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Show flWeaW THE DAILY-INDEPZfJDEJ- U V"- - FORD vs. MOLOCH. lhem with AMexsincnts, notes lo be paid and uit ? to ? but prosecuted, ,! from no return the ; mine: : city,;::utaiif '.; Sir.' Jlat-Hlial- l, ClowwO anil Trask.writes to him, MVliy don't yba tell ns about the ore and what .the gAL1--'- J1 -- JL.JULJ Jl ISeuiivU , Coai-- . is' fivm. il? (lire u4' the particn-laitf.- " Judge ; FEBRUARY 16.1S78 lie writes in answer: "Stand by o. we and I will suind by you. When the road are aod we will; ship some ore"; Cuiaaavl mn Ilatla flldva Slewljr Getting not 0 word About 0;:S;, ?;;f ; ;; THE OUTPUT OF TUB SltXC.' Throng WItto TlaVlr Arsuiarnta. JT i ; isait i r:i-afco;; THE iiiiSLATlVE paid all that tho property wasVwdrth yes,' much , more thau it was worth at the time of pnrclwse. Take the measurements ut v. the time of Ford'i f ; i ' siaafea ". ASSEBtf . 1' " ; "'i - OENEBAIi 'MlklteHANDISE, v UfjTJQBa,'' "EtC. ? purchase, and they would show , Council , met at 10 a. K. pursuAnt' to not more than 100 tons of oro in sight. adjournment. Boll CAlled and a quorum fcATUBDAY I have but to refer (a; tho evidence; of "Ar George Cuilcn, known to our, businers 3Cluff CPiNaf Mr, ll j presented men as one of the best and most reliable mining men on the coast, lie say that bill for an net authorizing counties to iswnOLEBiT.X AJtD KKiu; DBAXJtBS on the 2d or 3d of February, 1876, the sue bonds' on certain conditions, and mine wa moved 'its reference to Committee on I cee before ine some of tlie men whom crrvu : vxtte'j statei o?yi3sua wonra MOEE THAX $25,000. ; xot believe us connscl would have opposite Bevenue with instructions to print 75 Coinrt oened yesUriLiy inoriaias ought to thank Jloldeni for paying them lie went through it willi the idea of purcopies. Bead, and so Mferred'; so well fur their tock. Age i creeping chasing it. H; $c(Ury....4i..LBTl P. Laek7, Illinoia yat The Bcmis, a welt known 1(1 .0 jpwK ; .'.Alr,A JUiiKimu ; counsel The Committee on Mineral Besources, itpoh them; the elasticity of youth is and reliable mining man, says that about AHicUti Jtlc. W v2 iurpiainiuTk; reMtuned i 14 urgttnient, gone. Are they not. deserving of a No. 1C. re that time and after th ledge hod been to whom was referred H. M rtbiil. . . . ; . - .5 Wm. JTelM 1. WUcttesta of : And the. their iwealth we. vatuld be'ort was the over cojumenced it worth money not struck, giye wAine bock the with $15,000. amendments. V. 8. Attorney.; Uioh Howard. dy uuiDr to ciievelop? Bat your just claim We have the testimony of five or' six ported V Nthu Ktmbll a synopsis of bis ablu , wluress from its helped urvtjrur U:ir A . .O. J. Hollistw. Cal L 8. Col aro derided And your reputation is us-- . other good men, none of them placo it Bead the second time by aections, com Dry Cood8y Crocories. Miners' Supp lies. M. Bum. Ill beginning. UtrcalTcrU. 8. Lul Hailed;.. You were as children in : the over $25,000; the average being $20,000 mittee amendments concurred in; read UiNfUtw lT A. mA uact., UmrUnir Lcwiit, Tun Mr. MuMbftli said tiai he felt to soni9 hands of Jfoliien; yoa had ; confidence or thereabout. Ilave these gentlemen the third time by its title and sent to the VvtTHMOTpMAt OFFICERS 'iA:J.. extent ihe gravity. ;of 'ihe iittoiii;:-.Tin - him. 5 Cnrtenius hill and .TrAvk mode calculation as to wliat 30,000 tons Delegate to Congrciw.;;'. . .VOeo. Q, Cannon last few out come to at 13.50 net Auditor ..... . . .... ....... . ...... yearIiaTefarijiedniany: cases wheti they came to examine the mine, of ore taken The committee to whom was referred CUjrtua profit, that amount of oro having been Treaaurvr. ..Jaiuea Jack of broken trusts and mining swindles of trusted in llolden, and C. F. No. 23, a bill for an act providing CAHPET3, CLOTHIKG, HATS & GEHTS' FURNISHINGS, bttocrintrndent of Mat. Schnob. . . .O. U. lilwat lawn oat during the last two years? WO XOT QC1WTIOS