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Show a: S.OVO . I mi "rli itf ' wte .1 COAOTR & GMELGHOVE $ ivirrbto Works. " M-- ..! . - n VI V - !!:- r. . ' I'TAU. tf any tiling hapiiena to that boy, Hopkins, 1 dull never forgive myself JP and gnij the morning broke, tin mgli it wax ill early Augutt. Frank fc-o-p.. HESElSandDyHCAIT, 1'rilLEIU! is Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything; Belonging to a First-claGoods Cheaper than Store, at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Hat,., Caps, - - Utah, COAL! COAL!! YOU WOL ' CUir 0 AIM BUT tUto aevoLvaas. Cheap and Good Coal at the Mann Zo Mute, Canyon, 4 miles had slept the sleep of the weary, and It South of Manti. seruied to him aa ifha bad not lain on, Coal at the mines only fS.50 per Ion hi. blanket ipurs than a Short hoar A Wperii.r quality of Mute, only Sue. on large whan an orderly rouaed him for the l rates bushel. given r ' day, adventure. uantHtfis, Ha sought at qneetha Oolondfa tent, . II. Thomas & Co. where he found a good meal awaiting him, which ha had hardly diapatehad when Colonel Fulton himself entered. Io( Now," ha said, for your lnatnw or 1 lions. Bkla your hardest, but do not kill your hone by overdoing it Avoid, as far as you can, all villages. And, when you reach General Lyon, tell hi HE ALKll 1- Nil: S that turning. That is alL Go now, and liod be with you!" Frank followed the orderly to aclump of tree a quarter of a mile from the camp, where ha found a rough young country fellow standing betide two Agent fo( Studebakcr Bros. serviceable-lookin- g hones, of the breed Wagons, Carriages and Carts. has made Western Missouri famthat Amos Whitneys Agents for ous-light, strong, wiry animals, d Steel Mowers and Reapers. aa mules and gifted with an endurance rivaling that of the steed ; of the Arab. . The man himself was the typical product of the anil a hardy, fellow, with long, dewing black kudu, dreaaed In hometpuib wearcowhide boots, and carrying at ing lunghis witat a belt equipped with a small arsenal of pistols and ammunition not at nil the kind of gentleman a nervous lUI i traveler would ear to meet oa a lonely rvA L Nhi road, though there were few hqueeter IN young fellows, aa times west, than Merchandise-DR- Y Richard Swsyne. The Westerner eyed the soldier with " a keen glance of er:i:clam, as he looked Six-mil- e niu-rte- Pil G.Wlte . nm PENERAL KBRCHANDISE. aure-foote- Pest Office, - - Utah: Salina, sun-bur- nt - enerai OODS, the hone allotted biiiii tightened the girth 'of the saddle, and adjusted the stirrup-leather- s to the ( yj,(fc Groceries, tOTHIKT G. trappings-o- f tuuuoti'd. I'SliukePheiaid, laconically, stepping up (o Frank's side and stretching forth a big, brown, scarred hand, whose horny cuUcla would have puzsled the modem philosopher of palmistry. Frank grasped the proffered hand with eagemesa. Each read In the other's eye a true patent of nobility. My names Dick Bwayne," the brawny young ' farmer exclaimed. fr Mm Cooper Wagon Agents and the MiOrmickAIiirhlnery'. VI All AhI2sA, "What's youFnr 1 . Ka r 850 E. 1st St. m eWtGc. W cycXoYvt IJTiS t( j once i Be,'.- - tWOY ? -- ascent .Frank aoeepted fully . v the- v reproof ELDING HOUSE f Elis' Urea. Temple.. . Dick grinned. ft l.. yaddt'VWill, gfttia'f tin'; well hev queried. I FIRST-CLAS- S grace- Its the mast villainous road I ever traveled in my life Imt say, friend Dirk, are these poor beasts to keep this pace up nmdi lonserf It seems to me US' though they'd drop in their tracks if we don't ease 'em up a lilt; why, we must have put a Ann miles Iwtween ua and the cump already. Bk,tcvW a .w No time nor need of further words. Swayne sprang to the saddle and led the way at a brisk gait, half-tro- t, halt canter, which the hones seemed to own accord. From the take of their start the rood