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Show 7 fill! CIRCULATTHE TIMES-NEW- S ES THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB COUNTY AND lei A VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : THE IS A 11UUHT. EK FOB THE AGRICULTURAL AND MINING INTERESTS F TIMES-NEW- JUAB COUNTY NEPHI. JUAB THE TIMES, VOL, 12, NO. 40 QOARANTINE REGULATION DISTRICT COURT SHOULD IJES S , OOUNTYt UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH, 1981. The first part ot the week in the District Court, the Bench was occupied by Judge Ericaon, but since Judge Knox, has been here and will now occupy the bench the remainder ol the term. The case of Gerald Lowry, the first of thttTTtatic Colonists to be heard in the district court was disposed of Sat urday, when Judge Ericson, gave him an indeterminate sentence in the State Prison, not to exceed three The charge1 against, Lowry years. was adultry said to ihave been committed in West Tintic Dec. 2th, .1920. The case was heard before a Jury who brought in a verdict of guilty with the results as stated Wed-nesd- Cases of the same nature are being heard today before Judge Knox, that of Elvin HouUs being now in progress The case ot Moses Gudmansen, for merly of the B. Y. U. will follow, and that of David Whyte, will follow the Gudmansen case. District Attorney Higgins, represented the State, and Attorney P. N. Anderson was appoint ed by the Court to defend Lowry. In the case of B. O. Brady, recent ly fined for selling liquor, the disposition of same, and the forfeit of the auto truck was brought before the court by County Attorney BurThe .court ordered the liquor ton. destroyed, and the auto truck sold at public auction and the money re The ceived forfeited to the State. sheriff was instructed to make a re turn to the court of the sale. In the case of Edith Luella Smith vs Julius C Smith, being an action for divorce, the same was granted by Dae court, and a Judgment entered 'against, the defendant for $50 at torney's tees and costs of suit togther with (15 alimony. Attorney W. A. C. Bryan represented the plain -- tiff Marshal Foch Sees tHe Liberty Bell AXPAYERS OF THIS COMMERCIAL Rees, and Dr D O Miner conducted the examination, and Martin was de clared of unsound mind and was ord ered committed to the State Mental Hospital. MUTUAL PROGRAMS FOR SUNDAY EVENING c'Skpiu ward be The following program will given In the Nephl Ward Sunday evening to commence at ? p. m. Pelimlnary Music Blanche Burton Mrs. Alice Crapo Song Genevieve Grover Reading Katherine Whltmore Piano Solo .... SOUTH WARD The following prellmlnjr program will be given Sunday evening at the South ward meeting house commen clng at 7 p. m. K. J. Bird Vocal Solo Mary Woolley Reading Vocal Duet Donna and Florence Bel llston. NORTH WARD The following preliminary program will be given Sunday evening at th North ward meeting bouse, commen clng at 7 p m. Mabel Wl'non Piano Solo Leone Ingram Reading Vocal Soto Virginia Ord : t NO 18 CLUB DISTRICT ARE STUNG BE OBSERVED ELECT OFFICERS Every citizen of this community owes it to his neighbor and to society general to strictly observe the quarantine regulations when a case a contagious nature enters his This city has had a few home. cases of diphtheria right along for the past month or more, and although there is nothing to be alarmed about this paper feels it necessary to call the" attention of every citizen in the community to the need of care, and the importance of reporting any case that has the appearance ot being dip htheria. In this manner it will be possible to stamp it out of our city. Another phase of this question is the necessty of every family that are placed under quarantine, rigidly ob serving the regulation and take every precaution not to expose anyone else with to the disease. By the health officers in these matters it will be only a short time until the disease disappears from our midst Under the law creating a fund of for each student of school age which was made possible by the amendment to the Constitution which the people of Utah voted for at the last general election, tax payers ot Juab School District will pay into the State Treasury this year the sum of 5,519.66 more than the district will The total receive from the State. mount that this district will receive Is $32,150.00 while the State will re ceive in school taxes from this dls trlct the sum of J37.669.66. This surplus money which the tax payers of this district will pay into the State Treasury will be used in districts where there is a deficit that is, where they pay into the Treas ury less tfcan they take out. The only way that the taxpayers of this dls trict can get even on this proposition is to produce more children in order to draw from the state as much as we pay In. In order to do this the school population ot this district must Increase about 225 more than the 25 , present total. TUESDAY AFTERNOON NEBO W. Martin, who Pay-so- , of Salt Lake spent Bishop Raphael Garfield was a last Friday in Mills, the guest of Salt Lake visitor last week. SPECUl'SERVICES his daughter Mrs. C. E. Switzer. SUNDAY IN EACH WARD Ephralm Yates was over from Mor The friends of Mr. and Mr. Geo oni for a tew days last week. Kitchens gave them a pleasant surSupt. Stewart and Prof. Bird vis prise Friday. The evening was spent Special speakers will address the la card playing. At eleven o'clock ited the schools here Tuesday. people in each ward meeting house delicious refeshments were served to next Sunday afternoon, December the following. