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Show r u ; I Nephi I: Nephi, "The Wheat City"! U 'The Wheat City' t The Times, Vol. 17, r' ' Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, December; 23, 1927. No. 51. IS IN OPERATION TO GIVE LECTURE AT HATCHERY New. Candling Booths .Are Located In The Community Hatchery Ralph Bar-- r nes In Charge of Work. Clyde C. Edmonds, general manager of the Utah Poultry Producers association spent Monday in Nephi arranging for the operation of the new local grading plant with' was the installed in cooperation with Nephi poultrymen. The Nephi Community hatchery organization took, over the management of this new venture and the candling booths are arranged In the hatchery building, where eggs' will be received and candled until time to start the big incubator. Ralph Barnes has been employed to candle the eggs and the first shipment waa sent out Thursday. Approximately fifty per cent of the eggs produced in Nephi were handled at the new grading station The hatchery officials this week. are optamistic about this new venture and look forward to the time when the man employed to do the grading will have all he can handle. The establishment of this local grading station will mean that any producer may see his eggs graded and know just why his grades go high or low. It gives a chance to follow up low quality production with corrective measures and gives every producer a chance to realize the top price for the best quality products. It will further enable the graded eggs to be kept under most favorable conditions and shipped regularly. At one time in the history of egg production in Nephi shipments were bringing to producers 12. 200. OOper ' On Tuesday, December 27th, 1927 at 2 o'clock P.M. at the Nephi Taber nacle there will be a meeting of the relief societies of the three wards of Nephi 'in conjunction with all other religious, civic and social clubs and association and the public in general The meeting will be under the Socal Service Department ot the Relief Society, at which meeting Judge Thoa. H. Burton will deliver a lecture on "Poverty, Crime. Dengenercy and Delinquency." Judge Burton recently delivered this talk to the Ladies Literary Club and it received such favorable comment that it has been deemed advisable to have it repeated in order that every mother and father in this locality may hear it. or apVery few of us really know " preciated the legal duty and . responsibility of the parent to the child,' Judge Burton will discuss "Juvenile Delinquency" together with causes a few of. which are the the picture show, the automobile, lien-ency unrestricted use of ihe pistol, on the part of the Board of pardons, the cigarette, "moonshine" liquor, truency. etc. Mrjs. Maud Forrest, President of the Juab Stake Relief society says: "Judge Burton's talk on "Crime, Delinquency, Degenercy, and Poverty' ' is one of the best I have ever heard. It is our desire that every mother and father and boy and girl should hear it." Mrs. T. D. Allred, of the Ladies Literary Club says: . de- 2 - n, Captain Brent D. Hall Returns From School Captain Brent D. Hall, battery commander of the local unit of the Utah National Guard, returned home Tuesday from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he has taken a three months course In field artillery firing. Captain Hall is the first artillery officer from Nephi to take the course at Fort Sill, and is now well qualified to take care of the training of the members of battery "K". Mrs. Hall went as far aa Denver, Colorado, to meet her husband on his return home. PHILOSOPHICAL PHIL VatS li 5sWKSVT0 1 v ' yj, fA J1 r &1 ,v 1 if y44 ippi mm i k I 5 Vice-Preside- nt "Judge Burton's talk recently VISIT JUAB VALLEY H. R. Lockry, dairy specialist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture will be the speaker at meetings of dairymen at Nephi, Levan and Mona The date and time of next week. the meetings are as follows: Levan Wednesday, December 28, 2 o'clock p. m.; Mona, 11:30 a.m. Thursday, December 29th; Nephi, Thursday, December 29th, at 2 o'clock p. m at the county court house. Mr. Lockry travels mainly in the fifteen Western States, assisting with dairy production and manufacturing problems and has gathered a fund of real information. Every dairyman should avail himself of this opportunity to meet and talk The with Mr. Lochry. meetings are free and for your benefit A.E Smith, County Agent. Meeting Held Saturday of Principals and Janitors adA new innovation in school ministration of Juab school district took place last Saturday, when Supt. Barnett, called the principals and Janitors together for a confer ence. Many essential matters were discussed at the meeting, such as sanitary conditions, best methods of between janitors and principals; economical use of coal in heating plants; proper ventilating of school buildings; best methods to pursue In the handling of students after school hours, care of school property, etc. Supt. Barnett believes that (he position of school janitor U one of importance In the school system and a proper understanding of the dutios required should be fully understood. In large districts classes are held at intervals during the year for instruction In Janitor work. NEBO BASKET r try m srVi ,J I ! .1. "" LOCAL- - NEWS" ITEMS - 11, "N6.