OCR Text |
Show AUEnBACIPS-COLUM- l: eliasoh, o: N. THE CEHCAGO, BED CM Practical Walcl & Mater, JEWELER. ETC., to or - Inform his friend that be bar to BEGS Tiro Door north ef tXeDescrtl Katirmal Bank, FOREIGN and EOIIESTIO rerealee, GlatkMU, r - ' Chicago.': TMmlru'tarTynath land Letter MaU. mahina rlfjw and reliable through connections Over- at trains arrirlnr from the West bv at with all Fast Express Trains, EastKorth GEail.TAYLOF, and 8outb. F. ARMSTBOya . f4erca arid- Des Moines, Rock Island ' tad Lumber, Shingles,'': ebalra Tbe most elegantly furnished PAR-LO- B 8LXM.PIXQ CABS ever used on any railroad are now built, owned and run by hia Company betwtea g ? OMAHAiatdCHIcXa6. Through Tickets to all Eastern Cities via 1W . this favorite route can be obtained at all ticket offices of the Union Pacific Railroad and Utah central. Bteure four TltHef read VIA ROCK A. M. SMITH Pascencer A rent, Chicago. GtneAl Hugh Rivvix, Gen'l 8up't, Chicaro. aix tm T SASH DOORS iSs WB all Kiirts or further notice trainsaswill leavj UNTIL arrive fellows: at Orden daily " RA-V- Plain and Checked JACONETS; Striped, Checked and Plain ' Jf"t ; 4 EM BROIDERIES, etc., etc. Dally Exprjis.". Mixed...... F rcir h t. . . . . tln.Z.'S.f. ...10:20- a.m. - ... 6:00 p.m. . 8:30 a.m. ARRIVE- - uUI not be Undtr$oti. 6: IS Dally Express Mixed.. SOUTH TEMPLE STRET rv naif umi rmi r dimm. SEILLES; , TARLETONS in all colors; TABLE LINEJJS; NAPKINS and DOYLIES, whhe and colored; Swiss and Jaconet f & PRAMFtS MOULDINGS NAINSOOKS; Ulahop and Victoria LAWNS; CAMBRICS, PIQUES and MAR- U. P. R. R. Everything In the Building Line. VHITE GOODS, p.m. 6:40 p. ni 2:15 pm. r'reighU Orden with at connections .n.. I made .... ia M Dally v l.W YTt.l. win-truua wun ueainii moms ni Lake Bait and atl points road for City uiu 1 al LIILLiriERY Marderer I'nebeil. BIempiiis, Tenn., a. S. M. colored, arrested here on Monday, for attempting an outrage on Miss VaughB, or Desoto County, Mlsa., and cutting the throat of hec brother, and leaving him for deady was taken from the officers yesterday morning, by a body of armed citizens, and hung.. His father, charged with being accessory to attempted murder, is in Uerando jaiL 25.000 Fire. New . Orleans, 6. The Lums cotton pickery was burned with contenu; also two tenement houses adjoining; loss $25,000. la j. Official Crwekednesa. the testimony before the conto-da- y, Late, r J DAVID ADj - , m rays a rcxt btock or& I. ITT 8BU Booey Cans a Specialty in their Season. street, Straw, Chip, Braid and Paris Cltjr Meat Market. 0plt m P.ajox,30. HATB AND BONNETS, Trimmed Un and trimmed; BONNET AND HAT SHAPES; French and American FLOWERS; ORNAMENTS in rear), Gilt, Bteel and Jet; TORQUOISE In Black and Colon; SATINS and CRAPES; Brussels and Chantilla NET; FEATHERS in Great Variety; a Complete Stock of RIBBONS; Guipure, Yak and Blonde LACES. - - d CAR LOAD CORT o illD MITELS GRATES Chicago to Baltimore MORRIS &: EYANS. " . IVASHINGTON d23 p.m XXivlBclCbuleac for desirable VT This route la especially them an opportubusiness men, as it gives . New nity to visit Pittsburg-- Philadelphia. York and Boston, the best markets In the Ask for Tickets Pittsburr.FortWayne all resruUrRailroad.s TJke be obtained atWesfc-at tbe Oonpaojr-- Office. Offices la the 4a, West Madison St. and a Draaot, corner Madison and Canal Streets, west Side, Chi Salt Lale Shop and Boy' Without Change ! CSfO. FBOPBIITORS otte licci west C1TV, DmUs sU OtlS OfJEIL & CO. , r waki mo; BUGKSnmilUG CLOTHING WESTERN. ;The StraUimere Snrvlvors. etc. San Fkancisco, C Silver T HAS ARRIVED AT UDJET, KISSES' AID CHILDROTC TJm' FROM Aim : SHOES