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Show t THE PAYS0N1AN, PAYSON, UTAH COKOK0000000000 000XX0X00 xvould run to tin jungle If he uw us. lie He has the heait of a mouse. w Ut niMir. Unt- - iluy n field " u ofliei Not fhr. iiot the path Is rocky PROFESSIONAL CARDS and horses' feet the and affectionately his sister kissed There was a creak of Yes, yes! then rode off at the head of his tatsaddle leathers and a groan us the 4, tered hand. DR. GEO. H. MOTT Now, my good Rosa waved him a last farewell as colonel dismounted. another of 4, lie threatened, he disappeared Into the xvoods. then, to Cueto. Physician and Surgeon. someoccupy herself, she helped I.x'angelina your mistakes and Ill give you teas H ( me there er Payson Exchange Savby. with wlmt little housework thing to remember A curt order brought Ills men out to do. ltder going with her to the garings Bank. of their saddles. One of their numden patch where the viandas grew. Office Phone 23. Evtmgefina's early devotion to her ber was detailed to guard the ani22r-2- r. with Res. Phone time; diminished behind in fell not rest the xvliile had mistress mals, if anything, it lm t deepened. When Cueto and followed him up the trail etmtnciia ion came sin would hnxe re- by the Murgloxv. rs a vt rs turned to the service of her A Novel, by Kex CHAPTER IX. twins had it not been for Donna Isabels refusal to accept her. As it was, DR. A. T. GOUGH. Marauder. she and Aensio had married, and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Veterinarian Registered help xvas Rosas of effected, surreptitious The surprise easily OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO little this accomdtsu; reealily. to xvere 4? buy Phone 116-- J for Colonel Coho's ineu they had managed Continued from last week.; t'ueto murmured somethin;: to the - - - UTAH of land. Rosa hud practiced iu this sort of work. Rosa, PAYSON, piece plished in him to make the purchase possible. crouching her bench, heard Coins: to sweat it on;. eh? We'.i.j etleet that the law had placed upon the crown had borne fruit : nothing, saw nothing, until out of the mil her there's nothin? to do but sweat - ins pos.tion us trustee lor but' him; tiierefote iL'liin-sloiuid protect beneficence laid and eon childish a of act '! that Bruueli was racked by I f for lie law, it t rame and Colonel Culm's rc-Esteban for a Ids created retuge sm shook reedy that spt In his iew there womwas tti's-lakNo oened. the slight. negro had Mullets! and ripened DR. L. N. ELLSWORTH sweat and cough. t lit law DENTIST an's affection into idolatry. about that hospital bark, is was Imt one law in the land, 4? Office in Douglass Building When lie hud renamed his nf force. Evangelitms Joy at haxing the girl there? 4? m going 4 Over Bertelsens Store Why do you come to me? he asked. In In rself. where siie could daily see breath lie said: See here! That fellow is it desperado, Hatouch her. serxe In r. xvas temher. to take a chance with you. for I like ndle should he de- pered mily by tin knoxx ledge nf Rosas your looks. My newspaper work is a cho declared. to keep stroyed. stuff I send don't enough unhappiness. She seohled and tyranb!ff; nized. she mothered and adored tin Bali! The country is overrun with me alive. I came here to cure my DR. J. H. ELLSWORTH eiri to her heart's content; site lungs, and I want you to help me desperadoes of bis kind, and wotse. I'd new. is DENTIST v iitclu d over her like a hawk; she nothing do it. Burning crops $ 4? Office over Bank, d emeil no labor in Iter scrxice too exPayson, Ut. 4& Olteilly stared at the man in sur- make an end of him smut enough, hut 1 fit with think so myself, 9 to 12; 1 to 6 Cardenas. Office in sometimes I help you?" lie men are ltaxe would gone of It can you Hours, How all my acting. nearly prise. Res. Phone 103-- j 4 Phone 23. found it in Isabel's hand when I took mix o'ie w lio ofleivd harm to Rosa, for We have work enough to do. asked. well her Irom the d make it worth while, if you could Exeiigelina was s tong and callable : By taking me with you. hesRosa was stricken speechless. With me? Where?" she had tin arms ami the hands of put an end to him." lnnelio said, Esteban a t am. and she it lightly, clutched tin smolder- - j some She . of rei To the insurrectos, of course. al'ing Then, itatingly. The men eyed each other tixedlv. those stories about Colonel Coho, he hurried on, lmt as I made the rope it.g Mack temper of Sebastian, lmr MISS LULU TIETJEN , What makes you think " Olteilly added, "There are two of them, you fasl iter hand relaxed and I saw it in father. as if well, was It few people1 times ill tt lantern Ex am! the light. girl. a ell peaceful Teacher of Piano began. knoti', hoy Jt Ive got n hunch ! as if site giix e it to me. 1 xvas too can, to his clearing in the woods. 