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Show UtiDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY, FEIiUUAUV 4, U9I. Dee J m. Om St4 Las joot arrivrl ia I tf Aa Lutii wilk aa ifitAstaQvs, tz'.'izA:ns. II ia tfe aartfig Vrll" by which L t xart V aaiy allowed V receive wvli rinu.s a MiTvh loiaarlf trjtM tha pu krt U Lb r acreeaLU to tta regent, a ta pAfle who are srvo&s at era. It LkS instance will a&ow: The Mro-jriri- B alrtiy bta aij;u-- d by tt prieipU Mufcas artescptad ltr.'y to ia-tKUrmlsxthip Otipniiir ti lu!y. Th oa tt royal yrtaevc without 6v-jbx- c alijue feature ijf ttia new iJo earicg Ik'.I u that it may be worn arcasl th aeaoa&oei Lis InUwliua to tLo tLat be body while protacAhltsg aUat tL do ks Tfc cosmqamcs) as ao received. aaJ aioc that torn ha durinf tba day, &J is IK4 vrti taken twk as km mot appeared at to kooak. King off ia bed. It wri-h- a ab-xAlazaadr wUl come r s cm An. 2, morh aa one vt tha ordinary eaavas or U-lH. H u bow f jt throujii a couns sf amihtajr stoLea, and bis prrnt totur la its Ciikbfd atAte it ia about the last maa It OoL Xtakovie. Tae king ia gwHraliy thtig ia tba world that a ruJ--nt wool! place ounfldintca ia if be was to ynatat at the ordinary military drill vkaa a ia placed ia command of a eota-fm- j. attempt to jnirp fur bis life from the Da i alto ia the habit of driving deck of a sicking veaerl into the sea. ami to tbe park of Castle ToptahiJ, Bet tbe tnoutw-t- t the belt tuochos tha ad aa these drives Ba act InfreqaenUy water t wo subktanreM cooUiiid hit mother' carriage returning to in it are instantly iuiit-- i, and it brgins aai to infiata with gas. What these subTha queen drive herarlf. II er son. ia stances are is the inventor's srert-t- . lie fas drraa of a eotooel. ealntes uer in auli-tar- y rial ma that one U-l-t will kat-- the mut fashion, and tla qaewu ia reootfru-fco- a heavily clothed person aSuat for forty-eigwave her hand. A littia while are bourn. Tor Udioa the driving with made of silk, for men of canvas. Bosago, when King Milan Bia eon. tha two monarch chanced to ton Tranacript. peas tL queen, bat oa percciring hi and aba turned away her l, A Here rteae ml Wwi tba salute was aot returned. King A fingnlarly beautiful oak plank Alexander t ia constant earreapondenoa aa a jamb of a rlothrs cloeet with hia father, and write either ia cam to tho Pulitzer building recently. Servian or French. Tbeaa letters are Its rare markings evidently escaped the aot altogether wilaont political aiirV eye of the sawmill man. It U about 6 Nathalie receives a large feet Ion if and It incha wide. Near the caBoa. aamber of visitors, and her salons ara outer edge the longitudinal grain tf the tha resort of politicians of all thadc and wood ru6em'uka ridg of sand on the partita. Occasionally aha ia preset at seashore. The middle U a combination the theatre, where ahe occupies tha court of "bird's eye" that at a distance aphex; bat thia only happeua when it ia pear to stand oat in relief, and tlliptical known that Kind Alexander will not at- lines dilicalrly shvlod from a deep tend tha play. Oalignani's Mexseiiyer. brown to a white. The gradation of tbe coloring U exquisite, and looks to be the for "Deadhead." result of art rather than of nature. The Had yon gone into any of the offices of "eyes" are perfect and resemble inlaid a mosuica. There is not a split nor a flaw presidents of great transportation noticcould not yon in tho entire plank. Its beauty lies in help recently ing the pretty square cahlt, beautifully the fact that the markings are finer than lithographed, which littered the dcakt of