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Show ' ' - ' PAGE TH THE PROVO DAILY HERALD. : . bonis, 260; milking Shorthorns, 83; BelgUna, 48; Oyedales, 30; Mules Polled Shorthorns, 52; Aberdeen No SuchTixury for Them Now lllll.lll fT- Angus, 175 T1TT1CT SO. Gsllowtya, ; - These figwee do not terfude tm Boya afiS glrbi ctuba calves, 166; merclal horses Car lot cattle, 2,500. GHAPTI XXYll (Mittmd) "B posslbla." aald the. I u "It must be Bade posiibla." be ftt&ia aomt boor uur tk afUnooa, vKm Ua Nubini anawarad her with heat, and oa mm mora t their pout, H that he checked abruptly, arrested a eound of shouting from with-ou- t ftad m mvf to Vrlai her beyond by Bi,Jet that thtlr aaatlnal m the He recognised the roice of who tX daws had returned MlghU. report a tail to wart- vara, baadnc ap tovari U stead to hit sentinel's post on tha summit ktfora tha nrj wUa braaxa that of the head land, relieving the man who had replaced him there during " blowing But tha arfoav thaj tha night amtad waa aot ret la Bight, and "My lord! i My lord!" waa the ha eonfaaaaa that cartala propoaala cry in a voice shaken by excitewhich ha had made to Asad lor ment, and succeeded by a shouting laadlBs har In Prance had been re- chorus from the craw. Sakrel-Bah-r turned awiftiy to jected. Still aha need hare no (ear, tha entrance, whisked aaida the ae added promptly, aeelnf the and' curtain, and stepped out npon the den alarm that quickened in her poop. Larocque waa In the Very ree. A way would present itaelL act of,, clambering orer the bulBe waa watching, and would miss wark! amidships, toward the waist-decwhere Aaad awaited him in bo chance. company, with Marzak and the If "And no chance ahould offer H trusty Blskalne. . The prow, on ine asked him. which the corsairs had lounged at CWhy then I will make one." ease since yesterday, was now a Be answered, lightly almost- - "1 seething mob of Inquisitive, bab have been making them all mi life bllng men, crowding to the rail and and it would be odd if I should hare even down the gangwayja: their lost the trick of it on my life's moat eageraesa to learn what news.it " Important occasion." was that brought the sentinel Thia entlon..pf Jtln llfe Jed to aboard In such excited baste. a question, irom ner. r rrom where he . stood, "How did you contrive the chance heard Larocque's loud an that baa made you what you are? nouncemenL . I mean," aha added quickly, as if "The ship I sighted at dawn, my ' earlnj that the purport of that lord!" luestlon might be mlsunderst hi 1. t"Welir barked Asad. that has enabled you to broom a "She is here in the" bay beneath ioraalr captain that - headland. " She has Just ' .'Tie a . long story, that." he sail dropped anchor." 1 should weary you in the telling "No need for alarm in that," re f plied the Basha at once. "Since "No." nhe relied, and shoolTher she has anchored there It Is plain lead, her c!e!ryes solemnly meet-n- that she has no suspicion of his clouded glance "You would What manner of ship nw n . Swine: th' Ouroea-iUf-gpott- ' III -- ' Eakr-el-Bab- rVTA; if tot weary me. Chances may be few In which to learn It." "And you would learn It?" quoth le, and added, "That you may Judge me?" "Perbaps."--"sbsaid, and her ' yes tell. VVIth bowed head he paced the ength of the small chamber, and ack again. His desire was to do aer will in this, which is natural "enough for if it is true that who knows all must perfoice forgive all, sever could it have hoen truer than In the case of Sir Oliver Tressilian. So fce told his tale. Pacing there ne related rr at tenet n. tronr me Jays when be had toiled at an oar n one of jhfi galleys of Spain down to that hour in v.Mch Bhoard the Spanish vessel taken under Cape BpaVtel he had determined upon that voyape to England to present Fro Ms recuoning to nis uromer told, hia. story- - simply ..and without ;oo great a wealth of detail, yet lie strutted nothing of all Ahat bud fone to placeEim where he stood, and she. listening, was so profoundly moved that at onp moment her ivps eiisipnpd wi n tears in en a no loufht vainly .to repressTsf he. pacing there, ahsorbed. with head sowed and eyes that never once Itraved in her direction, saw none f tills "And so," be said,' wbun at last liat odd narrative bad reucbed'its snd. "you know what the forcea.; Another that drove me. . rere itronper than- - myself miht have esisfed ' and preferred to suffer leath. But I was not strong ur pernaps h is inax mougn. itronger than myself was my to punisht to bitter tatrea into wasu niy er3iwnue ove lor Lionel, was turned." "And for : me.