him. These charge him with un lawfully and designedly permitting Faniman and rtusn to remove Bpirits WAYIMfC gauger.and with conspiracy as a More Stills Captured. ST. IOUis, 6. CoL Meyer, inter Pennsylvania Railroad; nal revenue supervisor, reports tbe '. ran the Celebrated in Bol capture of important stills south-easter- n other and linger, PDLLHAN PALACE CABS counties in Miseouri. TON O X Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. KeCUIXOTJGH, J.N. ' General Manager. TXT. MUSICAL TIMES ! This mnaicaf monthly will be issued on the 15th of each montb,aod will be devoted to music, art and literature It will con- tain fourteen page of reading matter andti two pages of new jnusJo, original and . wtt h onran aoeomnaniment, adapt ed to adranoed and juvenile choirs, and to the bom circle. Fine and Carefully ; Selected Stock, se-u.- Wl OTTO of the Urn number; Poetry; Biocrapta-icsketch of Ludwir Von Beethoven. Frauds In the Piano Trade. Bogus PWnoa la Utah. PurohaMrs bwae. Hnlv-e-d States Puum Cos Pianos for 2.oa Musio Trade Bevtew on Bogus Pianos. Mile. Butow in Tlet leas and Hans Oudio. - Wr .Von Vlchael Carta's the fastera tat DraOratorio of "Kit" RatoHal Notes. Inmatic Notes. Musical Notes. Musical tes. struments Biported from the UtUted Ker4ew of Mimical Home Oorrespondenoe Pub loattoos. Mua8ahjta"twProf. M World George Careless: "This - - Full of by Prof. Careteas. Beauty.' a Ooe dollar per annum or ten oents the country taken lnjrle copy. Products inSend this delivered city. at cash prices, for sample oopy. T.v'i al aT"(JREaTLY REDUCED PRICES 8al-utato- ty. OF ALL KIND8. rn GOODS FURniSHUlG Painting: Carriage AW THIBJUSU Mmtr isxiy is Complete. Omr Stofk Horse-Shoei- The latest St lea of HATS In every variety of Shapes and Shades. j ; Men' A Boys' BOOTS A SHOES, In different grades, at Bottom 1 Figures. We carry a Full Btock of NOTIONS,. CUTLERY, SOAPS, HAIR OILS, PERFUMERIES, Etc., etc., etc !. - -r Editors and Publisher.- - a Specialty. nc of PRINTING executed in the Highest Style of the Art, at Bed'Rock'.rrjc'es', at the Deseret News Qfflc6. ;V' INT ES ""BOvOJ3L: All kinds 11!, Wholesale or Retail n so U :i i I souk or Call and Prica Oar Goods before Purchasing Else- t . 4 .if i "'- - PALESTIHE TOMISTS !A Comprising a collection of leUars written by ; Witch, wfll receive Prompt Attention. V- - " ti ' whtle Geo A fimlib. and raembert r traveling in Bnrope, Asia and Africa t i A 3 2 187??y T A II J0 4 - . " - . r, 4 IWCnsic, wtoli-Randol- ph -- not in stock. Sheet Music pent to all parts of the Territories at Publisher's prices. .FiT' THE MUSICAL DESERET 44 2d 3d a 44 44 44 44 44 Bishop. BOOKS U 0RTI1 REiDIMi. Book of Mormon. A. NICHOLS, Presiding Bishop. Portare, O. C Hoskloe. Box Ridercv, Vtm ,, Deweyville, J. C Bvwcy, Calls Kort, Thomas Hasper, . Wm. RiFer Bear City, Neely, ,, Mantua, H. P. Jensen, " Brigham City, A ivin Nichols, ffctO. 1st Ward, Ogtien. F. A. Brown. 4' ltobert McQuarrie. 44 Joseph Parry. North Ogden, U H Wheelock, Plain City, L. W. Shurtliff. Mound Fort, David Moore. Lynne, Daniel Thomas. Slatervllle, John Allred. Harrisvilie, David Kawson. 2d 31 v Morocco, l.V. Stiff Paper Covers, ROBF.UT t 1 Moroooo Cllt, Cmbossod, Morocco, Embossed;w h rtx. ritth! . Me l v - vr- - . t S3.00 i 5 tj.oo 50 Paper Covers, cents. 85 Rocky Mountain Pills oenU. A VALUABLE MEDICINE, A From Xew and Rare Medio ual Plants recently discovered In the Rocky Divine Authority. Paper, cents. 