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Show I t i I I aV 17. 19M SSl r. MAY 17, 1934 THURSDAY, THE LEHI FREE PRESS have made music Tou ill want to Such opposites as these have a natural, Crabb. 9th grade; 9th grade represent go back to the time when the atlracton for one another. It atives, Zada and Ha Webb; 8th grade powrful world was young, and travel down the is evident in tehir scenes in Me- - Itt representative, Zetella Price and for ages to discover how music grows out of life. grade White." if Donna Kir Wham. Seventh 4. WHY GO BA.CK?-Pe- opI. Jean Harlow made her final rise representatives will be chosen tn Sep live by ideas. Every idea that we have to-- opposite Gable in "Red Dust" and, tember. ia i- - very aolemn aa in and church or, j day had its beginning In some wt0 womB different In B'ISSLD GF f.IUS!0 again, it is very far dia--1 wbI1 Yale to gradustatistics, mm time or place. According gy ipirUe4 for I many ways, they have the same Dasie dance. Whatever its character, u nearwhile Vaaaar I It is fascinatinr tn thim, rr n- Urt. appeal complete femininity, I Droph- - ates have 1.1 children,, Which ly children. love Read commands always have People graduates lives thU HEA and attention, if tremendous 1 . TfiP today, which seem so free and cay a reception for .. . women do have more that .nn whr your it comes from some gifted artfc modern, as having begun In the proves new team and like poositlve because, lives ea orcheetra, or talented opera ' For company, of of musle. folk whose thoughts and negative olarity in electricity, when children than men. - - haa a rare charm all its own. Our .a mane 1. I iwmgi Kill live in us. Each gener they meet there Is bound to be flrr Have a stick of gum. nnla will Dlav- world is full of music for people who ation of Oinri wM peopl adds Its new growth to works." tie BSKaassfS . love to hear It. the world of idea. We can underttand Other Great Teams Tou may mU8ic. as' NOTE THIFT An anech of other 2. WHY WK NEED MTSIC Just of the present only when we know some Appear! regularly in ! example of the popularity ' t3 towa'a music is all about so Ezra do gOAf we AXvU us, Pinohpenny, teams dramatic is need it thing of the pat. In music, as in great this paper I to afile to reu understand their music many times. We need music at home, every other achievement of people, the Dressler-WMI- ac Beery romWantloa eat efttont always takes kit VMtiJoa IvQm Barber does more thaa vijt at th. . In June because the days are longer. uiAih rrvaT hfl at church, at school, at the theatre. present has come out of the past. Tor Alone they are popular, but together L their race John T . imply help you with that We need music when we rest and when that reason you will wish to begit. they invariably receive a deafening Wj v it be or iuuj wi bard job of planning three . nannlfl r are eifted we play. The reason why we need your Journey in the lands if "Once ovation. l.kr. A cw mast every day tn the Tear. music In so many different ways is upon a time." as the Critics expect the same future for irther t&A to play or .in. But fairy tales aay. She helps you plan theft Gable-Lo- y it satisfies ttie deep feelings that 5. YOUR JOURNEY -team that Norma Shear rrerr ...""h.n fhe Dower to en- 'Btaho Away, away, the meals la such a way that the stir us when we are sad or when we on the tide of his music" is Is bright J,rs- Virgil" Peterson and Earl Smith were food served out only will ba just the er and Robert Montgomery te w fs an f jg worm of beautiful are happy. Have you ever heard a way you will travel, for music is like sophistication and a youthful romantic Salt Lake visitors, Wednesday. palatable but will provide a world of wonderful piper In the street "set up, and tune, a tide that bears one along easily. In ippeal. They are alike In tehir magnet r. 0d and proper of c,i. "ft ft of making and hearing and start to play " Do you remember the beginning you will go as swiftly as ism. The same Is true of Gable and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holdaway and diet. Her recipes and articles how you felt, an airship flying high over misty MIbs Ixy. little daughter, Lorna, of Vineyard on nutritioo constitute one of a "Men week-en- d White" Tou in features to like were highly think is that may raao music with vour may you guests of Mr. and Mrs. depths I.. only flashes at the world the most valuable features . Vmi maw like a strong wind, a soft 7 that you will find ia these cloud, or a j dimly visible, because we know com' notable cast, Including Jean Hersholt, Alma Beok. U one sing r moving tide, that carries us out of our paratively so little of the world when Elizabeth Allan. Otto Kruger. C. Henry columns. Call them to the chorus or an orcnestra. concerts Mrs. James C. Gough