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Show I V " f - ! I ! Kiiu-.- . ' tod Iubliil U StMVNElL Co. STBVMOnH, H . Me ttoSU Fbidav wl - t l'ROSPEtrrS. f-- t l a., V. he Wnh- A'..! i the West, Iihvj nf porium . :j') oTRADE iVestern. 120 Main b .OA r.; 4v Owili In 1.- - i for lack' uf renin, hy .Railway, lejiartiriiiil 1 - Jin im'.i--- I (.-- : ' . - l J ix i;l" I'd; : IlEA i.ri i 1.1 Pkovu riTANDAKU GAl'UK i' - I U 5' IVI CL0TliH;u.if.:.-j:.- . :T6rande 3 ,L.. -- ,M ji m pB 13 Vf? iite co-oj- ie 1801. i Irji Many iwindles are being perpe tittod In til aectloni ortl.o eouet y tUvo coiie rnit jby o called Look 'out- for ihrr seductive rir culara, and do nut iavrst any money I careful or without flfyt innkiag lamination.' . us Bteond W0 Araia 3 FUTURE n Pott OJhn for iD O' EXCITEM.d'f BIG A -w - Great r- t-- ?! Wlti BliDNk, St tlkamtm, elfffh, :r S3I t. nding th, .diurut'tied, k crod itopon; Gov.Itulklcjr, ctoiiHitciicul, umler simby TUB;;, 1c u.Imioh-- , . r.!. - I j break it ojien wii.i it i im in This ri'jwwnt-- iii i tl IV$H Editor il Texas tween i iitiii i ii ui Manager method il THE SENTINEL- - i i l'irr.lr ' I. In,', ii (h I.U Fu.uMi'ugri Shota, Hat and Cap uf iew Spring Uoods i Em- - Tima TaOl K AST BOUND In EBeet March Uih, 1WL Wo. 4. TBAIKV. XilI AUmatl Conference visitois are ejiccially iuviti-- t HE i Gn cv( fete Ouv Atla-Ciovttfi. vtv UiiUi IxpraM. Cliaainp, state Senator, m a new VyVcc as Ha a. m. op. UH)3 ' Tho advent of thorailroad in Riuie. wldeb ha so far been con -? !! huiuu eowwVwecA. Vit jmw Hat l.T. Salt lake I uSnm ' .1 ginpaU and 8via counties open I Sired to Nal, tanka, butia Iktae im H Arrivi S --Belt -PRICES. an.f LOW uunc,.ii1 to Which iitf it itative They minimi dwa. iiing F. 8. Country Murchant and Sfkinll Dealer ure expected may Oimw Klvor... . up a country rich in 1 win Stoi f V. JJ JLrftT. Dm KIT.. . invited a we liiust close the atot-- a arMinw the uluthing , ,. I. a and unanrpaeacd in the I make ita appearance eRewbero. UrftBd Junction i:VLa. I EEZ-EXiwealth, Arrita at ai f! r.' iTrmn vo-il ahull mant ia i.'Ve' we Juoctloa dused ri:lire out, 1 iur t, i 9 v lilTBWIHld apMDgl l:lfaai produetion. of the farm Tb.rail-J of 72 inch ACriTO th, niahing Good, Hat und (him. l!i dr Trunk," E 2 Arrive Loftdvlll 12 See St) I'iiwe 1 ull SC im-- Tnrkcv II. 1 TJ.V ! i i.lv k5 l'i , worth 45 eta; j!5 Piece o road, in giving Of I Arrive liwUlo JSt S Valises who baa been inveatl Extra Fine Rlriuili Table Paniiink L5. lM)ioz, Extra Fine 1 Napkine, ilaii'lemiie, ArcolMpnuae .'Ponly rn t'., vml). " Frenchman front Una m 1M a ai Denver ; nd Arrive tMp iianucine. :sc mi Ji Kxim Toel i thmg .hipped large i what he all. the lienee of pflUmiR' only 120 cr doiM worili CJimliiy ; No, I. enow, their good judgement Sal ! 'i 'HoVe." Soienc, Indeed! thia lev onlv 32.00 per doe . worth 33.5H; ni i.ri S.itun ii all color., only lB ct. pei yd.. WIST BOUND THAIS . MU J I e aaaer.ion . t lull. 