10 Monntatna J rUREL Y VEGETABLE. Key to the Science of Theolog Cloth Embossed, 1.3. Im. Morocco, 1.50 rears of earnest botanical FIFTEEN amonsr these mountains and in the discovery, not Stiff Paper Covers, 25 cts. C.'oth, CO cents. valleysof have resulted only many new Varieties of plants, but. Catechism for Children. Pratt's 0. Enterprise, Jesse Haven. SMITH, Presiding Bishop. Milton. Jens Hansen. ' Littleton, J.H.Giles. Kichrilte, G las pie WalUron. . Kast Portervilie, Alma Porter. West Portervilie, Thomas Brough. South Morgan, Richard Pry. North Morgan, Charles Turner. Croyden, George Knight. BIWKW, i.fulironmedicinal Work?. naif Calf, 1.50 Answers to Questions, Revelation ' on Celestial Marriage'; aememem oj sail iaxk Valleyi etc. Stiff Paper Covers, 50 Half Calf, L50. Le Liyre De dormon Paper Covers, LOO. WM. W. CIjUITF presides over Hiss Snow's Pdenu. Morgan County and the abovo five Wards in Summit Co. Cloth, 1,00, Cloth Ollt, 1.26. Calf Oilt ,2.00 2.00 - Bn WUUUV. wji DIS- - COLD8, UBINARY AND BTIDNBT DIARRHQ&A, tn MUMPS, for PuRirvmo Blood, and for many other diseases, and all case of BILIOUSNESS and DISORDERED STOMACH. On orders acoomnanled bv the eaah or I will send 25safely by mail, postal order, Pills for cents; 1 doseo postpaid, 1 box boxes, t&50; 1 cross boxes, $34.00, j. . joruisoji. MBABLB3, Journal of Discourses, Vol. II, SUMMIT COUNTY. Hennef ervllla, Chaa. Bichens. Echo, Ellac Asper. Ocalvllle, W. w. CltHT. TTnlonvilia, Alonxo WlaUn. Upton, Joseph Huff, sen. vuuuou curative properties. By continued experiment thev virtue have become known and thus from extracts of these newly discovered plants are these pills . compounded . will cure very If properly used, they iany diseases, pains and ache, and are more especially valuable in DYSPEPSIA, UVEH COMPLAXNTa, INDIGESTION, J A UN DICK, and all cases of FEVKitS, HKARTBUIiN, cents. BS. d39 Oeorce.Vtab. - SAMUEL P. AT WOOD, Presld- Discussion - Does the Bible ing Bishop. Jared C Boundy. Wanship, Sanction Polygamy ? Bdwin With Three Discourses en Celestial Marriage. Paper Covers, TOOELE COUNTY. JOHN ROWBERRYi -- . i -. . , -- : ? r- . i ! JOOVi i . Tablet MRiTT. . ! . 1 1 cm-bryo- tic " yi 4 I a -. nts-- llS.iW.-g- ,- Harp of Zion f Cloth, - Cloth Gilt, 1.25. LOO. milennial Star, ' Half Calf, Vol. XI 1.60. ol' Utah Affairs. 25 Paper Coven, - cents. M. The Resurrection, President BrigJtam xoung. ' ' ' Price, 10 cents. Trozos Selectos Del Litro De Hormon, Selections from the Book of Mormon tit the Spanish Language. Paper Covers, SO (OTTIOIAL.) cents. Auir tfi ebsve Vrh maiUd on retelft Published and for sale, at the Deeeret News Steam Printing and Publishing Office, Salt Lake City . Utah, - -- irriTals and Departarea of Xails. ABarvAia. T40-nThroush mail, daUy Local Ogden, Echo City, Wasatch and Morgan Countop to ty, daily Summit and Wasatch counties, Tuesday and Thursday, T40 pm, Alt, Tuesday, Taursday and sVist . - From In PROFIT vestment of 01250 Ou of our ouMomera Durehased a ' Sa.turdar... ........ ma daily.;..... lo .":-,- Wtt .. Throoa--h H Vi p u) a Looal Weet Jordan au4 Hr shares of N. r. Central, tbe spread on 100 oau W m at nib, dotuut iui anares put at too, im rlaian, Thursday ... ... arainst the put at 107, which wete sokLat exTooele CltyVdalr, Ophlr, 100 same other the tbe Ui. Selllns at prioe ...8 W'ji m Drofit of 11.2&0. shares called at 10S. nettiiur cept Sunday... .... This operation can be repeated every month 8 oupm Orantsvllle, Saturday. nun-b-St tne year. Ten, twenty, arty, one Bingham, daily, except 8ub. or one thoiMsnd dollars will pay as .......... ....7 10 p well for amount lavested. Gold, stocks, day.... otton and tobacco booxht and so Id on com- Oregon and missioa. Adranees on onnsuinmenta. Send SortH Idaho, Montana, a Washington Ter. daily ...v-ft- . for- prjcp ttepi and circulars. CO-Local Davis and Bex CHARLES BMEDLKY .., Banker dt Brokers, 40 Broad St, villi's counties, daJlyV... near Gold and Stock Ex- county 1 Thursday sod York. p.OBoxl7T4 changes. New . 