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Show 1 Lead piuella three for fif( Spring Medicine1" HoeaciutnbooS, office. AnD LOSS Mid Cf.tr. Till: ilr-i-n pec-idwrl.iuc f. Uliich erelf ne tihil 4 Itr. Gunns improved Liver Pills, on cw'imhIi i ilu j.v i w. di. A cniteiiog the BASK I will iuiuv it:H leauou id IMt at The BALL. A fall smu be 'Inc to Departjr uriuj esceji m.1 iulti j, iAj count of their mild action, era especially for ein;., rr. !:1 ,l,, - Ul. 1 ; I, e list-e- l 'll Iri-materiel at this office. i.c'l Maiitl; hegluulng cabins wiihilis 'lotus-- 1 disorder N uv.m Kphialm M. i .eo. i:.i. in spring for correcting ei'il'.id. I ,rnuj. adapted Oili i! dr-and Urn hMlV to ft !) UI windows, fur they isrel iblUr.l ii "I. I'H I, H:- It; such as impure blood, tired brain and Hi- - i'mCIIx reporti'i s- - ne Leallh OMMttffla 111 111 rol LTEY h0M-- . " lining Apcllo," and my Imported with dub faces u seedhs train ro by i ir Siii.ov j ft.rr ,il i '? Xy and aching and worn out body. They y larger i. imbciel 1W. Old lluuiluimi uuy r rrcliaud." Their Story of Hijf sion it llmue As ws pans through tbe ('leieleuil ,r- ip bay, thto t,!n hi them spring, gy pi soil dose. or Will a Try i I Imwere caused pulf Iheieukkwa wadpill by Hour ( ues p,.:t how many historical 'Pie eurct-- o these hovsea have attain wl .t: I.'T.:1; tlvjsUf h esse IS Ibr M M. life of it f-,!taCTiPu,p8rr-r' v tionbh-a- . induced or aggravated a iu re foal getter, to a matter of con act promptly on the Liver mid Kidney; Willl-.mortal by our notional poems and songs KlI.tteK Ot. J. WALTER. nil Abruai il ai! I:from ths blood, 4 month, out Hirer all drive Impurities Potomac of The service the .lehleratiui' to all wanting -an called to miud. 10 Mela t '. C.t km months, of re- Hlii'tliM weie turned iof.l 'Ml-- : (. i aud malaria from tha system. Italy on oa a tint el:: here. and ths Utamal $wanip are full ,!i.ilSV' I" i 1. B. Brunei. box hi;.''.1. Is a acuta by dvwriising vaUa ou application Sold at I lyrics. ! Hliminders of our Hojiing to meet all luy old jutlnunt, i I : I jr It hii For Sulo, fact la tl at the city was rxleinl a cordial imitation, to all to in r nuto North Tarellua we IN SOlTiBN PINK. l.-- , ii I. 1 -t fill mil l l.ie. n i.i it I i,ui..itti':e fev-- , Lruf tla-ehor-f e fiiiu i'o.i tagloua u c i eeettoa strike Lis brerdiug hh I There to more Catarrh In tale A boast and lot, I blocks w i..il lii fie I i ii:.'.' if a. the turible etc., ai.-noted fog iU health giving .rroperUi of the country than all other dtoeaaee I I III- Ui"-- I Tbs bouse Hotel. Maatl. tu pto Ijr'W.lIf nw toot tha fow 4 weekq, trealiueut gnaran-- j out together, and until an k, fiHi tj di'ectly Fair h(uoraiile sour homo for eliargeabie 1'1 n jii' il be of N Foe aw. Bee t orchard la MaatL critical years wss snppoasd to ba laearaWs. u. the pietarliog influent! epidemic, teed. Lm ui (Iiii Ritisu tf the Grip Nm .jsragVHi. ws he with iy n mi,'' i'i,i-l- ' ! doctors pronouiesd ban aad wagon abed. uf .i " Tubidat, March 24, 1891, couulrr an sell' A who. Con lh Ih fsetifttf S. l taf Fuliauelce, , uau, oiuoel j gye at aU tile tVtoMdhiia, 'and probed foejJ C. Rtacxsxa, e ! Hli-- t iiiiii n li. 'lie g to ll.nl', b.l'l foiled Dvjti udSuswtl wilYirictj.; Cheater. Utah. iiur capU.u, rnuiiuaunad the Sixth Than to almost a summer, gresiing-nmedlea, and by eoeitanUy rUh! the io.m. l ifautiy whan attacked rurwllh local treatment, prooouueed I the long pfno leavea, pud where Konci roa tcafjCAnox Ltfolterl..gly1rae tohto It Incurable. Selene has proven wtarrh tbd nppeernnee tlirough Notics. branebee grow to tharo-fom! A1 to be a eonsiltatioaal disease, and be was a bow.m frtond. H. euipnai nulllg ,.t illt uta Civil not pullko that of our forsaU uf dreidu UadomuM deelraa eouatltuttoual treatment Ih -i befuve (lie xis'l. Moroni- To Filt, Olsks A Co. ' Bp. VIcSl&s cannot regrettiuff bt.re F. baip manufactured Ws by toetnresto ortkeglipps. trees. dlJ t,day algM. out Vhltaey -- hall he notified that your Halls Catarrh Cura Von are Nuilrt likerehv riTii tk Ike ruling Uf I to the onta ui) of axtenRve lumbering,' wor.l .f Ruth "Yonr KolUlwbw d been Iu buMuefS shirk In the hereby dewUee hie died oCk-- o",le d Mauti City Savings Bauk to J. Cheney & Co , Tedo. O.market. MUROXi, April 1st, U91. to sea tbe signs to Gbul MBiif la bnalnrsa locations li Mutl apply t. "Vour u.bo It ter the on (iid oure t; H eonatltutloual w id people" ofkllflSS, fonj ihj Is mads hFtr rjul.B tlH ct0M ut tll, ar. arises, li unless and right the J t1l to TcU Olsen Ca Tm payment aad to BpppK quastloa delinquent made Ulore I.An doeee from 10 drop ttal rifoii prut! wlU La Grippe, has visited almost every Mj T i at."