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Show Page Three rn HH H The day Journalists Chatter is published every Dixie at noon by the Associated Students of the College. Editor Kirschi Sybil Anderson... Loraino Milne, Clark McMullin Roma Earl Eula Mae Maurino Associate Editor Sports Editors Exchange Editor ...Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Bentley Dorothy Langston Dawn Andrus, Alice Young, Dale Graff David Dean Fullerton Artists , Typists Sullivan, Sheldon Edwards, Clara Williams, Garner, Georgia Prisbey, Jeraldinc Anhdcr, Washburn Reporters Carol Fay Fri- Finlayson, B. Glen Advisers Smith, Margaret Mcrklcy m H jUADY-TO-WE- U OUR PLACE "My Loon ' IT! THE five of which Whether or 4- - W-- L SIXTH VAR LOAM DRIVE finish" is the till the which drive begins next 16. till Decemberhas set the an d lasts Our government lars, L J. .. .My Money.... My Time.... will stay in Thinking. this war War -- theme of the Sixth Monday, November 20, must NEXT ISSUE OF D. WILL BE OM DECEMBER Tho J. C. ;md wo 1 next issue of the D. will be on Friday, staff takes this portunity to come C. December 1. The goal roach this goal as it is the responsibility not Al v.'ish students a op- faculty happy of the Thanksgiving holiday next responsibility Thursday and Friday. And, highest paid individual. to The particularly end of the war seems very near to us hero at moroso, a the know happy homo. students, The boys ovr there fighting different; not after the quarter- -' thank dreams. landing They day facing theyrc realities, America for sending them all the amnunltion and sup- - ly 0X0213 ths following. Wo down our this at can't let boys plies they need. wc-c- crucial point,. is Our money needed more now than at other time in the war. Drive By supporting the school Scholarship Fund you will also be supporting the Sixth War Loan drive. llovi about Arc you going to keep your it, students? thinking, your money and your time in this war till Open any the end? STUDE . FAIL . . . D D TO PARTICIPATE D IN ARMISTICE CELEBRATION Dixies participation in Armistice A Day was the smallest in years. largo percentage of the faculty marched in the parade, and the band was prominent throughout the day. Most of the students, on the other hand, were on the sidelines as the parade passed, and did not bother to attend the morning program. There was not a single entry for the Armistice Da Oratorical contest. Someone missed a good chance here to get a beautiful modal on Honor Day. This is the first year in the history of Dixie that this contest was not held. No do not know where the fault lies, but we favor full participation in a day such as this, or let us all be spectators. 7 Daily a.m. to 9 p.m. cliff's PEP 88 STATION FLOOR FURNITURE MAX POLISH UPHOLSTERY ARE ITEMS JE HAVE YOU 3HCU0D CHECK THIS l.HEK Clifford M. Manager Leach |