10 U m Saturday. Bioh eounty, I Monday aod ......T 46 p 01 Thursday T 10 p n. South To Pfoohe, daily St. Oeorsa and, Ariaona. 10 p si ....-- . and Sevier counties, 7 10 p m Sanpete ev$rttocnty, vej Sunday '. ; ralrfleld and Cedar, TaUey, ..... ...i.7l0pm days.-- .. One copy, one year, with Portare,.. ..$101 alternate ' " ..... k f " straaontta, OXOSTSJO. j j l,?.f mthree months, , - man,' daily..'........ t en, Morran emn- tj', Bho City and WasaWh, .. ed T Bir , THE EVENING NEWS. ' f V, . tost'-Throu-gh - Locar-Offfi- - ' daily.... CnMl-VCCKU- Y. a) K ! DESERET NEWS .Uj :.r AVCCItLY- . Qt s b Summit and Wasatch ooon- -, ' tlostoaday and Wednesday , 09 Alta, stondar, 'Wednesday and rrUay ...... st California, Nevada and Og- -' den, (through mall) dally ..l au p n ' Local West Jordan andHer-rlma-n, t 530a a: Thursday. and Stockton Toocloj Ophlr, -- PubUMhedsven Tuesday and Sattirdav. Oae copy, one year, with Postar....t4-- t J THE DESERET NEVS: gund&y... ...,T.......r; 9j Buigfaam, dally, except eujjr 2k' 1 ' : " Am-- v ' a u. Montana, Wvajp,tK , , and Oregoo, daily im ), m . Local Davis aad - Weber Si ...;...too p m v eooatles, daQy.. Box Xktor county, daily. ... .1 90 tu ' i , Cache county. Sunday, Tue day and Thursday.......... 120 ra Rich eounty, Tuesday and Thursday, via Evans ton..... 1 03 s n and gout Ploche,sto.a!ly..... ........ ) a m St. Qeorge and Arisoaa, aU . rortv-Liah- o, One copy, one year, with CP r, l .ntazee Btonurs, i ' .. . . ,r . m ABTANCK. TXBMS . Pota-V....I- 3. 1 1 , . aJWICE Comer of South C"Eaa. Temple SUteis.. , . 1 we Je rrlaUns " QX3c has srrperior xaoOlties for the xeon- - m tioa 6t H Hndi o( Book and Job Prlnttaf. : The 7 hC3l'l I '- - ilt "A i : 1 DAVID , tti ! hi daXDEliV 'xaaor and PuLIidwn i ' t am Sanpete Thursday.... ..430 i county, Tuesday and Sunday, Fairfield and Cedar Valley, " WMnesday........ ...... ...sMam - " oryica Moph Genera dsirrsryopea fsom limttlpwf fanday, 833 to 193pm. . Money. Ordsr and Eegistry Department -V ' from 9 a m to 4 P nx. ' Outside i a from mtetpss door open . u 30 temate days........ ' "- , TTT 4 iS0idi9unrKrrtstsfi, 2 CO A Discourse by it -- f - Paper, IS conn?. SQ, U ARE UPRIGHT J 60 Plural narrlage. Presiding ! ux j BryanU Rockport, Peoa. Abraham Marohant. Morell, John K. Lemon. Kamas, W. Harder. Parley a Park, Bphralm Saydei PARLOR "'-- I z.. Morocco, " r, o CAMPBELL, Ciy Recorder. lm d2S5 The dormon Question. VOKQAN COUNTY. e Calf. PRICI1S. .scfct Calf, 83 S3 23; Clotli, 1 75. The Government of God. '.S. PETERSON, Pieslding Bishop Mountain Green, Ell Ppauldlng. Weoer City, C 8. Peterson. Blacksmithihg in all its branches. Carri- age Painting and Trimming done in I in. Evening News. SOt - Cloth Embossed, 1.25. Mamat, John Halverston. West Weber, John I. Hart. Kast Weber, V Spnulding. South Weber, D. Cook. River Dale, Hauford Bingban Eden, Joseph Fcrrin. Huntsville, F. A. Hammond. Hooperviilo, Gilbert Bolnar- - W. G. Deser- Spencer's Letters. . DAVI3 COUNTY Kaytrvllle, Christopher Laytoo Karminrton, John W. Hees. Ontreviile. Wm. K. Smith iK'Untirul, Anson Call. in-in- and Legul Fraternity throughout the Territory, and can be purchased at- the uit ee of Imj of Warning. LCO., COPIES nave been issued, for sale, to City Officers tho Press.) Roan, 1.13. , Morocco Oilt, 3.0 Cloth Embossed, Uevi.d Etlitiou of the Ordinances of .Salt Luke City Corporation. A FEW EXTRA Hymn Book. The-Voi- ce WEBEE COUNTY, UTAH. A ceo Cilt More (Tn the Wilianl City, O. w. Ward. LORIN FARIt, Presiding Bishop. Just Published, cxla, $4.ro Doctrine and Covenants Roan, J. LYNN, Supt. S. room Panacea, Lake Syphas OMaty , 14 - 44 of Depot. 