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Show I t ANDREW JENSEN, Publl.her, UTAH. SPANISH FORK, i UTAH STATE NEWS, i - ' The B. Y, A. gymnasium at Provo waa formally dedicated last week, Rio Graode conductors and trainmen have been granted a alight Increase In ! 4 . ,j - j wages. Foreign Insurance companies did a business of 31,250,000 In Utah last year, and paid the state $27,000 In fees. Patrick Morgan, a miner eraplctyed ; at the Quincy, at Park City, lost a hand .. . last week by the explosion of three giant caps which he was holding. . F, C. Semmek, an Idaho mining an- v gtneer, last week brought to Salt Lake j from Salmon City, Idaho, $170,000 in a i ! band satchel, and deposited it safely " ' in a bank, A party of Short Line surveyors is in i the field surveying a route for the . Leamington cut. Tbs survey uses the present narrow gauge route to Termi- nus and runs via Stockton. j Work on the Judge Memorial Ilome for Miners, at Salt Lake, will begin A site, embracing about ten l j soon. acres near the University has been se-- 4 looted and purchased for $15,000, The Utah county commissioners are by j taking steps to defeat resident sheepmen who, It is alleged, remove their sheep before assessment i and do not make returns on them. Senator Clark of Montana, In an In St. Louis last week, stated that construction work on the Salt Lake end of the Los Angeles road would probably begin this summer. I Tbs Salt Lake ministerial association has finally decided to nrge the sdop--I tlon of a polygamy amendment to the constitution upon the Judiciary com mlttea of the bouse of representatives. , President Roosevelt has pardoned t i Lieutenant J. P. Howell of the sixth artillery, who Is at Fort Douglas under sentence of dismissal from the army, i j He will soon be assigned to regular' i duty. A large corps of surveyors and engl-- : ; . neers are quartered about eight miles east of Oasis station In Millard county, i In the Interest of the Salt Lake and I Los Angeles road. They are running south, towards Ploche. J Miss Emma Lucy Gates was given j an ovation In Boston last week, where she appeared before a critical audience. t She waa called the Utah Nightingale" by critics, who declared she has the ; greatest voice In America. Advertising as a physician or practicing medicine without first having obtained a license is a misdemeanor, llreeden aooording to Attorney-Genera- l Who has rendered an opinion on that i sunjapt in answer to a request from 8eoretVry R. W. Fisher of the state board of medical examiners. Jesse M. Smith, presidentof the Utah Sheepmens association, waa last week eleoted president of the Northwestern . ; I . tax-dodgi- , ? f, j i ! 'l i I . 3 i Wool Growers association, embracing the states of Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon. The next meeting will be held In Salt Lake. In a lecture delivered before the Salt Lake City Teachers association last week, Professor Milton Bennlon of the University of Utah presented statistics and the results of investigations by eminent scientists, which, it Is held, demonstrate that childrens eyes are being overtaxed and lojured by school I I j f I r i f 1 T 1 1 Greater Control Over Railroads mended by Industrial Commission A Murder Mystery In Snn Francisco Which The Industrial commission has subResembles That famous Case. mitted its final report to congress. It A mysterious murder resembling In is a document of more than 1000 some of Its features the noted Durrant pages. The first part, which case is now puzzling the police depart- printed has been made public, deals with thp ment of San Francisco, The body of progress of the nation, agriculture, Nora Fuller, a sixteen-year-ol- d Become girl, mining and transportation. who disappeared from her home Jan- roendatlons are made on the subject uary 11th, was found lying naked on a of transportation and agriculture. bed in the upstairs back bedroom of The commission advises as to transau unfurnished bouse at 2211 Sutter portation : v Street Sunday afternoon. The girl had That the policy of governmental been dead some time, as decomposition supervision and control of railroads, had begun. as originally laid down In the senate There was nothing in the house to committee report of 1890, and embodindicate the means used to take her ied the following year in the interstate life, but the posture of the body and commerce act, be revived and strengthits condition, together with the dis- ened; that the authority of the Interorder of the room indicated that the state commerce commission, necessary for the adequate protection of shipgirl was murdered. An autopsy discovered that death pers, and dearly Intended by the was not due to natural causes. All the framers of the laws, be restored, and organs of the body are In a normal that the powers and functioDa of the condition. The general theory la that commission