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Show July Friday. 8, 1927 .THE OGDEN POST ODD WAYfi YiELD to r.:c trend Americans Important Changes in Albania. Tirnuii, AiliM. BONNER. GBHAM mho n emu of TVVgi pPi'jirv, Uka bad tha loveliest pink, and other pale shades In It, looked as if It really very much nt Jjt Swed feeling wanner again. It B was not a very large lake, but for the enough ((i plenty large beautifully situated. most Bwas B was Just off the(Woods, and the dont see any boat Arent we Oh, what has happened! going "We were looking forward so much T boat trip." The Fairy Queen smiled, and said: Dont be Impatient little Fairies." Then she waved her magic wand sad said: boat! Whereupon the loveliest white boat appeared. It came right np to the edge of the ibore. a beautiful boat It with two big long, of the boat stood a green frog. They acted as steer-ir- e Kg very fine, Indeed, In They looked their bright green suite looked as If they had They almost bought their nits new for the occasion. But when the fairies got In the boat the biggest surprise was waiting for them, for It was far from being an ordinary boat The bottom of the boat was all glase fairies cried out with delight The n is ii-- u ai-.- We It certainly was : - was sunny. Then they could see the beautifid reflections on the water and the ihsdows. At three all t)e fairies were ready. for Ikey saw the Fairy Queen waiting them by the shore. Where's the boat! they asked her. was very, very white salla On either end .i :v 1: . in-ri- skirted the shore. The Fairy Queen, had suggested much warmer tint as It had grown so so looked lake absolutely the as ud there could be nothing nicer JJjn to take a nail on It jHl of the fairies thought that It vould be delightful, too. The Fairy Queen said they would three oclock, for girt on their trip at nicer to go when much so be k would Gome, j tiiitl A; I ueea la a ! IiiuivmUi sliaro in ius;ii- - i!t. AlUi uiaus lion Ivi'ii caliod inutv TurkWi than t! Turks" of their faithful nl. ca ii.v to traditions Imported by M"!i:'.!aiatl:iii Invadois IWi-utlcenturies ugo. an Italian ship which arrive. during the fast of Ramadan, a .to In which no Moslem is supi- ed to eat or woik before G p. m., li.:l to go back without landing Its ciogit. The United Sia:,- government mini In conflict with tlie Mohammedan faith In Its pun of a site for a new legation. The wuniun owner of the site refused to allow herself to be seen nnvelled fur irgai identification In transferring the site until she was convinced that a mnn had seen her face once before, tlirn she permitted him to si e it again. The site chosen was outside the city limits of Tirana, and an A'hunlan law prohibits foreigners from owning property except In cities, so the authorities accommodatingly extended the city limits. II. F. Fultz of Washington, a graduate of the University of Chicago, Is busy Americanizing young Albanians In the American vocational school here, fie Is teai hing youngsters to build houses, run and repair steam engines and other mechanical occupations. American sports, particularly baseball, have hien Introduced. Amerlcnn shoes are popular with all classes. The peasants and mountaineers ding most avidly to ancient custom, but even af weddings American shoes may be seen worn In odd contrast to native costumes. Of the country's Too motor cars, Gtn are American, the preference being explained by the statement that "American cars are the best climbers and swimmers," which In this mountainous country, laced with streams, la the best of recommendations. An Amerlcnn who tried to Introduce modern farming methods was vanquished by the donkey and stunted Albanian ox. With tractors and the latest American agricultural machinery lie produced an excellent crop. Rut there was no mnrket for It, as the Albanians live chesply. so he got Just a little less for It than enough to pay for his gasoline. A1 banians live on a small quantity of Indian corn, with mutton and rice at Intervals. BOAT CLASS-BOTTO-M A -- .i Tree Comes to Meet Farmer at the Bam Pomeroy, Ohio. Alonso Kesterson has never believed In fairies, but now well, consider the evidence: Mr. Kesterson, who is past the age of believing In fairies, owns a farm Just outside romeroy. As Is a habit of farms in that vicinity, It runs mostly up and down. Just back of tlie house the Kesteiv son farm turns sharply upward for several hundred feet. Three hundred feet up this steep clay slope stood an apple tree. Its apples were of a variety particularly prized by Mr. Kesterson and he bemoaned their