'Axpreee prove, t .i feow should have anotlior eyl Fine 38 inch Perea li nice etr only Leavtlieavcr Vila. ( i . if d ('o!oicil Surrali ull 1LH p ai orw favors! locality, no LrCclftiu in.. r w- LH p IB IMS p I worth 00 ; 2iXi yds, Q :ij i tv., wiir'.h l(i; 2500 yd. Good light nad Leave lnveatora 42) eta, for chance 1.10 p.m. bettor effera a Ul l ai linve LwdvIUe 1 1AM pm LIB am I Leave umwiwd Rprluxe XM io the a and none baa mere varied or richer of Jil iu read to pm Juactlou Artive famad ody neceeaary worth 40; 50 do. Extm t Leave Grand June turn a w a. m. II P-- n 35.00. mineral reaourcee, Cb'th t Blazer nml . manifold- - prapara.ioua of caution Jacket. - for only UraeaKivar.. Jaiki-Arrive only :l 1 2.'iii1 ? SMtp.ni Grma Klvat.. t:M a m. Uave .. It ia now a walleatabliabedfacbJjjjqjgj 1 Arivc rmvu neeeaaary wbauever one of worth 38.50. IJjj 11:10 am -1:10 .... ; eruvo p.m. Lrave " Chau that all Uio hardiar varioliea "f I tho crowned beada of Eurono .11 Like.... IIchIit in ull kinds of iin-- cIsk P. Arrive I I mIMu Lak p.m. rail id avan and well jour-niothea:rtB thrive railroad here, Arrive OpJtu 10 !) South o ' g0 on a ahort ; " i i-- y Coal delicate hinaa are not entirely I n(y tomahrnie hearily tlmnlful LOCAL TEAMS. A wipe naeuceeiaful. Garden vegetab'fJ j for baing an American. am ISO Kanti Lvira . I r rnrhnah r r i I lave 1 Lpliraln in . t uxntHti am can ba raided hare with a greater lo Leave villlliCUr tie 4 a m lluimt PlaArut t We Leave U nm und Ihinemlit-- r wo r or I i repr-..i,,-moiii Valrviaa y. degree of aucceaa than in any oi Tho brother in blach" aeema di Lnre you1 gua. IiuJiauiilA lit a t mi '.I.'jBi gains .r. tho countiea of Utah, nnd 8nIUi I poeed to maha trouble if be iant begin thia j j. t Slaughter '.s' 'u lAarij a: I Schmtler Farm ar.d -- iirliiKVillii a m Wauona, Buckeye Mown lea v Y. uvu n . haa long enjoyed the title of j r.pr.ntrod in the World'. Tair latl llrailt-r- . Reapers. Planet Junior ) i Crown Mowers, Iluiltsn II 01 p m Mil ve Knit lake Hose undGardeu Tool, 1 as p m ! Granary of Utah, lln .:mvi Upik-i- i ,lllJ1(M,gjnieBt,iKl npon tho bench t iLa. Fh f.ai A, tereataare well repreientsl, tail in lfth-U- fl Mi chance sift p Lchtu ogdrn Court " 4 W pm art- suit Laktf : t acricuM Superior Frees Grain Diillv, J. I. Case Threshing Ma V oi an 071 abort, in everything le Pnivu can f li.ve pm either, ajnrcely ting Auw Lelli1 Steam 47 m Turliino S'" I.t'uvt siirlntrvilic p Engine. Wheels, Sun,! Saw uul tuial nature we areable to compete jeoniidered bri'liaat, or even fairly wamjtiiMMma la4MVP 'I lilMUr 7N pa M Mill. I Umvo luaiiimtU Mnun-- I 9 of the llllpB with Rocky part any v" iwpuH HJV tain region. 10 M p in V Cough-Cure- s 11 P HI have re.i Tht trouble, of tile Engliah aeem Am nbuwUnti but the oat bmi Liman fr.r The mining induatnea 1 aaa I aaLT oosZa, labb gaivs i AION4J Mtll'Slt.cr. kal 1U YOlMi, little eaived l but attention, although eiunonunnry waaljriia and i'iivenji:fnt IS SASPErii ASH RKVIKB COUSTIRS. t , .ii m !.i Ki!, wlgc crwgiDg upon them throb l.i vvt Kill l.uke g.iM aud 11 :10a.m. 4:4Syja. le Ajerf CImhtj I'ettuni. u.ir I1.; 'JTlu Only AluMil;iltU u. Bl. and 4;4 I;I1jai it ia undoubUd that there am rich Md fut tml before long, the qualiUes An. to lull Lake I r i aearlr half a rtniurj till pirparslluii li:i. Agen1 I be la (rraler demand Ulan any mlu r n ni. iikuiuh. triheain