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Floyd Cloward of Payson has been 11th, the day being designated as Curtis, Mr and Mrs A W Dunyon, spending a few days here as the "Tuberculosis Sunday." The need of Mr and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and special guest ot Erma Kay. special effort being put forth In the Mrs. J. E. Robertson. Mr R K. Swit-te- r, sale of Christmas Seals In order to Geese shooting has come to be Mr. W F Squire, and the guests raise funds to combat this dread dis- of honor Mr and Mrs Geo. Kitchens. quite a sport here lately. Hunters ease will be urged by the speakers. have brought in fifteen or twenty The public In general are cordially of Nephl spent In the last few days. Roy McPherson Invited to attend. Tuesday in Mills attending to some Ed Pratt has gone to Salt Lake business matters. City for an Indefinite, stay. The members of the Ladles LiterV. F. Squires went to Nephl Tues ary Club met at the home of Mrs. D. day to attend to some business mat- THK CURFEW BELL WILL O. Miner Friday evening and were en. ters. RING TONIGHT tertalned with a very interesting proMadMr. and Mrs. Geo. Kitchens left gram. A paper on the life of am Curie, was given by Mrs. E. R. Mills Wednesday for Salt Lake City The curfew law which has not been Forrest. Current events were given where they Intend to make their fuIn operation In this city for the past by Mrs N. J. Rees and a paper giving ture home. few years will again be put Into act- the account of an aeroplane trip Ion commencing tonight. All boys from London to Australia was given , RERVICK STAR LEGION MEETING MONDAY and girls under the age of 16 years by Mrs. T. C. Winn. The following members were present, Mrs. J. E. The members of the 8ervlce Star will not be allowed on the streets Cole, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mrs, J W Legion will hold their regular month of this city after 9 o'clock p. m,, un Ellison, Mrs Dennis Wood, Mrs. ly meeting In the Commercial flub' less accompanied by their parents or Mark 8owby, Mrs. N. J. Rees, Mrs rooms next Monday afternoon, at 4 p. guardians. The above action was deW C Andrews, Mrs Geo A Sperry Jr, m. all members Invited to be present. cided upon at the last meeting of the Mrs. T. C. Winn, Mrs S B McCune. The following program will be given. city council when a delegation of Mrs J W Whltmore Mrs I M Petty Vocal Solo Melba Hague. Lecture on ladies met with the council and made Mrs T. H. Burton, Mrs. Wilson Tuberculosis, by Dr D. O. Miner, the request that the curfew law be Piano Solo by Oordon Wood. put Into effect. Glazier and the hostess Mrs Miner W. A. Wrlg-h- t DIVISION BASK ET BALL SCHEDULE When Murshul boon visitea Pmiadetpma the other day he was taken to resides most Independence Hull, of course, and there contemplated with reverence the Lib erty Bell. anywhere drifted into this city Monday night and found board and lodging at the city bastile. Tuesday he roamed around the city taking In the SERVICES HELD FOR NEWS ITEMS s'Khts until 5 p. m., when he became suddenly possessed of the demon of OF THE WEEK VERNE VIGKERS destruction. Coming past the win dows of the Nephl Drug about this time he blazed away with a large club and deliberately smashed the two Professor Alfred Osmond was in Very impressive funeral services Mona for a few days last week. ' Prof large plate glass windows on each were held Saturday afternoon over Osmond spoke to the parents In Sun side of the doorway. Mr. Haymond and the employees were somewhat the mortal remains of Verne Vlckers. day school and took up the time of dazed for a few moments as It seem Bishop A H. Belllston presided, the the afternoon meeting where he de ed like a young cyclone had struck opening number being a duet by Mrs. livered a most excellent address. P. Anderson, "Cast Judg'ng by the crash of broken glass Ed. Carter and L.the waters" accomand the falling Christmas toys with thy bread upon A pleasing surprise was given Mrs which the windows had been recently panied by Mrs Diane G. Booth and Eliza Kay .last Thursday, evening, was Miss Merci Goldsbrough. Prayer decorated with, but It soon dawned when members of the Relief Society on Haymond tnat ettnqr a cranK, offered by Orson Cazler. The speakers gathered at her home. After a plea L. A. Wm. were