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Show - H i m iiMiiun i iin itii iiwi iiwiiimi iri"T urn rim ' we were informed the pilgrims were then ascending the mountain in commemoration of the ilegira, or flight of Mahomet, to Mecca. It was also the time for tho "Wailing for the WOMAN'S VOICE. .:.;1Z7 Dear ExroxEsnr:I wish to say - :. a few words about me dead" 4nthoMatiometaaeemetefyr Ourcur-ibsit- y women of Utah and others! 1 It is an bid and prompted ustowalkatircsomedistance threadbare story, I know, but I still wish to through dust fiUhr crowded MreetSj tojthe have rmysay.'1 S: Fbelitve lUfaaetjWell place designated, whero we found thousands demonst rated Ahatwoinwere-eimtetH- or of people, of. all ages,' and, with very lew wives ancLJilMhJsuinaXbeuev liuincr tne measure oi exceptions, an m iuaiiomeiau costumes. , . tost women preier ' not believe that women The graves are covered with clay moulded their creation. I do t into a compact oval form, raised from one haturallvv desire to become the creatures - to two feet above the surface, and many of that some men would make of them; yet, them surrounded with one, two and three man made in the image of his Creator, steps. Beside many of the graves were Wearing the form of Godliness though sadly those, -- apparently, wjio jverceJMtyeszf (levoiiLofjts attributes, wilLdeceivoTIiumiithose interred, weeping, mourning or pray-ins- r. faff and dperade woman: and her sister while another class, with" no mourning woman will pass . her by wi th contempt, hor with sporn., and sinkimr her sympathies whatever, was exhibiting the stincritv(y0 ... greatest mirth; playing on rude instruments, still deeper in . dagredation and misery. dancin buying, selling, eating, And such persons will raise their hands m -- "rim im'rn . , -- te -- drinkin,":smoking andj having agala piouorrorathej Not comprehending their words and doings, dares to take two or more at a time,, as law fni xuivAe. ami raisps them to a station of "the entire scene seemed to us a master-piec- e TTif rnnfiisfon. The th ron sr was so dense it wsnwi nnd : honor. ''God ordained - that livomn should 'marry ; why shouldr she be was rti iffieulF 'tDvcnlF-Tmidst" sumcientlv to crratify ' our curiosity, restricted in tho choice of a husband, or get which .wo did as soon as possible lest we none at all? If bachelors will not marry, m'teh't bo thouerht intrusive; arid in coming women must needs choose from the married We are told again but, we were beset with importunities to men. or remain single. and again that women are slaves; perhaps purehaiTaliTahl flgs, oranges, dates and many, other th tags they are, but Ji03yisit,iwhe "111 together ahonymus to us,: but it being whv is it? Surely the statement cannot be since we chose to Sunday we were but without any "back considered true of us, were-nsheeshu-i- n our pockets -.jj thousand miles from "civilization," to brave to trade. nrnmrpd across In Cairo we have visited V a Turkish the hardships arid perils of raHourney where the roads Mhsnue. a Jewish Synagogue, a Greek the great American desert, ' in which we " were shown "where were new, and ox teams instead ot palace nhnrph " Jnspnh . Marv and the Savior resided when cars were our means of conveyance! True, for vears, and while the hardy thpvflml from the wrath of Herod;" a Church was tilling, the soil or working Jn of the Copts, "Joseph's Well," which is two pioneer What kind of a wife must it hundred and fifty feet deep,the Pyramids and the carivbn.wlm would not have done her the iinvn inon "Sphynx," the INIuseum of Antiquities, comfort of home? Gardens and Palace of Gizeh, which belong best to help provide for the slavery? Perhaps it was; but the nf h a TCh Ad i ve. of whom we had a good, view Was this ' Spinning, necessity as he passed us in his carriage while prom- master was stern in every possible way wives weaving, and toiling enading on hispremies. He has fourfour of for herself and loved ones, were the labors n,;:fA" " mimhflT of children,, 11UU vjunv they were over, she whom were married during the past month, of the day; but when her soul to God; arid sleep which has been a continued holiday festival. could commend to awaken refreshed for the burMany, thousands of lamps have gorgeously peacefully, and toils of another: day. All this was illuminated, it is judged more than fifty den done cheerfully and happily; and I say, God acres in extent, hung in axchesrover arranged m hlss the wives and mothers who have ways, in arbors, most tastefully festival striven thus nobly for their husbands and Yesterday-th- e direction. every mid for 'the IOngdom of God! closed and many were engaged in remov- little ones ornaments. ThPir names will be handed down to future ing the lamps and other costly cannon was 'generations and their children will rise up During the festivities firing ofof fireworks arid call them blessed. u ir. ::'v:' frequent, and the exhibitions exSensation Writers have tried in the centre of the illuminations were of the recently them as degraded and oppressed. If so, Three