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Show • THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH Germans Expelled From Poland J:oint Franco-Spanish Offensive in Morocco !Copy tor Thle D~partment Supplied bJ' tae Amerfcoan Lelg'lou New• Seno1ee ) ENDOWMENT FUND GROWING RAPIDLY When Poland, In accordance with the treaty of Versailles, expelled all the Germans from Pollsh territory thnt formerly hnd belonged to Germany there was great distress among the many thousands of exiles bP.<'ause Berlin had not made adequate arrangements for their care. The picture shows a few of the refugees ln their temporary camp. At the peak of the Intensive effort In the nation-wide Clllllpaign for the American Legion's $5,0iJO,OOO endow· ment fund for <llsuoled veterans und - - ~ orphans of the \\' orld war, a total of I more tha11 $~.000,000 raised has been Spanish and French troops have reported to nulional hendquarters of unitell In the drive on the Rlffians In the Legion at Indianapolis. Twenty· the western part of the war zone. The one states were "over the top," while illustration shows an advance!l en- se\·eral others had very nearly comcampment of the Spanish army, and, pleted their quotas for the fund. The campaign was proceeding with at the left, one of the tanks that the spe!'d nhead and gave promise of full French are using with great effect. early reaeh!n~ the goal set for it. With such a lar:::e proportion o1' the states "over the top" or nearly so, the l'ampnign resolved lt!<elf into lndependent efforts in local communities. Early in the campaign several states had entered the $100,000 class. Am~ng those which had contributed that amount or more were: !'\ew York, llll· New Jersey, nols, Mnssachm>etts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Jlllnnesota, Texas, California and Connecticut. Some of thetie ha<l contributed several times the amount. A check from President Calvin Coolid;;e, chairman of the nationll.l honorary committee for the fund, was presented to National Comm·ander James A. Drain in the presence or the national exec•;tlve committee. '!'he presentation was made by Paul J. McGahan, national execut!>e committeeman for tbe District of Columbia. PresIdent Coolidge gave the check to John llays Hammond, chairman of the Dis· trlct of Columbia committee, requestIng that it be credited to his home town of Northampton, Mass. A check for $6,000 from the department of Panama was presented to Commander Drain In the presence of the executive committee. The pres· entation, made by National Executive Committe!'man 'ii'red de V. Sill of Panama, occasioned an enthusiastic demonstration. Panama set herself a quota There was a l'ontest for "p~rfect legs" the other day at .:\1anhattan beach on Long Island, and the sextette here of $2.500. ~hown had such fine pairs that the judges couldn't decide on the winner. The Rocky mountain group of states completed their campaigns with large oversubscriptions. The fund was over· subscribed by each of these states by "LONGER" HER SLOGAN nearly 50 per cent. Among novel methods taken hy varl· ous posts for raising their loeal quo· tas, honors so far go to IUchnrd W. Townsend post at Auburn, Cal., and the post nt IIIckYille, N. Y. Members of the west coast post made up a carload of fruit valued at $G50 and shipped it ofl' tn mnrl,et. The to"·n's quota wns $450. 'l'he New Yorkers made 11. house-to-houRe canvass, collectlnu: tons of old papers. A suhstan· tl:.l pnrt of the lo<'al quota wus mad!? up In this way. I Welsh From All Over World Attend National Eisteddfod Six Girls With "Perfect Legs" at Manhattan Beach •I " • .. Nine thousand Welshmen from all parts o:f t~1e world attended the Royal \Velsh National Eisteddfod, lrlstorlcal ancient ceremony, at l'wllheli, Wales. The photograph shows the pedrog, the deputy arch druid, holdlni the sword of peace. CHICAGO'S CHOICE Soviet Military Auto Race Route Home of Wilson May Be a Shrine Florida Again Will Lead the Legion Parade Effie Cherry, member of the famous ~ld-tlme vaudeville team known as ~'The Cherry Sisters," and who last year was a candidate for mayor o! Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Is again seeking the nomination. Her platform Includes a war on the "shortening wave.'' She believe ln the abbreviated does n ihalr, dresses and bathing suits. DIV~RCED ' 1 j ! Il The Woodrow Wilson home War President died, may become Europe, Is understood to have Woodrow \VIIson foundation as a BY KEMAL 'The Department of Il'lorlda, Amerl· can Legion, will lend the grand parade. be given preference In seatlnJ:!: arrange· ments In the convention hull and will be extended first choice in hotel ac· commodatlons at the national conven· Uon of the Legion In Omaha, October 5 to 9, according to an official nn· nouncement from national headquarters here. It Is th~ second consecutive year Florida has won these privileges. At St. Paul lust year l•'lorida led all departments In the parade. These coveted preferences were won \ I by the Floridans for having on June 15, 1!)25, "the greatest percentage ot membership as figured against the membership of the department avernge at 2340 S street, Washington, where the 1921-22-23-24." The rulye:>.rs the for a national shrine. Mrs. \Vilson, who Is In position In parade orre~rds as hJg, mad.e plans to present the home to the and hotel arrangements seating df'r, memorial to her Ulustrlous husband. accommodations was made at the January meeting of the national executive , committee. Florida with a percentage of 134.92 will lead the parade, willie close on her heels will tread Mexico In second place with a perc~>ntage of 112.87. ~e braska, the ho!>t department, with a percentage of 108.34, will complett> the trlum\·irate that will lead all depart· mPnts at the national gathering of the Legionna!res. Wyoming and Oregon will follow in fourth and fifth positions re"pectl vel y. Howard Howton, adjutant of the department of Florida, telegraphed hla exultnnre to all points north as follows: "The ornn.e:e-colored horse Is hnrd to catch. He thr!Yes anti hnhituts In the land or snn~hine nnd real estnte. Only Florldnns ran ride him. He will again look gnod at the ltend of the pnrade In Omaha with his head high and proud. Tell the gang northward to watch for hlm In the pnra<le." 'l'he first ten !lepartnwnts in order lllexlco. 1:J! 92; Florid,_, follow: 112.871; Nelira,;kn. tOS.B-1; W~·omin~ . 104.71 ; Orc•;;;tl!l, !\!1.70; Wis('ons.J.n. 98.27; Delaware, 9:\.40; :\Jlnnesota, fl2.36; <'onnectlcut, 90.28; Pennsyl· vunla, 86.05. A view of the Georgian road from Vladikavkaz to Tifl!s, over which the raee from Moscow to Tlfils, staged by Soviet Russia as a military warning to the rebellious Georgians, will be run. The r!llld took fifty years in the building, having been started by the Georgians kl 1806 as a defensive measure. It Is the only highway across the Caucasus mountains, nor are there railways ln this section. Just as Good as in Switzerland Young Iowa Boy Murders Father ~ .• Mustapha Kemal Pasha, President I ~t Turkey, has divorced his wife, Latlfe HaDoum, by presidential de.cree. She lathe daughter of a wealthy r merc~t of Smyrna and baa been jl leadbl& feminist. i i 'Tvbn SOUGHT BY POLICE 1 , . ~ .. ~ • .t.-""'· "+ . >. /n Detail A colored laborer, doing a hauling job, was informed that he could not get his money until he had suhmltted an Itemized statement. After much meditation, he evol•ed the following Here is a party of mountain climb-~ bUl: ers ext:Horing some of the glaclera on ''S cornea nnd S goes at 4 bits a went Ht. Rainier in Washington. -tL"-Amerlcan Legion Weekly. Mi.ss Marguerita Gonzalez, whose long brown curls and Spanish type beauty won her the much-de~>lred title ot "l\1lss Chicago." She will represent Chicago ln the national tournament tor most beautiful bathing girl at Atlantic City. .l I This Is George A. ("Dutch") Anmall robber, lull breaker and 1 PlJl of Gerald ChaJ)llllln who ta beIn Parkersburg, Iowa, young Warren Vandervoort has confessed thet I IRIJ hunted by the pollee again. They he killed his father, Rev. R. J. Vandenoort, and seriously wounded his mother.l1 believe he murdered Ben Hance aDd The 1llustratlon shows the parsonage where the tragedy W1UI enacted and hls wife of Muncie, Ind., who &Do formed' on ChapmaD. portraits of Mr. and Mrs. YauderHlOrt and the youthful. slayer. de~on, j |