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Show THE Pay SON IAN, JM.M.n PAYSON, UTAH Santaquin News. Opportunities Alls. J. L. Olsen is entertaining as the guests this week Air. and' Airs. L'eorge Alexander and Airs, FURNISHED KOOA1S for rent. 3i-l- f Inquire Mrs. MatJ ic K'ajii- Alexander, all of Salt Lake City.' Dean Flanders is here from Mammoth isiting relatives and' friends. Airs. Obif (ll.seu, who has been' visiting v. it li her mother at .Mammoth for the past week rcturnci home Monday. ATI's. Wallace York and daugb-'i- i I. a I.'can left Thursday morn-ing for Idaho to visit her daugh-- j ter, Airs Ethel Walker. Aliss Aliss Alyrtle Cushing, Martha Robbins, Aliss Ruth Jeli-- i kins. Hill Hettess, Alelis Wbitear! and Hert (liinderson motored to A j Li omay e n up to attend - SIXTY acres land sale, milt of sugar beet within Byron .Mendeii-- i dump, Payson. 34-IimI! sALL KnowdeSPlJft. used condition. A 1ft 17 THkf The Apply 35-- 004 FEtLER VNHO HIS 1 Airs. ('has. Inquire Justin 1 THE BADGE OF PROSPERITY informed that there is a dancing party. second feet of water turn' Mr. Eddie Flanders, who lias into the High Line after a week lai n sebio at the A. spent in repair work. ii i'i'md lion i Monday to visit with relatives before entering Air. and Airs. .Moroni Jensen of military service. He leaves Alon-laElsinore have been visiting here. for n. u of the training Mr. .Jensen is superintendent of a ops. the Agricultural Department of A fare veil dancing party was Hie Ctah-hlahSugar company ;.:ivcn T!ii:tsd.y night in llud- at Elsinore. Mrs. Jensen is a sis- mi's ball n Hert Gunderson, ter of Airs. Howard Evans and Willie Hettess and Eddie Fland-Aliss Daisy Harding. el's who leave soon for tlie trainramps. Aliisie was furnished ing Airs. I). S. Williams returned Ibv I 'dab's orchestra of Xephi. to her home at Castle Dale, Utah, About couple were in ffiy Sunday morning after a visit of mil many several days with relatives and weie people present. friends in Payson. She was acThe Ratliburn Jazz band companied by AHss Edna Hills a very successful dance who will spend the slimmer with here Saturday night. her aunt at Castle Dale. .Mrs. J. L. Olsen entertained al We are of real 150 1 There att-ndl- ng r A. Love l(it I. It pays to trade with the Fiirniliire Co. Wright t was in 11. Taylor was tlie speaker the eommeiieement exercises Goshen last Thursday night. For Rent; One hundred acre at once. II. ,ee 35-t- f less, isitoi visit ing. MkA white scnriT ivith pink silk border. Owner can sc-'- f cine same at this office by j))lv. (I ins f'r this ad. farm. a Proto tlie lure part of the week MU .MODERN Inline for sale five rooms and hath; screened porch, (fash or terms to suit buyer. OWL.X L. BARNETT. as Roy Lewis, tin1 Provo at toruey was in Paysmi Tuesday on lorsi- ness. S NEVER GIVES HIKA fcNV NEWS 15 LWft.VS HOLLERIN' ABOUT THEN BEIN NO NEWS IN THE PAPER'. , Ford w apital Saturday. ouk REPoereR savs WOT GrlTS 1 4 Ellsworth MICKIE SAYS for o . 1 Save Money and Protect Yourself cr: h' ''f Alada Curtis Njient Salt L Citv. lav in Satur-ak- con-duele- e Wilman Carter of Eureka spent Sunday w ith bis family here. An informal breakfast was en Sunday morning at the born Dixon was hostess of Afr. and ATrs. S. It. Wilson in o till' Bridge elub Saturday nfter- - honor of their son Ford; who has fur-been home on a fifteen-daiooii. from Kansas Fort lough Riley, Aliss Alary Aloore is visiting He left immediately after break-las- t on he 11:15 ear, and was vitli friends and relatives