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Show THE MOUSING e EXAMINE!:, OGDEN .UTAH. SUNDAY, AiIIIL 2$, 1907. I "oiTwAY TO PIOCHE. eri-a-t increased activity la the dwl riel would bo required than uWfiiiento of now which are being otnt lo the Srriot by rerious mining companies of nia OblonKtucby company, la tbe ih noil active companies two compress- 8nM Dufr-Ifor iVlanie. tor the Prince property. Tbe ry respect are complete ia 'T7 vm Mable thi company to set bow the eulek action ao much desired, eoaetrueilOB of tbe railroad to tbe u la actual progress. Satan Ouater abaft tbe encountered a toe ore body tbe It baa paaaed throughaatab-JXilM feeL.elation la now beiai a oa tbe 80 level, from which Jrifta will be nu to tbe ore, la tbe It ban a veto 100 feet PM"! whloh It la staking. Tbla rata uMKPoMd of an Iron toning ore but Erring lead. It la a low grade, of tbe discount of tbe character an it wUl be profliable to work ea a gelt Lake. April ma-ZLa- m 'Se hlu Ohlo-Kaatuo- d lallrt lOAlC, company. The Mt&dfth Minin whoM property la in the Highland baa ablpped n forty borne power oaoline engine and a gallon frome. company has a large body rf ore rich la lead and carrying eonalderabte lues in allver and gold. It baa been compelled to lay of moat t men because of a conge Ion of in ita bins, chute and drift, while tbe dump are plied high with It. By the time it la enabled to remove thU arcomulated ore it will be In position te remove operation upon n much larger ecale. die-trle- t, nil j DISTRICT. ORE OF ELY Cumberland Ely Hne Opened Large and Richeet Ore Body In Camp. ' t. gilt Lake, April 17. If any man baa to feel gratified over the t right tut are being regtetered at By these prosperous dura, It la Goo. I. Gunn, to whom the Cumberland nil By company owea pretty much n then la due to any on. from the beginning has bean true to tbii great Ely property, and whan oth-M- i were inclined to regard It lightly m grew more than ever convinced of tbe ultimate greatneaa of tbe group. By has been famous for a year on locount of the Nevada Consolidated for many company. TUt property msrtu was about all that tbe engineers could see in are Now tbe they camp. to- tbo oonverted bseoolng marlti of the Cumberland Ely s well. The ban are down. There la another sue-om- n ' Mr.-Gun- Gtig-gsahei- Nevada Oon. In the field. Balt Uke Mr. Gunn reached hla haadguaTlers Friday morning from a wing around Ely and Terington, tbo ramp owing not a lattw copper 1K-t- Mm He atated that the fiaHIabr reader waa well enough with the Cumberland Ely and Its tremendous reaouroea without him giving any additional 4 Willi. He stated that the Oumber-ba-l Ely's ore body waa the largest ud richest la all tbe dlatrict of Ely, and that mean Just that, and n great communicative. deal at y and found lboounteractod the Mlli. faring effecta of warm weather. UI cheerfully racommead thoas who have that ImngmM teaUmg which la customary to moat of ua in aprlng, to try Parana. It will prove aa !o-Iff tor. It ia also good to break ' up eolda and the grippe." that to the Maaon Valley property M Terlngtun, Mr. Gunn atatea that be an sot ten bow great are the . ream roes of tbla mine, nor the possibA ilities at tbo future. Tha great on body on the level, now being 100-fo- machine drills, baa been craneut for a distance of .fifty feet, sad no one know, nor la there any to tell, how much wider- it will bn Millie the Maaon valley has overturned aomrwhat Mr. Gunn'a original theories regarding the better enrichment with depth, nil chnngea that development work ha disclosed are tor the better, and consequently more prebed by PE-RU-N- ed atrenuounly to Rumbach opening filled It In aa fast as Bumback opened It, and oho declared that he became Irate and hit her with the fork. She had her atm, William Pollle, to back her statements, made through Mrs. Annie Kunlcle. who Interpreted the German Into English for Prosecutor Daly. Judge Diehl needed no Interpretation, and when Mrs. Mrs. Pollle bad finished her statement, the court called her up and asked her a few pertinent questions about tha quarrel. waa no Rumbach declared there trouble April 34, and that Mrs. Pollle was not near Mm at any time. He confessed that there waa aoms trouble about tha ditch, and this conflicting testimony decided the court. Rumbach was found guilty of assault and battery, nnd will appear before Judge Diehl this morning at 10 o'clock for punishment. the ditch.. She