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Show CP 7 111 p i V THE NEPHI, UTAH. , TIMES-NEWS- D3 Watch Our Prices and Save 10 to 20 Per Cent. A most delightful canyon party taken Tuesday by the of bee hive swarm "Wobolo" trirls to tbo ranker station be- hind Mt Nebo. Durin.tr the day a trip was taken to Coupon's Lake where the picture of the swarm was taken. Dainty refreshments were served during the day. Those who enjoyed the trip were Miss Norma Midler. Vera Kendall, Delta Willis, Rose vi lie Stanaker, Mrs Mat llerniee Hawkins, & l'owers, Mrs. John Wilkey and son Eugene. A delight ful Kensington was U given by the Ladies Literary Club W't d.afttrnoon at the home of Mrs. Writ. I'.ailoy, the hostesses M ; Mrs,. W.C.Andrews, Mrs. J. L. Hellisu'n, Mrs. (i. A. Sperry, & Mrs. Vv'ni. Luiley.and Miss Neva Louth. Several matters of importance were discussed by the elub.anuMig which was the organizing of a Red Cross society in Nephi, and v. hieh it is the purpose of the club to organize such B a society at an early date. Dainty refreshments were served to the following member:; and inviteJ D. O. Miner, guests. L. A. Whitnr.uv, T. C. Winn, J. R. Coie, .f. W. Llii.on.Ir, N.J. Kees, C,. M. Whitmore, J. V. Wl itmore, E. R. Forrest, Dennis Wood, J. M. Lrough, Myrtle MeOmie, Alice Deny. Edith Spa rkes, Miss Eihel Wright. Miss iiertha Mcl'herson, Miss Luia Mel'heison, Mrs. Lizr'.'.e Macfar-lanand the hostesses. p was Hot Weather Bargains 1 8 Summer Goods must go at reduced prices. Big line of 17 2 Figured Lawn, choose 11c Yard. at only All Straw Hats and Panama Hats at HALF AH 1-- A PRICE. l - GROCERIES h s ECONOMY BASEMENT Summer Goods $ n 1 We need the room and Fall Goods now arriving. must move balance of Summer Stocks. u You need the goods. Now is your opportunity to save some money on your purchases of Summer wear- -, ables, in all departments. P n I : Visit the Big Down Stairs Store and cool off these hot .nays, always cool and pleasant. You can do yo ir $ plenty of pood quality I desirable merchandise in wearing apparel of all kinds and all kinds of useful household articles greatly Extra specials in Summer Dress Goods, Ribbons, Laces and embroideries, Summer Shoes and Slippers, k p s Always all lines of In lk-in- Our line of Groceries is always complete with the best the market affords, always clean and fresh Quality the best, Prices the lowest shopping in comfort. Hot Weather Bargains I etc, at the The Nephi Mercantile Co. Whete Good Merchandise Is Cheaper -t-- e, a great opjHrtunity for saving. 8 f RIDES IChas. Foote & Sons! ( JULY 1317 BROKE RECORD FOR HEAT 3E tr, loo i:: li C- r:j r,; !M 17 the 1.1 The following recovd of teineratures recordinl r.i ui it; ;m; at the Experiment Station from 17 'u M W IS July 1st to July 21st this year. 1! CO IT, For a continuous heat spell it r.i breaks all previous records. The rij jo 21 95 f7 hottest single dav ever recorded in Nephi was on July Joth 1010 Lost 4 heail of sheep finde when the thermometer went to 101 degrees. On July 14th this notify Wm (J I'av and receive year it touched the 1H) nark. reward. But for a continued record of For Sale - Canary I5ird Singer? of sizzlinfr hot days July 1917 of Mrs. John Pitt. Inquire certainly takes the belt. llbhe-s- t Lowest on July 2Uh. a fold brea.-- t July 1 S2 pin, oval in shape. Finder return 1H) 1.) 2 to Mrs. Hezckiah Carter, and 1U 48 3 receive reward. "" table-show- s 4 6 7 8 'Xi Ht 11 l y? M 12 01 9 1U ;2 j'j 52 52 57 "7 Commencing Wednesday Aupr. 1st. all barber shops in Nephi w ill be closed at 12 a. m. every Wednesday. See For Rent- - Two rooms. l'.os-wcl- HKERICANISm Kendall P.ros. ".2 hunch of keys. 4 or. a rir.jr. finder will confer a favor by relurninsr to Times-Ne- w- 10 office. - viin juage .yut d iUoMi.iy rnorn-ing- . j m m m m U WATCH a iry rei-mman saw at one that the cards were .backed ar;sit,.-- i hit ' anil p'i!'(! kTui.l-- . ;.nd .Li ii,Stuut f.r,ed hirn f7.'i ar-certi-f- i d t' e af t . h. t),. g'f!. ir.V) . t .r-- august!p CLEAN-U- P iR APr. ATM Oil I i Ii: trict C'.rt ii wiil 1 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT - - H. m GOLDEN RULEl L. FRANK, Manager f& h-- h ' ajhr,r-it- r. d d. i . ' w y Uii mi SCS , re-sit- 1 1 r ' y troved. . 1 t;,e amy .s cortr.miy a oiccor.tril-it;..