Show win is once diore more word combats over the treasonable PAPERS alie excitement warms once more at liti rill H cuite i fatal biloon at liuro bioti in Caio iv delagoa ilal eaf H br western aason press to THE HIE rons II 11 luth At tarliS apon his temporal july 1 alie pope at a secret consistory belil yesterday referring to a speech made in the senate in which crisp dielt on the hopelessness of the attempt made to reconcile the vatican and declared that the temporal power of tho bope was 1 I have summoned you at the time of a very great difficulty in my ol locution 1 emoke exclusively of one act done against rome but there wore many others statesmen dare even to bring forward accusations from the parliamentary tribune as though we ere able to desire or not to desi reft bat relates to our ea card rights secrecy BS to the proceedings ce vas imposed upon the cardinals present and a discussion last half an hour followed it is said that the pope haa expressed liis determination to quit home very shortly bay aars benm june 30 tho ya lional and vachrel Vach red commenting on the delagoa bay inc sympathy with portugal and deprecate what they characterize as an english attempt to red ace the south africa republic to a british dependency prince bismarck in a letter to huir fabri on the colonial question says he regrets it has always been made a party riu estion and that money for colonial measures lias been voted reluctantly the government be adds cannot assume the responsibility of colonial administrations LISBON june 30 it is rumored that the government will agree to submit tho bay railway question to arbitration it ia asserted that no violence whatever has been offered to the railroad men july 1 british pun boats have been ordered to proceed to delagoa bay july 1 from delagoa bay are the reports of violence on alie part of the portuguese are denied there has been no disturbance agents of the railway company leave bonded over the line to the portuguese officials and liae made a valuation upon the work they haye already done the directors of the portuguese company at lisbon ath which alone the Portus oese government has treated have informed the government hey have no intention of resisting alie decree cancelling the concession but ill seek legal redress in political circles here it Is asserted the concession and alie portuguese laws fully guarantee a repayment of the capital the railroad company has sunk in the enterprise ti illiam 21 r Arrest CORK june SO tho goi eminent proclamation forbidding the holdin the nationalist was disregarded scattered meetings being held at several places in the city and vicinity the result was that win obrien and other speakers ere arrested after the arrest 0 obrien the crowd stoned the polaire nho in turn charged several persona aero injured patrick obrien 31 P the disorder continued guiot baa restored this evening thirty eight persons were treated at the infirmaries infirm aries for bounds on the bead patrick obrien is in a critical condition obrien in a speech at Clan nakle denounced the government and landlords in the strongest terras the train conveying him to cork after his arrest was met at Charlesi ille by a band which played god save ireland the crowd tried to obtain obrien and the police cirod wounding a railroad employed and one other person l odon july 1 in the commons this evening air sexton moved to adjourn in order to challenge the government to explain the event regarding the on of the nationalist meetings mee at cork esterday which he said were the memorable and disgraceful events under lie present regime 0 brute force stedmond accused the govern duent ot promoting bloodshed bloode hed and turmoil gladstone said the govern nent had ailed to reply to allegations allega tiona required the fullest explanation the ministry must complain if tho matter nero raised again isalow denied there was tho slightest prima facie caso against the govern anent ahe leaders ol 01 tho mob were responsible sextons Sex tons motion was re sporting Sc anJal LONDON june SO the decision ol 01 the arbitrators in tie durgana chot turf case is very lengthy they practically declare that lord durhams speech at york con a libel prominent lawyers question the power of the arbitrators to decide upon payment of the costs tle arbitrators decision bay in the vorda 0 dur hama letter accio ng chetwynd of contrary to atie rules of racing were truo in strlla or LONDON july 1 alie tramway employees at cardiff the companies friej to run their cars with new iuen under police escort mhd strikers blocked the tracks and threw stones at the cars hitting passengers police drivers aal li orece and smashing the windows several were arrested the police dorco ia not large to cope with the strikers storm in china SAN FRANCISCO julya the steamer kio de caneno has arrived from hong kong and yokohama one of the most brainstorms rainstorms rain storms in the history of HOCK kong occurred on slay 29 and 30 the total rainfall for thirty hours was twenty nine and a half inches at the time of the fall measuring nearly three inches rw hour hong kong papers do not venture to estimate the loss to private pro pedy such as residences etc but place the estimated loss to public property at scarcely a house within an area of thirty atto square miles bot buffered all the roads and streets in the colony were turned into mud heape and innumerable shops and dwellings were flooded the water pipea burst at every corner and eight men were killed by lightning in a mat shed fifteen lives in all were known to have been lost when the steamer sailed tue storm cut ct a large water supply and the lower portion of alie town is still suffering from a serious dearth of drinking water A week after the storm the city presented the appearance of having a subterranean and the subsidence during the first of lie week allowed of little progress pro gresa being anade with alio work of removing the debria the government is forced to call in the aid of the military |