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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Two A Sitrka PUBLISHED W1 :h;h; 3&?fuirt?r Plctur Story July 17, 1970 ... DUO FOR SUN, DUO FOR SHADE AT EUREKA, UTAH 84828 Printed Bj L.Y ART CITY PUBLISHINO COMPANY SpringviOe, Utah 84668 Subscription in Advance, Per Year, 44)0; Per Copy, 10c Second class postage paid at Eureka, Utah 84628. matter February 10, 1048, at the Entered as second-clas- s post office, Eureka, Utah 84628, under the Act of March 3, 1879. MRS. BELLE COFFEY HARRISON CONOVER WOODROW WEIGHT Correspondent Publisher Editor NAMember: UTAH STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION TIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION WEEKLY NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES, INC. i . t CARD OF THANKS My thanks is extended to all those who sent cards, letters, telephone calls, and for the lovely flowers sent me during my recent stay in the Utah Valley Hospital in Provo. Their gesture of friendship was deeply appreciated by me. Signed: Hamilton Laird. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent cards, letters, and for the lovely flowers and for those who called on me during my stay In the Utah Valley Hospital. Signed: Mts. Esther Nielsen. Sign on old jalopy: Dont take this old jalopy to the scrap pile. Were still driving . it Upwards of seven million Americans are chronic alcoholics! Miscellaneous FOB SALE KEEP carpet cleaning prob- lems small use Blue Lustre wall to wall. Rent electric shampooer $1. Laird's Market. jy!7c . nuim WILL FAT 1.00 each for old merchants trade tokens from saloons, pool halls, groceries, coal mines, etc. Mrs. William Johnson, Box 176, Tecumseh, Michigan 49286. jy31 WASTED Help Mrs. Mary Newman and her Mr. daughter and and Mrs. John Crawforth of Clearfield, and Mrs. Belle Coffey, drove to Payson Sunday, when they called on the family of Mrs. Dorothy Thomas at the Keith Jolley Mortuary. son-in-la- Two of the most prolific flowers. to grow la sunny place an petunias and sweet alyssuini From cany summer until frost time theyll keep your garden gay . Petunias, as yon know, have n wide, wide color range. Except for a true Mat and n deep yellow, yon can have flowers of Jnst about every other color. Sweet alymnn also has a color range white, pink, lavender and pmplc. Then an lovely things to grow in dude too and not all of them an fiowen. While coleus does bear spikes of lavender blooms, It is grown d chiefly for its handsome, foliage. The strain shown is called Rainbow and It lives up- to Its name. Begonias 'used to have tiny hybrids, theyVe much larger and mon noticeable. White, various pink shades and rose, and plain scarlet, plus orange-scarl- et effects an now available. Double fiowen too and bronze foliage as well as green, crinkled leaf edges as well as plain ones. All these variations add interest to a garden planting. Frank Peart returned home on Saturday, after spending a week in the Utah Valley Hospital in Provo following eye surgery. A speedy recovery is being wished by his many friends. Dick Willett is confined to the Payson hospital, where he is being given treatment for an Infection. His host of friends are wishing him the best in the way of a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Giles, and their daughter and son-in-la- w, Mr and Mrs. Dan Lucas and their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Giles were in Salt, Lake Saturday evening ottend-in- g the Glen Campbell concert at the Salt Palace vaii-colon- Mrs. Edith O'Rourke of Tooele and her daughter, Mrs. Marie Jerman and two children of Salt Lake were in Eureka last Thursday, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pannell and Kim. Small boy: Accessory to the Ron Gaynor grime. Three to four million other citizens are in the borderline or stage! "Mommy, will you give me a dollar to be good? "Why cant you be good for nothing, like your father?" pre-alcoho- WONDERFUL MONEY-SAV-INPRODUCT specials for your customers help you make big profits as a Raw-leig- h Dealer. Write Rawleigh, 1415 23rd St, Denver, Colo. w, lic - Bowen. Now with the advent of first generation 2-to- - G 80205. SCIENCE SKETCHES last year. Important? You bet Let's all do our part to make Utah the warm, inviting place tourists will remember. Like keeping it clean, and being courteous to our visitors. j24 HUISH SHOW HOUSE OPEN 8 P.M. SHOW 8:15 P3I. FUME REDUCTION is of using on oxy-natur- al the result gas de- carbonization method in electric-furna- ce refining of carbon and steels. The ourner-lanc- e was alloy developed by National Cylinder Gas, Chicago. MATINEE SATURDAY 1:00 ft 3:00 P.M. Tuesday is Ladles Night Next Week "NORWOOD" Glen Campbell and Joe Namath ...that's how much tourists spent in Utah GENETIC TRANSFORMATION, the replacement of one gene or set of genes for another, is one wav that heredity can be controlled, says a University of Chicago biologist. Although geneticists cannot yet mold human progeny, they can control some aspects of bacterial heredity. rr WORLD'S LARGEST gamma ray telescope, now being built, will be sent aloft by balloon, reports Cornell University physicists. It will rise to 125,000 feet more than 23 miles in the helium-fille- d balloon. 3 |