- IntbeKnh-g1 will offer your stoek (in cald taken internally ii this n I Co., bub Ter. arifiy well.kuowu el before, Dr. denredallona Saapet Jadre llalfield, t apt Bsv, eucb make n to a teaspoon fuL It acts directly upon Clara et laid manly, al iba deaitiiJ 111, In this plaoo. at brother Jn-- bi for of 8 of sale nrtaea and name bauk, family from share, la to to died hero protect rail of Kvabatou, shortly Ws Ittu bava two itons of staUnel pissed City, Ulab Territory, tha blood und mueoua aarfoeea of the tl.1. r diiue pntdie auction, in trout of tho bank Ilk day et April, A.U.UW, wi The formers are !oaln for the ad- sold and disease? 'It msy .or nfoy not Jabobaen of Moroni tha Smtind Black, For terms wrlta aystom. They offer aua handrad dollar mlJuight.of pueuinanla. Msiill city, at 12 M. Wednesday A Bobbtea, Doaan lain, Maarf I tn for of the Sand beantifnl expcresini.e aoq M vent oPBprln. bat still It Hager. for any ease it folia to curt. 1SU1. lb Otaoa A Co. IVove. to the hlghMt rsapo be wlee fom g utilitarian aland point; New Yt'UK, .Viiu.n 31. Tl.o record uf Kill, testimonials. .Addraro. a 'recorded and to a John on the tola of circulars It but bidder. wltaoasiu to prove lnm-Ua- rch p Slat, at Unreal, Loo lea, wtdonatprofeeato judge, to eee our in Rev. 3 & 12 verw were apiroprto'( lv deaths siuc ujuu yaatqfday up to ' uoou Tb Bkntixkl only to. a copy at tha F. J, Cbihbt A CO-- , Toledo, U. tollowiai ALBIKT TtTTLI, Inlfetlea aad reslaaiellea or, m i.'JU Aji shock to tbe watiuieut 78eta of Seven those liraggtoto 14d. by reported ie JaaneL. Cashier, Eeanes, aiaipeea Ruper, ie daughter of Zephanlab and Martha Jane ad I. tySold a HmniL Kawa Dapat. wa a fro ril'i.r ommentednu ti (or eo Tepidly allaru? sad alias Metkelae. dtoappoarlug forests jM Parklaa, , D. Bradly. aed years Death was noble i.'i. eeaait Ouualr Utah Tcrrllay. . , " po more out only a1 he ul out t hi be vo been from grippe, eomplieated H Suitimbl Holiday Nuaibef oa aale at caused wood maus sis. Miaa Praadaaa, Uomaatead Bair a,.' There are 19G difeaeee. by a complication of diphtheria before ths other Mother. wilt ta Mvles reward W W N X SaNTiKH. News Depot. (or lha S-- S V, h, a I,, Ai we draw near oar destination, and la grippe. v a 1 1 W, and hum Iba Mlowiae WH. peliCvuieu ou the 'ica liet a. ' Mre. with ('ll KKri.l: -- j: .! y Mmi-IKiiikluw'a KMithing Syrup has lo prnva hll cootlBuous ntaldeaaa ua? Pino Bluff, wo begin to ho filled Three Car loads ef paaaaniara left a said vli. rilfivatlui the laad, In of, life fur 1 umhI umlhers Ida.Mairb bocn of rnora-what grippe millbnia to as lectured Bni.l.avi'E, by laatnlht esger euriuoity Up. O.F. Whitney i liaaU to attend oonfaraaea this Cbnatlaa F. Uleleeu, Ldward Ckrib. Childrau treiiiiug. fur over fifty years iu a sal.ghsut form has made its aadZaaoi Haaaaa, or bediiioed. koT ea "Xarly Scenes In Church History," plat woods will be. aud ths kindly An Enlerprislnu Firm. ! tog. the with relieveu feet it JoUn luaeoa, uf Wdluw Umk.il aad utvn. pei from ou Voud river again this little Miifferer at ou.v, produces ustural, brlactn 1 vividly to oar minds the greeting we raeslve on eteppldg Couatr, I'teb, Loali Kjar to BhTppinrala to Grand eeass Oa ne. Ha Bf a, Peter Wlea, Uuiaeatead lab, for have grP ef persecutions thresih which the the train sagnra well M ekorl i.pr.i:g. aud EiaUjr poupie fteei'ig the ehild from quiet aleei by Tiur corretpoadent called ieu.rorthaaM,N Wk,aad W R,.ewl Jnnctiea. Tiro ear toads will leave salats were 18 COMMERCIAL ST. IB aud th.-- iHlle cherub awakes as pain, I aamra to pass to estab- ling Into tbo covered carriage provided time ago ou Hausen & Co. and wa; aad X, If, luaA, compelled Tplt.eato . i bars la the morals. kla eoailaamia pro Cabinet Photographs for or on l.itf iumth, iiy "bright ns a liuttun." It is very pleasaut Firct-clae- a lish the eh arch of Christ He also gave for ns, we esnnot help feellug n little tiftonldlit-of r to Dad tho loiuif poo, andI aalilTatloa of, aald laud. ,Tn(u tu taste, soi'thes the child, sufteus the I t to midst. I eleed . uil oar U . M. to 80 Doi. ocr Lara Jaaa C. Ckrlatoaaea. la Uittouta, their aala a synopsis of the work on which hs Is startled to perceive that C.F. Larsen onlj II. per rarritd Ly them, as well as Ntagaod night. attondiug gum, allays pain, relieve wind, reguVialov 7 tdaaa.aad