attended a Gordon, Russell Hardie, Wallac Ford, where attention of your friends for everyday selves into a world of the it was young. In a city But as you approach the familiar Henry B. Walthall and Russell Hop- Ivy Rebeca Lodge Convention In Salt festivals are given each year! spirit, of pure thoughts, of happiness, they have the same problem ton. Lake City, Tuesday and Wednesday of that confronts you every day. ,ilciaa. ir you ao not uv of sympathy, of fun, of aspiration; and coasts or our time and place, you will this week. g city, the radio then brings us back again refreshed go more slowly and you will hear , means and better able to do our work in the much. You will reach out your hands "THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET" aopaph are wonderful world. I IN THIRD WARD. FRIDAY course Of to simple and to wise people and ask music. iris o How To Know What It Means tne at "Was orchestra it from the them, our that heard you , g'ft 8. AN OPEN SECRET As you of music came? Tell me how you The Pioneer Stake Dramatic Club of !re theatre and the organ AV. listen to music do you wonder why you lived and what you thought and bow Salt Lake City, will present a four act rch. Can you iraasino wnav mo be enjoy It; The answer is a delightful you made your beautiful music." drama, "The Old Oaken Bucket'' in the .picture and church woujd A great cloud of people will answer Lehl Third Ward Friday evening. The Best of all. perhaps secret that you may discover for yourmusic? A "u miliar afa musicians self. But you can find the answer you: peasant and prince; tradesman play comes to the Third Ward highly 1!jW or only by asking a great many people and artist; rich and humble; men and recommended from the Pioneer Stake fa, too, are learning to play one are who have lived at different times and women; young and old; all that and will insure a pleasant evening for be that you Or It may Dsu In Is in many parts of the world because shadowy host of far-o- ff whose people who those who attend. greatest e pleasure While Sitting In Your Easy Chair With the players comes a number of people and music beling to each other, were the beginings of our race, and listening to music. Stretching before exceptioanlly fine specialty nuroeDrs li ail about us. Sometimes It Music grows out of life. fianlly ourselves. If you will take out the magic carpet your eyes will be moving events of for between acts. Special tap dance simple, as when the old blind llOT all of us can go, as we One enthe busy street corner sings a of your Imagination, it will bear you love and home, country and warfare, numbers and instrumentals. would like to, and see foi ourtune to the accompaniment away on a Journey that will allow you religion and art, science and learning tertainer will play the cornet and piano selves the strange peoples Ironlns hand organ. Sometimes to ask many people how and why they On your listening ear will fall the voice at the same time. who live in foreign lands and of music arising from the lives of peo The play will begin at 8:15 sharp and wonders of nature that the pie. everyone Is invited to Join the Third beyond the horizon. GUIDE Every traveler Warders on Friday evening. 6. YOUR needs a guide. You will have a guide It is foi such stay In your ear and In your book. You as us that the writers and will hear much beautiful music on your FOR $1 travelers of the National Geo Journev. Your ear will carry the graphic Society are scouring For Two Weeks Only message to your mind when you hear tht world for interesting OUTDOOR GIRL music. Your book will help you to accounts of the "far places" $1.00 understand the meaning of music, Large Box Face Powder which we would like to see, 85 "Lend me your ear" Is what music Lipstick their descriptions of what and 40 says over and over to you. You may Dry Rouge they have seen and what they ... learn a great deal about music or i 1 vear to Lehi Free Press....... 1.00 see are appearing have us would not still and musicians truly appreciate regularly in this newspaper. $2.75 Total music. To be an intelligent listener ALL FOR $1.00 you need to listen with a trained ear, Look for the travel articles a keen mind, and a respons:ve heart. Our Motto: A Free Press In tell your in this paper.