1H3 LINCOLN COUNTY, NEVADA. Clover L L Wood, 4 44 44 Pipes. and Yard, Half Block South OCjcc Malad dty,D&nlelDanlels,Onc!(Uoo.,Irtah Samaria, Samuel Williams, ., ,, Cherry Creek, J. D. Jones, y !fl97 44 44 44 44 44 " DANIEL DANIELS, Presiding From the Farm Wagon to carriage. Quality of ivork and material guaranteed. 91 g Cars built on slio'rt notice. Repairing done in .a UIUUUCA 44 44 44 44 44 14 Henry Ballara, 44 Kobert Daridson, 4th 41 Thomas H. Smith, ' Win. Hyde, 5th ProvkUnce, M. IX Hammond,' BlUlville, O. Pitkin, Hyrum, O. N. LiUenqnist, Paradise, Henry C. Jackson, WelteTille, John Jardiue, Mendon, Henry Hushes, AND r X77"v-toi- Washington, J. W. Freeman. 3t. George, D. D. McArthur. Santa Clara, Edward Bunker. Pine Valley, Wm. Snow. Pinto, Richard Robinson. Hebron, O. H. Crosby. 44 t style second to none. Prices .reasonable. 44 44 Hyde Park, Robt Daynes, 44 Lojran, W. B. Preston, 1st Ward, M. Lewis, " B. Lofran, 44 "WOOD PUMPS WASniNQTON COCNTY Leeds. Solomon Anrell Harrtsbarg, Willis D Fuller, 4 44 . Kanab, L John Nuttall. Johnsonla, Sextus E Johnson, Parta, A 9 Smithson Franklin, Lafayette Hatch, Wee ton, Alexander Alien, - 44 44 Mound Valley, Kob't Williams 44 Simon eiartoton, Smith, Cache co., Utah. Newton, w.F. Little wood. Lewlston, W. H. Lewis, " Richmond, M. W. laerriU, ' 8mithfleld, Samuel UoskeilT, . Publications HUpCsTAUAT a N. Smith. Roekville. Long Valley, Howard O 8pencor James Glendale, Leathead, Mt Oarmel, Israel Hoyt. Bishop. Soda Sprlnrs, Joseph O Oneida 44co., Idaho. 44 Oxford, Oeorg D. Black, 44 44 Clifton. Harvey Dixon, 44 44 . " - 3 H U I '" OO, EAST TEUPLE . ;ST - it New GRAND ; ; - . -- Is for sale at the DesereVNewa OELcpt JT1trt'BopSSloeT"od at the office of Professor Thomas. Cast Temple Hate,' at t tht following F. AuEDDIC Bavr, Joan R. Murdock. MinersTille, James McKnight. r - . ?' lfesIdcnC . 4 CAII, OB AJXD2XS3 JOHN B. MURDO CK, Presiding EIOULDINGS, ETC., ETC Bishop. IBX)N COUNTY. ! SOLICITED ORDERS BEATER COUNTY. - Bishop. When to Cut Grass. Clover, etc E. T. City, W. F. Moss. for Hay. Pine Kanyon , Moses Martin. Tooele City, John Rowberry.; Grantsrille, William Jeffrier. A correspondent ef the Ohio St. Johns. G. W. Bur ridge. PARLOR James Jordan. Farmer says . Centrevllle, BennJon. Vernon, Hyrum several ar I have lately observed Seep Creek, Edwin Tadiook. Skull Valley, B. F. Knowlton. tides on the best time to cut clever for forage purposes; some giving a J certain day xf the month as the WASATCP COUNTY. result of their ex periencev Moet ef ABRAHAM HATCH, Presiding these artloles are opinions, as the .ttisnop. PARLOR result of observations and experi Heber City , Abraham Hatch. ence. But 1 have not seen any Midway. Henry 8. Alezander based on ehemico vegetable reasons vnarieston, jooa wamne. on which can Walls burgh, Wm. .Nuttall. the true basis' l rest with safety-alagricultural operations. SALT LAKH COUNTY. ' ; JUST RECEIVED 1st Ward, 8. L. City, Jos. Warbortoa. pe Air valuableIn plants used as Sd ,, James Leach. 'contain a state of solution Assortment of Flrst-Cl-as 8d n Jacob Waller. in their sap certain' nutritious bud- - Finest 4th ',, Harrison Sperry. 6th 4 6th, W. H. Hickenloopeiv stances which are very desirable to PIANOS ever brought to this Wm. Thorn. 1th retain In tbe hay after grazing on E P. Sheets. r 8th, tbe acqueous solvent. This evapor country. For sale at Reaaonable 8. A. WooUey. th m A Bpeirs, ana n 10th ation is called curing, prop on most easy ' and Alex. McRae. 