ilaaasaaaaa, aUsLlK, "horned goods bavin every ala at present enaad. The history ef Utah' leae than waa nor a teilod la He isparto Tlario never tho known more the aud late heug there ILat bowels, Uua Their Canal. Temtur. llaoa, lavpou thing remarksbla low prices qneted. frvly eiy Salt Like City, Utah. of FRaas D.Hoaaa.Bmte fur whether tbo m with diarrhaci, novelty remeily a when to arising for this at a busy season. of well bat, delighted country Bp. Whitney qualified ird A Low. AUoraay tor AppiKaan goods eonatot of VVageue, Buggies and III the from fi uir. r cauaee. Twenty been raised here and be-i- iho eltaalioa, we proceeded at n gradual all kinds of farm impliiuecta a well aa mauy pmple were atrirkru dowu at oue five centeriiing Oaa mile of rads to ready tor tha labor, havin u tHittle. about Mo.aW. a witness of many of tbs events pact to the lumas of oar boat, full Una of stoves, hardware, gnus time rail and ties, before many days tbs annex roa mjbuoatiox. tarts quarters of a mils distant The and amuiuulfioa. They barulto the Dks Moixta, la-- , March 31. - The grip to the swamps, which ha will chronicle. be will The completed Best Advertising. Wm pads air to bairn), Ilka M y In the Kortb, and famoae Cocper and Fish Proa, wagons and tbe. M awj COMMISSION MERepidemic Las alrurk IV Jluiue The most fflieleut advMttoing In be- AUCTION Richard Lowe shipped 890 hes this we do net need Ui d.ew oar wrepe tightly tbe Folaiubua aud Haydock la alvaa Ibai amieo affarteil. tha lalw arc haraby Fuggiv, doctor r port that l.undrru half of Huud'a fiarsaparillit to that which Gunnison. aaaiad aottlar baa akd aotlco of kla lagive morals. They were bronht from CHANT AND BROKER. abMt ua; the frog ere eruaklnr. and iLe McCormick reapers and muv.rra In cacr It to proving fatal. R eonies from the niediciufc itself. That toy le aiakaaaal pme( la aupeorl ef many XlalBore and are bain taken to Shoals odor. men concert aald peaul will ba mads bato that There will be a Friday the air to filled with a jdury -' A Fall - Lina of , unradaemetl Clark lobe stovec, aud the world renowu port from surrounding towneehow the thuae who are curvil by it, apeak to of taapate eouatjr. Disk, ta,wlteh near Bingham. on clt tbG euffr-riuro to of who benefit turn the in the frieuito for rAom 10th, eiuiilary, Tht April In, ilouaa, Maatl, Utah, oa May Sad, at 1'arhsr aud Colts firearm. Mr. Ilsueu dtHUtse jo general throughout Crntial Gold Si end derive benefit aud urge other to try pledges, consisting of , for Ua to, Jamaa Mallor, Jr B.S. arrival to celled with pine, hi Cleanse the scalp from scarf and dn Seminary. rxrry the largxet stoek of lews. Ti.o w .'kllier. iu tho opinion of tills euecnwful medlciue. Tbps the circle aa.1t wx. ec.i.Tp. n,s.B.ii. f p and Jawelrjr. Haaamaa Diamonds ver wntchoi. that the walls Ua follewlaa graluqd for wlluauak,, draff; keep the hair soft and of a naturfully e. farm favurnbie la r:.1 contii'iie of lta lwijiularity huggiM, rapidly widening will be cMhed until Tuesday lmpl:aato tb kla aoaliBBoaa realdaara apoa aad a I cheer a ui piur for It al color by the nss of Ball's Vscetable theSeminary PRICE YOUR OWN and d.eoriun; more ba cause sold To aud AT from thto Uoa of, laid laad, via: Zeha albntktAltt aloue, ol any firm in Tia) Bounty and that can It: tl 'vkd. 7th, Inst. Joseph T. Jensen has gone pictures Daak, William Bowa, Jr.idwar t. km, mure are brcomlug enthusiastic in befire to barulng on tha hearth, and a'i sir Sicilian Hair Raaewer. 1 will. Salt l.jhv Amis in price Coufereice ONLY. . CC to Conference. Fayalta, baapaie Caaet. Utah. during aa of Hoods rmun it half the actually Sarsaparilla eemftrt of 1 Fiua u. Hoau, L pervade simple kn-Tend warehouse two ail the on the A11 that The wool association U Lake atwulute Salt merit. A Lews, Alt taits deuii'iistrate Bird Main !:j City. St AppUcaale, ' I ahead. The March earns In like a lion, but wiat During the night the ralu fails rnpibus iii - mid are doing a rasUit,; bavin is asked tor Hood'S Sarsaparilla to that w.ig rapidly poshed and Old Time Prices. sat much worse; 1 wont say how. ly, but by moining not a puddle la wet: n It lie given a fair trial. If you need men in the it S "iid" tills to ri'eir fsandatlon eempletad t Beautiful spring weather so far In April td tell the Uto Mbo:e the rain go, good blwHl purifier, or building up medare b nelly employed la raisin the r r Uuruierruutile men especially, and icine, try Hood's fiaraaparllta. ,el,. whieli ih water iu soft The best Conjoint Meeting held iu theaprlngaof , frame work. will le- - interested the public abourde will have to tell. TIt&e Gunnison was given' last Sunday eve, country extracts from to thn of rra.lrr and following Pilesl Pllesl Piosfil pelts hides, wool, Take year air coon becunies dry aud rxhilarkiii g the effect of the Seminary. an oil tim-- ' invoice, puri'liu-iW by lleury Utah Central, wool Co. Their head- partly Mr. WHUoms luiliau Ill Ointment and there to aouielhlng peculiarly geniul Laid to RestX. S.. will cure liliiiri, In lMO fiuiu CbasGtodhiil, Jr., was kicked ou the Tattle at are Trilie, rigdeii. aud down for coiuVe the Itehiog present Hleeillng, quarters la tha way tbo sanligl.t Ua'iMihuff & Co., Salt Lake. The price I1!ea v hen all other Ointments have and Ces where supplies of twine, sacks lefbyaeolt, while leading It to the due probably to the alarues uf Ilia It abmirtw the tumors, allays Ail. .el IJui;i:rlii;ged the young mku quoted are all whiilraale rates, and in failed. Mr. is Gladblll ISM field Have always on Hand of the first quality a fall line of staple and bu week; Imprev. eta, eaa be obtained. It li eo calm aud ctiad); ,1 sets ss a poultice, who it w'll ! icnieinijered ws found percent, wa added for profit to til ths Itching at mice, Dr. Williams bones no broken, being Hi' tug rapidly, ulster our riin In t Inw fitful than iiislsiit relief. ginw It to rumored that Tuttle & Co. hare bruise to quits painful. in fie i k in .ii. t: of tbo ear at the UeNit, died tuial of the liivuic.-- Ths insn uf tu iluy illmi Pile (ilutnienti s prepared only for Theamo effect le uotlceal-lthe baas ball nine, allhough the proffered ftrtn After being removed who has tu suipurt a family should look J'ii'-- and ltcnlng of the private parte the i.u and ao. (hat A Idas. moved his aurllght, food H. Duffln, tha barber, has moonlight doth for their uniforms. slid nothiiig else.. Kvery box to warruSnli'fi.iie, it was found at those prices and etup grumbling: nd to ao out openly epn What will the other business man do to barber utensils tohto residence, two great dome, ranted. ' Sold by druggists, or sept by i fi wa from ha '.'at tvphoid Miffering ProYisioDs, Tobacco and Cigars, mail ou receipt of price, 00c. and I1XU oneuie to have uioie than Its wmt-s43 pli'Oie print, ISfiO yds. 30c. clucks from assist la the RoodeaaseT " Store,, where he still niedt and all that khlioiigh box. per budlea. of chare 2 112 will be COFFEE,: Old O. Java, Mccha, and Choice Rio. hoavealy works some at his trader but pieces I.uymakeri.' denims, yd, iu WikLizas Mv'r, Co--, Props Tbs' Electric Skstln Rink of Ball soon BUOAR. Qranulated, Coffee, Crushed, Brown, Syrups, Rto quiet und netful here, a paradise cal skill could do for him, waa atteuded at file. to It Willow Creek Canyon. r. go .Ohio. will be open uuria Confer too low to recover. During Labs lie U, tvsi 1 piece Ainus fur ona wbc wtohao to eoeapo the lanes, Honer. I'eg, Lieacbed. 41,4 yd-t A millinery shop baa been opened ena Mrs. Lottie B srion with her ease lioui 2 p. ui. uiiUl 11 p. ta. Foie TEA. Guupowdor, Oolong, Yonng Hysoa, Breakfast, Jtpa Not? It Costa Nothing. uf Iowa life nr even tha his 33c. Why barI, Gaum, Rams, and all kinds of alUae-turn- s dqpr east, of the where on one charactortotle greatnem of heart fur IMPERIAL. Our nsw importations of Teas ara gusranta WL incumbent 4 piece Lanravtrr giugham, 152 yds. social ebllgatioue niNhi'd him with food and careful nun-tug- , ovary events. Good music In ber formerly into. VAliaillUnery work Why not ascertain whether that Idea to bealili morn fashionable the at at 41c. give perfect oatiifaetion in every respoci staying uf yuan is patentable?' Write describaf 'Tribune wlll' Tw dode Orally and promptly ai tendance, tluinm PUKE 3 piece Liaacy, 178 reports. SPICES, Driod and Cannod Fraita, Maatl and Yip at A. C. Snow A Co file. Messers to it. yds ing Him Helena Kearnea. Tim arj'aiih'tmeuta for ths funeral tables. Patent Bollcitoni, Opp., C. 8. Paten 1 dozen round combo at title. On eunny days, which hare prepvudcr PHY Office, Washington D. U, and they will In fact, a full, fresh and complete assortment of everytkiaf A grand cap dance was ftyeu in the ateddariag the tbrsa weeks we bme were attended to bv Dr. Olsten. A peat 12 lb eolton thread at Sl.fiO. Mrs. Brunei will open her Mllllhary of Inform free waa made and the deceased dressyon charge. 