those found in maple, and it has oil the tha president ami tho immediate subsatin like appearance of that beautiful ordinate officers. The prexideuta of ail wood. Instead of adorning the mantel tha railroads, the presidents of all the of a brood throated fireplace its prosaic express companies and of great in.sar-aac- e place will be as the guardian of overcoats and ? hata. New York World. companies, and all other men influential ia tbe Inxiueas world, all had a aacbelfnl of these prettily engraved "John Orth" aa4 Ills Mother. card. They were tho annual passes The Grand Duchess of Tuscany bat which entitle them to travel on every not gone into mourning for her missing road in the country gratis. Three pan son "John Orth," or Archduke John, aune from all parta of the country, and and at the Austrian court there is a susUta filling out of tho list takes the time picion that this eccentric prince is mereof one clerk one month before tbe bely in hiding. Ho did not secure to himginning of every rear. self irH the obscurity he wwhod when he Of course the presidents of the railassumed the name of John Orth, for by roads coming into New York and the that name he was known to tho whole presidents of the express companiea here world, and everybody persisted in treatJure to reciprocate, and they have Mho ing him liko an archduke traveling insent out a wagon load of these annual cognito. John Orth s friends say that tree passes. It should be added that the this worried hira considerably, and they Western Union issues quite aa many. think it highly probablothat he has now The railroad pusses permit free travel, assumed another namo cud is living in the express passes the sending of free South America. Some aim think that packages, and the telegraph passes perbis mother is aware of this and has commit the sending of free messagea, no municated the fact privately to the emmatter where the holder may be in the peror, but that thoisocret will be kept so United States. The designs on the passes far as tho public is concerned. Pall are sometimes very pretty, and the colMall Uasotte. lection this year, as seen in President Thomas C Flatt's office the other day, Fntruthfulnee In Court of Jnetloe. was a curiously beautiful one of the The judge of Birmingham county lithographic art The most unique and court is driven to despair by the unaxprosaire is a card sent out by Mr. Joiut truthfulness of the parties who come beBoey, of the Adams Express company. fore him. In commenting on a case the On the face, delicately engraved, is a other dav ho declared that this was the skull, and above it in tino letters is the fifth instance that morning in which word "Deadhead." New York Bun. more or less respectablo persons had been guilty m tho witness box of "tho most A New Tent for Austrian. deliberate lying." To Bnch a pass have Several Prussian officer went to Vinow come that he described him-gol- f enna two weeks ago to show the Empe- things as going homo skk at heart, day by ror Fran i Joseph and bin general the from hearing people give each other tent used in tho German array, nnd to day, the lio direct in matters about which explain its advantages. Tho tent fa there could be no iiossible mistake. Hapxaado to cover and to bu carried by two tlio state of things at tho local quarmen. Each occupant on breaking can.p pily ter sessions ia not quits so bad, though packs away on his person ono hulf of the according to Mr. Neule, tho recorder, it cloth, three sticks with iron screws, is bad enough. London three hooked pegs and a few yards of tout cord, which are the constituent An Exhilarating