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Show the lake shora.and Epantoso"bcam As In th!s Instance he waa, throughout a came to le ipoken with dread and i FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. hi whole life, actuated by a sens of delIl l is over. Death their reach, and all tneir trouuie ana place to be avdded. It so remains down duty -- 2?. constrained by the aonX of to this very d;y. the at is SWeet. thought Mad pains profitless. COME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR icate sentiments. surbeing balked, the outlaws took the JUNIOR READERS. DAUGHTER IN FRANCE. vivors, the commandant, the teamsters, A Primitive South African Feople. V x J May they rest upon the soldiers, bound them hand and foot, we could find people who live in If I"ren-Kebuion from Different Mother! tb-Queer Waji of Growing Manly Why heavy ttorn-- to them ami tossed r In a ondition that owes communities .tuierkaii. the the Children of Guiana (.roar I p to She who walked them, living, one by one, over into the boasted civilization, wa our to m e nothing among t b Mae, Maf.e Therese Blanc, bettei s i dark water. Of all who had laid down lie Cruel Men and Women The Youth- need not confine our search to the in here. to re.-;-t in the evening, not one wa3 known under the pseudonym of "Th, ful Ytayi of Octave reuiilet. terior of Africa nor to the yet unexalive in the morning. Pools cf blood, Benson," the French novelist and ,;pr plored regions of Central Australia. trampled grass, half burned wagons, critic, writes on the subject o) The continent of South America supSea. at the Dirge "The wasted hands, the ashes of expired camp flies, marked "Family Life in America:" the close HE moon goes down ports nations that are still, at the spot, fcn d that was all. Derp down part of a mother of a family h Pnor.th ti-- hair in tllvor bands undeniably th.3 nineteenth shadof century, ami the rare in th still, coul water lay the bright perhaps a more delicate one in Amerlcs OVr the tiro where l'ms of ows creep primitive in their manners and arts. goutdy to silver, and on the surface a swirl here than in Fratre just because then Time Lath wrought Like dark, lost souls The trile of the Jivaros is a large one, and there told of the alligators fighting the power cf the mother Is not o'er the starless and one of the most distinguished, in. alarm deep; vvlll over their hideous feast. that of an autocrat, be:ause sue does Calm and still, wave dependent and warlike in South Amer dull The charm Exactly one year later to the very not direct and rule everything herself Fti.9 the heart y hosft-- K.Ht breaks with a ica. They speak a language of their sol. the at ljke. because there are many thing3 in liei day another party camped sullen shuck Lios benenth the churchyard own, Jivaro, and occupy the country God. d Where the L'e which she does no! They were troopers returning to easy daughter's She bath known the widow's on the moans generally from the upper Pestessa to service in Mexico, after a season of think herself authorized to prevem rock, the lonely on Santiago River, down to the the and dim, and danger loneliness, hardship and which she has to bear, while exer "Weary prow her eyes give Oh, minstrel! Manreriche, on the Maranon. him. the of for adtragedy The frontier. memory She melodies Mourn Ins d;iy hy day your cising a discreet vigilance. They are hospitable and their houses breath enacted there had either been forgot vises without constraining and undei While she watched and waited long Solemn and tender as love and death. are large and bulit of palms. They for ten or given slight consideration, Tor the ang l's greens the gravest circumstances she has t( in those days lawlessness was but too limit herself to an appeal to iei Where the ribbed sands draw their line have a most perfect method of of white common to cause especial remark. scalping, by which the victim's head Oft when wcrn with grief and pain daughter's reason without ever count- Along Jon In srasa the dark horses their cold, touch again; night, is reduced to the size of a moderately The troopers picketed Could we f"d her ing on passive obedience. It is cer- Ihere are two low graves where the bi o at; were fires lightcalm the large orange, maintaining tolerably tho camp would aching trees, among It sleen tainly simpler to mold, like soft was, f Who lovers well all the features. The skin is cut were ed, supper was eaten; there was a rest arms hurled to But no sigh she hcedeth now. our the reby will that will give itself up without murderous