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Show """ mj, mmmmm "" B""""'"JW"' tjf hi Him mrmn:mi n lumnsmnM immmmmmmmtmrnmrnmmuma mmaumi mmtmmmamammmwmi jiinumm iwmi bh THE Page Four TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S Thursday, torses Arrange Food Show r uiwiiuu HliQi For Famous Infant i NEW York's YORK Flower-Fift- h Feature Huge Supply cf Samples To Lake -- "The event greatest Nurses et New oi me century . sampling Avenue hosThat's what the first annual In- - pound-and-a-ha- STETSON HAT at Salt livestock growers, the lamb pro IC ducers, tr.e turkey organization, the produce people, the bottlers, the M the prepared foods companies, poultry organizations and many other groups will have elaborate displays and nearly ail will be giving away samples of their food. according to officials. A small admission fee will be charged, but local grocers are distributing tickets at no cost to customers. In addition to the innumerable samples, hundreds of splendid prizes will be distributed and some wonderful entertainment will be; arranged, according to Sherman; P. Lloyd, executive secretary of the Retail Grocers Association and manager of the Food Show. The new Miss Utah will be official hostess at the show. pital recently gave a farewell termountain Food Rhnw nmmitec party for the most famous Infant to be, according to J. W. Zachri- in the nursery, Babette Hope Cal 6on. uresiaeni or tne liptai association, which is sponsor vert, who weighed a ing uie event. at birth. "It seems like evervonA will h After more than three months passing out samples at this show. in the hospital, Babette Hope went of new dishe! home with her parents, Mr, and Samples new of imprw- Mrs. Eugene G. Calvert, Ozone eu products; samples prouuets; samples of old estabPark, N.Y. The smallest baby to lished foods. be born at the Flower-Fiftaway hungry" reports Mr. Zack- hospital and live, Babette was given The food Show is hpintr cfacraA the middle name "Hope" by her at Rand 11 cfaHinr mother since every one said they afternoon and closing on Jnday she would live. She had "hoped" Sunday evening. one chance out of hundred. The dairy association, the bak-erAnnouncement of her birth rethe frozen food industry, the ceived wide publicity and her picture was carried In newspaper! throughout the United States. At the farewell party, nurses presented the Infant with a twelve-inc- h doll, the exact height Babette wag at birth. She has since grown to more than eighteen inches. The nurses named their doll gift "Hope," too. WIN A lf i.rr. m h V PRIVATE PARTY wishes to buy arciques and old dishes, furniture and relics. Will pay more. Write Mrs. Wilcox. 5583 South 2700 West, Murray, Utah 4tipj 1 To be awarded to the lucky one to guets how long the SNOW ON MOUNT NEBO will be visible from in front of The Toggery. STEP IN OUR STORE AND DEPOSIT YOUR In case of tie the winner will be drawn GUESS s, CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 5th TIME TO WEAR A STHAW BAT - We have a good selection Priced $2.95 to S5.00 Tomato plants, FOE SALE green peppers, pimento peppers, egg plant, cabbage, cauliflower, Also giant huckleberry plants. pansies, delphineum, stocks, petunias, snapdragons, painted