at Ruck a. accompanied as far as Salt Lake by bis parents, Air. and Airs. S. K. Wilson, and Aliss Clara JenA baliv boy was born to Air. sen of Spanish Fork. md Mrs. AV. II. Searlo oil Friday Airs. C. F. v 1 1 nrfrniing. Alfred R. Wilson was in Provo Tuesday on business eonnected vitli tlie High Line Canal Co. and Airs. Owen Afr. and son Kenneth spent datives. llumpli-ic- of Alam-lot- s li Sunday here with Airs. Fustiee .Mendeiilmll was hostess to the ladies of the llap-iiHour Soeial elub on Friday fternoou. y timed Kerr lias she where from Eureka lomp with her daughter, jsitod Airs. David pri t Henq. John Ellis and daughter of Bountiful, spent a visit Huiulay with her cousin, Airs. E. II. Pniyor. , . Airs. iii'ah and Airs. Thomas W. Asb- ton of Provo were the quests Lo-'Sunday of Misses Dora ami mine .Montague. Mr. Shuler Motor Company Before You Buy 1 has Aline AleDetb where Lake Salt from turned jlias been at seliool during winter. She was neeoitipanied Airs, .1. F. Harvey who will her guest for a fortnight. Aliss ! ! re- she the by be THE PEOPLES BANK Provo and Payson, visiting with! dered. .Mr. ami Airs. George Alexander and Airs. Alexander, Salt Lake City; Airs. J. By-r- . y and Airs. Lortz (Tiris- Air. and Airs. Olof Olsen. Jtiansen, I.Mr. and All's. 'I. Gunderson, Mrs. Lulu Peterson, Air. and Mrs. An , jeiis llolladav, Airs. Thca Biggin-sonAirs. Rudolph Peterson, Airs. Ruth Slott, Hert Gunderson. j.Vthcl and Fritz Christiansen and Harry Olsen. quests were is Hroadbent sur-friend- s. j i i j sis-'ter- Airs. Wallace York and daughter Lc relic left Thursday for Ida- Airs. ivived by her husband, James Miss Hlanche Kirkman, daugli- - Hroadbent, ami three sous, James ter of Airs. Sarah Kirkman, was Hroadbent Jr. ot West Jordan, married in Salt Lake last Friday Willie and Ransom Hroadbent to Air. Frank Colins. They left Santaquin, and four daughters, Monday for St. Louis Afo., where Airs. Alma Hendrickson, Airs. Bill Alitehell, Airs. Jack Kitl and Airs. they will make their home. Johnson, all of Eureka, Mr. J. Rovv bv of Salt Lake C.tv is visiting his daughter, Airs. Jane! Lderrment was in city cemetery. Tietjen. Airs. Ephraim Tietjen enterEDUCATIONS INFANCY. tained at dinner Sunday for Air. Why should women read? With A ami Airs. Albert Greenlialgh, Air. and Airs. Floyd Openshaw, Air. fount of omniscience in their home, ami Airs. Clias. Tietjen, Afayrell why should the feminine contingent of We the family burrow into books? and Druee Tietjen. must discourage such a foolish whim, A patriotic meeting was held said the typical eighteenth century Tuesday evening in the ward gentleman. church under the auspices of the So thought all the conservative pilY. L. assoeiaton. Air. Heher Jones lars of society in that day, and ao was the speaker, his subject be- ruled Andrew Bowman of Fife, whose ing Why the Allies Went to will lias lately been brought to light iu is Mr. Albert Xordfelt here from Salina visiting with his Airs. Jennie Bylund and Mrs. Eflie llolladav. Aliss Lulu Tietjen is a Ileber Genola Jottings. 