be enlarged practically as Cullora the girl was either strangled or pois- contemplated In ths oned. On both sides of the neck are bill of 1900, except as to authority to two discolorations which may have prepare and enforce a uniform classibeen made by finger tips. The city fication. chemist is examining the stomach for Such legislation should provide; . evidence of poison For more stringent regulation of the Nora Fuller disappeared January conditions under which freight and 11th and met a man known as John passenger tariffs are published and Bennett in response to an advertise- filed. ment for a girl to taka care of a baby. No rate of classification ought to bo She met the man at a restaurant and changed without at least sixty days thereafter all knowledge of her was notice to shippers, unless specifically lost. On January 8th the house in authorized by the Interstate commerce which the body of the girl was found commission. was rented by a man giving ths name That strict adherence to published The general deof C. B. Hawkins. tariffs be required and rebates or disscriptions of Bennett and Hawkins crimination prevented by an Increase tally, and it is thought the two names of the penalties. were aliases for the same man. That the long and short haul clause A possible motive fur the murder Is la section four of the Act of 1887 be found In the suggestion that the murdstrengthened and rigidly enforced, na-leerer either quarreled with the girl or the carriers shall be released by feared that his relations wlthbsr were special order of the Interstate comabout to become public, merce commission. SECOND DURRANT CASE. A THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. ss Northwestern Woolsrowers Censure Pnblle Philippine Province Covered With Literature (From Hongkong Junto. Officials. The Northwestern woolgrowere Thursday In a resolution, addressed to President Roosevelt and congress, attacked S. N. D. North, atatlstician of the department of manufactures, under censua. Nr. North as secretary of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, is leading the fight at Washington against the tariff on wool. The wool growers resolved, that the Pacific Northwest Wool Growers association Is of the opinion that as a public official the activity of Mr. 8. N. D. North in antagonizing the desires of the wool growers and stockmen of the country is taking advantage of his official position and that bla personal opposition is In bad taste, to say the least, considering the fact that he Is to a certain extent the servant of the people whose manifest desire he Is now seeking to circumvent. Eleven People Meet Death In s St. Louis The selection of officers for the year Fire. An early morning fire, which de- waa as follows: President Jesse M. Smith of Salt stroyed the Empire hotel, a large Lake. three-stor-y at 2700 and dwelllng-hons- e Secretary-treasureJ. W. Bailey of 2703 Olive street, St. Lonls, Mo., occuOre. pied by men exclusively, caused the Portland, Richard Scott, death of eleven persons ten men and A. F. Lswgrow, Washington; Oregon; one woman and dangerously injured Idaho; W. K. seven others. A dozen or more who Frank Ilageobarth, G. S, Illckox, Montana; Flowerre, had narrow escapes from death rePatrick Sullivan, Wyoming. Utah; were ceived less serious injuries or Executive committee, J. N. WilliamIt Is estimated tbat there or forty per- son, Oregon; S. J. .Camraeron, Washwere between thirty-fivsons In the building that night, and It ington; Frank Gooding, Idaho; O. P. la believed all have been accounted for. Hatch, Utah; Timothy Kinney, WyomII. Nelson, Montana. The financial loss Is nominal. It la ing, and II. was . chosen at the next Lake Salt thought tbat $10,000 will cover the of meeting. place damage to building and contents, which were totally destroyed, s Ministers Proteet Against The provinces under civil rule, at well as Manila, have been flooded with a quantity of pamphlets printed In Hongkong by tho Filipino junta. These pamphlets are copies of a memorial by the junta which has been forwarded to President Roosevelt. The memorial expresses sympathy at the death of Mr. McKinley and assures the American people that sooner or later the Filipinos are bound to have Independence. The junta says it has reliable Information that most of the pacified provinces are only held in check by superior military forces. The pamphlets say that the edueated Filipinos appreciate American governmental ideas, but when the bread ef national life la asked for It does not suffice to offer a atone, even though that atone be a diamond. r, ts, frost-bitte- n. e . Rnsata-Chlnss- Treaty. Separation of the Hindoo Twins. The British, American and Japaoeee The Hindoo twins, Radlca and Dor-din- s, ministers at Pekin have renewed their who were united in a manner opposition to the Manchurian arrangework. almllar to the Siamese twins, who