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Show Pago Two QUARTER 10 CLOSE participated throughout the day. (Continued frm page l) held Tuesday and Thursday President Snow was the Weand instead of Monday principal speaker in the Business English morning program, and Sheldnesday, BOND COMMITTEE SPONSORS PICTURE SHD'V TONIGHT The Scholarship Bond committee is very modest, will be at 2:15 on Tuesday don Edwards delivered an but we have learned that and Thursday, oration. the group is sponsoring ofThe institute also It is .the first time the picture show, "Mr. fers Religion and Litera- since the initiation of Lucky," at the Gaiety Thture of the Apostolic Age the Armistice Day oratori- eater. This presentation and Restored Church of cal contest that there started last night and were no entries from the will continuer Christ. tonight. D The committee did excollege. LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA M ceptionally well with the A NEW STUDENT HAILES PLEDGES of the plate lunch at noon on Aweek is Jennie Thomas, a rmistice Day, and the dance She is transThe Lambda Delta Sigma sophomore. the football following members met 34 pledges ferring from Paul, Idaho. game Monday was also very Wednesday in the Institute, where pledge meeting was held. In a ceremony beautiful candle the pledges were given the ideals of the club which they must try to live up to, and were initiated into formally the organization. The new members are : Sybil Anderson, Ueraldine Anhder, Sylvia Barton, M successful. SEMINARY STUDENTS FLAN THANKSGIVING DANCE has now little more their quota Seminary students for the quarter. are having a Thanksgiving A boxing card had been dance next Monday, Novemplanned for this quarter, ber 20, in the recreation but it will not be ready hall. The dance starts at until late in the winter-quarter8 p. m. and the admission is 25 per person. This STUDENT COUN? PLANS promises to be one of the TO HONOR AMR DEAD main events of the season The . Misha Miriam Bentley, CoCorinne Christensen, Mae Eula rnelius, Earl, Corinne Esplin, Betty Lou a than third of Bastian, Blanche and all Seminary students Bennett, Maurine Bentley, are urged to attend. Roberta committee The collected D The student council cussed ssibility PRESIDENT SNOW ATTENDS plaque EDUCATION MEETINGS students Glenna Garner, Dixie dis- Wednesday the po- of erecting a in honor of all who and of alumni lost their lives . President is The a meeting of the in this war tending State Board of Education will be analyzed ind draine Jorgensen, Geraldine today. He is presenting etails worked out. Scholarships will also be named Judd, Dorothy Langston, the detailed college budMarie Morris, Louise Miget for the next biennium. after these people. The council also is arllet t, Shirley Milne, Anette While in Salt Lake he Pendleton, Cloras Robinson, will also attend meetings ranging for an assembly Virgie Snow, Melva Rene of the board of trustees program to be given some time next quarter by the of the Utah Education AYoodard, Alice Young, B. Y. U. Cameron, Robert Dotson, ssociation. Grant Anderson, President Snow, a di- LORNA FORDHAM D MaRRIES Stanley Spencer, Rodney Perkins, rector of the board of Miss Lorna Fordham, left Sheldon Edwards, and Dean trustees of the National wcek to journ-school Education Fullerton, Association, ey to last, where she was will also attend a meeting marriedTexas, COLLEGE PARTICIPATES to Pfc, Billy of that group in WashingIN ARMISTICE OBSERVANCE of Hughes Mesquite, Nevton, D.C., on November 24. ada. The date of th ; D Gardner, Jessie Jane Gibbons,' Hirschi, lone Heaton, Snow at- Roma Lor- , pj.-.r- El-w- yn . The the had upper division and lower division each a float in the Arm- istice parade, and the band wedding STAGE MANAGER WANTED Anyone interested in .conirlg st.ago manager--se- e Miss Henderson,' ' bc- isn't r known her ; - at this time, Lorna is the niece of r. and Mrs, Leland Hafen, |