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Show Thursday, October Thursday. October 6, 1932 LEHI LEHI to Mr. William Trinnaman, Sr., was Provo visitor, Saturday. LOGAN vr- - LEH 1X31 W. T. Aakard and aaogauer, of Mrs. E. Joy, of Provo, mere gueaU Booth So reason, xnursoay. 65 c m fi peo number of speaker, a large ple were present. LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allred Mrs. and Luzie Kirkham, Mrs. Orinda Allred Thomas Powers, Noel Knight Rethe of auenaeu and Mrs. Jennie Nostrum URoy Davis, members attended the funeral service in Magna bun day, publican Central Committee held for Herbert Carsey. a banquet held at Keeley in Provo, Mon LEHI in honor of Governor Morrow, Mr. Ellis Sorenson ana xamuy day evening. ruTl invited to attend the Cozy, Friday, week as xt r .nil Mrs. A. E. Adams and Saturday or Monday, this the ooct tit Ihi Free Press and the daughter, Dora, were visitors at State Fair, Monday. Cozy Theatre. day. M by TELEPHONE nTl a Hansen were THE LEHI FREE PRESS held .. . ti:.. Pail At use iipuuu."" farter ana Misa t APTI Provo. in evening Monday " -salt r..,ar.r Morrow was trie Lehi 6, if-'- 1 Exetension Service Sponsors Program To Live At Hort OF dress is the outw' LEHI W W Owens, Assist of personality and a jTXJ pression Extension S. A After 8:30 P. M. Ony Mrs. James Thomas and daughter, the cause of unhappiness, disA-- 1ir.thrin. of Masma. were visum - and family friction, careful p!X.-program spon. Mr. Ellis Davis over the week-e- n ine th of the wararooe, leiung an ft.' Si . the Extension LEHI sored by rates) .Lumbers assist in this job, is t n (Staiion-to-statioCoUege and m?ortlint Donald Hansen of Salt Lake, spent Utah State Agricultural ) Plus Federal tax on Mrsv kit sister. mth farms P- -- that ,vmA Ja mai making. home quires over. for feed or and amounts of 50c Howard Ricks. of food for the family Arnold Bennett, the versa tilt fcTtiga LEHI . LEHI the livestock. TT lish writer says the following Je Cayu classes Men "M" in larms of the and r is who ana Gleaner employed Ellis Leo The MrsMr. Davis, Tnnnaman The products Mr. and and its place among tit i" two class- dress are plan these mutual Ward in his tJial tViP Thi-- d with Mrs. r.t of most is placed the Saturday mind it inflat Bingham, spent "To my baby were Saturday guests r peop November First, food aV Trinna man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ning a hard time party for family in Lehi live-I- of all arts, and is capable of The LEHI feed for livestock. 8. to the commuahJ. W. Bronson, in Salt Lake City. more pleasure fcui L h, LEHI nroduce food for people - LEHI Miss Lela Coates and Mrs. Richard Lehi, Utah CMA.a man Phone umci an-- r an j ner to Miss Dot Bone returned J5. It is the finest and Bone were Salt Lake visitors, Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stanley and in the form of meat, Published by ." , . ;n the form aner in laano, i,,v,;ti were home Mackay, Park of day. City, Maxine, daughter, horse eriUl application ui mc poeiic Jt furnish grandher also with here and Printing Co. summer week-enand leather Every guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ing the ciples to ordinary life. work. Mrs. Ruby Beck and Fred A. Reck lace Sorenson. Every Thursday mother, Mrs. John Bone. t 1' a be power for farm is dressed public person LEHI human food produced in I, tan, or. Lake City, were guests at the The Salt of LEHI IrT ,.!) George P. Price, Manager Robert Allred home Thursday. Miss Edith Strasburg was a Salt such as wheat and canned milk, may Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Gilchrist I should like to add to that, ?! ' k the across LEHI a nvirPTISINfi RATES Lake visitor, Monday. occasionally be transported were Salt Lake visitors, Tuesday. well dressed person not only a" x LEHI inch off Robinson for consumption m 30c Mrs. Alpine, ocean J. L LEHI per Display public benefactor but an asset itum Mr. and Mrs. Edward Southwick lands. ntW foods such as eggs, 10c per line who has been a guest at the A. E. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carson and Mrs. Readers aou'a t community Doll home for the past week, returned Sydney Gilchrist were visiting in Salt nnd Mrs. John Bone spent Monday in fmu vetretables, sugar, meat and o far 9 m RATES SUBSCRIPTION home Tuesday. the Salt Lake Temple. animals are shipped out oi tne bw,- FARMERS URGED TO REPA'7 Lak, Monday. seaLEHI LEHI One year in advance some of them going as far as the LEHI LOANS FOR FEED ANDeJJ other west. Still Mrs. Mary board both east and Mrs. Lott Russon and FOR GOOD SHOES TRY POW Mrs. Mary Maudsley was a Salt For Line Per 10c Ads Want d ml adv. Lake visitor Kirkham spent Monday in Salt Lake. foods are transported from the farms ERS SHOE STORE. Monday. foe was by an act of real It to Salt First Insertion and 5c per line Powell of Gene Juab, are Mrs. and produced Mr. which on they LEHI the government t laapg that ation in for each additional insertion. cities Mr. Mrs. Junius Banks spent Friday, Lake City, Ogden and other Mrs. E. W. Larsen was a Salt Lake stopped over in Lehi, Monday. w was able to make loans to the and Mrs. Powell are on their the state, A part of the food produced a visiting in Salt Lake with her sister, visitor Monday. feed for to which buy Maud Hackett. on every farm is consumed right on with LEHI and seed for planting These iTVc LEHI LEHI the farm. Mrs- Carlton Peterson is visiting in were accepted in keen apprecU;,;w food more of Mrs. Leo Hansen received word Farms must produce Edred Fox, son of Mayor I. W. Fox, Tooele, this week. child, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dale and ;roq the death of her father, Delbert Bosh than is needed for the farm popu- - me uu.c who suffered a broken hip a month LEHI u u- -, Bri u, in oy looked upon one guests of Mr. and ago is able to be around on crutches ren were week-enof 73 Bosh was United Mr. the States, Levan. only In of lation. years Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crabb have as a much needed special inccy Mrs. Ralph Hutchings. L now. age moved into the Thomas Crabb person in four is living on the farm, LEHI that time. Many of the were LEHI LEHI This means that if the country not bee. basis it would be would have died had it Mrs. Art Beck and little daughter, Mrs. Mary Ann Powell was a Salt on a The Social Club will be entertained LEHI and many bo feed the loans, Lake visitor Monday. Barbara, of Los Angeles, California, today (Thursday) by Mrs. Addie necessary for every farm family to LEHI it if been not have planted LEHI J arrived in Lehi Saturday for a short Strang at her home in Provo. produce food for itself and for three Miss Arleen Goodwin Miss and loans. seed the for been LEHI not Jack Grow Bill and who families Mrs. are Mr. visit with relatives. and other farming, Norine Fox were Provo visitors Sat e piea imuu, u i m LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner of Salt Graham spent Sunday at the home of If a line were drawn around Utah urday. and honest wnfc earnest an Peck. to its Mrs. Mrs. Lenore Dennis and daughter, Lake, were dinner guests of Mr. and all John were and Mr. it and produce required LEHI The LEHI own food, every farm family would their actual condition. Carmen, of Inglewood, California, Mrs. James H. Gardner, Sunday. Mrs. Virginia Goodwin is now was consioereu Mrs. Ellis week-enmatter of LEHI d were guests Mrs. Mary Kirkham is visiting in have to support itself and one other stationed at the mission home in i in relieving stmK. Davis. Mrs. W. E. Davis and son, June, Lake this week. Salt family, as about half our population of providence and reports her Napa, California, made was loan need. Each does not farm. LEHI and Mrs. E. Booth Sorenson and work very enjoyable. children were Provo visitors, Thurs missionary our farms are organized, how- - distinct understanding tnaco As LADIES REPUBLICAN ( M LEHI -INSTANT one farm may produce one one sea" ORGANIZED t m CLUB ever, day. ie Mr. Ralph Duboise of Fairfield, LEHI hundred times as many potatoes as it son's rowth the loan shmi W;,3 I was a Lehi visitor. Mondav.Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson attend A Ladies Republican Club was consumes, but grow no fruit at all. Paia LEHI back of Pe lo?E!ie Pr Equipment The ed a wedding reception in Magna, Sat in Lehi Wednesday after Another farm may produce a hundred organized Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nicholes but it is to Worn in difficult, SERVICE AND GOOD remained times as many peaches as it consumes ways noon. State President, Mrs. Jessie urday evening, they iiiuvcu iuw uitur new location - in wm iu farmers and the MATERIAL ARE YOURS the nroduce no that but Still notaw... William mw. Cannon Mrs. day Locust Magna, Sunday of Salt Lake, spent Hj this week. Grove, with loans tfctJP AT THE with friends. Love former state representative of may produce a hundred times more paying of these LEHI LEHI Salt Lake, Mrs. Lottie Worthen of Hum, eggs, or meat man they con intense consideration as karl Chilton and Virgil Chilton the time the loans were made, Mrs. Alice Tuckfield and grand Provo, district organizer and Mrs. sume, but produce no other foods. left Tuesday for Garland, where they Sadie The Leona Jones farm Satur of is American that Fork, spent daughter, Bromley adapted to Dro- - loans will be payable snoruy ,JvT will be employed by the o candidate to the state legislature from duce potatoes but not peaches, will no hoped that the veracity and,; day and Sunday, visiting in Salt Lake a ti with Mrs. Tuckfield's two daughters, Sugar Co. HAROLD OSBORNE, Mgr. Utah County were present and per dOUbt, Continue to STOW nntfltnoa an A standards of the farmers 1 LEHI in e? making wiU maintain them Mrs. tl Mrs. Ben and Jones fected the following organization; buy peaches with part of the money Dorothy LEHI 2213 STATE STREET Mr. and Mrs. Alma Beck, Mrs. Art FS'r' ments. cola tlio Rose. 4.i chairwoman, Mrs. Clara Larsen; first- - receive fmm octio UA . ...u puutwes. i i Beck, Fay Beck and Barbara Beck vice chairwoman, Mrs. Sadie Tnnna The farm that None of the individual loev";1 LEHI produces Deaches hnt were . . . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick man; second kut if" cfiniili) h rpmfr The Junior High School held a Mrs. tint rv.o may biso continue to buy ""&c 0 matinee dance in the high school Holdaway of Vineyard, Saturday. Ethel Goates; secretary and treasur potatoes with money received from that the government is juK;Kvflll,'jLEHI A The tendon J exacting a settlement, as it. wSabitpB er, Mrs. Cleo Knight; chairwoman of the sale of peaches gymnasium friday afternoon. . i at .i Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thurman it loan at tne time i., niai ten m tne merry time was had by alt. Refresh program committee, Mrs. D. R. mis year is for that farm whiVh ments were servedt The Orpheus and children of Garfield, are visiting Mitchell; chairwoman of publicity, duces peaches to also produce enough made, and in the near totefe? Lehi relatives, this week. Orchestra furnished the music. Mrs. Rhoda Gardner; membership, potatoes for home use. As Ion? a office will be making an eiMnit LEHI i collect the loans. Just as tfePP01 LEHI wew H cvuu Mrs. Lenore Jones; parlimentarian, peaches iirifij uiiLK r . ! Mr. 1..J - rt,WllUs" A .E. Adams and me Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks enter was iairly sure, it was were accep"1" family are Mrs. Delia Davis. gra'uusiy The first meeting will be held iinic vuuvenient, ana Often as eco-- I " tained Thursday for Mr. Eldred invited to a free show at the Cozy onouiu w pracin Farnsworth o? Kansas City, Mr. Ray Theatre as guests of the Free Press Monday evening, October 10th, in the nomical, to grow only peaches and payment. Intcipi Marsh of Hollywood, California, and and Cozy Theatre, on Friday, Satur- Memorial Building. o All Republican buy potatoes. With farm prices low e-ir; m comparison to other ITS I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Marsh and day or Monday nights. ladies of Lehi are invited. KEEPS TOWN SCRIP the prices, LEHI farmer loses every time he sells some CASH REGISTER fomoiii family of Alpine. See The Fort Wjftll Camp of the Daugh VANGUARD LEADER of his products to buy other LEHI things he Mr. N. O. Meiling spoke on "Love ters of the Pioneers will meet at the TRAINING COURSE does not produce. Until farm prices St. Helens, Ore. Curious tbonlfr home of Mrs. E. J. M. reach the level of prices of other the extent of the purchasing R" i of Nature" at the I. A. meeting in Dorton, Thursday, For Automobile Insurance the Third Ward, Tuesday evening. October 13, at 2 p. m. All members Another lesson will be given tonight commodities, it