-5- 1. PROGRAMS TO BE BALL SCHEDULE IS ARRANGED NEXT TUESDAY livered before our club was one of the most excellent discourses I have ever heard on the subject of delinquency, degenercy and crime, and it was very much appreciated by the members. We are glad to know that ""week, wu'ile atpresent there "S"only Judge Ifu'rtonJfs' going to repeat IT. about twelve per cent of this amount It Is our wish and desire that every body should hear this lecture. There coming in. is a rare treat in store for you. Every boy and girls as well as every mother and father should make it a BIG RABBIT HUNT IS point to be present." has heard many The Times-New- s SCHEDULED FOR JAN favorable comments on this lecture and is endeavoring to secure from Judge Burton a synopsis on the talk are made for Final arrangements, we hope to publish in a later the Kiwanis club and American which issu- of the paper. We commend1 the Legion annual rabbit hunt for Mon- women's organizations ot the city They have day, January 2nd. for it possible for us to get making selected Sage Valley for the whole most im sale slaughtering of the bunnies. some information on these The members of the Kiwanis club portant subjects and we tojoin in the turn out request for everybody with Gilbert Bailey as head-maare absolutely sure of winning the and hear Judge Burton. hunt, "and the Kiwanians have been instructed to get the old double- barreled shotgun in readiness. The DAIRY SPECIALIST TO American Legion boys were able to defeat their opponents last year, and think It 'will be easy again this year, but have already lined up the best 6hots in their ranks in preThe paration for the big affair. winners will be entertained at a dinner and dance by the losers. The date of the dance has not been definitely settled, but the tentative date is Wednesday, January 4th, at the Arlington hall. 'fer Christmaortiitigll !f JUDGE BURTON GRADING PLANT The News,. Vol.". The schedule of basket ball games has been made out as follows: GIVEN SUNDAY IN THE WARDS Christmas Carols To Be Sung By Ward Choirs At The First Half Eureka at Nephi January 6 Sunday Evening Services January 20 Payson at Nephi The Public Is Invited. January 27 Nephi at Spanish Fork February 3 .... Springville at Nephi Second Half Christmas February 10 Nephi at Eureka churches ot will le observed in the Nephi Sunday morning at Payson February 22 Nephi Sunday evening. Sunday mornFebruary 23 Spanish Fork at Nephi and the March 2 Nephi at Springville ing hold Sunday schools of the city will the regular Christmas serThe first and second semester re- vices, which will begin at ten cords of boys ot thp basket ball o'clock. There will be no meeting In afternoon, while commencing squad are being sent to the Eligi at the 7 o'clock in the evening servicoa bility Arbitrary this week to be pass will be conducted in the wards. The ed on. By the first of January we ' wil know what boys will be on the Stake Presidency reports that Union which have should been meeting, main team. held Sunday atfernoon has been postponed indefinitely. The annual Christmas When a holiday comes on Sunday, program will be given in the is the ,usual custom to celebrate high school auditorium today at it 1:15 by the Alumni students of it on the following Monday, and next Monday will be a legal holiday Nephi attending the three Univerthe United) States. From throughout sities of Utah. A good program is the obtained Santa expected and the public is invited. A Slaua information will come to the homes of committee has been chosen from the Juab clubs to arrange the program. Nephi on Saturday night, which is Christmas eve, and will remain over ' Remember the basket ball game to distribute candy and nuts to all boys and girls In the Sunday Friday December 23 in the N. H. S. the school services Sunday morning. at 7:30. Nephi plays Gymnasium North Ward Mlnersville (the Utah State Champs The North ward Sunday school 1927). Support the team aud help will present a cantata, and extends Champs-i92S- . Nephi to be the And don't forget the N. H. S. Student a special invitation to the members Body dance after the same. Every of the ward to be In attendance. In the evening at 7 o'clock the Mutual body's going. Improvement association, and the The annual Senior play was pre ward! choir are putting on a Christsented in J,he Auditorium Thursday mas Program, which will include ' It was enjoyed by all pre Christmas songs, Christmas stories, night. various musical selections. was sent. Miss Helen Lyman in and Everybody in the ward especially charge of the play and the members Invited. of the cast showed their skill in the . Neplii 'Ward ' Mne of Dramatics. . home-oom-in- g "' The Star of Bethlehem" at the The class parties, dances, basketball games and other activities of Tabernacle, Sunday morning at 10 A daughter was. born to Mr. and Loren Kendall, son of Mr. and the high school scheduled for the o'clock. The members of the ward are Invited. The Nephi ward choir Mrs. S. G. Paxman, Sunday, Decem Mrs. John W. Kendall, returned to winter are getting under way. has arranged an evening's entertain his home in this city this week, from ber, 18th. So that the students and parents ment to commence at 7 p. m. and the Hawaiian Islands, where he has Miss Nan Bronigh, daughter of spent the past ten months in the niuy know the attitude of the school will be featured by special Christ was relating to the use of tobacco and mas Carols. They are desirous that Mr. and Mrs. was mission field. Elder Kendall Ray Brough the members of the ward come health. his of account on on Lake in last release Salt intoxicating liquors and penalty im- all City operated as they have an extra special out such consider for use, the is He is following getposed feeling pretty good, Saturday for appendicitis and ting along fine. She was accompan ing the fact that he has recently resolution was adopted by the facul- program. South Ward ied to the hospital by her parents. ty and student body officers at a undergone two operations. The Sunday school will put on meeting held December 20: Be it recommended to the faculty their Christmas Program at the ward and student body officers of the chapel Sunday morning to commence Nephi High School that beginning at 10 o'clock, and urge the parent? 