Journey. yiarts of his share of the tent The cloth The only connection between Rogers 4f the tent is also used by tho soldiers to City and Cheboygan two Michigan .protect them from the rain. The town9 during tho six months exile of emperor, in a special andience, the former town when navigation closes, expressed his satisfaction with the exhiis by a stago line sixty-fiv- e miles long, bition of the tent, which, it is to be exand the grizzled old man who drives pected, will be adopted shortly by the saves sixteen miles by a whizzing ride Austrian army. London Letter. across Black lake, six miles long. The ride is as thoroughly dangerous as exhilA Oaa Company Fined. arating, and six people nearly lost their The Qos Light and Coke company, op- lives there the other day. The horses boon has fined u London, 100, erating into an airhole near the middle with costs, for a deficit of one candle dashed of the lake, and the atage went to the power ia the illnininating power of the bottom. Fortunately it struck a sandootnpany's ga during a foggy period. and tba passengers resetted them"The London Star says: "One tand'.t bar, selves and tba horses. Exchange. of tha atand-jkpower means illuminating power, and ike coat of A new oWtligkt Ore alarm has readding that additional power am ttie cently s appeared in Copenhagen. It swbole of tba area supplied by the comof a small cartridge filled with Benpany would ba a good many times 10f. Aa ia tba case of adolterotioa of food, a gal light com posit ioa and provided with a fas which caraies a small capsule of aaaney fine ia a iaers farcical pn&ishmeat add. When tha temfar offenses of this kind a Bless mflioted stronjf sulphario perature of the room rises above the ftea and hpavily. melting point of paraffins the sulphuric acid is liberated and ignites tha fuse Some features of office seeking are, ob- which in torn sets fire to the Bengal The device .can ba supplemented jectionable, but The Atlanta Co usti ta- light ttoo prints a letter from aa applicant and by a piece of fusible metal which in will establish an electric current suggests at tbe same time that he seems melting and a bolL ring of an to be really in need oflico, and it is equally evident that ho is not a man At tho last meeting of the Physical sowhom office is likely to seek. The folin England an electrio lamp wai ciety his is modest avowal: lowing which lighted itself when dark To the ediTyr i am a candydait to the ' exhibited Ofiae of skule KommiSioueor au Ask My ness came on and extinguished itself Frees to Cast a Voat in My Beehalve. J when daylight or another strong light brought into the field. This lamp is ataal Arm Man, Beein cutopu in A. was worked by tho selenium cell on the prinmmw ju.ux, uu n.uet iue vuitvu. ciple that the strength of the current varies with the intensity of light falling Aa Electric Cane. Ths Paris Oaulois recently stated that on the seieciuni. sua electric cane has been invented which John William (colored) lost his life at will be found very useful by people who are obliged to be out lata at night in the Vicksbarg, Miss., last week, in a singudangerous districts of Paris. By merely lar manner. Having an aching tooth, "toachisg an assailant it will ba possible which pained him severely, he took some "to give him a shock which will be of nicotine from aa old pipe and applied it to the cavity. Ten minutes later he fell " ' from his bunk dead.' Canted WNi. Copper Ttegravh Prince Hersyasawo ia tha lion of the After exhaostivs experiments ths Irpnch postoffice hat decided to subst- drfyin Berlin. His uncle, the Mikado itute a