn flrm Fred J. Even eo appeal to the American pro-pi- e for Intercession, amed Tanbara t.esaboro, bethought, would S, )t0, the " Japanese cook, I charged with ahead hi.g being o but strife, be said. - The accessory before the fct weakest pha will lose. The Min Worker murder occured on the high seas Jul. fixed financially. 30th, the captain being hall 00l butcher-knife- . The murder dut to a re prioiandby the captain. A d well-to-d- o Will Fight to Hiller Others Were Killed. board has reThe Methodist mission of reports number a mail ceived by China concerning in from Us agents in Chin. the recent local uprising of Chung King, Rev. Joseph Berch date of under West China, writes, 23: June Word has just been received from Rev. Edward Manley and Rev. Spencer Lewis, a superintendent of the mission, who are in that neighborhood, that local the Red Lantern society, the the burned has name for Boxers, the killed and Chiao Ku chapel at Tien members. The other four and preacher officials have endeavored to suppress these Boxer practices, aud had previousand crucified one. ly decapitated six We are confident the officials can cope with them, but it may cause us much loss in the outlying districts. Under date of June 30, Rev. Mr. Berch writes concerning the uprising in West China: Since last writing more news of the s Boxer troubles has arrived. It a widespread movement, with much power and violence. In addition to the destruction of the Tien Ku Chiao community, Wu Kwang Tsang ha been destroyed, but roost of the people escaped. Between Tscheeo and Chen Tu the extent of tha trouble ia un known, but a letter from Brother Cady states that there la considerable alarm at Chen Tu, but that the officials are confident there will be no serious trouble there. Throughout the country, however, there has been widespread destruction already, and it ia probable that most of the Christiana living outside walled cities, comprising several hundred persons, will lose all they have, if not life itself. There are now very many who have neither home, food nor clothing. Frightful Explosion of Steel Dlgoeler la a Delaware Palp Mill. Nine workmen ere known to have been killed, five are missing and four others were badly injured by the explosion of the steel digesters in the Delaware pulp miila of the Jessup & Moore Paper company, on the Christiana river, near Wilmington, Del. The digesters were located In a y Thrre were ten of building. them In the building, each one resein bling a vat and about six feet in diara eter. They were used for reducing wood pulp. Eighteen men were at work in the building. There were two terrific reports and tba next instant the building and mills about the structure were completely wrecked. One digester was blown into the air and fell to the ground 350 feet away. A dense volume of smoke for time prevented the outside workmeo from going to the rescue of those who were caught in the ruins of the falling building. Several men made their escape without injury. An alarm of fire was sounded and the entire fire departmentof the city and a large force of police were soon on the ground, end the work of rescue was immediately begun. 8everal of the workmen were taken out unconscious, only to die after being removed to The wreckage w piled up for more than thirty feet, and the escaping team made the work of rescue diffi culL RANGE. Four ftsernt Cprl.ing Fwachor and u nine workmen killed. NEWS SUMMARY BOXERS. burned mission ery named Ilruce and an English ul' Br sionary named Lewis have been dered at Chen Chou, in Hu Nn continue persistently to be he from. They come from native sourceAn Imperial order has been l,a commanding that all the demand made by the United State npon Tr' key be conceded and the ralutlous the ports and the United legation have resumed their nor1 condition. w1 Hugh Marshall, tha roan who accused of having murdered Mis Vick near Russellville, Ivy., was found hanging In a bar mile from the scene of the crime U' M had evidently been hanging for or so. Chief Chariots, the famous IaJ'' cout of the Rocky Mountain district, dead on the Flathead reservation. I ' asserted that Chariot death moves tha ouly barrier that ba I"' vented the opening of the Fiaih reservation for settlement. ' Considerable excitement prevsl'1 rrf1 Montego Bay, Jamaica, over the of certain persons who posses infi" llal connections on charge of c01 pllcily in the riots of last April police allege that the apprehmi' peraoni Instigated the order. , Wedu-day- |