45 dustn spool eotton at 81.2e. Parlors on Monday Harsh Nth with a H. R. Hall, Wednesday teal I( wad no bqea here aloioet ta the ratio of liree to eaekot usually told in our Unt. We bay our Goods diraat from Tu iti ed Iu a becoming suit of olothes purHands for Cash, and aoniaquently buy at the MM 1 pleee 94 at 824. Full Line of French millinery la all the April Fool. Caps ef aUtiurs were oge. It to enjoyment enough to live ehretlng wa are breath- chased at ona of the storas. Tcaierduy Improve. 1 piece 8 4 sheeting, 36 latest styles and norqlty for the eomln tabs Men, also a rariety'uIVhBucss In the open air sad feel that at fl.10 . yds. ' made the evening ing la etrsngth aud health, aa axiellebt a numborof people followed the bedy : 14 oa. Rewlug silk, season.- lira. Brunei will bo pleased to tha dances, which We make our oaetomere interest our own, by wamnli moiu Pure Blood Jerseys and Durham Bolls 1 vo Its last rosliug plaeo whiwc funeral 72 iloiYn kuittiug uaedlee at 34c. see her blends and customers at any one of pleaaant merriment. Weeton appetite whan meal Unis remss, sud article we sell, and if it does not prove satisfactory, rtfu mand also evary Cows, Kogltoh liuporotod were ervicte Mndnrted fy Bp. raetfnl sleep when day la done. best to please skew music was In attendance. 9 pieces Taffatta ribbon at $1.80. We can and do sell tha Beat .Goods for tbs In the Cleveland and A- - time and will do her Coach, Shire, money. Bay was about 19 year of 8 Arbutasta plentiful aad furnishes an Gdrmisun, April. 2, 1601 . them pieces pink bonnet ribbon at (18.00-1- Stallions and Mares for aala. and are confident we oan eonvinoe everybody of that fa Money, mother llveo His at ta atroll woodland 'IS tbe Canton, a age. object for many dozen wonted braid at (UiOi The Weber company have beau play-I; Jaxh Thomson, . who will give ui a trial. N-- ' aad maar newest scented package ie Dakota. to good houses. The company has 4 piece domestic at C24e. per yard. ' Provo, Utah Loos Lottos.. 86 60 d. sent to nortkeru friend who are still 11 'If a dozen rim locks at $2X0 each. changed a little etnas they wars with us liRaster Sunday atlU flnda lots of snow prslopedln lea aad anew. A Utils Aeitixsa of Manti received alsltrr 6.000 plys gun cape at $2.20. before, but the change has not boon for Dissolution of Partnorohlptha voleanla rock that liter a boat of ether Hewers will le out, 2 sots knives slid folk at $4X6. Marrh 3lh, which arrived at the Msuti 'the worn. Mt. Johnson as n eomedlan on the hills but foundation mounds the of to tbe forsu chaaee have a we shall aad gratify Tha partnership which has existed be3 doaeu Iron teaspoons at 80c. 'to somethin macs than common. To March 12, conecqacntly, this WU1 dozen handsaws at $1X0 tween Jamas K Kills and Walter String-ham- , those who enjoy a good tangh. ha to the near .the hot pots israna and dry ar love for botaalalng-Th- t hitter was la the allee 18 days, when the to' run, play blae-blr- d for each the little aad enough singe has merrily thto day been dissolved by, Jr favorite. party to whom ILa letter was address'd each. and gambol over. In frisky frolle. The occasionally tha ehaary note of a d 2 dozen plasterers trowels at $22 mutual eonsenl . Mr. Btringham will called at the I'ifica nearly every diy, Ko medicine has had greater snoeeet great sport to tbe Nabbing of eggs." la heard. The birds of control tho budnea In tho future, and This to only ouo caen of the many' sim- each. la checking consumption, In its early Well, I know of one egg that was hatch- make tbla a way atatlou route to ilar cases we bear eu many peopUt Coall accounts of tho firm are turned over 1 dozen mill saw files at $ . 00 each. Beat Stock of Stages, than Ayer's Cherry- - FeetpraL It ed, (as allusion to tha prrehleut of this thalrmorcpayiBBBdBt dummer bomew, mplaining of. How long d we hVe to tohlnu .; - J 17X000. D, cape at 73e. WziTsn siott coughing, aoothea the threat and stake') It Is the dally mall egg which a their atay la brief, but this la com- suffer negllkfeuirV TRiifbaiiM, Js.,' tacks at $3.00 I dozen paper lungs, and induces muslhneeded repose. was laid a few weeks age by a petition pensated for by a aecopd rial) en their Jams E.Ellib. ' A SblUCUIBKK. 