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Show TIIE MOUSING EXAMINEE, OGDEN, rTAH. . SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 190T. those present The affair was a grand teem sacca and showed the high la which Mrs. Cron hi is held by the society, eha being one of its moat earnest aad faithful workers. Mrs. Crusbie aad bar husband will leave within a week for an extended visit to "Old Scotland," their native land. Those present on this occasion wen Mas dam Martha C rich low, Laramie Burch, Annie B. Selawi, Wealthy Ensign, Anna R. Moyas. Frankie Brow, Mary El Hetrick, Batcklor, Tanner, Mm. H. Lewis h levUeiieM out for Miao Smith at hor home for a few of Wright Turner, Stephens, Croabie, Slullea, Piakett, McDonald. Kealer, her girl Mah. 22y fourth ol tho Virginia. Em prey, Darnell, Bramwell. I worth. Rebocka Thorne aad children Baa ford, Paxton, Covington. Josephine Mrs. J. C. Browsing vtohed M ds of Mn, BuanrahU. Utah, whe were la the Croabie, Bessie Holt and Julia doable. la Salt lake duriag the aedu city vUiilag her parents, Mr. aad Mm M.'U Wheelwright, are at present In MISS POWERS SURPRISED. Rot. M. J. Grooa of Uralsvlll, Ky, Balt Lake City, visiting a slater, Mra Thuraday. visitor aa Opi via Laura Bachlor. A pleasant surprise was that given fur bliss Ida Powers at Kan tllle, Mm E W. HaUim U tkc gw at for The Tolstoi Circle win held aa "all night. Tbo evening wa a few dan of Era. Frank Kara of Salt day meeting at the home of Mra. E Utah, Friday ta gam aad at twelve o'clock pawed W. Newcomb at llt3 Robinson avenue a dainty reput was served, after on Tuesday. Luncheon will be served which instrumental and vocal music Laka Salt spent of L. Jen Sin. W. at twelve o'clock and all members are completed tho enjoyment of tba evenW. H Tuesday la tlo city arlth lira ccrd tally lamed to be preaeat. ing Cholera. Tho present were Miss Ida Few. Mlaa Hope Morgan entertained the era, Alma Wlae. Anns Shultz, Selma Mra. William Eocloa and daughter, members of her card club oa Wlo , Martha Skulls. Haute Wiese, lira M. B. Ragan, 1ve lor Oregon evening Prises were won byTuesday Mine Floren Sewell, Myrtle Wilson, Liaale ' tonight. Carrie Winston, MUs Louis Harding, Jones. May Jones, Eveline LilJam,PeterErnest Camp and Eugene Morris. The lian James. Clara James, Edith Mlaa Mabel Doaa of Frno, Cal., la deooratious were carnations and Maggie Curio. Ella Allard aad tka gueat of Mlaa Helen Whiting for a palms. Tha olub will be entertained son. Messrs. George Powers. Ezra Feta few weeks. two woeka Mlaa Brooks la Ruby hy Albert Peteraoa, Will Peterson, Frank Powers, Ametl Shultz, Bennie Mlaa Beaalo Eliott entertained tbo L. and H. thrir Tha Griffin Oa Sewi-1Lewis Raw n. Irvin Higley, of lwr Bearing club oa member were tbo guests of Mr. aad Mra Lee Stoddard, Roy Stoddard, Ellis Wedneadoy afternoon. Hitter, on Sunday laat, enjoying Bella . o rid between tha Riuer home Touaaek and daugbter. tally-hlira. Ja at Riverdale and tha etty and a da PRESBYTERIAN LADIES ENTER Irene, a pent a fair days of laat ek ltolous fried spring chicken dinner, TAINED. la Salt Lake City. at the Ritter hums. Mr. and Mrs. Rlt anaall aad entertainers tar royal and Mm R. M Mn. W. H. Voorhl Tho Ladle' Aid society of the Lutbrmaeivae. Robinson entertained about fifty of the theran churdh arna entertained oa ladle of the Presbyterian church at Thursday afkanoon hy Mra. Matte. Mra. John T. Hunt and Mrs. J. G. their home, 254G Fowler avenue Thu rewere the hoateeees at two plw The home w prettily afternoon. Mr and Mn. F. X. Heat left Thurx-da- y Paine day Tueslor Long Beach, Cal., whora Mra. aatly-andappointed breakfasts onboth af- decorated for the oocaetoa and tasty mornings, Saturday day refreshments ware served. Mrs. VoorHem and cMkdrm will spend the aunt-- i fairs being given