- t.the n but thi. h wh;it Mr. lb ' ry t"f Kr)nwi( i a'ri-! .,i!.try. Mr. ained." "He who is menaced as we dy, have e ,Vv! tl;i S they always please. nl We carry one line of merchandise, the best in quality, the kind that please, in "men's furnishings.' : ! i - Km-ervi-- t 1 I - m- I ; i " ( iib ! tie-- t k-- at e tn iiiTi'. ' rare no ie when the c.:,n tr. I.: C o d. b. ' Pm-I-- ;r s at an. and is fighting for his high-thre nt Chf.rii? Cr - est possession, can only consider t f,m Lo' he is to back his way bv can. down t t.. !,:,' I.i4 r,:HM.ic S;,;t I,-.through." Chancellor Pethmann !. iH.fon. nvir, f f,.ri t:'iMir,f- HoIIw ejt addressinif the (erman hf. lU ich.- tr.g August 4th 1914. ed inn. 'I'v , of t!"ir !.i'-Na'with (', ytar ion; Caunl on ll;,.' Mtxi: ; i pr,rH tusclicd Pitch for CmtwrfM. At r nrs.l iin , An Inti r.tliiiff not Ural ph?mmeiJoa ln "f " with (i. nn.w- tnrenv.,o"t'i1v'. H'lvii g in fpcle wearing, keep trying until you find the right kind, "SOPHOMORE i . in Keep hitting until it goes where you want it. That is the way when it comes to buying a suit, if you "are not satisfied with the one you are ( r ' y. i IH T!!E SERVICE l.i-- m Tlx-voueg- . FOR OUR and immutable principals of private morality. There exist? in the course of nature an indissoluble union lctveen virtue and happiness, between duty and advantage, between ho est policy ii and public felicity and the smiles of heaven be expected on a union or that disregards that eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained from George Washington's first Inaugural address. of ne , 'We are now in a and necessity knows no jl.iw. uur trwjp.4 nave occupie-- j neutral LuxemtKurj?, and per- i bar s have already occupied idum terntory. Gentleman, this is a breach of International Law. Th.' wrong I spak openly the Iwronsr we hereby commit we jj try lo make pmxl as soon as L,;P mi'litarv aima have lieen at- ca-nev- er -- ' A pro-piti- befo,- - Inesiid jus tice as rev!ou !;' s?atcity at- Il .i f.'. had irton f l.arrc a t'.rr.ey ar.'t!:i t l.;:n for hi i nir'i.g wet Ap;-earin- YOU CANT DRIVE A NAIL IN THE WALL WITH ONE BLOW OF THE HAMMER. "The foundation of our nation whi.-key- .. PRUSSIANISM m al fxdicy will he laid in the pure as-rurt- A c4 write you a three S Autogrrphic LUNT'S PHARMACY months fire insurance policy on C. Winn yo'.ir ripening1 crop. T. Agent. For Sale -- SO acres of good Ridge Iind. Will sell cheap. See Volney IV well. acres of jrood For Sale-lfi- O dry farm land, for particulars see T. IT. Durton. l. a wonder. the latest improvements. Everything in Kodaks Crop Insurance iAt us is back, all We have a few Iceless Refrigerators w hich we will sell at cost. Kendall Bros. e We have a few Iceless liefrip- crators v bich we ill sell at cost The $6.00 Brownie OleChristenser. im-bih- ed Ma-f-h- al Sold universally, same price everywhere $1.00 to $25.00 Barbers' Half Holiday t . IaT pearl handle nail file. Finder kindlv return to Miss Ida Foote. e Ist "Get An Elastman'' IxstA Leslie Caniphc!!, of American Fork, wiil take particular p;.ins in the future when traveling on the Salt Lake Route, to get off at the correct destit ution, for failing to do m in this instance caused his arre.-- t and thfsatri- fiee of a quantity of the liquid that is supposed to make the world look brighter and drive dull care away. It happened that Lej-ii- hoard er uie miiim-'htram oat orSa r ake Saturday evening with a pood si?d and rather weighty Huit ease, having proo.-.ld- y a little freely before leaving- the Capital he fell asleep :;nd faiKt.1 t go i off at American Fork, in fact h did not arouse from his slumbers till lie arrived at Nephi. There bein no train leaving here Sunday, a f;ict which hti to his undoing. f.r arnl Policeiuau Iligler, are ever on the lockout :or g.od sizel ta. s. especially the weighty kind and tin ir suspicions being aroused in this instance and seithey obtained a zure warrant a;nl l.ir.diegan , varii ty of wine arxl etc. they wnfi,- inf irrm-Iy that he w as under arret,A; tl ey woidd arrange ao interview -J KODAKS j GETS UNO IN EAD ONE PRICE TO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD. 'wf CESiiHATICS PAST CLASSIFIED AOS r bre Ixith Muh od water 9k4 bf tm. The rttch hat he iitfein thir boU l'"s iuhiw In iut the dtjt of Utrodotat. K,.rl f..;5i.v .) mh 'i I bao- The Toggery - Your Next Suit a Sophomore. |