-TheMusic Dasses away as soon as It Every Lehi Home. friends about it for they No oae dress is coma for Q occsskas. sounds. But if your ear is trained, Nor is say will be as interested in this fragrance!... The clever wothe wnr mpmorv will store away man of today chooses her perfumes is she i . feature as are you beauties of music long after it has FREE chooses her costumes to express the spirit ' of the hour! &S3 been heard. Barrle, who wrote Peter so Ir is for ber mat the makers of Outdoor STRUOTIOri AT GEKEYA Pan, said, "God gave us memory thnt we miKht have roses in Decem . Gat htve created three enchanting new odors, sdendfically blended so match the three ber." So it is with music. Music Geneva Resort of The management major moods of the day. like the perfume mind In the lingers sersecurea tne announce to have "Dawm Is the of early they of roses. Your book will help you certi Losee of of PLANTS vices la veritable bouquet of Spring is-- j Ferron Provo, morning.. to your train discover skillful ways savself, coaxed from the rarest lowers. "Noon" aid vour memory. Remember fied Red Cross examiner and life TOMATO, CABBAGE, PANSY, the spirit of spam. ..a birdie complements one Utah's of leading and ing expert that music is made to be heard, ZINNIAS and SALVIA PLANTS fragrsnce, slight!? more pronounced ia odor. ewlmming Instructors. Mr. Losee will "Nton" breathes the magic tad mystery of Bxtra Large be at the resort every day and will be startudded skies. ..a seductive extract in IN WHITE" glad to assist the swimmers at any LEIil GO. perfect kef with the feminine mood of romance. time. Special free swimming lessons Dawn; Noon and Night are available in will be given every Monday and Fri Growers of Flowers for All Occasions, my car three duTerent sixes st leading drug, departis screen Tf it is true that history day. Reduced pool ratea to &H scout. ment and chai i stores, tf your dealer cannot made by romantic teams, then history church and club groups. The pools supply jroo with all three of the newOtrroooa 'amid is to be in the making when "Men in have been recently improved and made Gat odors, auil the coupon. Vashr-SiWhite" plays Sunday, Monday and Sn first class and sanitary condition. WoWb. vi-"- tortus Boot Btdt Tuesdav at the Royal Theatre. Tor The resort will now afford local peo- iJLiJLJg 10c 100 25c recreational State;: most healthful oppor new of the pe cast the heading nts-- pnf to the tunity. new screen team a is production theatre world Clark Gable and Myrna USIC DEPARTIWEHT New Delectable , 7 Barbers FOOD TALKS Edith fax-aw- ay ni M. LGDALITEF.I8 J' tht 1 M ldla weU-balaoc- 1 muslo-lovin- 1 A Travel Over the World . . A TRIO OrV ENCHANTING lit es PERFU m $2.75 Fhe Old Bucket" t to keep pace with the racing hours! . et ... swiutiinG ni ! Four Act Drama , ' Presented By sceat-htrmot-tf ; ' Stake Dramatic Club of Salt Lake City ioneer 1IEII FLOL i , - V V CHAU ALU ED ay 318 8:15 P. M. .LEfll roo Wholesome Dishes 1-- i Special Music fP Dancing Admission 5c and 15c ft 2L M OUTDOOR GIRL Loy! Richard Boleslavsky, director of the er-epic, struck the keynote of popular when he said, in a recent nootntlon r interview: Natural Complements "nnrif Gable and Myrna Loy are nntural complements. Alone they are halves which together make a perfect whoe. This Is because of the ertremeof each. nature of the ness "rinrk Is virility Itself. And Myrna is feminine to the point of being feline. Pass tnily To Lehi's Leading Show House the 5 nova. Theatre 4 'e With Each 50c Paid On Subscription and read all your family to the show for an evening rorouc. Lehi's leading paper for six months DR. JU1D UBS. CLAREECE J0!IES OH TOUR Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Jons, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson of Draper, are . touring Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and California. Dr. Jones is demonstrating the new bronchitis poultry vacine in the Interest of the Vlneland Poultry 1 PHONE If you Crratd Coepontloa. Dapt. K-ISO WWk N. Y. Endued find 10c to com coat of maHlne and haoiiiffl for which WvTab of each oft5 i Oprpooatinu? A, 8-- W hart any news of in- terest, any advertising;, any job printing- or want anything in the printing- line. Dr. Jones has the western territory west of the Dakotas and expects to be in the northwest and California for the next three months. Linen Finish Whitehouse Stationery, enveleopes with paper to match for 25c at Lehl Free Press Office. Why not use the best. 24 Ma - - . City .Sum. PRINTING LETTERHEADS STUDENTS ENTER MUSIC CONTEST Of paramount interest this week at the Lehl High School is the music con test held under the direction of music director Abraham Anderson. A large number of student3 have entered and contest for ie C division will be held Thursday (today) and the A and B division contests to be held Friday. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ELECTS OFFICERS The Junior High School students elected student body offlrers for tht next school year, this week as follows: President, George Gray, 9th grade; Anton Lambert, 8th vice-preside- ENVELOPES FORM LETTERS CIRCULARS HANDBILLS ' BUSINESS CARDS STATEMENTS LEHI FREE PRESS Set and Printed In Lehl Build Lehl, Not Another Town Is: grade; secretary and treasurer, Jean W'aaaaisB- - i f |