Inaccessibility. "I wish that old tree was down In the barn lot," he confided to his grandson the other morning. "I like them apples special and its glttln too hard to climb up there." A few minutes later the two heard a rumble, a clatter and a crackling of timbers ; they turned to behold the apple tree, Its roots still burled in a gigantic clod of earth fifteen or twenty feet In diameter, settling itself in the barnyard. A bare slippery expanse of clay on the hillside revealed Its path. The slippery clay, softened by heavy rains, had staged a landslide for the apparent benefit of Mr. Kesterson. The tree crashed through a fence and demolished a abed. It was In bloom at the time and now la preparing, Mr. Kesterson said, to bear a crop of applea - Ths Levsllest White Boat Appeared then they saw it, and the Fairy Queen u so happy that they liked It Then they started on a lovely trip uonnd the lake, then np and down Ike lake. Not only could they see the pretty through the glass they all the fishes knd green kore, but coold see Puws and weeds that grew down nader the water. Kever had the fairies been able to ns such Interesting things. - watched some of the fishes and swimming around. Other fishes they watched were Ping quite peacefully. Tou can well believe how interest-- , f If vu and how much they Tkey playing It Of course the Fairy Queen is always happy an long as the little tre happy. The Fairies said after It waa all r Hfct It was the most wonderful M Interesting boat trip they had for bid. Partly arle .Links Bryant Taggart tlgdcn Ranks Shown Work Progressing on Stricken on Auto Ride In (ioocl Condition Two Chapel Buildings CURRENT EVENTS j Ry Their Reports llrick work on the Nineteenth ward i f r.lgk'.ll't. NEWS REVIEW OF w 7 'Yc jiument herself. Sey, Miss wants to fou are." -- Stone," she announced, know what nationality Jell." smiled her teacher, "Tin 8wedlsh, Spanish and. Amer- - JJ004 gracious must ! exclaimed Helen, have been around quite a Seared of Indians uncl. vho was tha habit him all the pennies he ,. h,T. W to Bobby eoon In hap-ifuv- j... tna k-- A Httle lister woe born, Well, you bow have a little elster to 70np Pennies with, and I dont t0 We.them." ,fter ' for a while, Paring rn. Tou better give Dotty all Ns.601 PnnIB canaa shed be of tie Indians. m Uy. eL did you go to church oralngr asked father. daddy," replied hot It was awfolly dry. The ten-yetro- ld . 7 Ucked his lips forty times dor- - sermon. 1 i . i Ugr. higs. :i ;;itwo.-- 1. wr,:!.! f..i". 1 Mlii'o'.l , ri.l tu:; it h ( Igilrll lu .i! t nj and lm-- , i.iv - v .it u r.lav in.. i nil g .,t tli -- i loir-- S, I l c mi. I'. llilrl'.l iit Tnc i i.i'.'l, fail.; i. Army Lieutenants Fly to Honolulu, and Byrd Hops to France. Txvei.ty-fourt- winingM:.--t ti buildings on west Thirtictn street, has in very good to the reports which been resumed uml every effort is behave been i.i-- d by the hanks. The ing mude to have the recreatiunul hall combined ih ,mi s are :0.72v.siil..V. unit ready for occupancy before Aug. iinl tli I, tlie date when a leuse on a aie $2;!. 2M 54. in y meeting place expires. 'Ihe Iii'it Xuwi!i.,i and Fii't S.iving-- . huilibug will cost more than fl'tO.OOU. bunk-V'.2ft2.l!M S'i; Ogd.-Progress is also being made on the Stati iu-ward chupel. Thirty-firt- h bank. :.l2:i.i;s.l.ii; Hthui Rank Mi eel west of Washington avevn! nil-- 1. Cuaiiiuari-ia- l nue. P.rcik work has reached the level Security bank. 12,1 S4,l,.i7.2'i. of the i Impel floor, carpenters are to l.iy the floor this week and then the brickwork wilt continue Mnd the roof constructed. This building will cost h.llik. Ogih-- young Myrtle uroe in to xim sv! Or. I ut urn tlip to EDWARD W. PICKARD V; n.an complained of more great feats lu axtathn ill:-M took the S.immciil were both rked the week, and wh- il f the c.ir and droxe to Ogib-iiurn! Flit Ai,r!vn aivoiuplistnuents. St. i 'l:t a: iho office of Hr. Kira of Importance was the flight of IT ' whore in 'd; was J. Maitland and Albert giici. a hi .1 Mitmiluut. Taggart was taklie from Sail Francisco to en i.' Ms he died about Honolulu. Taking off from the Oak- foi r i. ;!!. l.ii r. r land municipal airport in a huge b, rn in Morgan. Augu.