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Show Tbe ... r... .. I-- T '- N b r; IdliimiMi f! Lzcjnullt I MANTI CITY, t'A.Ni'il VOL. VI. PBi'KKdalOXAL. f n. A tllOICE Wm; T. Re i d, PROBATE ATTORNEY AOBNT A.ND LANS Ml MIDI A Letter WiU SWEDEN' Si 4 Wilkes Bbadwick, rj ; AGENTS w ZiAHD AND . t J M IS, Te Ldy Skarcqc C.S.WILKES. met mil ElLfc Obtain .Patent! lor Agricultural Miueial Lands. 1 RELIABLE MEN inh tvn Salesmen for fnjflrat alaaa Clear Compauy. Must give god refcrejoe. "'Wanted as Traveling jj CQ Salem, V. C. I Sph.srJlAGVE, Faille. & iumlttoraey-at-L&- Notary w UaatT COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. 8b, heir blork aoutb ot People, BM a BBee-4M- K5IX, I Uohbob Utah. & ERD1XAXD ER1CESEX ProKcatius Attorapy kf Suptle Ctuiy. PLEASANT UTAH , ; nffleeonllaln Street.' Hit mil. MATTHEWS, ATTOllkEY AND klttatnat. Spocialty trupi, GOHSELNL AT LAW, WAimMTOW.B-- - Land and 0 Mining Cases. WIDEN. A 0q,t Norwegtoo niule ha brenmt vii pnprilsr In M'jekwi. lirlcg. anil S,ei!iJ enuiivitloiie lierlng been b'eo1 at icv'iel m.nmte withareut encme. Now, From tho For Norh. imd office Hiioiai. Land Agent'&IAttorneyaud il 1. borkoud Fnadbjem. otareh factory will bo bnllt at ntpr Vnto. Lla-tor- p NO. 9H Ti vouhlrv mo. Uiklvby In Sli been wi'd by Olnf Nat,, a It, owner, to Forgnl MyVI-- br (ri.r of tY'OjOOO eroeut. .-- u,I,y Dlstraca mm g After, mgtaii Eatins OyipepaUdJn fc tt i gnarai and Drs.Hosford, HTHIC1ANS ,ND SUBGBONS. every-- , on, VACTI from I UTAH. 4- Nei-h- l, lm I-- . esoo ill Bpeclilty. HOSFCHID BeelheaM, Two Mock yj ir.SUbl Umnptivc sad will all sippliuiiiia, H, WEST, 'fiyriclan Surgeon, R;W.J.B. g, U A. S6IRST-CLA81'. S I WORK.-B- kWTU TKITHEIT NMMTf El, : jtn. - taha.. o. " - - utah. Olson.r Dkalbs in r. J. Boatrom. tha marina aaparlatead-eat- . times. died recently at Stockholm. Ha Consul Broberg of Copenhagen will wm a vary poealter aid mu, and luna n a fortune ef 100,000 trowagood deal nethe Aarhus Stlftotldnlng for damag-oIn account an of article published of which, wu foaad aoneaatod laeuh-lon- a tha paper eoneernlng Brobtrg's private , ear pata, eta. llfoi f Captlaa Wm. AMph vea Llewaa, of Tha fnaaral of architect Theopliilui UageUudm, died lately at the age ef whoa death In Vienna menOS Ltowea foagkt with groat Hansen, of yesra. hu ben made, wm one of the most war la tion toanry ia the Dulah-Gemasolemn aver bald la that elty. Maay IMS, and wu appoiatod Ltoatoatat of pnmlaaat people, both court officials tha Danish army. wen aad Iiird j annual FREET be mailed aad u bs h btitcr than sver. J ;v; , ', w b IVcVcXtl tvv'jfWtVltVot, Wvwcttt, vvu : AtvvvWivfk'. rpi ' . - VOK if ALDING BASE BAlL GOODS. i I U luyrl V Iinr pritea. . attfnofOitfOun, S2sU BASISS t .iui iiii .K ulh Sn t et, j , inwc. uwt ttwUikvA, ! 1 ... t!rn i'l,f ' ! n:ds jjouse in the oiintij. 