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Show I ft - ft ft : ft r -- TT . ' . BOYER COUNSEL. SEEKS COUNTY FINA'NCIALrAlC f)ra Kcsle . Defense CovAisel Datfis Culough Monday tasked tho tc; BPPl county commissioned abwcf defense ?1009 up priatc Willi Insurance :ona witdessfees allowcdb witncsle to. tea- -' .... able L. Boyer, ofraschbl behalf tify.in - .Pleasej 9 9, TO TAKE.: MYSTlERY- .V; PLUMBING, aEATI .Etvmtea Free. I t . AN&.'KEPAIRINq , Viiij'rrB .efephonft OUrpejceV t1 . 'aiV sptndiptf the spring "I , : . iiykra I. ' f. 1 . , 'JjrftbiiETfr V. FLEMING, . , ftesiaen' tarrlcan . acutjoa many years .and sle has only bosn at them, home m the. Orch'ard, wt . LrntcytlBw with, her Mrs. Evcrell, ef this piaee, felt daughter Ter. the '. The .MiorJcitB Bankers' Assocla-- . past fo California hast Saturday pvetN ., funeral tl.nr' haa cdoprat.cd scry fees' wi It ing tb baftone uniil,thw Sunday. Sunday lrth? Cirttervjfl:; . First eouKI preperly.'dn s (u mea. evpyy Shek ViMttidTelatjwjSi it Sacra- ward gnd ne rem.ninl will be. taken ' ' ' . . sure f o r. .a a ' . mento' anrf near part's. t Cardston. for burial, Honal rkccrv-.Miss Elhi'l Wllkyisin has accept a i f cry, ft. 'has o ed a, position with a real estate' . N6w td'red. cpr.slruc-tlr. Lake-City. eoihpany in Salt Officer d . yfara . -- ime wluf.-ew- r out-of-to- i WEEKLY NEWS. EXPRESS, LAYTON, UjAlf, APRIL &e V. s . . ... v i r r . , 9 j i A North Centerville ward chapel and West roftrt and "Glintoif school; JVpdnesday, Boufltiffil tfarm burfayi servict station, South WblJer v'ard, chapbl and Clintob and Cldarfield schoqls. .. .. ., ', . . ..Besides Mr ,Nichptls,othqrinem-- . Ircs of th? committee in'charge'of the new program fcftr 'the cbuhfy' hjrp.Georgp.E. Dibble, .Kl. P.yVhite. sides and JesseUl.' Argyle, 'with W. D. Gfiddle'and Carl I 'jQxeh a.s alternate.l i W R. Vefno . 6s defense each appoint two lienbts to servn with tne two named the court 0 , goysrjft .trial on his igsahittf plea, April 17. Jia. bejn set :, V ti - . J " . . , HambWer.'Sand-- :). wichG:s..Witli . ;' ..:PojEaJtcfes- - IOC . I - " V tie. ftenlet abates that be greatv Beyer a sanity ly epptvclatwi, the promptness and Coi 9.40 17. . . efficiency, shown IjT Clatcftce E. 'trial in. Farmington April the reUesft his Nelsds end pompan, Farmeri The comtuisbien took, . ... . . ' A'uts . . Issuahcn, ondcr advisejnent. An unusual. number.7 of, distfn hew company, in,he recoyefy and res. ; . gflishe'd visitors. Mojvyhile ihcre v'ert lw hfri ft. recommeff-;us Euefico, JaAo Dairy mble . . hia of car which vis-ittorat,io developments Soil Gdriseryatidn duriftg the past week. a 1 6 q s for jvith. from infrortt f hiit tpsidcntfa jn Wilco, who ,Vas bor.n ip Bounbifbl 1. Boycf. underwent ft snentfl . Last .Friday night;, ' Lt. barkers such' iika 'died Lake Salt chatvges year ago, . ; eKamipation for the. first timea Beuptiful: The company had4he PTaui Explained rriied .firom Califoi'nia' for a ln'ba.n k In-- ' wifie car repaired at a cot oI abclut $ 100 ho.Rpital .WedpeShy after q. lingerwe'ek-ensince his anfst in. Davis county visit. She paid thd canip illness feeWe laws fall. ing, aggravated by a and returned' tb hijo insida hi short-ca-ll , ,aUyinfrcari)ival last October