were execrable, if yon could dignify by the name of roads the thin beaten tracks which lay across the wooded ridge, and which never seemed to torn aside for any obstacle less formidable than a precipice, new climbing till the hone had literally tg scramble for a footing, now speeding brer declivities so ateep that Frank, with all his skill far horsemanship, expected to find himself flying over the beasts care at every step be took. Ketch held o the pommel o yer saddle ef yer mas daw outer suthln, young feller; fur thrt mares mouth aint no hltchln' post, Swayne admonished his companion, a they readied the top of aa unusually steep 0. X. Olty, 3CKl hn$T he ter take a spell o rest daown I' th' dip yonder, fur tliur's a alcraiy stretch o' ken try before us which it wont do ter travel over with winded bosses." .'You mean that there is danger of falling into (he hands of the enemy." .he iwei,1. Yana, the' msanet,' bloodiest, tin' tf an" enemy, too. llev doth, al- -UTAH tNTly yer never heenl tell or the gorillas T" The guerrillas! What, have you them in this part of the State?" order tl ller we? Why, they swarm over H.rZjr, K. Iv Kw. TM. tbo hull kentxy. Wait till we tether MMM H,II a. U.K aw.neim. . A. QsCfh.rfc HafclMM the hossea unde? the walnuts yonder an' I'll tell yer what they're dona to me an' mine." They rode slowly to the clump of trees, where they dismounted. pottos of anil WhulruU an! RotnU ' "You stretch yer leg n bit, Fqenk, lifecficincs & Chemicals. while I tend tothe eattle," the former aid, taking at the same time from hia . t pocket a handful of rolled .tobaeeo M, Otis, Dye Stuffs, Perfumeries, leaves, which it were indeed a compliTobami, sud Cigxnt. ment to call cigara, but which Frank TlfSp ifound on a further acquaintance were (VO, mors palatable than their appearance seemed to Justify. Hwayne evidently believed that a mew ciful man is merciful to hia beasts. It was an interesting sight to watch the ... 1s old Sttf-.tender care he took of them, to sea him strip tlicir Baddies off, cut whkpe of . long grass and rub' them down till they I ;J were ss dry at: when they left the stable in the morniu. Not till they were Wm r,v, cool did he lead them to the little ISorthStrtc., C Ulty quite stream and let them drink their fill of the clear water; and then from hia he took a few handfuls nf oats EalieSncti loiuiraiiteei. ami gave thm tothefli. Basil was not i 1 imt:.l jihey I1.1l eatefl this - and he hat hobbled their foreleg and allowed ud sett us while m tnu city: thrfu tn c.vrt the scant grass that he thought of hia own and hia 00m pan ion's pnCCOMMODATIOXS rge Sample Room Fielding Prop. . - "? nootDrugCo. il 9 j, l'i,nla. V . - - L'tnli. altv, 4Jis & Goodwin Vhotoyru ' pliers, H, v- i M psieia,elviBe stars unr.l it altv. . In Killllna A Bow Imuk of over ,nrn",tjn 1 lias any olhrjMicalMii if nania mutt mwapapr aavufw nifiuaiira r.itsnc la tha nSrtTlnp,rttry of ire That XV ?sctl w-i- . . nnh iim nwi psTima for lsit of ihe h n impeni of "YaV;.m Kfltairwis Irerfwrrtrv ai.rt imro irf mare WpopalaUfin miihjirirsn lijiho liM hf.ir V wpertal iinidtii ilask.rrtinirr elllaaa ! Hajaifir nil r af raise to jwnisarfh,inewihiuir will amiH msM: of lorsiierineal Ftwwa pf the tniwt Pith Ice hr tbs Jfwjr h?Ha m tji ... eiU rt. k.si i.i'.i sddi U1. i.n I1. RowsALL Co. trt Strew, W tcrli cluui-ci- it miss Hunik, St, Sett Ltkt CM UM .T Hi.'iuiil W. Vwuus 1 W.flu-r- . llBary A. lafaia w)sUs an Imi) Areas massy us insMsImann, lUMitsmli linRlrlMHi oa amass d.wsiw. ) I UscsiViM - lii Pr ml Uspuuk UiiWaai Uhimi oasltwlr. AatWibisjeShssiaw. tlo-fie- ld stant A few momenta of profound silence. I hear nothing," Frank said. In an excited whisper. Tha tramp of mounted men," waa the answer, to yer hoes, man, an hustle lively!" A minute later and they were going at headlong speed. To