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Show SOCIAL "HYGIENE DAY OBSERVED nation at war, JEngathrQQ DUES DAY INFORMATION right living in a the deadly effects of importance The NT! and President Oil COAST GUARD AVAILABLE is in receipt of Snow ter a let- from the air station of the United States Coast Guard at South San Francis- social diseases may have upon a nation, were the chief points brought out by Dr. to the Dixie A. V. McGregor, lecturing co. is brought to the fact that Attention college faculty and studentbody at a special assembly on Social Hygiene Day, Wednesday, February A. Coach Lee Eafen was chairman of the the nature 'and purpose of the Coast is 'generally misunderstood lege officials and students. ' Guard by col- Interesting- literature describing the in St. George. Coast Guard in detail was received by The biology department President ;3now. Any one desiring to with him. examine this material nay contact Mr. Especially emphasized in the Wednesday Smith, Dean of Men. assembly was the importance of the preQuoting from the letter: "It occurs vention of social diseases in our nato mo that several interesting facts tional war effort. about entrance to the Academy are well Dr. McGregor gave figures- to show that to emphasize. Unlike the other two govthe United States has an appalling ernment military academies , the appointand of syphilis gonorrhea today as ment to the Coast Guard Academy is encompared 'with other countries. basod on merit." A candidate does tirely Mr. Hafen urges everyone to read and not have to know a member of Congress or an official of tho government. The enstudy- more about social. diseases from the excellent collection- of books on trance is governed by- a nation-wid- e cothis subject in the library. All candidates mpetitive examination. The big" thing and the who examination is: Lets passed this be social -- disease minded. .Let s make physical examination wore appointed as the whole year a' fight against the miscadets. This number was 1A7 This year ery ana suffering these diseases bring. 250 cadets are to bo appointed." D sixth national" Hygiene Day has-bee- co-opera- ting - a-m- ount ' D SPRING UNIT OF CPT TO START Ground work MONDAY for the spring unit of the will start next Monday," with the flight training, getting under way soon thereafter. The limit has been lowered to 18 years , age gnd the Government will CPT the training without dents. supply cost to the stu- Sven the cost of the physical examination and insurance is included. Nine students completed the fall course. They are: Joseph Black, John Belingheri, Neal As ay, Tru-tfiBowler, Ballard Hafen, Dwayne Bryner, training ' an LaMoin Lamb, Quinn Chamberlain and Alma Joodbury. Mr. Miles has taught the ground wo'rk a01 this group and will continue with this Me fhe instruction during the next term. is also 'giving the ground work for trainees cross-count- ry who "recently here from Santa Paula, California. D THE 331 UNARY AMD INSTITUTE CLASSES are acting as missionaries in the St George, take Sunday-the programs will bo given at.Vjyo and 'Cntral and at the Center ward in St, Members of tho seminary groups, . ill preside and take part. TESTING SCHEDULE NEARS COMPLETION Students who signed up for the vocational aptitude tests are now completing this "work. " Any" have made proper students-wh- at the bookstore rangements ar- may make their schedule with Mr. Smith. All freshmen boys are advised that their tests are to be completed within ' the next week. Additional ' students tests if they desire. A few students their test now last work yot complete the additional cost. dents are posted ' take may testing these enrolled started ycaar. They may program without of such stu- The names "on the bulletin board. D DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMS MONDAY Classes time try on daylight saving Mr. Paid will '9 Monday, February to explain it to you if you dont will-star- quite underst md. In tho meantime, set your clocks one hour ahead Sunday night. The change in time is in keeping with the national defense set-u- p. D KEEP IN MIND THE SPEECH FESTIVAL MARCH 13. . OH |