rw-nround the base of the neck, and the enful hour or two given up to smoking sistance. It is just this feeling of un Oh minstrel! give your melodies breath tire of the skull removed in covering laughter, singing, the limited When we Kink In death's hist sleep, authority over her daughter outemn and tender as love and death. one piece. Tais is then dried gradualOther eyes the watch must keep: playing upon guitar and mandolin, and over the good and the wrong she maj The bride was my then each man, tired and drowsy, do O'er her children's dreamless bed, sister; the brlde- - ly by means of hot stones put inside KTOOm nV f i..r,r her, of her righteous duty to thu to soon in his himself blanket, it, until the boneless head shrieks to Other eyes the tears must shed. wrapped utter helplessness, which binds th (Low with the wind 'let your melody the be soundly sleeping. All but the senti II J required size. They also wear tho 't n 11 French mother to her .second self mi me joy 'of y0Ung love, and alone all hair of their slain enemies in long Hut we would not call her hack neis, who kept their steady rounds as othei iu ue the solemn night wore on. There was whom she has f rnied without any More to tread life's dusty track. plaits around their waist. Great fesuuur on the waves-th- ou com even girl murderous tivities take Influences, well. admitting work life at a nearly full moon, that Fhe hath done her place when a child, at , panions unwillingly, and on her guard - '.V ' rested just north 'of the Let the lily petals tell. three or four years of age, is initiated melodies "'e .l: breath your the future husband J"IU "u nder as love and death. into the art and mysteries of smokluminating with its mild light tf.s sur- beforehand, against her treasure from her who would take and of face the emphasizing lake, open ing. The Jivaros of the PJntue have TJIK HAUNTED LAKE. the black shadows under the trees. The These relations are being modified tueer Ways or Growing Manly. the art of producing emesis nearly cos In Guiana, if a (,h;1J sentry whose heat lay nearest the shoie since the introduction of a certain slow in Its every morning, with the aid of a customs but movements, the an ant feather, because they hold that all food In Fouthwcst Texas there is a lake chanced to glance carelessly out over mopolitanism into our parents us could to the child instead of a apply to with exists what the walked as everywhere of he water slowly along the being make remaining in the stomach overnight is that hears the reputation whip This little ant bites unwholesome and undigested, most desolate and uncanny pool in the and ho saw something there that not be found in America, where the it move faster. and The place Is a veritable city of changed him from a half somnambulist young bird, of either sex, escapes from more cruelly than a mosquito, and its should, therefore, be got rid off by any world. the maternal wing as soon as its feath one is apt to be very troublesome aft means. They are satisfied the means to nn intensely awakened man. gliosis. It is a body of water The water lay still and quiet as death, ers begin to grow." .iwaius. as you can imagine, this they have practiced through many of n mile wide and a dozen treatment does not make the child miles long, lying in the shadows of an and from its waveless surface the sen very generations is the readiest available kind to others, and the children of and the most l ifioit. nlrnost Impenetrable forest in t he bot- tincl saw what first seemed to be How He Was effective. Guiana are said to be particularly cruel toms of the Nueces river, in Dimrr.ilt wreaths and strands of gray mist, m On one occasion the prince of Wales county. The lake is very deep; so deep mg ana twining, in a moment, eeu- wanted to give Frederick Febvre, the to animals. The little boys of Guiana A Oueer Chirk. tlm. In many places no procurable line as he looked, the shadowy vapors re- noted French actor, some testimonial ol do not reckon their age by years, but Mr. John Hess, cf Brooklyn, N. Y., of h!ia ever reached the bottom. Hence, KoHed themselves into the forms and consulted his compan- ny tneir ability to endure pain. Un has a chick recently hatched that has appreciation all. with at men horrible no agonizin til he gets to the point where he can bottom shapes, the rumor Bays there is ion in the box. "I can't buy him some four and four wings. When it lis shores nro absolutely uninhabited, faces, and arranged themselves in thing; that would be banal. Do you let the Hucu ant bite him without winc came legs