4 I remember. Oh, dont say it and Harmony. All, yes much about nunls 1 off from tin dont know what your game is 1 far can direct you to tile house of badly frightened to think home her Studio at Jt Santaquin it. as vuu imiy imagine, it was a horof 'he Yuu.uri. and the day. ns probably dynamite: there's a story Asensiii, where they live. foul ami water; pas-i- d A Exnngehim Um-m- ! that the rebels have sent for some uneventfully. Colm was thoughtful. place, all slime the rocks were slippery. But that coin wor(H wrj, ,,ne eye upon her Rosa American experts to teach them how girl. How old is she? txa s in her fingers!" to use the stuff, and Cod knows they the other watchfully- alert for dan- T.ighteen. ! I can't to Impossible Rosa Anyhow. say: need instruction warrant. managed when evi ning came sin pre- i'gly us an alligator. I'll I when she swallow thut rheumatism talk. s,.;iniy meal, upbraiding Ha! The most raxishiiig creature Tlien she must have had it n.( J. H. FRANCOM were fell." lii'e. for lier attempts lneanxx thought you anight gixe me a lift. Take in till Matanzas. All lie Rosa, VETERINARY SURGEON -hands ujI no saw her for will nt no! No. me ajong. you? they Calls Night and Day mad oxer her. tj nvs)l.t p,,,. Tll,.n outside the tll0 iM'i.-lAnd how would that benefit your stretched, her fingers open, in the honr ()r ,.v0 Jx Phone 57-Colonel Coho, the guerrilla, licked Payson, Utah. moonlight. cough? Johnnie inquired curiously. his full, red lips and ran a strong, door, talking about Juan ORall-yWe 1. I'll tell of his coming. Its Mr. Branch hesitated. j(T1(1 ,u, jlrt,aMe bomlcrhaps" She Began to Struggle Like a Cat. square Ini nil over his u el y. Yes. Perhaps some unseen lmnd You say you know wMm Rosa f relied nhotii her brothhair you," he said, after a moment. Tin led her to the place so that xve should er, the negress reussured lier. Don t shadows beside her human forms maafraid to die this way. by inches, and where sin where they are fixing? once, screamed seemed It She death. to a scared hours. Im Its less than Ah, perfectly! at hist coinc into our oxvn. Who knows? be frightened, little dove; he has the terialized. A. L. CURTIS. M. D. closed over her a then twice; palm liis hid Now, impossible that the sick mans cheeks soldier. a great makings of ride. There's no one except There's no doubt that father PHYSICIAN and SURGEON like to nights she and iinmth struggle began cool and the night could further blanch, but they became the boy to reckon with. money. He turned his slaves into gold, then, it is in S. Douglass Office a eat. moishe bought jewels, precious metal, anycarries lexers. Creep into your lied How much is he xvorth to you? fairly livid, while a heading of Telephones Building. at the waked who had Exaitgelina. about that handsome lover ture appeared upon Ills upper lip. bluntly Inquired the soldier, and t ueto thing he could hide. Well, perhaps and Residence Cor. 9th and P. Sts. as marauder Hie met lirsi outcry, Heaven ! Youve no idea lmw it gets sat down to make the best terms pos- there were old coins in the lot. Hie of yours." rushed through tin door. There Ro-water iu the well is shallow; Isabel on a fellows nerves 1o see himself sible. obeyed, although reluctantly. they and curses, loudly bel- 'V. aIa viz aR l a!. Alt, vfr. Alt Alt were Alt Ja xltF niu-- t have groped this piece from ihe Ill sleep for a xvliile," site compro- lowed sltmils 7f! slipping slipping. Id like to end it n great V V V JtF T scuffling ami,, orders, th the lake I shall explore letHe voiced I'll come out and Some then bottom. day received my mised, lie think suddenly, like that! I)o yon pounding of feet upon the dirt floor my turn. last sentence abruptly and snapped his ter? Rosa asked of her brother one hoi' anil we shall see. G. F. TILSON. M. D. d of the hut. the rickety, a oft to have Dawn was still a long way Rosa flung her arms rapturously PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Then, too. Id like as they sat on the board bench fingers. all Over creaked. evening and walls bulged thrill before I cash in taste the salt bv Asensio's door. It xvas a