ments between China and Russia. It The special election vole on the were exhibited throughout the world, is probable that this action will result tax to proposition of levying a been separated by Dr. Doyon of have n the further postponement of the erect a central seboolhouse In the Paris. The operation lasted twenty consummation of this treaty. was held of southern part Springvllle, minutes sod was successful, but owing The powers opposing the Manchurian Wednesday. The tax carried by a vote to the weak condition of the patients, are now beginning to recognize treaty SO A of 99 for the tax to speagainst. due to the Illness of one of the twins the force of the representation of the for decide the site the will cial election who hss been suffering from thrush, Chinese plenipotentiaries and that proposed building. the duel result of the operation is still China la making the best terras posson of Hal doubtful. The membrsoe connecting Wayne Brown, sible for herself, and lncldintally for Brown of Salt Lake, died last Friday the twins contained large arteries, and the equal rights of the other nations from Injuries reoelved by coasting down the patlenta lost between one and two In China. D street and colliding with a First ounoei of blood. The only complaint are shifting their proThe street car. Two other boys on the sled they made was that they felt pain In tests toenvoys Russia as the responsible party. escaped with only slight bruises, but the membrane. They were very weak Wayne was caught underneath the ear and bad some fever. eeretary Hay's Daughter Married. and badly crushed. Helen Hay, eldest daughter of secreOne carload of wheat and two of flour Prominent Nevada Man Take Hie Own tary of state John Hay, and Tayne Life. have been Imported from Washington Whitney of New York, sou of ex-sA special to the Salt Lake Trlb to Ephraim. The local dealers having of the navy Whitney, were retsry W. a large supply on hand refuse to dis- uoe, Sunday, says Judge T. married Thursday at noon at the resident of a any figure, henco the im- Healey, very prominent Church of the Covenant at Washingpose of lt-Nevada for the last forty years, comwas tbs most noton. The portation from outside points was woddiug mitted aulchle some time Sstutdsy of the season in social event table night. He wss found lying dead on celebrated by ths O, n. Whitlock, United States revof hts bed at Carson with bla Washington, being of the enue agent, says some of the rottenrst top highest ofllolslslu the presence bullclothes all on, botdlng a the president and his work In the country" has been done by land, including pistol Id his right hand The bulof Salt Lake stock brokers In evading dog what Is recognized as and cabinet, let had entered the right temple aud payment of Internal revenue taxes. passed through to the left temple and the best of New York and New EngCriminal prosecutions may follow his land society. pillow, lustaut death being the evident eo '? y. t I i i 1 f Investigations. result. Woman Throws Fgg al French Itnlemsa Ora Pykeman, a Ogden Hank Bobber Slakes Good Henl. boy, while working In a mattress fac- Georgia While the French chamber of depuSafe blowers forced the vaults of the tory last week, caught his arm In the ties wss discussing the colonial estimachinery end had it jerked ofT at the Lemon Banking company, at mate Thursday a woman lu the visitUa.. early Monday moro'ng, shoulder. Ills condition Is critical, tribune suddenly shouted, Down ors' but hope for his recovery Is held out securing $3,000 In gold, a $3,000 Geor- with the thieves," and at the asm gia stale bond and a large amount of time threw Into the hall a package of by bis physicians. Two cars of broks horses were shipped stock certificates. Between 113, 000 and eggs, which grazed the head of M. from Deecret on ths 3rd by Arthur $50,000 In notes stock certificate and Pascal, a republican deputy, struck a were hopelessly mutilated by Henry, to be used by ths llritUh gov- bond bench, burst aud splashed over M. ernment In Roulh Africa. Horse buy- the explosion and luueh currency and Pascal and other deputies. Ths ushers A box tilled ers are active in other parte of the small S.'Obills destroyed. with pieces escaped the notice Immediately expelled the woman and gdd isle buying year mounts for British of the robbers. 1 be robber had to wiped the mess from the floor and Mow through four protection to reach bcudic of the chamber. tSTslry. the money . Aclt-wor- i j th, Arkansas Bank Robbers Kill AT PATTERSON, N. J. Mass of Rains Basinas Fart of Town Factories Escaped Fire. A great fire swept through Patterson, N. J., Sunday, and in its desolate wake are the embers and ashes of property $2,000. Powers who roomed In & building adjoining that of the bank of was awakened shortly beClarksville, scores of houses. 