11th,, Prices) an tne nutritious dene retains erly 13th L. V Hardy. elements and removes the water; K. D. Wooller, lath Thomas Taylor. Hth while the amount of these substan- MONTHLY IKST1LHBNTS l&th R. T. Burton. ces retained, the nutritious matters, 16th Frederick Kesler. n fodof value real tne the constitute 17th ,, Johti Henry Smith. 18th ,, L.D. Young. der. A. H. Raleigh. lth CARLESS. Seeing this is the state of things, CALPER Snth .. John 8 harp. t ' to cut best these time the then, ugar House wara, w. a a. smook i at is H. the a time uaieigb. rlghtoa, plants undoubtedly Big Cottonwood Wm O Young, that thsy contain these substances Mill Miller. Reuben Creek, In the greatest abundance, wholly MONEY TO LOAN ! South Cottonwood, J. & Rawlins. West Jordan, Archibald Gardner, regardless 6t the day of either tbe O N EA S Y TEE MS, South Willow Creek, L M. Stewart. month othe week. "It is a well an allencatt. laapreved hsrrswsrs, established fact in botany that the Tm real ky Stenxbl UTAH COUNTY.. saine plant contains, ' at different weatrskbfe. ir Srlsipsaa wlthu. 1. 1A. O. SMOOT, Presiding Bishop. stages of. Its growUi,diflerent quantities of sap, and of varied chemi- Imls C. B. POmEROT, Breker. . "trtovp. ?. :;a j . , 1b tiedbV srs; Store. cal qualities, and of course the nuh' P. R. Johns' in. First J. Ward, '1 : ,! Jliii.'J ii 'y' ' tritious matters obey the same uni ' Seeond Ward, James W. Loveless. ' versal law. - -- JA. JA Third Ward, Myron. Tanner, Fourth Ward, H H. ClulE. '. "l.. A law, too. of equal universality: . Lehl, Davtd Kvana. ' ' J plants grow as long as they live, Cook. , . Oedar Port, H. and during this period ef growth, Oarson. Falrfleld, Joan if healthy, there is a unlformlty'Jn DAVID EVAS,Preeiding Biahop their sap, both in quantity and LIFE AND; TRAVELS over the three last named places. quality,, but at diflerent periods arise great changes In both. Thus ' AmerleanFork, L. B. Harrington. ' ! ! when they begin to make preparaAlpine, TJ. MoCulleuga. , tions for froctiflcation, by the grad Lv E. HARRINaTON, Presiding ual formation of. floral e ayelope i for the protection of the delicate Bishop oyer the two last named ; desof a procreation.- thep organs places. s tined change ensues In the chemiJohn Brown iI I Pleasant Grove, ; cal constitution of the sap. - Booh Wm. Crlnghnrsb ' .. Bprtngville, 1 : after the seed has reached Its pan4aaFOTk,GeoI8iello' ! B. RebU Pavh Pood town, state the. flower not being Salem, aUas 4 J0 Payson, J.TB. Vanhen ' HalWbnr, '' . of any further use , to the plants Call GlliV I Oeorgs Ward, .Santtnvia Jr ,; tt.ee" loses its vitality, juad Horoee OlM, p J. BANNER is Presiding Bishop drops off. At this change the j over Payson and SalemT1 1 pndergoes another plant's 'sap,nutritious matters are A FEW, COPIES FOHjSftLE change. Its Oonen,Wm.Prloa. needed, and the whole energies of i the plant, and everything, avail.. 1 ' j .; , ' i' SAKPETB COU'Nlr - v AiiBiomoioris able in it, Is called Into requisition Joaaso.; rotmtarsan,"B.U towards the perfection f the seed, Moroni, G. W. Bradley. rililtl the chief object of its existence. So Tucker. Amasa Falrview, much so Is this action and its ener- DB8EEET EYEMG'ITEWB, i Mount Pleasant, W. S. fteley. . , , j Spring City, Frederick Olsea. gies required that in 'many plants j Pohralsa, Kanut etrsep. it is attained by complete exhaust U'BAJTX. LAK1S CITXT UWantU Jpto ft Malbap. tkm and death of the. whole plant Suiuuson, J. B. Horp 5 Fayette, Joan Barthotogtaw. ; 41U except its '.seed. '; This -is the case MaiUd on receiptor price. with all annuals, tin- herbaceous as la mostofour grasses, '.. JT7AB COUNTY ' Kreanials, plaoei .with ' every part JOEL GROVER,Preelding Bishop. bat that which remains under ? t on Mooa, Jotrn WwHaws.