from the egg it walked and in as to he is considered merely a baby. ghastly procession, and, swaying and the boldest wayfarer hesitates he would like to have my cane?" ing, think forward even moved a waters swiftly Like boys all over the world, the litgentle wind, tiirry near its the cane would do toward the camp of the sleeping sol It was decided that tle Guiana boy wants to be a man, as In the brond light of day. to the the green room, So, stepping he understands it. So he cuts gashes It swarms with fish, and immense al- diers. A weird low cry, the shadow prince paid the actor a few compliment in his arms and of a wall, rose up and chilled the hear breast and rubs into ligators dwell there.. Fierce, wild on the English part he was playing and Blink unmolested through the tan- er's utmost soul with deadly terror the wounds the of a plant which juice boldness the begged him to accept the cane, saying and but gled growth along the bank. At flight More from fright than this bites, stings juice is said ten him for left seldom had it years, sentinel fired his carbine at the ad to be also an antidote of snake poison. (he owl's hoot and the cane see to he the added He that hoped ran shrieking high, plaintive wall of the hungry pan- vancing shades and then The inci- Some little boys grow up with very with Febvre on the stage. few-ther form a fit accompaniment to the into the woods. The sleepers, roused queer ideas of what it means to be a and was Febvre dent spent reported and one as they heard, saw, man, up man. I remember passing a group of ghostly revels of unquiet spirits. into the thick the following day dismissing a queue little That some inexplicable happening too fled, boys, little bits of boys, in a ten me of Englishmen who invaded his lodgtaken place on these lonely waters on ets. The horses plunged ana Droite ement house street once. Before I to cane. After the buy ings trying Certain nights Is beyond question. The nicket rones. The noise to them I saw that they were loolied like a got entertainwhen giving under ward, private weakling calf, but soon fvil repute has existed for more than a beasts crashing through the n excited, that they were all became spruce and chipper. It had greatly heard he ments in Lonrton, repeatedly of cries and the century such eights have been swn growth as an himself identified by the remark made talking at once and talking very loud its photograph taken, and then it died. nnfl Bounfls heard by those bold enough men grew fainter and fainter I walked slowly to try to find Now it's preserved in alcohol. lnthe audience: "He's the one that tot ly. to attempt Investigation, that efforts in hurried from the horror. out was the cause of the excitewhat of the cane." the few a Argonaut. on the in Later lake night that line have entirely ceased; the Accoiiiilihlieil Cats. ment, and I found that the boys were courla shunned, and further inquiry must boldest met together, and, with the In treasury department at Washeach other what they meant to telling Rich In Game. age somewhat restored, determined to be made by strangers, for no one know there is one very wonderful cat. be ington when were men. One they little a second look at the "Any quail about this neighbor fat, chubby boy put his hands in his According to Our Animal Friends, his ing the place can be bribed or forced go back and have things that had affrighted them. Cau hood ?" inquired a tourist who was knickerbocker to stay there after nightfall. name is Tom, and when addressed he pockets, swelled out his The lake was the scene of a tragedy tiously they returned within view of the about to register at a Western Texas chest, and said, with an air of will quickly respond, even waking out pride over 100 years ago, and from that day camp. They saw forms moving about hotel. and decision, "I am going to det junk of a sound sleep to go toward the hert and there, strangely dimmed in said the proprietor, with an to the present it has borne an unhal "Quail!" when I det to be a man like speaker. Sometimes, to confuse him, In those days there the flickering radiance of the camp-fire- s Indulgent smile; "they have got to b (drunk) lowed reputation. my papa." You see, he did not have the clerks will sing out some word or and strangely illumined when in a nuisance. The cook complains that was a road that skirted its lower end very clear ideas as to what it meant words to which the syllable "torn" Is The road was the single highway con the shadows. Dropping behind bushes she can't throw a piece of toast out of to be a man; but he showed