Da a. She wjts'tho widow .of, the late. onlzed' were tertained, .Saturday hnd was en. information on. the governments 2. George Hess, local f armet, week. , , , Mrs. by Wilcox Bear 'Adam of Lakb', fdahg new roil .conservation . t. circulated jietitlona calling upon fttucb credit la due City'Mdnshfll nbccasary, and Millfer in their home in anV plan wiH be Bountiful, St. resided .Idaho, at Chaflcs, ' refuse to his we now nd u Ilblbrook have explained at meetings 'to be field the couhty commission , ' Ilcpworth, Shociff Mdjoi who is now 1' B0I '. time, in m for the .prompt r.ccoVery better l&W bu Commander of the Fort Distf iet PESEREMORJUARf financial aid to the Boyer defense. Monday, at Clinton . ward" chapel Douglas 4o moved Lhk. years, .finally stolen Sajt UVace. Lake and Tuesday at the 'court house In hupenntort- of the. . Dr.'Garland Mer'. .which to CCC district during the. absence of . cay and the Salt ' . - ?, dent of the state mentaj hospital at police fqrao in kmding'tlid culprits Bosiles. three. daughters and a son Farmington. . operate. . T.h e Gejiejal t Sweeney, brought .Colonel' that sufvivc ve, two brdtherV, In addition to Uiese.meoUnge, . . ' .tanking A c t Pratt, Adjutant jaij: . Provo, and Dd. Foster. J.' Curtis of V. R. . . FLEMING .General, .of the Marlon and.fextc Palrymplc and . v- the Veterans', hospital at Salt Lake " arranged for- confer-e-nce- k . of 1935. affords, Ninth Corps "areaciUt td eur tamp ' . . thf6 sisters. with farmers, Monday, South ,ui opgortiinltles foY broader I . , , appointed, by .Judge Eugene servfca Wednesday.. for dinner. Afterwards ' both BountifuJ ward. chapel, E. Pratt ta aid tho court at . the , , and, at fhb same tlnje retains t,i'e th'dy briefly inspected; the 'camf. and Syracuse mchoojsf Tuesday, fuqdamentkffe.whlcli. We Both of., these gentlemen' were trial, Bpent three hous with Boyer fielleyp ate Centtfrville pirai ward at Che.Salt'Lake county jad Sun- ' The officers of the Wtst Bountichapel, $0 vital fo our hatlonel .welfare tdftd pleased vvjth thd tfpndi'ti'ons'at this - day. . ful Relief Isock'ly invitje the .ladies . Held .' ; which have''Rlayed largn'Phr't'iti headqdarters. ' Prior n the ' arrival of Maiol; . . Dr.. Pace said bo findings could to tfttchd the work and lmpiness NOTICES LEGAL our tn a bringing Yield . 2 r he announced; ,a& the country, c'omparp tfatjon meeting la bo Tuesday, at Swift and Colonel Pratt Wednes' Uroly Vhort gp.aoa of time, to the m. Mra. Mamie Akgylo has ddme Was. preliminary. , p. ., I.. . , day mortiibg, Ear!. ' More fexaminations will be madd of tfre 3ft Eask TO greatest,. Industrial son; assistant'Captain interesting instructions on broiling Prabatv ftnd. Guardianship Notices .position district ,itfspector Wasatch 2462. I'unesal . nation Parkin Uie. John services a.t for 4 thu other meA.ta earth. of and: he indicated, pfobatly intereHting jailor visited . 