3 fore oclock by a terrific explosion in There was but a small tribute of life ths bank. and injury to the conflagration, but The robbers who numbered five or hundreds were left homeless and thouwere evidently prepared for him, six, sands without employment. as they opened fire the moment be apA relief movement for the care of The officer was woundsd at those unsheltered and unprovieed for peared. but he stood bis ground the first volley, was at once organized, and Mayor John the and returned fire, sending half a Hlnchcliffe said Sunday night that the robbers. The after dozen bullets Patterson would be able to care for her wounded sheriff managed to get back own without appealing to the charity to his room, where he died within of other communities and states. twenty mluutes. When The great manufacturing plants of citizens began arriving at the scene, the place are safe, and the community, Sheriff Powers was dead and the robtemporarily dazed by the calamity, bers had vanished. has already commenced the work of reRepresentative Neivlanda Aek Cuba to1 Join the Union. organization and restoration. The fire came at midnight, and waa Representative Newlands of Nevada, only checked after a desperate fight of the Ways and Means committee, who was the author of the resolution that lasted until late Sunday afternoon. Every city and town within annexing Hawaii, Wednesday introreach of Patterson sent firemen and duced a joint resolution inviting the apparatus to the aid of the city, and it republic of Cuba to become a part of took the united efforts of them all to the United States, first as a territory win the battle. then as a atate of the Union, to be called the atate of Cuba; and also Ignorant Workmen Tamper With Battery and Bury Companions Under Tons autborlzlhg a 25 per cent reduction of of Earth. duty on the present crop of Cuban A fatal blasting accident occurred sugar, in consideration of Cuba's on the new cutoff on the Bessemer fc granting preferential rates to the United States. The resolution Lake Erie railroad near Osgood, two the 25 per cent reduction of dumiles east of Greenville, Pa., Saturday ties to the period prior to January 1, One man is missing and probably dead, four are fatally Injured and seven are 1903. suffering from fractured limbs, ribs Mothar and Two Children Burned to Death Mrs. Ed KuBuer and two children and internal injuries. Superintenwere burned to death In their home at dent Thomas McCanvllle of ScranWaterloo, la., Wednesday night in a ton, Pa., sustained a fractured skull and a double fracture of the left leg. fire caused by the overturning of a All the other Injured are Italians, and .lamp. One other child waa fatally their names could not be learned, as burned and three others seriously injured. The children were playing they are known to the contracting firm only by numbers. around a table on which the lamp stood. When the burning oil was The scene of the accident waa a cut The men had entered the thrown on tLe clothing of the mother cut with Superintendent McConvllle and children, the made no attempt to and were preparing to make a blast. .escape, but clasped her children In her arms and huddled la a corner, where The charge had just been connected with the electrical apparatus, when the firemen succeeding in rescuing four of the children, one of whom can someone tampered with the battery and set the blast off. The men were hardly survive. bnrled beneath tons of earth and rock. Fewsr to Mnko Commercial Treaties Beets Sheriff badly-arouse- d con-fin- es 25-fo- ot e With President and Senate. The of thesenste committee on foreign relations which had bean giving special attention to the Mystery Surrounds Murder of Washington Men. John Herbert Prentice, of Fnllman, Wash., 21 years old, was shot and killed at the home of his father, two miles west of town, at 2 o'clock Saturday morning nnder most peculiar circumstances. A coroners jury returned a verdict of death from a gunshot wound inflicted by his own hands, but does not say whether it was suicide or legal aspect of the reciprocity trestles has reported Its findings to the full committee, and Senator Spooner la authorized to prepare a written report of the subject. The committee concludes that the power to make commercial treaties rests with the president and the senate and that the fact that they involve questions of tariff does not render it necessary that the house of representatives should have equal opportunity to consider them. accident. A deep air of mystery surrounds the affair. Deceased lived with his father, a widower. The father, John Prentice, la 50 years old and very eccentrlo. He recently sold tome land and la believed to have money hidden about the place. Yesterday he waa in Pullman and acted very queerly. He bemoaned his fate, saying that a few years ago he was worth $100,000 and now Is Wyoming Cowboy Colls o Fakirs' Bluff. Professor Moxie, a mesmerist, gave a show at Casper, Wya, Saturday night and wanted somebody to shoot at him and he would catch the bullets in bis mouth and eat them. A man jumped nsarly broke. 