one thing. emphasized, and to that he pays no at watched breathlessly, the back window but four or five quails neetlng Mexico with the mission set and trees they he loved his and that his tention. But let one call, "Tom, it's that tlemmts and the Spanish outposts not daring to advance. The camp was, fight to see which one shall get on it." father was to himfather, the best kind of a dinner time!" and forthwith he walks Texas Sifter. along the San Antonio river, and fur across the room, reaches up with his man. ther east, In what is now Texas. paws to a tin pail, claws it down, and and faThe lake was a OctaTe Feulllet'a Early Days. comes bringing it in his mouth. Tom MEN OF MARK. There was good vored camping place. Madame Octave Feuillet tells a pret is passionately fond of music. At the water there, good grass and abundant the Confederate ty story of her famous husband's youth cry of "hand organ" he climbs to a Gen. Longstreet, shade; a welcome rest spot for those general, was the guest of the Middle in "Some Years of My Life." During high window seat, but at the words, sex club, Boston, on Grant's birthday. the first few years of his literary la coming from the south over the hot Here's a dog," he slinks under a desk. Near uplands. sandy Pere Hyacinthe, the distinguished bors, the author of the "Romance of a One of the most accomplished cats in the close of a September day long ago, a priest, formerly Abbe Charies Loysou. Poor Young Man" was himself poor England belongs to Lady Randolph His father, who had Churchill. It is a Maltese Angora, largo wagon train stopped to camp for will marry Laura, daughter of the late and struggling. Within the wagons were the night. Win. Buckncll, an American. Pera desired for him a diplomatic career, without spot, and with a particularly 6ack8 of silver coin for the payment of to Octave's cunning face. This cat was bought for was bitterly opposed Hyacinthe is 68 years old. To tmnnti in the frontier garrisons. as a profession. the late Lord Randolph Churchill dur of literature of adoption the son kins of The prince Naples, euard this was an armed mounted cs so far as to refuse to went even He PROCESSION. with GHASTLY of who has TDK ing that year or two when his strong Italy, just quarreled cort, numerous enough to put at rest all his son, and to withdraw mind failed and every effort was made ocreceive no mortal refused was but his not ago by occupied, father, long The whole lay down Indeed, fear of danger. visitors moved by an European princess because of his from him hl3 modest allowance; to amuse him. He was afraid of dogs, to rest and slept that right, unsupl- - cupants. The unearthly but the young man's aspirations re- taking a sudden terror at the sight as about Inordinate love of garlic. though busying themdous, careless and negligent. But a swiftly mained unchanged. He set himself dil of them, but Mis3 Angora just pleased selves with camp duties, and, as the Mr. A. J. Balfour is one of the few deadly peril was lurking near at hand, first the igently to work at the labor of his him. She was sent from India by an eneer-evey and ever- - scared watchers yet looked nn, really good musicians in the house of choice, full of confidence in the future. with to officer in that country who had taken of flush mingle morning begat commons. He follows the movements watchful of an opportunity. saddened and restricted pe- her this moon. During of the wan Again the dying parents there years before. Her light of the musical world with keen interAll the way from the Uio Grande the riod of his life, the only recreation he mother had been a watchcat. able to cry. Again arose that wailing vague been on had the and is no moan performer trail of the crawling wagons allowed himself.strange as it may seem. keep guard over a tent, themselves in est, meowing if followed by banditsthieves, renegades the shades marshaled pianoforte. was dancing. Passionately fond of this a strange step came, and of course her down silently and murderers they were, cruel as regular order and moved who John W. Clark, a forgotten hero amusement.he devoted all of his leisure were very bright. When this to thfl edge of the lake and out upon was In evenings to it, regularly attending the children tigers, brave as grizzlies. Every move died at has Pa., Ashley, just of out sink to cat was told to "go play the sight. there Churchill the water, place been had noted, every camping 1S79 a boy of 11 working in a colliery students' balls, where he would dance had been demoralized would immediately walk she the When