atore for the proipector EmpreM oftueaeaa. will have her edy t Steel for cetdi, enucln, bmathltu, uil j raviSalt ui. Ueturs SRiVO Balt VjXuss XUAvA. I ukr 3 ia. 1. la who will tab tho trouble to aearch I (rik-raeomplalnia now can Baa from Feta jlanB fuis Rewfouiidland ia very Valley I eubred for mor. than rfeM nandhi In Salt l.iiki Salt Lako laoaeday for them. Soma few mining rouudtrlp toKelt lrn, HUch diaaatiefied, Canada want to from a mvara enunh aeenmpanied wii.Ii in i Leka. an in.luiuni la ILa bines and Uie txiimtun:1 v uf ankapa IMIeer and llliOet the r HloeplBg Care oa but i L., have been lecated, Meam If.vat in Every lioom. i..,i B warliai been inaugu rots of mailer. Tbe piiyalclaiii xuvr uT- up, ul all ti.mugb lrime, i'A'Ci' 8rra,ieceji L i . ai 1 B BKNNBTT dimour-J. haa on qr IMMKUHiK, dniwbit bm lu imvaikd NO EXfkA ClIAKliK. by eeateftranaperUtion, Uh YeBM!uola, and to add to her Gen. vrt. A Fim Agt. Miiuager. Lake mince General OIUeea,Halt to City, Ulak. attempt R open up .Vii'ji i. ; :i:i'.ii'i olber trouUl!l a tribe of Hindoo Ui; aged any Our inountaine, however, contain I baTB become hoatile, and ceinmen-ric- h GO TO THE uiinea of aoal, aalt, alum, aad I opgrationa by miiaaacreing a Has ahoavs 'n hand (Bi : t (iWx. XhUck, Sana:. ' ft there btve been aeveral very prom-- 1 Dllnbir of army officers. Wh'.ie I dhl so, ami sooa bugan to Hntirovr; air r I ; bellied. Uw rough etwd, and I i hma in the run UL preim.i i: iaing showing, ,ial brought England a groat and beallhtar than I have ever hums, Gfaccn, etc. J. .ii metals. bMobefoea. 1 would suggeM that the nam-a- f enei daal of wealth, it haa coat the live i ..1,1 If xi saii3, refics, .' Poetorai bo rkaognl Iu AWi Cherry Another,- and quite an important of acme-oLor bravest men. Ellilr of Lite, fur It eertaluly saved aij lUe." t ; Dfi ! et.,eUap famuk.frttotlM ON SALEJ. (Ntdea, Ballo, Buenos Ayret. branch t iat baa been very much Accommodations First Cbss. Wliipa,8CurNfthurti, , oiiHMiitM i glKTiiHcie, Msuitt. A few ynm ago 1 took very Md cold, ft Ii. Atwood, jy i rr g --blah setUud oa my luam. I bad high! neglected, haa been that of a t iveata, a racking rough, and great -i- re new. TO -k eA '.though our .t;w canyons I My duetuYi mcdletao did aie no guod. I tried many nmadtes, but nwclved no brno-St-; are full of good timber, we have to a i. iti.-30 p:I1 Hint .ill R. Ci W. Tmlu everybody desflred of my recovery. I IPRINCIPAL g i . w adriaod to aw Ayeis Cbmy Moral, liite machiuery that Agents J. lllTVa l'rirl tor. lad, aa a iaat raort, did so. FimatboBnl. builders .are eempelied to send to dose I oMaiaad nUef, and, after ualug two The place ti get a lJoed, Cuiiar jfM! at low .ind botllos of IL waa emnplrt-)reatored to SI ANTI. Provo (ur ' Salt lake Cityf for their Muiii.Si., F. Adana, Mew Gretna, N. J. bssllb EAST, Sl WEST, l . Jy m obto uppliee, it bt!ug impossible jteO tain . the material nearer home. NORTH SOUTH Ayers Cherry Pectoral, ijf Although well aapp'ied with ahwp, Fish. Raise ar rarAaaa there ia not a woollen factory beOr. J. OO., Lovoll, Kasa. tween Provo and Beaver, and it 6EBMAS CAEl, SM by ad DiaggWa. PrimSl; alx kotllw, of