familiar about her brothers neck and kissed when, true to her promise, Rosa sounded the shrieks of the negress Office at Residence Wouldnt it he glorious? she emerged from the hut with an apolof life, as somebody expressed it. question to Esteban; lie had answered him. 110 Interior pitch-blacin Main Street Phone 7 Wouldnt it be wonderful, to ogy for haxing slept so long. Evan-gelin- a lialtling cried. Thats war.. Its the biggest game In it many times. soine-- , Then lair. in animal its like ah . Utah Payson, be rich, and to want for nothing; to the world. What do you think of the protested, though her eyes uiie set lire to the thatch; the flames Oh. yes! he declared. Lope-- Alt Alt Alt J. Jt sit. Jt Jt Jt j. Ait sit 1 hnxe fine clothes and good things to were heavy and she hail been yawnIdea? got through to Key Wet." licked up Hie dead palm leaves to to for eat! But said flood honestly. hours. for more? things eat once Not much, OReilly ing prodigiously Then why doesnt he come? the ridgepole, and the surroundings Oh Im so hunHaving fiom e the girl was firm. Difference in temperament. I supyou must he patient. Her Up quivered. But. dear, my into view. Notice of Assessment leaped 1 nally prevailed in her determination, gry. pose it is a sick fancy, hut ve got it. Think ofliis diiliculties. a swarthy, thickset man saw Rosa if ! warm place in the uiiil'onii of a colonel of vol she seated herself in the Poor little girl Im a rotten coward, hut I'll fight This subject always distressed young . The Summit Creek Irrigation tmfl. curling Wait till O'Reilly hears about this. the Cubans will take me. Kvangelina had xtutn-oltherefore he changed it. hiin Pant.ho Cue Vi rona ; more. her small feet under her. she settled unte(,rs )M( ip,,ln( once and excitement Canal Company. Office and xvas all Rosa of Where are the Cubans?" heard good my You from havent her "Come! to. Tearing the hand lips of hills. think in the me, to in and came out he chin hand, got be fine snake herself, yonder Hell glad Oh, theyre fortune. I captured another for a moment, she cried Cuetos principal place of business SanI know all about 'em. Come over to today, a big. sleepy fellow. Believe me, if he does come." O'Reilly. It was a good time to think, inline, hut be gave no hped. Rosa taquin, Utah. 11 show you a map. Esteban caressed her. He'll come, for th' jungle was very still and the shrieked ills name again ; then she my quarters, and hed wake tip when I set fire to Ills NOTICE is hereby given that with never and fear. I know it. Every time I night like a velvet curtain. If youre Interested. wind, the like He'll heard the officer say: tail. go a meeting of the board of direcat I am, said O'Reilly, and, rising, he every foot he goes away will go more leave you my heart is in my throat for "Where is the young fedow? of the above named comtors abhorses the in leave IV e had better iny fear of what may happen followed his new acquaintance. of Ianeho Cueto's profits. hear nothing lmt the squeals of that adat be held on the 23rd day of Cueto I Rancho can't hesitatingly his and here. always sence f pany, more yet You intend to burn common wem h. dressed the dim blur xvliieh he knew CHAPTER VIII. It your side. 1918, an assessment of 75c de April, and of cries fields? absently inquired the girl. rage Evaiigelimi's colonel of I The Colm. that Colonel You to he own acknowledge our There! was levied on' all the the share to them flu nee ceased, and with seems terrible destroy per for me you would volunteers was In a vile temper, xvhnt sounds of combat Prom the blazing slock of the you. Except The Spanish Doubloon. handicap V corporation issued pi iiperty. ride and an error On the whole, Rancho Cueto's plans Esteban broke out excitedly; he he making a glorious name for your- wilh the long night holiio ran two armed men, brush! 40c per share and outstanding. of Cuetos which had considerably had worked smoothly. After denounc- could not discuss Rancho t'ueto xvith-- S self. be cash in at the Secmust paid had out Would Nothing of the sort. More probably lengthened the journey. (To 1" coni intied.) losing control of himself. ing the Vuroua twins us traitors he office on or before the killed. No! Its "Where is the house? growled tin retarys managed to have hluiself appointed you permit that traitor to fatten upon Id he getting myself brave be must 23rd of June, 1918. 