Frank's surprise they turned at right angles from the line they ware punning for road, yon wmld not call it and plunged into the creek, up whose rocky stream bed they rode with undiminished speed. This brought them to a clearing, acroee Which they literally flew, urging tha punting horses ton maddening gallop; tqt ns thay washed the cover of n friendly wood, Swayne drew the rein. "Hold hard a minute, mate, wt must breathe the critters, or theyll hev us sure ea ahootin," he cried, wheat iag hia hone round, and peering through the branches of the trees The clearing wm a long atrip of eorn-lanlying in n valley between two ridges' Friuik and Swayne had crossed it at right angles in its narrowest part, where it was probably not more than fifty or sixty rods from wood to wood. K Ah, here they cornel Mot aa Swayne and frank had done, but up the full sweep of the lowland a long line of straggling horsemen, half a mile away yeh but in full sight of the wary watchers. "lly Moses but them hyenas ain't on our tracks after alii Soe that chap 'em he's the one they're chasin', an' the Lord hev mercy on his aoul, ef they eatches him." It waa an exciting aoeno. Aa Swayne rid, the leading man waa evidently the quarry of the others and aa they drew nearer it was apparent that he wore the uniform of a Union officer. The chase must have been long and severe, for the horses of all were pounding along with that rolling grit, which told how nigh they were exhausted. In fact, several in the for distance could he seen who had dropped out of tha race altogether, only three were within pistol-sho- t of. the fugitive, on whom they were gaining at every stride. 1 allow were again' ter take a ban' in this gams" Dick said, grimly, aa ha spoke. tightening 'his saddle-girt- h Now eaon esjhey git alongside, dash out oa em, aa' holler for all yer worth they'll think the woods is full on us an' you'll ace a circus." So when tha thundering hoofs were close upon them, the two young fellows buret out of ambush, yelling like a bond of Comsneheq. Swayne, with his strong, fresh hone, in the fury of hie attack literally rode down the foremost of the pursuers, while Frank hurled himself upon the second, whs however, managed to keep hia saddle. But the rout wee complete. Without topping to look behind them the enemy hod turned toil and fled, doubtless believing from the daring nature of the attack that a whole regiment was at ! -- their heels ' ,. Quick, b'ys to the wood!" Swayne cried, "afore these wildcats kirn git ther eyes skinned tar ms the trick we've played 'em." A they rode under eovar again Frank turned to examine t)w falH they . had rescued. Be wee .a well-buil- t. ASwtti.'rs rents, 1, Now, mate, let's squat here an' take a bib ourselrea, 3 ay ip? which, he flung himself upon the turf and brought from one of his capacious pockets a rail of greasy paper, which contained several huge slices ef bacon placed not between thick chunks nf hard, dry hominy cakes. In vain Frank tried to tempt him with the conthe young tents of hia own saddle-bagMissourian declaring that hog and the food waa for man, hmuiny only Tlwy bad dispatched of their batty re was ax xxemao ecxirr meal and lighted the long, ungainly handsome man of thirty well bred. cheroots, when Wank reminded s, Weber Pianos, 35,000 jn use. Cnlloch, with hia fifteen thousand and fighting men from Arkansas Siegel with their five thousand, some iff whom had borne themselves ao well at Boonville. In the mad ride down the hillside Frank's hone tripped on n root of a tree, hurling him to the ground with a force that for the time ntunped him, and when he recovered his senses, it was only to see the beast harrying at foil speed after his companions. Picking himself up aa best as he could, started on a run. 1 was no easy to reach the Union lines, but he got