may not be convenient two dollars in the routine Vitlieu Mr. Meiling handled his subject very are invited. for the benefit of the Vanguard teach but it will be more economical for life of a small town, Joseph fore p The best for the lest money. LEHI well and his talk was enjoyed very ers of Lehi, Alpine and Timpanogos farmers to produce everything they determined to find out. Let me explain it to you. lysi Mrs. LeRoy Lott, Mrs. R. J. WhlD- - Stakes in the west basement room of pUBS101y can much by a large audience. ior home consumption. The result, the chamber ofeut pa LEHI, UTAH ple, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Celestia the Alpine Stake Tabernacle at 7:30 LEHI merce secretary said, democ i, a Fall Wardrobe Holds Attention of that FOR GOOD SHOES TRY POW- bchow and Mrs. Charlotte Lewis at- p. m. (Thursday night). "credit, backed by an tended the county convention of th John D. Giles of the General Board Women." adv. ERS SHOE STORE. of tion standing such as a chtf" D. U. Pioneers at Provo. Rntunfov Miss Ellen Agren, U. S. A. who helped arrange the "Vanguard LEHI Ex-commerce, is every bit as HjjL Dt of the Fort Wall Log" will be in attendance and give tension Specialist in clothin?. C, INSURANCE COUNSELOR sav monev our mnmmont nrwW- - i Mr. Albert Van Wagoner is con- representatives Camp. d that in planning the family any information desired. Earl fined to his home with an infected wardrobe for trade purposes." Juries "If it's Insurance we have it." LEHI will discuss lessons the outlined perhaps the first thing to do is to as- bill (fart? knee. Mr. Van Wagoner had the The owed a chamber Mrs. Myrtle Poulson and children for next month on civics. certain, as nearly as possible, how ing to two dollars. Instead misfortune to fall on the cement side of Sandy spent the week-en- d much money should be snsnt with her DR. G. Q. CHRISTENSEN u, walk last week, hurting his knee, in i,togn Mr. and Mrs. W W. Dicker-so- UTAH STATE TRAING parents, for the entire year. Thor, was md clothing tah"-cSURGEON A fection and Mr. Van PHYSICIAN and t developed Mrs. Poulson returnpd linmo SCHOOL NEWS the next problem is to decide how whom Wagoner is away from his business the money was due. Office Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Dr. Ramsay and his family return- much of this should be used Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dick Monday. for the indefinitely. The note had several shef,.;t(.e Office Phone 45 erson and Mrs. Julia Curtis accom- ed to the State Training School, Satwardrobe The amount nntrrntr LEHI :tc nmrV a t Residence Phone 72 Mrs. Poulson home. urday. family should spend will largely de- - to record its value in nrf? V Mr. John E. Jones who has been panied On Sunday a ball game was held beLEHI f na on their income. WILLIAM ASHER spending the summer in California purchased, with a column to is Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dickerson tween the training school and the Surveys show that farm families amount with relatives returned home last J" ATTORNEY AT LAW paid on accounts, were Salt Lake visitors, Tuesday. colony boys The score The school spend around 14 percent of T t ok He week. ifin a reports pleasant very M. to 8:80 A Office Hours 22, colony 20. total income, and about 25 LEHI percent of passed through the hands of trip and is in splendid health. The boys from Manila are playing 4:00 P. M. Elder Albert Steadman of Riverton, uxwuw xor LEHI ciothmg. This chants, purchases were made h 3ic MAIN STREET will ITOMn LEHI, UTAH was a guest at the W. W. Dickerson our school next Sunday. ouiirewnat with the size of 33.11, and $48 was paid on ?";.