at tha Virginia, The hl and Mra. Robinson wort assisted mar. M. Mrs. were guests In receiving by Mra R. 8. Iwwls. Mrs. M. Breed Husoes Mra. sedan, Dr. A. J. Barber, Mra. Meda Coray Will Bear, brother and eluted, ae Mra. A. D. F. Reynolds, Mra. Sarah aonpaaled by M1m Bott left Friday Day of Salt Lake aad Mn. R. B. Hunt Roberta and Mra. J. E. Chrver. for tho eoaet to rlait rrlattaea and at Durlug tha aftemooa the following Kaatucky, numbers were rendered: friends. Ml Plano Sole Kingstord Mlaa ISla C. Ballard, whose home la Mi McMullen Recitation Mra. W. K. Broaratag anUrlalaed now with Lea J. la Frank Angelas the members of the Bunahlne olab Ballard, Is la Ogden oa a three weeks' Soprano Solo ..Mm Louis T, Shipley Mrs. Dr. J. S. Gordon Thursday eRaraoon at ber honw en risk, with the family of bar brother Reading Extraordinary planning, enables ns to offer hhndreds of the newest and prettiest spring suits at decided saringi Ml Solo . .. Lou Mitchell Adams. James Ballard. Mlaa Ballard waa a that will be welcome, indeed, to economical suit shoppers. former Ogden teacher and baa a large Mr. aad Met. P. K. Mena Wt TO O. L. C. R. A. ff Of In thla city. friends late The styles are so different here. The assortment so much larger, and hare yon noticed how they fit? It is not for Loag Beach, Cal., whom circlehas bran she keeping books la hor Mro. Hem and oUMoon will opoad tho charmR. were A L. to The O. C hard to get Just what you want in a suit. Each day we overhear it said: 1 had almost given up ia despair finding jns brothers business house In Los Aningly entertained Thursday afternoon geles. ' what I wanted, but here you have so many I like, I hardly know which It shall be. Thorns Dam and Mn. by Mra. Ryan Oudmundaon of Mr. and Mra. J. A mooting of the ladles at At Uni Coo war at tho lovely homo of tho latOroon River, Wyoming, are Ogden Women's new Eton Suits, made by a noted maker to onr special order, of fancy worsted checks, handsomely trimstreet. at S o'clock ter, 735 Twanty-flfl- h church was Mrs. Oudmandaen win remain tarian afternoon atheld w five In, Indulged High oFMrs. home tbo med new deiui sleeves. The skirts are new 1907 models, in style and worthfulness unmaichable, at SI3.75, 118.75 Monday hero fur some time to rocuporate. ud cJoeely that each prise had W. N. PUraa, 741 Twenty-thir- d street, running amaam 0 Heato Mra. fur. Mn. Reeves, be 121.75. cut Woma of for the purpoea organising Mm Mike Sehumera of Alberta, an's Alliance. Mm wen the exEddy at Belt Lake ley and Mn. Oeo. ' King la tbo Canada, la vialUag ralatlv at cutting. Delirious rafrezh-niant- s Women's natty spring units; high class Chiffon Pajiamas in the new stripes and chocks in latest perts oa the ladles to talked purthe Ulty colorings, are the otty. She will apead two wseka la wen aervad in tha daintiest aad At 6 aa suck of poses organisation. fabrics used. The jackets have notch collar beautifully tailored with inlaid velvet bands, tho chy before retarnlng to Canada. with tlie material o'clock In the afternoon the gentlemen moat approved style, evarythtng movcontrasting niade in the new alngle breasted box style in fitted models Silk lined caffs are trimmed to match collar. New of the church Joined the ladies in n ing like clock work. Mm Frank Youag charmingly Beautiful spring hats and gowns lent style skirt, tho ladlaa f tho O. L A. laat friendly aortal hour. the handsomest 25.01), 27,00 to $35.00 salts in all Ogden marked for this sale, 15.75, 21.75and $28.75. brigMn a to the marry group and the t A plaaa-aamoat aftemooa. Wadaooday cmwd dispersed hoping for more such BIRTHDAY SURPNIfE. ttmo waa apaut by tho ladlaa prao-an- t Joyable 00 atom. Mra. of David Mondo niaay CHARACTER BALL. K Tracy aurprlaod hor Monday evening, Tbo card party which waa to have on hor at