there at last. By this time Siegel had moved on the right flank of the enemy and driven the Confederate lines back, while Lyon with four thousand men end ten guns had .hurled himself against them on the left, of battle Frank in the hurly-burl- y was running hither and thither. Suddenly he saw before him s man on 'home back, whose uniform he recognized at once. General Lyon, sir! he cried, clinging almost breath lew to hia stirrup-leatheGokmei Fulton hue sent me to tell you that troops from Kansas City are on their way to your relief." Too late always too late!" was the It is right to Ur home products in prelersuea to imported article. right to furnish uqr own peoule empluviueiil U is right to patronise tiouie in- sHlatiout exclusively. TJJKKKKrtKK U is rigbt te purchase the Boeie and iLees manufactured by Zion's Mercantile liulitutiue eepeoiully as the? are moderate i price, elegant in style and auperiot , Just then a cry came from tha First Iowa Begiment that they had no CokmaL Who will lead ua? rang from a hundred throats. frank oaw General Lyon dash to their front, and heard him cry: I will lead you! Onward, brave hqye of Iowa!" Picking up a musket that had fallen from a wounded soldier's hand, frank threw himself .into the ranks of the advancing regiment, ever keeping his eyes on that glorious warrior in front. Oh, God! what's that? Tha saber dropa from tha list lew arm, tha stately figure reels and falls, and the gallant General drops to the earth with a bullet crashing through hia heart. Chapter, vi. IT TUI Though tha Cuiou army was defeated at Wilsons creek, it was nut by any means crashed, Major Sturgis, upon whom the command devolved, making a masterly retreat frank Bcsant fraternised with tha Iowa boys, ly whom he waa cred-itewith some gallant conduct though tha din of battle had iAmed to him like a dream hard to remember at tha awakening. Of course he had fired aa long aa hia ammunition lusted, and used hia bayonet like the real of them; hut aa for any particular act of heroism, if such there had been, it had entirely escaped his remembrance. Of oouree his new friends were willing to share their rations with him, and blankets were to be had fortha picking up, but no one seemed inclined to take the responsibility of giving him orders. Join your regiment as quick as you can," waa the nearest approach to a command ha received. 80 unlettered and disconsolate he roamed about aa he listed, observant of every thing round him, and on 1 keen lookout for Dick Swayne, who he thought might help him find hie regCAUr-VfB- e quality. E f'trj.hzKj ai CcjIier&Endjrsie'itfiJjiin E','-Ter- . TkiioaVu lism twAiav. HOWELL & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers Furniture, Carpets, Wall paper, Etc. J QSEPH MARRIOTT . LUMBERAND BUILDING CO., WIIOLBBALX AMO RETAIL DIALFRS MAYFIELD' inn. PAfevinw. I- M- Lumber, Lath,Shingles, Pickets, WINDOW, DOORS, all kind jbuildii$ - Wa carry the Largest Stock The people of the south will Doors, Windows, Eto., from Promptly attended to. Office G. end D.k R. G. Depots, Maadrake Liver Fit ih, darter. fl Zi CO-O- P. Dealers in - DftYOOSIS, GROCERIES, ETC. Jm onrrfing n...flue list of Meti'n and Boy Olothicg, A is Booti and Shoe. MAYKIRLD, SANPETE COUNTY. UTAH: . MOULDING and BLINDS. and Remle. P- ? Extracts ore sH made final fresh fruits, samples iff which be seen at ike Simian, office. Rebsrts A Nstdea, Druggists, suie sgents for Utah. m s Fruit Extrtuti. Abe the Mlewtug Slaedord tf rate, aad Tar Cordial. pared at our Planing mills to custom work ou the skorteet a ok or. -- . JYo tiulttrohou MURRAY, 8. L.CO UTAH, Uwmtfecimrer' of Pure We carry a complete line of furnitnre. enrpete, window Minde, wall paper, Wagons Irun Eta, Psrtiss dealing with na eaw getne good price aa any housa south ef Salt UVa. Wa are THE WESYECtn of EZa