HI3 STATKMEXT which onr yunn Tcrritcry has had its for the establishment ; and support of to the mine or the pending But they say the mine With regard case this we are suits. share. .As r apprb.u'li nAs'.:AVrBospEcnvE VAi.rE.:r:!s::.iv District Schoo!s,reported the same back .taken into thi "pio ITEMS ABOUT TOWK. mat Ihey' were I uppn the 5 threshold ' with u the tnro gallery, where they were informed But what rule muKi;ybtt' use to' get at and it was' taken up on its seeoml readvTnx Lfgialiihirc lias six xoor working churge j. of chauipertysa :.: offeuso onbe there was some o.OUU of ore. They this prospective-- vilttel?1 ' Tho only safe ing by sections. Bead and recommitted of the grey;' or j the black rate. ia Duyiug rallies is-tXAvlto tke sttoattea of csrtfol buyers for the Retail er known to English law bat now obolete saw nothing" pay lor wuat to the Committee on Education, with in- ruslly Tradai ia tfaa day before' it. "i C saw if. of j the you have in let and nothiug they stoics; sight; profits strnctionA ' to your States and the Territories in consider certain Him inay be seen in tho veittexu ky ejvcially grmt body , of ore, and h were told depend upon the prospective ore. It sections. S carefully Smith" And E. Snow Kiver. west of 8. cases the The 31"iwisippi be would om could no never more to that do calculate on hhippeil for ihe next two moulnsi were to assist said r budt. than 50 committee, C1TOCK f wa appointed the . tramway invoked 'inly set forth decisions grow- until TMIEXSE CJTOCK I what oh has cent, per already " Tub iciiicn in the SAvago niiuc, it i iMAUOiAJS Stock t: lie told them been pniduec-- a the prospective ore in Messages were received f: from the in is that It clearly prooi of relation oat between the "existing ing 3 concurrence House their in & announcing stiid,can near the blasts in the Sutro tnnthat the wine was not .expenses. the miiic. ,;r .;.; ' attorneys and thtir clients, aud do not And yet,' sonic $10(UtiU paying of ore laid been ' The Court here took a recess until the Council amendment to H.:; F. No 16, and that it was now in the hands of apply to casciji of this 1 triptiou evn iu exiructed and sold. These moSjra not 2 o'clock p. k. " xHAto luiw" an all States where souie sanction seems fb disiiusetl to doubt defendant the ?cnBd in SJbcir EstaWfttmcnt, and : states Enrolling Committee, and also their XLlv&yi ti in .the proposed amendeSi'rt-- ;h:ive been civeii to the doctrine now meuis, and did not think" of tpieKtiouing AfternoM Neaalon. fully Solicit an Inspection and Com - ifson ments to C. F. No. 10, relating to inoor-alvauS the mine. , Ihey re Court opened at 2 p. m. noon outlawed on this laeiflc k!oc. "The other CMliforitis decUions aro highly etiuiated tnmedto Michigan with the idea thai city charters, ; Mr. Bennett, of Qu&liiia and trices. his argument piirated Becess till 2 9. M. and frcqneutly iuutMl in our Courts, the mine was not paying expenses; that fori defendant, resuming ; lIoldv'n said; Shaving and they repudiate entirely the doctrine they would probably bo ;cailed upon to bought out ; Cowles, Ford and '; iiiekox, (''li' :)'P::y' Attrmu taalaai.;,;;-::-jof champerty as an often'. What mo pay Assessment. .fpasstd Bestdon resumed at 2. p. xi. fH!i TaK facts IX TH14 case? " .litre- the counsel reviewed in detail started, for Utah, stopping at Kalamazoo it'y'Xx; on A few frieuds to llruutT iii con iiectiou with on the ' Committee on Claims and approThe the letter y C While there a in an levied org.aniza way. corporation remit taiice to. CleveLin-.l- , they to whom was referred the petireaUiiig priation, to carry on a luintu enteipriv. They the tion of Wm. C. Mitchell, said letter. yV':::4rl:.y. asssessment of five.1 per cent, foe titled. praying for reselect one of thi-iuujiibt-- r to look nftvr of wurking end obtaining purpose lief amount tin in recom- For Cala Powder Oompany Biast- - For Strauss' Qenulna of. relation iu rule to