N. J. Rees, Bailey, anarchist or a Bolshevist had hit town sant evening spent with games and and seizing a gun he followed Martin Bailey, John C. Hall, and the closing music .xefreshments were served to Each who had now crossed First South St remarks by Bishop Belllston Chose present. Mrs. Kay Is contem and was moving towards the residen speaker gave consoling remarks to plating spending the winter in the and of told bereaved the family ce of Dr. N. J. Rees. with her sister. In the life of the deThe alarm had now spred and Vlck good qualities Foote, armed with a gun and J. w. parted. The Primary Association gave a "One sweetly solemn thought" and Whltmore also armed. Joined with were render- program and bazaar in the meeting Kindly Light" "Leadly Haymond in bringing Martin back to ed by Miss Merci Goldsbrough and house last Saturday. An enjoyable to the county Jail at the point of Mrs. Diane G. Booth, and the benedi- time was had by all those who atten gun where he was turned over to the ction was pronounced by President J. ded. aThe bazaar was very successful officers and safely landed behind the N. C Pexton. financial standpoint, the as from bars. Beautiful flowers covered the cas- sociation gathered considerable mon Wednesday morning. he was brought ket, bearing- silent tribute to the res- CSy from the sale of articles donated before the County Attorney together pect that was felt for the) deceased and novelty sales and ice cream. The with Dr. N. J. Rees and Dr. Miner and the family. The meeting house pioneer trail pictured by articles and examined for his sanity. He was was filled to capacity every avail- made in the primary, depicting scen found to be suffering from illusions able seat being taken. Interment es from Navoo to the Salt Lake val stating that he could hear noises and took place In the Vine Bluff Ceme- ley was a feature of Interest. that someone was calling him. He tery. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rows visited stated that he had spent considerable relatives at Mt. Pleasant last week time in Jail since coming to the coun try from England about twenty years HAPPENINGS FROM ago. At the conclouslon of the exMrs. Sarah Shepard and Chloe , THRIVING MILLS Shepard amination he was committed to the were Mt Pleasant visitors State Mental Hospital at Provo being last Sunday. taken there Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orgill entertain At the conclusion of the ex ed Thursday afternoon for Mr. and ago. Ephralm Roberts and family were cltement Tuesday eventing and ' was Mrs. Geo. Kitchen, who are planning In Salt Lake City last week attend the sole topic of conversation along to make their home In Salt Lake this ing the funeral of an Infant grand Main Street the remainder of the day winter. son. James . In the case of the State ot Utah vs Chas Hurst, for the illegal poss ession of whiskey, the court held that the possession ot liquor is not a felony, and discharged the defendant. The question at issue in this case is whether a city ordinance has the same application as the state law Hurst had been convicted of violat ing the city ordinances of Eureka, having been convicted on two occasions. County Attorney Burton, gave notice of an appeal and will take the case to the Supreme Court for a final decision. There appears to be a conflict between the cKy ordinances and the state laws, and the county attorney states that he Is going to have it cleared up On the petition of County Attorney Burton, Jas W Martin, who ran amuck Tuesday afternoon and smas hed the windows of the Nephl Drug was ordered by the court to be ex amined tor "his sanity. Dr. N. J : THE NEWS, VOL. 6, OF THE WEEK Tintic Colonist Cases Being Gerald Lowry Heard Found Guilty By Jury : : The Outlook for basketball In the Nebo Division was never better than it is thiia year. With five teams con tending) for the bunting, some very close and hard fought games should result. Provo High, under the dir ection of Edwards, former "Y" star, and with several letter ' men should have a strong team. Payson, with the reliable Mohawk Sutton at the helm, after winning the southern ' division championship in football, hopes to repeat In basket ball. All of last year's fighting mach ine Is back with the addition ot sev . eral stars of two seasons past. Spanish Fork, with Curley Brown directing the team, and three! of last year's regulars along with twenty other promising aspirants, will no doubt make things warm for their rivals. Nephl, a newcomer in the division this year is predicting a champion ship crew with Coach Durham, tarn ous "Y" athlete In charge. Sprlngville high lost most ot Its former division winning through graduation but with two of last year's squad and several runners up predict a repetition of previous Dr. N. J. Rees Is Chosen President By Unanimous Vote. The annual election of officers of the Nephl Commercial Club was held i uonudj oveuiug iu lue viuu rooms. President W. C. Andrews called the meeting to ordtr and after explaining that tue object of the gathering was to elect a new set of omcials to serve during the year 1922, mated that nominations were now in order. U. M. Whumore moved that the chairman appoint a committee of bve members to select a ticket to submit to the members. The motion carried and the following nominating com mittee were chosen. Dennis Wood, T C. Winn, Stephen Allen, A. V. Uadd and Geo. A Sperry Jr. After deliberating lor some time Lie count tee reported that they had agreed on the loiiowing ticket. JM." J. tioea, president; J. W. Wiiitmore, 1st Vice Presiuet, Spencer t ovrent. 