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Show Sale of Seed Containing Noxious Weed Seeds Ladies Resdy-to-We- ar and H-f- Now some evolutionists man Is of vegetable or T at easy for the man to der whose wife Is a cabbage head.always calIln him" of The efforts of the people SALE Registered HolFOR to Mr. and Mrs. Vick Barbieri and Mrs. Julius Zirker and new fcaby Utah in the past few years re- stein bulls. Any reasonable offer home eliminate noxious weeds have Also No. 16 family and Mrs. Harold Gee de- daughter have returned will be accepted. Roosevelt. sulted in a great deal of disapat loved corated the graves of their from the hospital Laval De Separator! series j seem golden Noxious weeds ones in Myton, Tuesday. pointment. -- o new. the next nearly 5 to be increasing at a very rapid months of Mr. Joseph E. Wells had as his Call at Record Office, Duchesne conceded by Mrs. Berthena Holfeltz and Mrs. pace. It is usually brohis last one week, matter day have given this Roosevelt guest who were Ethel Curran those The New York, John be OYER $2300 IN CASH PRIZES must business visitors Tuesday, they re- ther and wife of study that the people Wells. this of aroused to the seriousness Puzzle port that all Roosevelt are wearing The Happiness Word Atlantic Monthly situation. In times past our vis- Contest includes 50 cash prizes smiles, because of the rain. We has Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and ion in regard to this matter hope they can keep on smiling. Lots of fan for solvers. Beats left been very obscure. It seems that jig-saGrantsville Tom Judd of I and cross-wor- d puzzles, AK? the most of Mrs. Odes Bemis was a Vernal Thursday for their home after a we are planting more noxious Full information and 1 puzzle for hours. readmg EnjotJ visitor Friday of last week. few days visit at the home of Mr. weeds than we are eliminating. wit the wisdom, the six cents in stamps, sent to this 'lU compa and Mrs. John Holgate, Mrs. Hol-gaRecent legislatures have enacted newspaper. the charm that ionship that state Anderson this Mr. Oliver Sagers of Red Creek is a sister of Mrs. made the ATLANTIC pure seed laws for spent Memorial Day with his wife and mother of Tom Judd. are treated with contempt, and the seventy-fiv- e wonder TRADE Little WILL years, Amca'S1, at the Remund ranch here. farmers are not informed of the most late Machine, quoted and most cher- shearing man) (2 Dursituation. the of seriousness ished magazine, and In A-- l conII Wm. Foy of Duchesne has movf the State model, complete The many friends of Mr. Otis or ing the month of April or call for the for lease cattle, to the sheep dition, ed his family Fouse wish him and his bride a Send $1 (mentioning this ad I Seed Analyst visited 240 stores summer. the write, Ralph Rowley, Mtn. Home. long, happy, and prosperous marri which were selling seed to to ! 1 ed life. farmers. 68 of these stores handThe Atlantic Monthly, on Wood and Coal WANTED reThe Dee Lila McCurdy of Vernal was led package seed only. 8 Arlington Look at the date St., ; Mr. Odes Bemis was calling at a guest at the home of Mr. and mainder were selling both bulk subscription. Boston ; on name the beside paper, cent your the Peterson ranch in Bridgeland Mrs. Ray Gill last week. and package seeds. 26 per want and are behind, pure and if you Tuesday. were complying with the were com- to deliver coal or wood in payment cent 32 seed per law; Mrs. Velma Dahlman and daughcall at the Record office and make Perry Grant spent Monday night ter, ReVae have to plying only in part and 42 per returned again been with Mrs. Grant, who has ill, with the arrangements. Duchesne after a few days visit cent were not complying at the Holfeltz ranch. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H law at all. NOTICE .BAl During the month of April apMrs. George Holfeltz, Jr. and T. Richens. Sealed bids for the purchase of Brome of 1000 pounds proximately children stopped at Berthena seed containing quackgrass the motor cycle owned by DuReed Fietkaw, who is employed grass ranch Friday afternoon, 1 more than 1000 chesne City will be received by the condemned; Vjlar with the Clyde Construction Co. at was to Roosevelt. seed containing City Recorder until June 4th, 1934. radish the of jew During, last frith pounds Green River, spent the week end the wild morning glory; a considerable The City Council reserves months, thousands of for-- ! our Mr. Carl Milton Sr. is spending with his family. mer subscribers throughout of onion seed containing right to reject any or all bids. amount a few days with Fred Ostrom, who the country have had their k c By order of Duchesne City Counwild morning glory; approximately is ill. Loryn and Orlene Ross of Bing- 1500 pounds of alfalfa seed con- cil. telephones reconnected, t ja Mildred Stephenson ham are visiting with their grand taining white-to- p and Russian They are no longer depen- - U of Guests of Mrs. Perry Grant FrideG and Recorder. Marvin Mrs. and Mr. condemned on neighbors dent were City parents, I: side knapwood day afternoon were: Misses Ailene Shields. were also several There stroyed. Elizabeth and Curran Emery. For a few cents a day you for thousand pounds of alfalfa seed