The of , $5100.15, perversion Rlvsted iect' of their iutcrests.' Tlio affair of the com? trust fund in,, that On the 17th of i'ebruary, ltfti, they mended that the amount thereof bo nu sportinjf Powdora. ?'''''' nfjf followed t'.mlw Blanket thuy Lined Hunstrnstt-; involved Coats. becoino and thi pany ore tune. forV:.:.tlie i.M K A first k ;. abto the petition of O ever they can be traeeil; nd we sli'pped where' IL ( MB of in the ths' CoatjirVVet defendant; ugttnt, After the Cleveland pirtie. hil soi l and peraoi i' .;; upon. praying for au appropriation of in svnt 3,0W miles away to look after appeal to the conscience oi the Court for before the : iulaindzu6; '':'. andCveraiU the sold, parties of bis prois relief and' protection to these plundered councitiou were msule with the old ioJO, to pay the expenses the 'common property. ..The pnpt-rtfessional visit to the Educational Conwolii uuikr a trust deed and bid and betrayed stcnrkholdcra works of the Nez Perce and the Mon- vention held in Baltimore, recommend with a big linnily Mr eoneiusion" Marshall's of thi for in mulrr the dirtction of the continuity of the ledge wa that inasmuch as the visit was not auth". 'i'ijjtJ, wili the Bennett, or couniul for treal, uud Thtu boiidhoMern, who form a new cim-pau- y Argument, Judge the Mont pevple proved. orized by the Territory, that the prayer an tLs wf ather of which UoMii i luauatT. The defendant, commenced suuriuing Up for '' ED SUbW TUCIH TEKTK. bo not granted. ; , BeporU . Accepted and B defeUKC. : x:: the ineuibeiA of the company aro the astins Pcwdoir,: Fuse.' f: Fuse MARY3V! LLS MILLS ' recommendations adopted. of Wuat been lust done, to the had Vcdoe' juexxett's 'Aab'crjfEitT.; S' up uud: tiuotc-- frienilH of Iluldeu: Utit.M, Myerc rviining The committee to whom was referred nsiisted mainly of tunnel, kin'oham, willi her 1'hj work progreditiHt; ilolii'ii nott'M that .'It would appear, smd Bennett, April co act uu a bill for II. authorF. 26, Turn No.; and California Blanket, Undershirt;, tracings. up every aits McItH:'," will th Xcz IVivch at the top of the hill and that the staple of tni litigation U hatred in sight when the Kalamaxuo izing the Auditor to purchase book, Drawers t. nd F arm U. .r at the' Theater in the tl10 Montreal it the cvitom nave re. if Mr. lluldeu rathir than a desire ' for fH: of presold use the of for District the unu etc.; out safes, in. May, auu ttiriKe to tne parties waKis ui plans teugo jusnce. It v i a tpieli'n' of spails, of atld thereto d 1L1. means i" ., or ouediali Coints, jTeportetl ' the same back with " StvculaaJu that prompt thi citraordi-Uar- y additiuuul fur A XFSXCaiiOWAIi ; W contingencies, if you likev ameuumvuts ana recommeuaea it pa ;1J houses ' He proceeding. It will be my privil- aud yo a ha ve, V wi t li u a reasunably 1'ord 'nd f na amended. Amendments .. reaL CoUi buv:out thu fen-- ; ..the case of , thd A FU ilL LI N E coueurred in ; passed its thii d rendand ton Ivcnih ini t he eleventh level of Hick6x t: Cy.i aiiii uniliy lniys up near ege. nd duty? to strip abiiiil lar but l.UoJ c.ilcdatin, trappings wrapped uouut it, to drive' out of .ore whieu, if "it WaA hih grade ore ing by jits title and sent;; ito the House itka. Consolidated iiiine, Xeviida, ly nil lhetoc!i. All tha partus hud w'ou- - of it the pretence that obscure it,.. and fiilenee in his honor and um t utu una wttuld yield a littie over for .action thereon. :;":: (.r(S'yi(';(' ".. '; "'.' A prove the existence, of an inimeusc ere elicit Ihe" truth from out the ma of nctliiig.