'us and conducted the reg- Your' loved ao flesirP ih kftftft ' Consult County Clerk of ' ' . , , Salt Lake general hospital. The things. An iqvita'tioa I dx.tendedlwas held Tuesday In the South ' ' Respective Signers for' ularly .monthly' Inspection. ' il fkePubtie t and . . , I Banking doctor indicated he "had decided to all ladies. ' Thursday fteraopn I'artKeC Tnfpr matron. . ' Captain It Is necesarydfrat the public have BrOeSfow, against having Boer removed to Clifford' Parkin itort of.lbe' Tate tfre district quarter mas1 Wnv-was . first as mental J. Iarkin pnd EljzabCfth Thijr I ', hospital, .the thorough undergtjil)()ing .ef.the Hines, assistant : . . planned. . .good .frarkin, is .in a serious" confun'ctlons of banks-- , what they can do distriqt . , . quartermaster, dropped in. woVe ... tho lf ditio'n Hess infection .' The with, being leg at, and what they cahnotdo, fo? It must petitions We ara very glad to .have had all ' circulated' in every Davis 'county. tho L.'D. S. "hospital. He has. been diction by David S. Muss ond Thom lTvf fnR T)l!Tnir'T pntTPT-- ' pt? n. be TefcogntzeJ that fo many people these people, as guests, and. are town.' ? Hatch 'dedicated the grave in the there about if month; i 1 VISION W'AND FOR the business of .hanking Is 'still some, "AT ' I proud that they, unanimously', iap. Mr. .McjQulrough told tho cOninii?. Mrs, Lizzie Bishop and May Bcxufttiful cemelciy. Among the' wba't. of a mystery, proved of our.edinp. . DAVIS OF STATE' CO0NTY, . aion musical Soldier was to numbers, of James Layton Bo.y it is, absolutely necessary Smith, tCo srsterrf ' . . Wit ahould oxplala these UTAH, frankly . bring witnesses from o.ut of; the of West .Bountiful 'who came down and Going Uomb,''by Joe Wood 'Tw!ntrv-on- e new- enrollee. functions .to- the p.ubli(f, acquaint' were afatp if Boyer is to get a fair and for tfte 'funeral of their slater, Mrs, Other musical numbers, O, Myf, In the Matter of the estate of tuero with enrolled from Salt Lake Thursday the laws ' . I Fat Know under and which H. ar.o of her. Jessie Lizzm trial," duceaScd. ihjw , Laytonr Grant, Woolley impartial ' , and Weber counts, Ni? moie'eo-and emphasize' tjie vltdl . A San ;. ' doctor, said, the at. visiting with thoir ' ..brother ' apd ff Lives were, given.pari j The petitiofl orThornloy . Swan .oberatp rollqcs necessary. to fijl oulr quota' ' which ' tyirney, Diegoexamined " tanls Boyer .ami family. play.ln .th,q econothlc; of enrollment . ' lhe for to himself issuance are expected to be tilct Jprsyfng life of . (mid he would .he' in. an asylum .Georgij Parkin of Granger, Wyo. JVl AKIV of Letters jof Administration in the ' order the .Nation, Therefore, In enrolled Saturday . . . Mr. but Bountiful South that of there 'be McCullough Xormerly may the fullest within'a.ycar." e Jessie-II, . of estate Grant deceased, L. tne be with D. S, hospital has been ill the .said he would satisfied. cooperation and Understanding ' .Due to the .fact that Easter oc. Mark Waddoups, 8D, pioriecr o'f baAbccn set for hearing. on. Satur-- . .for the past dhrge 'w Mis,' suffering doctors deposition, ., thq banks (ind the people .of curs this week-qnJ and that probJ8th of died at. his' home In llpirntlful daythe day However, other witnesses ..must fropV slomach .trouble but if nw 186K, April, tA. D., the country, It wljl also be one of our ably some of the boys up licVe have .be brought Arort .Colorado, Texas considerably jtnprovcd. Monday morning. I!e suffered a 1183(5,, at ten oclock a. m., at the objectives to' take the . ome hejv spring clothes .they and .Kansas, he said. , 'Mr.. Helton Nelson, returned fall tbi;eo months ago and had been County Court House, in tho Court of banjjfn'g wherever it ihystery' ' out to anf exists. might exhibitin the I already, have spent bitweep home frdm Dertojt, Inst Monday. Krin&vv.r,aker ?ipce'. . . .Room of said Court, i'n. Farming Easter- Parade, there wilD be' fto 500 and $600 of my own money Up brought 'a nejv Ford 8 back was born August ' DaVia .Count .. iVanliing CQnftTft.'ce work done en the Farmington . on this,jsaid Mr.McCullough,'whb w.ith him. . t L . A aerloq at Regions. c"k'canyon -, project Saturday of Smvfry doCohferenccs was appointed by tho Court to Mr, and Mr. . G.'Eldrtfilge of m Banking Service-wil- t . bb held lh Captain Miller has arranged ' for Trcmonton .wore visitors at the Thomas and Elizabeth Porter Wad CU1'J, llh t.he Seal hereof . defend Boyer. . ' ile camo ta Utah with his C1 th", "h day. of April A. D., strategic sections of the, country, em- the holiday. Mr. McCullough said be mado Clarence EMredgo homo dui'ing the record With W36. bracing of ql types, 13 tho request at thd' suggestion of Week-enwhen of homo j ,'r. year's only banking. .The ' Monday. parents returning, age, ' ilr. and Mrs'. John Kynastort, Wh6 tow .banking laws and the forty-thre- e more GLEN DAY,1 . Atotr'ney General Joseph Ches, . Mrs.. George Stevens. 'who., hgd crossing tlu plains in .the Orson regiila went to Bancroft to attend the tlons Issued with whom he conferred' on pay. been, visiting .here with her so;, Haight company which arrived, inf i Seal 1 ' 9 thereunder will 6e car Clerk.. junior prom will be back, this week ' fully analyzed o that our bankers . ment of defense witness costs. , ,, Apguq, and family during cpnfef. Salt Lfeke Citv, August 24, 1868 end. . ... .Bur-Ic. In He will iionus defense to allow to her the fallowed Statutes of .vfAitA haw thorough understanding ehey, returned ; payment occupation bank affords ' -IN.011CG tO LTCOltOrS of the, broadened services now made farmer and rachner all bia life tn witnesses of $3 a day and transpor Monday. ' 'Dale Schuithfe's was. borne from which bo was most successful and tation from the state line. adpossible. .customers ; The defense counsel told. the com. work a few days. r. with ft' is well known In. Northern Utah the publfv relations of qutatlda Estate of Mary r Evans 'Briggs, and how we can mission costs Of defense withness' bad cold that has altppAt. turned te and Southerri Idaho Where ample, best serre the peo' ' some time 'as well as in Davis otherwise Unown and. written, as ple of eur . foes would be less thaii. costs Of a pneumonia. resources excommunities, will, be an ' Dance Tuesday after Mutual in C0?tyr sievy trial, ahould the s.tate supreme fMary E. Briggs, deceased.' other topic of dlscusslfta. Clialce or v . court hold that' Boyer did not re- - South Bountiful. Mr, .Waddoups labored as ft mis- - j . Creditora will . Just A few Sips and preseat claims forum on specific questions of perienced service. . Mr. and Mrs. William .J. TaVltin .crivea fair hearing.' ) to bankers 18'jTtu A Flash activeTn Ilk and the problem Relief I Tt 1807 krd ha8: been lie said be believed Davis county arrived home Wednesday morning, confronting them' in