1, 1927, any student of as well as the children to attend. December In the evening .the following pro the Nephi High School who is found guilty by "the student body court of gram has been arranged, which will (Continued on page eight.) having in ills possession any intoxi or tobacco using any cating liquor while in Uhe Nephi High School building or on the Nephi High School TEACHERS OF DISTRICT grounds 1e suspended from school The Christmas-tid- e is here again, and has brought with it, as fot'a minimum period of one week. usual, its blessings of JOIN NATIONAL ASS'N That any student of the Nephi High Men" Towards "Peace on Earth Good Will School found quilty by student body Christ gave us Christmas Day and taught us the meaning of court of having in his possession or brotherly love and service to others, and since we first learned of drinking any Intoxicating liquor at Washington, D. C. December 20, the significance of the day none of its luster has been lost and the any school party or dance given by 1927. (Special to The Times-News- .) time. of the sweeter made is by passing only story any class or the Student Body Asso- All the teachers of the Juab District "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", so reads our ciation of the Nephi High School be public schools, Nephi, Utah, have Christmas cards, and so it has read for years. It Is on old wish suspended for & minimum period of taken membership in the National and a fine wish and the best wish which could possibly have been one week. Educational Association, written. But It is merely an Idle wish, at best, if it is not a pledge That no student be permitted to to a report received at the according Associatthe to our friends that, in so far as we are concerned, through in the Nephi High SchooJ, represent ion's here, and made or headquarters them cause will we do unhappiness that shall nothing an office or activity who uses tobacyear today by J. W. Crabtree, sec-etaregret. co or intoxicating liquor during the public of the Association. The true spirit of Christmas la not to be wise but to be kind period of that office or activity. The one hundred per cent enrollThis to take affect upon the date of ment application was received from and forgiving one to another. the resolution. Christmas Is the best and richest day in the whole year. It is the superintendent of schools, Owen That any seraon other than a stu- L. Barnett. on this day that the spirit of the Master is prevelant everywhere. dent, of tne Ncphl High School who The wants of the widow, the orphan, the poor and the needy are In a letter to Superintendent Barin found guilty of having In his nett, Mr. Crabtree with the share the poorer. bat Not the poor rich, for. only says, "we are provided possession or of drinking Intoxicat- proud of your one hundred percent It is a day on which no call of distress or want goes unheeded. It it ing liquors while In attendance at enrollment In the National Educatone day In the year when our every act Is measured by the golden any party, basket all game or dance ion Association. rule. It is indicative of given vby the Nephi High School be your splendid leadership and of the It is on this day that we get a glimpse of what the world barred for a period of six weeks professional spirit of your corps of might be if ve could during the remaining 364 days. "Love our from all activities given under the teachers. can one human If aa beings our for Congratulations to you selves." practice day Neighbor School auspices of the Nephi High and your teachers and success to "Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Man", it is evident that the That any student so suspended for you all in your work for the cause time may come when this principle may be put in practice the year any of these offences shall not be of education." around. reinstated in the Nephi High School We are Indeed grateful for the splendid storms which have until that student, with his parents the recently come to moisten the earth and for the prospects ofwhich has met with the faculty, student DOC WISE and of health prosperity coming year. For the goodly degree body officers and student court and we as a people enjoy. For the splendid spirit of brotherly lovo Im terms to shall have agreed any which is so manifest on every hand and for the support which we posed by the court for his rein civic and social, all have received from organizations, religious, statement. from the people in general and to one and all we say: "Silver and It wa moved by Mr. Johnson and Gold have we none but such as we have we give unto you." seconded by Mr. Memmott that the We can not save you from sorrow or bodily pain or affliction. recommendation be adopted. We can only hope and pray that none of these will come to you. If The motion was passed unamlous Iv. you have found comfort and happiness In our friendship and service may we merit a continuation of your good will. Reporter, Lorn a Kendall "May your Christmas be filled with happiness. The bet you ever knew. Bradley-Broug- h And now that a New Year is on Its way, and hour every day May every Hold for you such wealth of Joy and cheer. The marrlaste cf Ernest Hrough That this will be a most glorious year." AfcOUT THE. OMLV WAV of this city, and Miss Laura Prad ALBERT II. BELLI STON. W1FEV CAM TOMMC was salemnlzed ley, ff Moroni, Utah, THOS. II. BURTON, THE GPOCKPV DILI,; Manti Temple Thursday in the TO RUM SAMUEL O. TAXMAN. SAAt.U.ft,I3 WITH ACCOUNTS Miss Bradley has been the school lOUA STAKE PRESIDENCY. nurse for the Trovo high srhool. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS From The Stake Presidency ry r,E |