$l3.u:J, STOCIC C. F, No! 10, an act ; amending city uf Staple and Fancy tioods.Teas, db.tKMJ. But liuldcu liaid to tUo Kala- shall which encumber it. rubbish I , go body at that point aud insure diviJeudi rtolfaUe M7JY Cor.ee, Touacco. conferrich; but in tl3 yir 1U.U00 parties: par value lor tht ir stock chtu'ters, wa. taken up, and Spiw'fc4, 3UOM , for an iudi'Huite ieribd.': to iek 'Qy( ence committee ; consisting of ' Messrs. tha confidential ltttrrs of HoM-juiine for of the. rate $lU0,UtKI at or tlie 'OBIOIS Of : Blankctsi. Shawls. Ladies OF. TUB CASS j' ''....TO TKS 10 thefci''lru4;u.of 1 Siiy be iKiid tiK uiiich. more than the llaleigli and Hiuoot were appoiuti-to :A rrar Mexieau on the Com Coatf, Flannels, Linsoya itit exact ' Condition of And all act; with a like committee on the part of prjperiy wa wort u at that time withtitle make a." business of 'collecting the lumps ; . r shawtd were iriiute. oth.-toi when mi-r-. House the theo to the consider the parties amendments . things ... the oty. purchies l litijjauou and., '' t?i.i-- i .lnul witii"s This of ore tlist full, fr.im vaetnis '$" ; intpurtjr' has become oae; of the h inging oi'cr. The threat Viiiuo of the not concurred in. rjnto to wl'.'i in- ivin!iiiti ';: Hams Dacon, Lard. Currants, ?ril'' " What! l.:udins: in this mines ait-.-t Reps, Waterproofj. F11.--3, 9'ub!a9 10 m. at Teriitoiy. t wdrths. a. ettitr faiEliiw, Cxtracbi, Candtos, 11th till known the mine w.is 1:0: ol the inilln. and from the ore' ran luwidhj Adjournedtill HoM-uKnit Ceod j. Scarfs. M 's 18 uds ..who werJ wiilin to nul was it in .February, these and mouths aft-j3a.intfd Coods " July; lt7o,'t'AO make by. this ' with fnt ever the railnad.-".:Th?' I and uoyd'.CI c'owmwiced ; av:.AovesiiiK"r, t Of iii Willi luf ans. io be returned tn hnd Mild but. At tbat lime StfCry KlRkl xneans a very.rcspctaUe-'UvelihooJ- . to LtC E O.'. in ilett found the lH7i. "lie f the. rcuvere.l..' bud A' traik-new' property bf ; into v. ;: property thy " m 01 tu uiui -, u,u.i ore f rty b fiity feet in dimension Ax a wectiiii; of wtwinwr titrKl in 4eiienc sWJ, j nousGinet pursuant taf ;taw Tilt If nu A KtOKT 10 i' coiii plaining who There uien gi'iiih ... , the Council IIo:ise, this city on Tlinr nd the uttejiivt to throw r.ppr..lnnm tv.u5l tK iMr.;iiatch presentiidjbili;; H F. No. .i.ifr 'WS-aiSK. t.:yed Uick in their comita table h6mc turn attention ! fl SP2SIALTY OF FAM5LY A .;" .,.. .,,. i in relation to the verdicts of jurors 2U, i,u day nightV'a 'ciiiisnittee' was apHi:iit dJ on them Ulrtii a ruv eiul buttle the until the is avj fought victory ' . to draft reiti,n8, to be forwarded to woii, I'nuot now couij in to talk away in civil ijicad and referred to the c EwwJ iie thM-icMt.wua divide t tho or spuiln. t on CeuiKiitrQ prote.fu.g judiciaryJv:,;v;; :;V; iudictU ;lla. not this Dogate C,nnoa, The1 bilj pro vido; that in all civil rc-, oy Congress of the-- tanff 011 matttr byen argute Iwfore yjtir ll rnor lie-- i tran. Cu;irgeW ;:;: ;v::-;:;in a vay designed to jUea the Court ( wA ihe;-ter;;';: V V over tor Ic: ii.r Mnported wool and woolin goods; ! rtons, if iiiue iembr ot a. Jury agree' np r whit-en Have it that will, laM??.,h?-:-ral-tyou in Doiine Mr. BiSHCwho' "(with W W; charge defendediJohn ttfe ikuuc vuau oa accepist',: , ,lf ihe uu a veruiei Miiur- - hua t- redieai tue mista.:a ot vtying whi-: ih.it: D. Lee on his last trial at Beaver, i, ire pressed to the wail. Vhey fr.o,ucn4 and tho verdict 5 t nnaul-ma3-,: lva!anio:'.-.parlte ty much lor the r onL-each-juni- r to pre- lwUrfJ.,t. 1 j.jIUVi were thi 11 , iwael property at the trine, b'i boubt it. Thee. on going' into CVart 1. tAV little. simrring for the Lieutenant-Governo- rinjtjct tome side issue in Juiir. v.. - I'.W'l cum no case... tins Li la.eiilt-mlias iir.ro want to in judioe.'thd subKicribeon tho shall a Kectmni of to4hJ is Nevada.. a pretty merit?.. Let ii fasten AaiV. ((' fchip mortgage Biahop.. property. (iz': goi by v essrn-li- al some hold of Let take fovtane. them : upon ia the Fall of Ilolduu caino out :C: Mr.. rWry; good sort of - u :. fellow, anyhow, and presented, a pvtiiiou froia of: our good profepfrjts and eouquer i;uc-ce- s "SjLS. points and confine our. uf tentiuu 19 id .with a power of attorney a v S? CSJ J3k. 2?tT "2tT : in would fill the omee with credit if he to