1 State Bank of Payson d dinner Sunday in honor of her Invited birthday anniversary. giv- Look prosperity. n .Miss is no other so safe and sure. over our flourishing bank statement and then link your destinies with ours. Well take the helm and guide your family ship through the rocks and storms of life s adversities until you are safely harbored in v lae prosperityis the bank account. ' visitor this week. ho where Airs. York was called Airs. Lucy Anderson is here .Mr. to attend a sick daughter. visiting with her brother. All's. Shoemaker and family Hill Hroadbent, ami family. Air. and Airs. George Heehe have moved out from Payson anil joined Mr. Shoemaker on the and son Phillip and Aliss Alyrtle Cushing motored to Provo the War. homestead. Selections were given hv the course of a property dispute. AnDon Page lias just completed a it her evening. While there they the girls chorus, vocal solo by drew Bowman of Fife purchased landwere the guests of Air. and Airs. cabin on bis ranch in North Jennie Hylund, quartete by Roda ed property in 1750 and also built up a It will be occupied for the I). R. Heehe. and Nettie Horgenson, Harold large library of the classics and enAir. Albert Hackman, who has season by George Hallard and Olsen and Andrew Horgenson; gravings. been teaching at the Tooele High Vera Robbins. His heirs were forbidden to sell or family of Payson. .School the past winter, spent the reading by is Mr. and Alls, llyrum Jones. lend the books and the heir Yirgil Cl o ward is building a past, two weeks home with his bound to keep a suitable room for small bouse on bis ranch. S. Mr. E. ami Airs. all of Decker, Hack-maparents, Air. and Airs. G. Salt Lake City, and Air. and Airs. the library in his house and to allow Airs. Fred Larsen and Air. and He left Thursday for O Harris of Payson, were the free access to it to the neighboring John Airs. Evans motored to Spring den where he will he interested gentlemen, iliere to read and study. City Tuesday and spent tlie day. in Hoy Scout work during the guests at dinner Sunday of Airs. Women and children are expressly proMary S. Hoyle at the Hoyle hotel. hibited from So re Peterson and wile moved summer. access to the lihaving Air. Alma Hendrickson and brary. Reading, out from Santaquin Air. Elmer Tietjen and childAlonday. according to this of Eureka children are Aliss visiting gentleman of Fife, was reserved for They will occupy the reclamation ren, Aliss Jennie Tietjen and service house by the pass for the Iereilla Kay motored to Myna at the home of his sister, Airs. gentlemen. No mere farmers or ten ants should have access to these books, irigatioii season. Air. Peterson is Friday, the guests of Airs. Lotte. Lee Montague. Aliss Alarie Peterson was a Salt Air. and Airs. Thomas Robbins and women, according to the English ditch rider on the gap division or Scotch country gentleman of 1750, Lake visitor last week. of tlie high lino, were Provo visitors Thursday. A Red Cross meeting was held had no business with books. Mr. and Airs. Floyd Openshaw Air. ami Airs. Hanks and family of Salem were calling in the entertained the following young in the ward church Sunday evenAutomobiles are cheaper. Everybody people at their home Wednesday ing. Hishop Huttle and Air. Wilvalley Monday. admits that. And with this knowledge, Air. of and Airs. Herbert liams Provo were the speakers. R. C. law kins made a business evening: Air. and Airs. Willie Mr. and Airs. Williams gave a from all reports, more and more cars Openshaw, trip to York Monday. are being sold this season than ever Hroadbent, Aliss Elsie Fnaneis, few piano selections. Air. and Airs. Charles Gardner, .Miss Aliss services for Mrs. Alice before. Persons who a few years ago Funeral Ethel Jenkins, Alyrtle Larsen and family .Mrs. A, .Merrill who died of cancer never dreamed of possessing their own Cushing. Tietjen, Roy Hroadbent, spent Alonday with Air. and Airs. IVtersou and C. Al. Tietjen. and complicated illness, at the private vehicle are