her tailored silk shirt birthday waist in salt of Taffeta all colors and Perfectly cirgood bam gtrea thta weak by Bego Uly fancy checks, lace yoke, stitched tailor Tha costumes of all nations won la wham they enjoyed them eel res bands of taffeta trimming, the greatest value yet. For three days, $11.98. cle, Women of Woodamft, baa bean home, evidence at the character ball given inwith and aongs games and postponed until Friday craning, May strumental music. At ala o'clock In the Fourth Ward amusement hall tenth. wars the dining Wednesday evening. Many young peoInto ushered they 'ft A WORD TO aat down to an ele- ple participated in the successful afTba Degree of PocahontH will glee room whore they :rl waa enjoyed by a fair and time good did to all which supper ampla one of thetr enjoyable card partlra at gant The Judges awarded to John uetlre. nan all repaired to the par-io- all. agio hall, at 1:10 Wednesday aftar-tow boors in merry Chambers gentlemans first prise tor aad a apaat who la time aoanred all good b t sustained character, a Hebrew, song and danes. Those present were Messrs, and and to Mlaa Carolina Majors ladlea' : Meadnmrs Walter Tracy, David Tracy; first pri for beat sustained character nrg. 1 and beat eoatuma, Martha Wtshlngtoq. win aprnd tha oomlag alt weeks with Meodamsa Elisabeth Msrrlut, Treaaa bar ala Ur, Mra. Joe Wheelwright and Marrlot, Ijueretla B. Farr, Martnda CHILD CULTURE CLUB. 2429-2431-24- 33 WASHINGTON AVENUE bar broth era, Meaam Joe, Thomaa and Pool, Cynthia Bingham, Elisa McFarland, Carrie Wiggins, Mary Ballinger, Fetor Cuonlngbam, anclub The held Child Culture their Morlula A, Moyee, Moyeo, Margaret nual meeting at tha home of Mm DavMro. John Meteor, wife at Jofaa Marllla Tracy, Hattie Downs, Elisa id Ercl Tuesday afternoon. Oh E. F, Cave, George Slater, Beveridge, r Met err. formerly engaged In the of the Increased memborahtp ft Rush ton, formarijr nn ampioya' of evening, "The Boclal Co equeno at Tample, Blanche David X. Dr. Allen, J. Bodes, bnalnaaa In thla city, baa reWashington Avenue, between fevered the abandoning of the coed Meaara. of the olub, a club room has b a the Inatltation to Lavtc Rand will taka the Christian Character Daniel Williams; Whllmur, Twenty-fiftend Twenty-sixt- h streets extension a result of roatriefivt hr turned to Goldfield after a two months Enos Marrlot, Royal Tracy, Ray talked of, where regular meetings will plara oa May eighth. About thirty Punishment." islation. Subject: Everlasting otty la Lea Angoloa for hor health. be held: social boateas The Harriot and made Winifred a Misses were a and gurste anjoyed praomt Tracy; Tho Pacific extension foam the ce Sunday school at 10 a. m. First Baptist Church Horace B. hour pleasant wHh refreshments and moat plea nt evening. Tha Ruahton eves lag testimonial pany's western terminus at Otanhia, Wednesday Tho L A. to B. of R. T.anJ tba B. Amina Parry. Blood, p tor. music. Tha nbxt meeting will be held homo at 2782 Wall avaa ua w Uata-full- y at 8 p. m. S. D .to Seattle end Taooma 0 of R. T. will give a grand ball TuesMorning service at 11; subject, The meetings are held May seventh with Mrs. William DrivWOODMANSEN-POULTOdecorated for tho occasion. Da-- , Soul The public Is cordially Invited to oover 1,164 mil. of Honor. day evening, April thirtieth at the avenus and Jefferson er, llcloua retohmenta wore carved. Ml TwentyCongifcaa academy. Everybody la InEvening service at 8 o'clock; sub- attend the aervieea. street. Ruahton waa the recipient of a number The marriage of Mias Winifred vited to participate la thla aortal event Look to Jesus. Note the change ject, of beautiful piece of china. Wood man sec and Walter J. Boulton of tho woek. of howfor tho evening service from St. Pauls German Evangelical o waa solemnised at noon Wednesday la 7:80 