later BOY WITH WHIBKEY. lf 300-fo- . a - wat-tiJn- judg-oSB(h',- p S' r -- "Si,411, Jjy I AM Kma nmwvkA' Heattb and btreegth. Restored Mrs.Freaocs MI.Nammte.glOCharli Block. Denver, Col., writes: Perana restored me to health and strength three different times when I was near oervoefpesfreriM sad suffered from geaenl etautrktl Brtkea Dawn Health. Miaa Bessie B. Parrel, 1011 9rd Ave, oao-dltkt- at. When I decided to try It I wrote directly to Dr, Hartman and took It aoeocdlng to hla directions. I consider It a flu remedy and have recommended it to othere, who have been greatly benefited." ut ut Constipated, Stemach Disorders. Miss May V. Adams, V tee President of Louisiana literary Union, writes from 1119 Terpsichore 8L,Kew Orleans, La.: Any person with sedentary habits te apt to become Aahriosl(rcori)MfW.The evert ge of tho body becomes stepped up, and varioua diseases find easy I have found this tabs tha ease by sad experience, and am thankful to any that Pernno cleansed my system, purified the blood, and drove ootatomaeh disorders and all echos of my body. I taka a few donee every few weeks and find e. that it keepa ate leperteet ketUi. Brooklyn, N. T President of the Young Peopled Christian Association, writes: Perana it certainly a valuable serve and blood remedy, calculated to build up th broken dewm health of worn-owomen. I bavo found by experteuoa that it is a wonderful re atorar of leaf atreogth, assisting tha touiach inaasimilalingsnd digesting th food and building np the worn-otissues. I can indorse It as a boun for thoas afflicted aa I have bean." I be- lieve It te be an Ideal wwaaan mediates." Now E. T. at WrV as Ever. N. 0. writs t , Before X commenced to tab Peruna I could not da aay hard weak without aattarfeg greet pelt. I took Parana and Maaalin, and on aay with plena-ar- e that it haadoaa more for me thaa any ether medicine 1 have ever takes. New I am aa well aa ever, I do all my own work and It never hurts me at all. Fbruna It greet medldat for womta-tied- ." Mrs. Gsddla, Marion, t Nervosa Dyspepsia. Mrs. J. CL Jamison, 61 hlarcbant Bt, Wataonrille, CaL, writes I I waa troabled with cramps In tha stomach for six year. I tried many kinds of msdiolne, also waa treated by three doctors. They said that I had aarvmaa dyayeptlt. I was pat on a liquid diet for three months. I Improved under the treatment, but aa toon aa I stopped taking tha medicine, I got lied again. I took tha mefijclno for two years, then I got alck again and gars up all hopes of getting cured. I naw n testimonial of a mas whose cans was similar to mine being eared by Perana, so I thought I would give it a trial. I procured a bettla at sue and commeaced taking It. I hav taken ntastecu battle sad am eatlraty eared. Hava gslaad la strength and fiesh and foal Ilka a different person. I believe Peruna te all that te claimed tor 1L" Miss Marl Calvin, 60 Main BL, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes : .Aftar my pleasant experience with Peruaa I do not wonder that It la ao popular among th young people hero In CineiunatL I rough t a severe sold coming homo from an evening party, and al I did not pay particular attention to it, I qutekly Ucims wore and found myself In n serious condition. I toll lame and sore, and tbs amtlre aaeooat aumtomae waa hfliwxf I took Parana and It brought nm Immediate relief. Within a week X waa eared and now whenever I feel at all badly or run dowa a few doses of Parana will sot things righL" tho r amity Doclar. Mrs. M. JC. Seymour, R.F. D. 9, Bow-maOa writes : lam ready to apeak a few words In fkvor of Parana nnd Manalln. X have triad thorn far nearly ovary 111 of Ufa for myself and family, and And them to bo ell tbe doctor cUlata them to be. Peru-a- s cured me of hatoraat trouble wban my doctor could noL Mr advise to all ea faring woman te, enault Dr. Xlartman. What be has don lor me ha will da for you." Mr. J, O. Htoha, Aataagavtila, Ala Fs-rn-- n, write: Perana and consider It danfoa known. I believe thousands are being restored to ' health bylto wonderful healing power." X bovw need tea at the greateat IS A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY IN OVER ONE MILLION HOMES. A Salt lake, April 37. Ralph C. Bee14 years old, broke np the Balt The Mason Valley management, atat- be, ed Mr. Gunn, baa almost a car of cop-P- r Lake public school baseball league when ha ore available for shipment, tho temporarilyat last Wednesday witness to