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Show W0 MAN '230 thropy and intelligence of the country," as senators said upon the floor, In presenting td this Congress the petitions asking for a constitutional amendment protecting women citizens in their, right to voterthat the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections gave three minutes to these petitioners, to the final decision of this vital question; three minutesl at the close of the session, and at the closo of the day, in the twilight ; hour, when even bats and owls begin to see clearly and to roam forth on their nightly haunts, and after this three minutes of consideration, two of 'which might have been consumea in the roll call, and the third in awaiting the arrival of the tardy chairman, this committee of the .lighest legislative body in the land, 6voted down the woman suffrage resolution to 3. They who voted in favor ol the 16th amendment are Senators Hoar, Mass.; Mitchell, Oregon; Cameron, Wis.; Nays, Wadleigh, N. H.; McMillan, Minn,; Saulsbury, Del.; Merrimon,J3. a; Hill, Ga.; Ingalls, Kansas. e In the other House the Judiciary were promptly in their seats. Five members- - of this committee, Lapham, of N. Y.f Lyude, of Wis., Frye, of Me., But. ler, Mass., Conger, Mien., eminent Judges, able Lawyers and honored Statesmen rose to vote early in the morning, Feb. 5, 1878, Yes on the constitutional amendment for women. Five more rose early in the morn Ky Hart-ridging of the same day, Knott, Ga.; Stenger, Penn- McMahon, O.r Culberson, Texas, to vote No on the rights of women. The eleventh Hon. gentleman, Harris, of Virginia, for some reason, did not rise that eventful morning, and there our question lies waiting for him to get up In both Houses, and make his toilet therefore, our question Is pending. In the , Senate upon the calendar, waiting for some uauu invf na it nn and foiice it before uiu v u mar that body for debate and action. In the House our question rests on that tie vote. The days are rapidly passing, and what shall be the record on this question of the statesmen of the 45th Congress. In each of these Houses are men of sterling Integrity, who have served the men of their States faithfully and well Yet these men have deserted them and turned their allegiance to new heroes lifted out of obscurity by the last election. To these men elected to retirement we appeal. You are writing many of you the last chapter of your public career. "What page shall the mothers and daughters of this republic find therein, to which they can proudly point and say: "Thiswas for us." As the years roll on and bring to us victory at last, the men who have helped to fight our battle will be proud of their old time loyalty to woman, and their courage in facing a false and wicked public sentiment, to'so amend their laws and constitutions as to make all citizens equal before the law. The air of Washington is heavy with the wrecked hopes of disappointed statesmen, of those who led by personal ambition and party allegiance, have sacrificed principle to expediency. They only hold a place in the hearts of the people, they only aro immortal who live not for themselves alone, but for all humanity. , Com-mltte- e, mt To soil others is no way to mako our- selves clean. Tennyson. He that believes without having any reason for believing may be in. love with his own fancies, but neither seeks truth as he ought, nor pays the obedience to his Maker, who would have him use those discerning faculties he has, given him to keep him out of mistake aLd crime, John Lroke. S E X P ON E NT . IFor the Exponent. Palace of Fashion, No, 17 East Temple Street, AN OPEN LETTER. When duty and pleasure unite we feel happy, as I do at this moment in offering the gratitude of my heart to my friends, whose name is Legion, for their prompt and unbounded liberality In patronizing my little pamphlet "Women of the Scrip. tures,,, 2000 copies of which have been sold, by the unsleeping exertions of my friends, in about seven months. . The printing cost me sixty dollars, which I paid in a little over two months. A favorite axir om of one of our home missionaries is, "action tells the tale I'1 and my friends have demonstrated it to a charm, Mrs. E. B. Wells heading the list, and "tis written where every day I turn the leaf to read it" Hannah T. Desires tho ladies of Salt