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Show ' tr - t- " WO ; Stake ''organizations' 20; associations 240; toembrtB' Vfy attendaric 5,828; quarterly ':Cferwea'48; weekly meetings1 45$ conjoint sessions 592; extra meetings 145; total meetings 3, tent vlBitois 171;" V 1- 0 KB N T. EXP CLASS IN OBSTETRICS 173 VJ " i ; will commence a cla?s in Obstetrlcf j' May 1,311; vifiltois received 1, or vl i N'8, A She has faithfully, kindly and hbriotably discharged tho labors pertalLlng to this offlde,' until last September,' when her health' ulterlty failed, and she resigned the office for a rsearon " i of rest. There are hone of us who did not love a'cd respect her, and thoipe who knew her bes, loved her most. Our hearts were all wrung by her long suffering, and her ' dying hours spread a vail Of gloom over iKe' w hole Society . ' We feared that we should aye to jm twllh her yet hoped and praj ed ihat.od'wotil restore her.to live a few je'ar more usefulness. , Many of you will remember a Meeting held in the School Hopee, a 3 ear ago last August, Having had a number of applications fo instruction in this department of medicine I visits of county and general officers 3S4; members gone on missions 71; libraries 81; umes 3, 084; valub books $3, 370. 45; papers 283; flnancial iexbiblt sbpwVd cash and other property on baud $379187; Scripture reading, total chapters read 76,942; subjective lectures given 3,003; testimonies borne 3, 295. ,,t t. ... r ..( Wells addressed the meeElder; Junius ting for a short time referring to the work which . had been accomplished by the Associations la the past, and the number of young Elders member of these organizations that had been called upon missions. After the teadiog of the Keport Superintend- ent Woodruff made a few remarks, aud catted for a vote of the people to sustain the suggestions of the Apostles id relation to the organization, which was unanlmoas. A preamble and resolutions respecting cruelty-- to animals and. the killing, of birds was presented and the eenments.ezpres-ei- l therein voted upon,. The meeting was dismissed by Piesldnt John Taylor,. ; - M liU ':' near that limeli" Further particulars can be had by letter. ii Salt Lake City man-nfcrl- pt KoMANiA B. ..' : ' Pratt, l ill H tf Died: in the 4th Ward Salt Lakef City Man h 5th tbe brain, Mary botn June 22,1804 at Wetdrsall Parish of Cannon, Spraun, Herefor(8h I rej England , was baptized in the fall of 1847at Birmingham 18S0, of Paralypfs of God-sai- l, ! -- England. Emigrated to Utah ihJ8l6,'Befhg belated on the f ontlers was; ompelUd lb join the Hand Cart cdmpariy at Devis9ate. She had drive n an ox te am up te that "ti me an d at tr nde d . ' -- . we a loving friend, a kind sister endeared to us by association and the ties that bind us together, as a l and of God's daugh ter; who are struggling in an bumble, feeble way, to do good and from Him, that we rny reive4wqida'prar- ! " probation', wnen we go home. ; .u Let her example, he r pure humble "life, be,an example to ua, who are etjli on the Jonrney. k IN MEMORIAM. WOMAN'S VOICE. ' We inust4Woik. little lorger'ne. tiled k little more, wander a little Iobgerjthrougrt world, that we may prove our integrity our faithfultiessj'.and see if we will hpld firin to Jhe Iron Rod through tuflerings and o.rrows'eTen unto Death. This Sister DoUmus baa, done. Kept the faith; been true jo her inlegrity, humble In her walks of life and has no gpte to heir rent. Well and Iruthfujly Jtj Wasea'd .of her, "cjhe was one of Go'd'ti noblest daughters Harriet Fairbanks was the daughter 'of Fairbanks and Polly Brooks Fairbanks Jo-le- ph I should like my voice to ' be he ard in. behalf of the Richmond; sisters aud I am happy to say as a unit they are willing to do their part in humility to help roll on the kingdom in their ; - spherevisiting the sick, relieving the wants of the poor,attendlhg tbelr meetings acd striving to be in very deed helpmeets to the Priesthood . ' of the living God. J Since iny last we have rjad our Soclety , re-ornfz- $i8ter A .jrreaiqeni, oisiera juua reuy ana iseiy ' Brower, Counselors a id Sister Mary AIIsop; Trasurery-wlaU4lelreky- -t 1 . and was born Match, 281819, at Sandy JHiU, Waahlng'on CoNework. She moved to the State of New; Jersey f Mead's Basin FaBe: near Patterson with herptrents in early childhood. She heard tbGof pel aud received itsptinciples, and was baptized in the spring of 1842.' Boon after; and pteparatory to her em l graUon . the resided in New York City, and was married there to Dr. Henry 1 Doremus 5layl2r ' 1841. In the Fall t)f the SAine year with her husband arrived at Nauvoo; where she snared in the pefgecaiions of tbe L D. 8. , and from that place, arriving In Winter 1846. In the following