obance Ai'l . would. ,seem, but little one year old, at i TIME CARD, tlM' having one. llundrca iti Cir;r.fu. Tin Leading Jewleiy House of THasl cf t,ie Co-- pp It ia bnt little wonder that we Store. Single or Qteucle Cir. In effect Nov. 16th, 1890. All Orders frciu the South ilrVy I'lii'!. Mn.lg, nwldraer i;uirtr I Provo. "ffa-amaaJL Ta amt-no- ma a herx theory of poverty, dull Ums, Receive "WWiH AttenPrompt Ku aka bluada w TKAQiBlim tion. Send Your Watch to me et.f on all aides. Tho greater wnn-Uikiai Jaak U h . fl r.M- A.M.I for Repairs. . daria that we ava ao well off, and wtJ53fVSS3K?nu2S5,2 JLmkS Boot and Juab at 6.001 2.00 and Shoemaker. PB0Y0.---lITA- n. hut for the fact thalth country is 1 2 35 Nephi at tvcV t Provo at 4.80 " , 7.451 Nolli klrrrl Ma-- ll. naturally a rich one, it would have at ' hiMKi-H : 1 7.00 10.00 been bankrupt long ago. First-ClaWO Ciiet. iu Work anil i Train Irava Balt Lako at 7:10a. m. aad 41 I Woaee yearly, the youag men .I 'f 'llUllOUlltlOIIK. at Fravo at 1:10 a m. aad 0.11 I x Trains Idivu Salt Lako rogdWMT:S0 p. PROVO CITY, , Reparing done. leaving home, to obtain the employ- ik I riTJffJ. ui.. and l:Mudl:Wp.lb 4 I : men t which they ought to obtain IWIMHITgH Manufacturer of and Dealer i- nS. W, ECCLES, ,4 KiIlalf lllork West of Lsaiji'ii Store, U ,v I. here; our mechanics going to the - i n 'i ; i'.i .l, Oea. rvta rua Agt. imiin iK i trade centre, to work, very often oa i uvuTT OftM. mr m l t nnwi j;". i' ,tr ttjji CL i F.RESSEGUIE, I these things that we continue to ti i :i .i i n' r J,j Uea. Manager. i ! mmaarmr !.v Fttwyoitr , import yearly They sy that ' CAI.I. akd examine mv OerimiaurWWMMii mun. Fur good Bimineu locutii-ih li.i' can make larger wagea, than those -( stock. MANTI CITY & ,Doos. I! If. Soij Mouldings 1.1:1 P. -- Orders hy Mail (. . 8EX11XJSL LOCK, Bolt;. paid at home, and while we refuse Promptly Filled, Correspondence i ..i- t to pay them a proper remuneration PR. PIERCES PELLETS l.'HII I?i.i; u olion a Full, Apply r.i, rv . l,:i;li .Hu) hinfi.j. for their labor at home, we are DIllEfTOKS. : t I to Fureij Vagntablu ie ? r -- - , r willing patronize those who fur'I 'IT . L vi Ji.e, Preriilcnt. ' i nish Urge wages to our boys, and, Perfectly Harmlaia 11. .1. I III I TKX80N, Vkro-IW- . Xu&Zxtnctofctalnsd two UTAH. do not PROVO, although paying nraovAUD as a prices, A Tun lb, Caahier. Vegetable. rurcly K realii that wt aie paying more t- froatha i ii, I ABES Chaw roan, J lalluu,univiMsValM I j J..i' Ida Soft a., Mr.aS a dosn. cu ' a. (I. CbAwnniD, Jab. Metuai.v. than enough to siify their de-- f MUaua Yellow rim Tret. UmmUi , BUloua I AUaaka and aU laiUyua, manda. MBMb'iii a iimr.nl Rankiug BnsimL ot Iku SliMK-a- -0 Boa Cl mb a vial, br Onmuca. thereby Increase . . (Irp.iMlta fyoblo oa dnatad, Flw Zt Is tan to premots If in the acramnl for 'uick re-i. i' il ' ui) aiviuM iliywlift lurna, we woild atop and consider . Health of Sheep, I iff ; ; i wIl Safe Absolutely Birglir Proof ' I that the meat aubatautia. returns JtuiH-in loan na ml mitato, city You can ell afford to tad fkm are in buiMiug up eur own towns, Pff RNOLIXE CHEEP DIP a trial. It repcTiv, mill