uie being ai rich aa It per eent rad appeared Liberty Park the Emernon-Liowerial. Tbla ok came from tho game la on intoxtw bottle of with icated condition, of and body richer rock, blle Ita extent baa not been aa wMskey In his pockets. After disgreat w the main body on tho tributing tha liquor among tha boys, ha soon had n bunch of riotous root-er-a mvel, Ur. Gunn atatea that It la hold-- f who took possession of tha base, out very well. ball field. The game wao called off and Principal W. H. Bradford of the UTAH LAKE MUST BE DRAINED. Lowell school tok Beebe to th polira that he bought Umw'ittee Appointed to Ask Canal station. Th boy nays WUlea-Hordrug tha liquor at tha Companies to Draw Off Water, store. Beebe waa turned over to the Jurisdiction of the Juvenile court and Frevo. April 16. At the mass mrotr the drug companies will be prosecuted 6 held tonight to discuss tho quea-o- f under the adult delinquency . law for lowering tha water In ' Utah aalllag liquor to minors. the wport of tha Utah county Mm B. Milner, jw commissioner. BIG DAMAGES ASKED. Uie effeot that tbe water was .7 7 "My more than eight Inches above Salt Lake, April 37. Moroni Wag-ataf- f wlei,mfroml point It was tho filed suit In tha district court of those present that tha against th Utah Light A Railtoday tw ok toft nnlesa to recover damages In company way were taken to sum of $16,000 for personal inth that juries received in a colliilou. between "B . U.w,1,114 whlch w two earn on Ninth East atreet near iii!!"14 uEr beet were Tenth South on Feb. 35, 1906. PlainA waa committee aredi'r tiff waa conductor on the car and Ad WariiwV0. r,,t ae barrn collision oocurred he was when recb other thrownJhe ,nd a seat and received against wul,f In their ' wlleva tho preaent aoa- - peimanent Injuries. PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY. th committee will reomnw7.t!l!fin aTOMMMM 4 ilb W. FltxgerelJ, 37. A petition was Salt April Lake, tlau of'tfcf ,lle PV'euts organ lxa-U-d today filed In the federal court, askvarioua canal dompanlea, that. Frank H. Lelb b adjudged rt commla-- i ing trew Vs fn,lth- a bankrupt The paper 1a signed by Tlew of Inducing them n number of eastern publishing comu,' toward drawing panies, Including th Berlin Envelope tn Vm V! fn!n to ,,ke- - An Harper A Brothers, tha -Cenhave nil. tha company, D. Appleton A Co ivffe company, tury Had to thslr Mito Doable, Page A Co., Frederick J. altoattoa la A Co., and others Brahe A Co., ulfeota many prep-- and seta aut Unger awnTrl. that Mr. Lelb. who had two plaoes of business on Main street below Third Smith, made an assignUlOHBORg QUARREL. ment on Merab S3, 1967, to tho Utah Association of Credit Men. Tho nofsw'ad?r ,kP,1J ST Jtoto DlehTa tion was not approved by the petition-era-, la and they request that LMb be 5 toagaa stood declared an Involuntary bankrupt .Aftcrnpon Frederick Rumbaoiu Lelb waa a dealer In postal cards, bUrgM ,,7 t a14 tottery oa souvenirs, curios, etc, and had a store Bathijfe pl,mu,t wm ? court bAAvd In po- - on either aide of tha atiyet ' arose from an .? U tofeif,1,Ph 4,reito la the great BOY LOSES RIGHT ARM. Breexf, S!aKuJfl,burb0of d Logan, Cache Co, April 26. The son of John Buckley of Fnnk-Ut0 tbo court with an accident on Tuesday met jjj b ni.i?'4..11'1 on tho by which he lost hla right arm. The tork Which ho wna accident oocurred at tha woolen fac5 la ,ni gallon dltah. tory. The boy thoughtlessly put hla Ut b side . an1a,,5bi propertloo hand Into a machine they call the - Folllo woel picker," and before the machln- object- - & threatened to undermine my health and strength. Lustily fur me, I tried Paro-nathe suggestion of my friends before it waa too late, , I found In a few day tins that I did not have the usual alck teedacta, neither did food nauseate mo nay longer. In two weeks' time Pernnn had aomptetely rid aty ayatem at the polaom mad Me, and 1 was la n mooh better eoodliion. My akin assumed Its normal color, I had a splendid appetite, nnd I was la every way Improved is neolth. I need Perana for a month longer, nnd it wrought a wondrous change In my entire systenb 1 consider it a moat wonderful medk lot " at pram-ked,tadaeo- ra. Catarrh aod Stomach T rankle. Mrs. T. Freeh, R. R. No. 1, Hickory Point, Tsnn writes: I am happy to tell you that I an eurrd of catarrh. I have followed your good and kind advice faithfully. I blaaa tha day when I wrote you of my condition, nnd I will always praise