taking Sunday D. G. Al unday. Mr. and Airs, llyrum Robbins Provo Hospital Thursday morn- trips the same as those whom they Local people are doing some of Heher City are here visiting ing. were held Sunday under the had always envied. But someone altakes the out ways road grading this week under the relatives and friends. of life. Just joy of Counsellor Charles direction direction of road supervisor, A. Mrs. Jennie Hendrickson and jA. Tietjen. .Music was furnished when the poor man has a chance to L. McClellan. children motored to Holden Sun- by the ward choir. The speakers at least feel wealthy someone takes advantage of him. Now It is those who relaRandall Larsen visited day to visit her mother, Mrs. were Jos. A. Rees, Air. Lerwill of fix gasoline prices. The cheapness of bis is ill. at former tives and friends Johnson, who Payson, Hp. Bullock of Provo seriously Aliss home at Spring City from SaturlTicilla Kay was a Thomas Jenkins, Prof. David automobiles has been the basis of the advance in gas, and thousands of auday until Tuesday. Springville visitor Monday, the Hroadbent of Heher City, and tomobiles have been sent to garages. County Commissioner Joseph guest of Miss Artie Ewing. Joseph Hroadbent of Provo. A It has become a matter of bread or in the Afr. Alvin Grecnhalgh, who has duet by Airs. Christiana Crooks Reece had road business gas, and the poor man must have been stationed at Camp Lewis, and Airs. Julia Peterson was ren- - bread. valley Alonday. Mr. amt Airs. J. W. Drysdale is home on a furlough to visit his entertaned a party of f rends at brothers and sisters. He is looktheir home Saturday evening. The ing fine and seems to enjoy army, guests included Air. and Airs. H. life. L. Monday, Air. and Airs. (. G. Air. Howard llolladav is home 1 Mrs. Airs. F. from Peterson to spend be sumSullivan, .Monday, Dan Sullivan, Air. and Airs. H. A. mer. Air. and Mrs. Hill Hroadbent Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 11. W, Gore, mill will mi to ( Inward Nuns to do our slioji-yoAir. and Airs. A. L. McClellan, entertained at their home at the iiln 't pin kumv tliey hate fresh vegetables Mrs. L. J. Hmoks. Miss Lavona power plant Tuesday evening mul ti'iut iu xeasou and out, mid what haven't they Larsen, Messrs. Lars Larsen. John Cards were the evenings enterumt in tin tender, meat lie got eaiFt juiey Sullivan. Cornelius Van Ausdal, tainment. Luncheon was served You may si t a shaving of Floyds hut it linger, too, Tims. Peterson. Jr.. August Peter- to sixteen guests. A number of all ncx in at the Mime price--nextra eharwe son and Lari Hrooks. Eureka people were present. Fair Treatment, Cleanliness, Courtesy is our motto. Dvc of Spring City Mr. and Airs. Peter Anderson Robert called Sunday on bis cousin, and family motored from H A. Smith and family. Sunday and were euter-o- f Air. and Mrs. llyrum Larsen tained by Mrs. Henry Ellsworth. Air. and Mrs. James Hroadbent Vineyard spent Sunday with his Dealers in FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES brother. Fred Larson and family. of Eureka were the guests of Mr. and MEATS. atAnd Airs. Willie Hroadbent SatMr. and Mrs. Ileitrv Smith W, i"xi at 0 (HI o in tended the funeral of Mrs. urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Tietjen Smith's aunt. Airs. James Hroad-hent- , in Santaquin Sunday. 'eiit the last of the week at Ge-nol- a. I 1 v I - .j V -- fr Wait Until 1 Get My Hat i5c u I S - v Alain-mot- PAYSON AUTO E. B. PARRY, Mgr. V A Sales Agents b 0. P. CLOWARD & SONS 4 iA-- A |