5.000 Ko. 3 pine at 04c. ' Hundreds have testified to the remarka- ef oar citizen, aud duly forwarded to turn life Manti, Feb. 27th, 1891. . , In MantL la tbl fall Rrorylhlng Half a dozen third readers at $1.11 trip laaldei .88 1 m. ble virtues of this preparation. i t$e Qon. John I. Caine la Washington hat grawe In the soil to fall of nein oi Nwaixnm each. 1 dozen It has been conjectured that the so where hla warm foster care helped to fat," as It le railed here, that destrucIn the Territory klrCnffry spellers at 2ls, so mature now the little Mauy yean practice have given 0, L we that thing, tive fire sometimes omnr and have to ant of antediluvian longevity wai each. Snow & Co. .solid tors of Patents at Waob-tnA doily mall service had town method of keeping the blood pun, warm, hkvS the substance ef oar prayers be carefully guarded agalast On nl 1 roam letter cap, $6J5, D. C, unsurpassed success Ifi Iretwean Beber and Wallsburg. and vigorous. Moderns accomplish the granted to us from national headquar- meet any evening In February ar.d fion envelopro at $1.37 per 1X00. ters will be Leure aud forth In hero aad patents for til elaesea of Inthere elocg quotidian Marei, wa luay'ree same purpose by using Ayers SarsaMai's Lave been 'delayed halwtea 2 !uz?n hiekery ehlrto at $1260. vention. They make a specialty of re, rest connection warm the of raaa-dwith wooded a horlxou civilised the , blood beet glow; ever medicine Price and Asoley on seeuni-- l of the 220 paper collars at $1.70 per 100. parilla the 4 jected coms and have secured allowance we are told, by fires made to protect brought to lights ; ; LB. Mankind, (the Republican party , adof saow. 3 duaeu Childrens shakers at $5. heavy of many patenU that hail been at mitted half price.) Having ihtnyaed tarpentlua producing trees from seel previous4 1 down 23 ep. hoops at (l.firi. A Special trains leaving Chester Ti e Uih ( Lr'.r.iau Kioto, vor hud a ly rrjurtnd. Their advertlement in an from Hebe is lam ninddyhut J am merry dental firus. ' The fat wood borne 1 (toseR BIN at $38.15. o'clock . noon, Moroni 12 JOt - o'elock as the season and ' Ae.aa F. other Mini ra bo time will of column, Ogden. off to throw but inns pot Hntereat, yours, kparks, gnd readily, bed eorda at 73c. each. ' )i dozen April 2d, 2d, 4th, llh, and fith, wlU run Leo. Haifku. so It to quite cafe to loan an open fi manufacturers, and all who have liaui'iuy of Mouut 1'leriK tut, vrns mis of 1 iloz-- n cnis aad saucers $1X0. to through to Salt Lake, "Ko stop In do wlHi patents. o(DEALKRS IN) burning In tbe rooms A bright little tho I, u ui bar wbuo nonie i:,p r.r:d 2 ilugan meat iliidir at $2.10. All daylight KopM," la six hour From boy gave tha following Auandruinr eu lb programuiK. Pina Bluff. ta Philadelphia 1 B. dozen eolton yarn at $8.01 each, ride going and returning. Tickets good What Is It that Is both fsi and Twelve w l.tain have I icon ri'CcIrrd Node 10 hrngana at $2.20 Nch. returning April 1R 1891, allowing stop Comlug to the Southern Slates fur the Tha nnawer. proved to bo a "plus " Provo A'celto.t Milto. by the 1 dtoten spadM at $ 3.75 each. over at any station.. Faro from Chester first time, of course one ta on the alert I tn re will Are Still at Their Old stand,' pa horses, at ona dollar hlagla. , .; 1 doz-shovels at $2,73 each. or Moroni to Salt Lake and return, only to notice aU that to aew and The nULl Gre in Ugito'i. destroyed piu) month until Jan. IsL 1K9L From that MAN! strange la : 1 dozen , rain dais ths rharge will be 76 cents per head. worth of properly list rrylhrs, at $2.75 each a county aud people, known heretofore rvcilng. The feed eonslsta 1 of Rea dozen at and Imcs, mostly $157 each, top From' April 2nd to the fith. Inclusive chiefly through the medium tif the Geo. KxwTobk, March 27. The ll'oi UTi Xicholny firoeebi tk has been pardons! Timothy grass, reen. H dozen 4T forks, at $3.10. round trip tickets to Salt Lake and re- graphy and Northern newspaper, True! orreepondeat et Rio Janeiro sends in by tho I'rcsideut. He we, wiitvocrd to 80 d. CHAH. esiu, Sterling. 1 ease lye, $34. turn, will be on sale at stations oa the worthy an these soirees of Information aeeount of an accidsnt on n railway 18 months 'mprlsomueut last Dricber 2 pairs eotton corant., at 41.95. S. F. V. By. good returning natll April may be, there to nothing like a psryopsl rnaning from Baa Fransiseo, 140 mils forfaJultwy. He reached home en Ditrnoa Catarrh Snuff110 ponnda eoflef, at 73 cento, Pun 12th. ' Faro for the round trip 84.01k surrey to set one's opinions right ou any ssuth. Jtn Ageat for tbs Faldwln Locoereutag end found a number cf When auflering with Catarrh, Cold in to 98 pounds white sugar, at 801 Trains leave Chester at II o'clock neon subject, (or give one correct views of motive Werke, Philadelphia, wss show, filends at tied: io walccmi the head. Nervous Headache, etc., use pot re.dy 108 pounds of browu sugar, at 13. Moroni 