Feruna. I think It la ona of 'the grandest mediclaaa oa earth. Having been afflicted with cafarb tad aojnsch froohfa for sows years and after having triad four different doctor they only relieved me for a little while. I gave np all hop of being eared. I only weighed U0 pounds, and waa ao week I oonld hardly get around tha room. I waa ladnred to try Parana, sad to my great surprise I am bow tatinff well. My weight la now M pounds, my health never waa better in my Uto. I shall always praise Dr. Hartman and hla remedies." Thousands of families have learned tha use of Pernaa and its raise la the treatment of catarrhal ailments. lt and bin persistency In de-- v eloping the Mason valley group from a prospect to a mine of large caliber. Whm sera by The Tribune yesterday Mr. Guna was not Inclined to be very to a Sprlag Tanlc. lflaa Lui-- Ingram, fill EUla Augusta, Ga writes: I hive ussd your Feruua as s tonle Fo-ra-- Tired, MantOul Mathers. Mia. Lydia H. Jossalyn, Ml Westminster R, Providence, B. In Is Treasurer of the Editors Ioagu of Rhode Island, chartered In Providence. Sh writes : My ezprrienM with Peruaa has been most gratifying. Inst winter I eon tr acted a sever cold, and for several day I eomgbedmatn my take tolled m. When other remedies did me no good, I decided to try Pernnn, and within four days tho cold waa broken up, and th cough abated. Within another week aa inereaae la ly Banal strength and rltoUty told me that Permut wee doing eflttotit I alsoeonaidertt very sn moriMra, and pertor for tired, wwa-o- uf have advised several to try It, and have seen mast gratifying results from Ha use 1 give It highest praise." Bowel Trouble. Mrs. Maggie Purbta, UU North BL, little Rock, Ark., writes : I waa troubled for- - five years with a chronic disease. I tried everything I heard of, but nothing did mo any good. Born doctors said my trouble was catarrh of the bowelt, and amne said con sumption ot th bowels. Ona doctor said ha could euro me. I took hla medicine two montha. But it did me no good. A friend of mine advised m to try Peruna and I did so. After 1 had taken two bottles I found It was helping me, so I continued Ua tot, and It has eared me attend tad wall 1 sen recommend Peruaa to say sue, and it any one wants to know what Peruna did far me If they will writs to me I will answer promptly." Parana te a household remedy of great merit, and I unefttl la a great many dimstie all meats, such aa coughs, eolda, ore throat, bronchitis end catarrhal n cry could be stopped the arm waa simply ground off half way between the elbow and! shoulder. Dr. Slater wan called and found It necessary to amputate the member tw oinchea below the shoulder. The little fellow stood tbe ordeal remarkably well, and la getting along ns well ns ha possibly could. NEW DISTRICT OPENS. 26. Wonder, Nev., April Following the news of senaatlunal strikes in the the Wonder dissouthwestern part of trict, on the Golden, Rich Gulch and Colors (be, cornea the announcement that still further aoutffwest, fully two mile south, qf. the Colorado, and Rich Gulch groups. In the sixmo rang of hills, shipping ora has been opened np on tbe Black Rock group. Samples taken give assays of from $9 to $800 In silver and gold. Much Importance attach ea to this discovery. High grade ere was originally opened up here fa the Jackpot and the Nevada Wonder. Then came the great strike on the Spider and Wasp. The Spider end Wasp la fully five miles northwest of the Nevada Wonder. A mining' precedent waa broken there.. .Usually the .activities of a young camp are confined to properties In th immediate vicinity of the district's flrst-borA few mnoth a thereafter shipping ora was opened up on the Bllly-t- h Kid (Rnby), nearly two miles south of tho Spider and Wasp and three miles west of tha Nevada Wonder. Then followed In quick succession eniatlona strikes on the Colorado, Rich Gulch and Golden Wonder that adjoins each other a mile to the south and fully three of the miles to the went of the Nevada WonBlack Rock group, being der. Th a good two miles south of tbe Rich Gillch, proves up the western part of tbe Wonder district for five miles north and south. The ro stern section of the Wonder district te proved for two miles. What 1a happening la not the result of chance. Geologists who visited this dlatrict early declared that the mala mineral bait lay to the vrert, that Its trend was north and south, and that It was a part of th same mineral