tLensi'i-Ii;:- ' Weber d:.i I we Wtblidh a fiduciary iiwtead of to Holdcn county regard did, u. trying idoluu-s- . rJaiioii between the defendant and lh i TU J AOXN'T OF. wis noxsnotatEss. thould get it. rob him of hi hard-earat- d trct. Referred to Committee on lal:;-caliV.'liCKHtltf ab4 KtbM l:ealrric ia ". iaovt-gag- e imU1 , then Th-the j wa nulcr tiu-swon tho case re propc-rttun-o: have havj plainthf-tHow money huagry without ; ?;? ;.v , :,,;reiuling. Evxut emotion of the human heart and a receiver raast t4 apoi:iteiV... We Wullac-deed, wa bought in by thi iuoi.? pLtiutM 1 ;'pnt iuto ! A measogo '; v?a A IT received from - th e S s, ha been wreathed in poesy, exempt. HUbmi: tii.tt au ugeury ih--i eqitab: title bei'.iiu the Intiid-huld- Tliey ; sent one 'with Uoiden ' ' lloldcn being in the nuaihcr. 3.uJ0 borro;v d money ; ho. found Council onuounci ag tha concurreuoe the feeling of joyous compUcency or trusteeship uoe exit in , this Our iMucA rcniiirnm a f u?l of he luinhed forwrd the their interest a of In on the. unieiiditieiit to grouuil special agrecnivut iijWi) of djlt on i'tiz company, of that body in the that comes to u n:nn when he finds hs between thee. old Diutne the uud wurk of under reason the Brown, f partita by lie advrtuced uud and g ive iiineud tiie ebnr-tv- is Crccc?;cc, ; Cry! Goads, Boots Sl has dodged the conductor in a crowded peculiarly Ultimate and iricnuly ft latum foreman aud SuperiuieinVnt, who hud to tkv extent of about i:l,0bti. Did C. V.ofNo; 10,1 a bill fjcilic-shoes, Hats & Caps, , wiiii in"irpor.i:-:t'igetiier s now is what suu!l'.-accord started own aid of of a start tho ware, their and j between th'.ni.whvn got the cir, enterprise ihey come forward nud puy bitu for it ? the Council iunt ndaseuts; the. latter weve tunnel, v." Iloldt-- Oh, end contmiKnl. "' 'XhiaK of ths known an the :UU-fountus which liuldcu not l i i gave yea; ujunopcily to the extent of a nickel. they House. iu the and Faiully Traafn tn our i.nmcwa Sturk mi tm Ice lal Oy tf ut the tuunel," and frieulshii between then par-tic- s changed tlw direction i'rlt-m- . fur Call maixX ttiul ave uunt r KOT GET DZSCOITNTCD, was .. to Mr. Jaenne CCCiS J.hu swtira ht-rduty ions drunk was fired out of a psrsonal about twenty days and their ftitmii-- anil with all the after reuiaiuing a clerk assistant the by Speaker. But was obliged to give hi own note . saloon witli such momentum undefined but real respoiisiV'ililics glowrtcrued to Cleveland. Now onueucvd wii for Mum. PeitiotvfttVi Ktllabla PaMcrtw Mr. BorkwotKl, from the Committee cotlaterids hi. h with of own, Two along fraud. th.i labor; if of thera. ycurs out alleged ,i)j:::r .hat he 0am1! nar currying ing th company's nate, in order io get the on Municipal Incorporationv to whom LLeadingTvrinfS vere jnotv.t 4iy conn- ho title settled; not a fuot of the; ground of the stuoj eel to hhoir t'uHt' VoMst ieo;nii-i- i aiA was owned; at the top tf the hill wa money t.. .work the mine and repay biin-Sel- f. wa referretl a bill lor An act iucbribrat-in- g support cplumas Cppcsite .Wells,SKWWtMWtKUKIKtMammJF.-argo fc 7o., JHrr? St and v Beaver adverHely ilol.ien's 'A flight. - Had he lit on j enforccrl trust relation -- rowi: City, credit reported the money. got out of the cojupauy's works, at the bottom the that the sumo be not cwryiug anil renewing recommended would certainly have Uiosu ueculhir coudiiions. Montreal,' a rival civira; no ore of on-- And when, of lorhe 11 port adopted. no cauld till Ford's d; 1 parsed. lougt-it - if it liaun't been lloiden was paid gl.UoJ to cover ex- - 1 si'.eue i:i Mat: a tunnel th--kiartcd bi-iu- with jtibtioe. to hiaieli, he notiiit-A mssajo wa received from the EsUtini: between Tarlry and Bosata was nv him by ths nae of aav aavh Wlaavaal hill, reuse atteitdiug his iivt visit to thi cy;;niry rouk. Midway np that :;, ,; :r :; Council iu the . laiuts as are Leyt fa atxkk at to before effect he th:it uiuutll th-- j 5t::l ias;igo tweon bought tlei or&t(, upper uimcs. liie pivperty-wapi of If. i'No. Jo, biU in illation bidyssueitcr wa a space: .;tf from 700 to b JO feet i ki.; stock, the counsel, cry coercion .Washington, .. to aud furnaces;!; with two '?;?;Vi2t..Hi3 'ciaa'AA izc&x:i?