1220, miking dlrset connsettous any subject) and we gladly embraced Durnos Snufi, it will relieve you at once leg the oMelals of the road, a new en- kiln Loire. an opportunity of getUng Information gine. He left PIraahas, the of 68 at Kephl. $3.25-7Gnn Price Powder at tea, X5C. at Druggist BOOTS A pounds morning ef Wm,- 1'ii.un.bd whs dw.aei.ai.. kjo, H.S. Km, at first hand, pounds of young Hyson ton, at 30th with tha maaagtr of the Jaaotry killwl P. T. Svott Bait iu with 5. a chheT, A sojourn In our beautiful By. l..ke, Sapt. ).2S. at Capital road, mastor mechanic, traaaanr, secre- has bveii fouad You are InaBadihx,' Whet gniliy of viduntaiy pounds Indigo, at $100. Our old townsman Mr.J.P. Madsen likely to give bus an suited Idea tary ahisf sls;k, aa eaglnear, aad two But will we cure il wdl you manstnnghter. fi you dozen mxtetow, at $101 has been visiting the different towns In what southern enterprise and southern firaoen, for the purpose of making n Men who are Weak, Nervous am. BOTTOM FBIOXS.Afl 16 oeamtoa lacks, $1.25. The whirl eck!IJioii of lvyson Live Sanpete county In the interest of the taste can do. We need not enlarge apon praetical 4eet of tha new marhlne. All toted, suffering from Nervous Debility the t 23 at flour of Seminal p the town wen in the locomotive cab or oa the paid ) systematic arrangement each to pnietuMa flag. sack, 70, Beaknem, and all the effect ol wagon and machine Co, Like 16 pounds shlngls nail, at 4a indiscretions eV.,1L?v,lJ,labit,, or had proceed od on It a kU This to the rilv tue Ttibwtt wm ro theiragentthe company are well and the wide streets, so smoothly paved that tender, which lead to Premature Decay.Consump-tio- n 49 braes kettlM e, $1.20 -- HtrmU. favorably known to the people, and Mr. one can ride for hours and not feel a metei (rum piranhas, when on n. rarte anglouelo hi and with y, to or Insanity, sboud send for and Madsen has a list atom line ef goods to Jar, the cleanliness apparent every- at a point where tbe embankment t rosf-- d orauiea uirclieivinm nrchiu dsetruyrd read the "Book of Liie," giving panto-ifiar- s of a Home Cure. Sent (sealed) tree represent He will have charge of ths where, the pretty parks and tasteful a ravine, although proceeding only a bvrl.'sijue on the uaticnal imhh'L", by addressing Dr. Parkers Medical and N two Jottings. company Interests In I an pete, Sevier, dwellings, -- of aU these the patriotic nt about twalve miles an hdur, the locorayson l:itu:ds to have a big fort Surgical Insulate, 151 North Spruco St, and Kmsry counties with headquarters American Is too proudly conscious motive end dsn ly left the rills, and relied Nashville, 1 enn. They guarantee a cart "April Pth, Kntrance tors (UO; Ths upper house of tbe Texas Leglila-tnr- e or at Mantt, and will make periodical nsed further reminder. Wo were par- down tbs bub, whtoh at this pofst ws race no pay. ml 850 tbe prlxe. The rare to opn to hat passed a bill rrgalating chargee f: . visits to the principal places la his dis- ticularly favored in seeing the slty on 70 test high.. Bbelmsrdiso. the sgent the Territory.' of oxpr:eo compaalea and subject la a bright day la February whan the In wss trict, about once a mouth. badly dsjnrsd. Deslda him toy the Doafnasa Can't bu Curew AIKw both white and black, had dead body of tbo engineer, crashed and Ahtoy Lu a "FumieroMutulliene-fi- t neh cempsalM to the control of the The Saline Gold and Silver Mining habitants, Railroad turned out to do honor In vnrious ways CoamlHlour AenriationM for the hr lorat appllrationa ts the naaotMaak tea purpose ef con' Ca. have received their machinery to do mangled, aad tha master merhastc. who o Ik to the birthday of tbe great Jtounder of was I, Tbe fate of Captain Korton and hia war to tun deararw, andiutkatTkM badly sat aboat the bead, but allve-Th- troling the price of grain, etc. This I la by fnaitltnt hydraulls mining on their claim our Union. . X atnn did her utmost Me n haul HinedMa Ihratamw la caaiN bv aa te heir rf follow'd, bod of other rxauipte worthy In the Clear Creek canyon about 12 miles wmt oeenpsats of (he compauiena, who sailed from New of Joseph City. The company to corpo- make it a festal day; the sunshine engine, were lying below, i.esr the Connecticut, several luoutis hgo la 1 iMbliui iond of you ssros of them frightfully ernubed, npn, rate with a capital stoek of ILOOO.OOO streams' down, the air was clear and Call for Teachers' Association a tiny ersft fur France, has m( been trees the showed cold, the asdail'dae