belt aa Fxlrrlrw, 16 miles to tbe south. Tha next map of Wonder will show the western section to be the one at the camp, and tha ground occupied by the Colorado, Rich Gulcb and Wonder to be squarely In tha district's center. The Black Rock occupies th same relative position an the south of these three noted properties as does the Spider and Wasp oa th north. Bllly-the-Kl- d, . ROB THREE STORES. Salt Lake, April 17. Burglar near carrying off the town of Murray early Friday morntag, and all day yesterday Marshal Mike Mauas wea busily engaged vanning flow else In an effort to locate tbe criminals. Three place were broken Into, one met market and two saloons, and the burglars carried away about $109 la cub nnd about tho same amount of money In goods. The meat market of Lawrence Williams was broken Into and the cash register broken open. Twenty-fiv- e oenta In cub wu taken, a gold ring valued at $20, and a quantity of groceries. Tbe burglar threw groceries and odd articles around the store sad acted Indiscriminately, like drduken men. In Bert Linton's saloon $4$ la cub was taken, besides a shotgun and about a doaea bottles of liquor. Nelson Neloon's bsIm was entered. (6 waa taken from the cash register, $50 from the slo jnsrhtna, which was broken open, a shotgun and several bottles of liquor. . None of the places waa broken Into, and It te believed that the burglars ant ployed skeleton key In effecting an entrance into each plaea. From the appearance of Williams grocery store, R 1a believed that It waa the last place visited and that tha burglars were pretty well Intoxicated when they began ransacking the establishment. The groceries carried off were selected from nearly every line of stock. The burglars were not particular la tha brand of boos they daoamped .with, but apparently took a spattering of each, kind of firewater aa they cam to It. Up to a late hour Friday night no arrests had been mads. - . IMPORTANT CASES IN FEDERAL COURT - Salt Lake, April 27. In the federal court the trial of the case of Gowk E. Chandler et aL, against the Utah Copper company waa commenced FriTha action te day before a Jury. brought to recover $6,066 damages whloh plaintiffs allege they have sustained oa account of the overflow of tailings from tha defendant's mill, oa their tend which, It is claimed, has ruined the land and destroyed their fruit trees. The trial was not completed at tin of adjournment, and will be resumed Mood ay morning. At tho convening of court this morning Edward R. Payne will plead to tho Indlotment recently found against him charging him with violation of tho postal and Interstate oommeree laws. Ernest Fulmer, with several aliases, will also plead at tha asms time to the Indictment found against him charging him with forgery nnd passing a forged money order. It la under stood that the yooag man Intended ta plead guilty to both Indictments. ODD WEDDING TRIP. Tw Thousand Milas n Horseback for a Honeymoon. New York, April 37 Quincy Scott, a young newspaper Illustrator and cartoonist, and bla bride expect soon to begin am odd wdldlng trip. Next wash they wUl start oa n horseback rid from BL PxuL Mlam, to Beattie, Wash., a distance of about 3,009 miles. They expect to cover this dlstanoe following tbo Us of the Northern Pacific road. In about 100 days, or ot tho rat of a boat 30 miles a day. They wlR leave Naw Tork for BL Paal next Monday and expect to begin thatr rids on Wednesday. Mrs. Boot! before bar marriage was MIm Ella 1 Allan of Seattle. VOLOANOEB IN ESUFTtON. . many of tbo visitors to tha Imperial Council of the Mystic Shriaa to oouie again, oud oom to stay. Many of tbe Shrinera' specials, bearing delegations from nearly all th large cities in the United States, will arrive Sunday, May 5th. Delegate! who will travel pa regular trains have been asked to notify the committee of their arrival At tbe stations a continuous reception of visitors who have arrived at tbe oasis after the long Journey across th desert wHl be la progresa For th Shrinera composing tbe reception committees and tha three patrols aaslgaed to saonrt duty, the day will be a strenuous one. The Arab patrol and the Bedouin patrol of Al Malaikab Temple sad Islam patrol of Ban Francisco will maks forced march upon th arrival of each special. Without loss of time or Inoou veuleace, tbo delegates will be escorted, to tbair hotels, there to establish headquarters and obtain n needed rest In preparation for