$ al .ijr The apples on the farm are ripe tne Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Colledge and home, Mr. Steadman family. Wednesday. accounts for a total of $79.11 fron and are being picked by the colony Mr. and Mrs. Al Love of Salt Lake After the amount of monev t recently returned from the Western One of the rules was thst" rti Mr. Mrs. were and City, guests of erpended for clothing has been deter- was States Mission where he labored as a boys. not to pass beyond thee' ; 8 Governor G. H. Dern visited the mined the Ellis Davis, Friday. Mr. John E. next problem is how shall of missionary companion of Arnold St Helens or it would Wt,, ,. Jones accompanied them home for a Dickerson. He . training school on Sunday. amount be divided amonir th WANTED TO RENT 4 or 6 room Arnold well reports redeemed it ine Mr. Harris furnished the program members of short visit. ;4ar the family. Survev haooj of 25chamber house. Inquire this office. and happy in his missionary labors. for Sunday School, Sunday. Numbers on five days. v -persons in the fomn. LEHI -fn came from American o .uiijr OllUW Wanted to Pick Apples or help Fork First that mother and father Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans, Mrs. A each to arrived bouncing baby boy Ward. ?ie; LEHI harvest potatoes. Will take produce Heber J. Webb and about 24 per cent of total rintki s the home of Mr. and baby, Wayne, gladden Mrs. I. R. Peck enterte' ' ,ne we have Every an for pay. Call morning assembly budget. High school and college and Mrs. Mina Webb were Logan Mrs. Darrel Fowler on Thursdav. girls Primary officers and team Jd at 8:30. A good program is given by FOR SALE CHEAP 1 Roll Top visitors this week. Mrs. Heber J. C j . a i An u uuyS 'it. need more au are concerned usually than Wednesday afternoon in oepujinuer tne teacners. i Desk, 2 Wlriting Desks, 8 Chairs. Mrs. Wiebb and baby were father or Mrs, of or about 37 mother, guests happy over the new arrival iFi Our exhabit is going to Salt Lake . . . Miss Florence Russon, a brw 1... , Henry Lewis. Webb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans U1 uie LEHI DUQeet, and the younger child was $ v week. City, Monday. The afternoon Mrs. Mina Webb were guests of Mrs. Maud Adams will entertain House For Rent See and fc We are all looking forward to our ren need considerably less games and social chat Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Evans. ar the Mothers Club at her home, Friday aance The special needs of all the J. R. Goodwin. State St Barber k ihursday night. Each week family freshments were served, LEHI (October afternoon, 7.) we have a good time. Miss Walker must be considered and Shot). LEHI 'a; every effort LEHI Friends surprised Mr. James W, furnishes the music. fl: ntl LEHI made to POWdeal TRY FOR GOOD SHOES fairly with each. Where Mrs. Lawrence Hutchings and son The time S11 Mavis Atkinson spent the Cough, Friday evening. Mitlon Mr. adv. Mrs. and STORE. ERS SHOE is necessary to practice jr was spent in cards and a chicken sup of Salt Lake, were guests at the John rigid nounce the arrival of a visiting her folks in Salt Lake. needs must be procured first economy, Mr. Covers laid were home, Hutchings and for Sunday. Mr. Storrs came hack from MissisFOR SALE Choice Jonathan per. born Wpdnpadnv. October LEHI tl.e Mrs. Rodney Dickerson, Mr. and Mrs and desires kept in the He Carrots. Table sippi and Stock Saturday. Dr. accompanied D. S. Hospital in Salt background Apples, ... Mr. Henry Sorenson and Mrs. Jas. T. w Harold W. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. it-iarlv rve . r were j. rnone an giaa to see until the needs have been supplied. iura. tt ' jr.: ,jst ' i was iuj Raymond Stewart, imay. xiunter Wilma Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Zimmerman were in Salt Lake, Mon- him back. lV For instance, a winter coat is far Gardner. i ?n Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ricks, day visiting Mr. Sorenson's grandson, Miss Pope the nurse at our school LEHI 1 more a there's way Mrs. J. Wl Gough and the guest of Clifton Davis who is ill with pneu- - was called to Blackfoot on account of When there's a want ' necessary than a party dress Miss Ruby Christensen moma. honor. and must receive first consideration it'i a Free Press Want Ad. the death of her brother. the B. Y. U. this season. 40c t TELEPHONE TVwv"fcnr U. Because w . Uve-at-ho- - ifies: "the lew free press 8-- W . Jhi rt fJ ' A d - i. f'-'fs- - ? $1-0- 0 cons-j- i Mr'i Local Items - d ,U J i f,a Shoe Repairing J.V' Quality Shoe Rebuilders Utah-Idah- ; .... I -- i. . lloa . - n. ...... -- 1 uuu-ae- i l.-- i. w L.-- I . U J- a, i i SC'-'.- -th- L. I. Wardle fff Noel G, Knight Holm-stea- o!'k n. t J, h.-n- c,ha i f. . --- 1 V WANT ADS 10-6-- tf . aA 8-- : 1 4 -tf -tf -- V , 10-6-- 2t ... - |