Show ID 30 ril Ca go I 1 KING at marysvale Marys valc vale september ad of typhoid fever fanny laura daugh ter of frank E and marcia bessey king aged 13 years 4 months and 26 days jat j jenkins at athis his home in the fifteenth Fifteen ti ward this city at 9 a m on Ru sunday sept john W jenkins he was born in froome Somerset shire england april 4 1831 1891 was vas baptized in 1853 emigrated to utah in 1835 in this city ile he was in the move and returned to this city where he be has conducted the harness and aa delery business ever since lie he located here uc ile was widely known throughout t the lie territory and possessed many excellent and sterling qualities he leaves a wife eight children and one grand child to mourn his bis loss he died having a firm faith in the truths of the everlasting gospel funeral services service avill swill be held at his late res residence Wence corner third south and fourth west welt streets tf ats at 2 p m tomorrow tuesday friends of the family are invited OOM pratt in the nine nineteenth ward salt lake cry sept 16 1888 zina bell ter of lorus and zina WP boru born sept cowf Ns kt at rexburg Rex burg augest 1888 mary walters owens aged CO 60 years I 1 month and 19 days she be wa was torn born july loth 1828 at Ll Li anelly south wales was baptized into hita the church of jesus christ by john AV williams illiams 1849 sister owens passed away from this life at rexburg Rex burg idaho and her remains were convened to wellsville her homo home site she was the mother of 10 children 6 of whom are living she had 10 grandchildren I 1 of who whom are alive she he leaves eave a na mother 0 aber a number of brothers and bisters and d a host of friends and relatives to mourn an her arloss loss logan journal foumal bott at price emery county utah karl Ka bott born june 11 1118 at burg died September 8 1888 he leaves a wife and four small children au the tenth ward of et this city september 14 1888 at 8 20 a in of hepatitis is mary ann smith wife of Wil william liati grimsdell sen and daughter of john anu and sarah cobb smith in her eaxt sixty fifth year deceased was born in london E england nf gland and was baptized into the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in september 1840 by president wilford woodruff tn in the tenth ward 1 tins this city on atie mst or ol old age E ellan I 1 fen busby a widow adow aged hi cas ca s a W VAYNE L At Kelton on sup sunday 11 feul 2 1883 of convulsions william waw adward rd set BOO of chinina and the late jessie mayne sen lien aged 3 2 years A VERNON KEON at rockfort rockport Kock Rock port sept ath IM 1888 at 1 1 15 a in francis son of james and aa emma M V vanon on of whooping cough born av feb 1888 G reia N of cholera borbas at t th the re mcw i denae of her daughter bita liney at li kanios anias summit county utah aug alith th mary green widow of the late eph rana green in her year deceased decease d was vaa born bom in the town of pound ridge westchester county new york Fel february aary 1816 she with her first hun huft band noah smith joined the church of jesus christ of latter day saints about the year ear 1843 they emigrated to salt gait lake city in the year 1863 where brother smith soon after died site she danied brother ephriam green with whom she went on a mission inis sion to the sandwith bh lelanda islands in 1865 and returned to salt lake city tn 1868 she resided several years in Rock rockfort rockport port county but butof of at tete ate has been a resident with her youngest younse Bt daug daughter ht erElla ella in the tenth ward salt lake 04 oita she was the mother of twelve children six of whom hom are living sister green was a kind and affectionate mother and a peace maker aaeng her associates so socia tes and died in the full hope of glorious resurrection COM kowm |