oouth of Salt Lake Of If. do well by buying thwr Ordsra matt us, and yard opposite the V. MU, MIL w mHSv DRY GOODS HR) MAtOSS CO. IX Wagons, McCormick Machines, jd iy Eye See" Plow Canton Clipper, and J. I. Case Chilled IThwa Cooper Sulky . II and U Mate St--, H super A KMrsdge Bleekc THE LARGEST STOCK of Buggie SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. and Spring Wagons in Utah County. The 'Best Buggy Wheels lor 100.00 im Wif& leather top and ririted rims. Don't send to Salt Lake but save Freight by sending Tour Order We dgini to be a leading and progrwiive Dry Goods Firm, cor. rying alsp a full line 9I Ladies', Children's TO- - HANSEN & CO., PROVO CITY. UTAH. JOHN LOWRY It wHI & Men" Shod; pay eyery one wishing to buy such goodi te call and tx amine eur prises before buying elsewhere. SON, GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE DBY GOODS, GBOCEBIES. CLOTHING, Furniture, 1 iment It waa not till soma weeks afterwards that ha learned how little likely he waa toflnd the etauneh Missourian, wKb had yielded to Mark Hendersons entreaties to Join hia regiment not till Frank heard of the brilliant charge Major Zagonyi with three hundred borwmen mad at Springfield on two thousand Coo federates, seventy of Us men ea they rode saber in hand, failing ere they reached the enemy, when he scattered four hundred Confederate cavalry and routed a regimental infantry did ho know what had become 1 of Richard Swayna. So frank, finding none to help him, hetyfed himself In the beat way ha could, fighting when them waa fighting to do, and giving a helping hand to tha ambulance squad whenever oocaiion If. W. BuftsU v in ' SOLO MYALL HUXK PtSALSPi Sired, bait Lrie City, Utah. CATALOGUES FEES. bare-heade- d ead reply. Do what is right. : . -- com'r.--f. 5PAPER FOILING from hia in ' K'sh n rfhrt ML JuiLp- - f. uiuiva. . i Q LLf. K too. if a thar ain't mneli ter tell Well, lxiys you've done me the lv.1 1 ain't leuKl got the gift o' the gab turn auy we ever did for me In tliia ter make a long story eat ont; but world, aud I that when the war broke oat folk took this if either of only prqy to Heaven are ever in suL-- a tight aide an- thrt, jese es ther inclinations fix aa 1 waa you tea minutes ago you'll find led em. Father an I was fur the aa brave hearts to help you aa l'veione. t.'ukm; aad mos gin'rally oar neighbors Amen to that.'" Frank auid. "Mow We lived in a tone was aeeeshes. satisfy our curiosity by telling aa who tul'ble well-todan', aa you are and where you are fruui?" ww was in the minority, went about MAh Uuiuiereon, at your service, our own ' Mineia without interferin' of Zuguayi's cavalry, and1 now wi folks. Mas of the young fellers Captain or at least a doxan hours ago on the roun' us jiued the gorillas, an they stuff of General Lyon. 1 started at set up a ciy es those rs was not fur 'em dawn with a to try and make was agin 'em an' gey father notice ter communication guide with troop that are leave the ltentiy. Rufathe ole man was supposed to have left Kansas City to true grit He jesa tele em thar was a come to our aid, but the rascally villain leaden welcome fur every seeesh ea led me right into that neat of hornets creased his threshold in anger. They'd saw about my ears." done some fearful things, them gorillas youAnd Ibuzzing am my way totieneral bed strung a neighbor tf ouFn ter a Lyon to tell himonthat those very troops branch tf out o hie own apple trees an are hurrying by forced march to Join his wife an darters. Yes, it him," Frank flogged ejaculated. ain't no dime novel trash I'm lieudurson looked keenly at the to yer flogged the wimmea till the blood run down ther bocks, so yer kin speaker.rather see my ole., dad prae doin' some tall he it's to a curious dodge, isnt it?" said, rig you urin private's unitalkin' when be gev them the defy. I form? What rauk do you hold in tha shall never furgit the night they come. service?" Tliur was no one in the house but dad Just what you see full private mu' me an' my little brother Bill, a that is all." 