-- too as .you have old-mshe added. "Not so." he corrected ber. "1 lated you tor your unfalth. and nost of all for your having burned mread the letters that I sent you iy the band of Pitt In doing that iou contributed to the wrongs 1 ras enduring, you destroyed my tie chance of establishing my inno-encand seeking rehabilitation, ou doomed me for life to the ways rhich 1 was treading. - But I did tot then know what ample cause ou had to believe me what I emed. I did not know that it ras believed I had fled. Therefore .forgive you freely a deed for rhich at one time I confess that which spurred hated you, ne to bear yon off when I found tu under my hand that night at irwenack when I went for Lionel." Ton mean that' it was no part your Intent to hare done so?" he aaked him. "To carry you off together with dm?" he asked. "I swear to God e ' . de-dr- e 'wt! e," e ad t ; bad not premeditated that it was done because not for had I considered It, do think I should hare been roof against any such temptation, t aasaUed me suddenly when I yon there with Lionel, and 1 faecumbed. to It Knowing what bow know I am punished enough, ba-ie- ld think.- - n. think I can understand," she lonnared gently, as In, If to comfort for quick pain bad trembled is she?" "A tall galleon of twenty guns flying the flag of Enpland." 'Of England!" cried Asad in sur prise. "She'll need he a stout ve.3 eel-t- o hazard herself In Spanish waters." j r advanced to th rail. "Does she display no 'fun hi? device?" he asked.. Larocque turned at the onest nil "Aye." he- answered, "a mi:n-.blue pennant on her mizzen : charge with a white bird a th::ik." "A stork?1' eeboed SjIvmH thoughtfully He couliL cull toJmlnd .no ";' English blazon, nor did it secin ti him that it'cotild pnsslblv te it V.fh" He caught (!'" quickly iudrswi 'hren'li !"'h .,) u ' Sakr-el-Bah- ' . --- - t "' TUT ing i8 4he entrain t. :i.o' c.uKe-h'alf concealed by.. he cirta;a face showed white fnr' iM?t eyes were wide. "What is i.t?" he as'-- . " shortly. "A stork, he th''is" th.' !i ' :.. if that were "ITaith an tmtikdy'!:ii'd ' s is "The fello-'"Yet not by inuch3i;-- uxis.-- How in ' i I. Sakr-el-Bah- - But the Jest evoked no response from ber. She continued, to stare at him with those eager yet timid eyes. "And yet," he continued, "he comes opportunely enough. If the breeze that has fetched him Is faint yet surely It blows from Heaven," she paused, faltering' "Were a moment Then "Were it possible to communi' cate with him?" "Possible aye," he answered. "Though we must needa devise the' means, and that will prove none so easy." , she In"And you would do quired, an undercurrent of wonder-Iher question, some reflection of It In her face. it" itr FORK, Nov., A 11 could not do while it rained. "Why readily," he answered, ml. n amUnimA' READ HERALD WANT ADS ' ' irtrv SALES 3tVt TIMES THOSE OF ANT OTHEa stake. Omitting Spanish Fork, which had the largest representation, Pay-so- n came next with a large corps of workers, while Salem, iSantaqnlrr, Benjamin, Lake. Shore and other small towns were well represented. Miss Sarah M. McClellan and yrs.' Cora L. Bennion of Salt Lake, rep resenting the general board, and Mrs. Hepsy. Lewis, president of the Nebo' stake board, addressed the workers at the morning session on phases of their work. At noon . luncheon was served by the refreshments committees of the fourwards of SpanlslL.Fort to 300 workers. Conference reconvened, at 1:30 o'clock "In" the afternon. "Tn the evening a pageant representing the work of the mother in the home aud, of the., Imortauce emphasizing healthy, happy children, Wns given ST the amu8tnienallrrsrKaTe Carter being in cQftrge, Meat-Scrap- tmiiiiimiiiiinit - iAE 7.00 3.50 3.35 3.40 3.50 Phone 450 West Center. Pasteurization With RAW milk containing from 100,000 to 50C iiij,uiioua uaciena per cudic icentimeter (about taoiespoonsiuij, aon t you think you are. kirl chance in buyjng and feeding your children an but pastuerized products? Our last official cowit was 30,000 our daily output over 1200 ?3 : immniimitirmtmtm 446. : . , . . bin with ?hones' Call 557 . Mutual 14-o- z. COAL AND "EtJMBEirCb. Yard: 72 W. 5th S. Have You Tried PROMPT ...... RELIABLE ....150 REASONABLE ......450 : .... Cl!llllllt HARDY-1V1ADSE- ; N Architectsybf Future Office and Res. Phone iiiniiiiimmg .... . The gift that carries the true senti East Eighth North, Provo, Utah. ment x of Christmasyour photo That's what mothers are every time they hand a suce of bread to