grand. ceedingly nuptials who were their oppressors? Not the hus wedded, are sons; the daughter and fathers, whose portion z was her bands that said is It arrival. our since were in which the' wives and daughters intended had seen her photograph previous poverty, so, shared aliko its toil and inconveniences. to marriage, but not her face. If thatnois un. Often the cry has been raised that tne with it is to be hoped he has met She has the women of Utah could not escape from these favorable disappointment. and amiable. valleys. Had our "sympathizers!" come pretty very of being reputation here as, we did they would not nave oeun On the 17th we leave (irojorjue anxious to have tried to leave in like man; Eliza ner. The prospect was not tempting. But not govern now that their way is open, the opportunity self government is Liberty ourselves "merely, but govern-me- does not seem to be improved by many. demerit "by" The women of iXJtah, "alien and .unrelent-inand rict oursclves-st"of -They have been cherished and graded!" and cheerful, healthful woe to the villains who would on" the young maiden's respectedrand flowers Scatter to seek to degrade them! In Church affairs used Ye friends! coffin ye blooming wnn meir they have walked side Dy side often on heV birthday feasts; sheis hnQhnmls. been and their votes have brgflowers for the greatest now celebrating called for in matters of importance. They heaven. of .. cradle as tho bier is the was 6nce have held the same power ' their husbanus, the philosopher 'Lockman. j first lesson to sustain the authorities. his him had who in given floated demagogues, standing high asked, who to cheeks blush the a in wisdom. "The blind," he replied, called sure of phices, havo often do not move a step in advance until of modesty; but thankCod, they werea min u. the grounu wiui . . follow-our-husbands- :to:a ot urse ...... .. - : - ' - . nt : c. - - : - imiinii 11 m i. , wi for investigation. .N uThe Women pf lJJtah have never clam ored for rights. They have always found as many rights as they have been capable of attending to, and as great tasks in their own sphere as they haye had strength to accomplish Unasked for: but not unwel- -' elective franchise comeiriiehenvthe ' which were called upon to aid they by in choosingir their rulers,hichrthough a matter of importance, they had been well ; ; contented to leave in other hands.y'But since this privilege has; been lawfully r granted them, tM " appreciation In modesty und union; "nd; d performie and wi care o them forethought, anil again I th siiy, God bless the noble women of Utah ! M. J. T. PROVO. - 7 ii? Y5I?lLilSI5 Sf- - s EDifoR Woman's Exponent this tim9 As so much is being concerning the marriage relations of the Saints, I feel desirous of taking ixart In the saitt am not a theorist, but one Who has had finite an experience Uurinsr--a period1 of fifteen vears, and feel pleasure in testifying that when people will be guided by the Spirit of Truth and the word of the Lord, that no state or condition of society is so well calculated to foster purity and social advancement, as the doctrine and practico of plurality of wives ; and lam certain, that if I am always privileged to continue in the faithful discharge of the duties and obligations connected therewith, that I shall be numbered among the redeemed of all nations. As one of our poets has lately il sung: I " .... in union adwelling, and homes 'Ilearts . .....tne a or wiyes one gooa man; (All bosoms 1 - m ority, and their influence appears as if., becoming "beautifully less." Their cow ardly insults and blatant - demonstrations of power have carried a weight among strangers and caused the men of Utah to be. misjudged; but civilization is opening its way through our country and .that matter - .'. iiiiiiiihi ii i mi inaiiiirwmmiiiiiiaiM iiiyifTTiBTnTmrMfflTiiiiin i Peace and love our swelling . Guided by tbo Go?pel plan; In one home vre raie our offspring :T :. Intbe nurture, of tho Lord; :V Of the . 1Spirit's ... .11 partaking fl n power J .-II Lna.iUe liOSpei a puwer xusiorcuPraviner the Lord to Wess iyou in. your . I ; A truly womanly efforts to overcome evil and establish righteousness l remain yours truly, . ' A. HI. JONES. Tiie ladies of Boston propose to give Itev. George MacDonald a testimoniaLiri-iiz-'-iiz:-has disinherited The King: of Holland ' " v ' : his eldest son. r intoxi made Tiik French Assembly has r' cation a )CiialoSense.:::jJl The Queen of England has subscribed $800 to the! fund in aid of; the survivors of " the Tsorth-lie- disaster. et Many flowers open to the sun, but only one . follows him in his course. . Heart, be be not only oien to thou the Sun-flowe- r; thy God, but obey. Him If lovc too.. Igunshino fall ujion ;.: .... the bare, cold rocks, ih the restless sea of desolate human, life, flowers will spring up even there, and fill the place with gladness. IMake up your mind what you intend to Do not do. Sit down and count the cost undertake more than you can perform. It is are not unwise to commence work that -you - - ableld fiiusli in due season. |