thefy particular 'codld' avoid a lot of critcism bjr from Los Angeles where they' had other church dutibs as long as AH Cough look alike to BUckley v Clipper. Bld&.t locaHtles wIH also "be Jaclude4 .appropriating-spent a w.eek visiting with- Mr. and. health pettnitted. Ilfr marrie4.Cy-- a j Mixture (triple acting) one sip of . . list Gall, daughter 'of Anson and. B.oiintiful, Ubah,.oti pr .before the Mrs. Irvin Neville and other re la.1 this grand medicine soon stdps an Mr. Che had indicated that tlvns. Thfy went down .on 4he Chal Margaretta Clark Call In thp fall I l?th day of June,A..I., 1036, t old deep ordinary oough tough of 1876. She died .July .3; 1907,1 . MERRILL R. HOLBROOK, seated coughs and the perdlstent Boyer probably could not receive a longer train making, it' in 'tw.enty HIBUC ATTITUDE bronchial oough are under control . ' .fair trial without being permitted hours. ' after just a few doses no mope torto call Mr. ftpJ.Mra." Gleno Peterson 'witnesses to sleepless nights. testify as to his sanity, bftt that proudly announces tho nrrltal of' ft. THE BANKS -menting, Buckleys la Alkaline, thaffs Why Jts the state was without funds to pay daughter bom. Wednesday. so. different it acts like a flash. FARMINGTON -y such testimony.'.-- . for. Miss rhylljs Snyder visited with Refuse substitutes guaranteed. 45 ' Mr. and 0 oents at all druggists.. W JC. McCullough rovcalod he had hei' sister, Mrs. Jack Christensen, AiinMal Banker Convention Buckley, Inc, Rochester, N. T. . proposed to District ' Attorney the latter part of last week. .? .. Made, Johnson thatthe state and . Gransville Say public Conridencft Ha Ofrson ftjnd .faintly ton W. Rewd, Rayson;. Hazel . .i ... , Walker, 'Kama, Utah; Glen Wad.. 5wn Restored . PHCMli 8. Qiln . doups,. Sugarhoyse and Clifford W.I- n ; I ' Ridiard.Shea of llolyoke, Mdss loaned, 00 to William-DurtbeWaddoups, Phoenix,.'Arjg, lie also : v ' , '. We .restoration fnarrled Hannah ef public eoafr IN' tJIE SECOND . JUDICIAL .Hence in Vnklna has put it In the. .diraome ftopift & years ago. The meh parted apd. Shea .heard jno more of Durthey her t ' DISTRIGT ' COURT. OF. THE position whdee ft 'can .function some .. " . ago, 'years " fullv . .until this ftlob from hiln. ' . . . recently On November 27, 1916, he mar: "STATE OF .UTAH" IN 'AND and Vigorously ta playing V . . I ried Mary. W. Carlie.'who aurvives economic par In. the progress gjj FOR DAVrs COUNTY ef r ' 20 him; also Kaysville, Utah. . covery, said the' American bankers AMERICAN MUTUAL BUILD grandchildren;' and 20 at conducted slayer . - - Headquarters r, , Governments fnUir-Exchan- ifALEYS 1 t Jiafve.-honore-d Vas-stol-fc- n s 1 , , d. ( - .... Siv-ift- . - wobjis cross. ' Funeral Services ,. Tuesday..; For John Parkin ... - .- ex-am- i Ahqr :. 1 - k . -- .i ii , Notice...' - .. - - . w-- . - . WADUOUrS . ; d, 1 . pos-Ibl- y. . a V-- K0S,i,wT;urshirof 1 iffrt-doup.- s. . a. than d 8-- years I -. n ji. y, I .' BRONCHIAL COUGHS . this-wee- he-live- I . " of this its the vantages of and : sf sum-for-th- .de-fera- e e. - . .,!' out-of-to- 't,te at Halt " WStOOQS' , '. Rhnria A ft--i y three.