a fast- growing -- boy or girl. graph. Make the appointment today, befor Christmas shopping begins. PHONE 282. build strong. Number paid, 3136, an increase pt 768, amounting to $34,442.97, an in crease of $737.38. $16,055.99 morta received than sent out Postal funds derived from the sale of stamps and stamaed paper was $5,842.15. LARSON STUDIO! Provo Bakery's Harvest MANY ENTRIES ATKANSASBIG Columbia Theatre Bldg. SM00T & SP AFFORD COALlCO. Bread STOCK SHOW The only exclusive coal merchants in : . ' Provo. We have that good coal. Be - A pure all food ; loaf, made to nourish aa welK; as taste good. Just the kind of breadyou'd make yourself if you had no house to keep and little,iolks calling every nirfute. 3 careful and . " good soil. friends. Phone TELEPHONE 17 Years in Business. YOU GARDEN BLOO. with beautiful tt lilies, hyacinths, cissus, and other flowers try our Ha bulbs. They will no with ordinary care They wil light .you 34 At Ydtf Grdcer'd 10c Ask for it today. Proi TO MAKE The Body Builder " and ; 1 , Wl the Flowers Gro PROVO GREENH0 " Eight-O- i 502 S. Univ. Ave. ProvoJUtah . Short- - TRANS FEB CO :mti miniums All kinds of Plumbing and Heating Work Solicited, All work 10,-92- KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov., 11. (United Press) Kansas City will !be host to the livestock aristrocracy Of the United States for a week commencing next Monday.' The largest army of livestock ever presented to the central, 'west ern or southwestern public are here being dressed down for the Amer ican RoyalJUivestock show and ex' position November 17 to 22. -- Included in tna entries are th most noted of tha different breeda from all over the United StutM and Canada. By breeds and' specie tha entry ' - First W. r George M Nuttall. announces that he has entered the plumbing business with a well equipped shop at 179 building 1 a "We Aim to Please" Announcement.... While details that make t i iaw jess ining our ent customers find aVE GJJARANTEEATI&EyiNG RESULTS fi 150 S. parcels received, averaged 150 do livered daily by the parcel post delivery. Number of money orders issueol 15HJ6, an increase of 31, representing - These are the three standing virtues of service. There are m 1 MUTUAL COAL? registered letters, 603 a decrease of 72; insured parcels, 2,721, an increase of 94; C. O, D, parcels 1570 an increase of .164. Ordinary, insured and C. O. D. '"'MiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTtfrrm MOVING Service ... COAL and 713. 3 iiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiniiitm!i tttt ....... MUTUAL 780-R-- .87 ......... ................ ..... PROWID MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, COTTAGE CHEESl NIGHT DELIVERY .19 . .'. Best quality Skinned Hams, lb 29 . . .18 Picnie Hams, mild cured, lb. Fresh Salmon and Halibut, lb 35 Corn-fe- d Dressed Chickens, none better, lb.. 30 Finnan Haddie, lb. Vr7777. :30 v. . Large, Fat Fresh Oysters, lb. . . . . . ...70$ . . 85 , . . . . . Fresh Shrimp Meat, lb . rt lb. carton Codfish 35d Fancy Stockfish will be m this week, lb can Honey $5.35 . Cranberries and Bleak Figs, lb can Ost's Raisin Pudding. 30 Calif ornia Chestnuts, lb. 40 2 dozen Sweet, Juicy Oranges. . . 2 Head Lettuce or Celery : 4 lbs. Sweet Potatoes . ... ...... 2 extra large pkgs. Golden Rod Washing Powder. .450 4 extra large bars Peter Pan Toilet Soap. . ....... .290 .. .. . . . . . . .250 'Tpkgs.' Argo Corn"Starch . . . . 3 cans Lighthouse,Uleanser to a customer iyo and fill your HILL PASTEURIZED Lowest Price. PRICES FOR NOV. 10 TO NOV. 14, 1924. 10 lbs. Beet Sugar 10 lbs. Potatoes iju.ul uimci a reminas one oi a tub 01 n caught, fish flipping, flopping mass, lliese mi flippers constitute the very life of the milt. Ri as in everything else, there are twx kinds, the goo! ioou uaciena, ana me roreign, or mjurious baci ine iirst we preserve, the second we destroy b . jui meinoa yei Known to science iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmt BUY FOU CAbU MONEY ,. A DROP OF MILK SAMUEL KOPP we 467; ..... ....