-- ? rewhich remains to there ground, alia Sen Creek, Joel orowr. Nepal, rest until," the follow cuperate by Levan, Slmer Taylor. -inir yearr ;'".;;T, II it Is desired te cut plants ' to !".:, 'SBVIER COUNTY. . ; secure", the largest per centage of ;THURBER :smdWc E. sap charged: with the greatest amount-o; SEEaMIlR.real4in nutritious, matters, 4hen near as cani they ought to be cut, asthe Sallnav FrankUn Bpenoerrri . 1 i J Is flower the. .time that at v, be, "luoaueiu, tx popsniuwir, i.4- -- t of the Monroe, TUsnnbeer:dropping" efT, Irrespective j annaneiie epemga, uwuaww,.. or dayjofthe.month the age of the A Msih. eaatee terns W a rare sign moon; then carefully removing the of a deranged stomach. It Is Nature's PrattvUle, Jos. L. Rogera,l vli J ... . 61enwood,.P. . Olroyed, . watery- part by drying, recollecting thermometer, showing bow the system Is In all such .cases reserf should that the contained nutritious mat- working. q ters are not volatile, but remain in be had at once to ... the hav. which, when thus cured. ft I TARRJIST'S SELTZER If ER'ESL THOMAS CALUSTER,PrpfcldiDS affbrda jWCeL; palatable, nutritious It wfll tmooat tbe tongue, by removing distnrto-ance.'. fodder. from the system the cause of the sores, as by a charm, aU who use These' principles ap $ly to all oaf Gad Pier,teis Joiden, pfrtia"r.5. forage plants cioTeriras.eio., Tllliaoi-irardrrtTyrused as hay. and are not , Rased pn s' I di sod - BLINDS, fun. juioen . vnm where t MIC SHEET PIANOS! . D00BS-WINDO- Paragoenah. 8. 8. Smith. Parowan. w. H. Dame. . BBimlt,S C Hulet ir, vnarieB wonmaon, ,. ! Ortdtl-ete"" W. H. DAME, Presiding Bishop Jensen, " iAfcertv, K. N. Austin, over tbe three last named places. BloominqUm, Oeorre Osmond, M We aro c6nstantly receiving SU GnorUst John A. Hunt, PSBgfjltoh, O. W. Sevy. Cedar City, Hoary Lunt. f?kt?,IraNebeker'Blr Lake,, co,UUh MjndowvQle, Jonah Tufta, KANE COUNTY. ' AS XT IS II V, Woodrvf, Henry Lee,Stewart, y. Kanarra, L.W.W.D.Bound Almy, Samuel Pike, Wyomin Territo y Harmony, H. Pace. ISSUED FROM THE PRESS, Kvanston, Wm. G. Burton. 44 Johnson. BeUevue, J. Toker, Wm A Bringhurst 9 Virgen, John Parker. WM. it. PRESTON, Presiding And dally order such pieces as are Duncan's Retreat, Moses Oibkoi speciality. .- to aaao, WILLIAM BUDGE Presiding , ,; Bishop. Horse Shoeing: a well-beiDg- BUYEBS will njn " "J Calder k Careless, hunter rresiding Bishop of the Church. MAT, ON MAIN 8TRBBT, ON lady's sold bracelet. The owner will find it at this office. dl61 Additional particulars by the steamer C'oftma, from the Sydney U Herald says the undermentioned survivors of the wreck of the Strath- more have com on en route to New Zealand: K. A. Wilson, W. T. Skid mere, Joseph Ward, George Ward, wm. Wilson, VVm. ltooke, Wm. Handling and J ames Wright. Having lostareeverything in the destitute. wreck, thev An American whaler haa reacued a gang of., prisoners from .Western Australia.' The colonial government steamer Georgette, employed In carrying malls to King ueorge's sonna, was armed and dispatched after tneves fod-tie- r, WHICH FOUND TTTB 22d OF t seL ' ! WS RATE A edward" an Alii ES, Meadow Creek, W.H. Stott. Oak Creek, P. A sevgressional committee eral witnesses testified to crookedor ness on the part of various officials. ; The chairman of the committee &. Oliver IHUon Co., 8. received the following dispatch Bralnard'a Sons, Scbermer, "Jacksonville, Florida, "June 6th, 1876. "Wicker, collector at Key West, Peters and others, always left for Washington to consult the ou Hand. President and Secretary in relation to his testimony, he has a private CALDER & CARELESS copy of bU report ageinst Casey; his official one was suppressed by Secretary Boutwell. VVicker has often threatened to publish his reJOH!C BUS, WAT.KKR, port. The department tremble to JOS. JOHN F. OBLAD. JOHN a. KNIGHT, make him produce the copy. . W. A. Pkrry." ,V.l '.'