-childrc- -- ' .... . h' - ' " Association In its annual convention. The passage. of a con generally nnwAidTE 'Lj structlve franking law 4a the 'Bank BEN-no- n B. a,n tabernacle with Bishop'Quayle Canlorttv? WUUed 'the offit idting. aiie speakers .Were, SON, his wife; JOSEPH L. LAR- banktni situation ami enabled bank I. P. Willey Ezra Waddoups, J.JC. SON and MRS. JOSEPH L. to deverte undivided attention lo and B'i'shop Cannon. The SON-- , atsfi known as JANE DOE Vi the norm!' administration of their opening priyer was by Israel Call. LARSON,. hta'wifo, defendants., Institutions In promoting the buei Amos Cook . kenfdiction and by ; aold Sheriffs on Sale nt nesg and', 'public welfare of1 V. their ;Bs& v.ommuqltI0s.H,the Miresolutions said.'' oc .Wefeel that It l.a a Particularly ,n quartet compost'd .of W.G. Jflardy, 0UT. lobr the .County irnportang feature 6f this John A. Call, Kate Zesignr and law that '.En;in. Garrett; solA by Joe Wood oyri'. House, in tlxe City of F.arm-sioi,- o It aims- fer create throngli the 'revi by Mrs.. ;AYvelld SoekK; sojo I County of Davds, State of slon of the Federal Reserve Board i fry. Mrs. ll. U, Ilfcks. and tho clos- - .Utah, the following described real iuptpmo Court of Finance which. ing number fry Nkthifn 1 lhbbard. property ' teautifnl . Cowimoncing In 'the PROTECTION. .TREE ce.PUi?naIly compotenl mCn floral T'1'' numclr?us a gbod att- - . ct A rain foU, Vod centdr should constitute one of tki stpeef foEtyard'S-tcpis b.ullding s soqSj tunning Nrfrt-- and Sonjhat .banking and. credit system.-'SIS lrnks .West ond 805 t links North frp'nt the SouthGuxersmrfrit'in Bjnlin . east tprner .of thu '.SoOthweit. . Another- resdluthm .' said' '.quarter of Section 23,. To'wn; . 1 West, 7?ar.lcu,aN' mphasIxe'-tBship 2 North,.-RangJesIrabiMy .0f ihe relir'ement of gev Sale Lake Meridian, U. is. Surom.meflt from those .fields vey,, aijd running' th.encfi North : Mrs. Many E, Smith difd IfiuYs-a- y .12 ide0tr.rfi,U,,tXPW tire 'center of s'aid atfeet pt the home of frer dauhlrcr, J 2?., by 1135 Jinks to fhe rentier . of. a vatelf Irs. Mary Steed in Centerville, owned Institutions, w fL ifimilar four Pod streat running he . had 'suffered, from . heart .ognlze that he exlg'encies of the bow mible for.tf humber 6 jears, , Eat and Westj .therrce Wtst made necea Ihe 'atreet center .'of TatiJ along a ary lalge participation said Shewas'ndqughtQr of the .Villiam.R. and Mary Ricks Smith.' , 485 'links; 'thence-Soutment for. time' !'n th'4 me? ' ?59.6 .Ier father was the first president . linkk; thence .West 3172 links; ing emergency, finance needs. f Davis stake. . , Those conditions, hhve . .thencf .'North .59.6 links' to The deceased was an early day beeh 'center .of. said road; thence ' largely remedied and the obligation hbol teacher in Centerville. . now reaW upoa the "West 25 links Vo East line of banki end other lies home was in Canada ' 'for financiil agencies to D. & R.G. RR. Cos right-of-- '. demonstrate to the people pf this way;.tbenc& South 11S5 links;' country (hat are fully able and thence East 3682 links, more . . willing tq meet afl demands upon, them for sound credit or less, in point of' commence- -. cooperation. It is our duty a, bank nienU w&ttafaraHUt 18 Terr ,fft!vp Together with.' imprivhuents of government ToTm1? and. appurtenances, ditch and from credit