-- i Call hini a trustee, gentieuieh if &; ground, in whi.;h there was ': ociendmeiitK. House concurred. ::,; ;.:; says: lis was here V and trnftee,: kia d'jvel'ipruoit of cri'J ' At ; this time, it you like, but you cannot make "'it appi-a- r him ...to 'Mr. Wright, from the i Committee on iey. Gentml and cuhld use no iniorauition coniing t ia argued,, ll Men. conceived ihe id-- a of that. Li . truslfCikip coinia-- l Frivaie Coriiorations, to whom was re Your iu and notes. hi iudivi l;ul carry logic is la: uly tuui! go, him At our Store, oppaalte the Pet Offl.-e- , vc have the finest stork of '"'Mutuul ..the of :e;;ixr:a:K3 xns soxnnoiEn Utuh ferred the Jint have common for A . . A the 11AD YOwrB riUUBi'-udvautage. y' certain Tunnel and Mining Company for a charwe net a right to axsuiue frcua the evi- While here he wrote to .the: parties full Mr.: Marshall s!o ul in such ter to a nuning rosid in Bingium Cauyon, Holdu aays, tin has dence, that ? Boone and Brow n were detail of ail that transpired,, gave thorn m thin Oar prlees are as lw as is epnsitnnt. and mir enoda la Ford th'it lu could not buy1; recommeiiding that the petition Ever vuewu excelled. j: jse also hia agents'): instead . of the . servants hi ideas of the dip aud strike: of the ahirelation We etirdimiiy iuvlte tht rca.t:nif TUli 1N1PKNDSiT, and.: rsnacl i stovk.s '. H put thi trust relation' on reported ms " Legis-Litunut be i;o Territorial V. old.-granted,1 to which said believed ho he had all ILe el uyuklnd. Ij vail aud examine tmr of the coinpuny; tliat ;lf , ldge, the ground, of friendly intimacy their has the fjustitational right to f&-'urfor his own benefit; through inform b in the hill. Oil ByceuiberSd, 137a, cuildruu -l'resum-ably, liod 'i eo this played together, auS ;.sa grai.t privileges of this , sort.' Beiiort ;veiu exmation from them ia ca-i- the vein was liB write to Curteiiias:,,If'the. ' uu same the lloiden hod ground, Ter has struck, lie had'jiceu into the Montreal tend through the hill fnun the Mon- no right to refine to carry Ford's note a petition from WALKER "BROTHERS & COMPANY Mr.reterson 'C that mine and had good reaa-.- b Kii;;;.HMie treal to the ilevere, or , to Ihe Yusemitc, l.'iiger, what a suleiun r spon- - the citizens, ofpresented showing, Mount l'leasaut, San y'r;yi..(-):'.'('could it be and same was us seen the there vein proved by devclopnu'iit, s.biie thing it is to allow our children to Pete that the Opposite yost ffijc, flatt Bai City;:' ;. .. n con- new city chso a for would oar make county, it of old valuable. hill in praying the tiia at the lound top X'tperty. and ::..wluit .momentous '. :'. 'harye Ntz 'erct-s- works. If ll1 hud wtJd to It cerf:tinly seems that the leJjje will be pLiy,; together, reMulls may flow th.'relrom. j ;; Adjourned till 2 a: : pecuniary T STABU8HED iVIAY 1;187S retlitcd Doano at vthu rate of $25,oUi) fur l lie struck iu 200 feet from the: .beginning of , Want jf bpaee compels' u to held do to tunnel.wish: not informed tho I seil; you MO he luinet r , When that dispatch till the balance of.' Mrl' V ; UOTEL. AltttlVAla. reacocd ha kuuw can do u you please. I would rather over WJiolaula and Retail Dalm la Ctaa and The Public Salt Lake WUy his odlcLd him that thi vein w.i.4 1 3 Bennett's argument. CaliftiruU mure Worth in the. title with was mine money the put iiat aioltry Havw so far appreciated our cflbrts to cumblna "won't do?" Are hi Hoaiw'a tirnpn. Court adjourned till 10 o'clock this . h. VALUE Y KOCSS. ji; the Mo'itrt-ul- . Did nut he folly place ; XKA ULV UiLT A' XllASUX UOZJ.tKit. morning. John ; Sirs fan Rmlth. Frsnrism: Itunlands, bofore hi. friends the .,; "yy--. : ; ;; 