copper coated steel wire in place of Japan, has sent him to that city, acof the ordinary iron wire for telegraphic companied by three secretaries and six aad telephonic service. It ia claimed young Japanese nobfomen, for the pur thia will rreatly redaoe tha induction. pose of attending the BuriUms and other 4 studies. Xew York JoornaL m Ca( Alexia irr ia bov It aga, aed it rspiliy fkymckllr aad iatellertaally. drrlcfjfr -- M-Irvt- EUSIfES BANKS. RAILROADS tAiiDfi GRAND Utah Loaii vt Trust Scenic Route Co. CChTRACTCR Ptssits CARDS. MASONIC. a. vt JL"CD yEK8 E'JJLCER. tr:'it.. Cr-r'- Snra!ar tu -- C. P. v. u -- cht-mk- p ht bt-l- tu GENERAL BANKING. C. C. RICH A E IX. rWO-c- t. I W. aill feTLlr F, J. M. LANuaLnjfcr. 1 1 Orer the hmrree eert taa eetttem Cer K:e Men. see a iaraca the i"e.i eliT Sel aWrejaeiikt nrraee U Venaiila kef Uint neeie to at - le the freettttel ana Tn jdLmtm 7 Us OoiAca ei. i. C. AUUTtOTC. Prmt Laa4 af the Flr.theOUre aad taeTUe. HUterie CaUferala Ileae af fuateaa, Commercial National Back, ;- lad af the Padre JsaJpere a faaifi far fair Keaorta where rare V-r-- latere TaNBlt.-T- he B!f Tree.-Tko.-n uul Mk Sfeneia. Surplus EiTWEEH Grod Ceaeat The ftt kuiui' the Tcper ImkmIo Vi owteae tit, fcoeae. 1 tne BaniSatit eoreryof Maautuce, a lifht. UTtlC I0CUX. rilBT II H TSxIS. I EIODU'S for Break SJtaOHS. oufier Mt, Bbuu, for dinner. SSdUIKli (kooi)M. tbe Ml mhmtiM tne b'uti) lit ft A con-sisb- -- -- STATE llraiy, BANK, St. Louis, TiTansas 7,500. 1HV f Aitacbsd to all Taaoosa Ttusa For rarther Information 8125,000 W. VALLKRY, GAUGE. CAPITAL, In Effect Jan. 1 Tbos. Cnhoon, U. S. Schramm, Jj, iluil Leere Ofrdon Arrire Salt Lnke IMireSult Lake a. a. 8:r0 a. 11:20 a. n: 10 a. m 8:4Sp.m ni 9:55 p. m m 10 p. m ni in m Ui p. m U::. ArriTe ProTO Lpnrtt Provo,... Arrire (Irwn RiTPr lillp.in S:W p. m Si a. Leere (liven Kivor Arrire Grand Junction.... 9:H0p. m 0:45 a. Leave Grand Junction.... 9:40 p. ni :50a. Arrive (ilnnwiMMl Spri'gs.. 1 :10 a. m 1 AO a. 6 iitli.mm 20a.ni 1 :20 m tn m Iflp.m a. ni p. mi S:35 1 :M5 p. m' H:55 a. m 4:ift p. m 6:45 a. m Arrive Denver gje T.An.8. Mail IaveDonvor N-.- EzproM. 9:fl0 s. m 8:15 p. m 12:20 p. m 11 :!0 p. m 1 SO p. m 11 . 25 p. m 7:W p. m 5:55 a. m 122 a. m 10:10 a. m 2:10 p. n 4:40 a. to 1:15 p. m 8:30 a. m 5 SO p. m 8:50 a. m :10 p. m Leave Colo. Springs Leave Pueblo Leave Leadville Leave Olenwood Spri'(r.. Arrive Grand Junction i. n Leave Grand Junction.... Arrive Green River Leave Green River.. 2 :50 p. m 12 :20 a. m Arrive Prove Leave Provo 8:10 p. m 12:20 a. m Arrive Salt Lake 4:30 p. m 1:45 a. m 4 :45 p. m 1 00 a. m Leave Salt Lake. Arrive Ogden tfio p. m 3.00 a. m lit OODnK AND SALT LAKB. 11 S.-0- a) p.m., p. m., 8:45 p. tiXp - BnoHAK. 1 35 a. nu, return ing, arrive Leave Salt La Salt Lake, ft JO p. m. roaa, raovo, THISTLB. 1:39 p. m rt!9Tn.LB and retorning, arrive J. H. BENNETT. Ogden 12 ao p. m, D. C. DODGK. Gen. Manager. Gen. Paaa. Agt, 1. tnAir. : S200,000. DIRECTORY. WKBEC CorNTT OFFTrHBS. T S. BOKEMaN. CrfTioe. No. S0s Oirden. Clah. Waahia-to- a avenne, OfBee, Twentr-fonr- lAKSFORD SMITH A 6UITH, gMITH rtreet. Osdea, Utah. a. w. sMrra, ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- Oftlee. room Bank buildina. 