to 8 o'clock. DEFENSE OF MOYER. Cor. Twenty-thirChurch aad JefOn Friday craning of loot week, In Balt Laka temple, and In tho evening school at 12; A. ferson. Theodore Wobus, p tor. Sunday J. Prof, The Differ of Mra. Kellis New Torit, April 17. U. ft Smith, superintendent. Logan, Mra J. P, Smith announced n reception waa tendered tha young to C. H.marriage No service Sunday, pastor ht T reAnderson of Denver took pines tho engagement of her daughter, Mlaa couple between the hours of eight and on m ting nt 7. Hon. monton. Young omon, people's campaign manager at Thursday afternoon at the home at Effle Bffillh, to H. Perry Bamwa of eleven at the home of the bride's mothT. D. Johnson will conduct tha Sacred SociiUet the party for New 2 at m. school p. Mr. Sunday and Mrs. Albert F. Richey. The at the thla city, tho wedding to take place er, Mm Charles Woodmansee. York literature lesson. member and a No next Thursmidweek nice waa read by Rev. J. E. Cap n Midweek prayer service Thursday The home waa bright with flowers, ceremony MoyerHaywood-Pettibooearly In June. The announcement waa The conwill be day. pastor the First Presbyterian church attending 8 o'ofook. made at a five bundled party given by spring blue soma being used In the ver of dt borough, Manhattan of evening Denver. ference at and was by only a few close has made a statement regardparlor and library, while the color friend ofwitnessed Tbe Lndl ' Aid Society meets next Mr. and Mm AnLutheran Church Cor Twenty-thirTatter Be man, colored, of scheme, pink and white, In the dinings derson lefttheon bride. Rev. ing the efforts at the conferm. All 8:80 1st, p. Wednesday, May for the train evening room was carried out In pink and ence here and in rther eltbf will preach at the and Jefferson Ave. O. A. Elmquisft, members ought to be there, and Wyo Cheyenne, will where Denver, make their Branon ball Bunder they white carnal Iona. Tho bride waa atto oolleot funds for tho deftoie night nt 8 o'clock. p tor. ara cordially invited. tended by Mlaa Rhea Nlbley of Salt home. All are Invited to attend. of the accused officials of th Sunday: 10:00 a. m Sunday school. 11:00 a. m., Swedish service. Lake aad the groom by Henry AnderWestern Federation of Mhwra, SENIOR HOP. Scientists. First Church of Christ 8:80 p. m.. Luther League. A very son. About 160 guests were received "On April let, be said, the FIrat Methodlat Eptacapal Church Scientist. Church edifice corner was 1101X27, eoUeeted member Important during the evening, and Mr. and Mrs. meeting. Every One-haMock east of Washington The dancing party given by the sen--i- n Twenty-fourt- h street aad Lincoln avePttuHod left on tho morning train fur should be there. out of this 191.000 had. DaTwenty-fourt- h street. on f at the avenue, 8cbooI exthe ftg.ien High 8:00 p. m., English service; subject, nue. Portland and Seattle. After their repaM In preliminary 11 a. m.; subject, Everlastnight waa largely at- vid W. Crane, peator. Services Bln large Christ Versus many turn they will be at home to their Armory Friday ICO Amusements. then pense. rvie : 10:00 a. m., Bun-daSunday couples partlclpat-Hi-e You're cordially welcome to worship ing Punishment. friends at 761 Fourth street, Salt Lake tended, about contributions have oome In, aad arhool: W. L. Underwood, was artistically denorat- hall 10 bet m. school at a. us! with Sunday some individual unto City. 1 con. International with the High School and national as I,00 testimonial Wednesday much as evening contributed a. 11:00 rmon the m., pastor; colors. Prior to the beginning of the by meetings 8 p. m. each. Thera are 1.000,000 orBIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. dance the High School orchestra un- subject, "Christian Perfection. Reorgarrirsd Church of Jesus Christ 212 Soeouw, Fr suite