can have a telephone fin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holgate and which contained an excessive Mr. Ervin Emery of Comstock, LIFE PROTECTION of dodder. your own home, to use as Nebraska is visiting his aunt and family are spending a few weeks proj this which in I communities on often as you like. mountains the cattle The with AT the COST Mrs. and uncle here. Mr. Emery. .iiture Bell accompanied seed containing noxious weed seeds Miss Grace not order one Why today?; them. was found are Salt Lake City. will be connected proraft-fl- , . It Max Gee spent Sunday in DuKanar-ravili$1500 Mutual Life Protection Provo, Ogden, Panguitch, iy. chesne visiting friends and cost Orval Hamilton, Ralph Shields Brigham City, Trenton for $7.00; approximate total Price $13.00 per year; ages Robert Gilbert, Milton K. Larsen, Morgan, Peoa, Kamas, and Abner Ross all made a Roosevelt, Cedar City, Spanish 5 to 75; all races; dues waived Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sagers and to the mountains to look after Fork, Springville, Logan, Murray after 15 years. Strictly mutual, Any employee will J Tom trip family and Mr. and Mrs. their cattle interests. Lewiston, Bountiful, Amer- nonprofit Life Protection at cost Sandy, were take your order Thomas and family fishing ican Fork, Duchesne. Seed firms Write for particulars. Dept. A, Creek Rock Sunday. to up G. A. Solomonson spent a few who were operating contrary last Jaw have been notified that it will days at the State Capitol Max Gee was a guest of Ells- week. be the policy of the Department Family Mutual Benefit worth Curran Sunday evening. of Agriculture in the future tc i by The Mountain States Association Delmar Ross, son of Lynn Ross prosecute all violators of the pure Heard Arizona & Phoenix, Bldg. Telephone Telegraph Qfc fita, Frank Liddell is very glad school was thrown from his horse Satur- seed law. I fate of We, the Department of Agriculis out now he can have more time day, fracturing his collar bone. He f L by a to fish, even if he doesnt get any- was rushed to Duchesne where Dr. ture would like to use one example Cline set the broken bone. pertaining to the seriousness of thing but suckers. this situation. Since last seed time Miss Freda Hair of Duchesne the Department of Agrilculture The unusual wind storm we had was a guest at the H. T. Richens has condemned and destroyed sevhere Sunday afternoon did some home Sunday. eral tons of radish seed infested damage where it struck. seed. with wild morning glory Miss Ida Horrocks is spending There are but a few farms in our The High School kids heaved a a couple of weeks at Bridgeland state upon which are not grown sigh of relief, Friday noon when as guest of her brother and sister-in-la- a small radish patch sometime Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the bus left the school grounds for during the growing season. Probthe last time till next fall, althe average amount of seed ably though we have enjoyed this school bought would be less than one Mr. and Mrs. Don Kolb and year we are glad to get back to pound per farm. You can readily the farm and the fresh air. daughter, Donna left Monday for see that wild morning glory found Riverside, California to be present in the amount of seed that is menat graduation exercises of their tioned would infest most of the Reemployment Manager daughter, Naturitch Kolb. farms of our state. Visits Uintah Basin As a matter of fact, the farmer Several of the ladies here met is planting, unknowingly, noxious D. C. Cavenah. District manager at the home of Mrs. Hattie Horweeds that are destroying his farm of the National Reemployment rocks Thursday to help quilt. and along with it, the resources Service, located at Price, Utah was of our state. An educational camFeaturing He interin Duchesne Tuesday. Miss Mildred Olsen has returned paign should be started at once viewed county and city officials to her home at Manti after spend- to TONY DANCE BA acquaint the people with the regarding reduction of forces in ing the past winter at the home real facts, and the laws pertaining service. Re- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. the reemployment to violators of the pure seed law ade that the quests were also If i would should be, and will be, enforced as J -municipalities assist in the travelo of as the Department Agrigidly ily ear ing expenses of those connected Mr. Stover took a load of lambs riculture is able. service to market at with the reemployment Ogden for Otto Neil-se3Cc while on official duty. 30c Each Sunday. send; POPULAR PRICES Ask About Our Layaway Plan Leonas Frock Shoppe Duchesne, Utah fr M w te J FISHING IS GOOD Jointed Bamboo Rods REELS FLIES - LINES - LUKES AT TACKLE QUALITY LOWEST PRICES - LEADERS ! $1.00 up 10c up Duchesne Drug Utah If In Service Duchesne, Again tit Hol-felt- te Announcement We solicit your valued business BILLINGS Duchesne, Utah Insurance - Bonds - Loans Abstracts of Title Strongest Companies - Lowest Rates Safest Contracts Realestate ft k We announce that we have added an Abstract of Title Department to our business, and will be prepared after June 1st to care for all ABSTRACTS and CONVEYANCING of Land Titles, Notary