35c per day of our plantations? I shall better this way. We trustee for the crown, for all their j j,,. waitIs what of he think be which and share can for us. ami paid in labor, under patient r().m p;nl ,1S jle ruined properties, consummation bottom of that well. the us at for head of the head water-maste- r, In r sadly, dark the direction Hi,(,ok ing had worked from the moment he read j.S!1 j It was Indeed a great piece of luck are indeed ruined. Think of on or before the if that letter of Esteban's on the morn-paid I hut Vanina to k:i m i ful house; till our beautiful which had enabled Esteban of Ing after Donna Isabel's death. said 23rd June, 1918. day Mausers from a Spanbuy a there was a treasure Cueto had never jlinjr t,,o! We used to consider Any stock upon which this asThrough Asensios anti, once the place xvas liis Sl.vt. MlPi lmt hoxv little we knew ish soldier. disremains unpaid on the sessment he had profited by the to do with res he chose, he began his o reul j,(lV(,ry. Th ire are so many By SAMUEL GOMPERS it 23rd although and, an left? of enemy, day of June, 1918, will be honesty Search. things I want. Have we nothing to effect the the Titles. of all his money tlmse taken had lower p,. to at the edge jt buy delinquent and advertised for Commencing saca se- sale at public auction, and unless is brother murmured, dropping liis purchase, Esteban emsidered the of grounds, he ripped them up with Rod was one chance in a mil-I- t rifice well worth while. The fire rles of deep. trenches and cross-cutwill be pyps jt as to relieve phys- payment is made before mission Its xvas a task that required th? labor lion. patriotism burned fiercely in him. of sold on the 23rd day mercy August, It seems those ,ij,i his hatred of Rancho t ueto, and Wiis. Vo ,j(llliq of many men for several weeks, andto mind minister office of the Secrethe at whom ical 1918, to scarcewas negroes pain souls. Hie four xx young there sell tlieir will trusty finished when it as siuminrils xx it li Asenio tary at two oclock p. m. to pay in Exactly. We can dig food from the he had given rifles made, has given it a place ly a growing thing left upon the place. re- -' armed large an hut party trees the trees, the and himself, from it the fexv of a larger delinquent assessment thereearth ami pluck Only It. These For xvith the cost of adall of raained. Cueto xvas disappointed at good Mausers don't grow on every enough to he reckoned wit on, together and dis-.fellows xvould excitable xvere not use was he blacks of what but Besides, Push. finding nothing, in places of vertising and expense of sale. on the other old money lie to us when xxe liax'e no place wretched marksmen, lmt, couraged. Next he tore down the A. R. HUDSON, hand, each and exery one had been slave burracoons and the outbuildings, to Spend it ? to know is it a Secretary of said Company. After a moment Rosa raised xvith a machete at Ills hip ami True! after which lie completely wrecked the! a few prehit After Santaquin, Utah, Apr. 23, 1918. is perresidence itself. He pulled it apart mused aloud : I wonder if Cueto found knexv how to use it. American Red leadEsteban's under xve pven He up that 7 had dug brick. forays if ,nly liminary vlir(. by bit, brick by ' disa service jt." Esteban declared, ership they had absorbed a hit of its foundations, but'xvithout the reward llp forming a feel b to I xvere think I and a hesitated beginning l.e as peseta, much single so of cipline pnsitivelv. xvas hut a heap j larger scale why lie didn't. I think I know military ardor. nally, when the xilla xvere a there field stair forces Cuban In the lit-the is." and grounds it rubbish of forces, it is to serving In fel- lie de-- j is it ? breathlessly inquired many negroes, and fexx' of tlieir .yilt,re upon the slope of I.u (timbre, while all the gill. low patriots fought better, or endured allies sisted. 'baffled, inereduloti in work of civil relief mh shoulhim. his over nt look Haxing (lie hardships of guerrilla warfare After a furtive Matanzas laughed refighting. soil is by der Estehau whispered. In the well. j more cheerfully than they. General rificed his choicest residence, he of the Antonio Maeeo was of mixed blood, to plantation You're joking tired in chagrin to is Rod It, and yet his leadership was characterLa Joya. No, no! Think for yourself. and a with man rare a not now ized judgment by xvho xvas that only old Sebastian Cueto But dug was Republic which holds spirit of xxith rage, and, well ability, but also by an exalted abandon grievance. He burned sex'eral