Lake and those visitlne Conference to call at her show rooms and see her new mtrv of MILL IN EHY. The latest and mmt stylish modesnf llats and Bonnets in Straw, Felt and Velvet. Also a nice rejection In Flowers. Feathers, Plushes. Velvet and Hib-boin tba latest shades and stripes. Country dealers please calL - Ladies' Hair work in all its branches. Oood , work ruaranteed. ns o. Wholesale and Retail Dealing made the other day by the Presidenfbf the Women's Protective" Association of New York, that there are in the city over 100,000 women doing work outside of the family at an average of $2 a week. Remember that this $2 covers the exe and amusepense of food, clothing, ments. Is it a matter of surprise that the feet of so many women are in the path that leads to death? The question of wages for woman, and virtue in our land,, are. synonomous ones. Ex. car-far- DRY NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMNETS, dc GOODS, (Successor to Mitchell & Jawcs,) Tinner, Gas, WaterFOB& Steam Fitter AGS3T RUMSEY'S CELEBRATED LIFT The Princess Louise may be seen almost on afternoon the reserved bench to every the right of the Speaker, listening attentively to the debates on the new tariff, Ex. IEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING NEW SPRING STOCK. F. AUERBACH & BROTHER, 55 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. Five hundred pieces of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Ruch-lnr- s, Five Hundred pairs Kid G lores, Trimmings. Ladies' Ties, Cuff and Collars 100 Cartoons of Ribbons. Largest Wholesale Millinery Stock In the West. Notions, Boots ana Shoes, Gents' and Boys' Clothing' and Furnishing . Etc, Eta IV IBK LATEST NOVELTI MULBERRY TREES. TX)R 8 ALB at tho Forest Farm, from Three cents eae1 and upwards. 3- Piease forward all orders to JL - ' S Ladles' Bows in Silk and Lace. Ties a large variety. CalJars, Cufla and Ribbons, an excellent variety. New Style. Dreea Goods. And in fact everything you want in general merchandise. Conference visitors, call at MRS. ZINA D. YOUNG, Salt Lake Ciiy, Orders by mail or "otherwise are promptly attended to. Straw Manufactory. Home Industrial Wiehing- to accommodats her patrons, the Ladies of Salt Lake City and Vicinity, has Removed her Show and Saleroom to - No. DAILY, MD FORCE PUfi!P$. Pnmpst Repaired on short notice. 0aOrders from the country promptly responped to.-- s Address. David James, Box 3Q6, Salt Lake City. Goods. As long as each day comes singly, each freighted with its own load only, people can bear a great deal. Rhode Broughton, X in all kinds of King. The rather startling announcement was im:. 49 MAIN STREET, Two doors south of Jennln Corner, and respectfully nvites the friends of Home Industry, and the Public generally, lo call and examine. her stock of Rats made from the latest Parisian style and shape. Ladies will also find a variety of Imported Hats and Bonnets, with everj, thins: pertaininr to a first-claMillinery Establishment at moderate prices. and Panama, Leghorn and Straw Hats, Cleaned, Dyed & Altered. ss FRENCH HAIR STORE, MOT1CE TO ALL I IP- - SHWABTZ Has removed, with his entire New Stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, Opposite the Salt Lake House, and will sell as Cheap or Cheaper than ever. rtEMEBXBER ALL. SOMETHING NEW HOME-MAD- E. o Ladies are requested to call and examine the most complete assortment of Curls, Braids, Switches, Etc at Reduced Prices. All kinds of Hair Work made up in the meet Artistic style. Cash paid for Human Hair and Combings. JOSEPHINE GREGORY, 8alt Lake City. W Kimball Block. Romania b. phatt, rxxirflxcxAZJ aiid ounaEori, OFFICE In Old Constitution BuUa'ngi Up stiars, next door to the Woman's Exponent Office. Residence six blocks east of Post Office, south slds or street Special study has been r lven to Obstetrics, diseases of Women and DISEA8ES of tho EYE AND EAR. o Sneir Soap, warranted First Class, 3 Bars for 25 Cents. - 3 Bars for 20 Cents. Harris' Soap, - 35 Cents each Washboards, (Zinc) . . Brooms, 35 Cents each ... A FULL STOCK OF YARNS, JEANS, ALSO Cassimores $LOO to $1.25 rcttumjESLm. JOHN C. per Yard, late. CUTLER, Old Agent, Constitution Building. -- H. iDnsrw"6oiDEr2r- wnOLKSALS AND EMAIL DKALZK tK FURNITURE SPRING BEDS, WIRE MATTRESSES. Feathers "Wall AND Paper BABY CARRIAGES. 75, 77 &79 First South St., Salt Lako .'City |