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Show f7'yy" Momentous Occasion In Eighth Vard Ground Breaking' Rites Starts L.D.S. Service 8th Ward Chapel Ground breaking ceremonies officially put the construction of the new Eighth ward chapel Monday evening at the site of the new chapel, between 'the old chapel and the recrea- tion hall on Third north between First and Second east. Counselor Howard Kelly conducted the services. President Vernal Willie was the first to turn dirt for the new chapel and he was followed by Elbert R. Beecher and Delos stake counselors; Thompson, Bishop Ernest Hansen and Counselors Howard Kelly and L. Max Bott, Eighth ward bishopric. About 200 ward members, Including the contracting superviwitnessed sor, Wayne Jensen, the occasion. Shirley Holllst led the congregation In singing Gome, Come, Ye Saints." Giving brief remarks were Bishop Hansen, Contractor Jensen and Ern Freeman, finance chairman. Ground dedicatory prayer was offered by President Willie. The shovel used in breaking ground was sold and resold to highest bidders, earning $200 for the building fund and finally ending In possession of William J. Kotter. Ward members and contracted labor will move full speed ahead now on construction, ac cording to Bishop Hansen who said digging of the basement was to be completed today and construction is slated to follow Immediately. 'We hope to have the. roof on before snow flies this fall, Bishop Hansen said. Jt is anticipated a great deal of the work will be done by ward members. The new $125,000 building will have a chapel, recreation hall, junior Sunday school room, baptismal font. Relief Society room, kitchen, Boy Scout room and 15 class rooms. The old chapel built In 1894, will not be torn down until the new one Is complete. ...WITH GIFTS HE CAN TREASURE THRU THE YEARS! The most appreciated and thoughtful gift for Dad is the one that will be useful to him for many years to come. Bought Especially t For FATHER'S DAY! ornamental plastic NEW X Mounted Heads and Statues Horses, Bears Buffalos, etc. Very lifelike. Dad will be proud to display them. See our selection now. Defers, from $1.47 to $5.97 is a MANS GIR! LEATHER Nothing will please Dad so much as a gift of leather . , , its a gift he can get years of practical use from. ft CAMEO WALLETS KEY CASES UTILITY CASES LUGGAGE FAMOUS DOPPKITS ALL AT A LOW PRICE! In ' d ends give double ca- pacity! Secret pocket, 2 card pocket, 3 removable transparent holders for extra passes, plus roomy coin purse I Give an EXPANDEX EVERYTHING FOR THE large OFFICE DAD At Ground Breaking Ceremonies Monday , for the new Eighth ward chapel this group gathered. Left to right, front row; Howard Kelley, J. Delos Thompson, Elbert Beecher, Veral Willie, Ern Freeman, Richard Christensen. Back row: Wayne Jensen. Ern Hansen, Verna Call, Max iBott, Mary Bott, Phyllis Call, Nancy Valberg, Hannah Tingey, Jean Sycamore, Birtie Hanline, Lavinia Clark. ... Indian Congress Sets Workshop At Indian School horse, Wayne Call Wins OCHAIR CUSHIONS M.S. ODESK PEN SETS TYPEWRITERS - Give Dad A Good PENCIL SHAEFFER V, Of Son at . PARKER EVERSHARP SHEAFFIRS of Track Squad Takes 2nd Perry STATESMAN ENSEMBLE OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS JAMMER OCAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES BOOKS Church and Fiction O CIGARETTE CASES & LIGHTERS O REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVERS STATIONERY designed especially " " ' ' for men. , Advrtit4Mm Rom where I sit FATHERS DAY CARDS That says you cared enough to send the very best. the Gift He Wants the Years. , K . . . One He ! ; k ,REMI NDER: office supplies - gifts ...Joe Marsh "Good Neighbor Policy" COMPLETE SELECTION HALLMARK ,5- if n Youll find this is just the Sift he wants. S, Degree Degree At Attend Graduation SET Be sure to give Father Can Treasure Through LLB University, California, a masters degree in education tice at Idaho Falls, Idaho. He and his wife, the former with a major In guidance and Shirley Call, have two children. counseling. V a He and his wife, the former Ann Wilson, daughter Margaret of Mr. and Mrs. Van Wilson, have three sons. They plan, to return to BrigU U ham City for the summer after 4 which they will return to Stanford university where Wayne Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Christoffer-sowill do graduate study for a of Brigham City attended doctors degree. graduation rites at the University of Utah last Saturday eve ning at which their son, Ve 440 'Noy, was awarded bis degree of bachelor of law, A graduate of Box Elder high school, Mr. Christofferson earn The Perry ward 440 relay