Show from ali pally of Spa lr f A easa basely USED thoral is a cedius in salt lake who lies awake ts concocting concoct ing exciting afa boom character winch he supplies as special lo 10 colorado and aunt western journals at expense and at the expense of truth indirectly aej facility as a liar become a little ex pensive lor oden and this is bow it cornea about ife has long para to hear everything in abe nature of an improvement ahat may be Baggest dd or even contra plated by loral or foreign capital for any part of aba mountain region the intimation is all be needs around it be neavis a neb of shin in probabilities ghitti r ng prospects and assured rean lt in all of salt lalie Ss the central figure her the artistic eide her disappointing railroad consolidation the dim background lie chuckles to himself and to liis tellow falsifiers when he acta the dispatch forwarded but begins to rem blo when the papers fag it are about to arrive j knowing that though 1 es may be appreciated by some they are so bewly nailed by others that his occupation is io danger in thia way he has cl dimel he bear kiver canal the smelter project and a half A score distinctly and peculiarly to odea and her connary con as of salt biksa pro greas his shameless mendacity and the dee parate situation of the cause for which lie lightly risks his hopes of eternity are apparent appi rent without any multiplying of words but we ish to sound a warning and in the name of white robed of her chosen dwelling place we demand that the basa fabricator mend liia ways deal righteously aej speak henceforth by the book we are onto him TUE ONLY railroad office in salt lake which e ver did thaw a sign of activity wai wa i t at of the utah nevada or road and that is now dead and decaying lie salt lake papers say toe total railroad business in the town is so lucli and reduced that one small office for all the roads ir MAY interest some theatre boers to know how the prince of wales applauds lie closes the left fist tight and the fingers between the and the first joints with the palm of his right hand there is a ragged anesi leness about the fashion which is not at all dudish TUB to guaranteeing tho building of a hotel for ogden should be esteemed ete emed a roll of honor everybody knows we need the hotel but not everybody be has any other duty than to sit down and wish for it IP WE may judge of vicious inclima i eions by the face and the bacs by the photograph some of the attorneys so the Cronin case are far mure worthy of arrest than most of the suspects now on trial be a full attendance at the meeting of the chamber of commerce tonight to night the intel project will be heard from A mini arr of good coal miner can get employment in the U P rolica at koik wyoming parties wis hang to go out to work in those mines can get a one a mile rate by applying to WW duff at alle at at the home missionaries weber will fall the following appointments on sanjay sept ath II 11 douglass and A W R belnap and thoa A weber D M stuart aad M F brott 11 City Robert mw aad ham L nd carl androu and rou Y Sta aad J M li une C joseppi and geo H cowert view ahmoo graec jr and J W llort tortu t ogden W W file and M f W stratford nd n and 1 W V V W and P P abo tam newell hoopert Ho operE U and chappie L W C T N C yi TORl lency recommendation lightn V june th ct T 0 wh and othera drak ait ller dentist ha weeks been established in gei and hail riven getheral getie ral illon at the post lie bifi done considerable work or anil ot fort and iw aitu unusual lie done considerable corli tor myself home of the litot in and to my perfect sati stai tion otia the above is a transcript t a letter show n us by dr miller the new dentist tho work to w the colonel refers in his lifer in a little out vt alo binl two teeth w ere put in on the upper j iw on one side and three on alie other y plate 1 ben all 0 the colonels Colon elg w ere worn low n so that he could not his owl without crowding it litween the teeth onto alic gums irav ing them sore and ti condition to this detect all the teeth above and below were built up or tapped w ith gulu restoring alini to their natural length and use chiess ess litters 0 a and reliable source in ft that the doctor ts a competent and a to be trusted |