35, 98 and 87, First National vaxiOBT TBAin. Leave Salt Lake 7 M a. m Leave Park City 4Ma.m Arrive at Park City 12 p. m Arrive at Salt Lake 3:45 p. m Twelve aubnrban traina daily hetween Salt Lake City and Mill Creek aud Sugar Honso. All people going to Park City will find it to their internet to take thia line. Office aad Depot : Corner Sth South aad Main street. Salt Lake City. T. I. XaeklntMh, 6. T. and P. A. PHYSICIAN, In connection with practice, sives special attention to diseases peculiar to fomales diseoKoa of the fronito urinary organs, diseases of thi rectum, viz.: Filns, fistula, fissure and ulceration ; diseases of theear, nose, throat and chest. Consultation free. . Office ovor Fostollice. Telephone 209. DENTJSTS. DENTIST, Office, 2t27 Wtifhinirton avenne over Horrock A Sons store. Teelb without plates aad saving natural topth a specialty. No tooth or roots too bad to be saved by filling or crowning. Special attention given to children's teeth. JCJJENIGJEEJRS. C. A. a. TUSH. rpusn Association. 1 j ii n Donirht, Sold and ExRailroad changed, to ail points. AliL TICKKTS GUAhV ANTEKO. Telephoae 21, INrenty fifth Streot. Ticket iti 450 375 300 50 100 500 3 51 CLASS. Quit-clai- m Deed A . A A Option Contract. Lease. . A Bond for Deed...; A B Discharge of Mortgage Trust Deed O Assignment of Mortgage.... A Bill of Salo A ltealEetateMort'g,shortrrm !EOBATB COURT BLANKS. 125 300 376 501 502 379 475 476 76 377 Administrator's Bond. Executors' Bond Letters of Guardianship ' Order Appointing Hearing.. . Testimony of Testimony of Applicant Order appointing Adm'r.... commissioner's court blanks. Summons Sheriff's Sale Constable's Sale Order for Deft to appear and show cause Citation for Garnishee Affidavit for Citation for ' Garnishee. Writ of Execution A A A A A A A . A A A A DISTRICT COUBT BLAKKS. Affidavit for Claim and Delivery personal property 525 Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property 526 Undertaking for Return to Deft, Claim and Delivery personal property 77 Complaint on Claim and personal property .... amrnra blakks. A A A Da-live- ry and Gild Fitting Plumbing 0 ALL ITS BRANCHES. 325 Mining Deed...... 350 Notice of Location of Claim . 400 'Proof of Labor...:. 401 Power of AU"y to Locate and DOYLE &1IALVERS0N, tflt Waahincton Ave. Call aad set Sell...;...... ItlSCKLLAltBOCa 377 75 325 A A A A A BLAKKS. Official Bond and Oath A Chattel Mortgage C A Marriage Certificate Promissory Notes, Books of 50 aad 100. Receipts, Books of 50. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts, Books of 100. Other Blanks cosstaatly being added to the above list. T.TNNB FRKCW0T. Justice of the Peace Peter L. Sheraer. Constable James Harrop. WILaON PRBOTNCT. Jastice of the Peace P. P. Bingham. Constable Daniel N. Drake. S. M. PKESHAW, WEST WKRfiB PRECINCT. " A aawpaiet of ralbrmalloa aad at- - J stractoltala,tuwuisUowto' Obtain Patent, Caveats, Trade ant rss. Urss, Ooeyhirnta, MUNN CO. f VAb 1 vS81 I - X Brdwa, S f rjjjTJ.jjlU'M.UJt;' II Jl) 1 PLANKS. 10 Jastice of the Pence Simon F. Halvereon. Constable Calob Parry. I i Warranty Deed, Pfort form.. A Warranty Deed, lang form . . . A 572 blatkrtHjLB frscinct. rr a Nr 50 2 , mm, COItVEYAWCINO 73 f Leas, Clear fatported I HI SUP Tebae for S eent pc: and free iVora ail acids, extracts. psiaS bvautlRii ana tm l rfltvroint, aiJ arsaot , :i'-- t aetetK?, hMrl.rrm or Eqcsltoaa ill Coiul S:lc,U,at is sell regular. Vculi; Abwiu.il UNDERTAKER And Funeral Director Metallic Casket and Wood Casket and Co Bin Special Attention paid to Embalming and Preparing Bodies for Shipment. Order by telegraph promptly attended to. I have tbe only lirstrelasa Hears in tha city. Telephone No. lUi . Ticket Broker's Railroad and Steamship . Washington Aveuul Ogden, Utah. . 1 GEORGE W.JONES, of the American Member RONS OF ST. GEORGK. NO. W FAKIH. A FARIS, Jnstice of the Peace Richard Dja. Constable John Parker. Jnetice of the Peace James Johnsoa. Constable Francis H. Belnap. F. UK 4s RIYR&DAI.B PRBCIKOT. HOOFER PRKCmCT. RDEB 2104 5d E. SNOWDEN, Q Jnstice of the Peace Constable Joeiah B. Carver. Justice of the Peace J. W. Hurt. Constable Joseph Hogge. 