--: n. lii Frank V. Matthews, past exalted Fokker curly monoplane unity He - survived by his purcuts. ruler of the Ogden Klks lodge, ao-- o reached foi.i I Tuesday morning, they thiee sisters, till rollers, iiipunied by Mrs. Matthews, left Wheeler field on the island of Onhu, m Ogdt-nThe fum-ruurruuge-nn:i- s during the week fur the annual r. their destination, In SIS hours and 50 wi!l be announced later. union to be held at Cinciutiuii, Ohio, minutes. The distance Is about 2.400 next Week. Several delegations of miles. the Klks from the Pacific coast iraxi The army aviator thus made the iug ill special trains passed through Ogden. They were met at the depot longest transoceanic airplane flight on by committees from the Ogden lodge. record, and made It without mishap. Those delegations that had the time The passengers uml crew of the steamto er Sonoma, 7 10 mile! from the Golden spurt were taken for a trip through the canyon and entertained with bufMaitland were when Cate, fet luiu-- at tlu Klks club. I' Wl.tr Bins.) in brought hla plane out of the mist uud Ni'W.imprr (). I:r. " dropped to within 200 feet of the waUo with jrur wiik buJ bs nratpwN.mP ter at he passed by. lie had then mivuk, Il.iltMK not In your xvaya, been more than nine hours on Ida tin- .'Hit tin If wun way. For nu limtaui Uil of iiralsa. The next report from the flyers Si ".nil lit your work ami 1b h I.b, came from the steamship President -lYrlnin of niionl and n, Toil are iirlilu-nor gods, Fierce, 1,100 miles from California, liut mm In a world of men. which reported boar lug their radio ltudyard Kipling. asking for a bearing to be sent to establish location. At 3 a. in. the piano FOOD FOR THE FAMILY radioed that the flyers ware 700 miles off Honolulu. lletv Is a good emergency dessert The landing waa made on a to serve snme time when there seems field. The huge plane taxied to be nothing to have for the entire length of the Held. Then, Stir up a soft dinner: circling It came hack to 'the front of biscuit dough and till the review stand, where army, navy greased uiutUii puns half and civil authorities were i waiting to full. Make a hollow In extend congratulations to' the flyers. the center and fill with a The crowd went wlhi with Joy and little nuinnnlude or Jam enthusiasm. Huns thundered In saBake In a quick oven ami lute as the plane stopped before the serve with a hot lemon reviewing stand. sauce. Colonel Howard, d part intuit air ofGreen Apples With Onions. The ficer, rushed to the plane, graapod will soon tie plentiful. new tipples Maitland's hand and shouted, Ttos Cut them without peeling and put to did It, and I congratulate you." cook with u sliced onion or two, add MrJ. Gen. Kdwnrd M. I owls, commander of the Hawaiian department salt, butter, and a bit of augur If the fruit is loo sotfr. Serve with of the army, claspd hands with Maitland and Ilegenbergor. . The eyes of meals. If you like kidneys, try this: both aviators filled 'with 'tears as he aid: Kidney Dish. Take three veal kidneys and remove all the fat, cut "My boys, 1 congral ulute you." mild onion as fln as possible, add a Maitland aahl that the ratlin beacon on the Island oftMaual failed to funcsmall hunch of parsley shredded, add tion. a tnhlcsprniful of butter to a hot fry"Our compass," lie suid, "la what ing pun and drop the kidneys Into IL got ua here. It we hadn't hail that Cover and si earn 15 minutes, then we should have born out of lurk." pour over ii half cupful of sour fruit The flyers were presented to Oov. snui,e and serve. Wallace R. Farrington, Uenr Adtnlrnl Minted Pineapple. .Shred half John D. McDonald and other digniripe pineapple, leaving on the top and taries, who loaded them with bountiout tlie core. Kprlnkle with cutting ful Hawaiian flowers andilels, the nasugar. Wash, drain and hull one tive emblems of greeting.' pint of strawberries, press them Cablegrams ami radio 'messages of through a rlcer and pour the puree congratulation were showvred on the over the pineapple. Have the mixhappy young men, and tliey were esture well chilled and serve In chilled pecially pleased by a congratulatory with a sprig of well washed wire from Commander Byrd, who glnsses ; or a few leaves of chopped mint mint learned by radio of the success of added to the mixture as it Is their flight while himself twinging his may he chilling. way across the Atlantic. Army offPotato Salad. Toke a pint of boiled icials In Washington were especially conked. with their skins on. t potatoes of two of plensed by the and cut Into pieces, add Cool, peel which the army's Mrdmen, suppleonion finely chopped, a smull one mented the almost successful attempt cut Into dice, and one cucumber small of Commander John Rodgers of the cut celery. Add a of finely cupful 1025. In the fall of Secretary navy egg or two and cover to of the Navy Wilbur, In with enough thin dressing which is the lieutenants, said: seasoned, to marinate well. highly "I can't help allndtng to the foci has stood for several hours It When on of the that coming top Ryrd polar boiled dressing for servthick a add flight and the Lindbergh and Chaming. berlin (lights, this latest flight again I,einon In some form should always demonstrates the reliability of the airaccompany a dish of AbIi. cooled engine and represents a distinct advance In aviation." ... 