'on nut seven Dora's young years old. Then your Colonel must have a flue Ve did the best we could, but it warnt if his rank and file are filled no use. They dragged father from the regiment sack aa you. Give idu your baud, house an riddled him wi bullets afore by my boy, you will have your eommlaoiuq iqy .eyes. 1 managed somehow or other before the month is out, or I'm no Judge ter get away to the woods, bat not of matters." afore I'd mode my mark on sous o' ther A T appears ter me, you two kins; an Jess ea they was firing the gaariri a tol'ble eight too much Union the barns soldiers come up, an Wouldn't it be Jeas ea sensible ef yer the hull band tf scattered." wester put a few more mile atween An little Bill?" an' teem gorillas afore yer gut ao you Dick Dwayne's eyea literally biased tonguey." with fire. The hint waa too valuable to be disWe foun little Bill lyin In the regarded, 10 once more they resumed brush, blredin' ter death, with a gun- their Journey. If they could have gone shot wound in his aide." in n direct line they would have nwelied Good heavens, Dick! and is this pore bat they were uible in a land like ours? But surely Springfield by night-fal- l, often obliged to make detours to these Bends were not your neighbors, to avoid the enemy that when darkness man?" came on they were obliged to camp in ' who 'Neighbors? woods till daylight. And when hed gone to the same ekule ea we una, the the roaring of gone and tended the same church, danced, drunk dawn came of small arms in the near disan played wi ua from the time we was clattering told them that for nil their dreary no biggcrti little Bill but, by the Gord tance and headlong speed they were too thet made me, they shall pay with a ride life for every drop of Mood they shed!" late. a Up steep hill before them they rods Well indeed did the young Missourian in haste, and on mounting its crest, his keep Frank waa too ahoeked by the story though the sky was but Just gleaming the rays of the newly risen sun, ho had heard to encourage farther con- withwhole the panorama of tha bat versation, while Swayne, wrapt in meditations of the past, seemed pleased ley before them. Wilson's creek, by thunder! An' I to lie back and smoke in moody silence. thought we waa ten miles away," Dick reI For aa hour or two they thus cried, aa he dashed hia spun mained, their bodies resting, though Swayne in hie hone's flank and galloped down their minds wore active. t the declivity. Suddenly the countryman started Aa they rode they could see the with n gesture of alarm. Hark! he cried, all alert on the In- armies of either aide massing lien lie ul. mute, 608 farm-hous- ss - about the guerrillas. fUth. a raK.-Tu;- - Gn erzl Merchandise, Perron iMiirKiniisi of his promise to tell him : UHO 111. SifleBak Capital, f HFlira J.ftRAM.rr.i L' ., mm. n. Vtr Hvuimi. ilkUM M. Lu.B,UarUlsrB Directors- M. Button jusvaii r. sstiik, I'U. "km. li.Kuwr, Kiioii w- - rU)b, Aiftluiu iM'siiiissii, finut i. Tsyfcv. 'ivnrr I Samoa railuT. IrjiM'a 'KVITIi i,T',KKI, M: :'l E .FrrcN J Doiiles's .isij 320,000 V1 PliJvui m. M lju-ivii- i r. i . v UtMartiUi P. V. MABSttN, Prest. a J. , FELT, Vice-Pre- JESSE W..HOX. J n.j Tree. EDWIN DOWDEN, st. Sn. G. JOHNSON. Manager. Baby Carriages. BED ROOM SHITS. iitTX, TSTWt. MAIMT1 ROLLER MILLS iOGIS I.BEOKEB, - demanded hia services. Thus in five days ho found himself in Springfield, where the very first person he met waa James Lawson driving a light supply wagon. MANtJPAOTnEU3H of Flour, The Best Grades solicited CMTOrders and Correspondence Work a jffR Sped 2,000 RefinncM. Mum tils paper wins you writ. |