Show Fro nithe june SO 4 TIIE RECEPTION abo citizens of aden have given TUB great encouragement and much to feel grateful for by the generous reception accorded the illustrated EDITION at the postoffice post office we learn that all classes ot people have taken part in sending out copies to their friends at one time a regular procession of gentlemen loaded down with copies of THE was formed at the interstate inter state land and town companas Comp anys office and then marching in regular file to the lice attracted much favorable comment at another time a large mail sack filled with single copies of TUB wrapped separately was taken to the post office and in answer to he carriers caery are many papers being sent out the postal employee pointed to a vi ell filled back with the remark that ia the third time that sack has been filled dicce noon the real estate men gave the edition an ovation the rich and fashionable ma arons and maids did not forget their friends at a distance and in lieu of a letter mailed a copy of TUB the utilized their idle momento mom rare in ogden in bending out copies of a paper of which they were proud tho paper speaks for itself and needs no won of at our bands wo know that our every promice waa fulfilled but that does not compare with the we feel over the reception tendered by the people ho paper and ink necessary to mako a newspaper there are human feelings and ours have been touched with a kindly tenderness to work lor ogden under such circumstances is a labor 0 lovo tho citizens cit izena 0 oden havo mado unceasing labor for the building up of OUT city in the future a pleasure we thank hem and with the certainty in another effort of a kindly reception lope in future to distance our jagt attempt ia ehon ing ogden to the world as alia is is no good excuse for the streets of oden being dusty conr of the south bend indiana patent sprinklers lers now in in all enterprising katies and colorado bitica would keep down alt dust and make oden the most delightful city in the anter region 1 WANTS the ohio saip and gets the nomination for governor abo difficulty the republican thiet taina experience in getting together may anro even mr ro present prospects into ano thickest and hottest of boup AS a ashe city should me modern and keep down the dust |