'o GrixsLrantGQ : , ; II. , rytMiPti, Cat: It- - Mn, SJjwj, Mon, Family ui.il Mi-- Dr. t'. . N min. V, S.. at Suit laiLe Alii v, mmiiI and wishes von well, neke you to rcail wlmt il cry YuIii:i!i!i Meilicine, Men! Tlut we sell cheaper than any of out competitors, taking quality into consideration, .and in addition, we divide, our profits with, our customer, by 'enlarging their Photograph with every $ tc.no Purchase, or give with every $25.00 Purchase ore of the three fine Books, viz: Hill's Encyela-pede- you greeting about hi la-lo- BLACK OIL' BALSAM. lint at then- - so much talk, nil over tho country, uhotit that niciliciiie they call Kuna's Hluek Oil IhilHam? I never hrenl men Hkn they lo that. Il mitot he j.i eiw any Ihiug great Heeling eud Lolic and llli):,( Medicine. Every tewn or village 1 go into, - they a. .begin telling me shout saving tuia valuable row from liloiL er,d how nice it lieuliil that lino horse, cut and mangled with a wire Domestic Medic'ipe or Tennyson's Poems, or for evciy $i.oo Purchase we giye-- tickut in a bcAiitiiull Upright Piano. At lenee, or some child had eealdcd or burnt end it look the pain out in half an hour. Well, if its true, l'in glad there's iileuKiiri1 in buying cucli s medicine. Yea, my fiieiid, every void xpoken in favor of that medicine is true. 1 buy used it. end it does its work so good and true 1 uve no other. My friend, Albert Dewey, of Salt I dike, recommcudcd i to me. It a simply wonderful, both ihe internal eiul the extsriml. No flica will come near a wound ; it leala quick, lakes out pain, no Kiiri, ftud tho intcTniil for himian uw, in blue lilixtiijiiiii curci thousands of men and women who were suffering from Kidney and Bladder diseases and 8ore Throat and Cough. Why, it slop them in three or four done. Albert Dctrcv told me if people would haro one bott'o of each kind iu tiic Iioiim veadv, tliev would " esve half the lives that are loet, hundreds of dollars in doctors' hills and have good health and strength and their ci tlln end horses wellj that s tho icaaon, my friend, so many people praise il. Who would not praise such a medieine? Its the finest trade mark ami the beet medicine known to science. Every store l:. p-ought to , , keep it in etoek.. All ordeieirom this data aunt to mv whohvsls agents, Z.C. M. 1 Drug More, Salt Lake "itv. , f; External in Ye'low, Interna! in lilue. detail Tii. eif. :.() eetiis and $1.00 eaeli, or and $9.(X) ier dozen. Sole Proprietor end Manufacturer, la-e- DR. C. W. j . . . jj- Nold Union Blools. , HAT HENBRUCK et,t Lhildrrt a Wratts," ;iae ami M-- n'a - y 71- Buy' -- .- CO;, - Jt ' - UTAH and varied aaeortmeut Y i I J -- - ' - Ovt-rcm- MANTI Hate,'. ; and Oapa BOOIS, 8ALT LAKE CITY. 1- anJ Shawls, MiW and and MixwV Merito gdi1 WOolch Underwear: k VUJSrJV, . city; I.ivite aUeunoii to their ' & ' v . Vciarin,vy iFharmzcy, 'Ssomxastty, StOES, WPIOB8MMUBBI Wu slhoirase Qi WERITlit f fi SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. We were not one of the Companies that organ ized the American Harvester Co., nor have we at any time had any connection with its plans or management. We carry a complete stock of Bindeis, Heapeis, MowfSi Haf Bals Don't fail to see our Goods Wore Will nmro to ur m - w w:.n-- - o.i-purchasing. lietween Mam and- West Temple, on or iihuut Mar. h l arid r i.u Jiuhbers, jttci&rcgifii ' I Arctics. mrnrn FiiMiiiiHiore in great variety. Katin, Moiro, ami Volv ef llihlioriii in ail shades; 01 inch, till woo! Suiting at GO cents per yard. Cashmere frorti 20 cents to $1.20 per yard. Twine. il - WRVYY, T38 YOTt. tlK'VKT.OV.Vi'a. . a M. OSB.0K2STE -- Ud., 8.W Ltjty, present prints person, jAlVWSY wSTMCW e O. M. FERRY 4 CO. DETROIT. MICH. !ES)i v;. j Us.; ANDREiAlI. UEALEimS Vvi.m Vcc u?.