0. LEGAL BLANKS HARRIOTT PRBOTNCT. 00 p. m rOJWam JS p. m o A. COITINGHAM, rp PLAIN CTTT rRBCINCT. TBAINS. I. 0. ofS-C'i- HARRISVI1.LB rRECINOT. Jnstice of the Peace Jame Hutchin. Constable John J. Hutchin. Sfflt.n 4 . SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- Jnstice of the Peace William G. Rswsen, Constable Jame H. Tailor. On and after October SO. 1190, panaenger and freight train will run a follows : MAT, h Peace J amea Storejr. 1 Constable Jame Deamer. Jastice of the Peace W. H. Craadall. H. Majrcock. it. Meets every Tuesday and Friday evening at Lester Park Paviiliua. Member invited. F. W. Lawia, Captain. K. C. 8bad, Clerk' NORTH OODBX PIBCnrOT. PKEASAjrT VIEW PERCINCT. W. D8, J ostioe of the Constable-Geor-ge PASSRNOaa Meet every Wednesday In A. O. V. W. nujiiorun avenue, near Aweniy-ronru- s "To bt. George and Heme England." RICHARD CCEUR DE LEON LODGE, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- Ka. SSI. THOS. B. BCLMEB, Meet every Friday evening punctually at 7 :M in the Thomas building. Twenty-fourtDoctor in Medicines. Master ia Surgery, L. S. o'clock, and Grant, Ogilon City, Ctah. rxijiinrning A., London. brothers in good standing eoritially invited. Printed forms of the "Aim and Object of the Society" can be obtained from P. A. Cook, 51 Washington avenue, or of any of the Royal College of Pnnreans, England : Fellow Pksctval J. Barsatt, J'resiilent. Society Art and Science, London. Formerly Harrt Gillbtt, Secretary. 3374 Wash Av. oftiner and for New suiorintendent quarantine Zealand aud Melbourne, Victoria. Adilreks or 3 Washington Ave. call at KDBN PBBCTNCT. the Peace K. B. Frorer. PRSCINCT. P CANTON. OGDEN NO. t. T, mnrTUvrLLB rRECiivcr. Jnstice of the Pesos Timothjr KeailaU. Constable Byron L. By be. t. diaUy invited to attend. K. C. Bmraj), See. Jnstice of tho Peace Angus McKav. Constable George E. Forrin. KAirRSVTM.a 0. 0. F. UNION LODGENO. 6. Jo. Perry CIVIL ENGINEERSRnd& SURVEYORS, estimato prepared Plans, specifications PRECINCT OmCBES PIBHT OODEH PRECINCT. and work superintended. Jnetice of the Pecce K. A. UcDaniol. bine plate, Haps, tracings, prints, etc., etc., Constable E. A. Koch. executed on short notice. Rooms 3 and i. Union block. No. 36& Twenty SECOND OODEN FRBINCT. Fourth Stroot, Offden, Utah. Jnetice of the Peace B. Ternes. Constable Phil Ford. THIRD CHIDE V PSltCTNCT. BOYNTON HOT WATER HEATER Jnstice of tho Peace A. Perrin. Constable D. O. Sullivan. Most Improved and Econoaueal Tha FOURTH OODEN PEWTNCT tieater In the Market, Jnstice of the Peace Val Giueon. Constable H. E. Steel. iipmfflTraoFMTO Leave Salt Lake Leave Park City Arrive at Park (ity... Arrive at Salt Lake O. O. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- J. Tyler. Asseewr Edwin Dix. Trcanuror John A. Boyle, Collector .Tihn V. Bhith. Attorney L. R. RoRPrs. Blieriif Gillxrt R. Bolnap, Coroner Marshal Allen. Surveyor R. W. Faris. Superintendent of District Scools Jnstica of the Peace Constable Wilson Poulter. Short Line to Fark Ciry. 9. F. Oirrten, 1 1 ah. DINTAH PRBTTHOT. Utan Central Railway Lita, Otdea. CtsU. Jnstice of Constable John Gould. LOCAL TRAINS. Leave Ogden, s. m., ra. Returning arrive Ogden m. a, at. Haxrairn, Cashier. and Manager. Probate Juflire Robert Vf. Cross. Selectmen Lewi W SliurtliJ, John Piocock, Frnd Foy. Clerk J. P. Ledwidue. John L ErraLsa. flacr. a!tL Colli.KmV. dW.r. W, Fwt ATTORN kf eet every Tuesday eveain ia Odd Fellow ViritilK bfuthe