2nd Vice president, itoardof Directors tiooert Winn, June Kendall, Wilson Ulazier, and A. A. Alien. The mem- ueis aaopteu toe report oi the committee and the above officers were declared duly eiecied. Is. J. Roes, J. W. Whumore and Spencer Forest, were tuen caned upon for a speech, each one responding in an appropriate manner ana stated that with the sup port of tae members they would do the best possible. T. C. Winn, then And nrnnng. - stars ; .,';. a officers for their services which was heartily responded to. ' The matter of an inaugural ball in honor of the new officers of the club and the new city offiicals was discussed and on the motion of Bishop A. H. Belliston it was decided to .. Howa &u fl auuuL. .oae eua. " t uau " iuau&uiai of the month. The House and Social committee were then directed to ar.. . range for the same. After the disposal of the business iu hand, a tasty luncheon was served by the X. L. Bakery, which was en- Joyed by all. The remainder of the evening was spent in real stag fashion In-- i - . . . CITIZENS DONATE LABOR ' ON 1ST NORTH STREET victories. This should be a banner year, and The of 1st North Street all the supporters are anxiously a betweengrading third and fourth west, was ' waiting the first whistle. accomplished this week under the The schedule for Nebo divison fol supervision of road Supervisor Warlows: ren. The folowlng Is a list of the citiJanuary 13 Payson at Nephl zens who donated team work. J. W. Sprlngville; Spanish Fork at Provo Barnes 1 4 days, Bert Greenhalgh V B. Y. day, Lynn Olpin day, Len JoneB V4 January 17 Sprlngville at Payson day, Jas Andrews V4 day, Ross Tol- Y Provo: Nenhl at Spanish Fork, B. ley Loran Tolley day, Roy Bowles Provo at Nephl, Pay- January 2 day, Grant Jones V day, Rollo B. son; Sprlngville at Spanish Fork, Howell 1 day, Art Scott 1 hour, Sid Y. ney Scott 4 hours. Will Brown 1 day January 27 Sprlngville at Provo, with two teams, and Ray Brough 1 Nephl; Spanish Fork at Payson, B. day. Y. February 3 Nephl at Payson, Sprlnvllle; Provo at Spanish Fork, B. TO NEPHI CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT PATRONS Y. Payson at Sprlng February ville, Provo; Spanish Fork at Nephl, 10 B. Y. February 1 4Provo at Payson, Span Ish Fork; Sprlngville at Nephl, B. Y. February 24 Provo at Sprlngville Nephl, Payson at Spanish Fork, B. Y. Provo at Sprlngville, February 24 Nephl; Payson at Spanish Fork B. Y. Stanley Taylor of Leht and Coach Twitchell of Provo were appointed to attend the officers' school at Salt Lake, with Henry Weight of Sprlng ville and Del Webb of Provo as alter nates. FARMERS MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY AT COURTHOUSE Prof. J. C. Hogensen, agronomist of the extension service and Mr. Q$. Thome, ot the Bureau Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, will Prof. Hogensen be the speakers. will discuss crops and crop rotation. Mr. Thorne will discuss sugar beet diseases and will show pictures of the live beet nematode by means of a projector especially constructed for All farmers are In- that purpose. vlteVI to attend. The meeting will be held In the Courthouse next Wed nesday evening December 14th, to commence at 7.30 p. m. There are quite' a number of de linquents on the City's Electric light books, It is imperative that these ac- as possible on account of the change as possible on account of th change of administrations on January 2nd. All persons who are delinquent should visit the City Treasurer at once and settle their accounts, other wise action will be taken to disconnect them from the system. By Order of the City Council Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forrest motored to Salt Lake City yesterday for a few days visit. Jsck Teasdale Is here from Provo helping instal the new telephone apparatus. Miss Edna Scorup, the domestic science teacher at the local High school, Is absent from school this week on account of Illness. The delinquent tax Hat for 1921 will be published In the The Times-New- s and the Eureka Reporter next Friday Dec. 18th. The telephone employee are busy this week putting In the new phones. It is expected to have the new sysBorn to Mr and Mrs. Reuben 8tsn. tem In operation about December 17th. ley a baby girl Sunday morning. |