1;.-- d by in Mk-r- ot:.-.:r.ii S:;- -. . ! . . : I'g-I:.- i:t-- Kh-vent- f 1 . - e Klks (ioiiitf Hast for 1 Ordcrs Rig Reunion Hugi-nl-t-rge- SUnUOii. three-moto- . NOTICE l ! Mr. Auto Owner: Ho you Know We Have KITCHEN a&CABiNCTE3 YOIU JASON 351 2.1 UKI'AIUS AUTO I'hune 75JW Street PTWf i--n the Latest and Best Kquipt Shop for Yalxe Grinding and Generul Repairing in Ogden THE jagiaasggBBa - Taylor Wright Co. r Announces ruln-onk- Important Specials for Our ed July Clearance g -- Wc intend to make alterations on our stores interior around August 1st Merchandise must go even if radical reductions arc necessary. We want no surplus stock on hand when remodeling time comes. achlex-einen- Come In for a Visit and Look Around. hnrd-cookc- d h AVING waited many days for fo vorable Commander weather, Richard G. Ryrd of the navy hopped off Wednesday morning from Roosevelt Held, Long Island, on his scientific flight to France. With him In the d Fokker America big were Bert Acosta, Lieut. George and Bernt Balchen, formerly of the Norwegian nnvy. In the earlier stages of the flight the America made faster time than did Lindbergh or Chamberlin. Radio messages from Byrd were received frequently, and told of passing through continuous Yet He Failed clouds which Cracow, Poland. Stanislas Schwarc, dense fog and completely cut off the vision of the chief of the political police, was oraviators. dered to run down a gang of counterdetectives Other Friday morning at 8:30 the aviators feiters, He failed. a forced landing on the beach made Tffey Job. on reported the were put near Havre. The plane was wrecked, Schwarc was head of the gang, but none of tlie men was Injured. The America approached near Paris at reBudapest Jail promised auch a An- 3 a. m. Friday, and In the rain and lief from his wife's company that fog lost Its way and turned to the dreas Kurd! pnsspd himself off as his north, finally coming down within 050 son. served three months in prison feet of tlie beach at and asked to stay longer. several days in Wasldngton AFTER New York, conferring with oooooooooooooooooooooooooc ofllcluls and business men concerned Col. aviation development, with Show Dog Vaccination ChXrles A. Lindbergh flew buck to St. Louis for the purpose of getting bis Stamping Out Rabie of dogs Vaccination Purls. Spirit of SL Louis and making a nonout to much stamp stop flight to Ottawa. Canada, whpre has done scienhe was to be the guest at the Jubilee was by agreed it rabies, celebration of the Confederation of tists attending a recent rabies Inst! In New York, Harry F. GugPasteur Canada. congress at the of the Daniel Guggenheim, preddent tuts. the Promotion of for Fund lalted the and genheim Japan, Italy vacmade this announcehad Aeronautics, States, it was said, : ment thou hundred cinated several "Arrangements have Just been comsand dogs. The results hive depleted nnder which Col. Charles A. shown that dogs so treated a Lindbergh will undertake a countrysmall veloped rabies In only wide airplane tour of the United This cases. percentage of the States for the purjunw of furthering Is said to tmwever. vaccination, public Interest in aviation developgive only temporary protection ment." It must be repeated every year to be effective. Its a tall baby that can reach its three-motore- Say Hello. 'Hutu THe-f-weff- i. Concrete No-vll- le low-lyin- g A Rolling Stone n' aew teacher's name had "d Quite a discussion at the sup-etable that night. So the next Helen decided to settle the 5 Ver-sur-Me- r. , mothers skirts. makes Beautiful Homes The use of Concrete is flexible allowing the architect to design ornate as well as simple designs in homes. There is, however, more beauty in simplicity in concrete than in any other material. Pride in Ownership Much time has been spent by concrete manufacturers in preparing plans of homes built of con- . With Goodyear Tires on your car you have the best. you know Your friends know it. The whole world knows it. Everyone knows Goodyear is the standard of crete. comparison. And now you can get these famous quality tires for no more than you pay for so-call- ed t UTAII-IDAII- O bargain tires. Modern Cement Company 227G Tire-Servi- ce VULCANIZERS Washington Avenue Co. Phone 346 |