'up, aud whipping out a Deceased inherited an estate from prepared to accept the professor's invihis mother In Yamhill county, Oregon, tation. Moxie had arranged for a convalued at $10,000. Ila expected to get federate to do the (hooting with a this next mouth. pistol loaded with blank cartridges. Oregon Man Hut Now Gold Baring Process. "When ha saw the "cow punjher" aimWilliam L. Long, who has spent the ing bis howitzer at him he promptly past lx weeks at Salem, Oregon, claims jumped through a window. Moxie sustained a sprained ankle, sod the cowthat be has discovered a new process boy waa arrested on the charge of for extracting gold from ores, cheaper carrying concealed weapons. than the old methods, and producing s three times the amount of gold that .Colorado Sopremo Court Upholds Stock Iupcllon Low. can be secured by a emelter. Ilia claim The supreme court of Colorado la almllar to that of Prof. Winn, who Tuesday handed down a decision uprecently died In Denver, after making holding the livestock Inspection law almllar discoveries. Long has experithe of the state. by passed legislature mented with ore from various section The decision was rendered in the case with great success. The last experiof Ed. II. Reid, who rushed cattle into ment was made with tailings from the the state from Texas for the purpose Ashland smelter. Long extracted 43 of testlug the law. The aenteoce of cents from ten pounds of the tallloge, .six mouths In the county jail against or, at a rate of $90 to the ton, after the Reid wss also affirmed. Reid waa melter had secured (40 per too from .backed by leading livestock organizathe same ore. tions of ths county, who claimed that Bo ton Advocate Blell the Federal Inspection laws superUnto Drnlh with Hmallpos. ceded those of a atate. Dr. Immanuel 1felffer, of Boston, an who Fresldnts Daughter mil Attend Coreaa-tl- a r, advocate, voluntarily exposed hlmsClf to smallpox at the hospital at Gallonpea Island about two weeks ago, la 111 with the disease in It worrt form and probably cannot live. I)r. I'felfler Is one of tbs strongest opponent of vaccination In the atate of Massachusetts and recently appeared before the legislative committee to urgs ths repeal of ths compulsory vaccination law. Having the courage of his coovlctton bs want to Galloupcs Island and co mpletaly himself to smallpox. at-pos- Vetoes Ills Owa Ad. vansement In tbs Army, Kourevsll Ths president lias approved, with out notable exception, all tbs recommendations made by the army brevet board, of which General MaeArtbur waa president, for ths bestowal of brevet rank on all the officers of ths army who rendered especially meritorious services during the war with Npaln and In the subsequent campaigns In the Phlllpplnre and China. The exception noted It the case of Theodore Roosevelt, who was awarded the brevets of Colonel Slid Brigadier-Gener1 for distinguished service Dan Jean, b'sntlsgo, al of Kltig Edward. Wlhtelaw Retd has Invited Miss Alice Roosevelt, eldest daughter of the president, to accompany him to London as his guest when he goes to attend ths coronation of King Edward. It Is the present expectation of Miss Rouse-ve- lt to avail herself of this opportunity to see Loudon, but If st does so she will have no status save that of s young American girl, sod will not figure In ths coronation ceremonies la any manner. It Is expected that New York will Spproprlsl $730,090 and ths Old Bsy state st least $300,000 for the NL Louis World's fair. Admiral and Mrs. Dswey arrived at Fort Lauderdale, FIs., Monday from Palm beach, and will spend several days hunting aud fishing on New river. In Royertown, Pa., four person ware killed sod one probably fstally Injured MouJsy by tbs explosion of gssollos In the bakery of Gtorge Ctntr. Not Touch Bis Wifes Dinner, ssd They Were "Fit tor a King." So writes our esteemed friend Mr. Frank Chambers of 9 Bennett street! Chiswick: For over two years I suffered agonies from indigestion and be- cams reduced to a mere shadow of my stalwart self. I would return home from my business feeling so faint that I could hardly drag one leg after the other. My dear wife did all she possibly could to tempt me with dainty dishes, and as I entered the house I miffed and thought: Oh, how good; I know I can eat that! But alas! no tooner had I eaten a few mouthfuls, when I felt sick;, severe pains shot through my chest and shoulder blades, my eyes swam and everything seemed black, I became alternately hot and cold, and got up from such a dainty dinner heartily sick of living, and feeling I was a sore trial to everybody. I may mention that I was also very much troubled with scaly skin, and often bolls. But one evening I noticed my wife seemed more cheerful than usual. I questioned her and found