Spring commenced journejing across the plaice with the first company of Saints who followed the Pioneers, and; refched the Valley on,;thetlfi;st day of Nov.;1847 i Ever since that lime she had resided In Salt. Lake City. ; Her death oc 1 In tlnifrrave tby bodj'i reiUvg, deep tby sleep from care fre so ,1V After sorrow fierce : and trjlpff, caught can hurt or trj " tbee thert.; Calmly as tbe eun at erenlDir, irocs to rest in clouds of -- , do wnat is. requtiea or inem in all numutty and meekness.; .Our finaDcea are not very extensive; wa meet: la the Meeting House but we are.Jookiog forward shortly to be able to erect a house of pur o wn, where the sisters will , while here in eiiiej far work rlghteuosness . . ; .jrien she epoke ofiho.wwejU.lie.l4'eiti;ithe Church, of God, and how eari estly she derired a lopg life thai she might do good; she had no otherdesire, but our All Vyise Father, kedws . best, and we must submit to His wllJ. Her family have lost a noble faithful mother her s ck- - hulband. . aiid others of Jber family arriving in Salt Lake Ctty the Jatter part of November the same year. She was appointed 'President of the 4th Ward Relief Society, of thia city Feb. 8 th 1864, and has. always, performed her duty faithfully and lived and died true to her covenants. J. S. , v ! vr OBlTUARiES. ; lt, Quar-tere(Florence- .; i 'stanain by his Bide; when ehe'waa 'Um'pted she ate the forbidden iruit,then tempted Adam and he did v eat (whlch bythe by proved she was the best i ,i in argument) theXord pursed her, hus, "Jhy ;7deslre sbail be to thy husband and he shall rule : over thetl oyer. thee,,l ect, etc. ii ; These are trie time' of i the restitution of all things as It was'in the beginnings Berce'tbls curse has to be removed. God bless1 the noble ' .cintT the trne-be-i iM' J women at ' home and abroid.- - May their watea word ever be apwaxd Hi Jt'7 i't ' a fad onward. '. 31ay God bjes3 aTl our endeavors to farther the work of God on the eartlu macompanlonntf , ! , passed-..thrcng- i3 i y - -- tressed? :Bhe l't- "jkiik hadseven'ty-ori- e - -- 11 . u- - 1.1; .. - . f fc godchildren formeda'mblher'st'tojtie , f.:!nr'iir.f:iV.' , . v Dear Swters and Friend3:(Again,ourTreasur-er- , has been taken from1 us by death. 5Ufer Mrci .10, JB80 j Hbo wsu Uiis Society, In was quite conscious i loUhe last, and; fereral .f .1 W!hW ewPMXaefJrJpgje bH$&L&teib.P&M& QUietlyjiaWayi ahd suirectimiofx.Wie illmwonhv - A. 1.1 Jt.4f S? - 11 . 1 . f the-.cr- t elected, Trqssaferof June 24;1875.to fill the vacancy caused by the death of amcted, H . ; 6orelyt t !'i 1 7TH , ,W ARD BELIEF SOCIETY. s delpor tnelmothetf 'tenxnlidfen, grandchiliden and 'seVeniy. i'W?farf,-hf- t-- , t ? -- widely and favorably known among this com- munliy asone of our teachers I n day igon-bin which profession his wife assisted him very :i efficiently v' She has gone before him,but her gentfe" manner, ber arjalible' deportment, and1 pure life will live In the recollection of her ;famif Vnd friends foreveK'7 We 't' extend c ouVs 'neaftfe't spmpatbyHd the bereaved h'uabaVd a'nd'family And' now a few .words about uyman. We lead the Bible of woman 'being created for . ; :---r V.' 8tb," 1830, at en . - Dr. Dorentus- bnabaxid of the deceased' ; Roundy, widow of., iht ,iat Sbadrach, .yard Boundy ormer Bisbopt.of the :i7thyard. It Pecessedtwas born in' the towh of iLunra- burgh Essex. CountyjrState i!f Vermont on , the 9th day of Juhe,t 1793. MVVa oaptlied by Elder O.?on Hyde 'in? iho iear d52 all tbe trlals and ' IriboVatiorfs'frelled iipon the? Saints, without ' murmu'rrrigj firm 'ti d unwavering ta the faith thehaA "embrtced; ever ready tr shra hVf breadf wi th trie hungfy. to comfort the'anUctcd ' ftis-- " 8 ilnt, her record Ms a faithful Latter-da-y irreproachable Bhe was the mother- of four children, two of whom died In childhood. One ion Abraham F. and oee daughter Ann now the wife or Wlllard B. KiC hards of Mendonate m. BtlH living i ' f 'M."f;i:' iii?. - ater)re8Wence?ia'. Suhdajr .mornlng'iiarcb; 1. s.curred March 10, 1680. Siator DoremUa was its-colum- :te I 'Pied -- : ! the life. so good and noblci leads thee, to tbe shepherd' ..1 - ; have. an j opportunity! of meeting together ard rejoicing in the prlncioles of ;txuth they .haye espoui ed. Ve are trying to do our duties ,,as sisters in the Belief Society, and striving: to .keep pace with the limes;' we attend the; lick, look after the ' wants of the poor, and if we fail in any duty it Ja through' ignorance and - not willful nurlectt We Me sever blessed id read the ElPONKNT. IHs a good 'little paper and ' may Ihe blceslDgd 7of God attend thoee who are ad vocal leg the Gospel throujgh So )tn ghter EMza A. Felt. California aiid New copy. Com. York papei a please h |