the week of festivity. Special can will lie provided for ladle and children, nnd to prevent delay In the delivery of baggage each car will ba unloaded Immediately upon arrival, deliveries being made by means.of long rows of waiting wagons. Tbe first regular event on the long Bhrlner program will be tbe Insugur-atio- n of the week with religious sew vices, held at Christ church, on Sunday evening. The Rev. Baker P. Lee, a member of AI Malalkah Temple, will (ifldata and nil visiting Shrinera have been Invited to attend. VERDICT OP ACQUITTAL, Chicago, April 27. A dispatch from Benton, Ills., says: The Jury yesterday returned a vew diet of .acquittal In tbe care of th people against tbe Zeigler Coal company, charged with employing min examiners without certificates of competency. The case grew out of th explosion In the Zeigler mines two years ago. Tha nation of Joseph Loiter, for .a aew trial In the oas at similar character. In which he was convicted in February, was yesterday overruled sad (he case taken to the appellate court on appeal. This la tha lsat of the prosecutions Instituted against Mr. Lei ter and his company as n result of the explosion. WOMAN AND CHILDREN INJURED. Rock Island, 111,, April 37. Nine wv mea and three children were Injured, one woman seriously, In the collapse of a aldewalk at the opening of n ten-oestore hers today. GOVERNMENT DEFRAUDED. Rig Builders f Warships Who Hava Used Putty Instead of Rivets. Boston, April 37. Congressman Geo. Lima Peru. April 37. News la received from Feurto Mnnt, a seaport Waldo, of New York, the principal la the extrema south of Chite, that speaker at a mass meeting held lart the volcanoes of Oxlbooo and Huqus evening In Fhneull Hall, under tbe ausar in a state of enptloa. pices of th National League of Employes of navy yards, aeserted that BHRINERS IN LOB ANGELES.. warships built under contract by private concern contain serious defects. Thay Will OatMr 20.000 Strong the He said: ' Coming Wsak. "Warships built under oon tract by private concerns, almost immediately Lo Angeles, April 37. In n single after their completion sent tti tbe day next month Los Angels will gala Brooklyn navy yard tor repairs, hav upward of 30,600 people in population. been found to have rivet boles plugThat the increase wUl be too marvel- ged with wood, putty and soap. In ously sudden to be permanent la other instances I know of several readily admitted, bat the ensuing hundred rivets, supposed to have bean weak, devoted to a leuad of festivity, put Into a warship ballt by contracueh as soothers California baa never tors whoM workmen filled the rivet before seen, will undoubtedly iaduoe botes wllli putty and 004." . From darkness into daylight turn, And air. instead of money burn. I Look for the Big Light BMMKEMBBMEHRBMHMMfflMfflMKaBBa Ogden Hydro Carbon Light and Heating Company 2246 Washington Avenue $1 . 00 For John Swenson We collected this amount for Mr. John Swenson of Not 44 FrankHn avenue, Salt Lake City, from a claim 13 years old. Just Ilk Hading it. We will collect some for you If you tarn la your claims. yf. Merchants Protective Association Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts Franala Fifth Floor Commercial Blk., gait Lake City, Utah. Some People Don't Lika Us." Luke, General Mgr. a The Electric Flatiron makes it possible to do an Iron lag in from time than In any other aay. to ou one-thir-d THE OLD WAY ban - In tiling the okl method tha Iren had t he heated on the kitchen stove, sad tbe trotting board waa located as far from tha store as possible often in another room. It was accessary to make a trip to and from tho store each time tha Iron was ohaegod. It took considerable time Jo heat the Iron at starting and ft waa aaeaa-sar- y often to wait while the Irons were heating again. CouldaraMa time waa lost la donning tha Iron, aa referred to In oar praelaua talk. THE NEW WAT The deotric flatiroa ia heated by the electric cnrraat right at the plare where It Is used. It beats np In three minatea and stays hot as long as. the current is left on. No cleaning Is necessary. It THE SAVING Is easy, to sea the great. saving In time effected by tbe ns of tbe electric flatiron. In rase tbs Ironing Is done by hired help, this economy will often more than pay for the current used. And see . how much botheration nnd trou Me Is saved. Watch' for our SPECIAL ELECTRIC FLATIRON OFFER. Utah Light anti Railway Goa fflagnBHBBBnBBnEaau |