troop confipiano," watched, every sign of careless was well near Wllkesharre. The roof caved In until he was redy to drop from exand forth and back again upon the keys of the together gathered keen eyes dence eagerly scrutinized by burying a larce number of miners and haustion. The masked balls of the op baby grand in the boudoir. "Now sit of tho oc men the Its on spoke way the liiit with shone that currence with bated breath and caded Clark, who could have escaped, rushed era had for the hard working young for your picture," meant to assume a of anticipated plunder. back through the falling timbers and writer an especial fascination. One ev demure De- position, with her paws in line, On this September night, when the the place "Kspantoso." As the story rock to warn the other men, and was ening he so ardently desired to attend her tail reto camo be lako neatly curled around them.and whole camp was resting, the, sentinels came known tho as accursed, and travelers Imprisoned with them for 'Ax days. At one of these balls that he pawned his her head nicely bent to one side, as If nodding, even as they stood In the dark garded to rest, the end of that period a rescuing party watch to obtain money enough to hire trying to "look pleasant." shadows of the trees, the robbers made passed swiftly by, not daring com a costume for the occasion. Now this Belated wayfarers, reached him and soma of his their attack; a fierce yell, a rattling vol- however weary. Good for Evil watch had been his mother's, and no The startled chance hunters and fishermen added re panions. ley and a savage rush. An entered his he room attic organ had grinder sooner stopped to play in ex York of New Now that Mr. Dana of the luctant talcs to the Fiira total escorts sprang up, grasping their to reflect upon what he front of a tenement house. A number he began than seen were Euro annual Sun has forms started on his escopetas. and made what re- periences. Strange of children gathered to hear him. Remorse followed exhilarA aa had done. sistance they could. There was close after dusk and whisperings were heard pean trip conWturos are in order to return rude resolved a made next the He boy snowball large and unation. from this and to what new study he will take up desperate fighting all around, and a from beneath the water to the pawnshop, give back threw it, knocking off the organ grindThe com- seen lips in tho air. As years passed time. Several years ago he visited morning confusion Indescribable. and reclaim his watch. "I er's hat and it rolled Into the gutter. the money mandant realized tlirj the fight would the experience of the soldiery was tin Russia and became much interested in the night," he said afterwards, The man picked up his hat, brushed it passed some the Russian language and customs, soon go against him, so. exhorting his dergone by other camping parties, upon the ten francs 1 had re and put it on. Then he said to the big men to stand to the last, he gathered strangers who knew not, and others Since then ho has devoted about two "gazing heart beating painfully, my boys, "Now, I will play you a merry my ceived, tho teamsters about him and vocther who had heard and believed not. All hours daily to the study of Russian, eves filled with tears, and asking my tune," and he bowed and to play began is also ' about twelve lan they took the sacks of silver from tlie were one in belief thereafter. It were At present he The little children If I would bo strong enough to a lively air. self of who guages, being able to speak many wagons and threw them over Into the said that certain persons absent myself from the ball." The fol danced, but the large boys were known to have camped there at night them fluently. bottomless depths of the lake. lowing day he proved the strength of ashamed, and walked away. The So of again. There was barely time, for all re were never seen or heard to the grinder had taught them a lesson. If you his resolution by returning Keep the hens scratching llstance was soon overcome, the eur evil became the name of the place that hla and returned good for evil. watch He redeeming had pawnshop vlvors begging for mercy and the hu the road was finally turned away from would keep them layinfi- run possession. wolves In complete T'ut the silver was bevond them, out of MOTHER. J a1 -- 8 ft fern Pal4 r-- . sea-bir- Pon-go- de - story-tellin- g, I J A mlO-''u- 1 t zeui-.A- three-quarte- rs I.li-n- ani-tr.n- ls long-draw- n, .''--- panic-stricke- n, terror-stricke- well-know- n cactus-covere- d d. blood-thirst- re-id- or-r- - an |