maple divided Into 400,0001 Mares of $5 each, hoard from fora tong period, aud grave eorai ioa can be lakes out aad this laka All teiehera In tho rebe ole uf Utah, Shslmsrdine was arrested, and thrown The ufieen of the eempaay are I. A. reef," and the grassy Jfanks were doited ondlti". bwuinx wiJkadat-rnrfears are csiertiinH for their safety, " In attend a meeting to be hM nea out f rwvr;aiaa i : Uy lattrrU, Vasser of Balt Lake Pres. Hans Godt with Crocuses and Jonquils.' Iff cusld latoa vlladosgeon.oatoldeof which, h r ta wak.ne. .nTia llsISSd who marly brake the eundtliuii efwliick Ike Hmal eurf.r friodooa wf Sallna vice proa Oscar R. not help noticing the courtesy uf the fraulls mob howled for his l.fo, A'tr iu tbeenL'niversity bilhllng. Silt L.kr LordMRuealya, Moat Carlo, baa written. Oullare ;! atyp.ni. bat'll City All of Balt Lake sea and trass. The WashingtonUo. Xa gentleman hes- esduringgiurh tortnre, dlpl.-x- i i;tr Saiuidny Anr'i ae wJl1,e,7 an Hendred tKi l,e h Intends to eanaot run by (eeueea llell'ei'i.Jni likloe above named gentlemen with Mr. Irb, itates ta proffer sMlatanre to a lady who rsepoadsuM inaliy Jiroggh) uVuthls fiT jh.i puriu of the Lnudnn from Klee that bead for JoraraLT? .T cJmiljra rre(u,i, OVE of ths National Bank of Balt Lake and seems to twin need Of It, aud yet It to release, with d advi.ah:liiy cf nrparito.lKg, Terrilurlal perrT:ire lu the sttainpr. iiiaxhv a ?.TihV,' apologies. Tsui iu.r' Ju-!sti'ia- , W. H. Pbllard af Balina form the boarl done without tbs slightest hint of offl It Is repoitad that Juhu K. McLtsa of aud, if Musi ;rm bi-- t, Around the world 1 fin iu nil'll f'rginiautiiiii. c(dl rectors 8. D. K. Bennett of Balt Lake sleusueasor familiarity; and that the Cincinnati Inquirer list r reared r. Estray Notice. J.- H. IIORMIIN wblah exists between men ss superlntondent sad 0. H. Rawlins to IuaiiT Jt.S. centndllng Interest In the Cinelaisti It to feared that the wheat crop in ' ' seems It. alee to IUkx V. In J)II! s everywhere X. Siiii.i.iks foreman. The principal place of extol a good Russia will bas failure. tbe tellM lee Canimercisl Gizlfo. enV.J- f.Foeroealou Imimiihm K. Hki xvr ireepase; IVu. M. SirwaRT to In Salt Lake city. The Co. are degree between ths women here. This Ob djrt rtd bull. A feet whato sluuded got to quite refreshing after thirty lung Counterfeiters sir making V-- bill so r. a. wii cs being In move r.siii i si'ai hr on the mud Bata at liai itan Ray v'slil eer.'wSlte j. my sanguine oyer their prospects. ""KeK'TX oSTerTrllil mS recently. that it I conservative, though perhaps equally near Ilka tha genuine L Hi For Sola. AeunpHof Gahermen with blaek and leTl usloilkia. fieri eld. almost Impossible to detect them. good hearted, Philadelphia. tackle landed Mm on ths beneh, , : , oa this enchanted Leaving tald aniwel ba and aot spot Another governor, Pavla of IIV fle The property new owned by r. 0. pftiQ Ri.iii uta passing southward through Virginia, Island, baa followed the toad cf Jill! aud ii 'M liffiaeul irtia iVAJl The exact amouat received at tb Tliu Grippo In the East. oir, Brantasg, attested, n fow doors west of one the Cut il Cite biddar, IS u'Sf might receive tha Imprsetloa that rafnaM to recognize Bulkrlry a goverTreraont Theatre, Boetoa, for tickets' to Lowry A Bens filers. Apply to, the colored rare hold complete sway nor of Connoctlcot. March 31. Thera were tyo Mato, rernhardti Uns Chu'iuo, STv e! Ul11' ' Wx.K.RiJib performances sell, TW ft deeths reported at the health office throughout geest ef the country through last week waa $43,589,37. , X, , MaaU City pa aadkteper i mi .11111 BEXTIXEI sn pa-e- . l.n.-ire- a- - i : .1 Mo-iiui- v'' --- ! - - ...i pn n i ; ai, -r Slitf it- Lir i -I else-her- e ' -.. j al'iu-ih-ria- . :f 1 eH-eai- a Hi-i..- - ? I I V County Briefs 1 n , , f:.-!l- - U- ' e , Mi.tL-udi- foin-totlu- ft-- ylt ten, ek.l 1 d- -y w-- -- i atsos it 81.-L- ' FHOTOGRAPHEBB. ai stjl O u n nf hii-tor- y f r V pli.-ii'sii- t-- Ill i- - '' gem-rally- - 'I UNNINGTON ul il a F1 O' Atl . r E',Gxsira3sl' , . nih-roun- ty d Co-o- p IF in - Ct. a hU-k- U Very Lowest Prices - ' ., 1 n - Poet-efllc- One-fourt- h il inoek-lig-tflre n 1 Clothing t-- JPh idab-livlir- d DR .j f.l it TUTTLE General Merchandise- - ? ,W )ii m ' Main Street, Manti, Utah.j r - a , - 8HO5J -- . 4j . Co-o- lln r xsl B( w d a lam-do- J.Ubi.rTuKwher,mrteV.!it 'Mi&ba&MTrdUMS7iSCr . ' lf nr ipencer glawsozi, ig DPY half-bsarte- - bad-nes- WWAwdlW GOODS fr lue SALT LAKE CITY- lvSVw y. ctl He |