rooms, reading ganised workers ia thla 7:04 p. m.. Bpworth League devo- of latter Day Saints Services Sun- cles der the direction of Prof. Squire Coop, eventual8 from to I Open building. daily atone aad expoet 211 try Theodore Mra. A. Matthews enterElla Hum. day evening, 8 p. m In the chapel at P. n. rendered a number of high class se- tional meeting, ly to rates fL040,M4. tained a few of her friends at her lect Iona. leader; subject, Mlaslona Washington avenue, corner Fifteenth All arc welcome. At 8:00 p. m the choir, assisted by street. home, 2113 Reeves avenue, Monday other friendly tab-nt- , will given a saevening. It being her 32nd birthday. LUCKY THIRTEEN. Preaching by G. J. S. Abell, formerFord's Orchestra Juniors, kindly furcred concert, rendering a carefully ly an elder In the Utah oharch. LAMPLIGHTERS STRIKE. nished music for the occasion and was The Lucky Thirteen club waa enter- prepared program, which will be found PAUL ROAD 18 In all. of A another Cards enjoyed cor thla thoroughly and tained on Wednesday afternoon by paper. First Presbyterian Church John by part New Tort. April 27. Thors W gamed were the feature- - of the even- Mra. T. W. Jackman. Euchre waa the dial Invitation le extended to all, to Edward Carver, p tor. In to etatne of the A change splendid luncheon concluded game and prism were won by- Mrs. attend these several cervices. ing. Morning worship nt 11. Theme, re' strike except that It has sxtenirt evening's pleasure, after which Mapber, Mrs. Fryer and Mra. Veil. "That Which I Lost" The muelc at There's a long stretch of tho to Jersey City, nil present departed TO EXTEND TO wishing the The gute of the club were Mrs. Church of The Good Wash Suit weather ahead of hoeteae Cor this service will be: many happy returns of tha Mapher, Behubert Mn. Dec and Mrs. Voll. Fol- nrr Grant, ami Twenty-fourt- Shepherd Alfred Violin Offertory will be dav. Ml us, and Mother Beatii Hamil lowing the card games luncheon was rector. those were Mr. and Mrs. served and the club adjourned to meet Brawn, Solo, "The Ninety and N1ne"..Sankey Fourth Easter. after greatly interested in onr Sumner, present Sunday Mm. Miss Lou Mitchell. Bogart, Miss Ella In two weeks with Mra. W. A. McOaw. New Styles. Marly celebration. 7:80 a. m. Bogan, Mr. and Mra. Baker. Mm Sunday school at 12:16, 2:45. school. Sunday ELLSWORTH-BUSHNELMias Mr. Onr Wash Suits will go to Livingston, End vor at 7. aad Mm Lubba, Mprnlng prayer and sermon, 11. Katie Mills, Mr. James Ford. Mlaa Evening preaching at 8 oclock; the tub as often as yon de- Xewey, 8 p. m. sermon. and prayer Evening MatMr. Cartoon, Mbs Bessie "The Wonderful and Accurate BUT CONSTRUCTION George H. Buahnell. bookkeeper at WILL BE DEMorning topic. "The Personal Do- theme, sire and renew their good thews. Mr. WUford Hart. Mrs. Throne, the Sidney Stevens Implement com- minion Testimony of the Rise, Grandeur and of "A Chriat: LAYED BY HIGH PRICES. Yoong evening. Mr. aad Mra. Matthews. . looks each time. Decline f Tyre to the History of the pany. and I aura Ellsworth, stenog- Missionary Whose Courage Failed. ' me place, were marTruth at the Bible. v rapher at the In mturtc Laka MOORE. is of exThe Salt without service at this materials ried WITH MISS are The Wednesday Cottons. Church-Corner folof In their will and Centra friends Decision sf Dir to he this merit Park Presbyteriaa the knowledge Net to Abandon Galatea Linens, ceptional Piques, Thlm-flrcloth. Chambray. ee.. er and Washington, lows: tho 2die neien ta Announced Mlaa Delia Moore was hostess at aa oily. Mr. and Mrs. Buahnell will reevenbeIn main for two weeks Salt services at H and 8 oclock. are Violin Offrrtorr .... Long BeuereoolH Some In New York. informal allair oa Thursday bandfr.meiy Miss' 6 tries Hamil. trimmed. Morning subject. "A Deceived 