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Show Pae Free Press Thursday. September 18, r A r A 'J I a SHOT Wf Auction Attracts Pooplo From Throughout Stato 1980 " - "Going once! . Sold to war County-Offic- of the auctioneer rang out at the Fork Junior High School last The auction is held each year, said a representative of the Division of Wildlife reek, as people from throughout Utah gathered for the sale of confiscated equipment by members of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. A crowd estimated at over 500 people viewed rifles, shotguns, fishing rods and ton reels, and even a 1968 model one-hapickup, as well as miscellaneous related items - then placed their bid. Anyone wishing to bid had to register and obtain a number immediately prior to the sale. Auction rules said items were to be sold on the basis of minimum bids and increment bids of one dollar. Firearms were not sold to residents or individuals with prior criminal convictions, Resources, but this is the first time it has been held in American Fork. "Usually the auction is in Salt Lake City," he said. emphasized their department does not confiscate the equipment rather they present the individual with a citation, The 1 . crj f.. - jf aw It attracted individuals from throughout pick up a good fishing rod and reel at a lower price, but the guns usually go at or above what you could get them for in a store," the representative said, adding many times the person the equipment was originally confiscated from comes to try to buy it back. , "These items came from people all over the state, people caught disobeying the law," the officer said. The truck, for late model compact car developed fuel line problems and burst into flames Monday evening at the Leon Ewell residence, 278 West 600 North. Quick action by the Ewells and their neighbors brought the fire under control just as the Lehi Volunteer Fire HOT CAR- -A I" t" I' Department arrived. Damage was estimated Past Decade ll i. UtahCoun; Alpine American Fork U U Cedar Hills j ii Highland Lehi Lindon Pleasant Grove Cedar Fort Orem Provo 1980 Preliminary PopulationHousing Units 61.99? 217,281 618 2,656 3.503 12,076 139 575 - - - a to 137.77b 1,047 - VH - 695 ' 'J?1 J " lAS ?i,79 - 79 i , 53.131 - r the auction Money from goes towards Extended Unemployment Announced "Fire is one way to lose a home... Due to a recent federal court ruling, the effective extended of insurance unemployment benefits has been changed to July 20, 1980, according to Duane C. Price, director of unemployment insurance services for Utah. August Previously, your mortgage outliving you is another." 24, See me for 1980 had been announced Mortgage Life Insurance. sufficiently high to the payment of extended benefits, Price said. Only individuals whose regular 3,02 14,818 the what was 35,963 246 ?.??(! " . - 21,27? determines judge disposition of the case is. "The judge may or may not decide to take the equipment," one officer noted. trigger unemployment insurance claims expire after July 20 are eligible to receive extended benefits. 493 2,00 the and as tire date tne jobless rate for the nation as a whole PopulationHousing Units - as 1970 Preliminary - 2,320 6,847 2,749 10,684 269 52,474 74,007 released were figures 1970 and 1980 census surveys. (Continued from Front Page) excess of $700. to be in The preliminary census report, subject revision. Listed below is the population and number of housing units recorded in the "Come on, we teed the money," the auctioneer joked at one point on a slow -wring Hem, bringing laughs and boos -from audience members. Approximately 54 guns and as many fishing rods and reels, as wel as other items and the truck, were on the auction block - date From The Front Page Census Reports High Growth During programs of education, range management. etr, tte onicer saiu. ers the state, individuals hoping to get a good buy on the sporting equipment "You often lf .... u lane instance, belonged to someone 21- - American it twice! nor were they sold to anyone younger than Going Mumber-- ." i (rte-iat- The Utah Job Service will Sll notify those individuals not previously advised of the 6.:.C l.i.04 extended i i l benefit State Farm Lite Insurance Company M Home Office: Bloomington. period. v INOIIMd n r--i t Illinois Like a 1 good neighbor. State Farm is there. l y I , turns keys over to Ray Cox, office manager for Century 21 All Western Real Estate. Mrs. Hebertson has merged her AA Realty with All Western. . VJ CAROLE HEBERTS0N Century 21AA Real Estate, All Western Realty Merge The merger of Century 21 AA Real Estate Inc. with Century 21 All Western Realty is announced by Carole Hebertson. the company. Century 21 All Western has a total of nine Century 21 offices in Utah. The locations are Payson, Nephi, Pleasant Grove, Orem, Owners feel this is a progressive move for everyone concerned. Century 21 AA Real Estate has been locally owned, but is part of a national franchise. With the additional Many people who find themselves drinking more and more coffee to get a lift, may have become habituated to the brew. Although laboratory tests have shown that coffee does stimulate mental alertness and help people think better, its caffeine can offices and management personnel growth ' is inevitable. has The new office manager, Ray Cox, and now Lehi. Provo, Springville years of experience in real estate in Utah County. The broker is Tom Stubbs of Orem. Carole Hebertson will remain active in r the company as a sales for cause restlessness, headaches, too. agent-recruite- irritability dm and Serving North Utah County wfmX: 1dji free :$2 The Free Press Jrcss II BATTERIES AND TIRES - wtfW W. Main, Lehi, Utah 84043 h MOUNTING AND BALANCING AVAILABLE published Thursday by Newlah. Inc., which also publishes the Ciliren and The Review. Together, the three publications reach about 65 percent of the homes in North Utah County, including Lrndon, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Highland, Alpine, Lehi, Cedar Fort and Fairfield. is The publications readership. OVER COST - ADDITIONAL AND ACCESSORIES the area, but also, with prize winning contents and modern layout, they command Weeklies in general have more thorough readership than daily A recent survey by the newspapeis. saturate Newspaper Advertising Bureau revealed that while 85 percent of the daily newspaper subscribers read at least half of the daily newspaper, 88 percent ot the weekly newspaper subscribers read every page of their weekly newspaper. And locally, four to five times as many people do then grocery shopping out of the Newtah publications as from any olher publication, according to an independent suivey by two BYU professors. Rates: Subscription $7.50 one year $14 00 two years. Classified Advertising Rates: $2.50 tor lirst 10 words, 10 cents Display Advertising Rates: As low as 80 cents per column inch publications). A quarter page ad (on contract), for cnample, for all three publications, going to about 7,000 homes. The Free Press is sent out by mail. Second diss postage is a word thereafter (runs in all 3 publications!. Ho Charge EiMndad Payment Plan available 10 Husky credit card holders. Ask about rt1 single publication on contract (SI 75 lor all three would cost about $45 tor one publication, about $90 foi a Fork paid at Lehi Post Office IU.S.P OUR STAFF WOULD BE PLEASED TO SERVE S. No. 309 500). 75G-731- 2 YOU itarltHrHrHrMM En. Ast. EditorPublisher Ken Harvey EditorPublisher Brett Beuanl 756 7669 756 7669 756 7669 7689696 American Fork Editor lean Gordon Lehi Editor Betty Fowler PI. Grow C Editor Ford Anderson 785 3111 Bookkeeper Pal Hansen 756 Manager Jesse Spafford 756 Production Manager Mont Call Circulation Managei Doreen Sharpe 756 Advertising Head Typographer Society Editor Gail Kmten Shelley . 756 756 Brown . (Postmaster: CORRESPONDENTS: 785 3111 Mircella Walker PI. 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