-- - L cry pMiMi twin HmrJtn, rd-- mr hteiU t!. .!J semi for ii. Strtt, Aildm . 0. S Ehhm A Sc.ed 1891 f r YNKY THE BEST. UM. Ui 4 j ' ' 1 aidThieata n huvian vliitrv' rxrji: .1, . LKEMEDIN u a u 0 ! uthoagblbadaoteatenaiiytlilnc. X tblak, wai aggnTated by aiy builneu. which la that or a painter, and tom baing more or les ibnt op In a 0Ur t moa with beib paint, gait Uytrou-bl- Hoods Sarsaparilla A nllroad from Oilraee to Dallev will John Aka Audits, tha aUtoot Inhabitant of Jonkoplug, died naontly on hla protmbly ha bnllt eoma time In Ihe near DR. W. OS.octh birthday. Ha wu IS yaara aid, and had future. ef CUT UU-w,- j. UK won famt aa a vary abto lawyer. FrrdertoU lank to the name of a new E. T. OOSFORU One Block and ory. nihaitaeib-BrbiioiiM- i in Bwedlak offlaen hart aerred In bank r that will be organised Twain fob-the Frtnafa-Afrlaa- a reglmanto daring Fredarlela. of IU: Fovef then art dead, and La DAYlSON, M. D. latoyaara. HeuJorgen Barn, the oldest school tha other tight an all la peer health. Denmark died recently at an uherof FnaiCIAN AND Scrgeox, Kdla Hadln, of Oeetonud, who murage of TSean. dered her hnabaad last year, haa been '. Hi.Flkamaxt, Utah. eentonaed by tha Buna Manly aonrt The cultivation of tobaceo on Fycn Is HI troat all kinds of diaeaaee in to aaffer tha death penalty. The avenge price ha been lnartulnr. a skillful manner. Diseases eenta per pound Anting till year. Tha rareaaa af tha Swadtoh mall depeculiar to femalei receive apecial attention. partment wu l&tftOO arowu during Tbe hones of Andrea Krlckeen in 190, nn inanaaa of SIL900 erowna Holer wu burned down the ether day. eompared with tha lneema during tho lfr. Kr! risen wm roasted to death. ; prtTlons year. Ohdrnpgaard near Th aoontry-aea- t Thoauibar af .etadutat tha.ual-ranlt- y Gnaaa & bnrnod down latelv. Manv wu of Upnla to l.KI, and the num. hone and eattla wart destroyed. beroftouhan 111. The anmbor of (Bela Btataiei eipeeialtr. Hennine. atndonto nt tho ulvenlly ef Land to Tha famooi atgllion ! Salltw, Savior County, Utah. awntd by farmer Han Jensen of 77. and of Uaehtn 88. recently sold nt the The lntoruttoaal gymnaatla tMn 14.H00 crown. . of high prlc STACEY whtohrUl be hold la toehhetoa naat enainur, proateta to ha an affair af Nieto Htnean and bto wife, of Klrke-tlllinlmportanaa, nuay prealnant gymnutle celebrated their diamond oeletla haring already doelded to Uka wedding' lately. N1el ITanaen I 98 pari. yean old, aad has boon married three et the Eye, Eer, Kom f f7 a fatntnei, or tired, isn-ia-to- ILNIIFIH NMFMB ' aood appetite, ud by tbu orereoBUng the loeal lymp- 9CB, ' Icon Kmovca tho aympa- - H68fl8ChO Uxtis cflocti ut Uw dlaeaie, baaisbes tbo headachy aad jvbvibcs tlie tired mlad. Ibara been tnwliled wiib iljnpepais. 