activities Feel full of pep and froseeu the water rights thereunto belongby slender form you crave you can't promoting public understanding of : ing, including shares of If you listen to gossipera. Proper function of orlratai the , capital stock ' of tha To take off excess fat go light on wned banking." Bountiful .Mill. Creek Irrigafatty meats, butter, cream and sugCOLDEN ary eweets eat more fruit and .1.1 Imi tion Co. I- I.I.I vegetables and take a half teaspoonSchool Savings', Dated and issued at Farming-toful of Kntechen Salts In a glass of hot water every morning to elimt Davis County, State ef Utah, nate. eiccosa waste. During tha school year . tins 9th day of April, 1936, ' ?) dosed Jan Verllle of Havre ue SO, 1J35, JOSEPH Grace,: Md., writes; I took off o Mhool children to tha HOLBROOK, number of?. bs. my clothes fit me fine now. Sheriff, Davis MWM County deposited I11.575J00 in No drastic cathartics no constl-.tUoTELEHIONI-- : Sty Bowen & Quinney, Atfys. ool wrings, reporu to tha Aaarl-fCo8tn wllfio little ,,on Building, take doff' Baakars Association' ahoy. . t you your r ' I Salt Lake City, UUh. ii ,n,0Tc?f Krusch.n.; . great-grandchildre- . 'JlNG-Fumial services werq held W cd j rieUy afternoon in Uie Bountiful LOAN COMPANY, .a t StvA LAR-Hepwor- (Kj; j ; '.vj .; ,. - .. Doughty Chevrolet Co; ; V ,iN i A BLOW-OU-T i .. .. th yvrrtr. - I Jo-tvi- Member Federal Rcbirye System And Federal Deposit . i , Insurance . Corporation a. .. '.Accredited Depository for ' Fniida Public '. t: :: 1 ... . , , 1 , , With rnoJcrtr high speeds, miik blow-ou- . ; , rvI k Death TaReg Mary. H Smith At Home of new Goodrich Safe This is dfle only tirtf ty in the world that g,'vc motorists Life-SavGolden flyblow-ou- t ,t , . 4 Extra Milag9 1 ' , we have it--Hn .Silvertoit'-n- . es , - tw huxintt siL rnpr'. J ,(( baa a ladtiUif wnbtea m Ll til rImm that pmaMimi (, MU. Thai a obliga- fair b nothini ta buy tion. Coma la todaf. . . . w P00HD3 OF FAT ; - Tpp values allowed on old tires, .. Let u.s restore the .motor- in your car ' so.it wfll Speed and gas and . '. on mileage as when-new- . - - -- give.-Power, : CENTERVILLE AUTO REPAIR CO; CJiNTERVILL&'tJTAH- '.., I- n, (jhty Chevrolet JX)UNTmJX UTAH tires.- 7" - . ' iEIfEPflONE tft-R- ' J SUE LOST 20 Sllvertoviis .PII WITH LIPE SAVEtt GOODYEAR AND FIRpSTONE n tisof h (LpDBidlpi$sIi. , e . ,w ' it - passing-depressio- tail-spi- font tail light p Daughter lIrs. Steed pro-tectio- . Come In mod let ui how yob this tire that skves lives. Let ui ' show yoa bow the Golden Ply nreventg blow-ou- t how the big husky cleats n on the tread prevent akid and 'how this rugged extra thick tread gives months more mile-- , .' . age ( t no extra oostl-- a h t rufcre dangcrotis than 'U ing 1 1 cvet; we looked .around ,fbr tha coo'ld find. 'And now afct tire .. . ' npt'frrit' ;:j , . i - I'n Goodrich Safety Silyertowns AND GIVE .YOU . I ".y . . To-b- Boun'tifuhUtab- :.:.caii now supply you t . coy- - n but-blissfu- l dally-bowe- l &-- r lsat 8-- 11 your Natural Beauty with a " NEW EASTER CURL Last Vninute Hair Styles given to your ' ' " individual type. 1. Call at --- ,.w v. ..r VIRGINIAS BEAUTY SHOPPE - ., - : 1 -i- -. .Telephoned- ) L- - - r - . Layton, Utah- i . i 1 r f t. . |