MburappniTcd avoarily. . E.DI.1-- : R i'K, IDAil.i. : and win may ava you a great , .,i 'I Ull- i, lowing testimony: IlkAl.KR IN ALL Wt i lh developing our own resources, jn i;k cSaffi jSk Efn!hhe'be!i the liest nl the See the testimonial. ' 1 The New bringing prosperity nearer heme, TESTIMONIAL. liiitianienta, Siring and.cheaiieat cloth, Tnm-PaascovT JrMcnuK. Am. , t ,, instiuim-iits. i we would he less irelinedto aiaive Kirm, Ctah, OvL ,h lNT :lllvi?i !et Htus itaiul GROWN ORGAN A. M. HUMPHRlrs. :V TaUoi-- s TrimmUiffs AUkinti, Orchestra & lland Music, iii.:iitiRr.AS. Crown Sewing MarTiino ; ; j i Faaaouaa Ckwo-ai- . r . . I out the workmen at our own doors, Music IkMICAL s yheet and .Music Hook. f Co., Iefore purohaaing any other tt " 01 lha bet UiomIkhv, N, V. Ii'! York. V and indulge ia tue 1UaHy I,rvf BauStm; Send for my new'aiiVlogJi 8uita uutl ftltuldu, durable, attractive. and I to order ! costly luxury oil combine the latmi. and beat im-Lyear VrooIim Dip jnt , l 55 a keicli ahorteet notice. of ilullro ole to the merit of yaur Violin its I conBider;ngT standard of 1 W excel-It tone ia pore, with would wa at - and much i. i i. uw bclict ihsi .' i porta tien. provemen'a. in it livemf iu iufomia-1 good lrnrv the M I .'Aii' i value lo.hecp rekm throne kout I mu in for imisiciaii cneapeei to buy. It ? glaive that the more money ilialhre,t ii'1. ftivuld uy, that I ' "pleto control 811 the 'most valuable' I A torn nn.l V iui orders f s wliat SS&tnSUSI i.kw you can bo pat in circulation in our fp in ,he Muic r,:c- ut . folly warrants ,4, f;f.Y,,,u WMke them amlik --ore than ,! -- v i enuiBy cured j also IheepoUcfttioa of the dip, whI tin. ''I1" . uj:et. Other atylea sold r tain our share. Vb M the vlt, , no iclii.ie r. dip GvdJ f. Jku Wrl aiul R die,, i ,ale oS i?.?'!: enupiilie iurnibhed by , shipping odta-organ obl; ui,r, a"Jfi"il',fe kt, a .11, liir wkmkor umlii I Etc., hid. vwwcf trvfta.'e tte, nil. ot raw matdrial ia ,lery. i FREDERICK CHRISTENSON,' a fim. iuljii.ablr mi.llMSVtlv4 iu t.fw v tinii ol th! GAHnirr. In my OpiBKHk UNU rII iuipoveriabing Sta'iukird! Sgu.ire Fait nf terms Dealing (flat In.. H I..0 ..III, Him ' in Minn the fi.reeoinr 1 da our own workmen, and hanging a SThtaTOSi nLsmuuy i4j, j!itrfwird miiiire. nut iu tht brtief that Fairvinw, Pole agent for SlHpIo. (' , riinleo. U I rriniiii!e Sad 1Hi : sheep ot atftoiii the yaw dip em cooveuieui I., uw pruve l. great. milldtono about the neck oi ourowa First-Gla- ss .rj t lei Dincriptive circular free to nnv f r fortune. addrea in anpeie county. r. 5t-Mr- . FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, C EDITORIAL PAKAGRAPHS. O' Fairview, nole agent for Sanpete Cc im,. Fsmollne Chemical Co., 18 Broadway, N.Yi ?vU? life inauraneo tompaoies an not H Gh-of BlschemiLLibg '"'PPuee. I W lt iiiAT'ft?-.-i rnirmimmmii imuudjj,-.'on Notice and in Firat-cl- ug I , I making any extraordinary aflori to Ktyleat S.RNeileona ooauro riaka At eUzono of Mew KNIGHTS JPtc 1 Ua LOWEST CASH PRICES h I-- .. lb HlhW'miQ. . . J.it - v. utti-nii.,- Few f-- rdit uuatape Ufa rm-lil- i Salt LalLo Cl;y, Utah, 0 IXia de-fru- it SEE re o-- IL-AIE.