1 bad but little arpetito, aud wiut I did rnt dimmed aie, or did M K'L.f.U - Uttlo good. In an hour OUm iRcr rating I would expe. ttoMO KAI.I. H W ; mquiirs eaiefbl, penlsteot attention and a mudy Ilk, Ooodt nanv paring wbkh acts gently, yet surely aag cBeleutly. It fame the atnmack aad other or(ua, Rfulatea tbe dlfeaiJci!, eKitfea a ' tJ uugM, aad UWtu- bowel, tlw moneowmou a, Hog-ost- $it iulT) 1 iafcbadfcu Tba r Xpert of oota horn Swedes to prlag I took Qood't Sana-- StOmaCfl rilla took tinea botilea, poetad to bo rary larga tba proeeat year, It did bo aa taawaao amount o good. It cars ma Alderman Joba Suatara Snaietodt, of I.1!!-- A Mllrnal will b, hn'lt appetlta, and any food rellthed aad attiiled tbo craving I had previously experienced." Aakoraund, died alas age of S7 year wrd ad KlHkvbini, and tbeovi'rtitnf' I Giobci A. Faoi, Watertown, Haa. 0( 0 A aew IuMlao ehureh will bo built kiahw, oMked In sporopilaie ; crown for tbe puriuwo. at tha oeraer of (Mmagatoa and BoMbyiUlraxililai fl; Mi tor pi. rnpanieaiy I u stock helm. ferO-CO 800D 0 apamwartM, LowtU, Godreagen, In Sngn In apleeaf great Mrs. Kama Benidleks has donated nataral Dollar t IOODMji8Ono beauty, and tourist, who travel SjOUO erowni to tba Hortbarn Mnaoum of In Norway and visit Gndvanren. have Stoebholm. Sarpele Valley Railway kardlr words for npremlng their T1MK TARLK. NO. 5. Tbo prise of bnttor la iwodon to To take effect N'edneaday, lire. St, 1890. Ugh at pressat, II baing sold at 6S eta. Nurili, DUlltiiu, (eoilis Husth. Nleolau Clans Smith, a wall known HoIhk No. 1, per kilogram. Hi 01. pt Id. engineer of Gelllvard, died at an eg of Cluster. .mlave Arrlm s.li. Tho farmsr L.B. iarlandor, of 77 yeare. Smith, had built many railBlSArrim M'wwil I,IX ArrtvM lJx atar Skoefde, haa mlgratad to roads in Rueela, Finland, Norway end SM 1hpii ' nIW. Lei re. l.ts. I.k lii.lO Koo.taia America, toaviag iSTsral angry eradlton linen, -Ill IJWl lllvld, Min Street '.Varf rings' aid his Alderman J. Itja. Aker county to the richest county In Nibl. Lrarea 111. Trains run dally, bunds y excepted. wife of llarleetad, oelebraUd (heir ailvrr Norway, tho fortune of Its Inhabitant Trains wedding tha other day. at baing estimated at mora than SO million slenKled. stop stations msrVcd Sonly wbeu Durlag Jaauary and Fsbrnary 1,871 of erowna. Tha fortune of tha Inhabit- Tumnonc lixrnxcx. Goners Msusr II. 8. Kail, (ieneral KaperlntendaaL people emigrated to Amertoa by way of ant la Norderhoigand Elverum to estiGothanbarg, ax eompared with lJM mated at 10 or It million erowna In each daring the ibom 11b( la 1MQ. aoanty. Tha Ualvenlty ehan seller Fakr Yon Tha ally af Christiania hu 30 ehurckm Ehrenhetm baa beta appoiatod apeaker 10 There poIlM station and 15 banka. In tha Upper hone rice Count Lagsr an t.SOO people aamed Olsen, Ohlaen, bjelka resigned. Ohlaea, Olaoaen, Otofonn, Olson, Olmoa Iu 0. Smith, the wktoksy king of Sws Olafo i, or Olarara, Tha name Ola to dan, to lying niy ttok la London, lla waaiTby many hnadrada of thou Otoena oldest on aid have loft Mr.Gu Huge, tha Amtrlran anthan Swadon for London. mala no mlataka eonaaqnently, whan :...c. Afr.vJiiMEdL; Ikoofda Hotel, in Skaefda, has been haulledtha hero of hla Scandinavian name tha of Olson." "Ola i U'JulHriiiU'llit.NY , old to tha llgioc ''Sr.. . af C. A. Lindgran play, by s, and Compaay, of Stoakbolm nt n print of " 3 DEKVm, 2i SALT LAKE llakci Uia live ul Buy people i aad often InJ, to atlilnirunliia atki ratlnp, four aionMcb, ikk beutbuiu. Ion of appetite, a