ed his IB. S. degree from the squad flashed in for a second University of Utah in 1950. He place in the Ogden division L. served five years in the armed DS. track tournament last Sat- forces before entering the uniurday, according to Don Shef- versity. He is married to the former field, south stake athletic director. Patricia Perkins of Salt Lake On the team are Jay Mathews. City. , Richard (White, Boyd Hirschl He plans to practice in. Las and Phil Oyler. Vegas, (Nevada. - and PEN Ronald Hyde Takes Eonald Hyde, formerly of last City, graduated iWayne E. Call, son of Mr. and Brigham University of Mrs. W. Voeco Call of Brigham week fromanthe ULIB degree. Utah with City, will graduate from Stan(The new lawyer plans to pracford with OFURNITURE Remember one time when I told wall that about the old loose-ston- e separated Easy Roberta property from Handy PeteraonaT That was when they decided they really didnt need the wall between so they them in the first place simply stopped repairing it. How I hear where a fallow, who bought the old Johnson place, wants to bay all those atones. It seems he figures a stone wall is just whats needed on his property. t From where I sit, if that fellow wants to build himself a stone wall, business. But if its not really serving any useful purpose he may sooner or later discover just like Handy and Easy did that hed be just as well off without thats hjs walla one. Even some of prejudice are disappearing like those that would deny a persons right to a friendly glass of beer now and then. Most Americans are learning that walls can get in the way of the persons inside aa well as the persons outside. Copyn$ht, 1952, United States Brewers Foundation 1 i 1 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, June II, 1952 Registration For City Dance Program Monday , THE FRANKLIN LIFE IS LOOKING' FOR A MAN An aggressive man fired with ambiiion and possess- - y Exploding, Tabernacle PAGE EIGHT BOX ELDER NEWS, -- ; Special LJDS. church services (Registration for the city will be held at the stake taberwill be held dance nacle on Sunday, June 22, at Monday,program June 16, at the War 10:30 oclock, for visitors at the Memorial home, it was learn--e- d Intermountain Indian school today. summer session. It was anChildren from three to 14 nounced this week by John Howare eligible to participate. ard, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce tourist committee, Margaret Johnson and Marilyn Wood will supervise the' sponsors of the program. program this year. The special services were arClasses will be held Monranged so that Brigham City visitors could see the interior of day, Tuesday, Thursday and, i the tabernacle, hear the new Friday from 9 to 12. organ and attend a religious the direction of President Glen service there, Howard explained. Bennlon of the South (Box Elder The services will be under stake. Eepresenting 85,000 American Indians from ail sections of the U. S., delegates from the National ' Congress of American Indians will attend a community development workshop here June 9 through 20. Held in conjunction with the U. S. Indian service summer school at the Intermountain Indian school, it will be conducted by Mrs. Elizabeth RoeCloud, member of WesUlinn, Oregon, the Chippewa tribe and 1950 mother of the year." She is national chairman of Indian 1 afBetty Seashore fairs of the General federation Featured On of Womens clubs. Swedish Magazine Social and economic problems disThe Swedish magazine, of American Indians will be evcussed during the eight-da1Sol, featured a color photograph of Betty Ruth Seashore ent. Emphasis will be given to on its front cover in a recent assisting tribal representatives formulate fundamental working Issue. the plans for social and economic Sweden, Betty visited home country of her parents, development. Organized eight years ago in Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seashore of of Brigham City, last year. While Denver, Colo., to unite efforts effeca all Indians into relatives single coua there visiting sin, who is a professional tive movement on a national of photographer, took the color scope, the NC1AI composed shot of her hand feeding a members of over 50 U. S. tribes. BRIEFCASES Hold Special ing stability. General Agency openings are available in the North part of the State for agents who desire to make a permanent connection with one of the most IN progressive life INSURANCE COMPANIES AMERICA. The FRANKIN offers HIGHEST COM- -' MISSIONS, vested renewals, and a most attractive GENERAL AGENTS CONTRACT. Contact STATE MANAGER, A. M. JACOBS, 232 Wfest Center, Provo, Utah, Phone 717-- |