2Ian.'' Russian. Sailor ing. given la honor of her guest. Miss fore returning 10 Ogden Base Solo, "The Lord Is Mindful and Blow Styles, Sailor and Alice Sinclair of Denver. The rooms Evening subject. "Predestination. HOME CULTURE CLUB. Bundar school a 12 o'clock. Baum Collars. were bright aad fragrant with spring of His Own from St. Paul New York, April 27. The New Mendelssohn All Young People meeting at 7 o'clock. slses Ing blossoms, yellow jonquils adorning price York streamers Culchiffon Tribune today says: Tallow Eleven members of Paulson. Home the table. Paul Mr. 60c tbo Prayer meeting Thursday evening range. up to 12.00 or added to tho artistic effect, and those ture club were entertained on Friday at 8 o'clock. 12.6(1. At a meeting of the directors of the Sophano Solo, "Grass aad Rosas.... were afternoon hr Mrs. E. B. Knapp at her Miss Lou Mitchel. CM go, Mllwnuk A 8L Fan! held present to meet the honor gueat home on Jefferson avenue. A pleasant Mias Horients Reed, Miss lues CrawBass Solo. The Pilgrim's Song. . . this week the question of the comThe First Congregational Church brought The colors are fast in onr ford, Mlaa Minnie Austin, Mis Kath- and profitable time was spent. Quo- Xoble Strong Elderkln, p tor. Manton ...... panys Pacific eo t tension was and original ideas have Louise Young, Miss tations fr.-trad. ef t deal Paulson. Paul a Mr. w Browning were given at Sungraa dlscnsse Inter Wash Suits, and were so ryn Barker, Mlaa Mlaa d. an t 11 to o'clock, at Morning worship Acoordlng wear MUlicent Tracy, Dorothy Ken-atoroll call. The club expects to complete day. April 2Sth. Sermon. The Cry of identified with tbo rood, the opinion yours? If you wish to sure of it that we guarantee L Mrs. X. the hook "Contemporary England at a Mias Edna Carey, w about unanimous that the work that will be First rnl'nrlan Church of Ogden Widening Civilization." them. Evans and Mlaa Lucile Markham. their next meeting, which will l with school at 12:18 p. m. Bunds v evening aervlces, . April 28th, of STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL rrylng the 8L Paul lln to SeatSunday Mrs. Clark Gibson, 1300 Twenty-fift7 o'clock, at 7:20 o'clock. In Knights of Pythias tle should not be abandoned. One of at Young people's meeting r FAREWELL PARTY. examine sireet. led by Mr. Ralph Emerson. Siibject, hall, Utah National bank' building. the larg t stockholders said, how you shouldIdeee wm of have year tub-Jecyou "The Influence mf Christ In Asia. aver, that tha nastructioa sf the Sermon by Rev. Frank Fey Eddy; A farewell party was given by the refnily. thsm execute CHINA SHOWER. "The Latest Heretic." The pub- road would be delayed until a redacEvening service nt 8 oclock. Tfce First Ward Relief society on Tuesday tion la the ooet of material aad labor pastor will continue the sari of ser- lic U Card tally Invited. In Mrs. of honor afternoon A dainty china shower was given mons based up Croshle, ht Davis THa CLOTHIERS. had be made. Professor Peabody's C. 339 A her borne, Thirtieth street. S41S Wash. Are. of study. "Jesus ( hrjt When Friday night by toe lady employ the Christian Tbe Christian Brim Society bolds aenn, the pi Id t ntly sumptuous feast whb partaken uf by Wright's fctorr in honor of Ml Mai- - Character.' The subject far Sunday of the 8L Paul eowpeay eaM ehaai THE SPRING SUIT- S- URL OF SOCIETY ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION un-ploy- es an-joy- - nut-of-to- WM-aesda- y a Tie-flor- f f HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THREE DAYS no flfty-seoon- d THE WiSE . J. &, iS SUFFICIENT BURT & BROTHERS newa-pape- h tk oooooeeoooooooo DUFER-ANDERSO- CHURCHES e d lf y anper-Intonden- L 0000000000000081 Wash ST. Suits - h. THE COAST -- a ........ Dainty Effects .......... Fred M. Nye Company h t, Mrs. E W. |