Public, Mortgage papers and such. We are bonded by The AMERICAN SURETY CO. according to State Law, our abstractors are experi-anced- , and our prices will be right. G. V. m - WE WILL GO ON YOUR BOND to f e, iii non-medic- Duchesne Ward Hall Friday Night, June 1st H $50.00 In Prizes WE NEED ADVERTISERS For the purpose of stimulating interest and convincing merchants that ads in our columns are read and followed, we are going to give $50.00 in prizes to the writers of the thirteen best letters entitled: I LIKE TO READ THE ADS, AND BUY ACCORDINGLY RULES: First Prize $15.00 Second Prize $10.00 Third Prize $3.00 The next ten best letters will receive a paid up subscription to the UINTAII BASIN RECORD 1 year NOTE: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. prizes will be paid in orders on any business establishment, sped fied by the winner whose ad appears in our columns during the life of the contest. Letters must not exceed 200 words, must be in ink or typewritten on one side only, and may be published in our columns if we desire . . Anyone is eligible except members of the paper staff or members of tho families of the judges. Judges: Chas. hi. Iverson, Supt. of Schools. G. V. Billings, County Commissioner Paul P. Allen, Mayor The Contest Starts Immediately and Closes July 1st. DONOCCIc,': The Luckies Happy-G- n SHRINE HOSPITAL In the past fourteen years the Shrine has established 15 widely distributed hospitals, 11 of which are major institutions and 4 "mobile units." The 4 mobile units are A Bridal Shower was held in wards for crippled children, in hosthe Ward House Wednesday nite, pitals not under Shrine manageBird Not Enemiei May 25th, for Mr. and Mrs. Claud ment: They are located at ShreveMcDonald. Many useful presents port, La.; Minneapolis, Minn.; San Very seldom do birds become enemies of farmers or present any sewere received. A program and Francisco, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; rious problem. From the largest dance was enjoyed. Refreshments St. Louis, Mo.; Montreal, Canada; to the smallest they are mostly Inwere served. Springfield, Mass.; Chicagb, 111.; sect destroyers and are active In Philadelpha, Penn.; Greenville, S. the field or garden throughout the mobile A truck load of young folks C., and Honolulu. The season. Exchange. went to Mtn. Home Wednesday units are in Spokane, Wash.; Salt Lake City, Utah Winnipeg, Cannight to the wedding dance. ada, and Lexington, Ky. These hospitals are maintained Mrs. Katherine Potter wife ot Charles Potter died Saturday ot at an expense of about $1,000,000 heart trouble. She is survived by annually and to date have treated her husband and four children more than 37,000 children who Funeral services were held Tues- were crippled by disease or acciday in Utahn Interment was in dent, The design of the buildings and the Utahn cemetery. grounds resemble spacious club or Waldine Evans, Josie Evans and school appointments. The large Faun Oman were Talmage visit- grounds afford opportunity for Now is the time to build ers Sunday. fresh air and sunshine, so helpful Hot that cream cooler. to doctors in effecting cures in Stanley McDonald returned home children. weather is the greatest enlast week from Kamas, Utah. Any child under the age of 14, proemy of all perishable with normal mentality, of any ducts. Protect yours and Mrs. James Anderson left creed, color, nationality, is admithelp increase the consumpfor Heber, Utah to visit rel- ted free provided the parents or atives and spend Memorial Day. guardians are tion of butter. unable financially to provide treatment and provide Mrs. Mary Behunin and daught- the s care is one which will er Helen are visiting in Salt Lake likelypatient respond to hospital treatCity, Utah. ment. The average healing per. 31 U T U A L o iod is 105 days. Though the work Helen Ottosen and children left of the hospitals is CREAMERY primarily orthoMonday for Salt Lake City to pedic correction and cure, other COMPANY handicaps such as diseased tonDuchesne Utah sils, defective vision and bad teeth Mr, Thomas Kenison passed away are also corrected. Butter, cheese ami processed at the family residence Tuesday The work is financed cheese, cottage chi'oso and by an anHe is survived by his nual contribution afternoon. of $2 from each cultured buttermilk widow and seven children also a member of the Shrine and from grandson. gift, donations and legacies. Prejudice There Is something so amiable In the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions. Jane Austen. Keep Informed ; i Admission, COME OUT AND HAVE A GOOD TLMI fsentat fa ANNOUNCEMENT It gives f'Jn6'3, follows: 17, Btshl to be able to announce the addition of a modern funeral coach to my Mortuary equipment in Duchesne. me great pleasure This coach is of the convertible type, and can also be made available for ambulance service. A need for this type of equipment has been felt in our communities for some time, and it is my endeavor to keep up with the progress of the times and give our citizens the efficient service to which they are entitled. i Registered Mortician Bus. Phone VI wy oi be Vind, V nedut, Duchesne, Utah Res. Phone 21 r and fron I Hoy A. Sclionlan be t: 'lraMbori 4-- |