she had been reading a pamphlet she had received of men afflicted Just as I was, and who had been cured by Vogelers ComSaid she, What gives me pound. more faith in It Is that It is made from the formula of an eminent physician now in active practice In tne West End of London, so I am sure It Is no quack All right, dear, lets hare a thing. bottle, said I. After taking the contents of the first bottle, I felt very much better, and determined to give this remedy a fair trial, and I can positively assure you that a few bottles made a new man of me. I can sleep well, eat anything, and thoroughly en-J- jy life. I have told several of my friends whom I knew were suffering the same as myself, and they all wish' me to say that they are like new men. I sincerely bless the great physician who gave you the formula of Vogelera Curative Compound, and also yourselves for making Its virtues known to a suffering public. The proprietors (The SL Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore) will send a sample free to any one writing to them and mentioning this paper. Me Could ! rained at $10,000,000. It burned Its way through the business section of the city, and claimed aa its own a majority of the finer structures devoted to commercial, civlo, educational and religious use, as well as rrebtsnt BEFORE HE TOOK VOGELERS a Sheri!!. At Clarksville, Johnson county,, Arkansas, a bold and successful bank robbery occurred about 3 oclock WedSheriff John B. nesday morning. Powers was shatand killed by the robbers. The exact amount secured by the thieves is not known, bnt It is supposed to be between $1,000 aud $10,000,000 FIRE -- , Beggars of Constantinople. Constantinople Is free from the beg gar nuisance only one day In the year, November 25. This Is the festival of SL John the Almsgiver, the patron saint of the mendicant profession. No beggar of the Greek faith is on his beat that day. THE KANSAS PEOPLE WITH WESTERN Tbstf toyr $k ARE IN LOVE CANADA. BlaW !. on M till FIbmI Earth A great number of delegates have been Influenced through the agency of Mr. J. S. Crawford, the Canadian gov- ernment representative at Kansas' City, to visit western Canada, and whether from Missouri or Kansas the story is always the same they are pleased with the new country being opened up. Isaac II. Levagood writes from Dldsbury, Alberta, as follows: I met three delegates from Kansas yesterday at Dldsbury, and took them home with me and took them out In the afternoon and showed them some of the finest land thaLlays on top of Gods green earth. They are more than pleased with this country. They stayed with me last night; this morning I took them to Dldsbury, and they went on north. When they come back they are coming to my place and I am going to help them to run soma llnea and they are going to locate in sight of my house. There have been over 1,200 acres of land changed band here In our neighborhood thla spring. When I located here last fall I was the furthest back of any of the setI am In the center of the tlers; ettlemebL We have thirty-sichildren that are of school age In our and we will have our school district organized next month, when we will proceed to build our schoolhouee. The longer we stay here the better we0 like the country; that Is the way with everybody here, they all seem to be satisfied and doing well. I have talked with a great many men here end they told me that they had leu than $50 when they got here, and today they have got 180 acres of good land and fire or six hundred dollars worth of stock. Crops are looking fine hero. I think this will he a good winter wheat country. On of my neighbors has a small piece and It looks fine." to-da- y x die-trlc- t, Speedy Delivery. Long-dlMan- re The speediest delivery of mall ever accomplished in the world was that of the consignment which left 8ydnoy, Australia. Oct 15, for London, England, by the American route. A dlstanco of 15.285 mile waa covered In thirty-on- e daya, a aavlng of four day a over the 8.ies canal route. long-distan- la Winter Ue A lira Font F.sjo, powder. Your feet feel uncomfortable, nervous, and orten cold and damp. It you bav Chilblain, a seating, sore feet or tight ahoce, try Alien Foot-EaBold by all druggists and shoe etorea, 25c. Ad drew Sample sent FREE. Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Flsona far Gvrmita Army. Carrier pigeons are to he bred and trained by the German military authorities In a large eoium-btr- y which hn just been elected at 8pandnu. Great me will be made of the birds la future military maneuvers. THE HANDSOMEST CALENDAR f the season (In tin colors) six beautiful beads (on six sheets, 10x12 inchof paintings by es), reproductions Moran, Untied by General Psasonger Department, Chlrsgo, Milwaukee A 8L Paul Halle sy, will be sent on receipt rrnta. Addre F. A. of twenty-fiv- e Miller, General Fucag.r Agent, Chi A a. four-etorl- m |