KlneL Praetires in the District Conn aad all the hii. Twitv-tourt- h eonrta. I'mncal attentum rivs to euUertkms. invi'ed. , ketBetnbtfr the place, in E. S. LtTT, N. O. f m ooth-aw Joaa R. jrM See. baUd-injl'rrj meat shop of C. H. (rmiv-l- i 4 Bros., .til" T wet tj fourth street, Usxteo, I' tan. P. O. dorSIS. CRESCENT LODGE NO. 13. Bowaaa a. alukon j a hk . (iMsiLi. IMBALL A ALLISOX. ITolds regnlar nesting every afondny night at 7 A) o'clock in A. O. W. Hail, Washington ATTORNEYS-AT-LAstreet. All sojournavenne near Twenty-fourting brother ar cordially invited to attend. Offloe, over tUh Kational Bank, corner of F. W. Lbu,N.G. ...i.v...u nxw sun i wecijr-- f ourta street, w. u. ADAMS, Bee. Soc'y. C. K. Wurtole.C.C.Robinson, Ad. Kulin, Tlieo.Uobinson OFFICIAL Kipnw 8:3n 6:40 Arrire Leadville Arrive Pueblo Ar. t'olo. Springs Wm. V. DIRECTORS: Warren W. Coroy, R. A. Wells, John Keck. 1891. BAST BOUND TSAUIS. Leave Ogdea Viw President OF OGDEN", CURRENT TIME TABLE amskicas W. N. Sirn.trwa. CITIZENS' BANK Railway. STANDAED President. Vice-Pr- Rio Grande Western wst bocsd DoOLT, Adaws, Cashier. VYairik W. Comr. President Taao. Uubi&om, concerning tb Una, apply to any Ticket Agent, or atidrvu GUCO. J. E. B. at 7 iB. Tititiag M'eU every eurdialis invited to J. t. E.H EITE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAV- Interest Paid oa Time Deposit. L. Ar.. B. Meet ia the A. O. V. W. Fall th first aad thud Thursday af each axilli. L. E. oai dkr, Bcnba. S. r. LrrA. C. P. Visiting brother are cordially invited. ACHILLA. Washinstoa K w!a4ar ca J. . CusMJiwa E. t. L 0. Cvart, itevada. ATTORHEYS AT LAW. tn r. T TINT AH ESCAklPalEST KO. I. LAWYERS. Office: SX sack SECRET SOCIETIES. piDixin lodoe isa x L 0. U. W. I Ugden, Utah. ON ALL TIAIXS. Our Famous Dining Cars aad Reed Eataia. Fiaa aad iiurLBM Uiorka. U. HEYWOOD. STJKPL.TJS, CHAIR CARS P. Brian. CKuUwr OrosauUtRraotB IVymit. United States Depositor)'. Xjincoln, St- - rjoseph, Omaha- - CAPITAL, .- . .. ftlOO.OOO. FREE RECLINING I. ARCHITECT. M At. euaeisvas aeeukd awviia. tafe. Lirf Jturtie Sopreae at. a. K.T. 81 A I B. KeMaeaee IwvUf Bxian. bW. SuW AF.CHITECTS, OOttm. roaa H. 1" aad tt Xaiinaal Bank c. L. f. 1. mfmmt aosvracatina aun-k- , pL MOXTE COatMASUkJtl, H avHEauAoou JACOB nitv. t h 4 . -- Prri.leut. Vm PraeiJeat Cahiur. NAT1 j(, D.-- $125,000. - W. f. OGDEN, UTAIT. Interest Taid on Time and Savinr Chicago,' Tssesitr-foan- y UTAH Ttp-mrmmt- ARCHITECTS, sense jocn. K. over aiaadard kffiee. UsJoa. tn-W- . t airx-- IleaiT Cob act-- hma mna. JEOS'AKO 4 TRAINS v oou3 a kc. v J l'vii Rarkn, VI. C. K.'OFLOW. JC.HN A. HOV1.E, A. P. BltiKLUW. Denver, Et a-- H. O. N 0m4. VESTIBULE l4'r. RenJar fjKii Tscsif-iii- 75,000. Capital Taid in, Surplus, . - - - SOLID Km, mm. - M hfa'M k T. A. St. liurhnitlM, com-paaie- Art-atri- - ItaJ. i.C. Anmtfocg, V. bnU-- rwi s. O. E. DIRECTORS: PORTUHP SAN FBANCISCOiKD Depuuta. d ti ir R.A.H. OGDKN, TTTAII. Tae ONLY ScThOURS hi-a- Tit-Bit- aJlowei M Tia races aet aad jdeasara aeier tljs. ml moxtl ax caamxlo Paid is Mirnm T THA all. ex-me- Jun - - 820O.OOO.00 - - - 12.000.00 Capital. fciurplu.-?-. U ItaAlui. so. Qottx ciurro. rs ! A.F.4A.M. ttwt R9Beais ' . 1". eara TariM uuot, X. V. ii.Aa. bc CX;iEX, UTAH. PORILLND AND THE NORTHWEST u, UJUQK. j f.J.Ki8EL.C0,Svleiguitsl0giieilUit. PRINTING INKS ! Comtinn To Printers and Publisher : The is carrying a large an) toek of Standard. Fine and ekiper6n jeJect News. Poster and Job Ink. Roller and 1 abating Composition. Sieea aad Taraishe aawt kept fn stock. Those in need of laJu wUl d. wall va bay W Taa CXwapiafc. Prsi.ismita Covpahy ' |