faint, all new bauk fjr will be' urgantai-- In H.'ilt-iTka capital Uiobe 1'JO.Oi.O emwn. The lueouta of th Nurwigian MTj&Ui emwiH iu isn't. a CJaipated with C3w."0 uroaim Iu lw.i. A V Dyspepsia ' Albert Kareuilii Trpfnc, elilrf of lies In ChrletUnMibil. he.lieen ppliil-e- l chi, f uf k,ie In by king luhnutin, rk. Statistical Rf ta will b risr-- it lifnrtory built mi'te price of NnnuaUn luinbn I; alfMled bf til niaii tally l i, that occurred to Dmilun dtriui tin1 DHith of February. UTAH. - SALT LAKE CITY, V OU UTAH Qtatti. t ' flalliy ') old The . attorneys, Nfc- Ibn-ulsiil- .Sol Office. Court Houee. Manti. Utah. m ill n" balMitig iu the gmnu-l- , uml lot. fmi tkr LuJ rf tbe Midiicht atof Probate bueiners promptly tend'd to, and titles aecurad to Land uniter the various entriea Cui.N li i 4 'Lakk-gasrdi-- aiim .'iLts A. Olla, a and 0. Otoaon Breed Pereheron Home. A lively ud brisk woman la Elea a telegraph operator, both amptoyedby Undllng Horses a Specialty the Halmatad lfuwjo railroad, hart Skraaddar ef 8tabbekJoeb(ng. Sh to 90 made thslr way to Aaurlta, after hav ysan eld, bnt to, however, capable of : , uV. v tteket-eeUa- .'MT.Pl.KASAJiT, J. II. Seklt, Prest. Wholesale and Retail grul-danghte- f -- . u NOTIONS. The Greatest Bargain House In Anierlet ruxuirLia: lO.-Ml- aliter ok Binding y. jnr.M.DAYIESeiai H; ins' Y. AND CARVER! V'ftXjftXO'Sk.W a Bpeel.ily, I ' YrouU for Bniidiugs Neat ly Aeautod. eksVMtefLowtyfatora, fc The Beat Possible Cools for the Lust Possible Money. Snit. Cub on Delivery and One Pries to ML 3rd. L'udriLuy and Undersell. Read Carefully The Following List. Good Koto Paper, 24 sheets for Ge. (end Bill Cap, Legal Cap and Fold's at lie. per Quire, worth 90e. Best Fngltoh full eount, at Se. Cap Paper, per Paper. Ceram on Fins, fall count, at 6 per Fsper. ftofety Pins, all nixes, at 3e. per Dosen. Lead Pencil. plain cedar, at 5e. per MANTI F. KisniKir.7M-- f roup mu . Mamifaclurerers of the Heel Are still Tri-cyc- le ! (1ribli.-- at the front with full sleeks of (he following well kuown goods : V? Jay Kye Sec Sulky Plow,, Canton Clipper ITnwe, ' Canton Clipper Steel Hand Plows and Harrows, J.4, .Cafe Chiiied and Steel Ieam Centre Draft Plows, Ajax Lever s, Evans Celebrated Trippie Lever Wood and Steel Frame ' Harrows, Tlanct Jr. Garden Tools, Gorham Combined Seeder. Fountain City Grain Drills, HoosiorlYess Drills, ' ' Examine our Stock of Uuggies before you buy. !. We sell tTie best Buggy on earth for $ioo, with leather tup and rivited rims. Our No. $ Concord is an excellent Buggy for country The Old Reliable' ( usage. -- .j tcy 4 Straight Grade, Family Pridp, XX Family, Tuiina Ciife, Cfinj! Feed, Bran arid Shorts. Orders Filled on Sliort JIT. PLEASANT. - - r.'AFf. IHTMMIB8II1 kniYi7.g88aF-18- Vft' ' i : BOARD OF TRADE Saloon and Billiard Hall Oar 1 u-- i and .McCormick Machinery are still in the lead: Houses1' af Salt Lake City, Ogdcfllogan and Milford Utaft, . , .arid Idaho Fallsj Idaho. , Wines scdLiqaors Are Pure and Old Culli--vntor- STotloo ItoMD. Robber Tip Penellf, at 9,12,30 and 24 l-- per Dotea. half of all beta wea. This makes my Hooka and Eyas, black and silvered, at Ahoau for itadeoU who an without total gala about 11000. Having mad to, per