- G. ardner, Hotel psp Templeton, il- tvX Frr-icl- it Agencies all Principal Tow"? 1 l.aki-:SSf- I ?r i rtf Jl lain Tliivll--Iavi- mum.UTAII ii SALT - l. ,.-- ! ' Ik Uu e inimoth Stock. f r-- M BAE0ATJI8 TEE BAEG A Throu(! GEO. A. LO W, r.iik'-tln- - I Ayers Cherry Pectoral. cj Notion Store! iiliifeiail;;! - f - H: r-- at.t: menu-factorin- -- Julius Jensen. i wead-workiu- . Ba POINTS . 0:W Bestaurai o AljJ hr and YmirDiw in Lg a Am If; & JOJIX hyi nr ALL STATIONS. XIJJLSOS, i; TEMPLE HOTEL, 55 r , . ' IliiiiiuilIiMLiikViiri P188f'& MBBiMSti' - Bargains tl-a- Jt .JSAVINGS BANK. .:-- FERNOLINE SHEE3? DIP. - Uti C. R. RASMUSSEN, (VR ftlS.flTI'VO The Michel w : maIiti; large a V t- um nu, Uu-l- aub k . SSHA.MarkerJ 1 Wear a Crown ' Mj-.ira- l ,, n - ' . . . i : - "ir.; A me ' , P0' i- 1 J . a Tailoring Establishment, cc? MAIN St. MANTI. W " fr 1 mr '! II-- I ri IMO-- , : - lk. 1 Ul-- . I i i , i- 'S"rauu,oM n.V. . . i k; t'J 4 ft Blood Cure. (Meant. Senator CariiI ihluhi the Alii-- 1 . . Aitaadaid knawkoM re edy i. .aaee will throw the e'action of the I Ml President into tho Uuuea of I ' i finafu-nmio Repreaentativaa. If thia turns out aamly botanical eemaoaad ant aylaFick- to bo true, wbat will tho Al iaarol OnoM mat by maUiaMyWL Monthn Treatment fbr $1.00 w k. It t I : I f i i - gain? Farmers Alliance ieeaide tormina.!) to Var-- y tho war into Afrioo, as they have Logon avig-- l TL oroua educatioHal" campaign Now England. iaj BOIAIIOAL 00., M iRMotjfy, ywaam-m-l- M id iaui -1 it isn't ths majority of any par-- l lytaat control! aoiriaatiug coa- tern rontiono. .. r . I 5 roiisYs-yMsfeiisat- ,. eovtllmll St vitr-- biih 11 ,t: f- Srorwl.jmet th KaiekTa b aU IkCoaHaca. . &nnu 1nadHgPfeTK kawot, LMmOAf !: H v m r,M,y.Kr p;. win ti, f 1 ta m .V T'1 $JV il:.,';:;:,;.. , v ; ITAH. iu 7Li3 Wall Isper fr.,n, 2:,. . Tba above are but ..' kindly oak e,r friend 4 tor.. I Ii. '..mi'j Hebate Uurok given on all ivurch-- , Halverson, MT. Lit I .11 - - 111-- tkrr? kr . 0 1'urdurii Ni.ik kt ' KlKHiiftlHii.. Sliirihbt IJushii Mi-u'-s Vila a Ail lml Horn Made S ui s0 A bump, Year tholca at 1. ' ' 1 li-- launim.frj . .r - & . wiiMf Fadtuy, SAIr IfAKK CITY Iliwlrr A w allaup. f'1 t'ffor mid llenracrume tVvWcY Hi3itma:r j. rm Sninyinjin,,!, All 0f;se oe,nS a Specialty, ITS SSSSSSBSffr Work warbaktsdJ Contractors nnd Shop East of llantl Cerop. Huildprs plans, specification and bids furnished on demand . P- - O. Modern Myles work a BRAMTZEC- Specialty RooUlu1, I'wni.-I.r- r. ALT LAKE illll.l- k,5,f "S illsUuYvt 10 blllrsaa t biiiirea' SHiAOKSMISa. Rains jo ( bil'lr.i. Ull -I- Nr. Cleveland is UudooLUdlf the j choice of majority el hie party,! but under oor prwieut pulit.ral Next to Zions ai.flOikallilit.mcatft Saaf thaooamriotol g, Sfwai-ka- EB's'Wog raiimsiE Ptapifs SffissSaF"'' t s . Blachsmithinc, Hugh R. Sloan, sS Aaxxtl Oltjr, XJtan, m THE PHENIX Fiat Class I jCusiom Work and Repairing done. Call and see Mr. Brantyeg aabisl o.k!,truelr first claaa in 1 'every rrieca Modcaate, and . terms easy. KI,V'l veal of Lowrya Store Manti. riebos, ot T- - Tvwe JL- I C. BAILEY. ly,) AllOltXETf va:ting fur jour (hint. Custom Work a Specialty, g cmaaa. . |