'AAniox, : LMuora. upbir John l)mf' " of any body elj, or have soiue ofthe He tohl Fol that tlio- bsdg- -' hail Ikh-JDOXIS 11c rau 8IIIC rwk Carthi, ermlek, Dorsar, s''.,; KXAcr roxiHxros or tsx cini:? I dtvj he tilso t M Liiu th.tt hit wanted ludK rtuii. c.w-rring" gentryTBOt itioi intowr Whichr strack; W Anun wa. lry Caujrou; Jkita biuiviia, C Butita, new He returned to Cleveland,, as the gentle- A IXiMMvlesa Vma had IVrd tbat niiiImt jjj 1,0W.' Alia; JwJui Uarriau, JUiuitana. HUm la About iu t'oinult fealeld to tell, h id offset AXid iiLUtrulizetl Its men would have it, to coinrmeiuH! and v::;.'iBuUcr,V Beat I'aiuiljr Hotel t us lerfect hi KchfUiC. ''. O11 or about the and tben OlaviqicMra. by.ldeMisialing 1&7G. of la tne city at 5?I.oU to. 20th wa dav the ledgu &r is fpieiitions of title.' Iu this transaction, January, Four or five night ago a wnnian, who 1 SB O tho Valley lioiute. llepvclfully wheit if hv vitlilieid any information In; 1 re- - struck. And h'iv coices iu negotiation 1L Xnndt, took a us name her Mr. gave J will with Foril Ut thnunrhaso of liis stock. iuq; custom front u w, and a contiuuause fpousible, and a tvurt !. Jiui ty With laUrtinx. that our preaent preioiaoa mn and Lt-- u see what hiforoiatiou li4 had that itHim at the Yulley House, and ott Tburs-dLi- y M?7 far tHi auiill for oar imieat luif tratte. of favor friin oil auaiatnii'.v;:,'I:. am Iraiui.i aaiiwt hiin, aud tlu'vviiiiice iu hadid-a'- t show Ford. llavli:a He"told Ford that a fur a trrai of eara for tbm cvenh'g, sstiug uo chance of secur. r t whole we ''''. lial!illu tralv the fraudillt-nfay Jous IK'&zsjs. llw 1:4 liwlWeu Ptruek, biit did Uoi ing.pay for .'room ; and bwirit; she. was yours, bupa jut ucraelTea this ciiise .qstabtiiihea hi '' la a iHKitktD, with our inereaac d facilliba to ; inform iiiiu received saying, u doub:. lie eowcr.d btyoiui :. Groceries, informed that the by the cl.rk Mamllics lVho Mf.aiily Their Uitii In. intu selling his su-- k by Inrviug him to that it would ba safu to buy .ut "old Morothan doublo our presby that at the rate of rule of the house would not permit of meaning tho wall in coimwljn with the payment tigun-K,terit. Business. riour, We wish to call yar attenliyji to the of hi Khrtrc;of.,the !?5KJ0 Thia 'i't.Oifi) fur th- - whole mine,, and the sec- her making a lunger stay there. In fteatlenw n have m oreaalon in no either feet taat w an fieJlloK all of our ekelee am? treatment of Fovd w.U doubly falso aud ond oaying thut thy wer? iujore similar Eat ur Vefet for their rlutului: tu pruve the fart. : with thi intimation she took 1 niuoircted to::mrid cotrciuii.;;' Look At to tli.t in the Bevere. ::1 Oil tho 2d uX her TAXIS vanuotod pura artii'Iei of UtiiJrtj, H'aortiy after vacating :(:Tnr Jiwx, ixs. puniaiuv, nui nit February, we My he bought Forl out. thd Ias, Ilutus. Ccrilisl. CI.aspiiift.s,Cbi5fjrola Taiicr,:'v---V:vPractical Mr. Lho :'.:rf--the Sorenion, ot room, on 1'tird it 3d vtaa the a wa thit Main proprietor, . threiit Thvie Walker say of Opposite F St.; na lui.urtej Wiaw-j- tii ft:ieH Vna lK, sdul House. bruary.; "So. A3 Fl rat Bonth street, Bal take ty HoUleu cwear it was made on entered it aud found tha follo wing note hi: intinalioa t theyi ilwt hj P.O. BO"-- :. ..'.:' M rsreiwly fix J uuJly UW!. which wo ell lit. Hath A few doora below the Palara Ilaoso, a:id Biuuer niwl Levi S. Uolden liMj&llty Of thy ibJi and et.Uid the lhaii- - tuk eheaimt, ynsISre nouyldereJ Ouauaereial struct. Is piN'jtanxl and la lying on t he table : corrobjrate it. Ford has r y.: turutns: tmt th. Ji". Hjrenion: You have dona a cruel THE PARRCRGUM. VA L L E Y me stay Aa.nci.iT fob a paaPosis ; , ; wrong. Know that by le.tiug ; ( ; s.ived my OF OPFpSlTE TIIK TEMPLE, inak e a Vcase ; X it sib ws one night :you might1, have It gamt f I have just taken one ounce of ( iJetr tW.vlu .ik ai tli tfitu'.-ntit- . life, ; j:; 'izili VW VME3 TaK MASTta-sTOU: th'1 II tht of uoimu v,, phiiurifi..