(Signed) Wicker arrived on Tuesday, he haa been subpoenaed by the committee, and will, probably testify 64 Wednesday. CARRIAGE VAGOli CO., Sheldon was called and examined relative to (SuecifBors to A. Hofpcr.) meeting Ueueral Porter, Babcock and Casey at Washington, to discuss the appointment of Billings, a SECOND SOUTH STREET, district judge. After the Senate One and a bait blocks East of Main. failed t to confirm Pardon, Casey was a supporter of tho latter, and a ALL KI1W3 OF proposition was made him Bil-to change his support and favor VEHICLES BUILT TO ORDER lings. Geo. E. Head, of the U. S. Army testified that Beelye offered him the office of major in a regiment, if he would use force for political purthe-famil- Southern Utah. At Bryan with stares for Sweetwater . Tailor I T t" ri r' IlllltWi At Cbeyende with TJenvef Paclflo road zii for Denver, Central City, Georgetown and all noints tn Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicaro and NorthwestHock Island and Pacific, Chiern, Cbicaro. cago. Bur Burton and Quincy, Burlington and Mo. River in Neb., Kansas City, BU Joe and Council Bluff raUroaas,aaa Mesouri era for. all points East Hirer line . . . 1. ol- Steals . ana.CIouum. jrtj TickeU for sale to all oolnts east at Bank' ing- Souse of MoComlck A Ce., Salt Lake Railroal Ticket City; also at Union Pacino office berths on Office in Ogden. at which Water and Oas, Steam Fitter, sleeping cars can ne sreurea. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, Respectfully announces to tbe public that Gen'l Ticket Agent, Omaha. bo will carry on the business ef tbe Ute o90 n. H. K, Gen'l gupt. firm of Mite bell James, and trusts, by strict attention to business, and small profits, to merit a continuance of the poses. Witness refused. so liberally bestowed upoa tbe Utepatronase firm. Pleads Guilty. A full line of Black and Galrantsd Iron to WlsMniton City. Pipe and Fittlnrs kept In stock. Hose Pipe ThronEh Cars Chicago, 6. In the U. S. Court. and fittings for same. Agnt for Rurascy's Alderman Hildreth withdrew his eelebrated Force and Uft Pumps. Pumps "iweai man rump iuuoi on nana. plea of not guilty, and pleaded rVBVACJB WORK HOOF1XG, guilty to the first and eleventh TUB counts of the Indictment against Galvanized Sheet Iron Comics Had to order In CI-4- is liost Night's Dispatches. or observation, experience which, PRESIDES 1 s 111 re iLHEES AID BM3FS laaeii suone, are neitner always liable nor safe guides in agricultur or ibe Oanir'n eXJesaa Ctirtst ef ' al operations, bat on .scientific principles, which, when perfectly tolrtr day applied, never mislead. . AMD is PKR WESXBM VSlOl TEL. LIKI. An-derB- on, f Central and Onion Pacific Bal lroads, and REMOVED Into.fiuff HAVINQ Baildlng'-we tare now prepared to furnish everything iu our line at the Lowest Rates and with dispatch. , Oimtliei, - 7. 187. A Pacific and'Atlantic, TbU i i its " With T. LATIMEB, GEO. ROMSEY, mats. the 02UV DRY GOODS, or Central Towa Short Line T'BB Givat Route with its connections East and West, U the Shortett, Qukictet and Btst Route Mwetn t tumm U Telegraph. By PACIFIC RAILROAD. STOCK cowBisniru ..1 r - Wednesday, BOCK ISLAND ."l mcittiw th int iMWw EVENING NEWS. RAILROADS. |