daisies, astors, mangolds, carnations, zinnias, pinks, salvias, portulaca E0y Olson, phone 9914, 262 South Center St., Santaquin. j ?; MP?y. if"" ' Jr EviRYIODY IOVI5 Li Ijs La d IBS - Cut from choice Week-en- d beef LB Special nd WEESfl WEEK 2 --- l BEEF ROAST - uryt Best foJl ruef fo, "Busy-O- ,.. Deuertt of WATCH OUR WINDOWS . o o K hou i i wr Quick - EITTEI LARGE m served whtn with Ptti FIG LBS if - - 42$ IC PARADE OF VALUES AT JOHNSONS LB A Tomatos TALL THIS can-2- V)q wa a vxaitv 4 FISHERMAN BRAND uuim 4 cans iic IGA VIENNA SAUSAGE FROZEN FISH Pamilsi fine (a "t1 STICKS - - ggc iGA PEAS No f j4e ,n. P2ST5VEET PEAS iPIERCES PORK 8 BEANS .I 2 M295L? Ho. 300 Size Cans T Frozen . lie Pkg. 3c p 2 pkgs )V 6 pkg$ Kit) Peanut Butter V7 All Flavors! I sicippy X .lMORNING MILK 4QC 4 c CORN BEEF TlWW ISEE THE NBC STAR VALUE end (Frozen) JELLO iJ CHEWS W Pound 35c PET MILK - ZZc CCEt CHOPS lb fiQg NABISCO ASSORTED COOKIES FULL POUND &Qc IGA CREAI.l CORN 9 fori CI c SLICED. (Ho. 2 cans) :GA CHUNK TUNA - C PINEAPPLE . S-- MOTHER! OATS with premium cans 530 uj Kiln BOUND BEEF Delicious SUGAR 2 packages 2C PEAS 4 Each Week CANDY - - DC T7r.rn , POWDERED V 49 c FOR FREE PASSES TO 1 .FRESH LEAN ( WITH B1SQUICK WAX I SI10RTCAKI A Y- It ybag - - per pound 45c THE VENICE THEATRE l Pint MA I JELL-- O t pounds Very good for Sunday Dinner XX XX '0 lb big GLASS 'FLOUR 2e 4fe FRANf CS Skinless A Good bargain lb LIVER - - SPECIAL LB 25c BACON - SUAGR CURED lb &e LARD - SPECIAL THIS - 40 s PRATT'S SOzii 1 PKG REDUCED TO CLEAR COME EARLY at SHORT RIBS rv7i I WOMENS MARYLANE COATS FOR SALE --- Four bedroom modern homo Large lot with See Pat one share water rfimminjimii o SHOWY BLEACH THURSDAY - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY and they're extra picnics and barbecues . . good for food features ready-to-efor fancy-fre- e holidays we've selected for your basket and priced special. L CJ) May 20ih, HAMBURGERS, TO $1 o o o m mmnm3MMwx.um " ..warn iiiaWiiawiwiiJMilM - 7 for Kc - LIBBYS - - $e SPAGHETTI - - fcans 27c PIERCES PORK O BEANS 22 Size Can- s- ach 22 MIRACLE WHIP CAKE MIXES - - - 2 for fcQc 5 i DEL MONTE CREAM CORN Regular Cans 2 for 29 C BAKE RITE SHORTENING LB TIN 02C 3 fj4c Regular size tins COME IN AND CHECK OUR FMiOi UN HEIUUES Quart ipkgsforOO 0 SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT 6 regular cans 2 LB SALTINE CRACICERS STANDBY CHUNK TUNA - - can CLEARWATER TUNA---C- )c CHILI HAMBURGER SHACKS , (.Vale ( serving t) ' KC' fF fi tup Horn. V4 CafMttOA ) rckr trumbt us Bt(anmn fMtpMa ptppw I tobitpM IvaiMratwl MiHt 1 Snk HKtord 2 dry up aiu) itnlnv H tup tMTMly 1 Si bm I top f atW ihmrp in MM Klx Carnation, ft. c!iup, Wt UUtsiMon err u!t, ppr ervmH aniftn, Tijur.i beef, and rrua-Ur-d anooth. Fena Inta U tat, abm cakt. I'aa Mrv fU( awat fry U hst sh$stenir. on lilata, haa with hot Wana, top with aacond &kI eaH than faraiah with cup choppad en. on and frated i I aflf tATtST KECtf I bOOKlfT. S far imtr '. aptim Vvannp, aVW tVMKff . 5 T - if 56 EAST CENTER PHONE 57 NEPHI, UTAH LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING PLANT CLE AO WATER FLAKlSRegiinfQc I ft t4.4t44 4 6 Nephi,Utah JO" |