-i;V:SAxi Lakx C'itt, UxAa lAdtlauuni. I have na friend' in the Ouod fits tniaranteed t the Lowest INssable ACI-3f with''xarfd": worth wa bis 'nisU'iui'lb di h that Ci stick t.t 92J0,. alleges itepa to t ask if am and did I I jo proud wiiftl, the city, It ut a quiet, clean,' airy, comfortable lay bis irir a;id euu aiiniUattt hi avari- - OiJut thirt liaie; in o'.luf assistuueo from them. I have no for IxSfrra. :: That is Ihe Iiullnn J.1. 7CXAXIXa AJKI EKlAini3iO DONE. lvo-tamlo.'th where ; the traveler and tourist' ;.l.n-lrtHouse; tlie niu w.i V.W,0 ciaa Keuais. friend afternoon iu jK-tt rest.:.: y Wajrisjj find can wa-bruary 15. The House kind of iaeis vha conu here with ciiio.:i meuey. .liJsJit with the ';ai:itiy,u will 'ifouie, bat 1 Livj no place to stop - One blook from Main street and three y I thiuB. t'Hiii-iiiii.-- K .ia- 0:1 tha ciaity: of th t?'urt, lizard r nipuey.i-- .ylle.i. 'wnAe letter 1 lpili.iu t. ; I cannot spoil the night in i.: ;: y IF TO 17 WAJtT ma in y5 block from the Ihulroiul Station. ; ;har.l ths hireis ne pp- -e v.i.' ia thai wjjld :. ia wlic1 jtf-, ui i : you hud been a :iiini!d;e UrnaHvl 'WW. ftno STAM for cmeoLAR alive' :; yiVA'-;--.-..?;wn-u: in evidease street ear .or omnibui will take aiaV of that v ii.nn. .Either .Join-f hi iaiiV' p'Wbui.Uili.'ia saved have more .VLe lenient lit:iv you First-clasmight s m with iiia.euire yi.-l- o tne iiiiij A newspaper yon to the House.-- ; .;;:";.' :,?;h'"':;v.; PARKER alico. MTili'!h will nit my life; a it is, I b.ar n tu n. lit Ivi in y iivjii'.'SssfVi SSfc i.:.t;t ' V - . TO DAY. 81 (Jaodnee Swa .60 PER .,.':;Sabaeriba far.the t U4 ( aMjaut ti Ju.UJ'i n .'i tutkiis. WEST MERIDEN.CT. ':': Spwial rates ly "u- - tveelt. are now endea voting to disThe thev valaoof raal police uu th i m:m.I ablta P." UitU:.tjJi ierr-- - ;ianiafe'V.-vi, JOHSair tiOUKX&nt, lVaprfcter. AxitTt zsr 4arSa!S cover the woman's whercabonts. , t i 'the juiae wU! 'ho: Svas thixirttiiuiig j r.nu- at th i tut ? t th.-- saks.- Jlttllt: i iti ()L!:iIl!iirift..., ' :' .' .! tft-- U IL iu-co- ms J"I I -- J- . walker Brothers, a ri - J'; : -- v JJf ; or-ti- on ' lis-to- r. ti:x .;:i:4 O0k-..VaM- , ' ;;: . ii - ' r. : y-y- ; - - - ;r: ; : : - . ; d r ; S.pcct - uou-concui-re- r iH-opI- e ; i ; . -- v,: : f ; - ACEMT8 ACEMT8 .:. : r : ; ' : , ted . - ; . lii-rjg- " :; - y ; . . ii-.t- l ; ;- : - j - in-lim- d ; ; g;:;.-OlllSflTA:.Lii:;- :; -- - ;. I . : ; ' I' V: ;. :f.-- - : one-thir- -- ;- ge :; '-- (I ; FULL - : .. .' .;; ; " ygr, d ; as-'orta-iu A . r m-rt- unt-tit.uni.- y - t--n -- ; ht They-eoinbint- ; : f-- m '; : r -., .-.- cn thlo. .'- -. ' .. -- i.,!.,.. t-- Zl&i 1 TilBs. - 'St tt&nVV . fof; geu-tlrni- y mana-K-uvu- -- ; ; to-da- r co. ", ." h - f fc ?.-. - u : : n-i- J-- . 1- '. . CO lir:-r- - - - '. : '. on a - e : c:f-ie- , .: .. M-;.- .: L ER (i E . er. -- ' . xer-hap- 3;; E RC II A M DI E , II-jus- e ucti-pianu- e ; .: lite, Jtc. d tr-?i-- eoin-m:nc- ed t ct coiit-urrei- ' alU-ulkn- .et-allsiia- ; u H : :. cftjOompaiiy, l . - - ; aajawyaaawaaaaaaawaaaMaaaaawafc .; 1 23 iL Z: ;:.S;3?.:i.S. X,E . ', . -- r : J atiu-uucin- u-e-ti ; uu-ress- c-- rc-ny- g M-uirt- Iwalker! brothers .'i h:, uuoi-cupiti- d :: ' ca-teni- tr 1 company. . ; pt-titio- -. :. : ; i " - ed pro-Tid- re . w-a- t - - at-.nr- haxtki: , : tisfa ctiox;&i a " ,: : 'f THOMS&lCOii i ;:'f ' - . . of ';.V:-'.;- n iriyti. Jvea - V ett-'t-- .2 rai-ati- y -- O-- . : , ' g : . .. t e3-ct- r-t es i:i-ti?- ' TAIL OR BILLS; ': . telv-gmu- ' : . c - -- f h-- lUao' .: Jbbcki' fa. Feb-rnm- ld con-hoft,- y. " Hr ;.- - '. wo rk; BEST ; ia K. HOU6 ;. f i-i- ... ' ent ' " U--a t : . : . Tei-tltorl- st n -- 'ro-inorro- w r;r-;jl'- 'f it'v-oo- wl ', ,v-..-- J . ti-ila- t-- : - j ji-Ui- ir ( n-ti- ng : -.; vl - ' -- ,:. ' ' BROV d ia-i- t ' .V- . i;..-',,ia- r; ":"'- . j. . abnx tfU-..j'3jutti- - : :. ' .' -'' :: ' - '.' : - ::;.; gfJ:;: W5 It '.iWfl:'v- ni-.i- X(i$ ;S':-i(r:- : r AM(& - I'. T. |