$3.00 CHERRY th! Cattle: Hereford, .... s , Aa increase in' every department of the postal bnsinessreicept registered letters, was made by the Provo post office during the month of October as compared with game month in 1923, according to a report compiled by Assistant Posu master John W. McAdnm. Increases noted both in the volume ot mail bandied and the amount of meney received and paid out. The number of cards and letters mailed would average 12 for evejy man, woman and child iu Provo during the month, with a few to spare for the students who are here attending school. The report follows : Number of cards and letter mailed 181,320, an increase of Ut follows: tl.90 wiaU n lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. mniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniniiiiiiiiintiimni that garage Paid Out; Stamps Bring . Additional $5,800. iKo , and repair those buildings, build . inn sack of Utah County Flour sacks of Utah County Flour Heavy Mill Run White Mill Run sacks Mill Run Whole Oats . ... . . . . . Whole Barley . . . . . . . Chopped Barley . . . .. r-- so Remember the Moral n "since bo other way presents Ittnrbaaed self. No- doubt twill cost "some Ures," he added, "but then And be shrugged to complete the amauuos. nnaemna -tt to hatfway at least to sentence. -Ah, no. hot Not at that prkel" Bat em' torglTatiaes shf protested. Bootpted fit otO eVoQf most t . have relied uppn for over a third of a Cracked or Fine Corn . 60 Wheat Back returned 3.60 Wheat sack returned 1.60 Mixed Chicken Feed . . 3.50 Laying Mash 3.85 Laying Mash without buttermilk..... 3.60 lbs. Golden . --. A.. 3.65 West Center. 525 S. Unlv; Ave. ' Phone 34. . Phone 66. BUY FOR CASH AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. the story of - the man who did not mend his roof in good weather and $16,000 More Received Than a i SPANISH lOO'lbs. 100 100 60 100 100 100 100 425 Phone 357. nil vole. He JotJ4 back hi lad.'. ; Don't Forget conferenceof the Relief Societies of the Nebo stake was held here Sunday at the Third ward chapel, commencing at 10 o'clock and continuing in the afternon and evening. The morning sessions were for the officers and teachers only, and were attended by 325 workers from the different organizations of the Nebo 5 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 80-I- b. - CONFERENCE 48-l- b. 48-l- b. 80 lbs. NEBO STAKE HOLDS RELIEF 1 100 lbs. returned them on the left. - lhlrigded !y 'soniwh n i" tone and glance, he stejjrc.'.d " ' up to her. wh ist bebiw tlie :: of voices increased . "That which he la.e to stork Is, a hsron' a- white and white is argent Id lieriiJ:y is't hot?" "It is. What then?'" "D'ye not see? That ship. will bj the Silver Heron." He loblted at her. " 'Slife!" said he. "I (ecFi'Vtli-whetheIt be the silver heron. oi V. liut e golden" grasshopper. ds?" i It Is Sir John's ship Sir John Killigrew'8," she explained. "She was all but ready- - to sail when He when you came to Arwenack. was for tbe Indies. Instead don't you see? out of love for me be will have come .after me upon a forlorn hope of overtaking you ere you could make Barbary." "God's light!" said and fell to musing. Then he raised bis bead and laughed. "Faith, he's some days late for that!" Wasatch Produc 2 THE WORLD'S GUEATES The leavener that American Jioiise S'llllllllllllimillllllllllllllHUIIIIIIIIIIIIgnt maiT prent Gbmock. alleged leader of the gang that staged the,.000.000, train robbery at youndout, IU., last spring, and his wife were carrying nearly 1JS.OO0 in cash when arrested in Battle Creek, Mich.; according to postal inspectors. Mrs. Olaasock, at the time, was wearing Jewels worth $3S.00a. the inspectors say. And Glassock waa eporttng a , bullet proof vest, they declare. Thia picture showe them arriving In Chicago. uiassoc t nn th rlshi hiawif in the center and the postal inspector who SHOW INCREASE Not by iiiiii b ''" internationally 425 West Center. Phone 34. BUY FOR CASH AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE P.O. RECEIPTS i r.- - in - hundred any . thing heietofure attempted la Kansas City. 98 ; Percheroha, - known stork owners and Judge are here already and every indication is that the American Koyal this year will far exceljn size and brilliance Ram-bouilkt- s, kit sheep, 200. , .'Draft Horaea There's no secret about gob . baking- - when you use : ''..' - A half Sheep: Dorseta, 28; Oxfords, 58; Hampshirea, SO; Cotawolda, 56; Lincoln 34 ; Shropshire, 45 ; 70; Southdowns, 27; Car ' " ed whites, 139; Poland Chtnaa, 60; Ilmpshiiva, 1S4 ; Berkshirea, itM4 ; PoUnd Chinas, -- 114 ; Gradee and) breeda 18 ; Boys and girls club piggy 15 car. lot fat swine, BOO. a, k Cheater that will compete In pulling contests or as teams, nor the dogsi, poultry, guinea pigs, rabbits and rata About 3,000 birds will be shown In the poultry section; 31)0 dogs and rabbits, and guinea' pigs will number round 35U). ''imillllllllHllllllimtllHHnilllllll'l111 iinniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiftmmimnnr I readherjpwantm; |