Doxen. bo enetod will Cbrtetlanta la meaai. tho bet parties In San hmhroldsry BUk, all aolora. at GOe. per prints 1 by Bov, OftedaL Frtnaiaeo, I left that glty without any hundred skein. We Carry a FollLlae of Notions at In or Soartoh af trumpet. Tko Dr. Christian faul Bgada, of rend-hjnBanging Lika tha Above. Dealers dlod recently aa tba agoof M tatloa aganta ud tolagraph men-- , along wiil Kind Drives Here, to be Had et no th 1 roato ua. will nmamber Otll: Unlive. Ture to ban aomeon othlag batter than A feorfnl apMamla of diphtheria to C West lat Boetb Uka ttla mattor ap aad sift It from tha St., ragtag la Sjerka eeuty, and raeo af bet tom. All I went is jurilee." death earar dally, f J See. tot. - JTOXSCCTTF.RS IIax-'kn- , Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller UTAH iUkteghareow every day and does lag tmbe axled aomsthlag orar 1 COO eh ether work. She hold the eon of own, tad ablated muy endltorn. r her In her arm when ra ia Salt Lake don't forget to Among the paper loft by Wm. Sorg tha little one wu at baptised recently. the atop tr and,, tha demand editor, kubaaa found a larga muiaarlpt aoaMrnlag Stockholm, aeea foam dlfknat points of riaw. Tha work will be flntehsd by mma Zoo Gaytan's Walk- hoIdaat Reataurant in the eompotont JonruUat ud published New Tore, Manh .80. As soon as sKity- - 127 S. Main BL oau poaribla. Mlu Zm Gaytoa, who walked from Sen March Btocebolk, Free else to New York, naahad this ! Thomu hu itatod, althengb not oOelal-l- nporta wan circalaUd that aha had city not that Sweden will aeeept rneldsat ads tha and claimed, u telegrams trip Harrtoona to b laritaUoa partial poto la from California partial wan pabllihad tha Golimbtea Warlda Fair. Tha to tka (fact that tba wagar wu nnheard next af bo will BIkaday year probably ef la that ngloa. Mlu Gaytoa uys this l5Be oflUnTPrevo. Leavr orleii al tbe ukod to appropriate a eortaln aam for a rawtiHLoOee. to tbe erowalag blow. "I toll yon.su. gorarnmant nklblt at tha axpoeltloa. "that this talk dldly, she said The X01W1T. f my net haring fairly made tha trip, to ATjkepry, UMKB. nuddenlng to m. Let ms settle this NEXT! Tha popalatloa af GJarpaa to 1.08. attar onsa (and for all. Usnafter Tha popalatloa of Kragam to k.779. anybody wha qnoatloni tha falrc',, A railroad will bo ball! botwoea Yem with whlah I hara wen njy wager, will althar have to pat np or shut up. I havd aad Stalhalm. uathar proof to ecnTlnuaay rational Ilea Nltoen Aaroa, af Koekea.dtod at lad, and oan fornlih proof for other tha aga of W yean. Iu the lade, toe. If it U p"fary. Tho Goraiaa rnperer will make a Int place tho wager wsa for 10(10 and Journey through larwoy aazt rammer. enpaam aot for I110U0 u the dUpatch-- u atate. Nut there wen eMe bt mads Grladaholm la Vbldara aad Laordol & It wu agTMd that I should hare ud an to bo eoaneetod by telephone. N'ieh CONFERENCE VISITORS oflhc Prat to Salt T.hk oan find no heller place than ' a, ik Salt Zahu Cur, Utah. Family Trawk f?L mNK ADKINS, Xcf a Klrert itk, iVopriutoi1. Xsnti. Ifi Maiii i j I Stei-vl- , iit 0 Savage's Art Haatur, for DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, aiid in General. Family Fffppliel Call and es9 them; Ibeyjviil treat you well. |