be Ills of personal bravery. ideals it Yes. life and his contempt for the boy and girl (Medicine is taken internally and In brothers rendered Cuba services scarceA id lie alone shared father's hud wronged soured into hatred. acts thru the blood on the mucous so were of work of and that they on As time That sunken garden was all, ly less distinguished, time he began to realize also surfaces of the system. Halls alwould a of few of was jeop but lived one else No many work. they Sebastian's lung as they in Red in F.urope will Tills struggle for Independence ardize his tenure of tlieir property. lowed to tend it. Why? Ill tell you. stock Public feeling, at present, was high; They feared to let anyone else draw was no patricians war; the lies) that will with all side may side by island of the fought there xvas intense bitterness againstsome end full and it. It must rebels; but the xvar xvouldasked him- the water. Isabel searched for years; field hands. ewiiiw;Nev vj. auiuc vjl unt woi Cueto At dawn of the morning following lmd been alioxe ground treasure if day. What then? that combined xvith II is known, side members xvlien on the (tonics the American only of nose would have smelled it his talk with Rosa, self. Sympathy xvas ever her sharp of 1 i r the best blood purifiers. , sonic of the weak and oppressed. There out. and now- Cueto has moved the very of his command assembled. Esteban reiiei we that bad made bis such combination of the lie and rpjie was ready. np perfect would come a day of reckoning. earth." s Cueto Runetio and to in discomfiture "So destroy his Halls Catarrh swell preparations Rosa Siit back disappointed. As if to forming ingredients ministration to and sinee the road over Hie bills out from the hills that's mir theory?" fields, xvhat fears, his Medicine is produces such strengthen j ruwas long he had summoned OUT -force. xvonderful results in catarrhal at the head of the Yumtiri issued more than a theory. tin hoy to Lti Joya It's military mors of a little tiand of guerrilleros, y insisted. 'Look at this!" From the them early. ! conditions. Send for testimonials, beurdles-boIt is my Be careful Rosa implored him. I under the leadership of a xvere mak- pocket of his cotton trousers lie prowho of shall die suspense." xx blacks libit lie a bund of coin, Red duced an work of for & co., Props., p unsafe for SpanIt is for you to he careful, he will ing the upper valley placed in Rosa tin nil. and a good watch, 0. "Keep Toledo, laughed. ish scouting parties. It's a Spanish Why. it's gold! conceal yourself at the fihst alarm. Rancho All druggists, 75c. Cursing the name of Yaroua. not x fu- doubloon " she satd. It's the first one I think we have taught these However, did ' Hall's Family Pills for Cueto armed hintsiif. Where did you find it? I ever saw. a lesson. As for Cueto, he when 1 tell bandits ture far alone, and. like D mmi I'm crazy think You'll Uiw- - be began to have bad it nf Cuetes tune "us Mimed. iiinl hD laborers reported see-luami some negroes riding The overseer took nio the wood. lmrie within the hour auil rode pell-ine- ll to Matanzas. in the city ut this time wits a certain ("oloi.el (oho, in etmtiiiiiml of Si'sinWli volunteers, tlmse exeeralde eotiviet troops from tile Isle whose atrocities hud already ,ii I mu inti t sod them as wolves rather thar. men. oti.l to him laiteho went with his s or . I liat aronu boy, Ivei Ail. es I him," I'olto remarked, when, his e, tiler lmd finished liis account, lie has eason to hate ou, 1 dare say, for Ttfit eolotiel smiled1 olilied inm. 1 oeacnj j I . j ( j $ self-deni- j j e tier-sel- pe e -- 1 ! i 1 pos-e--.c- d ! i ! imiin-traxeie- d j ! I short-croppe- . d $ - j up-stai- Ii lmrk-eovore- $ mes-i-eng- er Ate.- - 1 11 THE EMBLEM OF HUMAN MERCK 1 j half-doze- n j j J 1 j ! omifi-dene- e. s. dark-skinne- Cross an emblem tpifying human The and sympathy. and and deep the body those our people. hearts whose dear ones are comfort great danger Cross that the on more effective than ever before. our enlisted addition among our assisting the the whose being devastated Cross helping interpret the Thus the our constructive seeks. the sacred human the the the scope goes increase order that the Cross be meet the demands organization receive Ihe hearty made upon through the people. support and can be assured an agency our young men necessary 1 sincere desire that adequate funds Cross. the the he secured ' Vi j. citeney ; I?-- N 1 j, frfdar'Y'y ' |